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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Advertisement | Warframe Communities!

    Warframe Weekly Advertisement | Warframe Communities!

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 07:33 AM PST

    This thread spotlights various public Warframe communities outside of the subreddit!

    Disclaimer: Members of the /r/Warframe moderation team are not involved in the maintenance or running of these communities and don't have positions of authority in them.

    This thread is a placeholder because the Wednesday weekly slot is currently unassigned. Please use this link to suggest a new weekly thread.

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    If you have any suggestions for communities to add to this wiki page, want to report mistranslations or broken links, or want to help with crediting the proper creators, message the moderators!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Acolytes (comic)

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 02:33 PM PST

    I want to see [DE]Rebecca and [DE]Megan clear the Elite Weekly Nightwave Survival challenges on Prime Time tomorrow.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 09:30 AM PST

    Vaykor Hek IRL (Credit: Josh Berger)

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 09:51 PM PST

    Update 24.4.0 (coming this week): More QOL changes

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 02:22 PM PST


    Hi all PC Tenno -

    You are anticipated. And, you are anticipating this week's mainline Update! We still expect it to ship this week, just not today. Check back to this thread for Status Updates!

    Our marketing team is putting together a nice overview for you to checkout before the Update launches. Stay tuned for that.

    I wanted to share some QOL that's coming as well (in addition to the new hotness like Hildryn, the Tatsu, Melee Changes Phase 1: "Flow" etc). This of course is not nearly everything (we have 18 pages of notes), but these are some major player requests that are shipping. I wanted to make sure this got shared before the major content drops on PC this week! 

    Plains of Eidolon Changes: - Bounties are now available out in the Plains of Eidolon! Certain tents placed throughout the Plains contain a console that encompasses the power to contact Konzu himself (when he's not on his early lunch). - With Bounties now available out in the Plains, Incursions have been removed. These were meant to give players something optional to do as they spend their time in the Plains, but since Bounties can be activated on command, they no longer serve a purpose.

    Orb Heist: Profit Taker Changes: - All non-Orb enemies can no longer trigger knockback in players during this fight. If you are being tossed around by Moas/etc moving forward in the context of the Orb Heist Profit Taker fight, please let us know.

    Individual Extraction: Non-Wave Endless! You are now able to extract from Survival, Excavation, and Defection missions independent of your squad.

    • Once the 'mission complete' interval is met, players can head to extraction any time they choose (i.e 5 minutes for Survival).
    • Any player at extraction triggers a countdown timer.
    • If all players leave the extraction zone, the countdown timer is cancelled.
    • When the timer is up, the extraction ship arrives and any players in the extraction zone leave.
    • Anyone still playing can extract later any time they choose.

    Client-Authoritative Changes: We have made some much requested changes to the responsiveness of two things in Warframe: Weapon swapping and automatic doors. Right now in Warframe, if you are connected as a client you may have experienced delays in responsiveness of either of these essential things! The changes should result in a much smoother experience:

    • Swapping weapons as a Client will now feel more responsive because we've made it Client-Authoritative.
    • Automatic Doors have been made Client-Authoritative. Previously there were cases of door not opening in tandem with the Host if any latency was experienced. This is likely going to ship, but in the event it's too risky we will polish and roll out later.


    submitted by /u/PreludeToHell
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    When DE wants you to play with friends.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 03:13 AM PST

    Riven Trading & Toolbuilders: Coming Changes (x-post)

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 06:46 AM PST

    Right now a lot is going on with Riven Trading discussions. Without getting into personal details, we are reviewing what took place.

    As this review has unfolded, we want to experiment with applying a broader change that will prevent any individual market manipulation. This will also allow tool creators fair grounds to use clear and authorized sources of data that abides by all terms and policies.

    Simply put, we will be trying out providing aggregated actual Riven trade value data for toolmakers to use. No more basing trades off of what people are posting in trade chat as asking prices, toolmakers will have access to per-platform actual Trade values.

    When the data is set up we will post links and explain the update cadence / data, then toolmakers can either start or continue to provide Riven trade analysis for players. Our team has started putting everything together, I'm hoping we'll have our first release in a couple of weeks.

    We are going to try doing this because we think it will allow fairer trading to occur with a standard baseline. Because Rivens vary in stats, we expect subjective value discussions to still take place.

    It's worth noting that we handled this matter privately over the past two days. However in that time, there have been some instances of very mob-justice practices taking place that are below the honor of the Tenno. We all lift together - reports can be sent in to support where appropriate.


    submitted by /u/rebulast
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    Watch your kavats guys.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 08:44 AM PST

    I never noticed that Lech Kril is in this capsule on kuva fortress...

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 04:03 PM PST

    Introducing Hildryn. Coming with Operation: buried debts

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 03:02 PM PST

    So how about that Physique

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 06:14 PM PST

    The Wolf should always drop a weapon part.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 03:35 PM PST

    Right now, the Sledge is just barely-disguised whale bait.

    "Oh, but DE are going to increase the spawn chance" means fuck all when the droprates are this terrible and the Wolf takes about a week to kill.

    submitted by /u/Kiyanavasala
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    Having a "Crafted" notice is nice and all, but "Hide Owned" being checked should also hide crafted.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 01:03 PM PST

    Mesa - A New Sheriff in Town. A little something I did for a Fan Forge Contest

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 10:10 AM PST

    I just hit max rank in the Conclave and had some thoughts I wanted to share.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 10:49 AM PST

    While leveling all my gear I spent a few days maxing out my Vent Kids standing while leveling my K-Drive and that left me with having only 1 faction unranked - the Conclave. This didn't set well with me so I decided to dive in and spend a few days righting this wrong.

    *I've never experienced a worse community in Warframe. I play on PS4 and, generally speaking, everyone gets along fine. I've never seen much in the way of rude players and in the few instances I've seen someone be rude they've been trying to say something important, just in a less than kind way. In Conclave I was frequently tea-bagged, had people mocking weapons I was using for being too good or too bad, one guy questioned my Aura slot loadout for my PVE build because it was something that he could see. The trash-talking was real and out in full force.

    *The rewards for leveling the faction are garbage. The last two ranks give you a choice of sigil for your rank reward.

    *The rewards you can buy are overpriced. It would take 320,000 standing to buy the elite set of armor. Or 100 plat. I spent the plat and I want nothing else from here. Other than the Syandana which is 100k standing and, according to the description, only looks good if I continue to play PvP. This should have been the rank 5 reward.

    *Matchmaking is garbage. More than once I was in a match with even teams where I was losing by 3-5 points and the game would add new players to the opposing team. More than once I'd be in a match where I was outnumbered by the opposing team and it would continue to add new players to the opposing team.

    *The daily challenges are often impossible by virtue of the fact that they involve gameplay modes that nobody is playing or gameplay modes where people don't play in the way you need. I've never seen anyone pass in Lunaro. I've only ever seen 1 player in Cephalon capture and they left when they started to lose.

    *The favor gain is too slow unless you're completing challenges. A match takes ten minutes and unless you're getting a lot of kills you're only going to get 1-2k standing in a match. If you get a lot of kills maybe you'll get 5-6k but that's unlikely unless you're really good at the game or in a favorable matchup.

    *Certain powers/weapons are good and everything else is balls. I never knew what was killing me half the time but I eventually learned what to look for and started emulating it. Once I stopped doing anything I wanted to do and started spamming the Staticor I started doing better.

    *Sometimes nobody is playing Conclave. I'd finish a mission and go to Conclave, then attempt to connect to each game mode. If it didn't find any games I'd move on and try again later. Once or twice I'd let the game load me in and just wait for someone to connect to me. It only ever worked once.

    *Conclave gameplay is slow and boring. I feel like I'm playing Warframe in Molasses. Beyond just the slow movement of the game type the game is a lag fest. You don't hit things you obviously hit and you die to people who you don't see.

    *Every match revolves around 1 player. Whether it's a free for all or a team match there is almost always going to be 1 person that is just better than everyone else and completely dominating the game. If you are against this person you have lost and if you are on their team you win. Some people are sickeningly good at this game mode.

    *You can watch peoples spirits break in real time. You'll see someone join a match, obviously new(er) to Conclave and do poorly for 3-5 minutes before disconnecting. Who wouldn't? They're being killed 3 times a minute and tea-bagged by people with better equipment than them while there's nothing they can do.

    *People who play Conclave are desperate for more players. If I left after getting my daily rep or getting frustrated I'd get invites from people to come back for up to an hour later. Even if it was someone I was stomping - they'd want me to come back and finish stomping them because without other players there is no game.

    *Warframe is full of content that feels like it's about 90% amazing and 10% incomplete. Conclave falls short of this metric by close to 90%. I don't understand how this game mode can continue to be allowed to exist without being fixed. At the very least the ability to get to it should be hidden away - it's so bad that it shouldn't be presented front and center on the ship. I can only imagine what a horrid experience this is for new players who start a Conclave match without knowing what they're getting themselves into.

    *If you're thinking about getting into Conclave... don't.

    That concludes my ranty rant of my Conclave experiences.

    submitted by /u/TypewriterKey
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    How it feels when the life support is at 2% but you still managed to complete the challenge

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 05:51 AM PST

    Warframe's Plot: Early Game Story [POSSIBLE SPOILERS]

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 12:37 PM PST

    Since the devs have made mention of wanting to smooth out the experience for new players, I'm interested to see if that covers the story side of things. The cinematic quests have been great so far, and the little hidden gems like the Ordan Karris story are deep and interesting, there's no denying Warframe's story suffers greatly until The Second Dream. Bosses anachronistically pop up as the left-behind of Operations new players never played nor know about, new concepts and enemies can be faced days before they're formally introduced in quests and the player is led in a confusing daze of repetitive missions until getting to the good stuff.

    The Gas City rework shows good signs of switching it up, with Sentient Corpus tech serving as a tease for what's to come next, but we're still got a long way to go. So here's the question: what's the changes you'd like to see to the plot structure of Warframe? Here's my two cents :

    - Vor's Story needs to be told: He's a great early game foil, and his possession of a Janus Key that brings him back again and again is interesting and foreshadows the wondrous tech of the Orokin before the player has access to Orokin missions or prime weapons, but right now it's a mess. After his introduction in the tutorial he pops up randomly in Mars and Ceres and then is Corrupted by the Void/Neural Sentry/Whatever and stays in the Orokin Towers. A more structured plot, including an explanation of Lech Kril's presence after his death, and maybe progression standarization would help. In general I think we need more Boss story outside of the little tid bits Lotus tells us before the mission starts (maybe a dossier/folder filled with info that the player can optionally read? A short video with the same content? IDK), but Vor is an absolute must.

    - Alad V's story needs to be ironed out: Telling his stories through Operations was cool, but now that Operations are gone and impossible to replay it's left a mess. His Second Dream appearance has Infestation scars that hint at his healing in Tubemen Of Regor (another weird one since Regor clearly knows us during Hunhow's quest) and Lotus is calling in a favour from him (with no explanation how he survived getting splatted in Jupiter), yet the quest that shows us this Mutalyst infestation cannot be completed before The Second Dream! Plus, his healing is nowhere in the present game! It's egregious and I think it puts players off in a quest that's supposed to be the "big reveal" of Operators.

    What're your opinions on the matter?

    submitted by /u/Jameson_Stoneheart
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    I am sitting on 6 unsocketed ayatan statues and dont want to touch them.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 02:19 PM PST

    Thanks Nightwave.

    submitted by /u/jordzkie05
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    My Wife's Ordis is extra sassy

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 10:00 AM PST

    Mirage Prime always reminded me of King Crimson

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 06:53 PM PST

    As we wait for Ivara Prime

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 02:56 PM PST

    How you fall knowing you can't take fall damage,

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 10:54 PM PST

    As per a comment on Brozimes video about nightwave, ranking up past level 30 only gives 15 Wolf Cred per level, not 50 Wolf Cred like the other ranks

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 11:50 AM PST

    The current menu graphics overhaul won’t just include every screen in the game (including armory) but also the HUD itself eventually.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 10:30 PM PST

    Idea: Put Semlars Corpus guy in the Perrin Sequence room

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 03:09 AM PST

    So with the apparent Riven 'Mafia' trying to sabotage Semlars hard work at making sure a fairer trade system for lucrative Rivens was available to the public, I feel like a good way to immortalise his efforts would to have his real life efforts reflected in the game itself, specifically by having his Corpus guy among the Perrin Sequence.

    Like how you can find Clem hanging out with the Steel Meridian, Semlars Corpus guy could hang around with the Perrin Sequence at their own relay room, possibly at one of the monitors tracking trades and exchanges and informing civilians of the best places to look for what they need so they're not scammed or ripped off.

    Since he's doing good work I think that a nice little nod like that to what he's doing in real life by reflecting it in game, making sure that his good work is never silenced again.

    submitted by /u/Randomguyioi
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    You can interact with the Foundry Icon!

    Posted: 06 Mar 2019 01:39 PM PST

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