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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Riven Thread | Share Your Rivens!

    Warframe Weekly Riven Thread | Share Your Rivens!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 08:33 AM PDT

    This thread for everything about rivens; builds, rolls, questions, etc.


    This place will be a troll-free environment so that anyone can ask a question without backlash. In other words: negative attitudes will NOT be tolerated.

    If you wish to just view top level comments (i.e. questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.

    Comments are sorted by new by default! And remember...

    Rivens can be shared any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The things I do in Warframe when bored 2. So I tried making cherry blossoms bloom.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 11:55 AM PDT

    Managed to get -96.4% Reload on my Miter to get a 55s reload

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 07:45 PM PDT

    What lies beyond

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 06:54 AM PDT

    And then she went to the store to get milk and never came back (art by @ghdusdl0726 on Twitter)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 07:59 AM PDT

    Warframe, Commodore 64

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 07:24 PM PDT

    My experience with warframe so far

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 12:37 PM PDT

    When you spend a lot of time promising Cetus and Fortuna you'd help them but then assist their oppressors in an Invasion mission

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 09:56 PM PDT

    Even though people are calling for better changes, let’s commend DE on one thing: The Gas City Remake which makes Jupiter bigger and more parkour-inducing, is a great start.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 09:15 AM PDT

    BIG ASTERISK: This is my opinion, you could have different.

    I LOVE the new gas city. The details are stunning, the hybrid enemies are neat, and the scale is immense. Personally, I love that the most, because I can zoom around as an actual space ninja and still feels nice and not get blocked by low ceilings or the cursed door frame.

    The big parkour area where you have to incorporate bullet jump and wall latch and wall jump and et cetera are incredibly fun to do the intended way, albeit trivialized by spoiler, but that's understandable because what the hell isn't trivialized by spoiler nowadays.

    I just think the map feels the best out of all the current tilesets, being large and open and free for space ninjas to move at mach 10 without getting flipped off by doorframes and ceilings.

    and there are more to talk about, but I rest my case.

    submitted by /u/Armyofduck
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    Please DE, make the void Special again. Ever since we removed void keys the void has basically only been a place to farm relics. It would be really cool if we got a special farming mode or one of the next big updates in the future made the void a major part of the game again.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 10:58 PM PDT

    Wisp highlights the bad/outdated design of other frames

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 05:42 PM PDT

    A lot of people are gonna read this title and think "no shit", but I want to highlight some parts of Wisp's design that are so well done in comparison to other frames, mostly for DE's benefit. They made some decisions here that I hope they'll permanently integrate into their design philosophy and never go back on them.

    No matter what you think of Wisp's current balance status, I think we can all agree she's very well designed and she plays well, something I haven't seen in such full force since Nidus or Harrow (but that's just my opinion).

    The biggest part of this is her abilities having animations that don't stop anything else you're doing. You can cast them in the air without losing momentum and often without stopping your reload (did you know you can wind up sol gate while reloading your shotgun?)

    This might seem insignificant to some, but it's actually a huge deal to me personally. Compared to a frame like revenant where you get locked into long animations for each power, Wisp feels like a real breath of fresh air. Revenant plays like he was designed in 2013, when the game first came out.

    Another huge aspect of this is that all her powers (arguably) stand on their own. They all have their purpose, they're fun to use and, aside from Sol Gate, they don't have any forced synergies while being strong in their own right.

    I wanna talk about her powers a bit too.

    1. Health mote provides incredible value for very little energy. With a very high power strength build (and since you get Wisp late in the game, you probably have the mods to do this) you get something like 800hp and 80hp/s regen. That's Oberon-tier healing with a huge health buffer and it's only a third of her first ability. As with all buffs, that's for your whole team with very little downtime and you can put those dispensers everywhere.

    2. Haste mote gives you and your whole team a lot of speed and Harrow-esque firerate at very little cost.

    3. Shock mote is basically taking the piss out of Vauban. It constantly CCs enemies passively, as if Wisp needed that with her tankiness and invisibility. It has 100% status chance at base, at level 1. Vauban needs to charge that shit for 2.3 seconds to reach 100% status with a small ball in an AOE. Its default is 10% status.

    4. These buffs can be placed anywhere, they are strong and have relevant effects, and you can choose which one you want to place. Titania's buffs can be placed only on enemies, they have irrelevant effects, and you can only place them on specific types of enemies. You have to cast Tribute another time if you want to give it to your teammate (But why would you? Her buffs suck).

    5. Will O'Wisp and breach surge are both interesting abilities that give great mobility. Sol Gate is really just okay.

    6. I wanna avoid talking about balance in this game so I'm not gonna talk about how strong her passive is. I just want to mention that unlike a lot of other frames, it's easy to activate, it's reliable and it's useful. Compare that to Rhino, whose passive stomp is useless; Ember, who has to find a jury-rigged way to set herself on fire for it to have any use; Gara, whose passive is strong but unreliable… Etc.

    Hopefully this wasn't too hard to read through. I really enjoy Wisp and I really dislike the state a lot of other frames are in right now (Ember, Titania and Nyx have been waiting years for a proper rework, for instance).

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/UltiPizza
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    Zombie Kavaat

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    Maximum duration feels

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 12:42 PM PDT

    Wow, thanks Teshin!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 09:18 PM PDT

    I No Longer Trust My Kavat

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 03:57 PM PDT

    Darvo Deals should just be Cosmetics & Utilities

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 08:49 AM PDT

    Like just stuff people actually want or need.

    How good would it be to check darvo and he's selling some syndanas or deluxe skins or colour palettes? Just round it out with all the good utility stuff like Potatoes, Forma, cat codes etc. and he'd be far far more useful and something I'd actually check regularly for reasons other than visiting Clem.

    submitted by /u/JustTVsFredSavage
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    the actual boss

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 06:43 PM PDT

    Since we've been pretty much disowned, my tenno has gone full edgy rebel

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 11:57 AM PDT

    Make the Wolf of Saturn Six the boss of Ceres

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 02:34 PM PDT

    Vor and Lech Kril are kinda dead right?

    EDIT: Yeah i know Vor is "Half dead" since Mercury, he was cut in half, destroyed, but through it's Janus Key, the Void called to him. It brought him here and here he was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Void. Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Janus Key. Forever bound to the Void. Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn it's simple truth. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity.

    submitted by /u/jmer0
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    I exited Simaris' store and this happened. Cannot do anything, just stare. This is fine, this is my life now, no more Warframe for me. Just Simaris, always Simaris.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 01:44 AM PDT

    Opinion: Unowned vaulted relics should be hidden from the Codex and from the Refinement Station

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 08:51 PM PDT

    As we all know, some of the first relics to come out had a ton of variability in terms of Prime Access distribution. Exhibit A: Lith A1. This one's got primes from 4 different prime accesses! Exhibit B: Lith N2. This one has 5!!! Like good lord, that's kind of crazy.

    My main problem is that if we scroll down to the bottom, we're not met with the relics that are alphabetically last or the relics we own the least of (the ones we might organize by), but we're met with this shit. Literally all of those are vaulted. This is even worse if you're in the "All" tab, where your first owned relics might not even be for half the damn page.

    If you maniacally scroll down to the bottom like I do in order to find which relics you own the least of to see what you need to farm/get rid of the fastest, this is kind of a small problem that's really annoying every single time you do it.

    so like plz DE at least an option to hide them? i love the new UI but it really is lacking in a bit of function relative to what it offers

    submitted by /u/Roxxar123
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    I am sick of digi lotus... so...

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 12:57 PM PDT

    "These offerings honor your suffering and practice." - Teshin Dax, as he forces a Heat status proc on my heart.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 11:51 PM PDT

    I love Valkyr, so I wrote about her abilities and changes/buffs they could use for almost 2500 words.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 06:47 PM PDT

    Hi, my name is Elise. I'm a longtime on and off casual player (I've been playing since beta and have taken multiple year long breaks in the past, but I always came back), but in the past couple months I've gotten more serious about the game - playing it, theorycrafting, and thinking of changes for it. My understanding of the game has grown a lot recently, and with it I've seen more and more problems with my favorite frame, Valkyr. I fucking love Valkyr. She's my most played frame. She has a unique flavor, she has a personality, and she has a gameplay style that I love, but my girl has some issues (and I'm not just talking about that whole "berserker rage" thing, although that should probably be addressed at some point. My girl needs a hug). I'm talking about gameplay- She's one of the poster children for a kit aging badly, and even though she's still viable, she could use some serious boosts to her quality of life, gameplay flow, and general strength in comparison to similar frames. I want to go through her abilities one by one, and address their problems and potential fixes.

    Before I dive in, I want to briefly go over Valk's current playstyle, as far as I'm familiar with - She goes in all melee, with a good combo weapon bolstered by Warcry. When health gets low, she goes into Hysteria and quickly lifesteals up to full, which doesn't just make her very hard to take down, it also frees up a modslot on her melee that would otherwise be used for Life Strike or Healing Return - Hysteria is also used for tank shredding, with its insane damage potential and charge attack that auto-transitions into a boosted finisher. Buildwise, she'll be stacking health and armor because of her fantastic base values, Hunter Adrenaline, and a good amount of power strength, efficiency, and dumpstering range in favor of duration with Narrow Minded. Valk will almost never build shields - this is the norm, of course, but she especially doesn't want them because of how much she loves Hunter Adrenaline.


    Ripline is a toy. I know it, you know it, everybody knows it. It's something that I hardly ever use - I only use it occasionally for mobility, and the only enemy I consistently use it on is drones. Both of its uses have major, major problems - and I feel these problems can be mostly resolved by taking notes from other games.

    Problem 1: Using Ripline on enemies is unreliable. They get flung behind you in an unpredictable arc, sometimes ending up the same distance away from you but on the other side now.

    How it should work: Ideally, Ripline's purpose when cast on an enemy would be to bring distant or otherwise unreachable enemies into blender range. I would propose that when used on an enemy, Ripline work like every other hook and pull ability from any video game, as seen with Scorpion (MK), Blitzcrank (LoL), Pudge (Dota2), Roadhog (OW) - The enemy is pulled to a stop in front of you, and briefly stunned. Similar mechanics seen on the lacera and mios' charged attack, and the harpak and paracyst's alternate fire could also be helped by this treatment.

    Problem 2: Using Ripline on terrain is unsatisfying, and doesn't offer enough of a mobility boost to be worth the energy cost. One would imagine that you'd zip to the point like in Just Cause, but currently the pull is more of a short sharp tug that only builds a usable amount of momentum when going straight up.

    How it should work: You all know what I'm going to say here. We all want the same thing for terrain!Ripline. We wanna swing from that damn line like spiderman. Personally, I feel the mechanics of the swing should be modeled after the Grapple from Apex Legends and Titanfall. You're pulled towards the targeted terrain for as long as the button is held, gaining significant momentum, and you can point your camera to swing yourself and slingshot into the distance when you release. This would give her a unique (among warframes) style of movement, and would be more satisfying, skillful, and fun to use. Admit it, DE - you wanna see Valkitty swing around on her lines just as much as we do. This change is less a matter of balance and more a matter of principle, as I can't imagine a situation in which this would not be a good change.


    Warcry is good. It's quite good, actually - with its augment, it's one of our girl's saving graces right now. It has one major problem and one minor annoyance, but a few tweaks would bring it into line and make it feel quite a bit smoother and more worthwhile.

    Major Problem: It's Volt's Speed, but worse. Let's compare and contrast - Both grant an attack speed buff, and grant their benefits to allies who were nearby when it was cast. Speed provides movement speed and reload speed, Warcry grants an armor bonus and slows enemies who were nearby when it was cast. Speed costs 25 energy, Warcry costs 75. Speed is cheaper and grants not just more stats overall, but more universally useful stats. Warcry's armor bonus certainly sounds nice, but it's based on the base armor of the affected frame - before strength mods, it's worth the same as a rank 4 steel fiber, for context. Warcry's enemy slow also sounds nice, but it only effects enemies that were within your range when you cast it - a range that you'll likely dumpster with Narrow Minded to get more uptime for the attack speed buff. Warcry has triple the cost and cast time of Speed for less benefits. The only thing Warcry has over Speed is its augment, which can boost its uptime significantly.

    How it could be better: Replace the armor buff with a straight damage reduction buff, which would be more useful for her and let her bolster her more squishy teammates. Make the enemy slow a persistent aura around her with the same range, so she can push her attack speed advantage even harder. Additionally, it could also grant a stagger resistance buff, to fit with both her theme and her gameplay style. Finally, for the love of all things good and holy, reduce its cost to 50. It has no place costing as much as it does right now.

    Minor Problem: It has a long casting animation that interrupts game flow, leaves her vulnerable, and eats into its duration. This is another comparison with Speed - Speed is instant cast, Warcry requires you to stand still for around a full second, which is a lot more significant than it sounds. With the augment, you would ideally cast this before starting a fight and using the augment to keep it up, but if your build doesn't have room for it for whatever reason, then it leads to frustrating moments where you have to cast it again and again and again, sometimes having to make a "tactical retreat" so you can recast it safely. Additionally, Warcry's duration starts ticking down at the BEGINNING of the animation, rather than the end, which often isn't significant enough to matter, but is still frustrating.

    How it could be addressed: I see 2 options here. First, you could just speed up that cast time - I know Natural Talent exists, but for our "all in berserker" frame, it just makes more sense for her abilities to be smooth so she doesn't have to stop her rampage. Alternatively, she could be granted momentary invulnerability - this would make it much safer to cast, and stay within her theme. Either way, the ability's duration should start at the end of the animation, and it is absolutely vital that the scream isn't removed. Valkyr's screams and battlecries give her so much character and personality, and I would hate to see them ever NOT be a part of her kit (Also shout out to Megan for providing the voice, you did a fantastic job and played a huge role in making Valkyr as unique and cool as she is.)


    I sometimes forget this ability exists, and I play Valkyr more than any other frame.

    The Problem: It's radial blind, but much worse. It briefly makes enemies in front of her stumble and opens them to finishers for a fixed duration (Also, let's acknowledge that having an ability that doesn't scale with mods for its primary purpose is pretty frustrating). Compare this to Radial Blind, a similar ability on a frame in a similar niche - Radial Blind is an aoe around Excalibur that blinds enemies for 15 seconds at base. Despite its reduced cost, Paralysis simply cannot compete.

    A potential buff: Make the pull from the augment baseline (I would love to see this also receive an FX change where she's pulling multiple enemies with her ripline, to make that element a bigger part of her kit and make her 1 feel less out of place), make its duration scale with duration mods, and make its angle scale with your range with its base angle increased to around 180°. These changes would warrant an increase in cost, but that would be more than worth it to make it an ability worth its slot.

    I can't help but feel like I'm forgetting something about this ability...

    Ah, yes.

    The shield scaling.

    Not gonna lie, I have no idea how that could be made useful. Having damage that scales with a stat that most players simply won't build and is also constantly in flux is an interesting choice, to say the least. I guess you could increase the scaling to make "Max Shield Nuke Valkyr" builds a thing? I'm not even sure where to begin with that mechanic, but I'm no game designer. please lend us your brilliance based Pablo


    This ability has... depreciated, shall we say. Its ever-increasing energy cost and the fact that it doesn't render the player fully invulnerable anymore have caused it to fall from favor. Its lack of range doesn't help. It offers a lot of damage and survivability, but it needs some help. Let me address its issues one by one.

    Range: Her claws do simply incredible damage, but they do it to one enemy at a time. She's the premier melee tank shredder, but this is a horde shooter and more often than not your priority is going to be spreading that damage out to as many targets as possible, hence the popularity of polearms and whips. It's usually far more effective to deal n1 damage to a crowd of enemies than n3 damage to one enemy, especially since for most of the games content you'll only need n.6 damage to kill most enemies outright.

    Long lasting invulnerability on a dps frame is not healthy: This is why her energy cost was nerfed and she now has her "self damage bubble". If she were able to stay in Hysteria for prolonged amounts of time without that bubble, she would trivialize a significant portion of the games content.

    The invulnerability only starts at the end of the cast animation: It's still frustrating, and it's gotten me killed far more times than I'd like to admit.

    Melee 2.9: With the introduction of quickswapping between melee and ranged with Melee 2.9, it's become incredibly easy for Valkyr to accidentally pull out her ranged weapon, causing her to lose the invulnerability and lifesteal while still losing energy until she either melees or deactivates the ability.

    A potential bandaid fix to her issue with range and Melee 2.9: make it so she keeps the invulnerability even after switching to a ranged weapon.

    A potential bandaid fix to her issue with Melee 2.9: make it so she can't switch weapons while Hysteria is active.

    A more in-depth fix to her range issue: To add some range to her Hysteria, why not make it so that with certain attacks, she's also swinging riplines like dual whips attached to her claws - she'd deal full damage with her claws, and riplines would deal much reduced but still useful damage. It would give her more ability to clear trash mobs, and it would be nice to see her riplines as a bigger part of her kit. This would almost certainly involve tweaks to her attack animations, but I think it would be worth it for the extra flavor it would add.

    A more in-depth potential fix to the issue of easy to access, long lasting invulnerability: From the look of Wukong's rework, it seems that having Melee weapons be tied to gauges in the vein of Baruuk will be a more widely used balancing choice in the future. I can't believe I'm saying it, but I think that Valkyr's Hysteria would take very well to being tied to a meter. The Hysteria gauge, which builds when you take damage and depletes while Hysteria is active. This would keep Valkyr's current gameplay style of using Hunter Adrenaline to dip into Hysteria when things get dicey, and make it a natural part of her kit.

    Well, you made it to the bottom. Thank you so much for reading, or at least skimming, through my far too long-winded post. I want to make it clear that I do not hate Valkyr, or this game, or DE - I love all of those things, as a matter of fact, which is why I just spent 3 hours writing and editing this and innumerable hours beforehand thinking about it (Okay I don't know if I'd say that I love DE, we don't know each other that well and I just don't feel our relationship is at that stage yet). A lot of Valkyr's issues are a result of the game growing more complex and gaining quality in general. I'm gonna keep playing her as my main frame for the foreseeable future as I can't imagine any other frame replacing her in my heart. As I write this conclusion, I can't help but think about how strange it is, the emotional connection that I've formed with this fictional character. I've known and played Valkyr for longer than I've known some of my close friends - Hell, I've played Valkyr for twice as long as I've known my girlfriend! I'd like to end this post with a plea to give our beloved angery cat a boost, and major thanks to DE for creating a game that could bring me so much fun, and a character that I could get so passionate about.

    submitted by /u/HyenaSwitch
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    Can we just admire how worthless Grineer/Drekar Scorpions are?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2019 01:37 AM PDT

    Not only do they do absolutely nothing to help out their fellow Grineer, not only do they bring the Tenno in range so that he has an even easier time tearing through their allies, but they also piss the absolute fuck out of them so that they have even more motivation to commit genocide on all the Grineer in the system.

    submitted by /u/SonnehMoon
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