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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Warframe Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:33 AM PST

    This thread is for sharing your Warframe experiences and good or bad luck. Experiences can be shared any day of the week!

    Whether you praise the Void or curse RNGesus, everyone here can sympathize; share any experiences that you've had in Warframe that you want! You can also freely share things that are listed as "disallowed posts" here.

    Comments are sorted by new by default! And remember...

    Experiences can be shared any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    My Lich just pulled a 2000 IQ move

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:59 AM PST

    Nidus's parasitic link is an umbilical cord and you can't convince me otherwise

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:26 PM PST

    Jellyfish Queen Prime

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 06:28 PM PST

    Can we drop an F for our boi Chroma here?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 03:09 AM PST

    Draw me like one of your french Operators.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 03:32 PM PST

    Floof Adventures 4

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:46 PM PST

    Here's how we fix The Old Blood, DE.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:49 AM PST

    DE, it surely must be no secret by now that the vast majority of the playerbase hates the Old Blood update, primarily because it does not live up to what was shown to them at Tennocon and is generally full of 'arbitrary' RNG. You showed off a mechanic that was meant to resemble Shadow of Mordor's Nemesis System, and then fell far short of its potential. Its worst failings, however, are that its voice lines and presentation do not match up with the changes you decided to go with. What your Kuva Liches say and what actually happens are two very, very different things.

    However, Liches do two things right: they reinvigorate the star chart with high level enemies and mesh well with the kuva grind in general. But we were promised a memorable, personalized enemy to contend with, instead we got a generic goon we are meant to blow through in two to three hours just for the privilege of rerolling RNG stats on the kuva weapon. This gameplay loop ensures at least someone feels they are wasting their time. It is an obligation to grind out your lich so you can try again for another. This is not fun, and it is not good content.

    This is not a flamepost, or a rant. I'm here to share with you good news- Liches can become GREAT content with just a handful of changes, and you don't even need to change the existing systems in any significant way.


    Your Lich is no longer generated from a larvling- they are generated from ANY enemy you kill, and only if you have a new parazon mod equipped. To keep things in line with ingame requirements, this mod is awarded as a quest completion reward for The War Within. The prompt for a parazon finisher is the same as with normal enemies, forcing you to carefully whittle an enemy's health down. Upon being killed with the parazon equipped with the magic Old Blood mod, your victim is marked with a fragment of the old blood and the kuva guardians' voice lines play as normal. Your victim is retrieved and resurrected.

    Your Lich starts whole, dropping a now accurate voice line about cheating death, but is otherwise a default low level Lich with maybe one ability and no cyborg parts. They do not talk about being dismembered- that comes later. The Lich spawns with a kuva weapon as normal, a resistance to the damage type that initially killed them, and a set of random abilities.

    Opting Out

    DE has mentioned allowing Paladino at Iron Wake to "disappear" a Lich once a week. I think this is a sloppy band aid solution to to a minor problem. With these new system changes, you have ostensibly set out to create a Lich intentionally, and he is your responsibility to deal with. We can have more fun with 'opting out.' To shut up your cocky newborn Lich and keep them from robbing you, you can pay an advanced tithe- a bribe. By selecting your lich you can donate resources and items much like with clan donation, and in return they will end open hostilities for a period of time appropriate for what was donated.

    The real fun begins when you learn they have access to this mechanic as well. Your Lich has goals, and intends to reach them. Let's paint a scenario- You have been fighting your lich and undermining their conquest, when they send a message to your inbox offering some very nice loot- rare mods, kuva, potatoes, blueprints. In exchange, you can not access some nodes at all. Will you give up your favorite affinity farm for a catalyst or two while your Lich pumps up the enemy levels there? Some might, some won't.

    There is always the option to double-cross your Lich and attack him anyway, let's call this mission a glorified Spy where detection really matters. You can ruin what he's working on without fear of reprisal for some excellent rewards, but if you are detected he responds with an assassination team of elite high-level Thralls. Once the cat's out of the bag, he can choose to defy your bribes whenever he wants. This is probably the most ambitious listed change here but has potential to be a lot of fun and create memorably encounters between a player and their nemesis.

    The Missions

    You clear nodes as normal, this gameplay loop is fine. Liches start with only one planet they can influence, and steal resources accordingly. Their Thralls start out fairly weak, the Lich only has so much power to give. However, missions on planets outside of the Lich's native faction control start out as Crossfire missions. I.E. a Corpus Lich (we know they're coming, eventually) operating on Sedna is essentially an invader, so controlled nodes feature Grineer fighting back against their would-be conqueror.

    Invasions on planets with an active Lich allow you to side with the defender for additional rewards and resources. Siding with the attacker might allow you some kind of early influence over your Lich. These invasion missions are much more difficult in general. As the Lich grows in level, these crossfire and invasion nodes dry up as they crush resistance. Thralls remain much the same, as do the way Parazon mods and the associated grind remain the same. Again, this gameplay loop is fine.

    The Meat

    This is where we actually fix Liches.

    Finding the correct combination to slay a Lich remains the same. Once you are able to kill a Lich, however, you no longer kill them. First, upon a failed stab you are no longer instakilled- as much as you love your wrestling animations, they make no narrative sense. Just roll them into the different grapple attacks the Lich uses. After a failed stab, your Lich seemingly dies- only to be ressurected, stand up, and retreat. This is where they drop the now accurate voice lines taunting you about being killed and coming back. Consistency is key.

    Upon a successful parazon combo, you subdue your Lich, and forcefully extract what we can call a Kuva Token. These Tokens can be traded for VERY nice goods with your friend Paladino- Any of the weapons your Lich has spawned with, an unveiled Riven Mod, or one of the ephemeras a Lich has spawned with. There is potential to add numerous rare and exclusive items to Paladino's shop, paid for only in the Old Blood itself. It would have been nice to see the Lich armor cosmetics in a shop like this one, but that ship has sailed.

    Upon being slain, your Lich levels up to a new tier, gains a new set of resistances, a new mechanical prosthetic, and a new gun. Gun RNG would realistically have to remain but hopefully have a narrower margin for stats, you should never have to feel like you're wasting your time on useless loot just to get to the next step. Your Lich has cheated death again, and is a little less whole for it. The emblematic Warframe helmet they wear stays the same, even if their abilities change completely as the Old Blood reconfigures their powers- They never forget the face of the one who did this to them.

    Your Lich is now, essentially, level 6, and their Thralls level up with them- gaining an additional ability from your Lich, in addition to the movement ability. More power to give. Thralls starting at this power level also now have a small chance to drop unrolled Parazon mods from requiem relics, making the grind to keep your wrist blade keen for Lich blood reasonable. Levels of course have to be adjusted- when your Lich reaches the final tier, 5, they are obviously not level 500. They should be endgame, but within a reasonable margin. The Lich now levels up a total of 25 times, five for each tier, and eventually they and their gang can maybe scrape the level 200 ceiling.

    Your Lich gradually deteriorates and becomes more cybernetic and monstrous with each killing, with each dissection, with each immolation. These voicelines now have narrative context. By tier 5, your Lich is a true monster, and out of jokes to crack. They want your head. When it's time to finally end things once and for all aboard their flagship, you can either permanently kill them after a truly challenging battle and claim multiple Kuva Tokens instead of just one, or make him your ally- an equippable companion who can wield any of the weapons he ever spawned with, essentially acting as a deployable custom specter with actual utility, abilities and all. The default Lich 'companion' is, unfortunately, completely worthless. They do nothing. Your converted Lich should be an ally you are proud to have and show off, both planetside and as a part of your Railjack crew.


    DE hopefully has plans to tie Liches into Empyrean, so this section is short. Railjack Lich nodes should work much the same way as planetside Lich nodes, however. Potential for inter-faction dogfighting? Boarding parties full of Thralls, with a chance for your Lich to board with them? Specialized warships that force the Railjack to use cover to avoid mass driver assaults? There's a lot of potential to make fighting Liches in space badass and cinematic. Maybe you're out to sabotage hidden kuva siphons, destroy airfields, and break blockades to allow much needed supplies to reach starving colonists.


    A successful parazon combination is not the end. You don't just get a new Lich. While the overall gameplay loop has stayed the same, your nemesis is now truly a recurring villain, slowly growing more grotesque and more powerful as you do battle across the Origin System. The unique voice lines have more longevity, and start actually making sense. As your Lich grows stronger, so do their thralls. And as shown at Tennocon, his armada grows with his influence, new Railjack nodes popping up as his territory expands.

    Liches are now the personalized nightmare villain we were promised, a source of loot and personal challenge. Not just another grind and forget speed bump that quickly outstays its welcome. Blowing through forgettable goons who are one of two personalities every two or three hours just to try and roll a new gun worth owning is soul-crushingly awful and borderline insulting.

    tl:dr instead of cycling through multiple shitty liches for shitty loot you fight the same rapidly evolving Lich over and over for a shit ton of good loot and good fun and can get a super sweet useful companion out of it.

    submitted by /u/Clown_Tempura
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    Another attempt to make my operator more mature.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:22 PM PST

    First time messing around witha unique fashin frame. I give you... Thanos Atlas

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:58 PM PST

    When you're sick and tired of your Lich...

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 04:15 PM PST

    DE: Make laboratory icons on the doors. My internal perfectionist: has died.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:39 PM PST

    The Grineer are learning quickly

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:45 PM PST

    Sedna junction got me feeling a different way

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:06 PM PST

    Perfectly balanced... as all things should be

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 11:35 PM PST

    "Queen of Nature" Titania Wallpaper - AoD

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 06:03 PM PST

    Orbiters in Free-Flight nodes, and physical Junctions/Relays to dock with.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:20 PM PST

    Drahk Masters can delete a client’s weapon for the rest of a mission

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 11:30 AM PST

    If a client is disarmed near a wall/object, there is a high likelihood that they will be unable to retrieve their weapon for the rest of the mission, as it will not be visible or waypointed for the client. The host is able to see the client's weapon and waypoint as usual, but even if the host marks the exact location of the weapon, the client spamming the interact prompt will be unable to pick it up. Dying and reviving does not return the lost weapon(s).

    This issue does not occur for hosts or when solo.

    From what I can tell, this appears to happen when the Drahk Master's Halikar hits something while in-flight after disarming the player. When the bug occurs, the Drahk Master does not play any catching animation or sound - I do not know if this is the cause of the weapon not dropping, or just a result of the Halikar taking a weird/interrupted flight path.

    The disarm functions normally in open spaces, as shown in this clip of 5 consecutively retrievable disarms as a client.

    As soon as you introduce walls into the equation, the bug happens pretty reliably as seen here, causing me to be perma-disarmed twice in a row. (We repeated this several times before recording this clip, all of the disarms near the rock walls were perma-disarms)

    Here's an example my friend recorded of the bug happening in a Grineer Galleon mission.

    This bug is particularly frustrating when I'm running Disruption with Harrow and Kuva Quartakk, and my primary means of dealing damage gets wiped by a single disarm :(

    submitted by /u/Prof_Blocks_007
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    Finally went and finished the main questline and holy hell chains of harrow was scary

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 03:11 PM PST

    I don't get phased by jumps scares often, but having rell (man in the wall) just follow me around was so unsettling I was literally sprinting around looking around for extraction. The whole thing reminded me a lot or running through the flood missions on halo 3 as a kid. Good job DE y'all filled me with an existential dread that I only thought that college could envoke.

    submitted by /u/Farmer_NPC
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    Railjack engine speed by house, comments on game design

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:03 PM PST

    Railjack engine speed by house, comments on game design

    So I wanted to figure out how max roll engines would perform with/without the two engine speed avionics maxed out with maxed grid. I see that DE is trying to give us options of going with an engine with more boost speed or more base speed depending on the pilot's play style. That attempt has failed. Vidar MKIII engines max roll have superior base and boost speed comparing to the other two houses in every avionic (maxed) loadout configuration. You don't have a choice, Vidar is the only choice. The increased boost multiplier Lavan has is completely incompetent even in boost speed comparison.

    Has any calculations like this even been conducted to verify that the game design intention is accomplished mathematically speaking? It took me like 10 minutes or so to put this together. It's not hard to tweak the bonus numbers such that the results offer players a choice that is thoughtfully intended by the developers. Maybe buff lavan boost multiplier to make it the fastest in boost speed? Otherwise what is even the point of the two other houses? Just to water out the drop table?

    Please feel free to correct me if I made a mistake in my calculations. I will happily correct it. Thank you

    color code by column

    color codes go by columns

    submitted by /u/Hey__Martin
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    It honestly feels like I'm being punished.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 06:42 AM PST

    Was trying to make a nice play area for my pets just to find you why we can't have nice things...

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 12:09 AM PST

    The way to fix resource costs

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 10:59 PM PST

    "Till next time, brother."

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 05:53 AM PST

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