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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Q&A | Ask Your Game-Related Questions Here!

    Warframe Warframe Weekly Q&A | Ask Your Game-Related Questions Here!

    Warframe Weekly Q&A | Ask Your Game-Related Questions Here!

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 08:33 AM PDT

    This thread is for those who aren't that knowledgeable about the game to freely ask questions and get answers. Questions will be answered any day of the week!

    This place will be a troll-free environment so that anyone can ask a question without backlash. In other words: negative attitudes will NOT be tolerated.

    If you wish to just view top level comments (i.e. questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.

    Comments are sorted by new by default! And remember...

    Questions will be answered any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    [mini comic] The First-Timer Farm

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 06:26 PM PDT

    2 vs. 1 (Monster Hunter x Warframe mashup)

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 10:56 AM PDT

    Low Quality home-made cringe meme

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    My Operator has seen some shit

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 09:15 AM PDT

    I recreated the Iron Throne inside my ship out of Rubedo, because when you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you respawn.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 07:15 AM PDT

    Deepest lore theory: the Zenurik symbol is the Tenno equivalent of OwO. It is known. I'm not apologizing.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 03:01 AM PDT

    Wolf Beacons for sale in the Nightwave Offerings

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 05:07 PM PDT

    It ain’t much, but it’s honest work

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 09:34 AM PDT

    Long Live the King

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    Starters Prime. Featuring Umbra for the non Founders, with a cheeky cameo from Loki for all the old schoolers.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 08:47 AM PDT

    throwback to nightwave season one

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 03:07 AM PDT

    Nightwave: The Emissary - Week 2

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 05:15 PM PDT


    Daily Acts

    • Complete 3 Capture Missions (4500 Standing) (Look at notes)

    Weekly Acts - 4500 Standing

    • Earth Fisher: Catch 6 rare fish in the Plains of Eidolon

    • Eximus Eliminator: Kill 30 Eximus units

    • Good Friend: Help Clem with his weekly mission

    • Sortie Specialist: Complete 1 Sortie

    • Venus Miner: Mine 6 rare gems or ore in the Orb Vallis

    Elite Weekly Acts - 7000 Standing

    • Grove Guardian: Kill 3 Silver Grove Specters

    • Silent Eliminator: Complete a level 30 or higher exterminate mission without being detected

    Cred Offerings

    Page 1

    Page 2

    Page 3



    • Eximus Eliminator - Today's first mission sortie is an Eximus stronghold. Elite Sanctuary Onslaught also usually tends to spawn a ton of eximus units

    • Grove Guardian - Plants scanned count as resource drops, so get [Cross-Matrix Widget] from simaris to potentially double a plant drop, and bring a kavat for a chance to perhaps get even more (Resource boosters work as well). Also when you go to fight the guardian itself, consider bringing Nekros with Desecrate to get more drops.

    • Silent Eliminator: This challenge only counts alarms, not detections it appears. So doing a Void Exteriminate mission should be easy since alarms don't exist there. Infested missions may work as well, but I haven't tested that.

    submitted by /u/SgtFlexxx
    [link] [comments]

    A much too in-depth review of dual energy colors, Side A (20 frames)

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 05:30 PM PDT

    All frames tested are the prime variants, unless specified otherwise or if a prime does not exist. Deluxe skins receive special notes if they need it. Tested in update 25, build

    Colors used: Halloween column 1, row 9 and Dojo, column 5, row 11

    My main problem: I run the same 3 color schemes across every frame I own. Like this.

    Color set A is primarily white, secondary dark purple, tertiary lavender, accents gold, and energy mid purple. When dual energy was added, I made my secondary a nearly neon yellow, and it blended into a really cool gradient. When emissives and energy were split into a total of 4 channels, everything fell apart, and all my blends were now a muddy orange, because channel order matters where energy is concerned. Since the fix, what used to be my first slot primary energy (purple), is now my sequestered to my second slot, or I get that orange mess. My secodary (yellow) is now in the first slot, which the game now things of as the primary slot, even though it's layered underneath the second slot.

    The ideal color combination is Halloween yellow as a strip inside of Dojo purple. The ideal main color when no blending is present is Dojo purple, as that was my original primary color before the dual energy update. For every set, I'm aiming for as close to the original dual energy color update (not the energy/emissive split) as possible. If I can't get an ability to its ideal, I'll detail how it can be fixed.

    From here on, I'm referring to yellow as S (secondary), purple as P (primary). Slots are read from left to right, so SP means yellow in the first slot, purple in the second. Primary is typically in the second slot, but becomes the main body of the energy effect, while the secondary usually is a strip or effect inside that main body.

    When I talk below in the list about a "shroud" I mean this effect:

    Correct and Incorrect (how it usually is)

    General takeaway: All channels have been reversed, with the pre-split primary now being stuck in the secondary slot. Some skills entirely don't use the secondary channel, meaning that the old secondary color is now the only visible color. (what used to be PS is now just S) Ideally, all energy effects should have dual channels, there shouldn't be any abilities that only use 1. When I suggest a swap to only using the other color, that's only because I'm not sure how DE will go about fixing this. Preferably all effects will have a blend.

    Small extra gripe: There is no button to simply swap the first and second slots within a pairing. You have to manually select both colors for the opposite slot instead of just being able to flip them to test.


    Ability 1: Color 1 is interior strip, color 2 is the outer aura. Ideal combo is SP.

    Ability 2: Ash becomes color 1, main cloud color is purely 1, secondary cloud interior is 1, exterior is 2. Ideal is SP, but where Ash's main body uses color 2 (see Loki, ability 2, for a comparison).

    Ability 3: Teleporting cloud is color 1, small energy swirls are color 2, energy trail behind Ash is interior color 1, exterior color 2. Ideal is SP, but with the cloud using color 2.

    Ability 4: Clones are all wrong, they show up as Loki decoy textures, uncolorable. Mark over enemy head is color 1. Ideal is certainly not what we have. Mark should be a blend (see Khora, ability 3), main body should be colorable.

    If using SP currently: All energy effects other than the clouds on ability 3 are properly colored, but Ash when invisible and ability 4's marks show up as glaringly yellow using my colors.

    Overall: Ash is a mess.

    Score: 3/10, Desperate need of a fix.


    Ability 1: Energy cloud effects are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Rubble pickup is color 1. Ideal is SP, though the rubble should be using color 2.

    Ability 2: Cloud effects are interior color 1, exterior color 2. If Ability 3 is cast on it, the rocks are shrouded in a layer of color 1. Ideal is SP, though the shroud should be using color 2.

    Ability 3: Energy wave start with color 1, and then extends outward to color 2. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 4: Energy interior is color 1, exterior is color 2. Particles are a combo of both. Ideal is SP.

    If using SP currently: All effects other than rubble pickups and the shroud around ability 2 are properly colored.

    Overall: Atlas mostly is as he was pre-split. Very few problems.

    Score: 9/10, low priority.


    Ability 1: Wave interior is color 1, exterior is color 2. Cloud is color 1. Ideal is SP, though the cloud should be color 2.

    Ability 2: Line interior energy is color 1, exterior is color 2. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 3: Energy cloud is interior color 1, exterior color 2. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 4: Interior energy lines are color 1, exterior is color 2. Energy waves around Banshee are color 2, clouds are color 1. Ideal is SP, solid colors are acceptable in this case.

    If using SP currently: Most energy effects are properly colored, other than ability 1's cloud effects.

    Extra notes: Emissive channel colors Banshee Prime's hairs using color 1 only, no blending effects.

    Overall: Banshee is mostly as she was pre-fix, emissives need work.

    Score: 7/10, minor issues, not top priority, but changes would be welcome.


    Ability 1: Energy swoosh is interior 1, exterior 2. For some reason, the energy spots on Baruuk himself use Emissive slot 1 instead of Energy 1. Go figure. Ideal is SP for energy, PS for emissive.

    Ability 2: Main is color 2, accents are color 1. Effected enemies are shrouded in color 1. Ideal is SP, though the enemy shroud should be color 2.

    Ability 3: Energy gradient is an even blend from 1 to 2. Ideal is SP, interestingly enough, the colors blend differently depending on which color is placed in which slot (frantic pointing toward slot swapping button suggestion).

    Ability 4: Same gradient blend for the designs around Baruuk's fists and fired designs as ability 3. Glow on fists is purely color 1. Attack effect interior is color 1, exterior is color 2. Ideal is YP, though the fist shroud should be color 2.

    If using SP currently: All abilities other than fist color during ability 4 are properly blended.

    Overall: Odd channeling choice on ability 1 using emissives, but mainly problem-free other than minor gripes.

    Score: 8/10, low priority.

    Chroma (tortured screaming)

    Passive: Element is from Emissive color 1. Pre-fix it was the original emissive 1, which is now in the emissive 2 slot. Ideal is PS for ability integrity, SP for color integrity. Hot mess. Either change the element to work off of color 2, or switch how the channels are applied to Chroma's emissives (or give us a better passive, nobody has said that before, right? /s).

    Ability 1: Uncolorable red/orange flames near mouth, regardless of element. Effects use the energy slots as usual, and in varying ways for the different elements. (i want to die)

    1 - Cold: Literally only color 1, looks like old mustard for me. Ideal is definitely not something I can do. To fix, it should either use color 2 only, or actually blend the colors together.

    1 - Electric: Main bolts are color 1, secondary bolt effects are a blend of interior as color 1 and exterior as color 2. Ideal is SP, but the main bolt should be color 2.

    1 - Fire: Main fire is interior color 1, exterior color 2. Smoke puffs are purely color 1. Ideal is SP, but smoke puffs should be color 2.

    1 - Toxin: Toxin cloud effects are only color 1, secondary effects are a blend of interior as color 1 and exterior as color 2. Ideal is SP, but the main clouds should be color 2.

    Ability 2: Oh goody, this one is split into 4 variants also.

    2 - Cold: Main frost breath is color 1 only, spall particles around the puff are a blend of color 1 and 2. Body shroud is -drumroll- uncolorable white. Ideal is SP for the particles, but the rest is something that's not this mess. Main breath color should be color 2, and the shroud should use Hildryn ability 3's shrouding method.

    2 - Electric: First breath effect uses interior color 1, exterior color 2. Body energy effects are the same channeling. Ideal is SP. Thumbs up.

    2 - Fire: Fire poof and ground effect are both interior color 1, exterior color 2. Ideal is SP. Another thumbs up.

    2 - Toxin: Breath effect is purely color 1, ground effect is the same as fire's. Ideal is SP, initial breath effect should be color 2. Thumbs back down.

    Ability 3: Arm swooshes on cast are interior color 1, exterior 2. Main body effect is purely color 1. Ideal is SP, but body effect should be color 2.

    Ability 4: Refer to ability 1 for breath effect coloring. Wings and cast energy effects are all interior color 1, exterior 2. Ideal is SP.

    If using SP currently: Everything is all over the place, some effects color proper, some don't. Very hard to attain ideal.

    Extra notes: Tested on Chroma Dynasty as well, all channels are the same.

    Overall: Bad.

    Score: Did anyone bother testing this? 2/10, fixes needed last month.


    Ability 1: Charge-up ring is color 1. Fire effects are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Ideal is SP, but with the charge ring changed to color 2.

    Ability 2: Effects around body are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Radial rings are purely color 1. Ideal is SP, but with radial rings as color 2.

    Ability 3: Ring is interior color 1, exterior color 2. Inner glow is only color 1. Ideal is SP, solid inner glow is acceptable as color 1.

    Ability 4: Small clouds appearing on cast are color 1 exclusively. Swirling energy heads are color 1. Remaining fire effects and trails are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Metal clusters under fire geysers are still uncolorable gold. Ideal is SP, though the small clouds should be color 2.

    Extra notes: Why are Ember and Frost's gold energy bits still uncolorable with the accent slot?

    If using SP currently: Most effects are properly blended, but all abilities have some odd solid color choices. Most are acceptable relative to a lot of the rest of the roster (lookin at you, Chroma).

    Overall: Ember is mostly as she was pre-split. Very few problems.

    Score: 9/10, low priority. (gold bits should still be high priority though)


    Ability 1: Energy swooshes are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 2 (night): Connecting lines and particles are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Energy shroud around enemies is color 1 only. Ideal is SP, though shroud color should be color 2.

    Ability 2 (day): Energy lines and swooshes are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 3 (night): Rotating lines are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Enemy energy shroud is only color 1. Ideal is SP, though enemy shroud should be color 2.

    Ability 3 (day): Rotating lines are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 4 (night): Cast energy is interior color 1, exterior color 2. Enemies are shrouded in a blend of color 1 and 2, similar to the cast energy. Why aren't all the shroud effects like this? The ground is only color 1 and it hurts my sensibilities. Ideal is SP, but with the ground as color 2.

    Ability 4 (day): Same as night version.

    If using SP currently: A few things aren't colorable, but Equinox mostly is well colored, especially considering how many more abilities she has that could have been screwed up.

    Extra notes: To restate, why aren't all frame's ability colors that shroud enemies using the same color channels as Equinox ability 4?

    Overall: Equinox is mostly as she was pre-split. Very few problems.

    Score: 9/10, low priority.


    Ability 1: Energy lines and swooshes are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Cube effects after the dash are purely color 1. Ideal is SP, would be nice if the cubes were color 2, but it's acceptable.

    Ability 2: Electric effects and particles are a blend of color 1 and color 2. Cast lights at Excalibur's feet and head are purely color 1. Ideal is SP, though the cast light should be color 2.

    Ability 3: Energy lines and swooshes are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Cube and cloud effects after the slam are purely color 1. Ideal is SP, slam effects should be color 2.

    Ability 4: Energy lines and swooshes are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Ideal is SP.

    If using SP currently: Mostly everything is properly colored, any wrong colors are barely even noticeable.

    Overall: Excalibur is mostly as he was pre-split. Very few problems.

    Score: 9/10, low priority.


    Ability 1: Energy trail and explosion are a particle blend of color 1 and 2. Effected enemies are shrouded in color 1 only. Ideal is YP, color shroud should be color 2.

    Ability 2: Literally just color 1. Enemies are shrouded in color 1 of course. Also has those same uncolorable gold chunks. Angry screaming. Add dual colors, or just change everything to color 2, I don't care which, just not what we have now.

    Ability 3: Edges where the globe touches a surface are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Globe and storm effects are a blend of both. Shattered globe flakes are purely color 1. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 4: Energy waves are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Ice spikes are purely color 1 (looks like frozen pee, thanks). Ideal is SP, but with the ice spikes using color 2.

    If using SP currently: It's a grab bag of possibilities. Maybe it'll look right, maybe not. If you use a globe-only build, you'll be happy.

    Extra notes: Wild, angry gesturing toward the uncolorable gold bits.

    Overall: Really good in some spots, some inexcusable problems in others.

    Score: 4/10, plenty of room for improvement. Should be fixed sooner than later.

    Gara, or Dual Energy is a Lie

    Glass on Gara: For some reason this actually uses dual energy. Ideal is YP. Too bad that doesn't work with any other abilities.

    Ability 1: Particle and energy effects are a blend of color 1 and color 2. The sword is entirely color 1. Ideal is unattainable without adding dual colors to the sword.

    Ability 2: Floating glass is only color 1. The kicker here is that the glass particles not making up the shield during the cast animation are a blend of color 1 and 2, basically the same way the colors behave on Gara's body glass. Ideal is again unattainable, why aren't the glass chunks just colored like Gara's body glass?

    Ability 3: Cast effects are a blend of color 1 and color 2, as they should be. The circulating shields are only color 1. Wow, another swing and a miss. Add. Dual. Colors.

    Ability 4: Cast effects and the following energy ring are a proper blend of color 1 and color 2. Interior of the ring is color 1, exterior is color 2. The actual wall on the other hand is a solid pee-yellow again, using only color 1. "Dual energy colors" in quotes. Screaming.

    If using SP currently: You'll be really sad. If you swap to PS it'll be more like it was pre-fix, but then your Gara's main body will look like hot dookie. Choose your poison.

    Overall: This is an especially large shame since led2012's skin is so glorious. It doesn't make sense that the glass on Gara's body recieves dual colors while none of the other glass parts in her abilities do.

    Score: 0/10, there are so few actual dual energy portions that I can barely say there's even a solid groundwork. Gara should be looked at immediately.


    Ability 1: Jumping trail, shield energy effects, and thrown energy trail interior is color 1, exterior is color 2. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 2: Effect ring, particles, and healing tether are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 3: Trail effects during cast are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 4: Claw trails are mainly color 2, slight hint of color 1. Targeting ring and mark over enemy head is only color 1. Ideal is SP, the targeting ring should use color 2, the marks should be blended like Khora's Venari marks.

    If using SP currently: Most colors are ideal, only really UI issues with Garuda.

    Overall: Nothing incredibly problematic, just the same issue of an odd non-dual color channel.

    Score: 9/10, low priority.


    Thurible colors: No matter which way this is colored, any color of a warmer color temperature overrides a color of a cooler temp. Go ask your cool artist friend (or google) what color temp is if you don't already know.

    Ability 1: Harrow glows purely color 1 on cast, thought the energy effects swirling along the cast path are interior color 1, exterior color 2. The ground cracks and enemy shrouds on hit are once again only color 1. Ideal is SP for trail integrity, but the glow and cracks really throw this off. Make the glow and crack color 2 and I'll accept it.

    Ability 2: Trail and smacking effects are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 3: Readout and cloud effects are only color 1. Energy trails are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Ideal is SP I guess? Same problems as ability 1.

    Ability 4: The truly messy one. The readout is only color 1. Energy trails are interior color 1, exterior color 2. The kicker here is that for once, Retaliation's swirling orb almost exclusively uses color 2. There are slight hints of color 1 in it, but it's so incredibly light I almost missed it. Ideal is SP maybe? The trails are right, that's about it.

    If using SP currently: You'll spot more S than you'd care to, I sure know I do. It's ok on the surface, but once you pay even an ounce of attention, it falls apart.

    Overall: They did my boy dirty. No matter which way I flip this, something is wrong one way or the other. Still not the worst, but not great.

    Score: 6/10, not the highest priority, but could certainly be fixed.


    Ability 1: Spikes around the charger, particles, and trails all have an interior of color 1, and an exterior of color 2. Energy at the firing end of the charger and the explosion cloud on impact are only color 1. Ideal is SP, same normal complaints.

    Ability 2: All effects use an interior of color 1, and an exterior of color 2. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 3: All energy effects use an interior of color 1, and an exterior of color 2. Body shroud also uses the same channeling. Ideal is SP. 2x combo!

    Ability 4: Most effects use an interior of color 1, and an exterior of color 2. Jet clouds while ascending start with color 2, and end with color 1. Ideal is SP, no complaints. 3x combo!

    If using SP currently: You'll be very happy.

    Overall: Hildryn is done proper. There's a tiny bit on Balefire that could be better, but I'll let it slide.

    Score: 9.5/10, so close to perfection. Clean up Balefire and swap the channel order and we're at a 10.

    Hydroid, or Here Dies the Combo by Excessive Urination

    Ability 1: Pee Barrage. Charging ring, ground color, and raindrops (?) are all only color 1. Casting effects around Hydroid and raindrop impacts properly blend, with color 1 on the interior, and color 2 on the exterior. Ideal is SP I guess? I dunno, too many solids.

    Ability 2: The Pee Wave is only color 1. The outer edge is a blend of color 1 and 2, but it's hard to notice. Ideal is ???. I guess SP makes the edge properly colored at least? Dual color the dang water, or at least make it color 2 only.

    Ability 3: Yeah, that's just pee. Color 1 is the whole thing. There are also little blue dots because apparently colored water droplets are 'unrealistic'. Ideal is PY I guess? It should really just be color 2 so that it fits with other abilities, but yknow... Dual colors.

    Ability 4: Casting effects are properly colored, interior is color 1, exterior is color 2. Everything else is colored by the emissive slots, not energy slots. The Kraken and tentacle energy dots are interior emissive color 1, exterior emissive color 2, but the tentacles also use emissive color 2 to color the secondary skin color on the tentacle. Ideal is not this.

    If using SP currently: I'm sorry for your loss.

    Exhibits: Head emissives in SP and PS. Belt emissives in SP and PS, Tentacles, emissive color (not energy), in SP and PS.

    Overall: Gara but with water. Changing his name to Whydroid. Also remember how we were told that the emissive/energy split would make it so you could color frames separate from abilities? Someone sure forgot here.

    Score: -1/10, too many issues pull him to flat 0, extra minus 1 for no prime trailer. Fix.


    All Abilities: Every ability uses the proper energy channels, interior is color 1, exterior is color 2. Only gripe is that the sand is uncolorable, but it's not a gripe in relation to dual energy channels.

    If using SP currently: Everything will look right, if you spot a problem, you're impossible to please.

    Overall: Inaros is sleeper perfect. Really didn't expect this.

    Score: 10/10, somehow Inaros needs no changes.


    Ability 1: Charge up wheel is only color 1. What a surprise.

    1 - Cloak: Point of impact is solid color 1. Bubble and ring of effect are a blend of interior color 1 and exterior color 2. When Ivara enters the bubble, she gradients from color 1 to staying a solid color 2. Upon leaving she is fully shrouded in color 1. Ideal is SP.

    1 - Dashwire: Wire interior is color 1, exterior is color 2. Ideal is SP.

    1 - Noise: Radiating soundwaves are interior 1, and exterior color 2. There are orange uncolorable electricity effects around the point of impact for some reason. Ideal is SP.

    1 - Sleep: Point of impact spews particles of color 1 and color 2 blended. Enemies are yet again shrouded in solely color 1. Ideal is PS.

    Ability 2: Energy sparks are color 1 and color 2, energy trails on the projectile are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 3: Entry and exit waves are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Ivara starts cloaked as color 1, which becomes fully color 2. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 4: Arrow trails are only color 1. Ideal ain't this. Give me blending, we have the tech for it.

    If using SP currently: Ivara is like playing Russian Roulette with a color wheel.

    Overall: Ivara is mostly acceptable, though there should be a gradient between 1 and 2 for her cloaked colors.

    Score: 7/10, mostly ok, could be better, but not the top of the list.


    Ability 1: Energy effects are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 2: Chains are based on other channels within Khora, linked enemy tethers are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 3: Venari target symbol is a gradient between color 1 and color 2. Targeted unit is shrouded in color 1 only. Ideal is SP, but with the shroud using color 2.

    Ability 4: Cast and lightning effects interior color is 1, exterior is 2. Ideal is SP.

    If using SP currently: You should be pretty happy with an SP setup.

    Overall: Khora mainly is up to par, just needs some slight tweaks.

    Score: 9/10, low priority.


    Dash portal: Exterior is color 2, interior is color 1. Ideal is PS (grumble), even though the rest of the set should be SP.

    Ability 1: Energy effect interior is color 1, exterior is color 2. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 2: Energy effect interior is color 1, exterior is color 2. Energy on his hand is only color 1. Ideal is SP. You should know my complaint and proposed fix by now.

    Ability 3: Swirly particles interior is color 1, exterior is color 2. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 4: Cast point is only color 1, sphere swirlies and collapse particle interior is color 1, exterior is color 2. Ideal is SP.

    If using SP currently: You'll be relatively happy until you do a dodge roll, then you'll be very disappointed.

    Extra notes: Limbo Limina skin uses energy colors to color his energy tassles, not emissive colors like it should.

    Overall: As much as I hate to say this, Limbo is close to done.

    Score: 7/10, reverse the dash portal's channels and add dual color to the things missing it, and Limbo is a 10.


    Ability 1: Cast effects interior is color 1, exterior is color 2. The clone is only color 1. Ideal is not this, since the main body of the ability should be color 2 OR BLENDED. For now I guess PS is ideal for integrity?

    Ability 2: Loki becomes color 2, cloud effect interior is 1, exterior is 2. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 3: Poof clouds interior is color 1, exterior is color 2. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 4: Cast energy trail interior is color 1, exterior is color 2. Cast cloud trail is only color 1. Ideal is SP, but with the clouds using color 2.

    If using SP currently: Like any normal Loki player, you probably won't press 1 enough to be bothered by it. If you do press 1, make sure you look away.

    Overall: Loki is... acceptable.

    Score: 6.5/10, needs work, especially on his 1, but isn't as bad as he could be. Extra half point for actually using the proper invis color.


    Ability 1: Pull effects around her hands and enemies are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Ideal is SP.

    Ability 2: My baby girl. What did they do to you. Energy trails leading to enemies are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Too bad the bubble itself is glaringly only color 1. This is nowhere near ideal. Why do Limbo and Frost get blended bubble but Mag doesn't? Come on.

    Ability 3: Like Frost and Ivara, Mag's sphere is a gradient between color 1 and color 2. This is how her second ability should look. Fragment remnants are only color 1. Ideal is SP, but with fragments as color 2.

    Ability 4: Effects surrounding Mag's hands and after enemies explode are interior color 1, exterior color 2. Metal chunks near her hands are a blend of color 1 and color 2. During cast, enemies spew particles of color 1 only. Ideal is SP.

    If using SP currently: You'll be happy as long as you don't press 2, but that's Mag's main DPS ability, so you'll probably be very unhappy like I am.

    Overall: Mag's 2 is a glaring issue, it's too big to overlook. Her other abilities are mainly good though.

    Score: 5/10, one really bad ability sours this by a lot. Should be looked at sooner than later.

    Side B with the remaining 20 frames soon.

    yes this did take a while to write

    submitted by /u/Fluffysbeans
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    The Eudico Equation

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 05:23 AM PDT

    I finally bought clothes for my operator. My friend made an edit of what he thought.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 10:05 PM PDT

    How is "ninjas" are leaving.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 10:33 PM PDT

    Meme.exe has started up

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 01:50 PM PDT

    I came up with some new Ordis quotes.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 09:06 AM PDT

    So I came back to Warframe after two years and heard the familiar voice of my adorable onboard cephalon saying: "Operator, did you hear that? It said: \incoherent wails of the damned** Cosmic background radiation is a riot!"

    No Ordis, it is not a riot.

    Then I realized that his voicelines haven't changed one bit at all in my absence. Let's come up with some new ones, shall we?


    "DIE, INANIMATE OBJECTS! ~ Excuse me. Just clearing some space debris."

    "Ordis is pleased to have the Operator on board! I can ~ GO CRAZY ~ get quite lonely, sometimes."

    "Operator look! We can see all sorts of new constellations from this part of the galaxy!"

    Leaving Arsenal

    "All weapons are fully loaded and combat ready, Operator!"

    "BURN, BURN IT ALL! ~ Fighting Infested today, Operator?"

    "Operator, if a mission ever gets too difficult, always remember the secret technique that all Tenno possess."

    Returning with rare drop/prime part

    "You've brought back such incredible items, Operator! Ordis shall ~ SELL THEM ALL ~ organize the inventory immediately."

    "What an amazing acquisition, Operator! Ordis will brag about this to all his friends ~ WHAT FRIENDS? ~ …I apologize. I will be gone for a moment, Operator."

    Returning after 60+ minutes in Plains of Eidolon/Cetus

    "Ordis misses the Operator. Is Cetus really that interesting? ~ BURN IT TO THE GROUND."

    "Operator, you've been gone all day! Ordis counted the stars so many times already."

    Returning with a new MOA pet

    "It's adorable! ~ GIVE IT A GUN."

    "I, Ordis, shall allow none to harm this MOA! ...While it's on board."

    Returning with a new Zaw/Kitgun

    "Hmm, can this primitive weapon really compare with the weapons in your arsenal, Operator?"

    Returning with a gilded Zaw/Kitgun

    "What a mighty weapon, Operator! Nothing in the arsenal can possibly compare!"

    Starting any archwing mission

    "OPERATOR NO! Have you lost your mind?"

    submitted by /u/ImperfectSky
    [link] [comments]

    Hey Kiddo

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 08:01 PM PDT

    When is "our Tenno operative" gonna start finding something useful?!??!

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 07:51 PM PDT

    He's about to stop being my Tenno operative if he isn't hauling his ass finding me some damn kuva or good relics while I'm BUSTIN' MY ASS EATING SHRAPNEL COVERING FOR HIS SLOW ASS.

    submitted by /u/qweasd3211123
    [link] [comments]

    When mom says you need to let your little sister play

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 02:14 PM PDT

    Who did I tick to get this?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 10:51 AM PDT

    There is apparently a hidden weekly task for Nightwave right now. (Jailer - Complete 3 Capture missions)

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 06:07 PM PDT

    So, I was running the capture mission on Jupiter for the puzzle rooms. Trying to farm the mods I'm still missing. Upon completing it, this popped up: https://i.imgur.com/d7JteYi.jpg I didn't see it in the Nightwave screen and I restarted and it still doesn't show up. Not sure why it's not showing up though.

    I did get 4500 standing for completing it and Nora's completion message popped up after the 3rd capture. Even though I got the standing, the completed task doesn't show up either on the Nightwave screen.

    submitted by /u/--Brandt--
    [link] [comments]

    Is this mod supposed to be any good?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 08:05 PM PDT

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