- The Scarlet Spear Experience -SeifukuFrame
- R6S warframe icons: electric boogaloo
- I have made a grand discovery
- I am starting to see a pattern and wanted to try and visualize it best I could
- Fedex is really killing it these days
- Was playing around with some loadouts and found the most optimal setup to play the game more consistently
- Warframe Development Cycle
- The only possible explanation for all the lost Kill codes
- About the arcane changes: "The goal here is not at all to increase the arcane grind, we wanna correct mistakes in the meta, not squeeze you for the grind, you don't have to go back to Eidolons, you'll have Scarlet Spear". - Steve Sinclair, Devstream 139, minute 55.
- Scarlet Spear: Facing the True Evil
- I see DE is teasing us yet again for not spending 250 dollars in 2013
- Squad """Link""" In A Nutshell
- Hey remember when Sargas Ruk was an open minded Grineer who, while seeing us as his enemies, he recognizes our merits and openly commends us for helping him?
- Nova Atomica is a Bombshell
- DE, want to see how much of a failure this event is? Just scroll through the list of lobbies as a Murex wave is about to end.
- Hee hee air walk
- DE, the ''Victory Payout'' system is fundamentally broken and unfair.
- Inaros quest be like
- I Am Disappointed With The Story Of Scarlet Spear
- Never thought DE would make a bitcoin mining simulator
- Community-Created Warframe winner
- DE should expand one of Scarlet Spear's genuinely good ideas: Squad Support
- 2019 Warframe revenue/user data. Read it if you want some shareholder financial info from a publicly traded company - Don't read it if you think I am a hater.
- There are two types of people.
- Operation: Scarlet Spear in a nutshell
CREDIT GOES TO /u/waterpirate12, /u/BadBrad526, AND /u/Foxboy93 FOR STARTING THIS WEEKLY THREAD SERIES! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Scarlet Spear Experience -SeifukuFrame Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:33 PM PDT
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R6S warframe icons: electric boogaloo Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:23 AM PDT
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Posted: 26 Mar 2020 05:49 PM PDT
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I am starting to see a pattern and wanted to try and visualize it best I could Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:30 AM PDT
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Fedex is really killing it these days Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:51 PM PDT
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Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:16 AM PDT
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Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:30 PM PDT
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The only possible explanation for all the lost Kill codes Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:10 AM PDT
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Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:27 AM PDT I had most of the old arcanes farmed, double sets. Now I need one more for something like 40 arcanes. That's thousands of Scarlet Spear credits, ignoring the other rewards. That's hours of grind. You lied to us. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Scarlet Spear: Facing the True Evil Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:39 AM PDT
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I see DE is teasing us yet again for not spending 250 dollars in 2013 Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:24 PM PDT
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Squad """Link""" In A Nutshell Posted: 26 Mar 2020 02:07 AM PDT
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Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:28 AM PDT Even going as far as to criticize us for lacking honor and care about the scraps of war? Or when he sees himself as a father to his men and went full fucking ballistic on Vay Hek for not executing the treacherous G3? nah now he is essentially vay hek 2, just another mentally disabled manchild with an army. Dont come at me with the gene rot argument because high ranking Grineer replace their bits with augments, so undoubtly they'd have brain enhancing bits. If he's at a point of no return of intelligence drainage he'd just be replaced, for it makes 0 sense to have a general who acts completely irrational. Even Destiny respects its villains lmao [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:58 AM PDT
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Posted: 26 Mar 2020 10:11 PM PDT 4/100 15/100 56/100 59/100 80/100 40/100 56/100 59/100 63/100 And so on and so on and so on. Those aren't just arbitrary fractions, each one represents your playerbase wasting their time and effort for no reward because of factors almost entirely out of their own control. Some of them represent your "squad link" system shitting the bed and no codes getting sent out regardless of how many ground teams there are. Some of them represent a relay full of people who went AFK and stopped contributing but can't be replaced by anyone new. All of them fell so far behind compared to all of the lobbies slowly but steadily inching toward or already reaching 100 that no one new bothered to join them, dooming them. Each of them represents a failure. Your failure. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:56 PM PDT
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DE, the ''Victory Payout'' system is fundamentally broken and unfair. Posted: 26 Mar 2020 12:57 PM PDT I just wasted my time racking up points in a flotilla that inexplicably halted its progress on 50/100 - I will receive no reward because the system dictates that it must reach 100/100 for any bonus. This system is extremely frustrating and ill-conceived. Victory Payout needs to be reworked to something else, because depending on your flotilla to reach an arbitrary number in order to receive your reward is nonsense. As a side note: I'm pretty sure all the space teams on my flotilla were unable to receive kill codes due to some bug, which is what likely completely halted progress at 50/100 for the remaining hour or two... regardless of that though, the system is unfair and bad. Please change it. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:24 PM PDT
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I Am Disappointed With The Story Of Scarlet Spear Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:24 AM PDT This came out a bit more rant-y than I anticipated but this still think it needs to be said. Scarlet Spear's story leaves out many elements of Warframe's world that I think could have been communicated better. NOTE: I spoke with the lead writer of Warframe on Twitter about the issues covered in this post. Read these as you will, perhaps they'll give you more clarity as to the intentions and constraints of the writing team (as he says, this is a videogame, not a novel, so there are certain constraints to the narrative). Give him a follow as he's a cool dude: https://twitter.com/Cam_Rogers/status/1243185685705773057 So let's look at what is happening in Scarlet Spear from a macro point of view. ((Time for me to finally get some use out of that Creative Writing degree.)) The Sentients are invading the Solar System for a reason not yet fully explained - and after two years of build up without answering this question, I wonder if there's really a reason at all. But that's jumping the gun. The Murex recon ships are sent to the Origin System to collect data. Whatever this "data" they are after is a mystery, because the cinematic which beings the Scarlet Spear says nothing about what the Sentients are after. These Murex, despite being recon ships, begin their data collection from inside the Veil, which is the Heliosphere. First of all, the ranges involved by having Murex in the Veil is insane. Let's do some quick math: Average distance to Oort Cloud: ~100,000 AU Time for light to travel 1 AU: ~500 seconds Time for light to travel 100,000 AU: 50,000,000 seconds ~ 13,889 hours ~ 579 days. This means it would take 579 days for Condrixes to reach Earth from the Murex Heliosphere. And that's if they're traveling at the speed of light, something Sentients cannot do in Warframe's universe. So yeah, that's some BS sci-fi right there. It just leads me to ask... Why aren't the Murex orbiting in the Earth skybox if they're invading Earth? Speaking of, why are the Sentients invading Earth? What objective are they trying to complete? Earth is, in the in-game Codex lore, strategically useful only for its fresh water supply, but is not the only planet with water, nor has the highest supply. Earth is a backwater planet. The only thing I could think of which the Sentients could be after are the petrified remains of the Sentient who died on the modern Plains of Eidolon, but they're not landing there - they're landing in the jungles. Why? Why are they doing this? What is the Sentients' motivation? On another note, there is another faction in Warframe's universe which happens to be obsessed with Earth, the human form, humanity... New Loka. Yeah, where is New Loka when an army of sentient machines are invading their sacred planet? Why is that syndicate not joining us on every mission, not throwing themselves in waves trying to protect the most important element of their faith? Beyond this, where are the rest of the Syndicates? I can buy that the Red Veil can't help because we really lobotomized them in Chains of Harrow, but what about the Steel Meridian, an actual military force? Is the Perrin Sequence bankrolling our operation? Were they the ones who gave Little Duck her relay, which she even admits is shoehorned into the story? I would ask where the Arbiter of Hexis are, but we still know absolutely nothing about their beliefs (What do they mean when they say "justice?" What does it mean when the game says they venerate the Tenno?). Major players in the Origin System are just nowhere to be found when they should be right front-and-center to the conflict. For those who are front and center, I want to ask, why does Sargas Ruk think the Tenno are working with the Sentients? There is no reason stated in-game for the Grineer to think that. Previous in the story, we killed Grineer for communicating with Sentients (Natah quest). This feels like it was just written to make jokes and have a second enemy to fight during missions. The dialogue which is written is funny, yes, but this makes no sense. On the idea of sensibility being replaced for the sake of humor, why is Teshin no more than a joke in this operation? Little Duck mentions that Teshin came to her asking for information about the Sentients, and she plays it off for laughs. This does fit her character, but this opens up the can of worms: Why is Little Duck in charge of this operation when she has no military background? Little Duck was a child assassin under the Business, but forwent her training to become a Merc-Merc until the events of the Warframe comics happen where she gets lopped in with the Quills. So now she is the voice of the Quills to the Tenno. That does not qualify her to oversee a military operation. What should have happened is making Little Duck one of many vendors aboard the Flotilla. She stays the voice of the Quills and supplies the Tenno Arcanes, but leave someone like Teshin, Cressa Tal, or Ameryn oversee the actual missions. Having an assassin play the role of general just makes no sense, and wastes an otherwise gorgeous cast of characters which have yet to be fully realized in the game. It all had so much potential. Scarlet Spear was marketed to be the largest story expansion in Warframe's history, but the first impression has just fallen flat - and the reason I'm so emotional over it is because I love Warframe's world. It has one of the most unique sci-fi worlds in videogames, but here, I just feel it went underused. This is also not to say the writing team is bad, we all know how good their previous work has been in places like Fortuna, the Sacrifice, etc. But in Scarlet Spear I just can't get behind some of the narrative decisions made. High-level potential solutions for operations going forward
Sorry about the rant-style essay, but I believe this feedback needed to be said. So much feedback has been going toward gameplay that issues in the story were being overlooked, so here's my post. Feedback would be plenty appreciated. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Never thought DE would make a bitcoin mining simulator Posted: 26 Mar 2020 12:33 PM PDT Yet here we are! We are all just a bunch of computers working together to solve a hash. After the block (100 Murexs) we are then rewarded based on our contribution to that block. We can distribute our efforts to multiple blocks for higher gains. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Community-Created Warframe winner Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:18 PM PDT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DE should expand one of Scarlet Spear's genuinely good ideas: Squad Support Posted: 26 Mar 2020 10:46 AM PDT Squad Link is a bit of a bust. The short version is that it's a totally unnecessary and completely arbitrary solution to a manufactured problem. There's just no reason for it to exist in the current iteration when you can put a randomly generated Tenno "Councilor JJ" in the popup message and I would never be able to tell the difference - nor care! Squad Link and all of the technical complexity it brings is pointless unless squads are physically interacting in the same map, which is even more technically complex. Meanwhile DE has managed to blindly stumble upon an even better version of Squad Link, that does what Squad Link is supposed to do but better and in a less complex way. I'm talking about the support consoles inside of the Scarlet Spear relay. We can call it Squad Support. You can go to the event console, see the active squads, and send support to a squad in need. The result is immediate and impactful. I get a message from the player whose name I now know thanking me, and the player gets a support package in their mission that helps them actually complete their mission - not some arbitrary token that's required for mission progression just because the game says so. Additionally, DE has found a second good idea in the event's relay chat. Yes it's spammed with garbage, but the important part is that it's accessible while you're in a mission! You can actually communicate with other squads and phone home to HQ to ask for help, and then get that help in a way that actually matters. It's really, really good. It's the best part of Scarlet Spear. I think DE should shelve Squad Link until they have a better concept for it, and instead focus on more compelling Squad Support mechanics. Here's how it could work:
Sending support costs credits, resources, or consumable items. Like the current system, supporting a team can't be done too often and either has requirements that need to be met or a cooldown. When a supported team completes their mission you get a reduced copy of their mission rewards and some standing for a new Support Faction. If I'm supported and find 1,000 Plastids, when I leave the mission I get 1,000 Plastids and maybe my support gets 100 Plastids and 200 Support Faction Standing. The Support Faction sells resources, consumable items, Forma/Potatoes/Tomatoes/Relic bundles/etc, as well as some new cosmetics. I think something like this would do a lot to tie together existing systems and make the game world feel more alive and interconnected in a more organic and less arbitrarty way. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:39 AM PDT Disclaimer: I been posting these type of info for the better of I think 4 years. I wasn't awarded the "champion of warframe" award when I post about good news, so I am not gonna allow anyone to label me as a "warframe hater" when post not so good news. If you don't like to read about it, you can stop reading this thread now. Source & Full Report Here: http://northeurope.blob.euroland.com/press-releases-attachments/1203571/HKEX-EPS_20200325_9203152-0.PDF As indicated in their Annual Result for the year 2019 announcement, while Warframe's players base recorded an increase of 19.5% to 57.5mil in registered account, their revenue had actually gone down by 12.2%. Leyou indicated in the report attributing the decrease in revenue to 1) "large-scale AAA games with themes and gameplay similar to Warframe were launched.", 2) " With the next-generation consoles to be released by the end of 2020, the number of new console players reduced accordingly.", 3) "due to the size and scale of the development work related to Empyrean, a milestone content update for Warframe, the update cadence was temporarily affected and less new game content was released during the reporting period." Unless someone can tell me otherwise, seeing your game's sign up rating going up and revenue actually going down is never a good sign. As much as the game's Spacemom PR like using "Registered Users" as marketing, clearly it meant very little from how profitable the game actually is. IMO, while it is troubling for the dev, it is equally troubling for the player base that are sticking with the game since if the increase of "new blood" does not really help move the revenue needle forward, monetization and grind mechanics may grew more aggressive to try and move the needle from that end of the spectrum. DE need to come up with something good and quick. If 2019 is not a kind year for them, 2020 will only be worst. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
There are two types of people. Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:58 AM PDT
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Operation: Scarlet Spear in a nutshell Posted: 25 Mar 2020 11:31 PM PDT
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