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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Q&A | Ask Your Game-Related Questions Here!

    Warframe Weekly Q&A | Ask Your Game-Related Questions Here!

    Posted: 19 May 2019 08:33 AM PDT

    This thread is for those who aren't that knowledgeable about the game to freely ask questions and get answers. Questions will be answered any day of the week!

    This place will be a troll-free environment so that anyone can ask a question without backlash. In other words: negative attitudes will NOT be tolerated.

    If you wish to just view top level comments (i.e. questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.

    Comments are sorted by new by default! And remember...

    Questions will be answered any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Relics of old, found in Maroo's Bazaar.

    Posted: 19 May 2019 03:49 PM PDT

    [My fanart] Trinity Strega Skin

    Posted: 19 May 2019 03:42 PM PDT

    Ordan Karris, The Beast of Bones

    Posted: 19 May 2019 07:40 PM PDT

    Warframe Mobile Soloing Tridolon

    Posted: 19 May 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    My backround of the last few days, waiting for the jovian concord

    Posted: 19 May 2019 05:34 PM PDT

    Why nobody stay in my squad?

    Posted: 19 May 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    This is absolutely unacceptable from a perspective's point of view.

    Posted: 19 May 2019 03:56 AM PDT

    While Warframe does have issues with Endgame, we can't act like DE isn't trying.

    Posted: 19 May 2019 08:04 AM PDT

    I'm not some apologist, but I'm not going to sit here and hate on people who are giving it their all. For full disclosure, I've been on a two month break from Warframe simply because I don't have anything to do currently.

    A lack of Endgame has been a thing since I started playing this game, literally a month or two before Plains of Eidolon got announced. I wasn't at the point of caring quite yet since I hadn't even cleared the Star-Chart. I distinctly remember DE trying to add in Warrior Mode and Eidolons in the hope of giving veteran players a challenge.

    The problem was that min-maxers gotta min-max and we immediately blew through Eidolons through the use of Shield Disruption and Chroma. I'm not blaming people who play efficiently, mind you. I'm just saying that Min-Maxers, uh, find a way.

    So then we get Elite Sanctuary Onslaught a bit later which is supposed to be the points based PVP system where everyone is fighting for spots on a leaderboard. This had several problems, but I think the biggest one was Khora; I know quite a few people who had to grind a ridiculous amount in order to get her and just won't touch SO of any type unless forced to because they hate the mode now.

    Then we got Arbitrations, which were supposed to be Elite Alerts, but they were put behind such a gigantic time sink that most people who weren't bothering to complete the Star-Chart prior to them coming out had to play something along the lines of twenty hours of boring gameplay to get to them. To say nothing of the annoying drones.

    Then the Orb Mothers came out and we can see DE trying to get a little experimental with bossfights, with in game cutscenes and the sentient swap-element mechanic, but one of them has way too much knockdown to the point of tediousness and the other is just a non-issue to fight, mostly going through the motions.






    DE has been trying to give us End Game content for a while now, we can't pretend that they haven't. We can absolutely argue that they've failed horribly and that removing Trials was the wrong thing to do, it's harsh but fair criticism. But this whole "Casuals are ruining the game" and "DE doesn't care about vets" is absolute rubbish when it's plain as day that they're trying.

    submitted by /u/Slarg232
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    Unairu Wisps are too difficult to see and use

    Posted: 19 May 2019 01:45 PM PDT

    They are tiny, have no self-light or any sort of visual indicator, fall on the ground and slide into each other and away from their spawn, or even worse, into the water. For an ability that is meant to be a "damage buff shared with team", it's really difficult to share or even use for self, especially in the insane visual chaos that Eidolon hunts are.

    submitted by /u/servantphoenix
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    Closer look at the smol cabbage

    Posted: 19 May 2019 12:51 PM PDT

    ...Enjoying yourself in my humble orbiter?

    Posted: 19 May 2019 10:00 PM PDT

    Shield lancers really are annoying

    Posted: 19 May 2019 07:53 PM PDT

    Just in time.

    Posted: 19 May 2019 09:33 AM PDT

    Warframe is awesome!

    Posted: 19 May 2019 10:08 PM PDT

    Probably preaching to the choir but I love this game! I've been gaming since the 80's and this is the first game that actually made a real impact on my life, as superficial as that may seem: dad gets to really game with his boys.

    My boys are 9 and 11 and just getting into PC gaming so I had some older laptops lying around and decided to see if they'd like to try some pc games. Eventually I settled on a game I played a bit before but had dropped for a few years: Warframe. They loved it!

    Now I'm back in it and we are space ninja-ing together...after homework is done of course. We even made a Clan: Electric Luftwaffles!

    I tend to play Hildryn to keep my space babies safe :)

    Our clan dojo is a nightmarish hodgepodge of what you'd think a 9 and 11 year old would make and it's great!

    submitted by /u/HuskyTurtle
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    Melee Weapon Elemental Trails are broken and I've found the cause

    Posted: 19 May 2019 10:48 PM PDT

    Melee Weapon Elemental Trails are broken and I've found the cause

    First off, this thread is heavily inspired by info from an official forum thread that got sadly ignored. I recommend you check it out first, it has cool pictures and covers more grounds.

    But yeah, as the title implies, Melee weapon trails are completely broken, with some stances or weapon types being completely devoid of any of the cool effects, while others have such wonky looking ones that they detract from the melee experience.

    While that OP in the forums did some testing and had a few hypotheses, I think I found out the root cause of the issue.

    Here's a Dagger swing with the Homing Fang stance that never has any cool trails in regular gameplay:


    You can tell the swing direction with the blue energy going from left to right.

    Using Captura, I did the same swing in x0.2 slow motion:


    Out of nowhere, we got a pretty decent trail effect.

    Yeah, it's not perfect, it stops before the end of the animation and doesn't follow the dagger all the way, but it's proof that SOMETHING should show up, and it's not happening in normal gameplay.

    So, what's the cause? It's a combination of three things:

    1- Many stances, especially older ones, have trails that are set up to only appear for a few moments during the swing rather than following the weapon all throughout

    2- In regular gameplay, most players try to maximize their melee attack speed with Fury, Berserker, Volt Speed etc...

    3- Warframe's engine is not aggressive enough about the rendering of short, fast trails, and skips them altogether when fast enough.

    Need any proof of that theory? Look at this:


    This is the first swing with a Nunchaku with 2.16 Attack Speed, which is pretty damn high. Yet, the weapon trail follows the swing from beginning to the end, because that's how the whole stance is set up.

    Now look at this swing from Vengeful Revenant with 1.85 attack speed.


    Can't see it? Let's go in slow motion and see what it's supposed to look like:


    Look at where the sword is, and where the trail stops. It's completely disjointed, as you can see. Only the very beginning of the swing has trails, which means that the wide overhead swing trail that's supposed to show up is instead so fast and so short that the engine gives up on rendering it and skips it all together

    Here's the animated version:


    How to fix it:

    - The easiest fix would be to set up trails so that they always follow the weapon no matter which swing is happening, but that will look really over-the-top (like the old "always show weapon trails" settings)

    - The most likely fix is to go back to older stances and to manually fix each swing so that fast attack speed doesn't ruin the trails.

    -The best fix would be to touch up whatever is in charge of trails rendering and make it so that it renders even small, fast trails, so that weapons like daggers with many small swings would reflect those numerous small attacks.

    Hope it'll help bring light to this issue, it's been months and nobody ever talks about it!

    submitted by /u/Drifter_san
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    SEXY Nyan' kyr

    Posted: 19 May 2019 07:34 AM PDT

    Arbitration Excavation - 160 Dig Results

    Posted: 19 May 2019 12:46 PM PDT

    Arbitration Excavation - 160 Dig Results

    4hr 24mins

    Is one of the best sources of Endo

    Level 4046

    340 Mill Damage!

    Arbitration Discord: https://discord.gg/JNKKvr9

    • Keep up to date on announcements and notifications of the Current Arbitration Mode in #current-arbitration
    • Read and get involved discussions on #discussion
    • Look for groups with other players like minded players with #lfg
    • Group up and use Voice chat that's always available under Voice.
    • As of 20/05/2019, discord has over 1,200 subscribed members

    Guide with Builds: Arbitration Excavation - The Endo Guide


    • 90,100 Endo (342 Endo/min)
    • 20 x Orta Sculptures
    • 80 x Vitus Essence
    • 4 x Seeding Steps
    • 1 x Aura Forma
    • 3mins 18sec per rotation
    • Enemies got to level 4046

    Team Composition was 2x Khora, 1x Frost, 1x Nekros

    Builds are in : Arbitration Excavation - The Endo Guide

    Past Results :

    Cool Fact:

    The damage counters for "Mission Progress" resets because each of us were doing so much damage. Each member of the squad had their total damage counter going from above 50% down to below 10% again in an instant. So total damage dealt is unreliable.

    This Excavation Summary

    We've lost about 8 excavators, mostly because of myself. Three deaths, one around 90 digs in had taken entire team to get involved to kill off 5 drones. Extracted at 160 digs, could have kept going but we were getting tired and squadrons really needed a toilet break.

    Good luck out there Tenno. As always, you'll know where to find us. IGN: AznWarMonger

    \"Hey, get off my beam!\"-AznWarMonger

    submitted by /u/JohnTran84
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    Profit-Taker can mount Dropships. Not long now until She's skating in the air with 4 of them

    Posted: 19 May 2019 07:11 AM PDT

    This challenge was actually bugged all along.

    Posted: 19 May 2019 05:27 AM PDT

    I paused SkillUp's video at a great time.

    Posted: 19 May 2019 07:32 AM PDT

    As a new player who have not participate in any illegal activity, I got suspended til 2035. Could anyone explains how DE's suspension system works?

    Posted: 19 May 2019 11:04 PM PDT

    First of all, this is not a rant, I just wanna understand the reason behind my ban and try to avoid it in the future if i can get my account back.

    I started playing this game last month, have been playing non-stop everyday, was a really fun grind experience. However i got the 2035 ban on saturday night. I already filed a ticket to DE support, however as their response will not arrive anytime soon(i read some posts that say you will not receive any response until 1-2 weeks later) I would like to ask if anyone has experience similar "falsely banned" situation and how was it resolved? What were the reasons.

    For the record, I did not get involve in the following activities(this should be common sense, but just wanna put it here)

    1. i did not involve myself in RMT
    2. did not buy any platinum on 3rd party websites, all platinums are bought from Warframe official website ( i didn't even know 3rd party platinum selling websites exist until i searched about the 2035 ban)
    3. didnt spam\insult in chat or anything like that
    4. did not share account
    5. did not run any cheater\assistance software\macro
    6. did not exploit any in-game glitches
    7. did not acquire unnaturally large amount of in-game resources, at least not to my knowledge ( last thing i did in the game was an 40-minutes arbitration run that yielded around 4000 endos and a sculpture, I'm not sure if this amount is normal because it was my first time doing an arbitration)

    --------------------------So the following are my questions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Question background

    i DID use multiple computers to play the game, 1 at my office, 1 at home, and 1 in a internet cafe(only played warframe once in internet cafe, on last saturday)

    so 1st question:

    Could IP changes result in a specific 2035 ban? Has anyone got 2035 specifically because of ip-related reasons?


    Question background

    Because i was playing in a internet cafe on Saturday, and I knew that cheating software for other games will lead to a WF ban, so I specifically made sure there weren't any running in the background of the internet cafe computer. And i played about 10 hours in the Cafe, and didn't get any problems.

    After i got home, I could still log into my account and was able to run an arbitration, but when the 40-minutes arbitration finished, i got a message screen telling me "update account information failed, retry in 10s", I thought I was lagging, so i restarted the game, then i found I got 2035ed.

    So I couldn't tell if it was because of something in the internet cafe's computer got me banned or was it something I did back at home got me banned. If I return home and immediately found my account banned, i could pinpoint the reason to internet cafe, since that's the last place i played. But it was not the case.

    So 2nd question:

    Could anyone provide information on how long normally the ban happens after the specific "ban-inducing" action is performed? This could help me pinpoint the reason behind my ban. Because if it is internet cafe-related, I'm going to avoid playing WF in Internet cafes in the future.


    Question background

    When I finished the arbitration, during extraction animation and the result screen (the screen you see before the orbiter flying loading screen), I saw on the screen my rewards were around 4000 endoes, and 1 sculpture, and some mods(couldn't remember the exact mods, sniper related) It was during this time i got the "update account information failed, retry" information. However the message ended and i got into the orbiter flying screen, and was able to get back to my orbiter. I check the "last mission result" once, and saw the same rewards. But when I went into my mod interface, i didn't see the endos. So i check the "last mission result" screen again, and curiously this time, it showed the result of the mission I did before the arbitration. It was during this time i thought I lagged and restarted the game and realized the ban.

    3rd Question

    is 4000-5000 endos reward normal fora 40 minutes arbitration? Because this is my first time doing an arbitration so i have no idea how much is normal. And i heard acquiring unnaturally large amount of resource in a single mission could also lead to ban.

    4th Question

    If you are playing a mission when you get banned, will you get kicked offline immediately no matter what you were doing, or will it only happen after extraction? Will you still be able to run around in the orbiter and check various menu interfaces like I did?

    Sorry for the long post, I really like the game and don't wanna get banned not knowing why.

    submitted by /u/dethstrm
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    K-Drive Race Locations (20 May)

    Posted: 19 May 2019 08:09 PM PDT

    K-Drive Race Locations (20 May)

    Jovian Concord (maybe) tomorrow woohoo, tho in my timezone it's already Wednesday.

    Note that the daily upload may not be very consistent

    The K-drive locations for 20 May 2019:

    • Sky-Eye (Last Seen 14 May)
    • Fortuna's Folley (Last Seen 15 May)
    • Skeggin' Out (Last Seen 16 May)
    • Shaving Nef (Last Seen 18 May)
    • Pobber's Drop (Last Seen Yesterday)



    submitted by /u/PakHong2k1
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    Dual Energy colors no longer work on Prisma weapons? (Now and one month ago)

    Posted: 19 May 2019 02:22 PM PDT

    Remember that you have around 11 hours left from this post to spend any remaining WOLF CREDITS

    Posted: 19 May 2019 06:15 AM PDT

    The End date is Sunday, May 19th at 20:00 ET for Season 1. Don't let any of your hard earned credits go to waste.

    Link to the Forum post from last Monday:

    submitted by /u/Lyramion
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