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    Warframe Update 27.3.0 Operation Scarlet Spear Bug Megathread

    Warframe Update 27.3.0 Operation Scarlet Spear Bug Megathread

    Update 27.3.0 Operation Scarlet Spear Bug Megathread

    Posted: 24 Mar 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Warframe Weekly Advertisement | Warframe Communities!

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 08:33 AM PDT

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Well, I think it's ready, I know the paint is not the best, but I like it. Behold the (not really) mighty Skana

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    I Love This Game, This is the Worst Experience I've Had Yet.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    Edit: at least they seem aware of this stuff. Tweet from DE Rebecca


    Edit: I want to add something on the off chance anyone at DE actually sees this.


    I Do Not Want Warframe: The Career


    For several months now I have not felt comfortable playing the game the way I want to play it.

    Between the Nightwave, Events with exclusive rewards, Timed activities, and the threat of upcoming activities I have not been able to actually enjoy Warframe in a long time.

    I missed the Halloween Ephemera which I'm actually really upset about. That's easily the coolest one in the game as far as I'm concerned and I missed it. #feelsbad

    I wanted to be ready for Railjack so I got all my Archwing shit together. Did all the clan research, got Itzal, found all the mods, farmed endo to level them and then when Railjack came out I found out... that shit didn't matter.

    I've been having to grind the Nightwave because I didn't reach rank 30 on the Wolf Nightwave the first time it ran.

    I was worried Scarlet Spear or the Corpus Railjack update would require Rank 10 in some intrinsic so I have been grinding the crap out of that trying to get there before I got left behind by some update.

    The booster weekends made me feel like I needed to take advantage of that while it was live.

    Now this? This timed event with exclusive rewards. I'm done DE. I don't care if I miss out on this stuff anymore. It's too stressful to keep up with. I have a job and a wife. You turned Warframe into a full time job with the constant threat of missing out on some unique content. I'm not having fun anymore.



    Dear Digital Extremes,

    Please stop pushing out content that is not ready. Please.



    Dear Players,

    Please stop asking DE for more content, more often. They obviously can not properly manage the expectation.

    (I know you guys haven't done a lot of that lately, they heard content drought complaints and went way too far with it and that's not your fault but going forward just.. be careful what you wish for.)




    I'm a fan boy. I love this game, I defend it frequently. I've got thousands of hours in it on both Xbox and PC. I've probably dumped thousands of dollars into it. I enjoy playing Warframe. I feel good about the time and money I spend on it, usually. My friends and I joke about Warframe while playing all the time. You'll hear "How does it work? No One Knows" and "That's Bugframe" and the like come across Discord all the time, but usually in good fun. usually. This is because usually the game is still playable if not a little quirky.

    But this...

    This is on a level that is genuinely starting to frustrate me to a point where, despite how much I want the rewards from this event, I just quit the game and said "I guess I'll pick this back up when Reddit tells me they've fixed this mess".

    Like a good portion of you, I too am stuck in quarantine and as much as I was anticipating new content to dig into during this incredibly boring, isolating time. I very much wish DE would've waited to release this.



    1. There is zero transparency about how any of these systems work in game. I'm used to relying on the Wiki when it comes to Warframe but I'm starting to feel like the Devs are starting to rely on the Wiki to explain things so they don't have to bother because they know "Players will just google it anyway". That's unacceptable.

    2. The list of Flotillas changes every time you open the Relay menu. This isn't obvious and it isn't consistent with other Relays. It makes returning to a Flotilla you've already made progress in difficult and unpredictable.

    3. Sometimes when join a Flotilla you get dumped into an inactive Flotilla with zero progress and no occupants.

    4. Progress towards the even is Flotilla specific. This is not communicated anywhere. This makes it very easy to "waste" progress by joining a friend, or doing some of this and then another activity and then returning to this.

    5. You lose your squad every time you leave a Flotilla. I get it's technically a Relay but the fact that you lose your squad on leaving a Relay is equally stupid and annoying.

    6. Only the host can start the Railjack mission, but anyone can start the ground mission. This means if we want to use my Railjack but I'm not host we have to leave and come back, which also means losing the Flotilla we were on to the randomness of the Relay instance display.

    7. The matchmaking simply doesn't work. I have had very few people join in on my public games, and have not been able to join someone else's even once.

    8. The markers for the satellites in Railjack missions frequently stop showing up on the 2nd or 3rd Murex forcing you to return to the flotilla and start over.

    9. It is impossible to matchmake the Railjack portion of this if you own a Railjack

    1. With some frequency I just straight up get kicked out missions. (I have gigabit with an Open NAT)

    11. Host Migration (which is frequent given how broken this is) results in a loss of all progress

    1. About 30% of the time I lose my ability to jump or aim glide for the entire duration of missions.

    2. Sound will drop out randomly during missions and not return until you quit the game.

    3. The grind to get rewards actually isn't bad if you understand the bonus system but 14. THERE IS NO EXPLANATION OF THE BONUS SYSTEM ANYWHERE.

    4. NPC heads often just do not load.


    6. Occasionally I will load into a Flotilla or return to one from mission with the ability to Aim Glide and Wall Latch in the Relay. Given that I play with controller this also means it's impossible to access chat because on controller Left Trigger is chat.

    7. A couple times I started a ground mission and was straight up separated from my pre-made squad.

    8. Something is seriously wrong with Battalyst damage, I'm getting one shot by them AS WUKONG.

    9. There is no indication as to what the 75k credit "assistance" you can provide to active squads actually does.

    10. There is no display of credits in LD's Trade page.

    11. The rewards are shockingly expensive.

    12. The Arcanes appear as Rank 5 in LD's trade page but are in fact Rank 0.


    Strikethrough: Fixed.


    I could probably go on for the next week listing everything that is making me not want to play this at all, I'm gonna stop here.


    We all understand what happened here DE, you teased an experience at Tennocon that you could not properly deliver on. This isn't the "Squadlink" we saw at Tennocon. This isn't even close, and that's ok, but what this ended up being is terrible. It is terrible. I'm sorry. I feel bad about saying that but it's 100% the God's honest truth. This is bad. It feels bad. It works poorly. It's incredibly frustrating, and it's making me put your game down for the time being.


    Experiences like this make me not want to play the game. I have a dozen far less stressful games I could be playing. I want to play Warframe, but not if it's just going to frustrate and upset me.

    submitted by /u/SpartanG01
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    Friendly reminder that the orb has been sitting there for almost 2 years now

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    It's clear where the design priorities are

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    Defection pro tip: Vauban's Vector Pad can speed boost the defectors

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 11:26 AM PDT


    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    DE right now (well, since a couple of month )

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    [Conspiracy] Scarlet Spear is a project run by Sentients so that they may burn out Tenno with content that isn't worth the hours they have to put in

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 04:08 AM PDT

    Scarlet Spear has us fighting level ->150<- Sentients but only gives Neo relics on its reward rotations

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    Look. I know that the new weapons and the Arcanes and the Stance Forma are supposed to be the draw here. I know a lot of events don't even have rotation rewards! I know there are ways to optimize the difficulty out of this event. I know that this isn't even the biggest issue to complain about in regards to how unnecessarily grindy this event is.


    We are fighting armored enemies with damage gates that adapt to our weapons who can fly and use a bunch of terrifying bullshit like the Conculyst Cyclone and Tau Disco. We are fighting these guys up to level ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY. And we get AT BEST Neo relics for it.

    Neo. The same ones you get at round one on Hydron. Against level thirties.

    I wouldn't even complain about this in light of the other issues with the reward system if this weren't symptomatic of a recurring problem with DE. They just don't want players to have Axi relics!

    • We see it with Spy missions, which still don't scale over Neo despite guaranteeing T4 Void Keys as rewards before Specters of the Rail.
    • We see it in the Void where endless missions only offer Axi on Rotation C, instead of B and C like all comparable missions.
    • We see it in Onslaught, where Axi only appears in the final rotation and only at tiny odds relative to Neo.
    • We saw it with Disruption, which thankfully has been reworked (except for Ur, which is still Neo!).

    DE, please tell me: If beating level 150 enemies from the toughest faction in the game isn't enough, WHAT in the EVERLOVING FUCK do I have to do for you to reward me with an AXI relic?

    submitted by /u/zzcf
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    Nova - AI Software

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    Today, I had a bit of an epiphany while doing the Scarlet Spear.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    At this point, Warframe is carried entirely by its art and sound design team.

    The gameplay by itself has become an absolute clusterfuck of completely disjointed mechanics and complicated systems, each of which is briefly introduced and then never improved or expanded upon for literal years.

    Honestly, I feel really bad for the art team who have clearly poured their heart and soul into this game for more than 7 years, just to witness their work going to waste like this, seeing so many people complaining about the gameplay that's attached to their amazing assets.

    So anyways, what is Scarlet Spear?

    One small room in space that looks really cool and has lots of detail, yet barely any function or explanation for anything in it.

    One NPC with amazing voice acting and dialogue, yet she doesn't do anything besides run a complete scam of a shop.

    One Space Mission that looks and sounds amazing, yet has only one variation of an extremely repetitive and one-dimensional game mode, which reuses already existing assets and mechanics.

    One Ground Mission that has the same problems as the space one, it's weird but it works, I guess.

    A thousand and one issues, from broken matchmaking to not getting kill codes, from crashes to lost progress, not to mention the confusing gimmicks with the timers and relays and rewards.

    Also, an amazing story cinematic with no quest, gameplay or reward attached to it, just kinda thrown in there.

    I wish that everyone at DE was as passionate and professional about their work as the art division, they care about what they put out there and they polish it as much as they can before releasing it, unlike the people who are in charge of gameplay.

    There used to be a time when DE prioritized quantity over quality, we got new stuff all the time even if it was minor, then they transitioned into making higher quality updates but less frequently, now updates take forever and they aren't very good either.

    DE seems to just throw crap at the wall to see what sticks, then promise to figure it out later before swiftly moving on to the next ambitious experiment.

    If it wasn't for the breathtaking view and sounds, I wouldn't even want to do Railjack content at all, same with this event.

    Here's the reality of Scarlet Spear: If they didn't have an already existing Veil Proxima and Sentient tileset, along with all the Arcanes that they now want people to farm all over again, they would have literally nothing for this event.

    One underwheming update after another one, only cool demos and trailers, only hopes and promises.

    There is a limit to how much the art and sound teams can carry this game.

    There is a limit to how much the community can carry this game.

    Developers, please start developing your game.

    EDIT: Changed Crimson to Scarlet, herp.

    submitted by /u/AvalonThePhoenix
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    Poor man's Hildryn

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    Dear DE. Respect our time and your team's effort

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    DE I love you, but please, pick a thing, do that thing. Don't do many things. Do one thing. Do it from start to finish. Make it worthwhile, get the grind right, add in interesting variation, work out the bugs, make it engaging, make it respect peoples time. Once you have done that one thing, then work on another thing and apply that quality testing to the new thing. All these big ambitious plans feel too big for what you can deliver in a meaningful way. Pick the liches, go back and spend time and finish them, give them a meaningful story and progression instead of rng grind fest. Give me a real reason to hunt the lich culminating in a climatic battle on the liches ship, which isn't an rng lucky dip about if I find them or not. Look again at what the nemesis system was and try and understand why that actually worked. Revisit Railjack, give it varied missions, give it a purpose, give it interaction with everything else we can do.

    Stop making islands. Stop RNG. Give fair grind. Make the content interactive with itself instead of systems which exist on their own to be forgotten. If you want to add a new system like railjack, actually take time to do it right, bring out the whole thing instead of a buggy beta demo of what maybe it could be possibly. While you take the year to get it right, give us small polished rewarding monthly events. Little, easy and often. You know that nightwave thing you abandoned? Yeah stuff like that. Stop shooting for the stars, you keep up ending in random trash piles. Pick achievable goals and finish them before you give them to us.

    Use a little quality control - stop using paying customers as beta testers. Fix a thing. Do it right. A few bugs and a few small balancing changes are fine, but seriously if you're gonna add a thing to the game ask yourselves why you're adding it. Does it add fun to the gameplay, or does it just add another thing to grind? If it's the second thing, don't do it. You are wearing down all my joy from the game and all my good will. I assume I am not alone in that.

    Explain to the players in game what is expected of them. Warframe has never held our hands. It shouldn't now either, but if you want me to engage with the content at least give me road signs to point at how and what I should be doing in game. Not the wiki, not YouTube, not the forums. In game.

    Can you take a year of quality control? add nothing new. Just fix the things you already have. make them work together. Make them enjoyable for the players. test them first. test them again. ask is this actually genuinely fun or just a time sink. test it again. Then release it complete. Stop doing half baked beta stuff. You're not the poor struggling studio trying to keep the lights on anymore. Treat yourselves with more respect than that, and treat us with more respect. You'll lose us otherwise.

    submitted by /u/zenabiz
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    Whenever I hear the "We fought with honor" voiceline

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 02:22 AM PDT

    If your only good update was warframe revised, maybe do more of that instead of releasing this shit

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 09:42 AM PDT

    Keep revising and improving what's there while another team works on the new stuff, (and here's the important part) until it's done De.

    And done doesn't mean barely functional, it doesn't mean it works but it's boring. Done is when your new game mode is fun when you repeat it, rewarding, and isn't filled with more bugs than a sleazy motel mattress

    You added three new systems, squad link, lichs, railjack and you want me to believe you can add more on top of that and still fix what you have. Bullshit

    I like warframe, but the direction it's going is worrying. Turn it around guys please

    submitted by /u/tritan4
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    If I need to spend 20 minutes searching around to find out how to obtain points In the new event. Maybe it’s a sign the point system is bad

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    Especially after changes were made after the first day. This reddit is filled with questions and confused people including myself about how to even go about getting points at a decent rate.

    submitted by /u/Nopy117
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    Summarising this event in one picture.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    Dear DE, as a founder, I'm starting to get burnt out

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    tl;dr; version - I came back after a short break (last time i played more was in december after Railjack), in hopes maybe they changed something after doing the whole Revision mainline. And nope, updates at launch are still completely broken and unbalanced, I'm too old for this I guess.

    I know I'm not the only one but bear with me.

    So I started playing in beta and stuff. But I'm not a hardcore player, I played on and off, usually took a break for few months, came back to play new stuff for some time and had a blast with it. Lately I am getting more and more just burnt out on the game. And I don't mean I just got bored of it, no. The new content makes me just annoyed how much time I would have to spend to get stuff.

    Fortuna - it was ok for me, I played it after a long break so I didn't feel the grind too much.

    First Nightwave - I had severe issues with it and barely managed to do it, went away from the game for two months or so.

    Wisp and Jupiter rework - it was actually the most fun. I could just go in, play in the new tileset, derp around, do stuff without feeling obliged to grind.

    Liches - well everyone knows how it ended. I did 1 Lich after launch and stopped for weeks. Even now I killed like 3 of them AND I AM A COLLECTOR PLAYER. Before them I had almost every weapon and frame mastered except like 1 vandal thing. So it says a lot. After Liches I started feeling like the new modes instead of adding to the game started to be separated game modes in which devs expected us to spend weeks in. And thats not fun.

    Railjack - I'm on the fence with this one. On one hand it was and is another content island. On the other flying and gearing up my ship was fun. I wish DE could just polish it before releasing, because amount of bugs and bad balancing held this update down soooo much.

    And now Scarlet Spear. I mean, I know it is a long event and I had some hopes for it. But the I wasn't even suprised it was indeed a shitshow. This is what you are now DE, a lot of players expect you to fuck up the launch of updates. I tried the thing for like 30 minutes, got 2 crashes, couldn't connect to a team and when I did I spent like 20 minutes waiting for codes. And just Alt F4 out. Maybe I'm getting too old for this shit or whatever. But I feel like you are on a downwards slope dear DE. All the good will you built with mainline revision (I was really excited about it) got squandered again with this event release.

    And I'm sure you will say in devstream "we are listening" "we are fixing things" but you are not. Fool me once, eh?

    And to be honest, I'm not angry or anything. I'm just disappointed with the game after the update like I was after almost every update in the past year or so. I want to play, I enjoy the core gameplay but I feel like there is just no place for me in the "new" warframe, where everything is thrown out to PC as soon as it is barely working and you hope we will manage through the bugs and grind. No, we won't, at some point we will have enough. And I think my time came.

    I guess I'll try to play the event after a week or so to check it out, but I just don't feel like coming back to regular playing and collecting everything like I did before.

    Good luck guys and do have fun if you enjoy it, I'm not convincing you to stop! Just some thoughts from an old player.

    submitted by /u/Ethelnalen
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    DE's employees should stream them doing the event solo

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    Pretty simple proposal.

    If they can solo the event to rank 3 and not finding problems about:
    - Sentients being massive bullet sponges due status immunity + adaptive defenses.
    - Space team getting 2.5x more points than Ground Team.
    - Ridiculous arbitrary 100 Murex limit.
    - Chat showing up each half a second due yellow text spam.
    - Having to wait 1 hour until the next Murex waves.
    - Not being able to complete the missions because the Murex ended.
    - Store prices being overinflated due being based on having a full meta squad that can play the event to multiple rank 3, every single day.
    - Being punished for not having 4 players in a squad by slowing down scan speed.

    ...then, I will stop complaining about anything forever.

    But if they manage to get 21 of all arcanes, I will record and eat my own pants.

    submitted by /u/guil13st
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    Operation: Scarlet Spear: Hotfix 27.3.3

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    Forum source: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1178728-operation-scarlet-spear-hotfix-2733/

    Scarlet Spear: Hotfix 27.3.3

    Hotdropped last night:

    • Fixed inability to Trade.

    Scarlet Spear Victory Payout Change

    • We have changed the way Bonus Victory Payout is calculated to benefit all participating players in Murex Victories. Previously, your Victory Payout was determined by your Rank in the Flotilla (I, II, or III). Now, Victory Payout is calculated by your Best Score between Ground or Space multiplied by 2 (capped at 10,000). 100/100 Murex Driven Away before the timer expires is still required to receive Victory Payout.

    • As an example - if you earn 300 points in a Ground Assault in a Flotilla that drives the Murex away, you will earn 600 Scarlet Credits as a Victory Payout.

    • As another example - if you earn 4,000 points in a Murex Raid in a Flotilla that drives the Murex away, you will earn 8,000 Scarlet Credits as a Victory Payout.

    • This aims to address some feedback we've been receiving about players who join a Flotilla in progress (ex 70/100 Murex Driven Away, etc) who aren't able to reach a Rank in the Flotilla before it reaches 100/100 Murex Driven Away.

    To clear up any confusion, the new Victory Payout Score still takes the cumulative score from either your Ground or Space missions. Upon successful completion of the Murex Wave (100/100 driven away), the highest of the two scores between Ground and Space is doubled (to a max cap of 10,000), and given as Scarlet Credits!

    A known issue that we're aware of/investigating are the reports of receiving the wrong amount of Victory Payout respective to the Rank which is earned in the Flotilla. However, there are reports of players receiving the correct amount of Victory Payout, which is why we're continuing to investigate the discrepancies. We have some fixes in the works that will be tested overnight before we submit for a Hotfix.

    We have several other known issues we are investigating for Flotilla Kill Code upload progress and bug reports have been helpful in tracking down the issues.

    General Scarlet Spear Changes & Fixes

    • Railjack owners now have the option to either Host a Murex Raid with their own Railjack or Join another Murex Raid.

    • Squads whose OpLinks are in good condition will now continue to show 'Scanning Kill Codes' as their status to avoid confusion (previously it could change from 'Scanning Kill Codes' to 'Deploying OpLink' if a healthy OpLink status was updated).

    • Your Scarlet Spear Credit count will now display in Little Duck's store UI similar to how Credits, Platinum, etc are displayed.

    • Fixed inability to invite other players in the same Flotilla to form a squad.

    • Fixes towards the Condrix not spawning once you reach the waypoint in the Ground mission.

    • Fixed scoring discrepancies if a Host migration occurred after the first Condrix in a Ground mission was completed:

      • The score does not increase at all for the next Condrix that is completed.
      • The 3rd Condrix is completed and the score only goes up by 5 for each Kill Code (as if this was the first Condrix to be completed).
    • Fixed Murex Raid Satellite waypoint not disappearing if a Host migration occurred after driving away the respective Murex.

    • Fixed a crash when trying to Host a session to rejoin a Scarlet Spear Flotilla.

      • Fixed a crash when the Aerolyst spawned.
      • This was a result of the Aerolyst instantly dying when spawned due to player AoE damage. The Aerolyst will now spawn invulnerable for 1 second to avoid this crash and give the poor guy a chance to wiggle his fingers at you!
    • Fixed Sentient Ramsleds not being removed after warping between Railjack missions.

    • Fixed a script error when Crewships are encountered in the Murex Raid.

    • Fixed a script error if Sentient Fighter reinforcements spawn just as the Satellite is destroyed in a Murex Raid.

    Railjack Fixes:

    • Fixed Heat Accretion stat comparison not working in the Railjack Configure panel.

    • Fixed a script error when encountering the Sentient Anomaly POI.

    Deferred Rendering Fixes:

    • Fixed Ice Spring not having any textures with Deferred Rendering enabled.


    • Optimized out a number small memory bloats in the type-dep database to reduce the risk of crashes due to relocation (player loadouts in relays, procedural levels, etc).

    • Fixed high GPU Effects time when shooting Profit Taker's legs with the Imperator Vandal.

    • Fixed a crash that could occur on slow internet connections if you quit the game while loading into a Relay.


    • Fixed a crash caused by mashing "Launch Mission" button while matchmaking service was already trying to find/Host/join a mission.

    • Fixed a crash when viewing Warframe Ability videos in the Arsenal.

    • Fixed several types of crashes that could occur when travelling to or from Towns, Relays or Dojos.

    • Fixed Operators not having correct body customizations/proportions.

    • Fixed certain Armor pieces not fitting correctly on Companions.

    • Fixed incorrect Energy color on the Nezha Yaksha Helmet. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1174134-nezhpa-yaksha-skins-energy-color/

    • Fixed the transport ships at the end of the Rush mission (Kepler, Phobos) Shield Drones having no hit box, resulting in an inability to complete the mission.

    • Fixed inability to Chat link Stance Forma.

    • Fixed a script error that resulted in a crash if a Host migration occurred when you returned to the Orbiter from a Survival mission.

    • Fixed a script error occurring when loading into a mission while the Pause Menu was open.

    • Fixed a script error when attempting to Fish.

    submitted by /u/Cephalon_Zelgius
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    Hyping up new content in hopes of bringing back players then releasing it unfinished is really hurting the game

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    Liches, Railjack, and now Scarlet Spear. All 3 of them were hyped and the state in which they were released completely killed the excitement for me.

    When it comes to unfinished content I'm not talking about bugs or crashes but the content itself like the Railjack resources, how bland the railjack missions are and how big of a grind it is to actually have a decent ship, lich grinding and the "nemesis system" we were promised. It doesn't take a genius to realize how unfinished all of these still are and what they're actually trying to do. And now we have Scarlet spear which I don't really need to explain the fucked up state it is in right now.

    I was so excited to try out the new event in hopes of actually getting a decent chance at arcanes but why would I play right now when I know they're going to change it up soon? My excitement is already gone and I don't think I want to touch the event again until I completely forget about it.

    submitted by /u/DepartedDrizzle
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    Solo player experience

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    DE, please remove floatilla specific scoring

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    It really sucks when you start getting points in one instance, and then your game crashes or you have to abort a mission because of a big, and it puts you back in your orbiter or in a different instance, and you can't get back into your original floatilla because it fills up immediately and then we can't get the bonus.

    You simply can't expect people to be able to play the game for over an hour at a time without the game breaking at some point, given its current state.

    submitted by /u/LunarGhoul
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    I miss the Warframe part of Warframe.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    The Second Dream was huge, and a lot of the content that has come out ever since has been exciting and cool. But I feel like that big update added something to the game, opened a door that hasn't been shut, and has birthed a problem that has slowly spiraled out of control, all the way to the current debacles.

    I don't like playing as the little kid.

    I picked up Warframe so I could have magical space ninja armor and super cool sci-fi guns. I loved bullet jumping and gliding through the air and being able to consume bullets. I put hours and hours into farming mods, crafting weapons, getting my frames and my arsenal up to snuff between taking breaks.

    Then there was this huge plot twist. This whole time I was a psychic kid, and now I could erupt from my Warframe and do a mega laser attack! It was an enhancement to my already impressive arsenal, I was so hype!

    Then the kid became a whole playable thing. With a skill tree, and an increasingly inadequate beam weapon. Not as mobile as my frame, not the playstyle I liked because I'm so fragile I die when I pull them out for 3 seconds. But it was fine, it's not like all future content was going to be based around this part of the game I wasn't really into.

    ... Right?

    Plains of Eidelon is almost entirely based around leveling up your little kid and his weapon, which can pretty much only be done by being very strong already. Cool. That makes me want to engage with it even less.

    The Kuva Fortress comes out. The missions for gathering this material you need for almost all new Warframes is only attainable by having a very strong little kid. Cool cool cool.

    New Warframes are coming out, but I'm expected to use them less and less, everything is increasingly ONLY vulnerable to psychic kid mode. It gets steadily more frustrating, because meaningful progress keeps getting gatekept when I pop out of my bad-ass, favorite magic-mech-thing to fire my piddly little laser at something for 5 minutes to finally break it while a vauge glance from an enemy will send me disappearing into my suit again, but now with a big debuff, and no easy way to make that less tedious and awful.

    Then, out comes Empyrian. A whole new set of "here, don't play Warframe anymore!" Unrelated grinding that is clearly going to be increasingly neccesarry for all future events, no matter how much I dislike the system or really truly don't want to engage with it. Now a terrible event is dependant on it, which I imagine will be the case going forward.

    Every new innovation has felt like "hey, you must be tired of playing Warframe. Let's do something completely unrelated!" Instead of continuing the story, instead of giving us really awesome new mechanics to use with our Warframes, or exciting enhancements to our Warframes, or new things to do with our Warframes, everything seems to be trying desperately to slap uncecceaary side activities onto the entire fracas and then do everything possible to force you to take part before the next vaugely related mess.

    I miss playing Warframe. I miss being able to just have the frames I built up, have the playstyle I choose, and working with people to get through the game. The game I started playing to have cool space ninja adventures as a space ninja. Not a little psychic kid. Not a big spaceship with a crew. Not even weird clunky jetpacks.

    I want to play Warframe. To see the story progress, to find cool new things that build off the solid core mechanics as opposed to bolting on random side stuff. And it feels like DE is DEAPRATE for me to do ANYTHING but that.

    submitted by /u/marzgamingmaster
    [link] [comments]

    good event, really enjoying it, super engaging

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 10:46 AM PDT

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