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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Q&A | Ask Your Game-Related Questions Here!

    Warframe Weekly Q&A | Ask Your Game-Related Questions Here!

    Posted: 26 May 2019 08:33 AM PDT

    This thread is for those who aren't that knowledgeable about the game to freely ask questions and get answers. Questions will be answered any day of the week!

    This place will be a troll-free environment so that anyone can ask a question without backlash. In other words: negative attitudes will NOT be tolerated.

    If you wish to just view top level comments (i.e. questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.

    Comments are sorted by new by default! And remember...

    Questions will be answered any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Can we get an F for this poor amalgam in the loading screen

    Posted: 26 May 2019 05:29 PM PDT

    In case anyone lost the manual for their drone

    Posted: 26 May 2019 10:21 AM PDT

    i noticed something on salad v in the loading screen i can't put my finger on

    Posted: 26 May 2019 09:53 PM PDT

    excal and his kavat (commission art)

    Posted: 26 May 2019 05:09 PM PDT

    The community was so obsessed with it that DE added it to the game

    Posted: 26 May 2019 06:35 AM PDT

    No, I'm not here to talk about the space roomba.

    Hex means 6 in Latin.

    Non means 9 in Latin.

    The newest resource is called hexenon.

    They've got us running around, collecting 69.

    submitted by /u/rcfox
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    DE i hope you can make nidus prime better than my masterpiece

    Posted: 26 May 2019 04:21 AM PDT

    I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream

    Posted: 26 May 2019 07:18 AM PDT

    "Starlike" Nyx Captura Edit - AoD

    Posted: 26 May 2019 05:34 PM PDT

    I think it's about time we got a proper chainsaw.

    Posted: 26 May 2019 11:59 AM PDT

    We have the ripkas. The ripkas are great, especially with their new amalgam mod. I love them. If a game has a chainsaw-like weapon, I'll use it, because the saw is family.

    And yet... I am not sated.

    Please give us a chainsaw, DE, I beg of you. A proper chainsaw, a brutal howling thing to eviscerate our enemies. The small mechanical whine of the ripkas only leaves me wanting. I want to rip and tear through the legions of foes before us until it is done.

    Imagine the possibilities. Just imagine it!

    Imagine a melee weapon that isn't silent, because a cyborg child soldier wielding a chainsaw and mommy issues is something that deserves the attention of any room it enters.

    Imagine, instead of a charge attack, holding the melee attack button causes you to hold the saw before you and mulch anything that dares stand in your way.

    Imagine a new stance for this new class of weapon - Carvers Art: Brutal swings and crowd control sweeps. Its first combo? Timber.

    Imagine the VARIANTS, a saw for every faction!

    Imagine a Tenno chainsaw, sleek and elegant and beautiful, yet brutal and bloodthirsty - the weapon Garuda would use, if she didn't have her claws!

    Imagine a Grineer chainsaw, a bulky, monstrous, smoke belching terror, like the circular saws used by the ghouls!

    Imagine a Corpus laser chainsaw, the bastard offspring of the serro and your childhood nightmares after you saw the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre late at night at your friends house because you didn't want to look like a chicken!

    Imagine an Infested chainsaw, with actual teeth, fangs that bear a deadly toxin to saw into your foes!

    Imagine a Sentient chainsaw, the intricate energy blade resembling the toothy maw of some great beast!

    Imagine an Orokin chainsaw - chainsaw PRIME, with a body of glittering gold and rows of intricately carved porcelain-white teeth, like an Orokin shark!

    Imagine chainsaws, fellow Tenno. Imagine chainsaws!


    submitted by /u/HyenaSwitch
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    Not sure if this has already been posted but this is my new favorite feature about Wisp

    Posted: 26 May 2019 10:30 PM PDT

    First time properly fashion framing. What do you guys think?

    Posted: 26 May 2019 05:28 PM PDT

    The new mods seem pretty neat

    Posted: 26 May 2019 03:57 PM PDT

    Saturn Six Kitty

    Posted: 26 May 2019 09:35 PM PDT

    So Kela De Thaym just Cronenberg'd herself into a puddle of guts. Wat.

    Posted: 26 May 2019 12:39 PM PDT

    When you spend 150 plat and 30 minutes farming the gas city lockers to make a stupid Thanos meme

    Posted: 26 May 2019 11:58 AM PDT

    Disruption has all the makings of a better (and more engaging) Kuva farm than Kuva Survival (Forum X-post)

    Posted: 26 May 2019 01:56 PM PDT

    First wanna say that Disruption has been by far my favorite game mode on the star chart at the moment, and outside of Eidolon hunting during the occasional night cycle, that's where all my time has been sunk since the release of JC. However, once the clan event is done and that feeling of purpose that comes from running the endurance node with my friends & clanmates is gone, there's not going to be a reason to go back. The rotational rewards are borderline insulting (12 hexenon, really? If you tickle an amalgam they'll give you like 20 of the stuff). The only things I was ever happy to see were some of the new rare set mods. A different set of rewards feels needed to keep up interest in this excellent game mode.

    After nearly 1500 hours, Kuva and Arcanes are the only resources/items I really feel compelled to farm for. In Disruption, once you get the new set mods, you don't need to get them again. Hexenon feels like the new Fieldron sample already. And you can get relics from basically any other activity in the game, and more efficiently (+ Disruption doesn't even drop Axi Relics).
    I'd like to see Warframe Arcanes remain a staple reward from the Eidolons, since tridolons really do feel like an accomplishment with a satisfying return on your time invested. What about Kuva though? After the once-per hour Kuva Flood, Kuva Survival becomes the best spot to farm Kuva. Kuva Survival's biggest issue is its lack of increasing marginal returns on time investment. The only reason to stay longer than 20 minutes is so you don't have to waste time sitting through loading screens, which is a pitiful incentive. Survival itself isn't a bad game mode (in fact it's the game mode I most associate Warframe with as a whole), but it becomes monotonous and isn't as engaging as something like Disruption. Disruption has enough wrinkles to keep almost every run feeling fresh and new.

    So what about using a Kuva mechanic in Disruption? Lore/game-mode particulars first: Infested Salvage is inherently tied to the Infested, Defection is Grineer-centric, and Disruption is Corpus-based. I'm assuming it's theoretically possible to create tiles and relevant in-game transmissions for each of these game modes to be supported/hosted by each faction. What if we had a scenario where the Tenno boarded the Kuva Fortress in an attempt to stop mass amounts of Kuva from getting into the Grineer Queens' hands, but used the Disruption game mode as the foundation rather than survival? Hell, the conduits already kinda look like they could be some kind of miniature Kuva Siphon. The amalgam backdrop doesn't feel entirely necessary either; I'd love to see more Kuva Guardian-esque enemies appear as mini bosses that took the place of Demolysts.

    In terms of actually earning Kuva, the formula for scoring points for Operation: Hostile Mergers already feels like it'd work pretty well. Scoring minimal points (Kuva) by activating one conduit (Siphon) at a time vs maximum points by doing all 4 simultaneously is a worthwhile risk/reward setup. The only glaringly obvious drawback to this approach is (like Kuva Survival) a lack of increasing marginal returns, seeing as the first round would probably net you more Kuva than any of the later rounds since it'd be the easiest. Valuable rotational rewards could remedy that (the rotation structure for Disruption itself is quite well done), or even adding a small, steadily scaling multiplier to your total Kuva count based on the round you reach. Something to make pushing that next round an actual tactical decision instead of defaulting to "So we'll extract at 20 minutes and reset?" is necessary.

    Just a few thoughts. Disruption is easily my favorite game mode, but man am I gonna be disappointed if there stops being a reason to play it.
    TLDR; Grineer/Kuva Fortress re-skin of Disruption, using the O:HM point system for accumulating Kuva.

    submitted by /u/PJBatman95
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    "Call me Sparky one more time"

    Posted: 26 May 2019 05:26 PM PDT

    The current reward preview rarity looks a bit off, the spacing is odd because the rarity bar is above and further from the objects and at the same time they are too close to the one below, making it look like the middle bars belong to the first row of objects. This is how I would change it.

    Posted: 26 May 2019 07:18 AM PDT

    [Fanart] The Sibling Series - High res shots in the comments :)

    Posted: 26 May 2019 10:51 PM PDT

    A Dapper Roomba

    Posted: 26 May 2019 08:07 AM PDT

    Revenant, Mirage and Wisp walk into a disco

    Posted: 26 May 2019 07:58 PM PDT

    The joke used to be in a bar but they used their 4.

    submitted by /u/klebers
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    [Spoilers] Timeline of Sentient happenings, from the Old War to Jovian Concord.

    Posted: 26 May 2019 06:26 AM PDT

    Jovian Concord, specifically the Ropalolyst fight, brought some new information that changes what we know about how the Old War went down. Slightly. This post is my best attempt to summarize the Old War timeline based on what I know. Do note though that the sources used might be unreliable. Natah for exemple might be lying, mistaken, or both. I welcome new information and insight in order to build the most accurate timeline possible.

    Information new to Jovian Concord is bolded.

    Our story begins in the heyday of the Orokin Empire, thousands of years before present.

    1. Dwindling ressources force the Seven Emperors to get over their (in hindsight completely justified) fear of AI and authorize the sentient project.

    2. The drones are sent to Tau to terraform it. On their way there, they attain sentience. A long time passes.

    3. The Zariman ten zero is sent to Tau, but is lost to the Void. It is recovered years later. Work on Transference begins.

    4. The Orokin contact Tau. Sentients defy their authority. The Orokin attack the Tau system. [This changes the narrative for the Old War from sentient aggression (regardless of how deserving the Orokin were), to retaliation.]

    5. The sentient counterattack, sending forces to the origin system and wreaking havoc. Hunhow probably does not take part in that initial attack. [The reason I infer Hunhow stays at Tau at this point is that Natah is not yet born, and travelling from Tau to Origin sterilises sentients. So he couldn't have done the trip at this point. He must have been the main sentient leader if he became a boogeyman to the corpus without setting foot in Origin during the period of the war where the sentients were winning.]

    6. On a losing position, the Orokin unleash the infestation, then the prototype warframes, and finally the tenno.

    7. The sentients are pushed back to Tau, where they suffer renewed Orokin attacks. [The Mag prime entry mentions tennos using archwings in a system with a blue star. By the way, this means either the mag entry is inaccurate, or the New War teaser did not take place at Tau proper, but rather in the outer reaches of Origin.]

    8. At some point, Margulis is executed for apostasy as she opposes the use of the tenno as weapons.

    9. Ballas makes a deal with Hunhow, providing him with information on the Reservoir on Lua, and presumably on Margulis and her ties to the tenno.

    10. Ballas is found out, and turns a high ranking Dax soldier into Excalibur Umbra to cover his tracks.

    11. Natah is born, made for the express purpose of infiltrating the tenno.

    12. Hunhow, Natah, and possibly more, travel to the Origin system in a second wave of attack, all to send Natah to Lua (most likely with Ballas' help.)

    13. Once there, her personality is partially overwritten with Margulis' own. [She only mentions the orokin in general, but I believe this to be Ballas acting alone, as the rest of the orokin would have little motivation to do so. It is still possible that they were just that stupid though. This point is the most mysterious one yet. It's entirely possible that Natah willingly spared the tenno as we previously believed, that her family mistakenly believed her compassion to be orokin brainwashing, and that it is her current state that is the result of brainwashing, not the Lotus.]

    14. The sentients fake total defeat, and at the moment of triumph, Natah, now Lotus, pushes the tenno to betray the orokin.

    15. Rather than kill the tenno like Hunhow intended, Lotus sends them to cryosleep instead, and does not wake the hidden sentients. Ballas disappears.

    Thousands of years pass, the tenno eventually awaken, and our story begins.

    1. Hunhow is awakened by Tyl Regor, and realises what Natah has become.

    2. Hunhow makes a deal with the Stalker, and attempts to destroy the Reservoir himself. The tenno awaken from the dream and escape.

    3. Ballas emerges from hiding, possibly prompted by Hunhow, and abducts the Lotus, without her helmet. [We still have no clue what the long-armed bastard was doing all these millenias if what happened was truly what he planned to happen. It's one of the reasons I believe that the Lotus had more of Natah in her than Hunhow seems to believe. Also, if Margulis' memories were in the helmet, why did Ballas leave without it?]

    4. What happens between Apostasy and Sacrifice, and the respective motives of Ballas and Hunhow, can only be speculated upon. I believe that both wanted to split Lotus into Margulis and Natah, each taking their respective loved one with them, and probably backstab the other later. We know Natah is back to a state Hunhow would likely consider "correct", but the whereabouts of the Margulis half are unknown. Is she in the helmet? If yes, why did Ballas leave it behind? Did he not know? Was it not how he inserted Margulis into Natah in the first place? Is she in a gilded USB key in Ballas' old lair, where he hid for millenia? Did he clone her a body? Was there too little of Margulis left to recover, thus pushing Ballas to attempt suicide by edgy teen? We won't know until at least the New War, if ever.

    5. Natah rejoins her mother. The exact location, outer Origin reaches or Tau, is yet unclear.

    6. Ballas is turned into an Amalgam. With the help of the Man in the Wall, the tenno visit him, and he gifts them the Paracesis. It's clear that the current state of affairs is decidedly not what he intended, but his actual plan remains unknown. Wally's intentions are similarly unknown. [I expect tzeentch levels of keikaku from the jumpscaring doppleganger.]

    7. Alad V makes a deal with the sentients, to create amalgams for them. The Ropalolyst is sent to keep an eye on him. Alad quickly becomes unhappy with his deal and is overjoyed when the tenno rid him of his eldritch bird overseer. EDIT: according to the fragments, Alad entered that deal unknowingly, tricked by a mimic masquerading as an old acquaintance. [Personally I like this twist. It pretty much nullifies my complaints about Alad being dumb enough to make a deal with Sentients.]

    And this is where we are right now. The sentient plan at the moment seems to be to assimilate humans to make amalgams, in keeping with their general objective of adaptation. The main reason is probably to try and cure their engineered weakness to the void and the resulting infertility. Once this is done, they will probably attempt to genocide the human race out of existence once again, and make the Origin system into a pristine garden.

    Ballas' actions and motives are shrouded in mystery, and with his current state and location, it will be difficult to know more for quite a while.

    Lotus was the result of merging Natah and Margulis. That much we knew. Jovian Concord has Natah say that only the Margulis half loved us, that the Lotus was not a harmonious fusion but an enslavement. I very much doubt it. The current Natah is the result of her parents manually excising Margulis from her mind. It's quite possible that they deleted "love_the_tenno.dll", mistakenly thinking it came from the Margulis half, while it was also an actual part of Natah.

    There is yet hope for Natah and the Lotus. I am looking forward to finding where Margulis is at, rescuing Natah from her clearly abusive family, saving the world, and farming a million things doing it.

    Addendum, personal speculation/wishful thinking: we won't fuse Natah and Margulis together immediately, and for a time there is two space moms around.

    submitted by /u/kaian-a-coel
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    Normal frames harder to get than primes

    Posted: 26 May 2019 04:39 PM PDT

    I want to start this post with my "credentials" or validation. I am an MR26, 4 year player on Xbox One. I have every frame and every weapon maxed with somewhere between 2500 and 3000 hours in game. I hope that validates the fact that my frustration does have ground on which to stand.

    I recently got the smoking body ephemera, without trying. Great! I wrote off getting any ephemera because that's not something I feel worth the grind, and only 2 are actually any cool. Now I need to get the ash systems to craft it, off to do some manic farming.....3 hours of 6 minutes in a defection, kill manic and quit and I don't have the systems. At no point should a regular frame be harder to obtain than it's prime counterpart. "Ash prime is vaulted." While that argument is valid, before he was vaulted and during his unvaulting, that argument is moot.

    Something needs to change with how normal frames are obtained. I don't want 0 grind, but if I were coming into the game right now, I would bypass getting equinox and just go straight for equinox prime. From a game progression standpoint, that is way backwards.

    Edit: 2 or 3 more runs today and I just got ash systems. Doesn't negate the fact something needs to change, but I can put this particular grind behind me now.

    submitted by /u/ThatsFine9
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    Wisp‘s 4 could use some QoL buffs

    Posted: 26 May 2019 07:18 AM PDT

    Can we make Wisp's 4 feel actually good to use?

    • Apply damage every ~.2 seconds instead of every second, just like every other beam in the game

    • Add innate punch through to the laser; why is a regular corpus' sternum able to stop a laser powered by the literal sun?

    submitted by /u/Knife_Bird
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    I decided to draw my two favorite strong boys.

    Posted: 26 May 2019 06:13 PM PDT

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