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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Off-Topic Thread | Share Whatever You'd Like!

    Warframe Warframe Weekly Off-Topic Thread | Share Whatever You'd Like!

    Warframe Weekly Off-Topic Thread | Share Whatever You'd Like!

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 07:33 AM PST

    Hello, Tenno! Today is Top(ic)-less Tuesday!

    Your comments need not be related to Warframe; you can post memes, personal stories, or anything else that wouldn't normally fit within the Relevance Rule. We will still be enforcing the Golden Rule in this thread.

    Credit goes to /r/DestinyTheGame for this weekly thread series!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 03:53 PM PST

    Red Rose ��

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 05:51 AM PST

    Space mom forever

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 05:51 PM PST

    Who taught Darvo how to count?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 04:02 PM PST

    I just lost an Arbitration defense mission because the defense operative went from 100% to 2% health during a host migration. Why are missions not paused to prevent this kind of thing?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 03:44 PM PST

    It's absolutely unfair to lose a mission just because the host bailed. When doing an endless relic mission, the game pauses in between waves while you choose your next relic. Why can't they do the same thing during host migrations?

    submitted by /u/GoldPhos
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    Helios, what do you mean you've never scanned that, we've seen hundreds...ohhhhhh O_O

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 07:05 PM PST

    Prime vault opening January 29

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 12:14 PM PST

    I just want Harrow

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 08:14 PM PST

    Can we just let everybody have Ignis Wraith already?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 09:34 AM PST

    Look, I do not want to diminish the accomplishments of any clan who put in the hard work required in order to unlock the research for it, but it has become a major annoyance in terms of trading.

    I have been farming and selling Mesa Prime parts for plat for the past few weeks, and on three separate occasions in the last week I've had people try to substitute Ignis BPs for platinum. Its become quite exhausting arguing with people over how its not as valuable as they think it is and its not an acceptable substitute for platinum.

    Honestly, it creates an unfair market advantage for clans that have it because it provides a slow but steady source of unending platinum for next to no cost and effort outside of the initial unlocking.

    Like I said, I don't want to diminish the effort put in by clans that have it, but I think it was a bad call by DE to allow players to hold such a popular weapon hostage in this manner.

    submitted by /u/Northwind_Wolf
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    The "Which Frame Should I Buy?" Guide

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 05:56 AM PST

    Almost every day we get a post asking: "I've got some spare plat, which frame should I buy?" The answer of course is none of them. Buy slots instead.

    But some people really like spending their money and God bless 'em. So rather than ask "which frame should I buy?", instead they should be asking "which frames are so annoying to acquire that I'll go out of my fucking mind if I have to run Infested Salvage one more time and gah! I'll just buy it instead!"

    As such, I present this totally subjective Annoyance Factor gauge to determine which frames are worth doling out your hard-earned plat. Which, as a reminder, is none of them. Don't buy frames with plat.


    How: The Jackal on Venus

    Annoyance Factor: 1. Jackal is the first boss you will reach and Rhino likely the first frame you will be able to farm (depending on lucky drops with Oberon or heavy Gara focus in PoE). You won't be able to build Rhino until later in the star chart, but even then he's still arguably the easiest frame to build due to the lack of Orokin Cell.


    How: Starter or The Sergeant on Phobos

    Annoyance Factor: 0 (starter), otherwise 1. Acquirable on an early planet from a pushover boss.


    How: Defeating Eximus units

    Annoyance Factor: 1. In a way Oberon is tricky to rank. If you start the game thinking "what is the direct path to get this frame?" then there isn't an easy answer, but the parts drop so frequently that it's a non-issue.


    How: Either as a Starter or Tenno Lab in a Dojo

    Annoyance Factor: 0 as a starter, 1 if you join an existing clan with the parts already researched, or 5 if you're creating a Dojo from scratch.


    How: Tenno Lab in a Dojo

    Annoyance Factor: 1 if you join an existing clan with the parts already researched or 5 if you're creating a Dojo from scratch.


    How: The Tenno Lab in a Dojo

    Annoyance Factor: 1 if you join an existing clan with the parts already researched or 5 if you're creating a Dojo from scratch.


    How: Alad V on Jupiter

    Annoyance Factor: 1. The mechanics of Alad V are marginally tricky if you don't know what's up with his doggo. There may be a vet running this mission to farm orokin cells in public mode, so expect runs where someone else kills him before you even get there.


    How: The Phorid during Infested Invasions

    Annoyance Factor: 1/2. There are almost constant Phorid invasions and the boss is a pushover unless you're going solo, in which case it may be a reasonable challenge. Public matches always fill and some vet will kill it while you're stuck finding your way out of a one-way vent. Only marginally annoying because Phorid might not be there when you want to farm or it might be on a locked node.


    How: Sargas Ruk on Saturn

    Annoyance Factor: 2. Boss has small hit boxes and invulnerability phases, but is otherwise easy.


    How: The Hyena Pack on Neptune

    Annoyance Factor: 2. Can be somewhat tough to solo, but shouldn't be a problem if done via public matchmaking.


    How: Starter or Lt. Lech Kril on Mars

    Annoyance Factor: 0 as Starter, 2 for Lech Kril. The boss' unexplained fight mechanic and wonky hitbox make him annoying. If running public, other players' poor understanding of the boss may prolong invulnerability phase.


    How: Lt. Lech Kril & Captain Vor on Ceres

    Annoyance Factor: 2. Same logic as Excalibur, slightly more difficult fight if only because a stray Nox may show up and push yo shit in.


    How: Hidden Messages side quest

    Annoyance Factor: 2. All components are doled out as you progress the quest, which is nice, but you'll have to fully build (or rush) each part to keep progressing, so expect it to take a few days to complete. The riddles are marginally difficult to figure out if you're not wiki'ing the answer. Need to unlock Sedna.


    How: Tenno Lab in a Dojo

    Annoyance Factor: 2/3. Unlike other Dojo frames, Zephyr requires Oxium, which may be in limited supply for beginners. Annoyance Factor higher if you're creating your own dojo from scratch.


    How: The Raptors on Europa

    Annoyance Factor: 3. The Raptors present a huge difficulty spike, capable of two-shoting most players who reach them at that stage in their star chart journey. They are also very tanky, requiring weapons and mods to defeat them that players may not have yet, as well as a fight mechanic that may prolong the encounter.


    How: Vay Hek on Earth

    Annoyance Factor: 4. Boss is arguably the most annoying fight in the game with long invulnerability phases, a small hit box, and energy drain. Encounters on the map leading up to the boss are skippable, but the game itself doesn't tell you this. (Welcome to Warframe…)


    How: The Silver Grove side quest

    Annoyance Factor: 4. The quest isn't difficult, but scanning plants is the definition of boring, especially with Earth being on a four-hour night/day timer. Frostleaf will often not spawn at all and may require an irritating amount of aborting and restarting missions to complete.


    How: Tenno Lab in a Dojo

    Annoyance Factor: 4. Unlike other Dojo frames, Wukong requires 6 nitain to build, which even for intermediate players isn't fun to farm. Annoyance Factor considerably higher if you're creating your own dojo from scratch as research requires an additional 11 nitain.


    How: Plains of Eidolon bounties following the Saya's Vigil quest

    Annoyance Factor: 4. Parts have generous drop rates from bounties, but you need to farm all three tiers of bounties separately. Build requirements aren't too taxing but will require at least Rank 1 standing with Ostron to unlock coprite alloy and esher devar blueprints, as well as mining and fishing equipment. Bounty rewards while farming will likely provide enough Ostron standing to achieve this.


    How: The Limbo Theorem side quest

    Annoyance Factor: 4/5. Archwing is an aggravating game mode, and early in the game players might not have decent mods or even leveled equipment. Interception can be tough on solo players and drop rate for Proof Fragments is on the low side, likely requiring multiple runs. The excavation missions have unusually strong enemies. Quest progress is halted until each component is built (or rushed) so it may take several days to complete.


    How: Sands of Inaros side quest from Baro Ki'Teer

    Annoyance Factor: 4/5. Time gated by Baro's arrival and he may appear on a junction that players haven't unlocked yet. Quest requires oxium and nitain to build. Filling the third vessel is marginally annoying. Tomb Protector fight can be very challenging if unprepared, especially since the quest can theoretically be purchased early in the star chart.


    How: Lephantis on the Orokin Derelict

    Annoyance Factor: 5. Lephantis is a bullet sponge with lengthy invulnerability stages, a history of glitches, and toxic damage to wear away those without some form of life steal. On top of this, the Derelict doesn't have public matchmaking, so you either go alone or burn time recruiting a team. Lephantis' unexplained damage cap may cause frustration for those running improper weapons. Requires construction of keys to fight the boss, and while build resources are plentiful, keys have a pointless one hour build time.


    How: Random alerts

    Annoyance Factor: 4 to 7. Vauban's parts appear as random alerts, so you cannot farm him directly. With good luck, an app that tracks alerts, and/or the flexibility to log in when necessary, he isn't too tough, especially since you know the part you are getting ahead of time. On the other hand, those with limited playing time or the inability to jump into the game at a moment's notice could take months for alerts to time up properly. For some players he could be among the very last frames you have a chance to acquire.


    How: Blueprint is acquired via a side quest instigated by Nakak in Cetus. Parts acquired by completing Cetus bounties.

    Annoyance Factor: 5. You will need to grind standing with the Quills for the side mission to trigger (a low rank, but still requires completion of War Within and Saya's Vigil, plus some light Eidolon/vomulyst grinding to rank up). Side mission is super short and easy. Parts have high drop rates from bounties, but you need to farm all three tiers of bounties separately, and the higher tier bounties may be difficult for inexperience players.


    How: Fortuna bounties following the Vox Solaris quest

    Annoyance Factor: 6. Parts have high drop rates from bounties, but you need to farm all three tiers of bounties separately. Build requirements are the real annoyance, especially for new players who jump directly into Fortuna. Includes 3.5K kuva (which requires either completing all the way to The War Within or farming very difficult T5 Fortuna bounties) as well as two of each toroid and then Marquise Thyst, a resource only unlockable after reaching Cove standing with Solaris United. Low-MR players will have small daily standing limit, making the climb to Cove even tougher.


    How: Kela De Thaym on Sedna

    Annoyance Factor: 6. Kela can be a longer boss fight due to her circus games mechanic and ability to burst down squishy frames, but more annoying is that you cannot fight her unless you farm Judgment Points via the Rathuum Arena on Sedna. Higher tier Arena awards more points but may be difficult for the unprepared. It is a tedious game mode, and while some judgment points are rewards on completion of the assassination, bad RNG could force a lot of rounds of Rathuum, especially since you need to grind an extra Saryn Systems part to build Chroma.


    How: The New Strange side quest, as well as Volt Neuroptics, Ember Neuroptics, Frost Chassis, and Saryn Systems.

    Annoyance Factor: 6. Quest isn't too difficult, though inexperienced players often have a tough time protecting the Arcane Machine and fighting Chroma. Annoyance Factor mostly from the fact that you have to wait until Sedna to finish building Chroma and may need to re-farm other bosses for specific parts, including the aforementioned Kela.


    How: The Ambulas (boss) on Pluto

    Annoyance Factor: 6. Ambulas cannot be fought without first acquiring 20 Animo Nav Beacons per run (with half returned on a successful assassination). Boss battle may prove unintuitive. Beacons are dropped by defeating and hacking Ambulas units on outdoor tile sets on Pluto, albeit at only 5 per unit. Unlike Rathuum Arena, difficult to speedrun Nav Beacon farm due to RNG of enemy drop. As such, you will almost certainly need to farm beacons in the Outer Terminus Defense mission. Prime variant has some ugly build requirements and is vaulted, but is cheap enough that it may be a better alternative than farming the normal frame. (I got Trinity back when she was on Ceres, so I may be underestimate how much this farm sucks.)


    How: Jordas Precept side quest and Jordas Golem on Eris

    Annoyance Factor: 4 to 8. Hunting down Juggernauts to farm parts for the Pherliac pod stinks, but many players will already have these resources from past appearances of this mini boss. Quest is repetitive and Juggernaut Behemoth is a bland reskin. Jordas Golem can easily be defeated by a well-modded archwing weapon, but most players will not have a well-modded archwing weapon, in which case the boss can take an exceptionally long time to kill. (Vets will often be willing to help via recruit chat.) Difficulty depends on how much juggernaut farming you need to do and if you have (or someone with you) has access to a decent archwing weapon.


    How: Blueprint is awarded via the Octavia's Anthem side mission. Chassis is rewarded for completing a specific Lua puzzle, Neuroptics randomly rewarded on Rotation C of Orokin Derelict Survival, and Systems as a possible Rotation A cache reward on Lua's Crossfire Exterminate.

    Annoyance Factor: 5 to 7. The mission itself spawns a number of special enemies who may prove difficult if fought prior to completing The War Within or having built a unique weapon acquired from late-game Plains of Eidolon/Fortuna content. Lua puzzles spawns at random, so you may need several attempts for this specific one to appear. Systems have a 22% drop rate and fall under the A (or first) cache you find, though crossfire exterminate is thankfully a quick mission. The Neuroptics have an OKish 22% drop rate, but it's on Rotation C, requiring a 20-minute investment per attempt, so bad RNG could equate to hours of farming. Annoyance mostly dependent on how lucky you are with the Neuroptics drop and if you are prepared to handle the quest's unique enemies.


    How: Mutalist Alad V on Eris

    Annoyance Factor: 6. Despite being late game, Mutalist Alad V isn't a very difficult boss. What is difficult (or at least tedious) is getting the key to fight him. The key is purchased from the market (edit: acquired from the Patient Zero quest) but requires a Mutalist Alad V Nav Coordinate to build. Derelict Defense and Survival have a chance to drop them on Rotation B, there are invasion alerts that reward them, and Hive caches have a (low) chance to drop them. Players can use keysharing to pool keys and reduce nav coordinate grind, but keysharing has a history of players bailing when their turn is up. I admittedly may have her ranked too high given my memories of grinding her under the old 3-coordinates-per-key system.


    How: Tyl Regor on Uranus

    Annoyance Factor: 7. Tyl Regor isn't a difficult boss, but the reward pool is horribly diluted since you need to farm eight parts instead of three, and extra layer of build time equates to longer wait to fully complete. Regor takes a bit more time to kill since it's a multi-stage battle. Uranus tile sets can spawn underwater sections that are difficult to navigate and slow down mission time, especially in public where all teammates need to reach the boss before the fight can begin.


    How: Randomly rewarded from Grineer Manics

    Annoyance Factor: 7. Manics aren't difficult enemies, but they only appear under very limited circumstances and, aside from the horrible mode that is Defection, their appearance isn't guaranteed. They only have a 33% chance to drop a part with parts being skewed to make Systems harder to acquire. Because they teleport around it may be difficult to see where they die. You will likely pick up most of his parts while farming Harrow.


    How: Directly purchasable via Vox Solaris standing

    Annoyance Factor: 7/8. Requires reaching mid-rank of Vox Solaris standing, which itself can only be accessed upon fully ranking up the Solaris United standing and completing the War Within. Vox Solaris standing is best farmed by Orb fight, which is not viable for low- or even mid-level players. Ranking up and Baruuk's parts both require a considerable amount of rare resources, including 10 Atmo Systems, which in themselves are harder to acquire than most frames. Annoyance Factor would be higher if parts weren't directly purchasable and if other valuable items weren't tied into the standing grind, whereas he's much lower for people who are grinding out new content regardless and just pick him up with spare standing.


    How: Randomly rewarded via spy missions

    Annoyance Factor: 8/9. Low drop rate (7-9%) and only falls on Rotation C, requiring going 3 for 3 on all vaults. Players inexperienced to spy missions will find them time consuming and may not know the best shortcuts. Chassis has better drop rate on Lua, but Lua, even with Limbo, is annoying as heck. Difficult to farm in public as you rely on strangers to complete vaults. Unlike most frames, you also need to farm for blueprint as well. Silver linings include: (a) successfully completing vaults yields decent enough XP that you can passively level while farming, (b) you'll be an expert at spy missions when it's over, which are frequently on sortie rotations, and (c) it's possible to pick up a part or two as happenstance rewards while completing the star chart. Annoyance Factor varies from player to player; if you're bad at or dislike spy missions then consider this a solid 10. (Edit: u/NeokOnline made me remember her awful build requirements: 9 nitain, 2K cryotic, 3 argon crystals. Come on, DE....)


    How: Blueprint is acquired via Chains of Harrow side quest. Chassis is rewarded randomly from void fissure enemies, Neuroptics randomly from Rotation C of Kuva Fortress spy, and System randomly from Rotations B and C of Defection.

    Annoyance Factor: 8/9. Quest requires completion of War Within and unlocking farthest node in the Star Chart. Quest is excellent. It will be virtually impossible to not already have 20 copies of Chassis by the time you begin farming. Neuroptics and Systems are the real problem. Each have low 11% drop chance and both are Rotation C. It is easy to get lost on Kuva Fortress tile set and requires familiarizing yourself with entirely new spy vaults. While not very challenging, Defection is a strong candidate for the worst non-archwing mission in the game and is riddled with poor AI pathing that can result in unpreventable mission failure. Final sting is the 2K kuva tacked into the build cost. (They recently changed it so Rotation B has a 2% drop chance for the Systems, but 2% is very small. Not sure it makes enough of a difference to change his placement.)


    How: Randomly rewarded via Rotations A, B, and C of Normal Sanctuary Onslaught

    Annoyance Factor: 8/9. Rotation C, which is Zone 8 or 20 minutes of play, has a dreadful 11% drop chance (used to be an ungodly 5.64%) for two competing parts, meaning on average it could take 9 runs – or roughly 3 hours – just for those components with a possibility it will take even longer. Public matchmaking will usually bail before reaching Round 8, forcing you to recruit or play solo. Unlike ESO, NSO is a mediocre source of focus farming and rewards are lackluster. Cherry on the top is the 9 kavat genetic codes required to build. Would have been over a 10 back before Rot C drop rates changed.


    How: Blueprint acquired from the The Glast Gambit quest. Parts have a chance of being acquired by completing Rotation C of Infested Salvage on Eris.

    Annoyance Factor: 10. The Glast Gambit is the worst quest in the game. The initial few segments, while enjoyable, are currently badly bugged. The quest then dovetails into far too many rounds of the Index, which requires cash-poor Tenno to put up their own money to compete. Players are saddled with terrible AI companions and are capable of automatically failing later missions if they outscore their opponent. In truth it's not that difficult of a quest if you know what you're doing, but nothing will make it not tedious. All that aside, the quest isn't the worst part. The worst part is running Infested Salvage afterwards. Infested Salvage is repetitive as hell, full of opponents that constantly knock you down, and requires completing up to rotation Rotation C (or roughly 15 minutes each run). The parts have a 15% drop rate, so more than half the time you won't even get a part, and are all three parts in the same reward pool, requiring a minimum three runs with perfect luck. To add to this, Infested Salvage is more effective when played solo as it goes faster, but in turn requires an annoying amount of attention to kill mobs and keep the decryption from halting. I gave Nidus the edge over the others because both the grind and the quest suck, but in truth anyone 8 or above is in the "balls awful" category.

    There you have it, folks. A definite, flawless guide backed by ramshackle math and in no way based on one person's arbitrary opinions. Free feel to tell me why I'm wrong in the comments!

    tl;dr: Don't buy frames with plat.

    tl;dr (edit): Some people have correctly been pointing out that if you do buy a frame with plat, check the price of their prime variant first (if they have one). Most primes are cheaper than the price of normal frames.

    submitted by /u/Alkemin
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    Classic colour palette should be cheaper

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 10:55 AM PST

    The single column is already unlocked and you pay full price for less colours it's better to buy classic saturated palette instead ik fashion frame is end game but it is fun to customize and 75 plat seems a bit expensive imo

    submitted by /u/Agniblazzer
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    I've been working on this for two weeks and I still have a lot of tweaks to do. I'm posting, because I may never end.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 03:49 PM PST

    Is it just me or Warframe really gives poor impression to new players?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 07:44 PM PST

    Is it just me or Warframes gives poor impression to new players that the game is pay to win?

    Here are some problems (just my experience):

    1) You know.. I thought everything literally needs to be bought with plat until you realize that you can buy blueprints.

    Idea: In arsenal, show price of weapon and Warframe with BOTH credits and platinum and not just platinum only. When player wants to buy, they are either given a choice to buy with credits that gives them blueprint, or use platinum that gives the weapon/Warframe immediately (does it even do that? I have never bought a weapon with plat). Right now it's easy to miss it, let alone find it (the microscope button)

    2) Market seems purely full of microtransactions at first until you realize/discover that there's a category menu

    Idea: Just needs improvements. Options: a) Maybe put the category as a bar located in the top instead of a small triple line button like it currently is right now. b) add some sort of tutorial, preferably have Darvo narrate it. This means market should be locked until Darvo is saved

    3) I thought weapon slots and Warframe slots were so important and it was locked behind platinum

    Idea: Show them a message that gives players option to sell weapons/warframes or buy slots. Right now it only shows you option to buy slots.

    Currently: "Weapon slot full! Buy more with plat?" Gives you a button to buy more slots or close

    Improvement: "Weapon slot full! Sell weapons or buy more slots with plat" Gives you button to your weapon inventory, slot purchase, or close

    4) Modding. Fortunately I was able to discover the mod foundry while running around my ship. But some players out there literally have thoughts why they are weak. They think it's their weapons and Warframes!

    Idea: Add a tutorial or mission for modding. Preferable Ordis or Lotus gives you a mission to upgrade mods after you die for the first time.

    Just my opinion. I'm just 4 weeks old into Warframe and currently mastery 8. Fun game!

    submitted by /u/FrozenToothpaste
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    Ivara Pinup

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 08:34 PM PST

    Just a little video I took after I started playing again. Love the animations

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 01:02 AM PST

    I have finally discovered who ACTUALLY controls the Warframes

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 03:28 PM PST

    A Nezha Sketch I never finished

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 02:20 PM PST

    I really like the Tombfinger

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 12:00 PM PST

    no u (and don't scare me with Kiddo crap)

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 12:20 AM PST

    As fate would have it, the day I finally got the rank of Surah to craft my Zaw was my birthday.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 03:04 PM PST

    Mutagen Masses need an Update

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 09:36 PM PST

    Title. Mutagen masses are in a sorry state. Ever notice how almost every single Invasion Mission rewards 3 Fieldron, 3 Detonite Injector... or 1-2 Mutagen Masses, and how comparatively rare Mutagen Mass rewards are? Or how it's easy to rack up a thousand Detonite Ampules or Fieldron Samples... while Mutagen Samples are essentially non-existent?

    I think this should be changed to reflect the way other faction-specific consumables are acquired. First, it's ridiculous that Infested Outbreaks have non-Infested rewards most of the time. Infested Missions should have Infested Rewards. Second, those rewards should be in line with other Faction Rewards. 1 or 2 Mutagen Mass is ridiculous when I get 3 Fieldron or Detonite for the same job. Thirdly, dear god, just let Mutagen Samples drop more often. Corpus units are basically MADE of Fieldron at this point, and the same goes for Grineer with their Detonite. Let Infested units have a small chance to drop samples.

    As it stands, farming the Derelict for paltry amounts of Mutagen is the only way to acquire any during the long droughts in the Invasions tab.

    submitted by /u/TheOnionBro
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    Y'all gotta stop telling newbies to "Just get Rhino and the Hek and breeze the star chart", it's bootstrapping their Warframe experience

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 02:15 AM PST

    Warframe isn't a bad game and Rhino isn't a bad Warframe. IMO he's made for a specific type of player though, and that's a player who has trouble moving around avoiding the various things Warframe throws at you.

    Rhino isn't a starter, for good reason. The starters you have access to are squishy by comparison but have cc skills in their own right and require movement. Movement is critical to the "Ninjas play free" mentality.

    Furthermore, the frame progression makes sense if you think about it. You get a couple squishy starters, and if that's difficult Rhino is literally the next accessable frame, then Excal for a balance between the previous. After him is Frost for more 'active defense'. Once you've graduate that you can get Valkyr, a more aggressive tank. Ember and Nova are next for squishy AOE murder, then equinox for a wide playstyle. Loki for stealth, Trinity is the healer next then Saryn for a tank AOE. Chroma, Inaros, and Nidus come much later, and those are the only other tanks really.

    If followed you'd learn to deal with things by moving, modding, and other critical Warframe skills.

    Rhino creates the same problems for newbies that vets have (Why can't the game kill my Inaros???!?! He's not supposed to die, man), and that's a frame, who's very design prevents death, basically removing the one challenge from Warframe - staying alive.

    Getting accustomed to that 'look at my millions of iron skins digits and stuff' isn't helping anyone realize their own playstyle.


    Asking someone to use one frame, one gun, and the mod for it for the whole star chart is silly and wrong.

    Y'all gotta find a new schtick man. Please and thanks

    I didn't talk about the Hek. What if the player doesn't like shotguns? What else would you recommend? What about melee's and secondaries? What if they prefer to hit stuff?

    For the record, if I'm ask what can they do, I ask that player their preferred playstyle and refer the closest most accessable according to that.

    submitted by /u/Rosebizzle
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    I went for that Classical Octavia look

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 10:17 PM PST

    When your host starts out having 1690 ping during the sorties.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 03:02 PM PST

    Is there a 'Hydron' for Archwings?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 02:34 PM PST

    I'm just starting to build my 2nd Archwing however i have no idea if there is a go to mission for fast levelling a Archwing

    submitted by /u/Tcrumpen
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