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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    This thread is for sharing your Warframe experiences and good or bad luck. Experiences can be shared any day of the week!

    Whether you praise the Void or curse RNGesus, everyone here can sympathize; share any experiences that you've had in Warframe that you want! You can also freely share things that are listed as "disallowed posts" here.

    Comments are sorted by new by default! And remember...

    Experiences can be shared any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The railjack experience.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Please, DE. No more gigantic bombastic updates for the foreseeable future. Not til you've cleaned your plate, and no promoting them at Tennocon when they wont be out for years

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    Mind you, Tennocon is quite a while away. I know that things can come out before then and the opinion of the game can change quite a bit between then. One thing I dont want to see this year is another tease for content that wont even be out at the following Tennocon. I really do feel that after Planes of Duviri (whatever that is) that DE should focus on smaller, more digestible content than they have been. Of course, its important to take the things they've laid out, such as railjack, liches, the New War, these things and touch them up, make them presentable. But I really think the failure of Warframe over the last few years can be attributed to DE biting off more than they can chew. They overhype and excite people with their reveals and fail to deliver on sales pitches for their content and I really think it can be attributed to them splitting themselves too thin to work on far too many things at the same time. It's important that things get released and its important that DE clears their place before throwing any more food onto the mountain of already existing food. I really feel like they should take their time fixing this stuff because it's really buggy and half baked, and that they really shouldn't even talk about anything new they're working on until the important things in the game work right, especially the new content. I'd like to go back to a time when DE weren't crafting gigantic open worlds or humungous, jarringly different game modes and when they focused on smaller things like the Scarlet Spear.

    As for Scarlet Spear itself, I honestly dont feel like its that bad of an update. The scoring system is flawed, and the design choices in terms of the pacing of the event could be better, but I do think it calls back to a time when we got simpler events and I'd like to see more things like Scarlet Spear only with more polish. I look forward to things like the next Nightwave and such.

    I hate to be the white knight, especially because I hate white knights and people that continually defend people that constantly make mistakes, but DE have been working on the game practically nonstop for years. I'd rather them overstep their boundaries than just straight up burn out and run out of ideas. I think it's important for them to screw up because thats how they grow and learn. I've never played a game where the development team spent so much time listening to the constant and sometimes conflicting demands of the community as DE where they try to give everyone what they want. I used to be the guy that gave DE flack about a lot of things. I was the guy that gave DE flack for not releasing Excalibur Umbra and writing a whole quest around him. So no, I'm not perfect either. I cant imagine how tough they have it right now, being on everyone's shit list while stuck separated from their workplaces and each other and trying to clean up what is quite frankly a mess. It is why I'm not sitting around complaining about their content right now. I come back to Scarlet Spear and dabble with it every so often. I'll probably farm the rest of the legendary arcades and buy what I still need of the lessers. Everything should be much cheaper now.

    I'm playing other things right now because I just dont think Warframe is the thing to play right now. I'm not all that motivated by what it has to offer at the moment so it's just on standby for me.

    But yeah. I know this post is all over the place. I know I jump around from topic to topic, but that's really how I feel. I'd be more relieved if anything to have Tennocon come around, and what was revealed wasnt some gigantic, bombastic new systems. I dont feel like we need any more giant, conflicting game modes. I dont think we need any more giant open worlds with thousands of new resources. I'd settle for some boss fight reworks here and there. The Sergeant rework, iterations to pets, polishing of things already in the game. Even if the entire year was dedicated to making old things feel fresh again, without so much as a single big thing on the horizon, if the smaller content was just finished and polished and satisfying, that it'd be a much bigger success than these massive, ambitious updates that are just undercooked.

    submitted by /u/andrewcolomywright
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    [OC] Renegade

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    Mag - Space Surgeon

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    I've been reading a lot of the posts critizicing DE about AGGP's partner status lately, and they all have one thing in common: People in the comments asking for specific examples of AGGP. Well, here they are, and I sincerely hope DE addresses this.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:15 AM PDT

    I've been reading a lot of the posts critizicing DE about AGGP's partner status lately, and they all have one thing in common: People in the comments asking for specific examples of AGGP. Well, here they are, and I sincerely hope DE addresses this.

    Alright, this is gonna be a long one. For those of you who don't know, A Gay Guy Plays is a Warframe content creator that focuses his channel around his sexuality. Any and all attempts in the past to criticize him in any way have been classified as "homophobia." In this post, I'm going to pile up some evidence of AGGP displaying himself in an aggressive, demeaning, unwelcoming manner on both Twitch and Youtube.

    TL;DR: In this post, I've compiled some pictures and voice clips regarding AGGP, and I've shown how he's violated the Partner Program rules (Figure 3).

    Lets start with some pictures to address his claims that all criticism is homophobia.

    Figure 1

    Video the screenshot is from

    The Warframe community does not support or tolerate insulting other community members.

    I present you this screenshot of a comment on one of AGGP's videos.

    Figure 2

    Do no rules apply to AGGP?! There are multiple examples of AGGP using ad hominem attacks against stream viewers, including people with differing opinions, new players asking for advice, and anybody he want's to pick a bone with. DE can't continue to ignore AGGP's behaviour, especially when it directly goes against an official DE statement removing another player from the Guides of the Lotus program, which was a program designed for veterans to help newer players out and act as assistants. Figure 2 in and of itself should be enough evidence to have AGGP removed from the partner program, yet he continues to spew insults and hate in the name of DE. What hurts me isn't the fact AGGP insults people, it's that AGGP does it with the full backing and support of DE themselves.

    I'm pretty sure I understand why AGGP is still a partner. My personal best guess is that DE is scared if they let go of AGGP, he'll run to the media crying homophobia. Here's something that shows AGGP has violated the criteria for being a Warframe partner.

    Figure 3

    Contain illegal, racist, sexist, hateful, pornographic or other offensive material.

    AGGP spews hate all over his twitch and youtube channel. For examples from his youtube channel, refer to Figure 2. Here's an excerpt from one of his twitch streams. In this clip, he calls a viewer a "little b\tch*," and has an openly elitist attitude.

    Excerpt 1

    This goes in violation of Figure 3, taken directly from the official Partner Program website. Last I checked, calling somebody a "little b\tch*" counted as hateful, or possibly even sexist, material.

    Another possible reason AGGP is still a partner is the rampant nepotism DE uses when making decisions. AGGP has boasted numerous times about personally knowing DE staff members. In fact, Rahetelius made a video called Warframe: The Corruption of Digital Extremes in which he speaks of the chat moderator program, GotL (Guides of the Lotus) program, and the nepotism that goes on in DE. This would honestly be preferable to DE just choosing to ignore AGGP because he's gay, because at least there would be a reason for keeping him. If the only reason DE is keeping AGGP is because he's gay, they could easily find better representatives of the LGBTQ+ communities who play warframe. There is no reason to keep AGGP simply for his sexuality.

    Honestly, I'm just putting it all out there for everybody to see. My flair is literally my IGN, so I'm fully ready to take on the hate and highly probably DE action. I can honestly say at this point, I wouldn't be suprised if a ban shows up on my account soon. DE has stood by and ignored the community on this matter, and I think it seriously needs to be addressed. DE acts like rules don't apply to AGGP, and this post provides the evidence that AGGP is breaking rules, and DE is ignoring it. There's a lot of tension in the community right now regarding AGGP, and I think there is nobody better suited for dealing with this issue than u/Rebulast our community manager and u/DigitalExtremes. If they don't reply, I guess they're just going to continue ignoring this growing problem and keep the status quo of pretending AGGP doesn't represent their studio.

    I know this has been a long read, but I think somebody needed to put it all together. We've all seen the loose pieces of evidence against AGGP, but right here, I've put the rules next to the evidence and what we see here is violation of the Partnership Program rules, and possibly even ToS. DE, please realize that AGGP is a partner, and what he says to the community reflects your studio. Thank you.

    EDIT: it has been brought to my attention that Rebecca's cat of 15 years recently passed. Please don't spam her or bother her right now, out of common decency.

    submitted by /u/CorruptedJef
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    It's 4/20, and you know what that means! Happy Birthday, Khora!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    Dev Note: The Intermission that lasted 6 months is ending in 2 Weeks!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 11:22 AM PDT



    As you'll soon see in our marketing channels, Intermission II is ending on May 3 on all platforms. Spend your Intermission II Cred! In the coming weeks, Nightwave Series 3: Glassmaker will start to unfold, with a whole new series of exclusive Rewards and newly added challenges -- many designed and suggested by the community!.

    But onto the elephant in the room: "Why did Intermission II last so long"?

    This post is to explain why;

    The short answer to 'why' is because of the want to put not only the much emphasized 'more Lore' within the series, but also add a taste more of interactivity with Nora's storytelling.

    The long answer is one rooted by setback after setback we have faced as developers due to our own choices - we are entirely responsible for each additional day this Intermission II lasted. We have had issues with timing, creative choices, a bit of a work-from-home interruption, and more. But when each of those issues is scrutinized, they all fall back to one major issue: quality.

    A third entry into the Nightwave system is a lower-risk for quality - but what surrounds its development is extremely high risk - Scarlet Spear, Railjack, Warframe Revised, these labour- and creative-intensive updates have all impacted our ability to release Series 3. Each update brought a new set of fresh challenges and problems to solve, which unfortunately pushed the goalpost further back.

    We are responsible for the quality of our releases, and when it comes to Series 3, we do not want its functionality to be what you're focused on. We don't want you to have questions of 'will it work' at a functional level, but rather, 'will it work' at a conceptual and storytelling level. With Series 3, we wanted to attempt a course-correct back to delivering an update that hopefully has a first impression we can stand behind.

    See you later in May for NIGHTWAVE SERIES 3: GLASSMAKER!

    submitted by /u/AlyoshaV
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    I think no matter how this critical chapter in warframes history shakes out. I will often login just to look nostalgically at this view. Feel free to discus fave warframe memories with me in the comments. Sleepy depressed vibes encouraged but not mandatory.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    Why aren't Sentients weak to Void damage?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    I've been playing the game assuming that Void damage got a +50% or +75% against Sentient enemy types, but after trying to use my Operator to kill Sentients in Scarlet Spear, I realized that my damage output was pitiful. So I went to the wiki to check, and found out that Sentient enemies have no weakness to Void damage.


    I remember that scene in The Second Dream where we use our Operator for the first time, and just the void beam (no amp) absolutely tears through the Sentients. I thought that moment was the game teaching me "Operators are your main tool against the Sentients. Your Warframe alone isn't going to cut it."

    But I guess that wasn't true at all and was just for cinematic purposes. Because despite having access to dozens of different amp setups, our amps do jackshit damage against Sentients.

    Isn't it canon that the Void is "like poison" to Sentients? Why doesn't gameplay reflect that? The only "Sentient" that requires the use of your Operator to kill is the Eidolons. Every other Sentient enemy in the game, you attack with your Warframe through 99% of the interaction, and you only have to pop out and slap them with your amp for .5 seconds to reset their resistances.

    I would feel a hell of a lot better about dumping 100+ hours into Focus if my amp was actually useful for killing Sentients. Sure, I use the Operator to reset their resistances, but shouldn't we be doing more than that?

    submitted by /u/romanhigh
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    You want arcanes? Well here ya go!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 02:11 PM PDT


    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 11:23 PM PDT

    Batman & Catwoman Cosplay (with u/awexorcist as Bats)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    New week, new wallpaper.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    I finally collected all the Kuria after a day-long tile hunt. Here's its new home

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 09:49 PM PDT

    Introducing The Warframe Community Tier List

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    The Warframe Community Tier List

    Hey Tenno,

    What's better than telling people how to play the game?

    That's right, telling people that they're wrong.

    Well now you can do both at the same time with the world's first Warframe Community Tier List!

    Someone's mistakenly miscategorized your favorite waifu? Correct them with just the click of a button.

    Limbo has somehow clawed his way out of the void? Put him back where he belongs.

    There truly is no limit to the potential fun to be had, so head over to Overframe right now to get in on the action.

    Also it's beta, which means if anything breaks I can't be held responsible.

    Happy voting!

    submitted by /u/Semlar
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    I 3D Printed a Bolto Prime and a Lex Prime

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, incredibly new to the game but liking it so far!!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    Why don't we have Operator-Warframe relationships?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 02:47 AM PDT

    Nope, it's not a sicko thread and not a joke\meme about "Warframe Dating Sim". I'm full on serious.

    What bothered me since I've played Sacrifice is why don't we have more autonomous warframes? I understand that in-universe explanation is that only Umbra was permitted to have its memories, but in Second Dream your warframe moved on its own. And DE already had that idea about Umbra memories being implanted into other warframes to have them being autonomous. But what if we take it to another step?

    What if we have the same mechanic as Umbra memories implantation - that means that you get some specific bluepring, some resources and craft this thing that unlocks warframe memories. But it's not Umbra's memories - every warframe has its own story. For now, we have Leverian that tells us about those cool events that happened in the past. But what if we unlock something like this directly through warframes and have little playable missions, where we get glimpses of the Old War and Orokin Empire at its peak? Moreover, every warframe gets its own character and has its own bond with the Operator. Depending on the usage, warframe can get more fond of your operator and unblock some additional skills. Maybe you can augment some of your abilities without wasting mod slot or increase shield\health capacity, something like this. Little bonuses that are still worth chasing.

    We were shown in Sacrifice that Operator share this bond with warframes, but we don't really see it in action, so to say. Depending on your affinity\relationship status with warframe it can act a little detached or even paranoid, but if you use it really much, don't die, clear missions efficiently without taking too much damage, it respects your Operator more and more. Also, you can have little activities in your Orbiter if you go into Operator mode. Umbra plays Shawzin, which you can listen to, or you can play Komi with him. Hildryn works out a lot, Ivara practices with the bow and you can practice with her (because I fell that we will get Operator weapons in Duviri Paradox,so, some practice would be good) and if you get higher score than here, you increase your skill with the bow or something like this.

    Nidus is chilling with Helminth, you can help him with laboratory. Vauban, obviously, crafts new grenades, Mesa does sharpshooting. You get what I'm talking about.

    You can take it even to the next level, where you have little competitions with your warframe in open worlds. Can you outrun Gauss in Operator mode? Can you outkill Saryn? Can you take (block with Vazarin) more damage than Rhino? Can you outheal Oberon?

    Some story-related content would be nice too. What I really liked about Warframe in the first place was that idea I read somewhere that warframes were constructs of old Orokin heroes that did some heroic deeds and were so worshipped, that Orokin decided to immortalize them in form of warframes. So every warframe has some characteristics of the prototype and some memories from before they were turned into war machines. Obviously, at this point it's all fan-fiction, but it would be nice to expand on that, so we have missions from the Old War and missions from time, where warframes were people, so we can relate to them a lot more.

    So, what do you think about it?

    submitted by /u/BLOODRAVENCAPTAIN93
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    It's annoying having to load in to Maroo's Bazaar and powerwalk through to her just to start the weekly Ayatan mission

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    Same with Clem's weekly... Can we not just launch into the actual mission from the Alerts tab please??

    This might be my biggest gripe at the moment. I still haven't 100% maxed all the Primed mods in the game and i'm still needing Endo in general, so i run the treasure hunt every week (as i'm sure many do) & occasionally help out St Clementine boi.

    It's such a massive waste of time having to go visit the NPCs in person. Especially on PS4. Even if it all loaded instantly, it's still annoying and pointless, not to mention a bad design choice, as it contradicts the usual method of launching special missions, directly from the tabs in the starchart. This must be legitimately confusing for brand new players, as well as being nonsensical for the rest of us.

    Is it purely to force you to run past players that are trading items, to keep the 'market' area somewhat populated? To therefore possibly stimulate platinum purchases, via the new players seeing the cool stuff being sold by others?? I can't think of a single good reason, this is the only justification i can think of (a terrible one nonetheless.)

    Hmm... as for Clem, it's probably the same reasoning - you have to walk up to Darvo and catch a glimpse of his wares before you can start the mission... ffs, I bet that's all it is.

    Just let us launch from the Alerts tab where the actual mission is supposed to be please................................ :(

    (I really hope nobody informs me there's a shortcut I've been missing all along...)

    While we're at it, thinking about new players again - on a failed attempt at the treasure hunt, surely you can let the player restart it from the end screen like any other mission? At the moment i believe it dumps you back at the landing craft area of the Bazaar - so you have to complete the powerwalking-only marathon back to Maroo again. This wouldn't even be a problem if the whole bazaar visit wasn't part of the weekly treasure hunt experience though...

    Smh my head

    submitted by /u/Scalade
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    Things That Are Awesome: Movement

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    Hey DE. I'd just like to give you all a shoutout for something that's awesome: the feeling of moving around in your game. The fluidity, freedom, and speed of movement in Warframe, the feeling of bouncing through a level like a ping-pong ball with a sword and guns, is a constant joy.

    I started playing Warframe over five years ago. I was playing Destiny 2 regularly, picked up Warframe just to try it out because I had heard good things. Went back to Destiny to do daily quests, and all of a sudden it felt so slow. Everything else feels so slow. You all have ruined normal shooters for me, and it's great. It's one of the things that keeps me coming back day after day.

    submitted by /u/TheDigitalGabeg
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    Don't Talk to Me, Unless You're Wearing N O R G

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    Is it just me, or have these been full for a while now?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    The raid is over, Grineer. Don't make come down there. Ah fuuuuuuu...

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 02:13 AM PDT

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