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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Tunes-Day | Share and Request Mandachord and Shawzin Songs!

    Warframe Warframe Weekly Tunes-Day | Share and Request Mandachord and Shawzin Songs!

    Warframe Weekly Tunes-Day | Share and Request Mandachord and Shawzin Songs!

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 07:32 AM PST

    This thread is for sharing, discussing, or requesting Songs for our two musical instruments: the Mandachord and the Shawzin. Songs can be shared or requested any day of the week.

    Want to present your newest musical masterpiece or maybe just find someone to create one for you? Fear not, all you Octavia mains and Shazwin heroes. This is the right place for you!

    If you wish to just view top level comments (i.e. songs or requests) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.

    And remember...

    Songs can be shared or requested any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Kavat Machine Broke

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 09:48 AM PST

    Ivara's skirt is a crime against fashion: not only it is affected by FOUR different color channels, but also has its own innate color. DE, please, reconsider this and make it so that it only depends on two emissive channels, that's more than enough.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:02 PM PST

    Railjack Reactors are being buffed this week!

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 10:49 AM PST


    This is a broad post that touches on something that appears throughout the 40 pages here. Simplified sentiment: 'Avionics Capacity limitations are too punishing'. This week's Hotfix will speak specifically to that with global buffs for all Reactor types found in the wild. Any existing gear you have will simply be re-rolled for Avionics capacity, which will automatically be a buff in all cases (note: the Vidar III which has just compressed its top-end entirely to not have the 30-100 range, it's now 90-100, but it will not give you lower rolls if you had one in the 90-100 range before this change).

    The coming number changes:

    • Lavan Reactor Mk I: Avionic Capacity now 20 to 30 (from 10 to 20)
    • Lavan Reactor Mk II: Avionic Capacity now 50 to 60 (from 10 to 40)
    • Lavan Reactor Mk III: Avionic Capacity now 80 to 90 (from 20 to 70)
    • Vidar Reactor Mk I: Avionic Capacity now 30 to 40 (from 10 to 25)
    • Vidar Reactor Mk II: Avionic Capacity now 60 to 70 (from 20 to 50)
    • Vidar Reactor Mk III: Avionic Capacity now 90 to 100 (from 30 to 100)
    • Zetki Reactor Mk I: Avionic Capacity now 10 to 20 (from 5 to 10)
    • Zetki Reactor Mk II: Avionic Capacity now 40 to 50 (from 5 to 30)
    • Zetki Reactor Mk III: Avionic Capacity now 70 to 80 (from 10 to 50)

    Just dropping this note here so folks are prepared for this specific change as we work on more major fixes and changes!

    - [DE]Rebecca

    submitted by /u/korxil
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    The Tentacle Problem (aka why DE should start focusing on refining the things already in the game)

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 08:40 AM PST

    I want to preface this (warning: long) post by saying that I really like Warframe. I have enjoyed it for years and the scope of it over the years has been a joy to behold. DE themselves have said noumerous times that they expect and want criticism from their community, they want to hear us state our issues with the game. So expect the rest of what you read here to be that, a warning of sorts, cause I don't want to see this game come crashing down.

    So, what's the Tentacle Problem besides a catchy title? If we look back to another space-themed game, Dead Space, there is a session where a giant tentacle comes out of a corner, grabs the main protagonist Isaac and drags him slowly to his death (unless the player does something about it). The issue is, during the game's development this proved out to be a huge problem that halted the team's efforts for 1+ month. Essentially the tentacle had to target the leg, then the animation has to play while it flips you in the air, then the sounds have to be timed to the sequence, etc. The team worked on all parts of what was needed but nothing was working. After trial and error for weeks, Glen Schofield (creative director of DS) realized that the fault lied in the way they approached the problem and thus started working doing one thing at a time (first you animate this part, then the next, then the other, then add sound etc). You can find a small documentary about this online but essentially this ordeal helped the team a lot, they now understood the value of working with layers.

    To me this is current biggest issue with Warframe.

    Half-ushered by the community to deliver new content regularly and equally by their own ambition (which is a good thing when you know to hit the brakes), we have gotten a pattern for a couple of years now: release a new expansion to draw in new players and attention from the playerbase, work on it to improve it until the new expansion demands more focus. If the new expansion is a heavy success it will get worked on more. If not it will be left to slowly decay. This issue is however expanded when it applies not just to the big expansions but nearly every other aspect of the game. We can trace many well known issues that have been brought to light 2 years ago(!) and they still exist in Warframe. Never mind that, sweep it under the rug, a new expansion is coming aren't you hyped?

    We've now reached a point where the previous foundations of Warframe have started to decay. A few examples:

    • Enemy spawning is broken (this can be traced during the change of Extermination missions where you no longer had to kill everything, just a number). Enemies now spawn very inconsistently. Sometimes going through a tileset will feel like old Extermination, clear and move ahead. Sometimes enemies will keep spawning even if you stay in the same room. This is especially mind-boggling to me cause it still exists in the game, an enemy can "nothing personal kid" you out of nowhere with no indication or warning (compared to f.e. Fortuna). You can imagine how good that is in high-difficulty missions when you can die in one hit. Even the AI doesn't always know how to react to this, they might spawn and immediately attack you or they might not be aware of the fight around them and stay iddle for a good 5+ seconds. The spawns have become so broken that just today during a solo Sortie extermination I witnessed 4(!) spawns on the same spot as soon as the previous spawned enemy got Paris Prime'd on that spot, with no delay in between.
    • The difficulty has become inconsistent due to the nature of the game, or rather the unclear nature of it. Some say Warframe is a power fantasy, difficulty doesn't matter, yet the game will be difficult and throw challenging scenarios at you, even DE wants the game to be hard (as we have seen from multiple statements during and outside Devstreams). Is it a challenging game then, well not really because the powercreep has been left unchecked so most of the content gets trivialized. You cannot have overpowered mechanics to serve the power fantasy theme AND also want a challenging gameplay, this needs to be addressed.
    • This problem is heavily expanded due to the current enemy scaling. Or I should say, scalings. Because yes, Warframe has multiple difficulty scalings working sometimes against each other:
    1. Armor / Shield / HP scaling. Cookie-cutter stuff that make enemies dps sponges. One of the laziest scaling types one can implement in a game, by themselves they don't offer much.
    2. AI scaling. The enemy AI gets smarter and adapts (more offensive or defensive depending on the situation, use of tactics, new or expanded moveset/skills etc). Awareness can also ve included in this category (f.e. low level Grineer are kinda blind while high level ones can hitscan you from across the map).
    3. Enemy damage scaling. Usually implemented when the player has the means to fight it back or avoid it.
    4. The total number of enemies and/or harder/new ones (f.e. more Eximus units spawns).

      We can add more here but you get the point. Warframe throws ALL of the above at the player. This means that in high level missions you have the same enemies that you fought on the early planets, only this time they have higher effective hp, they rarely miss, they hit harder and bring upgraded/new friends along. You know how to fight the basic Grineer soldier, he is not using anything new at you, he just gets scaling on everything. There are only a handful of enemies that only spawn after a specific level with completely new mechanics and even they are subjected to the same scaling routine. However, because the players have been subjected to the powercreep, new mechanics don't really matter. You either kill the enemy, abuse an ability or get one-shotted. This has led to the majority of CC, status mechanics and player skillcap to stay benched. In fact, player skill gets rewarded more in the mid to high level missions rather than those higher above, cause at that point you shift to overpowered or broken mechanics (see any long endurance strategy).

    • Because of the current scaling system, a player cannot fully express their skill with a weapon or frame. This isn't a case of Pure Nail upgrade where you got into a situation that diminishes combat difficulty without your knowledge. Warframe expects that you will use all the broken mechanics and sets the bar accordingly. I mention this above but I have to really stress this issue: the game is balanced around the fact that it is not balanced. This is why player skill expression is higher in the mid to high tier missions. You can play around with different mod values and challenge yourself, hell you can equip nothing on your frame and use one weapon. There are very few examples of this once you go higher (like Savage Banshee).
    • The parkour system while fantastic has not yet been integrated into the melee combat system (4th time's the charm?). We have a mobility worthy of the legacy of our war machines that is selectively agile. You can dash across an entire room with one dash but if you kick an enemy with that much force you just tickle them. Instead of utilizing your movement to chain strikes and dashes you execute a somewhat fluid slide attack or worse slam your weapon into the ground (Seriously why would you do that? Warframes can break their fall due to their inherent power and maneuvers, just perform a diagonal slice when you attack from above instead and immediately chain that to a dash. Full movement and melee fluidity. Even better make the Parazon have a chain attached so f.e. you dash in the air, slice downwards diagonally, dash away, throw the Parazon behind on an enemy or surface, drag yourself backwards or swing for another slice using the momentum etc. Seriously, Hallownest bugs fight better than us).
    • New resources get implemented for the shake of implementation. There are multiple older resources that need sinks or new crafting paths. Some are downright useless (swim in Fieldron Samples but you can only craft a SINGLE Fieldron every 12 hours, have millions of Nano Spores and once you craft everything that requires them-as of now according to the wiki ~475k-they do nothing). New expansions come with new unique resources instead of integrating all of the older ones and combine the main game to the expansion.
    • Stealth as a gameplay mechanic is heavily integrated into the game. The tilesets are build in a way that support it. One mission type (Spy) requires it, kinda. But there is no incentive for it. Alarms currently arevery underwhelming, there is no real threat. Multiple Spy rooms don't need Stealth you can just dash your way to the vault (or use specific Warframe abilities and break the mission altogether. At some point the only thing most people connected stealth to was XP farm. Take a moment to consider how surreal this sounds, imagine if a friend told you "Yeah there are stealth mechanics in this game, you use them to farm XP!".
    • While also tied to the difficulty and scaling aspect of the game, I have to mention the co-op system. It's an entire new world when you play with friends but that applies to everything done alongside friends, I've heard Fallout 76 is also tolerable if played in this fashion. My main and biggest problem here is the resurrection system. See, normally a player gets 4 self-revives (6 with Arcanes, more if you use Wukong, infinite if you abuse your Operator powers). Operators do not lose a revive if downed, instead you go back to your frame, get a penalty and can use transference again (not even a substantial lock-out time penalty) and even negate the hp penalty through healing arcanes. You can also revive fallen allies in Operator mode while being completely immune. Yet for some reason when you play alongside multiple people you still get the 4+2 revives. In fact many people know how hard it is to die nowadays that they don't even wait to get revived, they just burn one revive. Most other players also don't bother to revive their allies because it's a waste of time, move on and finish the mission, the other person has 6 revives or more, whatever. You may think I am unreasonable if I was to suggest that revives get reduce by -1 for each player in the party (so in a 4-squad you get 1+1 max from Arcanes) but at the moment the revive system is not functional, it gets ignored. Why do we still have the revives then? Because of the scaling issues, the enemies are broken at higher levels and spawn out of nowhere, so the game still has to "compensate" for putting you into these shitty situations by giving you extra lives. It's not just this thing that gets broken by enemy AI and scaling, co-op also suffers. How many times have you seen people in a squad try to work together outside of farming or specific missions? Everyone does their own thing.

    I can keep going but I think you get the idea. The game has multiple issues, some of which are very serious, that have been swept under the rug for way too long and at this point they have begun to fester. They affect multiple aspects of Warframe as well as the new expansions. Imagine a hidden paragon of frustration, something annoys you during gameplay but you cannot pinpoint it exactly. Sometimes you know what it is but cannot do anything about it. This is the current state of the game, multiple issues merged together in one large pile while we focus on the next 3 new expansions.

    This is a personal request from me to DE. Halt the new stuff and fix what is broken in the game. At least split your workload into a 70% fixing those things and 30% working on new stuff. You cannot keep on designing and adding more roofs to a building whose foundations have become unstable. The new stuff may be interesting, they might introduce plenty new things, but no matter how far we Agro-launch ourselves we might not find anything on the other side. You know what the problems are. You have asked for feedback and players provide it every day. Act on it, instead of trying all those grand things at once work on the existing issues first through layers, one step at a time. Cause the pile under the rug is visible and doesn't smell well anymore.

    Edit: Thanks to the Tenno that gave me gold. As smt extra from me, here's a map secret. In Europa there is a normally inaccessible waterfall falling through a huge gap of debris with a large pond at the base. However the pond is not a pond, it is in fact just a thin layer and beneath it the gap goes way further down with more stuff. (And yes it's hard to access that area, 2-3 specific tilesets need to combine in order to get a chance to reach it.)

    submitted by /u/Serdinor
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    Baruuks Reluctant Dominance by @Bungee on Twitter

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 06:18 PM PST

    Inspired by the Atlas Thanos, I present, Atlas Thor.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 08:02 PM PST

    DE, as a Vet who has barely touched the game since Disruption, I don't need more guns.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 07:39 PM PST

    We've been complaining about not having a reason to play the game, and there being no end-game content for a long time now. You've been trying to remedy this since Plains of Eidolon, and it hasn't been going too well due to the scaling in the game being so out of whack that you can't put anything in front of us without it having unfun mechanics or it getting blown up in 2 seconds.

    Do you want to know why I didn't barely the game when Liches came out, and why I'm not excited for Railjack anymore?

    Because I don't see a point to grind for 13 new weapons when I've already got 60+ weapons I enjoy using, have fully formaed, and have specific builds for. I could have seen a point in grinding for those weapons just to say I have them, but the way you get weapons from Kuva Liches is just so unfun and tedious that I flat out don't see a point to bother with it. This is to say nothing of the fact that I could grind out 20 Liches, finally get the weapon I wanted to use, and it has horrendous stats because for some odd reason you decided to make that RNG based too.

    Then I hear about Railjack, the new update we've been waiting for so long for... and again, I'd have to pray to RNGesus, Lootcifer, and who knows who else in order to get a good part or do it all over again. That's not why I play Warframe. I fell in love with Warframe because Ivara was Ivara, Atlas was Atlas, Opticor was Opticor, Odanata was Odanata. This RNG clown fiesta is actively hurting the game more than it's helping.

    See, the thing is DE, I have weapons. I have everything I need to boot up, go into a random match, and kill Grineer/Corpus/Infested. Giving me 20 new weapons isn't going to make the fact that I'm just running the same unchallenging missions I've been running for 1500 hours any more appealing, and the acquisition method of the new stuff just makes me not want to bother doing it. For some unknowable reason, we said "We don't have anything to do in the late game and it's not giving us a reason to stick around between updates" and you heard "Make the updates worse so that way we play longer".

    We need Raids. We need an actual lovecraftian horror to come out of the Plains when we kill Harry. We need the third Orb Mother. We need proper balancing and scaling to make that happen. We need to be given a way to connect everything together instead of each instance of gameplay being separated and held in their own little island.

    We need a reason to actually log in instead of just collecting Shotgun #20 except it deals Toxin damage or Rifle #120 except it's slightly worse than Boltor Prime but better than Burston Prime. And that log in needs to not be a chore like Sorties, Syndicate standing, or anything like that. We have guns, we need a reason to use them.

    submitted by /u/Slarg232
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    I crafted my first weapon and I am quite enjoying the Fragor now :o

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 10:15 AM PST

    Wish list: melee idles?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 05:11 PM PST

    Most Dynamic Thing I did with Captura yet. (Animated Wallpaper #2)

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:53 PM PST

    Me and the Girls enjoying a sunny day

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 07:26 AM PST

    I have an unhealthy obsession with both Warframe and Hero Forge.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 08:23 PM PST

    [PS4] Building a bar at our railjack so you can relax after hitting Proxima <3

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 06:49 PM PST

    Lotus is trying to kill ordis and I have proof

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 06:13 AM PST

    Ordis states that Unread inbox messages make him ill.

    Lotus sends 4 to 6 messages a MONTH telling us about how to enlarge your Ghoul the Ghoul threat on Cetus, leaving millions of unread messages.

    Idk man seems pretty evil to me, can we kill her already?

    submitted by /u/mokousama
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    Seriously, who is this an incentive for?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 06:22 AM PST

    I love Warframe, but I wish it had less finnicky issues and was less of a slog for new players

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 02:41 PM PST

    I'm "new" to Warframe (started in November). I really love this game, I truly do - but I feel like Warframe must be the best worst game I've ever played for a variety of reasons.

    The new player experience is just complete and total ass, feeling like a "trial by fire" before getting to the good bits.

    Tutorial is bad. UI is bad. I won't repeat this because everyone does.

    Nothing feels like it has any purpose or meaning for a very long time -- I remember being infodumped at to kill Vor and just not caring whatsoever and then killing him in like 4 hits with exalted blade. I was like... what's the point? This story sucks and nobody is interesting and all I do is run through the same 5 missions over and over again. Star map is so goddamn boring. There needs to be more interesting plot threads earlier on to encourage players to participate in the game more. Literally any kind of intrigue. This game has some of the best story I've seen in a game. Why is it only visible like 20-40~ hours in?

    Some of the requirements for these relays are just absolutely terrible. For no real reason. Every time I bring someone through the game I dread two relay prerequisites -- the Mars cephalon fragment hunt and the Uranus (?) grineer caches. God, why? What does the player gain from running around a tileset for 45 minutes looking for items on the floor? It is so counter intuitive to the player having fun it's unreal. The 3 grineer caches can even spawn behind destructible underwater walls in your archwing (since when have those been used?) and under tiny gaps in the floor. Why?

    Cool story stuff is always interspersed with just the worst gimmick I've ever seen, diffusing just how cool the story missions are. Like the bone worms in The War Within which kill you over and over and force you to look at the operator death screen because you stepped 3 pixels into the hitbox of a skull on the floor. Capturing emoji ghosts in Chains of Harrow with fiddly synthesis scanners. Etc. Holy fuck why

    And on the side, things that could be really cool and fun are just kind of left rotting. Like Lunaro. Casual Lunaro could be so fun but nobody plays it because it's just kind of ditched and left in the background. I'd even play it with my friends just as a 4v4 squad if it wasn't just the worst possible experience to get you and your friends on the appropriate teams. Lunaro AI is impossible but it would be so nice.

    I love this game but I think Warframe has a long way to go and needs to spend a lot of time just kind of scrubbing the jank off stuff and making the experience way more streamlined and interesting for new players. It has so much weird unnecessary finnicky bullshit getting in the way of a super fun experience. :(

    submitted by /u/techpurriest
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    If you move close enough to this Corpus guy in Cetus, it looks like he's giving you a hug

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 08:54 AM PST

    TIL Railjack is an oversized archwing.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 06:26 PM PST

    Can DE allow us to change loadouts mid mission or in between missions of railjack so loadouts finally have a purpose?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 01:21 PM PST

    most people don't care or don't even know/remember that loadouts exist. some of us do because we use it to just take certain loadout for a certain mission cuz we're mOrE oRgAnIzEd for example:

    -A mobile defense loadout ( limbo, atterax for me etc..)

    -Spy missions loadout ( loki etc..)

    -Eidolon hunting loadout (chroma/rubico/unairu, trinity/madurai, volt/madurai or and harrow/madurai or whatever you play)

    -Or just your favorite warframes and weapons sets loadouts!!.

    But squads in railjack can do multiple missions without returning to dry dock, this often happens on farming nodes or premade squads. So having the ability to switch loadouts in between or mid-missions is gonna be really useful for us, because then we'd be ready for more diverse set of situations like switching roles, difference in levels between missions like going from earth proxima to void proxima or having to fill a leaving tenno's role.

    This may sound a little broken to a few people but railjack missions depend mostly on the railjack system itself and intrinsics. Having such ability as this will only help the tenno to play the mission more smoothly.

    submitted by /u/Zagan_baal
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    Cosplay mk 1 Round 1 fight

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 04:20 PM PST

    Wow...brozime just put out a vid saying he's gonna pivot away from Warframe content

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 08:37 AM PST

    Guy was complaining of too much Anasa Ayatans in regional chat. Jokingly said to give them to me and this is the result.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 10:42 AM PST

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