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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Q&A | Ask Your Game-Related Questions Here!

    Warframe Weekly Q&A | Ask Your Game-Related Questions Here!

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 07:32 AM PST

    This thread is for those who aren't that knowledgeable about the game to freely ask questions and get answers. Questions will be answered any day of the week!

    This place will be a troll-free environment so that anyone can ask a question without backlash. In other words: negative attitudes will NOT be tolerated.

    If you wish to just view top level comments (i.e. questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.

    Comments are sorted by new by default! And remember...

    Questions will be answered any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    "Gauss' speed wouldn't work in Warframe's environments"

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 05:50 PM PST

    This guy spawned in just to cheer me on as i slaughters his friends. I took the screenshot after the battle was over, he is invincible and stuck in a cheer animation. I wanna keep him!

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 12:00 PM PST

    Small words like this are really what makes me love this community so much more

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 02:22 PM PST

    Saint-14 Saryn

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 03:05 AM PST

    When my friends ask what i do on warframe for the whole day

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 01:46 PM PST

    9 Days: Railjack, the Journey, the Meta, a FAQ

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:54 PM PST

    So today was the day most active Clans will have unlocked the final Mk III version of the Basic (Sigma) Railjack equipment. At least my small Clan of friends did and the past week was a wild ride of amazement, entertainment, frustration and confusion.

    I'd like to gather here a list of things that are essential for getting through the grind into something more palpable and fun.

    Avionics, Reactors and Dirac

    What are they?

    Avionics are the mods to your Railjack and each avionic can be upgraded with Dirac. Dirac can also be used to upgrade the slots you put your avionics in, adding the rank of the slot to the slotted avionic. You an slot an avionic into a slot if you have enough Avionic Capacity available and like Mod Capacity, slotting drains that value. You can increase the maximum amount of Avionic Capacity by installing a better Reactor in your Railjack.

    How do they work?

    Your Railjack supports 3 Battle Avionics, 3 Tactical Avionics and 9 Integrated Avionics:

    • Battle Avionics are activated abilities that drain your Railjack's Energy Pool
    • Tactical Avionics are activated abilities on a large Cooldown that make your life in space easier by taking away some manual labour. For some reason, cloaking is also among them.
    • Integrated Avionics are passive boni that function like mods in weapons and warframes, though there is no distinction between avionics that increase your survivability (like warframe mods) or damage (like weapon mods).

    What are the three Houses?

    Integrated Avionics also come in three different flavours: Lavan, Vidar and Zetki. The effect of each mod is the same but the House the Avionic comes from changes it's base cost and effect value. While Lavan and Vidar are mostly close to each other in performance with some differences in cost and maximum rank, Zetki are almost always the most costly but also the most powerful. The difference in capacity cost is sometimes comically large though, so going for a set of "budget" Lavan or Vidar mods can allow you to slot in much more different avionics to broaden your strengths instead of focusing on something in particular.

    How much Dirac do I need?

    Leveling up a Grid slot costs 200, then 600, then 1800 (three times the previous rank) Dirac for a total of 2600 Dirac per Slot.

    Leveling up an Avionic to Rank 7 costs about 4000 Dirac while Leveling up an Avionic to Rank 4 only about 500.

    To max out your 15 Slots you will therefore need 39.000 Dirac. After this is done you will not have to spend Dirac on your Railjack.

    Leveling up most of your basic mods will cost you only about 5000. The more expensive Zetki Avionics will cost you a lot more.

    The first days had the ... useful ... feature that Dirac dropped everywhere. Now the only sourcse are:

    • End of mission rewards (150 - 1000)
    • Rare chests inside enemy bases (150)
    • Scrapping unwanted Railjack Components (75 - 225)
    • Scrapping duplicate Avionics (5 - 20)

    How do I get avionics?

    Every enemy in the whole game mode has a 15% chance to drop a single avionic. What that avionic will be ranges from common (~76%), uncommon (~22%), rare (~2.0%). If an enemy has multiple avionics of the same rarity, the avionics share the rarity with each other, so an enemy that drops two common mods makes the common mods appear about 38% of the time each, while an enemy with two rare mods has each drop to about 1% of the time. The rarest ones therefore have a drop chance of about 0.15% per killed enemy. The drop tables refer to items sharing a lot of their rarity with others "legendary" if their drop % is below 1%. (Though that also results in one enemy having at least 3 "legendary" avionics).

    What are the most important avionics?

    In no particular order:

    • Bulkhead: Increases your Railjack's Max HP.
    • Hull Weave: Increases your Railjack's Armor Value.
    • Hyperstrike: Increases your Railjack's Turret damage.
    • Predator: Increases your Railjack's Turrent critical strike chance.
    • Section Density: Increases your Railjack's Turrent critical strike damage.
    • Polar Coil: Increases the maximum heat your Railjack's Turret can accumulate before overheating.
    • Particle Ram: Creates a permanent battering ram in front of your Railjack that deals damage to everything it touches. Kills all enemies up to Elite units on Saturn in one tick (except Crewships of course).

    Where do I get them from?

    • Bulkhead: A base (Sigma) avionic is already given to you. Elite Kosma Taktis on higher level Earth missions uncommonly (11%) drop a better version. Standard Kosma Cutters on Earth drop the Zetki version of it as a rare drop (1%).
    • Hull Weave: A base (Sigma) avionic is already given to you. Cannon Batteries everywhere drop slightly better versions uncommonly (11%). Gyre Outriders on Saturn drop the Zetki version of it as a rare drop (1%).
    • Hyperstrike: A base (Sigma) avionic is already given to you. Elite Kosma Flaks on higher level Earth missions rarely drop a better version. Elite Gyre Cutters on higher level Saturn missions drop the Zetki version as a rare drop (1%).
    • Predator: The most common version drops in a loaded uncommon pool (7%) from Elite Gyre Flaks in later Saturn missions. The highest level version (propably) drops rarely (1%) from Exo Taktis in the Veil.
    • Section Density: A weak version drops uncommonly (22%) drops from Elite Exo Flaks in higher level Veil missions. The rarest version drops from Exo Cutters in lower level Veil missions. Kosma Outriders on Earth also drop some version, though I do not yet know what.
    • Polar Coil: Drops at most uncommonly (22%) from Elite Exo Cutters in the Veil. All other versions are common drops (37%) from a everywhere. (Elite Kosma Flak on Earth, Elite Gyre Cutter on Saturn and Exo Taktis on the Veil).
    • Particle Ram: A Legendary (0.5%) drop from Cannon Batteries (so actually very easy to farm) and Kosma Taktis. Becomes rare (1%) from Elite Exo Flak in the Veil.

    Why are they important?

    Increasing your survivability is always important. Equipping both the Zetki Bulkhead and Hull Weave will make you almost invincible against smaller enemies. The only thing that still hurts are the missile barrages of Crewships. Shields are almost useless as always and there are passive effects that trigger while you have no shields so having more is no priority. Shields do seem to prevent hazards from occurring though.

    Anything else about Reactors?

    Reactors also grant you more Flux capacity, allowing you to activate more of your Battle Avionics in combat before you need to replenish them by spending resources. Most players agree that this is a waste of budget on any Reactor and you always want more Avionics Capacity, mostly because the only ability your really NEED to use is Particle Ram (that can be easily acquired) and then ignore it for the rest of your run. At the end of Saturn and in the Veil you get different Battle Avionics that seem to have pretty awesome effects but they are very rare and are not required to accomplish anything. Also they do not REPLACE Particle Ram ... so ... yeah ...

    Engines and Shield Generators

    What are they?

    As just said above, shields are not really useful, even in this game mode. A better Shield Generator grants more maximum Shields. Like with all things in Warframe though, the "Maxima" avionic that increases your shields passively only works off of your BASE Shield value of 1000. So getting higher shields through Shield Generators actually make NO DIFFERENCE to how much this avionic buffs your shield. Very high level shield generators grant you up to 1000 bonus shields (so basically a x2 bonus) with reductions in shield regen delay and shield regen speed as minor boni. How much a very low delay benefits your survivability while doing evasive manoeuvres remains to be seen.

    Engines increase your speed and are bugged at the moment: Sigma Engines of any rank do not increase the actual stats of your Railjack. The values shown are also calculated in the wrong way: 3.6 km/h are 1 m/s but it seems they calculate it the other way around which makes things VERY awkward for us metric people. Higher speed means you can keep up with enemy fighers in a dogfight and get your Railjack from point A to point B MUCH quicker. As most of your mid-level grinding involves just RAMMING fighters with your Particle Ram, a high speed also makes for fun combat. Get that Drift Manoeuvre upgrade from Piloting and things really pick up pace.

    So what should I focus on?

    Get a working engine, Particle Ram and Piloting Intrinsic Level 5 and whatever you thought Railjack would be about will be blown away by awesome shenanigans. At least until the first level in the Veil.


    What are they?

    Intrinsics represent your operator's ability to use the Railjack to it's fullest potential. There are 4(5) schools to improve in: Tactical, Piloting, Gunnery, Engineering (and Commandeering). Leveling up these skills require Intrinsic points.

    Intrinsic Points?

    You gain them as "Experience" from any Railjack mission you partake in. Even a loss grants you some of them.

    How much do I need?

    You need 1 Point for the first level in each school and then twice as much as before for the next: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 - for a total of 1023 Intrinsics to reach Max Level 10. Compare that to the 63 you need to reach Level 5 in each and you see that going wide than deep early is a better practice. Reaching Rank 5 in every school early opens up all major features of the new system while Ranks 6 to 9 mostly grant passive boni to stuff you are already doing (and your Archwing) and Level 10 gives you an "ultimate ability" that is currently mostly bugged, weak or useless.

    So what do I get?

    Tactical Rank 4 is one of the most important upgrades: An on demand callback teleporter into your Railjack from anywhere, anytime (with a short charge time). It also allows you to use the Tactical Avionics installed in your Railjack and allows you to spend some of it's energy on Abilities of your crewmates. Depending on the Warframe they bring, you can activate a signature ability of them anywhere on the battlefield at any time. This is barely used though and you need Rank 5 (Crew Camera) to support players outside of your Railjack. With Rank 3 you can also teleport around inside your Railjack. All tactical abilities are accessed with the "L" key by default.

    Piloting Rank 1 grants you the Railjack's Sprint Boost. Rank 2 a short Dodgeroll evasive manoeuvre. Rank 3 allows you to escape missile-lock ons when evading. Rank 5 grants you the drift manoeuvre, allowing you to drift like it's Burnout 3 in space! This is basically an oomphed up Boost to the side that costs no additional stamina engine power and allows you to perform a HUGE leap forward when cancelling the manoeuvre. Ramming Speed!

    Gunnery Rank 1 grants you to see a lead indicator, telling you where to shoot so the projectile you fire will hit the enemy in the future. Neat! Rank 2 allows you to shoot 360° instead of only to the sides where the gunnery turret is mounted on. Rank 3 grants you access to the Archwing Slingshot that is useless without the Rank 4 ability Archwing Warhead that allows you to instantly board an enemy Crewship without any danger of dying while being shot at as long as the game doesn't freak out and yeets you out of your squad for the rest of combat (that happens sometimes). Rank 5 finally allows you to use your Railjack's Front Artillery Gun, a huge Shoop Da Whoop lazer beam that is only used to hit weakened Crewships to (hopefully) 1-hit K.O. them. This is also the only way other than boarding a Crewship to destroy one. More: Later.

    Engineering Rank 1 - 5 allows you to craft all Payloads of your Railjack while in Combat while also increasing the efficiency of doing so slightly.

    What order should I go?

    Gunnery 2 -> Piloting 2 -> Engineering 1 -> Tactical 4 -> Gunnery 4 -> Piloting 5 -> Engineering 5 -> Gunnery 5 -> Tactical 5. Depending on your team you might go deeper in Piloting or Gunnery first to access the Drift or Artillery earlier, though by now most random groups already have people with way higher ranks in everything anyway.

    Space Combat

    So how does Railjack actually play out?

    In every mission you get at least two objectives: Destroy a multiple of 30 fighters and a multiple of 2 crewships. Additional objectives will be added past the first 4 or so missions on Earth. These mostly involve boarding a Grineer outpost, hacking a console to unlock a Radiator on the outside of the station that the rest of the team needs to destroy, doing that again, and finally blowing everything up inside by a 3rd action and leaving. Sometimes you might also have to board a larger vessel and kill a Commander.

    How do I fight fighters?

    Early on your armaments will be very weak and killing a single fighter will take some effort. As soon as you can upgrade your Hyperstrike, do so. Fighters are annoying and quick but deal rather small amounts of damage. Cutters are quick and shoot small projectiles, Taktis are slow and shoot electical boomerangs and Flaks are slow and tanky that later gain a Shield that protects them from attacks form the front. Outriders are a special kind of fighter with 4 bombs attached to its sides that throws mines at your railjack. Hitting them deals no damage at all to their healthbar. Destroying a "weakspot" bomb on their sides deals 50% of their HP in damage. Destroy two and they are gone. Elite Outriders always drop a component.

    How do I fight a crewship?

    Crewships take almost no damage from your Railjack's guns. You need to send out a player to board the Crewship by going to the opening between it's engines and have them destroy the Reactor of the ship in it's centre. A Crewship always has a cargo hold where you enter, a main room with the reactor (later protected by a shield array you need to hack first), two gunnery ramparts to the left and right of the main room and a cockpit in the front with a pilot distracted inside. There are also troops inside to annoy you. For all of the Earth missions and some of the Saturn missions, you can just board the vessel and immediately shoot at the door to the main room with a weapon with Punch Through. This will then hit the reactor and after a few salvos the ship will enter it's 20 second explosion timer. Leave and board the next vessel or use your Omni to teleport back to your Railjack.

    Every Crewship will spawn with a charge of "Ramsleds Inbound!". They will fire a Ramsled with a Boarding Crew at your Railjack. The Ramsled always homes in on your Railjack. If it touches the Railjack, a random hole will appear on the interior where the Ramsled supposedly hit you and a bunch of Grineer will flow out to sabotage your vessel. The best way is to shoot the Ramsled before it touches you as they always drop a bunch of potential rare resources. If they do get close, you can always whack them with your Particle Ram. If they are of a too high level, you might need to just kill the Grinneer Boarding Party with a player that has some CC frame because Grineer Troops are TANKY in this mode.

    Wait? How tanky?

    About 25 times as tanky as usual Grineer of the same level. Nothing a good Crit based Forced Slash Proc Heavy Attack can not deal with but if you are relying on guns, you will want to have a team of 4 Corrosive Projection in or a gun with Corrosive damage and high damage output. The Synapse is good I heared, but also most other endgame weapons get the job done. Just do not be cocky when you see a Level 50 Grineer and think you can oneshot them with your Braton Prime or something. You can not. And on higher levels (Level 80 - 90) these guys are capable of killing squishier warframes within them standing up from a high drop. Do not underestimate them!

    How do I deal with the outposts?

    Get a single Tenno inside. They all have a marked door somewhere on the outside. Hack the console inside. Now the Railjack Pilot can destroy the revealed Radiator. When they are busy though it is commonplace that the boarding Tenno just leaves, shoots the Radiator himself and then reenters. This usually needs to be done twice. Then a final part of the outpost needs to be destroyed. This usually takes about 2 minutes or so if uncoordinated. If coordinated this is done in as fast as you can clear hacking minigames.

    What should be mentioned also is that every outpost has two charges of "Ramsleds" that they will always deploy as soon as you get close. So be ready to defend against boarders.

    How do I deal with the commanders?

    Get a single Tenno inside and play a Phoroid Assasination mission. The Commanders are for some reason right now WAY weaker than the actual team they command. Oneshot them, check if they drop a Blueprint and get back with your Omni.


    The Grineer Commanders of the large vessels have a 10% drop chance to drop one of two new weapons: A new primary heavy gun and a new huge katana.

    How do I repair my ship?

    Upon entering any Railjack mission you will be granted an "Omni" in one of your free Gear slots. Equip the Omni and aim at something that troubles you.

    • To extinguish fire, play the mining game by stopping the bar inside the brackets.
    • To fix a cable, do the same.
    • To fix a hull breach, slide along it's rift until everything is glued up.
    • To fix a critical failiure, do the same.
    • To fix an iced up door, play the mining game again ... or ignore it because you can TELEPORT ...

    I am out of Glue!

    To craft Revolite (and all other Payloads) go to the very back of your Railjack one level below your cockpit. There will be four "forges" (small lights) that you can use to quantum-craft any payload by having it be already crafted when you order it. The forge will THEN go into cooldown to craft whatever next you will need in the future for about 3 minutes.

    I can't craft anything!

    Either all forges are already on cooldown (though the bug where there was no display to show you how long you need to wait is fixed) or someone Refined all resources.


    You can convert all of up to 200 resources on your cargo bay into up to 280 resources for the whole team by "refining" them, removing them from the forge and adding the refined materials to every player's inventory. Unless all payloads are filled and the mission is done, DON'T PRESS THIS! a) The bug where the cargo hold's contents were not rewarded after a fight is fixed. b) All the crafting materials are rewarded in a much higher quantitiy by now as End of Mission rewards. c) You might take away someone's ability to craft more Revolite to repair the ship in a pinch. Just speak with your captain before doing it even if the mission looks like it is going dandy!

    What do I hear about some weird Outpost?

    Every few hours a mission node inside the Veil will be selected to host a special mission where the "2nd" objective is replaced by something special. Inside spawn enemies that drop parts of a special new primary weapon. Also: Take the Paracesis with you to unlock some secrets!

    Anything else about the enemies we face?

    Yes. In the Veil, enemy Crewships will begin to shoot out a bright golden orb that will heal any fighter it touches back to full health within less than a second. This effect can and most likely will persist even if you destroy the orb it comes from. Likely a bug but this special ability will eventually be the reason a single weapon is the only usable weapon in this game mode.


    What can the turrets do?

    • Apoc: Single, fast, focused projectile based weapon that deals only physical damage that is at least supposed to increase the damage the targets take. A below average status chance on most version of this gun makes this difficult to mention though.
    • Carcinnox: Single, fast, focused projectile based weapon that deals damage that is supposed to confuse enemy fighters and make them fight each other.
    • Cryophon: Very slow, very short ranged, very powerful single waves akin to the Arca Plasmor. Can also freeze enemies in space and with a very high status chance thus allows other turrets to finish off hit enemies. Mostly does this job by itself though. The current meta-weapon.
    • Photor: Laserbeams that have no travel time (hitscan) and burn the enemies. Cool in principle (heh) but the periodic damage it deals to fighters is so small compared to the primary damage it itself deals this is barely mentionable. Also does NOTHING against crewships to soften them up to the Artillery Cannon. (Whooping 1 point of damage per DoT tick when using a Mk III Zetki Photor, the strongest one available right now with a maxed out Hyperstrike).
    • Pulsar: Zaps enemies with no travel time (hitscan) to slightly irritate them. Makes enemies spin out of control when hit. Good for people with high latency because you don't get a target lead.

    What can Ordnances do?

    Aim at any target for a few seconds and you will see some triangles rotate around their HP-square and a "lock on" bleep will be heared. Press the alt-fire button to shoot a resource using special weapon.

    • Tycho Seeker: Shoot a single heat seeking missile at an enemy that explodes in a small area. Elite units can evade this attack by deploying decoy rockets. Very usefull against Outriders as all 4 weakspots are simultaneausly hit.
    • Milati: Shoot a bunch of dumbfire rockets at once. I have never seen them be of use.
    • Galvarc: Shoot an arcing laserbeam at the locked on target. Hold fire to keep shooting for no additional cost. Can hit at most three enemies. Is weaker than the Cryophon ...

    What can the Artillery do?

    Enter the Artillery Cannon and hold the left mouse button to slowly charge an immense beam of energy that:

    • Deals heavy damage to even, or especially, Crewships
    • Deals heavy damage to Crewship engines and no damage to the Crewship itself
    • Misses horribly because of Lag

    If a hit of the Artillery brings a Crewship below 1 HP the Crewship will actually explode without anyone having to board it. Best case is have Turret or Archwing players weaken the Crewship a bit before firing this gun to finish the job and save some 40 - 20 seconds on a crewship. Also uses up a Dome Charge that costs some minor resources to replenish.

    So I should just use the Cryophon?

    Sadly, yes. In later levels most turrets, even with fully upgraded Zetki Hyperstrikes, can not kill an Elite fighter until it gets close. A Cryophon deals so much damage that it can kill most fighters in two to three shots, even if you can at first without Polar Coil and Gunnery Rank 6 only shoot 3 - 4 times before overheating. This weapon suffers from Catchmoon Syndrome: You do not even need to aim correctly to get a good hit in. As most fighters will eventually circle around your Railjack in it's effective fireing range, its greatest weakness actually becomes its greatest strength. The fact that it can randomly stop a fighter from moving and opening them up to even more easy hits makes this all the sweeter.

    The other reason this weapon is the be all end all are the healing crewships in the Veil. All turret weapons except the Cryophon and all Ordenance Weapons except the Tycho Seeker will not be able to kill bugged out enemies faster than they are healed by the passive healing effect. The Cryophon on the other hand just ignores the whole mechanic with a simple CRIT. It just kills the fighter from 100 to 0 in one shot and the healing never becomes a factor. This is so ridicolous that we are now only running two Cryophons on our Railjack. Fighters deal ignorable amounts of damage to fully upgraded Bulkhead/Hull Weave Railjack so you can take some hits while you let them get close.


    Weapon Damage without good Avionics and end game combat

    I would like to see the base damage of most early game guns improved. A weak Hyperstrike coupled with a weak gun makes the early parts of Railjack really annoying because killing fighters with your turrets takes extremely long. As soon as you craft a higher tier weapon and loot that rare Hyperstrike everything falls into place. But this is a clear issue with most "combat" game concepts: As soon as you can just kill your enemy quicker, a lot of what made combat difficult in the first place just disappears. A dead enemy can't be a threat to you anymore, in any way, ever. So just boosting the damage output to the point where an enemy doesn't have a chance to retaliate ALWAYS becomes the best option. Nukes are the solution to everything in video games. They should not.

    Artillery viability

    Artillery Strikes become rather useless the higher the level of the enemies climb because by the end of the Veil you sometimes need up to three shots to destroy a crewship. In later levels it would be better if they would just kill them outright, especially if in the future we get missions with 120/8 or 150/10. And I see the irony in me thinking that oneshotting everything is dumb while asking for something to oneshot something. The fixes for that would be: a) let turrets destroy crewships b) let turrets deal more damage to crewships so we can easier reach the critical HP pool where the crewship gets blown to pieces by the artillery or c) give the artillery some secondary effects that benefit firing it. Because right now you just do not use it because boarding is faster, safer and costs no resources.

    Integrate Archwings in a more interesting way

    For most prepared players the slow start was slightly fixed by using the Ameesha Arcwing for it's AoE slow and the Cygnas for its high Status Chance to apply all stacking debuffs at once until they made the fighters go pop. It went so far as some YTers calling this "the best way to deal with fighters". This becomes less and less a viable strategy in the later stages of the mode and for that I am both very glad, because the turrets outshine the guns, but also very bummed out because what became usefull for a short time again gets outshined by strategies that just IGNORE (bugged) gameplay features (by oneshotting stuff). The fact that Crewship missiles can STILL oneshot players during Entering / Exiting animations is still fucked up though. It was recently fixed to have missiles not home in on players anymore, but that was basically just a buff to Ameesha's 1 and did not fix this stupid event.

    Gameplay loop

    The overall gameplay loop of Railjack is awesome. Pilots and Gunners deal with Fighters, Boarders and Artillery deal with Crewships, Engineers deal with troubles on the ship and Tacticians ... do nothing in particular but help out where they can while they wonder why the only perk you actively use are the teleports. And for these alone even Tacticians are usefull, though I doubt higher levels grant as much of a benefit to the team as other upgrades. You can min-max every aspect of your cooperative gameplay, have players ready the Slingshot before the Crewships jump in, assign resources for Ordance strikes against Outriders and bugged healing units, you can send out players to gather resources in a wicket emergency and delay that emergency with the right support tactical ability. Even if all singular elements of Railjack were or are still quite broken, bug-afflicted and prone to abuse, everything together makes a wonderful experience to play together with friends in voice chat. And then laugh when the host's camera gets unbound from their player character and floats around dead in space unable to press X to revive. You still finish the mission no problem, even if every single missing player makes eveything a bit more hectic. On that node:


    Now that all Clans should have the Mk III equipment there is nothing in your way to start soloing everything. Tonight I did my first annomally solo run because my public game did not invite any player, so I was on my own. I used the Sigma Mk III Shield Generator, Sigma Mk III Engine (still bugged), Sigma Mk III Reactor and a Sigma Mk III Cryophon. It was a lot of hectic jumping around but using every skill in my arsenal, from being able to board crewships with the Slingshot to making short work of boarders with Magus Lockdown, everything worked together to lead me to victory, EVEN IF IT TOOK ABOUT 1 HOUR because I was very carefull to only engage anything when I fixed everything. Resources to keep forging were always available, the Cryophon did short work of even bugged fighters and crewships and outposts were approached from either the slingshot or a save distance.


    Railjack should not have been released in this state. There is still so much to fix, so much to consider, so much to improve upon. And by the frequency me and my firends encountered these issues it HAD to be known to the developers that these things can happen. And if they did not, you guys seriously need to start playing your game from 10 meters away of your server. As soon as lags, delays, skips come in most of the issues that persist can SOMEHOW be explained by simply "stuff not happening in order", like entering a crewship and still having your arcwing mode active without being able to input anything but movement. There are Avionics that have the same max rank, the same base cost yet one is just better than the other without any drawback or availability. There are the freakin Sigma Engines that have a tooltip but not the effects applied to the item. There are issues with the randomness and availability of anything but Zetki Components (I wish more people would have an opinion on this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/eck55n/a_plea_for_round_numbers_on_random_boni/?st=k4hpuiot&sh=168e0d5d).

    Final words

    People, have fun with what we got! The whole game mode has AWESOME potential and I am sure with enough feedback to nudge stuff like the random loot boni in a direction we can all be happy with even the heaviest ragequitter will find enjoyment in this. Let us enjoy the holidays and hope that next year this game mode will not just take off but soar into our hearts like the concept of it did back when it was first announced. But of course there is one thing: DE needs to deliver! And I sure hope they will!

    submitted by /u/Salbeira
    [link] [comments]

    Dex Excalibur skin looked familiar

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:04 PM PST

    DE: 30 item limit in railjack for server space, also DE:

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:56 PM PST

    You guys think that is enough Grakatas?

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 02:42 AM PST

    Didn't want to go to the relay anyways.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 02:57 PM PST

    *whew,* that was rough. At least my Railjack is still in one piece :D

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 05:26 PM PST

    Cyberframe 2077

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 01:50 PM PST

    T-Pose Crew coming out with a new album "Catastrophic Failure Imminent"

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 10:19 AM PST

    I never thought of Space Mom that way, but here we are

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 08:17 AM PST

    Ivara Prime's head on a Lich is great, it's all jiggly!

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 02:44 PM PST

    And in the darkest night, mine eyes suddenly beheld a brilliant light; for before me had appeared a prophet, benevolent and mighty, who shepherded this wayward soul to paradise.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:29 PM PST

    Just wanted to show my Ash Prime c:

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 03:25 PM PST

    Sigma MK III engines don't actually increase Railjack speed

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 11:39 AM PST

    Am Ropalolyst >:D

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 04:38 PM PST

    Getting one shot in Archwing really isn’t fun.

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 03:53 PM PST

    I do hope DE massively scales back enemy ship damage to Archwings in railjack cause right now the amesha is not just optimal it's NECESSARY if you ever want to leave your ship.

    submitted by /u/kavatch2
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    All Quiver animations for Ivara Prime use non-Prime Artemis bow

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 06:55 PM PST

    ah, shoot, I dropped my keys

    Posted: 22 Dec 2019 08:40 PM PST

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