• Breaking News

    Warframe True tho

    Warframe True tho

    True tho

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:13 PM PST

    Seems like stalker is on vacation.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:49 AM PST

    If you look closely, the Rubico got a small side barrel attachment in the most recent patch.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:22 AM PST

    I was doing railack missions and this dude pulls up his shawzin and starts playing megalovania

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:45 AM PST

    New Ephemera

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 12:20 PM PST

    DE, Please for the love of God make the new weapon blueprint from railjack base Commander a shared reward

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 11:28 AM PST

    Like the title said.

    submitted by /u/nidus322477
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    Got something a little tasty to share with you guys

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 06:20 PM PST

    Hashire sori yo

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 08:35 PM PST

    What is Nighttime wood?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 10:17 AM PST

    Fortuna 69: Our Flamboyant Ghost is now retired: We wish him luck

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:33 PM PST

    I feel like a zero was missed here.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:00 AM PST

    Was like "I need credits, but don't wanna do index", big brain idea:

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:23 PM PST

    [Spoiler] I really hope DE doesn't pull a "it was a ruse all along" with the Lotus

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:19 PM PST

    Please DE. This lore has potential. Do not make it a "she was on our side all along!" but let her stay evil and let us kill her. Make this a good story about growing up and about facing the consequences of your actions. Do not pull the hollywood redemption bullshit.

    submitted by /u/trenchcoatler
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    Can we please have zero cooldown on /unstuck?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:59 AM PST

    People ask this for years and now that I keep getting stuck between things in Railjack it's just time consuming to wait for it.

    submitted by /u/Koreldraw
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    Hey, wanna hear a joke?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 07:12 AM PST

    Empyrean: The journey so far

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 01:41 PM PST

    /u/rebulast posted this about 10 minutes ago on the Warframe forums:

    Empyrean: The Journey so far

    6 Days ago on PC, Empyrean launched! We have done 5 Hotfixes with more to come before we rest up over the Holidays. Did the update release exactly as we had hoped? Not exactly - we've got bugs to fix and things to balance! We want to go over where we are and coming changes. We're breaking this down into sections for you to read - it's a long one:

    The Co-op
    The Railjack & The Intrinsics
    The Resources
    The Loot & RNG
    The Beyond

    The Co-op

    The phrase 'We All Lift Together' has never been more true with Railjack! The moment to moment contributions you make all matter, and greater coordination efforts lead to success. We've heard the stories and seen sessions of our own where people frantically are asking "Does anyone see the incoming Ram Sled?" "Going out to take the Crewship!" "We need more Revolite and Munitions!" "Going out to collect some resources - we're low on Pustrels" and so on. Before missions even start, we see people discussing what Intrinsics skills are currently your best to help the team, what the Host Railjack is equipped with in terms of firepower, and what Payload preparations have been made.

    A key part of all co-op sessions has been the better you know Warframe, the more likely (and faster) you'll succeed. Your existing mastery of Parkour, Weapons, and more are needed, while everyone is learning how to master the new tools within Railjack. In fact - your Mastery is so evident you are progressing through the nodes faster than we expected, but that's alright and well earned! The power of co-operation and top-tier performance.

    Despite some matchmaking issues the first day, we're seeing extremely high success rates on Public Matchmaking missions. While Earth is where people are learning the ropes, Free Flight is providing a stress-free way to practice. We're seeing just under 2,000,000 successful missions so far, and counting! For those that don't succeed, we are running continued diagnostics for outright failure vs. bugs, which we are fixing daily. We will continue deploying Hotfixes as frequently as we can, with a minor break for the Holidays (while our heroes in Support remain around!).

    The Railjack & The Intrinsics

    The Railjack is the biggest item in-game for a Tenno to customize and Upgrade. We were careful to make all Personal progress independent of a Railjack with Intrisics, but also ensured Railjack customization was a desirable series of goals for players.

    This is the foundation for us to build upon. In regular Warframe missions: you don't always have clear roles, can mostly brute-force your way through a mission with enough fire power. On your Railjack, having clear roles is a surefire way to a successful mission. Unlike in regular missions, your loadout sometimes limits your ability to flex roles -- so long as you've mastered the basics, and have a few points invested in each Intrinsic tree, swapping between roles to fit your crew's needs is very freeing.

    Intrinsics are one of the first XP based progression systems we've released without a Daily Cap. This decision was based on feedback from our past releases, but we want to ensure our players know to strike a healthy balance when playing. Let's take a look at the latest graph at how your Intrinsic choices have mapped out so far:

    Graph: Population of Tenno with a given intrinsic Rank per Type

    This graph shows how many Tenno fit into a certain Intrinsic Rank per Category. Each Bar corresponds to a rank indicated on the right hand side, but each column is in order! Within 6 days, we're seeing people progress as expected throughout the ranks. We want Rank 10 to be a very long term goal (the most long term goal within the entire Empyrean update), with a focus on specialization the deeper in you get. Does anything surprise you about this breakdown visualization? Curious about your thoughts!

    The Resources

    The Empyrean Update is almost like a reset - everyone starts from the same point with a few exceptions. This means every resource cost is a best estimate. Expect to see positive changes in specific drop rates (Titanium) as well as a general increase in uncommon and common resource appearances throughout crates in your missions. Smash and grab all the things.

    You should also expect to see the ability to halt Repairs you've started - this means if you've made progress toward one Component or Armament and you come across a better one, you can simply move those Resources over. Many players have found themselves in that exact scenario: They start contributing to one piece of Wreckage, only to find a better piece in another mission. If they don't finish their first Repair, they lose the resources and at best get 50% back with scrapping. This change will allow you to better distribute your Resources across un-Repaired Wreckage with no losses.

    The scariest thing about balancing resources overall is the inevitable place we all end up with our stockpiles. Balancing resource goals for players that aren't too punishing requires a careful touch, especially for a system where all players start from nothing. Community feedback and stats are two invaluable tools that will allow us to tune this balance.

    Resources are a particularly hot topic because of how they play into the Loot, which is the next section.

    The Loot & RNG

    Firstly - true Loot sharing is enroute, just being tested. Hopefully we can Hotfix this soon. This means the Pickups on Points of Interest (ex: on a Shipkiller you've been tasked to destroy) will be shared with the Railjack Crew. This behaviour is crucial for the co-op experience and is in progress.

    The Loot in Railjack is structured specifically to have a 'Harder Content, Better Rewards' approach. On paper, this all checks out the further you go into the Proxima regions (MK III only in the Veil, etc). People can and do want to get better equipment for their Railjacks. But with this update comes one familiar face: Resources & RNG.

    We took a tried and true model: use resources to build your gear. We added randomness to the Components and Armaments received as Wreckage in-mission that was not properly communicated, which the in-game tools are now showing before you invest (i.e your Armaments now show the Random Stat on the screen before you Repair). There is a constant struggle between making sure players feel like there is always a worthwhile reward to seek out, versus the 'done and moved on' mentality. This is why we did not include any Mastery to these Components / Armaments, and instead put Mastery on the reliable progression of Intrinsics. Players who want to participate in the replay for different stats can - but it is in no way mandatory for any progress.

    Missions themselves provide end of missions rewards, which people have reliably requested changes to (from removing botched Credit bundles and soon Cryotic). We will be making further changes to these beyond the Relics we added yesterday.

    There's two main areas of RNG high on people's Radars: Avionics and Wreckage. This is not exhaustive, just the most discussed.

    Avionics had their drop rates increased yesterday from 10% to 15%, and we are still reviewing the impact of this change.

    The Wreckage found in Railjack missions are meant to create ships that feel distinctly your own, and to give you goals in-mission towards finding ways to improve your ship even more. The implementation of the Wreckage system has some kinks, and some bugs that we have worked to fix, that is causing understandable frustration. It's on us as developers to tweak this system so that Tenno don't feel forced to wait until they get MK3 wreckage before they invest resources -- this problem is linked inherently to the Loot and Resources sections above, but also requires more QOL changes on our end (like being able to cancel incomplete repairs).

    There's a third bonus area concerning a certain anomaly, but after today's Hotfix you'll see the factor at play is not exactly RNG. You'll know exactly when and where a certain anomaly is present soon.

    The Beyond

    Some of you may have already seen hints as to what is coming for your Railjack Crew, and we have gone on the record during Devstreams and TennoCons about our plans. We are aiming to expand this new, aggressively ambitious era of Warframe to include new mission types, new enemies, and new rewards, all while tying it into the overarching plot of Warframe's narrative.

    We are excited to share that experience with you and are more grateful than words can convey for your patience on this journey.


    We don't want "challenging" to be synonymous with "punishing" -- that's not our motivation or end goal with Empyrean. Just as keeping your Railjack afloat is a collaborative effort and experience, our hotfixing and further considerations of the gamemode are treated in the same vein between us as a community.

    Edit: Fixed some minor formatting issues

    submitted by /u/VGPowerlord
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    Hotfix 27.0.6

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 03:08 PM PST

    Empyrean: Ivara Prime 27.0.6

    6 Days ago on PC, Empyrean launched! We have done 5 Hotfixes (here comes #6) with more to come before we rest up over the Holidays. Did the update release exactly as we had hoped? Not exactly - we've got bugs to fix and things to balance! Check out the latest Dev Workshop to read about where we are and coming changes:


    Railjack Changes & Fixes:

    • Asteroids now drop multiple Resources! Alongside other Resources, this significantly increase Titanium gains; a prominent feedback request!
    • You may notice a blinking indication on Veil Proxima from time to time. We suggest investigating...
    • Pennant and Quellor Blueprints are now shared pickups; no longer required for all players to manually collect the pickup! Thanks for your patience as we work toward the rest of the on-foot items being picked up.
    • You can now trade Avionics in your Dojo or Maroo's Bazaar!
    • Increased chance to get common and uncommon Resources from associated crates onboard Crewships and other Points of Interest to aid in your Forging and overall Resource required crafting needs. This increase in commons and uncommons was achieved by directing Rare resources to be space-combat only drops, and having common and uncommon more dominant on-foot.
    • Points of Interest and Crewships that launch Ramsleds will now only do so 4 times. This fixes Crewships launching an infinite amount of Ramsleds to knock at your door.
    • Changed the pips of Avionic Ranks vs Grid Ranks to better illustrate between the two.
    • Added House icons to Avionic names for clarity.
    • The Railjack name text now has its own separate color slot in the 'Primary Text Color'.
    • Optimizations towards performance when Piloting the Railjack.
    • Removed scannable lore items from the 'Investigate Anomaly' objective nodes. They shall return when ready!
    • Added visual variety to the asteroids in Saturn Proxima and Veil Proxima.
    • Ramsleds have been given an upgrade the farther you progress into the Railjack Star Chart! Be on the lookout for shielded variants that will require precise aim and firepower!
    • Revised description for error message about unable to find an open squad:
      • Could not find an Open Squad. Please try again, or launch a new session from your personal Railjack stationed in a Dojo's Dry Dock.
    • Fixed players being blocked from returning to Dry Dock after new Update/Hotfix/Host migration. You'll now see a nice message telling you to return to the Dry Dock to get your goodies!
    • Fixed incorrect droptable for all enemies in nodes that give you the 'Investigate Anomaly' objective.
    • Fixed infinite spawn exploit from the Assassinate target, Blite in Galleon Points of Interest. The cooldown for him to spawn new minions now ramps up over time.
    • Fixes towards cases where the End of Mission screen displays more Intrinsic earned than you actually did.
    • Fixed being in all types of broken states if the Crewship you're piloting blows up.
    • Fixed Host migration after exposing a radiator in a point of interest (Pulse Turbine, Shipkiller Platform, etc) resulting in an inability to complete the mission.
    • Fixed the Hyperflux Flux Capacity buff not properly applying to the Railjack.
    • Potential fix towards losing Railjack objective markers after a Host migration.
    • Potential fix for the Asteroid Hanger Crewship being stuck, resulting in an inability to complete the mission.
    • Fixed inability to progress past certain doors in the Railjack Missile Platform interior. As reported here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/ebl6o7/there_is_no_hack_terminal_on_this_missile/
    • Fixed the shortcut path not opening up for Clients when destroying the Core in the Missile Platform.
    • Fixed for certain weapons still damaging the Elite Kosma Flak through it's shield ability.
    • Fixed Rhino's Iron Skin FX applying to the Nose/Wing Turrets.
    • Fixed seeing tiny asteroids back in your Orbiter/Dry Dock.
    • Fixed a script error if an encounter triggered during a Host migration.


    • Fixed inability to equip the Astrea Skin/Helmet on Ivara Prime. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1153985-ivara-prime-astrea-skin/
    • Fixed ability to yeet the Jordas Golem with Itzal's Arch Line ability, thus breaking the mission.
    • Fixed Excalibur Zato's visor appearing to jitter instead of being rigid.
    • Fixed missing Melee sounds on Zaws equipped with a Scythe or Nikana Skin.
    • Fixed the Arit Longsword Skin being invisible and having no sounds if used on a Zaw.
    • More fixes towards Elemental FX being misaligned on Zaw Skins.
    • Fixed Trinity Prime having weird tail cloth physics.
    • Fixed the Massif Prime Syandana getting stuck on Ivara Prime's skirt cloth.
    • Fixed the Ivara Kuvael Huntress Helmet floating away from Ivara Prime's body.
    • Fixed a script error when clicking an unnecessary Replicate button on Researched Dojo Pigments.

    Source: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1154608-empyrean-ivara-prime-2706/

    submitted by /u/Atulin
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    YSK: Ayatan sculptures don't all have the same value. Orta provides 57% more Endo per Amber Star compared to the most "expensive" sculpture: Anasa.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:52 PM PST

    The council will judge your fate

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 10:33 AM PST

    Okay, what is it? The Codex is empty

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 10:00 AM PST

    The first hand experience of space ninjas

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 02:40 PM PST

    How many more UI problems can you spot in this one image?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:58 PM PST

    Aksomati Prime do have a bonus mechanic

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 10:26 AM PST

    The Aksomati Prime don't only increase in fire rate like the Soma as they spool up, they also increase in accuracy like the Tenora. The base Aksomati only increase their fire rate.

    This is probably why the Aksomati Prime have a lower base accuracy value than the Aksomati. Once fully spooled up, they're very accurate, only slightly less so than the Baza.

    It's not a unique mechanic or anything exciting like the Pyrana Prime, but it's a very nice improvement over the base Aksomati.

    Edit: Another unlisted change is that the Aksomati Prime have greatly reduced zoom. It's the same magnification as the Baza.

    submitted by /u/silverlarch
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    DE, please learn from the mistakes of other developers

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 11:44 AM PST

    Another post here about MMORPGs got me thinking of my own experiences and what pushed me away from that genre.

    Even since I was a kid Blizzard games always fascinated me. My first "real" games were Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2 with my brother, years and years ago. It really got me into the ARPG and eventually the MMORPG genres. At their core, those genres are heavily centered around loot and their associated mechanics. Now I have played Diablo and World of Warcraft (WoW) for a long, long time. I've played Diablo 2 for going on 20 years and have had an active WoW sub for nearly 15 years, although I canceled this year. I tried Diablo 3 and still give it a go from time to time but it doesn't hold nearly as much interest for me.

    Given that those are franchises that I cherish dearly, what could push me away from them? The answer is simple; loot systems that heavily rely on RNG to make content artificially repeatable. With WoW this really started in the Mists of Pandaria expansion, which released in the fall of 2012, over 7 years ago. They introduced this mechanic called "Thunderforged" where a piece of gear from a raid could be 6 "item levels" higher than a normal piece. This was to give people some incentive to repeat content that they had cleared since there was the chance that you could get something better. The goal of getting best in slot gear was turned into getting a Thunderforged roll on your best in slot gear. But this was just the beginning.

    Fast forward to the more recent expansions, Legion and Battle for Azeroth. This RNG loot mechanic was now known as Titanforging and could give you +5 item levels on a piece of gear, and could repeat infinitely up to the current item level cap. That means you could, theoretically, go smack a dumb easy NPC in the open world and get a drop that was significantly better than what dropped from the most difficult raids and dungeons in the game. Now this was an extremely low chance, but it was still possible. That meant that Mythic raiders (the most challenging PvE content in WoW, on par with very high level mythic+ dungeons) would continually farm any and all content they could to try and get this RNG to work in their favor. This was compounded in Battle for Azeroth when you lost a lot of control over key item pieces (azerite gear). This caused a very large portion of the player base to stop playing the game.

    Finally, after over 7 years of this system that had mobile game levels of RNG they removed it from the game in the upcoming patch that hits in January. While they are adding another system that is somewhat similar, by all accounts from raiders and people testing the Public Test Realm they fixed a lot of the RNG issues.

    Let that sink in. Once they introduced RNG loot mechanics it took then the better part of a decade for them to realize it was best to just remove it from the game.

    I really love Warframe. It's an amazing game. It is so smooth, the combat is so fun, making different builds for frames is one of my favorite things to do. It is so unique in gaming and holds a revered spot as one of my favorite games of all time. I am, however, very concerned that they have started down a slippery slope with the current version of Railjack loot.

    Let's end with a happy story:

    I'll never forget watching one of the documentaries that came out about Warframe a few years ago, back when people were realizing how bad micro transactions were becoming in gaming. There was an example where DE added new Kubrow skin colors to the game but it was complete RNG. When they realized that someone had pulled that lever ~200 times, which was about $140 at the time, they almost immediately removed it from the game. I was so excited to show my brother that I was playing a game made by people like that. Don't forget that DE, please.

    submitted by /u/Persies
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    The Worldstate API Values for Sentient Outpost

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 09:08 AM PST

    Recently, it was found by user /u/-n-k- that the worldstate API has a new line that seems to correspond with the Sentient Ship's location. The format for the line is


    with XXX being the node its on and blank when not on a node. Thus, I'd like to gather all the values for the corresponding nodes in one thread. When it's blank, the line will say



    505 - Ruse War Field

    510 - Gian Point

    550 - Nsu Grid

    551 - Ganalen's Grave

    552 - Rya

    553 - Flexa

    554 - H-2 Cloud

    555 - R-9 Cloud

    Ping me when it shows up in other nodes so I can keep this updated. It is currently unknown how long the periods of the ship being active in a node are and the interval between alpearances. Current estimates say 30 minutes on a node and around 3 hours between nodes; this remains to be confirmed.

    EDIT: List of node values has been graciously provided by /u/Kalias

    submitted by /u/Channel_Dedede
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