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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:32 AM PST

    This thread is for sharing your Warframe experiences and good or bad luck. Experiences can be shared any day of the week!

    Whether you praise the Void or curse RNGesus, everyone here can sympathize; share any experiences that you've had in Warframe that you want! You can also freely share things that are listed as "disallowed posts" here.

    Comments are sorted by new by default! And remember...

    Experiences can be shared any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    [OC] Being new to the game be like

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:09 PM PST

    On the topic of people who deserve a pay raise - the guy who made Vaubans midair 4 animation

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:05 AM PST

    When you have 3 Kuva Liches in a row with a Kuva Brakk

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:16 PM PST

    Buying each glyph is cheaper than the pack

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 12:54 PM PST

    Ye Old Blood Bar.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:19 AM PST

    A certain bug with Kuva Liches is an unintentionally ingenious idea that should be made in to a real feature.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:13 PM PST

    So I have been seeing many comments about people's Kuva Lich spawning in as something like a defector during a defection mission, or inside a holding cell during a rescue mission. While it clearly seems to be a bug, I think DE should really find a way to make it an actual feature for specific mission types. Because if you ask me, I think it would be hilarious for a Kuva Lich to have the chance to surprise you when you do something like open a holding cell. I mean, imagine the lines those goofy Kuva Lichs could throw at you when they surprise you. "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?" They could even bait you to their holding cell by having a phony recording of the prisoner calling for help that emanates from it.

    Spy mission? Hack one of the data caches. Alarm goes off anyway. Kuva Lich drops in. "OH, FANCY MEETING YOU HERE! MIND GIVING BACK THAT DATA YOU JUST STOLE?" Or triggering the alarm normally has a chance to alert the Lich and spawn them in. "LOOK WHO GOT CAUGHT WITH THEIR HAND IN THE COOKIE JAR!"

    Non-Grineer assassination? Kuva Lich suddenly appears, one-shots the original boss, and now you have to fight him/her or escape to extraction. "OH, FANCY MEETING YOU HERE. I DIDN'T LIKE THAT GUY MUCH EITHER!"

    Excavation? Go to a drop point to spawn a drill. Kuva Lich drops from orbit in a pod instead. "YOU'LL HAVE TO SETTLE WITH ME INSTEAD OF THAT CRYOTIC!"

    Capture? Go to capture the target. Turns out it was your Kuva Lich in disguise. "HAHAHA. IT WAS ACTUALLY ME THE WHOLE TIME!"

    Well, that's all I got at least. I don't think any of the other mission types have any decent opportunities for Kuva Lich shenanigans. Maybe have a chance for them to burst from a container as you approach it or something? That would probably be a little too goofy I suppose. Either way, even those few mission types having this feature would go a long way in making the Kuva Liches more interesting to interact with. The current method of getting them to spawn is pretty straight forward and boring.

    submitted by /u/Nbaysingar
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    10 bucks on the kitty with knife!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:57 AM PST

    DE, you <CANNOT> keep making enemies have full status immunity as an artificial difficulty slider

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:54 PM PST

    Seriously, there's two ways to deal damage in this game (raw damage and status effects) and continually making enemies status effect immune for absolutely no reason is maddening. Thralls are troublesome in particular - you can be carving your way through the hordes with your Corrosive/Slash Astilla or your Gas Exalted Blade only to get stopped dead in your tracks by a Grineer Thrall that has complete status effect immunity - and then the only thing you have is an incredibly low raw damage weapon against a high level, high armoured Grineer Lancer who can spray you down in half a second.

    I can understand not wanting bosses to be status vulnerable to Viral or Corrosive procs - but there needs to be an alternative, like a reduced threshold of effectiveness or something. Half the weapons in the game shouldn't be absolutely fucking useless against certain enemies.

    submitted by /u/ColdBlackCage
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    Grendel is garbage but I’ll be damned if he’s not the most fun warframe in this entire game

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:58 AM PST

    Everyone in my clan is ripping on grendel because everything he does can be done better by some other frame but I iNSIST that you hear me out on this one because rounder robinhood over here is the most delectable little son of a bitch to play as and i refuse to hear ANY more bullying directed at my beautiful whale-man so help me god

    First off, there's his 1 which not only OBJECTIVELY makes him the sexiest warframe without question, but also proves once and for all that we don't need pussy ass recently reworked warframes that have to throw vortexes like lowly peasants when we can BE THE VORTEX ourselves and straight up luigi's mansion entire tiles with just a liiiitle bit of range and mega yeet them off the map, into someone else's gunfire, or at another grendel for infinite gordo memes

    His 2 and his 3 we can skip over because yes they're very cool and i like stomping and spitting but cAN WE TALK ABOUT HIS 4 because exalted lunaro over here is BUSTED and the only relevant warframe ability anymore (aside from his 1 because we need that to start his 4) because apparently king dededaddy gets to curl up and smash everything in the immediate vicinity, and also non-immediate vicinity once he starts-a-rolling, by just moving. This gargantuan goliath god kills things by just rolling up on them like an orokin's eldritch honda civic and there is nothing on this earth or in the origin system that can compare to succframe's balls. instant umbral forma from me

    submitted by /u/dokufe
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    Man, you really didn't age well.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:41 PM PST

    Grendel Taking a Shiet

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:35 PM PST

    my lich may have taken TOO much of my traits...

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:42 PM PST

    I just noticed that Alad V brought us 3 warframes who are well respected for their ASSETS

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:15 AM PST

    Valkyr, Mesa, Wisp. Say what you want, fact is: the man has great taste and we owe him.

    submitted by /u/MrM1005
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    *cries in fashion*

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:10 PM PST

    I've got the exact relic I needed to kill my lich stolen 3 times in a row. I know this is getting fixed, but everything in this update is just screaming to not play it

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:00 AM PST

    We should be able to burn Kuva weapons we dont want into a large amount of Kuva

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:51 PM PST

    Currently, if you get a weapon you already have/dont want, the kuva lich system offers you literally nothing as a reward for finishing it (assuming you dont get one of the super rare ephemeras). This is very frustrating as it's a multiple hour investment that you CANNOT SKIP to get literally nothing in return besides rewards you would have gotten anyways.

    So, we should be able to burn kuva weapons down for the thing they're presumably enhanced with, their namesake, kuva. Like 10k would be a good baseline as a consolation prize for wasting your time, though ideally this issue can be removed entirely in future changes to the system.

    submitted by /u/velswen
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    Some people are very protective of their liches

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:00 AM PST

    MR 27 with 4500 hours and this update makes me not want to play anymore. I've only summoned 3 liches.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 10:58 AM PST

    Dropship kill rivens can be completed on Coildrive riding enemies

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:02 PM PST

    When you get your 73rd Anasa from Sortie

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:15 PM PST

    Tatsu (Wise Razor) Melee Phase 2: Criticism, Feedback & Suggestions (with GIFs & in-depth descriptions for detailed visualization)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:22 PM PST

    Tatsu (Wise Razor) Melee Phase 2: Criticism, Feedback & Suggestions (with GIFs & in-depth descriptions for detailed visualization)



    I am particularly fond of the Tatsu and Wise Razor stance, despite being subpar compared to some others. However, in Phase 2, a lot of the mobility has been removed due to the combo structure, so it's even worse now. This post will attempt to pinpoint what's wrong about the stance and how changing the combo flow could help, especially since the weapon itself isn't even that strong on its own. It will use the official Dev Workshop as a foundation for these changes, which I will quote when appropriate. See here for full details.

    Outlines of the issues I found

    Neutral Combo's last attack takes too long to reach

    • Possibly its fastest multi-hit strike with a bit of mobility, but it's reserved to the end of the neutral combo, which means you'll rarely ever see it since moving forward will change it to the Forward Combo.

    Neutral Tactical Combo is missing.

    • Some weapons like Scythes are also missing such combo. As a result, the diversity in combos and tactics (lol) are lessened, weakening its potential.

    Forward Combo doesn't have a seamless loop

    • Unlike what the TECHNIQUES page advertize, Wise Razor's Forward Combo doesn't loop into the first one, and stops you on your track as well. It's outdated.

    Forward Tactical Combo has no distance-closing

    • Unlike some other stances, from Tempo Royale to Carving Mantis, there's basically no mobility to this. Again, it's like it's still stuck in Phase 1's design. Also, the combo ends with a Lift attack, which ideally should be reserved for Neutral Tactical Combo for versatility in usage, but see point 2...

    These points, possibly among others, make the Tatsu very unbearably sluggish compared to many other stances. In fact I'll argue that it's slower and more sluggish than ALL THREE Heavy Blade stances. It doesn't help that its distance-closing attack, which previously had a much longer forward dash in phase 1 similar to the Stinger attack in Devil May Cry (before it was nerfed due to buggy momentum allowing you to cross Orb Vallis in a single dash), is still missing any utilty for what it's supposed to do: distance-closing.

    In light of these elements, here are my proposed changes\overhaul to the combos and some details on how they should work, in order to make the Tatsu more fluid and enjoyable to play, but also overall better performing. Feedback and discussions from the community's welcome, but things like "I like the way it is" or "I prefer it this way" without explanation for the rebuttal, and without addressing my points, will be ignored

    All GIFs below have been edited; you cannot perform most of them in-game. Since Reddit wouldn't allow GIFs to play on a text post, you'll have to open the link on each combo title.

    Forward Combo (Forward + Melee)

    On 2019-10-18 at 1:58 PM, [DE]Bear said:This allows you to attack without initially interrupting movement with the first 1-3 swings (depending on the weapon Stance). The last attack in the sequence will loop seamlessly into the first, so that you can keep a level of mobility while attacking.


    1. Removed third slash for a quick thrust that seamlessly loops back to the first slash when repeated.
    2. Unlike the current version, this proposed change will have no slow downs in your steps, allowing you to keep running and slashing.

    Forward Tactical Combo (Forward + Block/Aim + Melee)

    On 2019-10-18 at 1:58 PM, [DE]Bear said:This move is usually a distance-closing opener, bringing you closer to the enemy and getting you within range to continue a harder-hitting string of attacks. The beginning or end of this combo can have a slam effect, allowing you to control the enemy, and during the mid-point of the combo, attacks will be large and sweeping, allowing multiple enemies to be hit.


    1. Full overhaul: First attack performs leaping triple slash, allowing you to close the distance quickly.
    2. Distance traveled should be around 8m, which is the same distance as Tempo Royale's Forward Tactical's first attack
    3. Last strike will have an AoE slam effect causing Knockdown (again, similar to Tempo Royale's Forward Tactical Combo). This will give a good CC tool to get in close and "control the enemy."

    Neutral Combo (Melee button only)

    On 2019-10-18 at 1:58 PM, [DE]Bear said:Hard hitting, movement-free attacks to allow a player to destroy their target. The last attack can either have a knockdown effect, or throw them into the air and hold them there, if one set of strikes does not finish the job.


    1. Removed the 4th attack completely (which has been repurposed for the Forward Tactical Combo).
    2. Third, stronger slash will now hit them with a staggering attack, opening them for a Finisher for a second or two.
    3. While not a Knockdown nor a Lifting, the Finisher idea plays with the concept of a more "refined" weapon style compared to Heavy Blades' many Knockdowns and Lifting attacks, rewarding you with possibly a quick kill on a single enemy if you perform the whole, arguably slow triple slash.

    Neutral Tactical Combo (Block/Aim + Melee)

    On 2019-10-18 at 1:58 PM, [DE]Bear said:First hit will likely be a longer thrust or throw of a weapon to increase range. Further attacks will be hard-hitting, and will often finish in a ragdoll effect or a Lifting Attack, as opposed to a knockdown or stagger.


    1. Full overhaul: repurposed the second Heavy Attack into this combo's first attack (Heavy Attack will only be that one spin, as a result of this migration)
    2. As a neutral tactical combo, the first attack's aim to hit and stagger all surrounding enemies (similar to Defiled Snapdragon's Neutral Tactical).
    3. Follow ups allow you to bring those enemies into a Lifting status with the slam, opening your options for more combo.

    Feedback are still ongoing for Melee Phase 2, but I'm not sure how much DE are willing to change specific combos themselves, especially to this extent. However, since the Tatsu's currently alone in its category, with only stance, I hope they take some consideration in my proposed changes.

    Thank you for reading ❤️

    submitted by /u/Casardis
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    Has anyone seen this new loading screen yet? It looks amazing!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:03 AM PST

    A chart of what frames generate what element for those who need but don't wanna look up

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:00 PM PST

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