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    Warframe Weekly Advertisement | Warframe Communities!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:32 AM PDT

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Hijack sortie in a nutshell

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:02 PM PDT

    we fought with honor

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:43 AM PDT

    An old meme for all future Grendel players

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 03:37 PM PDT

    Me and the boys

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:05 AM PDT

    Happy Halloween Tenno!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 09:41 PM PDT

    TIL the Vector Shield that was introduced in The Jovian Concord actually have a packed model on the unit like Grineer Blunts do, and they can cause cancer

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:17 PM PDT

    Heads Up For Those Who Pre-Ordered The Sacrifice Collection!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:50 AM PDT

    Warframe Lotus Symbol Pumpkin

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:32 PM PDT

    vauban needs a armor buff please!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 10:08 AM PDT

    only baruuk mains will understand

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    Idea came up during Kuva Siphon on Jupiter

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:18 AM PDT

    One of the main issues with spoiler mode characters seems to be their face shaders; their skin doesn't reflect well the environment and looks made out of acrylic, while even Corpus units have faces that seem to fit the environment better (even with really dead stares).

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 09:04 PM PDT

    Mission Complete. Thank you for your cooperation. Will we continue?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:18 AM PDT

    Old Blood not today

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    Rebbeca just said on the forums, that the update will not drop today.

    Edit: Link to the post - https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1135446-where-is-update-26-the-old-blood/?do=findComment&comment=11112242

    submitted by /u/nilsii27
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    3 hours in and a grenade got through my mesmer skin.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:36 AM PDT

    Is the Codex in Need of a Mass Audit/Revision?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:32 PM PDT

    As an avid collector of codex entries I've noticed many issues with the codex the more I scan things into it. Due to a myriad of issues, I am led to believe the codex needs to be thoroughly reviewed and combed over entry by entry. Contained below are issues I've documented with the codex related to Organization & Categorization, visual deficiencies, scan requirements, interactions with helios, and a number of other miscellaneous issues.

    Organization & Categorization

    Anyone who's browsed through the codex enough knows that there are many strange decisions made regarding what goes where including but not limited to:

    1. resource nodes from fortuna falling into the miscellaneous category of objects instead of the resource category unlike poe resource nodes i.e. marpico trees in resources but tepa nodules in miscellaneous.
    2. poe and fortuna fish not having their own category under objects and haphazardly being placed under miscellaneous
    3. amalgum enemies being inconsistently placed between sentient and corpus factions instead of one or the other
    4. corrupted vor placed under grineer despite being corrupted
    5. the chroma scanned in new strange falling under infested
    6. the lack of a tenno faction tab despite tenno faction entries like clem
    7. kavor defectors placed under the grineer faction despite similar defectors like ghoul defectors being placed under tenno faction

    Visual Deficiencies

    We all know the Codex is old. Like, really old. Some of these issues display this age while others are fresh including but not limited to:

    1. elite frontier lancers displaying a hind in their portraits despite using karaks
    2. drekar elite lancers displaying a hind in their portrait despite using harpaks
    3. scorches display a modified red grakata instead of the ignis they actually use
    4. demolisher enemies don't display any weapons in the model viewer
    5. kuva and tusk shield lancers have new shields but that isn't reflected in the 3D models or the portraits
    6. elite crewmen have light blue suits in their portraits but actually have dark blue suits in game
    7. drahks and kuva drahks have the same bare drahk portrait despite kuva drahks wearing kuva armor
    8. nullifier targets display the same portrait as the generic corpus target
    9. corrupted wardens use the same portrait as grineer wardens

    Scan Requirements

    Some of the recent scan requirements for enemies have been pretty crazy and out of the norm. These include but are not limited to:

    1. demolisher ghouls of all types requiring 20 scans while all other demolishers take only 3
    2. lynx turrets requiring 20 scans
    3. desert skates requiring 20 scans


    1. vapos eximus enemies requiring just as many scans as their vanilla vapos counterparts i.e. vapos crewmen eximus requiring 20 scans because regular vapos crewmen require 20 scans. These are hard enough to find as is since they get replaced by elite vapos crewmen in infinite missions very quickly if they appear at all.

    Interactions with Helios

    Some things can be scanned by helios but don't show up in codex. Some things show up in codex but cant be scanned by helios. This includes but is not limited to:

    1. No kavor defector entries can be scanned by helios. They must be scanned manually
    2. Clem cannot be scanned by helios
    3. Ghoul defector cannot be scanned by helios
    4. barriers set up by vapos and terra crewmen can be scanned by helios but do not appear in objects despite being equivalent to grineer blunts which do show up in objects
    5. depressed pipes(the things you shoot to release flames in gas city) can be scanned by helios but don't show up in codex
    6. Scanners(the things on doors used to detect you in gas city) can be scanned by helio but don't show up in codex
    7. consoles we defend in poe are scanned by helios and are considered separate from regular grineer consoles, but dont show up in codex
    8. fomorian cores can be scanned by helios but dont show up in codex
    9. kuva lancers in normal content and kuva lancers in war within are considered separate by helios despite their scans contributing to the same entry. This has lead to me having 41 kuva lancer entries in my codex.

    Other Issues

    1. vestan moss, frostleaf, ruk's claw, dusklight saracenia, lunar pitcher, as well as sunlight & moonlight variants of threscones, dragonlilies, and jadeleaf dont make an appearance in objects despite being essential resources for crafting apothics and being scannable both manually and by helios.
    2. mytocardia sacs have duplicate entries just because of differing 3D models
    3. demolisher nox entry has the same name as regular nox entry
    4. corpus power carrier and terra corpus power carrier entries have the same name

    These Issues lead me to believe that the codex in need of a serious, thorough review. Feel free to post any issues you guys have noticed.

    submitted by /u/darkwarrior2000
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    1st person in Warframe looks sick:D

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 02:31 AM PDT

    Perks of space mom being gone: no one can tell me to clean my room

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:03 PM PDT

    Lessons I learned pubbing tridolons

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:01 AM PDT

    Background: So in the past month or so, I started doing Eidolon hunts. I never did them before even though I was MR20+. I played for a few months after PoE hit and never had the urge (the economy on PoE was also far more grindy at the time) so I didn't feel like grinding it. Took a long break, came back, and decided it's time to do PoE stuff like Eidolons. I started out with a basic amp and pubbing Teralyst, getting carried while trying to learn the mechanics. I just, for the first time, carried a pub team for tricap - did about 75% damage, killed most of the synovias, and was Trinity so keeping the lures alive as well. The team was two Trins and two Chromas. The two Chromas didn't seem to know what they were doing, combining for about 10% damage. This was my 34th Harry cap.

    These are some things that I've observed. I'm pretty sure many of these do not apply if you're doing them in pre-made groups for 4x3 or above. This is meant for people who haven't tried Eidolons and are afraid to jump in because of the reputation of it being toxic.

    1) Pubbing Teralyst is definitely the way to learn. At least when/where I'm playing (Asia) it's pretty chill. Teralyst is a good place to start because it doesn't really have attacks that will knock you out with one hit, unless you're really not paying attention. It's fast, and sometimes too fast if teammates are good. It's also a good way to rank up Quills while you get access to better amps and arcanes. If there's at least one person who knows what they're doing, it can be done quite easily.

    2) Staying alive is job #1. The most annoying thing in a pub mission (and doubly so, I'm sure, in a pre-made group) is when someone goes down repeatedly. Going down once in a while happens - getting downed multiple times, especially early on, means you're not really ready for the fight. If your teammate isn't too busy and is coming to revive you, don't revive yourself - you only have four and you might need it later when everyone's busy with the Hydrolyst.

    3) 2-2-3 is a good amp, but 7-7-7 is indeed better once you've got some waybound skills for the operator, increasing survival. 7-7-7 lets you blow your ammo all in one go pretty quickly. If you aim for an area where you get multiple hits, it takes down the shield pretty fast. But you really need to stand right up against or under the Eidolon, so you die pretty fast too if you are on default health/armour.

    4) Rubico is probably the easiest to use sniper for this. I tried Lanka, but the travel time isn't for me. My Rubico is a pretty standard radiation crit build with no riven and three formas. I can probably squeeze some more damage out of it but not a lot.

    5) You don't really need to have maxed out focus schools for pubbing purposes. Sometimes you run into a few people who one shot everything with void strike. Most pubs end up doing it at a pace of around 2x3. Obviously if you want to do faster runs then it's advisable to have most of the skills unbound and appropriate schools selected depending on your role, but if you're new to Eidolons you probably have no business in those groups.

    6) Pay attention to chat - if someone says something like "-2" that means you're short two lures for a cap. Don't kill the Eidolon by accident - that'll stop the whole thing dead. It's sometimes hard to keep track of how many lures are alive on screen because the icons overlap and are hard to see with all the effects. Also it's usually good form to not shoot a limb unless you have one lure ready to keep the Eidolon from running away. You need 2 for Teralyst, 3 for Gantulyst and Hydrolyst. It's usually good idea to bring one more for Teralyst and Gantulyst so you have a charged lure ready for the next guy.

    7) DPS is probably the easiest to start with - I started out with Rhino, as that helped me stay alive and modding for roar means I could help even if I didn't know what else to do. Once I got comfortable and was able to reliably DPS for whatever team I'm in, I started looking at what else I could do. In pubs Trinity is really useful - keeping lures alive is a high priority and it's the single most likely place to break down for pub missions, so I decided to try playing Trin. Volt is useful, but only if you have someone who can take advantage of your skills (or you do it yourself). In pubs you can't be sure of that - so I'd say DPS or heal is more useful than the others.

    8) Everyone needs to help out with the shield in a pub. Unlike pre-made groups, where you have guys who can void strike everything in a hit or two, pub groups generally don't have that and you need to whittle down the Eidolon shield. If there's someone taking down shields really fast, then sure, sit in your frame and get ready to shoot. If not, help out. It's especially bad when the Eidolon calls for heal and nobody go hunts down the Vomvalysts.

    9) Don't bring stuff that is useless to the fight. I've met quite a few people who obviously don't really know what's going on, and bring weapons or frames that contribute very little overall. It's fine if a player doesn't contribute much, but also don't just be useless from the get go. There are surprises though - the other day I had a Limbo who helped us avoid energy spikes with a max range cataclysm. I didn't know that works. TIL.

    10) If you hold the lures, be mindful of where you are at key moments. I've met a guy who controlled two lures and who simply refused to get close enough at the end of Hydrolyst because he's been downed too many times, and didn't hand control over (or didn't understand how it worked). One of the other players just decided to kill and move on instead of wasting more time. It sucked.

    11) Get Itzal and learn how the rewards spawn, and use the 3 skill to suck up all the goodies. One frequent problem with pubs is people don't know where the Brilliant Eidolon Shard is that you need for the next summon (I've seen it spawn on top of a tree). Don't be that guy.

    I actually rather enjoy the challenge of pubbing - sometimes when I encounter people who are one shoting everything, it's actually a bit boring - sort of like taking an OP frame in to kill the Sergeant. With pubs I have to figure out what I need to do and what's the most effective use of my abilities. It was also pretty satisfying to go from not being able to do anything to now feeling good enough that I know I can probably handle most teams thrown my way. It was a good power progression that I can't really get from the main game anymore, so there's that. I still have a ways to go though - my focus trees aren't very well fleshed out, and I'm sure I can be more efficient in doing stuff (and grind out full arcane sets...) Pretty sure there will be lots of players who tell me what I'm saying here is wrong at the elite level - well, yes, but to become elite one has to go through the noob stage.

    submitted by /u/marshaln
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    Code Vein + Ivara = Io-Vara? (FAN ART Code Vein X Warframe)

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:52 AM PDT

    Update 26 Info Roundup

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:12 PM PDT

    Trying to make myself a listing of all the stuff mentioned coming in Update 26 "The Old Blood", in the absence of/as a more in-depth version of the U26 Changelog. If I'm missing anything, please let me know!

    • New (leaked) mod [Assumed to be Split Flights] is coming via Baro
    • MR 28 is available with this update. Mastery test is shipping with update.
    • Drydock isn't coming with this update
    • Exilus/Utility Slot Coming for Primary/Secondary Weapons
    • If you login during 2019 after U26, you'll get an inbox gift:
      • 3 Forma
      • 1 Legendary Core
      • 7 Day Affinity Booster
    • 3 Melee Only Alerts (Friday Nov 1 @3 PM- Monday Nov 4 @3 PM) (Assuming update is live at that point)
      • Rewards 1 built forma each
    • Valkyr Change - if you are in dedicated melee mode (returning with U26 melee changes), when you activate her 4 and aimglide, you will no longer switch to guns.
    • Melee Riven dispositions aren't changing for a bit after U26. DE will give advance Notice.
    • Riven challenges for channeling are going to change to combo counter
    • Abilities using combo counter now scale at 25% (currently, WIP numbers)
    • Updated Slam effects for all melee weapons
    • Prime Armor channeling effects appear when combo counter is 2
    • Nerf to Catchmoon:
      • 51.34% of MR 27s are using Catchmoon ("This means... It's a nonchoice")
      • Second most used was ~5%
      • Falloff Damage is 100->10
      • Projectile Range 40m->20m
      • Falloff is now 20m-30m -> 8m-16m
    • Heat Procs reduce armor over time (only while heat proc is active), higher armor stripping than corrosive
    • Heat Procs now stack the DoT
    • New Mission key: Orokin Derelict Emissary Assassinate key
      • Costs: 10 Nav Segments, 100 Salvage, 4000 Nanospores, 100 Circuits
      • Zealoid Prelate Boss Fight
    • 10 plat for a new Cosmetic or Loadout slot on any item. Mastery Rank 10 locked
    • Weapon Exilus Slots cost:
      • 1 forma
      • 1 Orokin cell
      • 1 Exceptional Sentient Core
    • Tigris-Themed Companion Armor
    • Double tickets for the Space Ninja contest
    • Lighting Fixes
    • Metallics Fixes
    • Color Curve Fixes
    • Fixes for Washout/Excessive brightness on white shinies
    • New Ayatan - Ayatan Kar
    • 3 New Prex cards coming. Atlas And Grendel are two of them.
    • Jiggle Physics on Grendel's Stomach
    • Leverion for Grendel. Will have clues to how to do Grendel's mission.
    • New Orbiter Interior isn't coming with u26

    Weapon Exilus mods include:

    • No mods that include sustained DPS on paper
    • Ammo Drum
    • Ammo Mutation
    • Hush
    • Agile Aim
    • Eagle Eye
    • Guided Ordinance
    • Stabilizer
    • Flight Speed/Projectile Speed mods

    Arsenal Tabs coming:

    • Companion
    • Vehicles
    • Gear

    New Stats in Melee Screen:

    • Blocking Angle
    • Combo Duration
    • Follow-through (not a new stat, been in the game "forever". It's the percent of damage done to the next target in a single swing)
    • Range
    • Slam Attack Radial Damage
    • Slam Attack Radius
    • Heavy Attack Damage
    • Heavy Attack Wind-up
    • Heavy Slam Radial Damage
    • Heavy Slam Radius


    • Casting while in air gives more air time and a special animation
    • Tesla Nervos (1):
      • Spawns a Nervos that follows you around, latching to any nearby enemies, delivering a constant stun to that enemy and periodic shock to nearby enemies.
      • Has a maximum number of discharges per Nervos, if not fully discharged when the enemy dies, it becomes mobile again.
      • Up to 4 at a time.
      • Hold Cast to summon multiple.
    • Minelayers (2):
      • Tesla Coil:
        • Ragdolls, tethers, and pulls enemies in.
        • Elastic tether
        • Can be stuck to Geometry and AIs
      • Flechette Orb:
        • Radial puncture damage
      • Vector Pad:
        • Directional Speed boost. Players must be moving in that direction already. Enemies are always effected.
      • OverDriver:
        • Damage boost, sticks to you, or an ally. Provides its buff to all nearby allies.
        • "Quite High damage boost"
    • Photon Strike (3):
      • Orbital Strike
      • Very High Damage
      • Damage scales based on average enemy level inside the radius
    • Bastille (4):
      • Combined with Vortex
      • Tapping 4 Spawns Bastille
      • Holding 4 turns all active bastilles into Vortex
      • Holding 4 with no active bastilles throws a Vortex
      • Strips Armor while in Bastille mode
    • Augments:
      • Tesla Bank:
        • While a target has a Nervos attached, any damage is channeled into an 8m (Electric) burst on expiration
      • Repelling Bastille:
        • Combination of Old Repelling Bastille and Perpetual Vortex
      • Photon Repeater:
        • If Photon Strike hits at least 5 enemies, the next cast is free


    • Fireball (1):
      • Can be Charged
      • 25 Energy (Increased by Efficiency)
      • 400-800 (Heat) Damage (Increased by Strength)
      • 150-300 (Heat) Area damage (Increased by Strength)
      • 2m-2.4m Radius (Increased by Range)
      • 1.5s Combo Window (Increased by Duration)
      • Input and animation latency fixed (spamming it should work now)
      • Looks like it leaves a pool of Napalm?
    • New Second: Immolation (2) [Stats are using Megan's eff/str Build and are not default]
      • 35 Energy
      • Damage Reduction: 50%-90% (Based on progress of meter 0%->90%)
      • Increased Damage and Cast Speed? As meter fills
      • Enemies no longer contribute to immolation build
      • Fireball (1) or Inferno (3) Increase meter and build rate
      • Fireblast (3) Reduces meter and build rate
      • When meter passes 90%, starts costing energy (3.06/s)
      • No longer uses all energy for massive firewave when reaching 100%
      • Can regen energy unless in energy drain state.
    • New Ability: Fire Blast (3) [Stats are using Megan's eff/str Build and are not default]
      • Reduces Immolation level by up to half
      • 52.5 Energy
      • 260 (Heat) Damage
      • 19.75m Radius
      • 50%-100% Armor Reduction
    • New Ability: Inferno (4)
      • Costs energy per enemy in sight, capped at 10
      • Target Enemies in sight, capped at 10
      • All meteors have a mid-size/large explosion radius
      • Any enemies not killed are set on fire with a contagious fire
    • Passive:
      • 5% more Strength for every enemy in 50m on fire
    • Augments:
      • Fireball Frenzy:
        • Stayed the same
      • Accelerant Augment -> Immolated Radiance:
        • Allies within Affinity Range receive 50% of Immolation's Damage Reduction
      • Fire Fright -> Cauterizing blast:
        • Each enemy hit heals ember by 25-50 health
      • Exothermic:
        • 15% chance to drop an energy orb


    • Leverian available on launch
    • 25 Essence per key x 3 keys = 75 Essence total
      • Keysharing is enabled
      • Keys are not consumed on mission fail
    • Masseter is his melee weapon
    • Passive:
      • Each enemy consumed grants bonus armor.
    • Feast (1):
      • Swallow an enemy whole. Each foe swallowed slowly consumes energy.
      • Hold to vomit out stored enemies covering them in toxic bile.
    • Nourish (2):
      • Consumes stored enemies.
      • Nourish yourself and nearby squad members with a radial buff.
        • Energy + Armor?
    • Regurgitate (3):
      • Violently puke out a bile-soaked enemy from Grendel's gut, turning the consumed into a toxic projectile.
    • Pulverize (4):
      • Curl into a ball and send any enemies in your path flying.
      • Consumes Enemies inside his stomach while ability is active.
    • Melee Weapon: Masseter
    • Alt Helm: Glut helm
    • Syndana: Sumbha


    • Except for her 4, all casts are now upper body animations
      • Removed momentum Canceling
      • Lowers Cast Time
      • Thorns now also offers Damage Reduction
    • Razorflies can now pick up tributes
    • 1 bonus Razorfly per unique tribute, up to 4
    • Damage dealt to enemies in Lantern is now accumulated and dealt when the ability ends (a la Mind Control)
    • Can now switch to operator while in 4
    • Deluxe Skin Arriving

    Vaska Kavats:

    • Go to the plains at night time, and have a Vaska kavat bite your kavat. This allows you to get imprints of Vaska Kavat Imprints to get one of your own.
    • Once you have the imprint, you can cure your infected Kavat using a cure from Master Teasonai
    • All Kavats can give 3 imprints
    • Vaska Kavat Precepts:
      • Transfusion:
        • When its master is bleeding out, Kavat can sacrifice 80% of its health to rez them
      • Vampiric Bite:
        • Vaska Kavat's Bite ignores Armor, draining 4% health, healing the kavat


    • Replaces:
      • Hacking
        • Operators can still hack
      • Rezing
        • Operators can still rez
    • Mods:
      • Intruder mod being moved to Parizon
      • 10+ new mods for the Parizon
      • 3 slots for Parazon (regular) mods, 3 slots for requiem mods
      • Parazon mods (not Requiem mods) have replaced Endo and Credit rewards in spies across the system, and should be tradable
    • T5 Fissues: Requiem Fissues, open Requiem Relics. Only on Kuva Fortress (Lvl 60-70).
    • Requiem Relics are obtained through kuva siphons (30%), and floods (100%)
    • You'll want multiple of each requiem mods, as charges for each used mod are consumed upon defeating a lich.
    • "Repeat Requiem Mods in your collection will eventually go to good use"
    • 4 Different Requiem Relics
    • Drops:
      • Common:
        • Ayaten Amber Star
        • 1200 Kuva
        • Riven Fragment (Paladina can turn 10 in at Iron Wake for 1 Riven, max 1/wk)
      • Uncommon:
        • Requiem Mod (Lohk, Jahu, Fass, Khra)
        • Requiem Mod (Xata, Vome, Ris, Netra)
      • Rare:
        • Weapon Exilus Adapter Blueprint

    Kuva Liches:

    • Only available after TWW
    • New Codex section for them
    • Can be sent to the clan if you don't want their weapons/they're too hard, and clanmates can nab them.
    • Have Random stats for:
      • Health
      • Armor
      • Speed
      • Shield
    • Gain Ranks by killing/defeating you
    • Have up to 4 Abilities, 2 Weaknesses, 1 Immunity, and a chance for an Oddity.
    • Can be killed or recruited, only killing rewards weapons, either will return some stolen rewards.
    • Killing Kuva Liches requires a specific order and combination of 3 Requiem Mods.
    • Requiem mods have a set number of charges each, and each defeated Lich uses 1 charge on each mod used to defeat them.
    • Kuva Liches will steal some of your mission rewards on nodes they influence, you can obtain *some* of them back by defeating it.
    • Kuva Weapons are granted a random (at least 25%-52%) buff of a base element
    • Kuva Weapons can rank above 30
    • Weapons do not come with their own slots.
    • If you earn a Kuva weapon without having a slot for it, it will sit in your foundry until you can claim it.

    Kuva Weapons:

    • Primaries:
      • Tonkor
      • Quartakk
      • Karakk
      • Drackgoon
      • Ogris
      • Khomm
      • New Weapon: Chakkhurr
    • Secondaries:
      • Brakk
      • Kraken
      • Seer
      • New Weapon: Twin Stubbas
    • Melee:
      • New Weapon: Shildeg
    • Heavy Guns:
      • New Weapon: Ayanga
    • Rivens work on Kuva Variants

    Melee Changes (Melee 3.0, Part 2):

    • Exalted Melees now have the ability to combo, and have updates to blocking angle
    • You no longer drop items or unequip gear items when equipping melee or doing quickmelee
    • Channeling is being removed
    • Combo no longer provides a damage multiplier
    • Combo now increases faster
    • [Normal?] Melee attacks now work in mid-air
    • Dedicated Melee mode is returning, along with manual blocking
    • Base damage on all melee weapons is going up
    • Base Range is going up on most (all?) melee weapons

    New Stats in Melee Screen:

    • Blocking Angle
    • Combo Duration
    • Follow-through (not a new stat, been in the game "forever" % of damage done to second target in a single swing)
    • Range
    • Slam Attack Radial Damage
    • Slam Attack Radius
    • Heavy Attack Damage
    • Heavy Attack Wind-up
    • Heavy Slam Radial Damage
    • Heavy Slam Radius

    The Following weapons will now receive bonus initial combo counter:

    • Synoid Heliocor
    • Furax Wraith
    • Fragor Prime

    Heavy Attacks:

    • With the removal of channeling, Heavy Attacks are taking their place.
    • Heavier, slower, much higher damage.
    • Consume all combo to increase damage.
    • Executed with old channel Button

    Lifted Status:

    • Heavy Ground Slams give the Lifted Status to enemies
    • Lifted enemies are lifted off the ground and fall much more slowly
    • Attacking them in mid-air will continue to lift them off the ground

    Combos are being standardized across all stances. New combos are:

    • Only melee - "Neutral Combo", Minimal movement. Last attack is knockdown or lifting.
    • Forward and melee - "Forward Combo", First 1-3 swings (depending on weapon) will not interrupt movement. Loops seamlessly.
    • Backward while airborne and melee - "Hover Air Combo", Holds the player in the air, overrides the slam angle so you can stay up and attack.
    • Block and melee - "Neutral Tactical Combo", First hit has increased range (Jab/Throw), hard hits, often finishes with knockdown or Lifting
    • Melee while Airborne - "Air Combo", preform a mid-air combo without sacrificing movement.
    • Forward, blocking, and melee - "Forward Tactical Combo", Distance-closing opener, Beginning or end has slam, mid-combo attacks are sweeping and large

    Animation/Combo Queueing:

    • You can now cancel any animations, queued or not, combo or not, by dodging
    • Tactical dodging is preformed by block+dodge, and is a shorter range dodge
    • Combos now use the most recent input from before the next part of the animation starts to determine the combo, rather than first input after the input that started the last part of the animation. (You can now change combos last second. Previously Pressing E and then pressing E+E+RMB pressed while the initial melee animation played would do the E+E combo. It would now do the E+RMB combo)


    • All weapons have a "block angle" based on their previous damage reduction percentage.
    • All gunfire within this angle is completely negated. No negation for gunfire outside this range.
    • Angle is total angle, not from camera.


    • Slams (with some exceptions) no longer ragdoll
    • Still push enemies down/back

    Aim Assist:

    • Aim Assist is now on for only some melee attacks, instead of all. Can still be turned off in options.
    • Aim Assist will be disabled for almost all attacks in the Forward and Tactical Forward Combos, and enabled for most of the Neutral and Tactical Neutral Combo attacks.

    Mod Changes:

    • Any Mods or Arcanes with functionality tied to Channeling will have their stats altered to increase Lifted Status, Heavy Attack damage and Combo Counter modifiers
    • All channeling mods have been changed to melee parry type
    • Amalgam Organ Shatter - Will be changed from Charge Attacks to Heavy Attacks.
    • Blood Rush - Will now scale differently, using a stacking multiplier based on the Combo Counter, raising (X)% per Combo Counter tier.
    • Condition Overload - Now stacks at a maximum of 3 Status Effects, however damage is being increased from 60% to 120%
    • Corrupt Charge - Adds a large amount to the Combo Counter, but significantly reduces the time it takes for the Combo Counter to drain.
    • Covert Lethality - Now +16 initial combo, +100% finisher damage.
    • Dispatch Overdrive - Increases player movement on a Heavy Attack hit.
    • Enduring Affliction - Increases the Status Chance on enemies suffering from the Lifted Status.
    • Enduring Strike - Increases the Combo Counter when hitting Lifted enemies.
    • Focus Energy - Add Electrical damage to an attack, as well as increasing Combo Counter generation.
    • Focused Defense - Adds an additional 20 degrees to a weapons blocking angle.
    • Gladiator Mod Set - Adds a multiplier with the Combo Counter up to 60% for the whole set.
    • Guardian Derision - Will add more to the Combo Counter for blocking hits. (Note: The Taunt mechanic is still in place.)
    • Killing Blow - Increases Heavy Attack Damage, decreases windup time for heavy attacks
    • Life Strike - Heavy Attacks will now restore 20% Health.
    • Maiming Strike - Changes from an additive buff to a stacking buff, but base functionality increased to a Significant % of the old version to balance the change.
    • Quickening - Increases Melee Speed, but lowers the chance to generate Combo Counter on a hit / block.
    • Reach / Primed Reach - Will now increase range in a way that has been normalized. In the previous incarnation, long-range weapons were getting too much of a benefit, while short-range weapons were barely seeing any increase at all.
    • Reflex Coil - Increased Combo Point Efficiency when using Heavy Attacks.
    • Spring-Loaded Blade - Will now provide a maximum of 3 additional stacks of Melee Range.
    • True Punishment - +40% Crit Chance, -10% Chance to add to combo counter.
    • Weeping Wounds - Increases Status chance in a Stacking Multiplier, increased to 60% at max level.
    • Focus:
      • (Zenurik) Inner might: +60% combo efficiency
    • Arcanes:
      • Exodia Triumph arcanes are now +50% chance to increase combo counter on hit
      • Exodia Valor arcanes are now +200% chance to increase combo counter when hitting lifted enemies
      • Exodia Brave arcanes are now +5 energy regen when killing an enemy with a heavy attack (stacks up to 3x)

    Exalted Weapons:

    • Garuda Talons
      • Parrying Angle 60%
      • Range 1 -> 2.2
      • Damage 72 -> 180.
    • Baruuks Desert Storm
      • Parrying Angle 60%
      • Range 1 -> 1.2
    • Exalted Blade
      • Parrying Angle 60%
      • Range 1 -> 2.8
      • Damage 35 -> 200
    • Valkyr Talon
      • Parrying Angle 60%
      • Range 0.5 -> 1.7


    submitted by /u/fwyrl
    [link] [comments]

    Something wrong, bud?

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:20 PM PDT


    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 02:34 PM PDT

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