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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Warframe Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    This thread is for anyone to recruit or request others to help them out. It's open to all types of recruitment, and you can recruit any day of the week!

    • Asking for help from other players or offering to help? Go ahead and share your name!

    • Need people to do a certain kind of run? Put your name out there!

    • Want to recruit for your clan? Do it!

    • Anything else you want other players to add you up for? Get the word out and see who offers!

    Please provide the following information in your comment (in no particular order or format):

    • Platform (PC/PS4/XB1/Switch)
    • In-game name (to add to contacts), or clan name if recruiting
    • Location (for lag concerns or looking for players from specific regions)
    • Goal (What are you going to be doing?)

    No formatting necessary! That's right, format your requests or offers howeveryou want! The nicer and prettier it is though, the easier it is to read so keep that in mind!

    Read the other comments! If no one answers your response, add the others who have shared their info! Keep checking back to see who else is out there! Request away!

    And remember...

    You can recruit any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Humanframe Baruuk Bedouin (tennogen skin)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    Dear Tenno, remember this mod for the next dev update

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    Better Egyptian gods pending (BNP Dayren and Cataclysm)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    Enyo corp makes their way out of debt

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:10 AM PDT

    Hey DE, you let this win a contest? This is in the current featured Ghost Clan.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    "Honey , you would'nt use 30$ worth of platinum just to get a big sword , right?"

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    This guys making a warframe anime! Check out his trailer!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Dev Workshop: Healing Defendable Targets

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:25 PM PDT


    Earlier this week we were 'Tip'ped off to a problem of our own creation:

    Claiming a 'fix' for Venari + Healing + Inanimate Objects when a Tip from the community creation verifies it's intended. How can this be? Well, you can see the history here the topic is not over:

    "We made a hasty change in Hotfix 27.3.6 that removed Venari's Heal aura from affecting Oplinks AND Defense Targets. Firstly, the terminology of calling Venari's Defense Target healing a 'fix' was incorrect, so apologies there on my behalf. It's correct to say it was a feature for Venari, considering it had its own Tip for it! The change stemmed from our desire to resolve Operation exploits as quickly as possible, and we didn't communicate this properly.

    We're doing a deeper review on abilities that heal Defense Targets that we can speak to in the coming days. Apologies as well for the late reply on this topic. We'll update everyone when we've dug deeper and have an action plan.

    We have been heads down several days on discussions - and ultimately what we want is more 'Healing' abilities to work to allow for more strategies to emerge in various mission types. We want there to be lots of options instead of one 'perfect' option. The decision to not allow heals to work on these defensive targets is an old one, and it arose from Trinity's Blessing. The fact that it was a 100% heal meant that it trivialized any Defense mission. Since then we have been blocking heal on most abilities (not super consistently) without reflecting back on the original design decision.

    Now that that we have reviewed it, we feel like healing these objectives can serve well as an alternative or a complement to the commonly used defensive abilities, such as Frost's Snow Globe, Gara's Mass Vitrify, Limbo's Cataclysm. 100% heals is not what we want to do, so we are instead trying to allow the effects but adjusted as to not trivialize the game modes.

    Here are the next steps:

    Warframe Abilities / other items that provide healing will work on Defendable Objects in 3 ways:

    Fine as is Needs a cap Change "Burst Heal" into "Heal Over Time"

    Heal Source Normal effect Effect on all types of static Defendable objects (Cryopods, Excavators, etc) How does this already work on the live build?
    Gara - Mending Splinters 3 HP per sec for each active splinter Fine as is. As is
    Hildryn - Haven 500 Max Shields80% faster Shield recharge Fine as is, will inherit the Normal effect behaviour. On live does nothing
    Trinity - Blessing Up to 100% HP and Shield restore Previously did nothing. Now, will Heal for 500 over 5 seconds, can't stack On live does nothing
    Equinox - Mend 25 Shields for each enemy killedBurst heal based on how much damage was dealtNotes: Since the heal amount is based on player damage, the numbers are astronomical which will lead to imbalances outside our goal here. Previously did nothing. Now, Allow the Shields component to work and heal for 500 over 5 seconds, can't stack. Does not affect (health nor shield)
    Vazarin - Protective Dash 5 seconds invulnerability60% Heal over 5 seconds No invulnerabilityHeal for 500 over 5 seconds, can't stack Works at full effect
    Khora - Venari Heal for 50 hp/sec Fine as is. Will return functionality that kicked this whole Workshop off. We will be returning the functionality it had before
    Hydroid - Curative Undertow Heals 30% hp every 1.5 secs when ally stands on it Previously did nothing. Heal for 100 per 1.5 sec On live does nothing
    Harrow - Penance Heals allies for a % of damage dealtNotes: Similar to Equinox, very hard to balance for this since it's based on damage dealt. Heals are capped up to 50 per. On live does nothing
    Oberon - Renew 125 burst heal50 health per sec Previously did nothing. Now, Fine as is and will inherit this behaviour. On live does nothing
    Garuda - Blood Siphon Heals by % of missing health Doesn't apply, for flavor we think this shouldn't. On live does nothing
    Inaros - Scarab Swarm Heals for damage dealt by Swarm Projectile divided by allies in range. Fine as is, will inherit this behaviour. On live does nothing
    Nidus - Ravenous Heal allies standing on it for 20 HP per second Fine as is, will inherit this behaviour. On live does nothing
    Wisp - Vitality Mote Increase max hp by 300 and heal for 30 hp per second Fine as is, will inherit this behaviour. On live does nothing
    Volt - Capacitance Grants shields based on 3% of damage dealt Capped at 250 shields, no overshields On live does nothing
    Titania - Passive 4 Heal Per Second for 20 Seconds, Fine as is On live does nothing
    Sancti Magistar Heals for damage dealt in an AoE Heal for up to 500 over 5 seconds, can't stack with other players. Going from a burst to Heal over Time. Going from burst to heal over time
    Ancient Healer Heal for 100 HP every 20 seconds Fine as is As is
    Rejuvenation Aura Heal 3 HP per sec Fine as is As is
    Arcane Pulse 60% Chance to heal for 150 HP when picking up a globe with a 15 sec cooldown. Fine as is As is

    Next let's talk Damage Reduction. The above covers healing efforts, but what about abilities that reduce incoming Damage? It's completely inconsistent on live right now, so we are making changes.

    Damage Reduction

    Damage Reduction Source Normal effect *Effect on all types of static Defendable objects (Cryopods, Excavators, etc) * How does this already work on live?
    Trinity - Blessing 50% Damage reduction unmodded Capped at 50% Damage Reduction On live does nothing
    Mirage - Total Eclipse Grants 75% Damage reduction to allies Capped at 50% Damage Reduction On live does nothing
    Titania - Thorns 50% damage redirected to enemies Fine as is On live does nothing
    Gara - Splinter Storm 70% Damage reduction Capped at 50% Damage Reduction Works at full effect
    Ember - Immolated Radiance 50% of Immolates Damage reduction applies to allies Capped at 50% Damage Reduction On live does nothing
    Baruuk - Desolate Hands 80% Damage reduction Capped at 50% Damage Reduction On live does nothing
    Harrow - Warding Thurible 40% Damage Reduction Capped at 50% Damage Reduction Works at full effect
    Nezha - Warding Halo Absorbs 90% of damage Capped at 50% Damage Reduction On live does nothing

    We are aiming to ship this bigger revision on Defendable Object healing in a near Hotfix - stay tuned as we dive deeper into this. We just wanted everyone to be aware of the intent within the same week we created the miscommunication and inconsistency.

    Stay home, stay safe, have an awesome weekend Tenno!

    submitted by /u/rebulast
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    Blender render of these prime chumps, 1500 samples (and still noisy), some denoiser and patience.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    Anyone who wants difficult content obviously hasn't decorated a dojo.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    Nightwave Intermission II got me feeling like

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    Just saw this skin on the workshop, Hildryn mains unite!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    Experienced a lot of weird bugs so far, but getting 200+ argon crystals from a single murex run is a nice twist

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    De: nerfs limbo and khora. Community:

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    Took this capture screenshot a couple minutes ago and thought I would share it with you guys, Hope you like it.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    A buyers guide for all Arcanes available in Scarlet Spear.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    This list will be using an A/B/C/D ranking to represent the purchase priority as well as a short description of their usefulness.

    Here's a quick description of what each ranking means:

    A - meta or very good

    B - good, but likely replaceable by a rank A arcane

    C - situational or not useful

    D - pray DE reworks this to something useful

    Arcane Rank Rarity Comments
    Guardian A Silver massive survivability boost for frames like Oberon or Wukong which needs just a tad bit more armor. Can be used to lesser effectiveness on just about any frame.
    Grace A Legendary allows frames with no healing to heal for free. Immortal Inaros' key component. This can be dropped if you have Magus Repair. However, it is preferable for moments where using your operator is difficult.
    Energize A Legendary its Energize. If you don't know what this Arcane is, welcome to Warframe!
    Barrier A Legendary similar to Arcane Aegis, but used on frames with low shield cap.
    Avenger A Gold 45% FLAT critical chance is nothing to scoff at. Allows Status weapons to be built for crit (Kuva Nukor cough cough) provided a tanky frame is used. Note that all 'On Damaged' conditions do not proc with Rhino's Iron Skin or similar invincibility effects.
    Aegis A Gold the introduction of shield gating really makes this arcane shine, making some frames nigh invincible. Better on frames with high shield cap.
    Velocity B Silver Very strong Mesa synergy but usually not used with regular secondaries since Precision exists.
    Ultimatum B Gold I actually have a meme build for a tanky Ash/Banshee/Excalibur using this with Grace. The only logical use would be on Inaros, but you could argue that its a bit overkill to give Inaros more DR.
    Trickery B Silver Ash synergy. Can also be used by Savage Silence Banshee and Excalibur.
    Strike B Silver much like Fury, nice but not necessary.
    Precision B Gold not necessary but holy fuck does this thing give you damage.
    Nullifier B Bronze Popularly used to ignore magnetic procs during Eidolons / Profit-Taker, but unnecessary for those familiar with the fights.
    Fury B Gold decent buff for melees, somewhat unnecessary since melee's are already so fucking strong, but I guess if you want more damage? Also allows for less viable melees to be viable.
    Agility/Consequence B Bronze the 60% parkour velocity is a great buff and preferable for quick missions, but not mandatory either. A lot of people sleep on parkour velocity but this paired with another parkour mod will send you flying across missions. Agility vs Consequence is based on preference.
    Acceleration B Silver usable, but not mandatory. Most primaries are naturally modded for fire rate when needed.
    Victory C Silver On paper it seems usable on frames which aren't tanky and prefer staying a safe distance away, but at that point you'd be using Magus Repair/Nourish.
    Tempo C Bronze I'm actually quiet a fan of Tempo on things like the Astilla and Arca Plasmor, but isn't really worth slotting in over other Arcanes.
    Rage C Gold it's a primary version of Precision. You'd think it'd be usable but since primaries have access to higher Damage% mods it isn't as good.
    Pulse C Gold decent on Nekros, but got a real bad nerf on the Arcane changes in the form of a 15 second cooldown. Also niche use with Reaping Chakram Nezha, but not much else.
    Momentum C Bronze has a niche in some Eidolon hunting builds, but just doesn't do enough to justify regular use, especially with how Reload Speed suffers from diminishing returns.
    Deflection, Healing, Ice, Resistance C n/a the only niche use is Healing for Radiation Hazard Sortie missions and maybe Resistance for toxic procs on shield-focused frames. The rest are forgettable for now, but may become useful in future events / game modes.
    Awakening C Silver bad version of Arcane Precision.
    Arachne C Gold the buff actually applies to all weapons equipped barring Exalteds, but refreshing it gets pretty tiresome and may not always be possible. I'd rank it B if you don't mind the refresh.
    Phantasm D Silver honestly I never used this Arcane, I've never seen anyone talk about it or use it, so I'm just gonna assume its bad. (Might be useful for Volt speedrunning builds?)
    Eruption D Silver why does this even exist?

    Thanks to u/jchampagne83 for the table formatting!

    Feel free to critique the list!

    submitted by /u/----Val----
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    Can DE please un nerf Glaive and melee throws please?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 11:14 AM PDT

    My glaive sees little use along with the wolf sledge hammer, and the only reason why is that the 'fun' factor was nerfed with zero explanation as to why.

    Before, melee throws were affected by combo multiplier, but now it isn't. Which makes throwing weapons completely dumb. I'm chucking a giant hammer and a razor edged disc at my enemies, and all I get is either a tiny tick of damage, or a stupid ragdoll.

    Why can't they work on the game itself instead of dishing out updates that aren't respecting the player's time in the first place? I'm on console, and I've seen videos of scarlet spear on pc, and I'm just wondering why DE doesn't think fixing the game's many issues wouldn't be their main priority over over ambitious yet flawed executions.

    Idek if I made any sense but whatever. Doubt they even read these kinds of posts anyway.

    submitted by /u/bun-y
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    Grineer gets smashed

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Dear DE: Kill codes not being received in Murex Raids is a new layer of fresh hell.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    I've lost 10k payouts three times today because flotillas are bugged out of whack, Little Duck's using Grineer potato servers or whatever that prevents kill-codes from being transmitted to Murex raids without delay!

    Flotilla chat is generally angry, begging for kill-codes is at an all time high, and murex-raids are borked beyond recognition when we're all forced to set up camp just waiting for one code after another.

    I'm sitting with a player right now who's playing Scarlet Spear for the first time, and his exact words:

    "wait so this is warframe's latest event?"
    "its like we sit here and shake our legs"

    submitted by /u/Warbreakers
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    My First Week In Warframe + My Thoughts on Warframe

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    After my school closed due to corona virus, my friends told me to play Warframe. I have never played Warframe except doing a tutorial and quit the game right after because I couldn't do the first campaign mission. (I didn't realize I had to activate something to open a door). I also wanted to play because I couldn't imagine myself grinding in League for the entire month and because of the "Railjack" in "Scarlet Spear" that my friends were having a blast in, since they had seemingly low numbers in mastery (15, 17 and 19) I thought maybe it was going to be easy to catch up, and I did not notice that all of them had at least 800 hours in the game.

    A bit of background, the most grinding game I had to do was OG Maplestory back in 2011 and my favorite character was Luminous (Dark) and my 2nd favorite was Phantom, Maplestory requires a huge devotion of time so as a student with no time, I gave up on progressing normally and tried to speed run through the story line meaning I was always the underdog in the fights.

    I started out as Volt because my friend told me he was fun to play, I didn't know how to build Warframes so I stuck with Volt until I finished the Sacrifice. I got confused on the open world aspect of the game and I had no idea what fissures were. So I mastery grinded to 3 pretty quickly (2 days) and got a bunch of weapons I had no idea how to get the materials for. Nano spores? Argon crystals? Hell, I had trouble having more than 5k ferrite in my inventory but I just wanted to catch up, and I reached MR 6 in about 4 days.

    Next were codex quests , after I reached Pluto or so(I don't remember), I finished Chains of Harrow (that was scary) and The Sacrafice and the watched the New War. When the New War "cinematic" ended, I was really confused. I told my friend "I watched all these videos and it said I didn't finish the quest, WTF?" He responded "You dumbass, you must be stupid or something, the New War hasn't even come out yet lmao" Well sorry friend, I haven't been following the patch notes or follow the "Tenno conventions" you've been talking about because I just started fucking 5 days ago. My friends were not supportive of my "speed run" of the game as they told me "your mods are shit" and "You don't even have the weapon XXX? You fucking dumbass" and the of course "Are you blind? Do you not see actions in the upgrade screen to forma weapons? Oh wait, your weapons are shit don't even bother."

    So since I had "shit weapons" I decided to get a new warframe and grind kuva lich, my first Warframe was Mesa Prime which I got through farming fissures, but I got stuck at obtaining the systems for the longest time until my friend said "go to warframe.market and buy it" and that's what I did to get Mesa Prime at MR 5 a day after my Umbra Excalibur. Next my Kuva Lich, I had no idea about which weapon to get so I just stabbed the first one I saw and I got a Kuva Tonkor that also had a ephemera. Truth to be told, it takes the MR 6 me 15 seconds to kill one lvl 80 Grineer, so I had to hold a MR 23 rando's hand for 6 hours to finally to get a lighting ephemera and Kuva Tonkor, to which my friends told me "you should've gone for Kuva Bramma, Tonkor is so-so".

    Fine then, I said, I will get a riven mod to compensate for my trash weapons. So came the Sorties with me again holding MR >15's hand and beating it with ease. At this point, I felt like the little child just following other people and not knowing jack shit. So I decided to be enlightened, and went on the wiki, and pressed "random page".

    I am still confused even as of now. All I know is that Mesa Prime shoots guns and Equinox Prime is fun.

    Eidolon hunting, now my friends told me to go Zenurik because it is "broken and requires no skill". What they did not tell me is that I needed to hunt Eidolons to get focus. So after some searching online (At this point, I gave up on my asking for my friends' advice and turned to the internet) I went to Cetus and then realized I did not have a arcwing launcher. So that turned to using my K Drive which meant the eidolon was often dead when I reached the location, and sometimes the Eidolon would randomly teleport and then I have to go back where I came from.

    So here I am now, MR 8 after playing for exactly a week of 117 hours (according to steam),with 2 prime warframes (Equinox and Mesa) and have unlocked all of the planets. I just learned about trading, Void Trader, fishing, mining, standing, the fact you have to be in operator mode to talk to Little Duck, and you could hold down the fire button on Mesa Prime's 4.

    In my opinion, the community here is way nicer than the likes of Maplestory, LoL (ofc), and Destiny 2. The high MR (even if they aren't intending to) always help out the lower level people, give tips to them, and don't get mad if the lower level players die a lot and need to revived. Even if my Kuva Lich temporarily disappeared after a hot fix, I support DE and their game, it is honestly the first game I played that was fun to grind on.

    submitted by /u/set435
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    Crazy atlas diomond

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    I can't escape Space Mom's wrath!!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    Would really love to see a tenno mask like this, painting done by me.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    First time seeing this tileset on the Lua map, thought it was pretty cool.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    We Gerudo now, bois.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:17 AM PDT

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