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    Warframe Fanart mesa umbra

    Warframe Fanart mesa umbra

    Fanart mesa umbra

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 01:42 PM PST

    Let's bring compatible batteries straight to that drill we wanted to destroy.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 09:01 AM PST

    First post ever guys

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 01:16 PM PST

    DE, Can We Have Something Done About This? We Can Barely See How Many Argon Crystals We Have

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 01:58 PM PST

    RNGesus has not been kind to me so i made a shitty doodle to vent my frustration

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 03:51 PM PST

    So, i got a zaw riven that increase attack range

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 04:20 PM PST


    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 10:01 PM PST

    make everybody happy

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 09:12 AM PST

    Since when is [DE]KekBot a thing?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 01:33 PM PST

    When you spend more time in Captura than your ship

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 03:43 PM PST

    "It was too big to be called a sword. Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough. Indeed, it was a heap of raw iron."

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 09:52 PM PST

    Endgame loadout is complete at last.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 07:33 AM PST

    On the recent Corpus takeover of Hydron

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 02:24 PM PST

    So I just got Atlas and idk but I think he’s a keeper

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 05:02 PM PST

    Shortly after completing quest for doggo!! A Nyx and her Kubrow :)

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 10:27 AM PST

    I think my rhino is armored

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 09:06 PM PST

    Mesa's prime Regulators builds or: How I learned to stop worrying and love status per second

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 07:48 AM PST

    ... and no I'm not talking about the now-defunct beam weapon status/s, let that be forgotten to the archives of patch notes.

    TLDR: I spent way too much computing the stats and kill times of various Regulators builds.

    1. A bit on me.

    Firstly, a bit about me. I really like Mesa. When I first got her original she quickly became a favorite. I think she was the first frame to really get me thinking about optimizing DPS to this insane of a degree, and she was one of my first umbral builds, but that's partly just because I love overkill. I've only been around for about a year and a half but I've already sunk 3k hours in and I have no regrets.

    Over the holidays I spent a week or so testing various Regulators builds for Mesa/Prime and I finally decided to track my results somewhat more scientifically. I also wanted a way to share my results with the community. This is by no means a Mesa guide nor am I telling you that you have to build her/her Regulators a certain way, I want you to have fun with what you do. There are some sub-optimal builds/mods highlighted later that I suggest you make simple swaps away from for straight DPS increases, but I'm not here to bash or foster elitism. Anyways, with that out of the way, let's start the dive into my 'research.'

    2. Some background.

    Here is my Mesa build + Regulators mods that do not change between tests. The Mesa build is up for debate, power strength will just scale all builds similarly. The Regulators 'mandatory mods' are less open for discussion. Of course, you can use the regular variants of the mods if you don't have the primes, but all four of them provide a significant DPS increase and generally have no better alternatives. Bonus crit chance and crit damage play very nicely with Regulators base crit chance of 25% and crit damage of 3.0x. Multishot is always welcome, and with a weapon that doesn't need to reload, there are no downsides to more fire rate.

    3. The main event.

    On to the real meat and potatoes. I recommend having quick access to both this post and the sheet because I will be providing direction and explaining some of my decisions here. If you want to just look at the numbers and graphs feel free to stop here, the rest of this post will be mostly aimed at low to mid-level players or those who just want to know what the hell I was thinking.

    I know it's a lot of numbers so let's just start with the A, B, and C columns. Rows 3 through 16 are some of the base stats for Regulators, Peacemakers, and Mesa Prime I use elsewhere for testing. Below that are some of the values of Arcane Velocity and all the mods I used for potential builds. And at the very bottom is just two cells describing my testing conditions in the simulacrum.

    Done with columns A, B, and C, we can move on the real show. Most numbers from here on out are not manually input, but the resultant of a function. If you want to know how a number came to be you can simply click on it and examine the function. Unfortunately, view only mode doesn't provide the cell highlighting you get when editing a function that references other cells, but I'm trying to be as transparent as I can be.

    Columns from here on out are in groups of three and titled with the four optional mods that make up the build. AA is Anemic Agility, HS is Hornet Strike, etc. My abbreviations all come from the mods in contention and not any other potential mods. If an abbreviation is not immediately clear, simply check column A. 90% refers to a +90% elemental damage mod, and 60/60 refers a dual stat mod with +60% elemental damage and +60% status chance (elemental type does not matter yet).

    From here on down everything is pretty much labeled for what it does. The first section is just a list of mod effects and the end result modified stat. This section is where I provide the functions with the proper modifiers to model the builds. All mod multipliers/modifiers are referenced from the B column so that the functions used are more apparent and there are no magic numbers#Unnamed_numerical_constants). The next section down (starting at row 13) has no more input and is just a slew of functions and computations. Again, the functions can be easily viewed if you want to see how I came about my numbers. I'm not that well versed in statistical analysis, so feel free to point out anywhere I go wrong. The average DPS with crits line may seem like a good stopping point, but it only tells part of the story.

    Further down still I calculate status skew of the build, the proc chance of each element, the average procs per second, and the average time between procs. You'll notice that all of these builds only have one bonus elemental combo. Not all builds can support more than one element and more often than not you don't want to spread your elemental procs too thin since Impact, Puncture, and Slash have a 4x multiplier to their weight when calculating the proc chance of each element.

    4. To go even further beyond.

    Hopefully, you should now have a grasp for my formatting because everything from here on out is far more digestible. Below row 43 are the results of my testing, but we'll be viewing those graphically shortly. At the bottom of the sheet are some tabs that will direct you to other sheets and the graphs I've been teasing for a while now. Feel free to browse sub-optimal builds, but the only things in there are (you guessed it) sub-optimal builds and some simple alternatives with no drawbacks.

    And with all the lead-up complete, we can start looking at what all these numbers mean in context graphically! The first three graphs are rather simple and aren't really hiding anything extra to be extrapolated. Status is status, damage is damage, DPS is DPS. But something important to note is that straight DPS is not the end all be all in Warframe. That's not to say that any of these builds are abhorrently bad, but we're going to see how these all performed very shortly.

    Things start to get interesting in the procs per second graph, especially on the statuses per second portion. You'll notice 3 builds all proc about 21 statuses per second. The interesting part is that they are all exactly 21.88032.... but one of them is using Anemic Agility. I think it's cool that Anemic Agility provides the same proc per second increase (due to fire rate increase) as a 60/60 dual stat mod.

    The status skews chart is where things really start to get spicy in my opinion. These stacked bar graphs represent both how many statuses get procced per second like in the previous graph, but also how many of EACH status. For a weapon with low status chance, Mesa's Regulators can easily proc 30 statuses per second, even if only 1/3 of them are the elemental combo. So what does this all mean? If you like to use corrosive, build two (Anemic Agility, 90% + (2 * 60/60)) is damn good at it. Ten procs of the elemental combo per second. That sounds okay, but I want to put that into perspective. Eight corrosive procs remove almost exactly 90% of enemy armor. And this build gets eight corrosive procs in about eight-tenths of a second. In 1.6 seconds that build can strip 99% of enemy armor. Against high level Grineer, this is huge.

    5. Killin' it

    These last five graphs are the approximate kill times I recorded from ten runs of each build against different enemy types. I'm displaying the five-number summary of the ten data points I have in the form of a scatter chart since Google Sheets' candle chart only uses four data points and neglects the mean. All of these graphs are on the same vertical scale so you can see just how fast and slow they are in comparison to one another. For all of these graphs, lower is better.

    The first two graphs are against high level Grineer, so build two has an obvious advantage since it is the most elemental status heavy build of the bunch. For all of the other factions, the kill times are far more similar (and notably quicker). You can decry the wretched armor scaling and what not, but anything level 100 or less will die (very quickly mind you) so long as you have the right elemental combo (it's typically corrosive).

    6. Conclusion

    It's very hard to build Mesa's Regulators poorly if you follow these simple steps:

    1. Do use the four 'mandatory' mods.
    2. Don't use Gunslinger or Hollow Point
    3. Do use any combination of Hornet Strike, Anemic Agility, 90% elementals, and dual stat 60/60 elementals
    4. Do use the right elemental combination
    5. ???
    6. Profit

    Now go and murder the star chart all over again with the knowledge that your build is 100% backed up with the highest quality mathematics know to the origin system.

    submitted by /u/GenericallyTerrible
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    [Fan work] Warframe recreated in another game

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 06:12 AM PST

    What Took You Waaaaaaay Too Long to Learn?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 06:07 PM PST

    We all know that Warframe, much as we love it, doesn't explain itself very well sometimes. Well, I've been playing this game for about 2 years, MR 16, etc etc...and this week, I learned that the combo counter can build even if you're not wielding your melee weapon - as in, that it can build from quick melees. This knowledge has changed my life, but I'm still baffled and embarrassed that it took me so long to realize.

    So come on, be embarrassed with me! What were your big "Wait...what?!" moments?

    submitted by /u/Sanguine_1
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    Is this Super Mario: Venus?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 08:13 PM PST

    TIL the affinity conversion orb is a rotating "disk".

    Posted: 13 Jan 2019 04:31 PM PST

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