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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Advertisement | Warframe Communities!

    Warframe Weekly Advertisement | Warframe Communities!

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 08:33 AM PDT

    This thread spotlights various public Warframe communities outside of the subreddit!

    Disclaimer: Members of the /r/Warframe moderation team are not involved in the maintenance or running of these communities and don't have positions of authority in them.

    This thread is a placeholder because the Wednesday weekly slot is currently unassigned. Please use this link to suggest a new weekly thread.

    Discord Servers

    English Discord Servers

    Discord Servers in Other Languages

    If you have any suggestions for communities to add to this wiki page, want to report mistranslations or broken links, or want to help with crediting the proper creators, message the moderators!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Since DE is apparently sticking to the hover based UI, here's some sweet nostalgia from 3 weeks ago

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 04:11 PM PDT

    Warframes are just stands with extra steps

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 09:15 AM PDT

    Alad tried to make cookies

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 02:37 PM PDT

    Djinn gets itself killed so frequently it died twice

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 12:02 PM PDT

    My concept of a modding screen redesign in the style of DE's UI rework

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 03:37 AM PDT

    Mockup of the modding UI, following the new design principles

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 07:01 PM PDT

    Throwback to Tennocon 2017

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 07:20 AM PDT

    New players ask the best questions

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 03:09 PM PDT

    Semlar's Patented Riven Comparator

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 03:16 PM PDT

    I'm Back, Tenno

    I never meant to leave you!

    All previous website functionality has been restored, and with a little help from my friends we're now parsing rivens from both North America and the EU!

    We got a Discord

    Riven Prices are updated ✅

    Riven Searching searches rivens ✅

    Arbitrations are being tracked ✅

    And my latest misguided attempt at making something useful,

    🎉 Semlar's Patented Riven Comparator 🎉

    Which aims to help answer some common questions:

    • What are the top selling rivens?

    • Are these stats any good?

    • How do these rolls compare?

    • What am I doing with my life?

    What pseudoscience is this nonsense based on?

    This tool looks through hundreds of thousands of rivens being advertised by players to build an outline of the most commonly seen stats.

    Based on the assumptions that players generally roll for stats that they want, and that they're more likely to sell rivens that they think other players will buy, we can compare the frequency of each stat to estimate their perceived value across the general population.

    Does this procedure provide a perfect predictor of popular player preferences? No, unfortunately it can't yet replace common sense.

    You may still be required to add some input to the decision making process, but it may be able to help you choose wiselier.

    Trade safe out there!

    submitted by /u/Semlar
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    Here's my Dio Brando loadout for limbo

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 10:58 AM PDT

    Wisp has Wares if you have Plat

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 02:24 PM PDT

    my little Ivara - 5 cm

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 04:00 AM PDT

    Please take a few seconds to appreciate the Cyanex's beautiful action

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    The true endgame has been revealed via red text today

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 08:19 PM PDT

    I see your Abyss Watchers and I raise you a Nameless King

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 10:01 PM PDT

    Warframe has a creative mode apparently

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 10:12 AM PDT

    Zappy Fruit [OC]

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 11:11 AM PDT

    3D Printed Grineer Sheev

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 07:21 AM PDT

    "Whats the Meta Amp?" Infographic

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 02:05 AM PDT

    my drawing of mesa. say it's good.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 03:18 PM PDT

    The Jovian Concord: Update 25.1.0

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 11:41 AM PDT

    The Jovian Concord: Update 25.1.0



    TennoGen Round 16!

    • This new TennoGen collection includes 17 new items including Operator, Warframe and Weapon Customizations created by our talented Tenno. Thanks to our TennoGen community for creating these magnificent Customizations!

    Warframe Skins

    Warframe Alt Helmets

    Operator Accessories


    Weapon Skins

    General Additions:

    • A Noggle has been added to the Market that has us very excited now.

    Wisp Changes & Fixes:

    • Wisp's Breach Surge now guarantees a surge spark when you land the killing blow.
    • Increased base range of Wisp's Breach Surge from 15m to 18m.
    • Wisp's Blueprint can now be sold for 2500 Credits.
    • Fixed Wisp's Sol Gate ability being able to damage Nullifier bubbles (and then killing the Nullifier). This follows precedent with other Warframe abilities that were fixed (Revenant).


    • Demolysts can no longer be disarmed by the Halikar, as they stop attacking the Conduit. This follows precedent with Demolysts already being immune to the effects of Loki's and Mesa's disarm abilities.
    • Changed TennoGen creator items by 'Malayu' to now read 'Malaya'.
    • Upon selecting to craft a Clan Key, the Foundry will automatically now show the 'Clan Key' crafting screen instead of making you search for it.
    • Trading Post permissions have been disbled for people visiting the Dojo IF the Dojo is current in the 'Featured Dojo' Star Chat spot (unless you're a Clan member) to prevent Trading pop-up spam.
    • Diriga has learned to shoot the new Laser Doors and Shock Turrets in the Gas City tileset.
    • Monitors now show 'Stand By' and glitchy screen transmissions upon Alad V's death in the Gas City tileset.
    • Made some adjustments to a few arm Armour pieces on the Nyx Paristhea Skin.
    • Made a micro-optimization to Chroma's Vex Armor ability.
    • Made some micro-optimizations to a number of gamemodes.
    • Made micro-optimizations to a number of gameplay scripts.
    • Made a micro-optimization to Amalgam Arca Kucumatz's beam attack.
    • Made some micro-optimization to the HUD.
    • Made some micro-optimizations to in-game Transmissions.
    • Made a micro-optimization to the Aim-Gliding FX.

    Relic UI Changes & Fixes:

    • Since the selective UI Screen rework brought in Update 25, we've gathered much of your feedback to how its functionality, clarity, and visibility can be improved on. Below are just a few of those proposed changes/fixes with more to come later.

    • Added shimmer material to Relic rarity bars to draw attention to them, more specifically, for the Reward choice screen during endless Void Fissure missions but will appear in all places with the rarity bars (info popup, Reward choice, Relic Manager, etc).

    • Increased the scale of the Relic rarity bar icons in the Relic Reward choice screen to 125%.

    • Hovering over the Rarity bars in the Relic Reward choice screen will now show a tooltip indicating the Rarity (Common/Uncommon/Rare).

    • Moved the item info popup below the Relic reward items in the Reward choice screen so that hovering over a reward does not cover other rewards.

    • The UI message indicating that you have attempted to equip an unowned Relic for a Void Fissure mission no longer shows a 'cancel' option, since it's redundant with the other option of 'ok'.

    • Changed the Relic Manager menu "sort by Rank" to "sort by Refinement".

    • Fixed the Relic tab reverting back to 'All' after Refining a Relic in a different tab (Meso, Axi, etc).

    • Fixed color indication not appearing when selecting a Relic Reward in a non-endless Void Fissure mission.

    • Fixed Relic Reward grid items being vertically too close together, causing the rarity bars to overlap or just be closer to the above items than the item they are representing

    Ropalolyst Fixes:

    • Fixes towards cases of the Ropalolyst not firing its beam.


    • Fixed Transferring to the Operator immediately after returning to the Orbiter from a mission resulting in a stuck state, requiring you to reboot Warframe to fix.
    • Fixed cases of the Teralyst not spawning when initiating the Bounty from Konzu.
    • Fixed enemies spawning being uneffected by Corrosive Projection, Shield Disruption and EMP Auras worn by players in the Rift at the time.
    • Fixed Zanuka being unable to capture Hildryn, Wisp, Revenant, Chroma, Frost, Excalibur, Inaros, Nova, Vauban, Volt, Wukong, Ash, Hydroid, Mag, Trinity, Titania and Valkyr.
    • Fixed Ivara's Infiltrate Augment Mod still triggering alarms from Laser Doors in the Gas City tileset.
    • Fixed seeing Spy Vault lasers from outside the Gas City tileset.
    • Fixed Warframe Rank Bonus UI not resetting when Polarized with a Forma.
    • Fixed Platinum prices appearing for TennoGen items in the Market. Purchasing would take you to the normal Steam Wallet screen.
    • Fixed the Repair Kit Mod showing up as "unidentified item" and not being revealed until End-of-Mission.
    • Fixed seeing a large beam of light FX when firing the Ferrox with Mirage's Hall of Mirrors active as reported here.
    • Fixed one of theGas City doors with security scanners detecting players even if they were in Limbo's Rift.
    • Fixed placeholder screen textures in the Gas City tileset.
    • Fixed some decorations in the Gas City tileset missing collision.
    • Fixed missing Cypher code clues FX in The Sacrifice quest.
    • Fixed the Acrid Energy color persisting as default.
    • Fixed the Aures Diadem and Lumis Earpiece Energy color persisting as default.
    • Fixed Strain Mod Maggots Energy color persisting as default.
    • Fixed the Tonfa Ba'geth Skin Energy color persisting as default.
    • Fixed the Oberon Ferosh Helmet Energy color persisting as default.
    • Fixed the Kazeru Prime Sugatra Energy color not applying to the electricity.
    • Fixed missing emissives on the Prisma Grinlok.
    • Fixed Kavat Armor taking the incorrect emissive colors.
    • Fixed engine emissives not being part of the Cydonia Liset Skins.
    • Fixed the Liset Sydonia Skin having incorrect vent FX.
    • Fixed blocky looking emissives on the Frost Zastruga Helmet as reported here.
    • Fixed Tesla Coil Traps effects/sounds not disappearing for Clients when destroyed in the Gas City tileset.
    • Fixed Drone and Orokin Enemies having overly zoomed Codex dioramas.
    • Fixed title for the 'Customize Landing Craft' screen appearing as 'Orbiter Appearance'.
    • Fixed missing Ankyros Icon in the Inventory UI.
    • Fixed typo in Garuda's Dread Mirror Arsenal stats.
    • Fixed some text boxes not having enough room for Polish UI translations.
    • Fixed another instance of red ice on the Corpus Ice Planet tileset.
    • Fixed Lunaro Practice VO and Practice cinematics overlapping the regular VO.
    submitted by /u/OfTheLightbringer
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    "Pizza order for table 4 coming through"

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 10:35 AM PDT

    Eto Wispimura

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 04:43 AM PDT

    lmao what the heck

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 07:42 AM PDT

    The TennoCon 2019 Schedule is live! For the first time, EVERY Main Stage panel will be streamed LIVE!

    Posted: 05 Jun 2019 01:56 PM PDT

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