• Breaking News




    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 08:33 AM PDT







    • ???


    CREDIT GOES TO /u/waterpirate12, /u/BadBrad526, AND /u/Foxboy93 FOR STARTING THIS WEEKLY THREAD SERIES!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Inspired by a conversation on my alliance discord

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    Balanced Equinox

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Scarlet Spear Console Launch - 103 ground squads

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 07:36 PM PDT

    Saryn Prime

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    Its that time again (2)

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    DE, If I May Humbly Suggest: Railjack Figureheads

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    Here are my doorway ayatan golems! Hope you like them!

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    Smol Zanuka has come to make sure you're doing okay

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    "It had to be said" - [DE]Rebecca commented on the issues with previous content drops and how they generate tension among the Warframe community. Will talk more next dev stream on April 17th.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    For those that didn't watch it, in the latest Home Time #3 stream, spacemom took a bit of the time to comment on the issue with previous content drops and how they generate tension among the Warframe community.

    Segment timestamp between 5:06~7:35: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPa0X5ceCIE&t=306s


    "...so alright so I mean I don't look tense but I definitely should mention that everyone is definitely more tense right now the past four weeks; You've all been working from home and trying to overcome obstacle other than hot fixes which is usually the you know the only issue we have to deal with. We're working under a little different and more stressful conditions and that's not just us that's all of you watching, all of you at home. It's definitely not an easy time we're seeing essential workers, you know, getting a lot of love and praise which we are absolutely participating in we're seeing people hopefully staying home and socialize isolating but given the tension there's really nowhere more true right now for us in our little world then with Warframe and I think for Warframe in the community the tension gets worse if we don't acknowledge it.

    I want to make it as clear as possible that we have had some really serious conversations internally about the disappointing first impressions namely with the last three sort of headliner updates the Old Blood, Railjack and then Scarlet spear as recently as two weeks ago so on top of that you're kind of looking at the nightwave intermission too and seeing that every day is another day this intermission has gone on for too long and I just want to make it as clear as possible that there's never a version of the dev team that's trying to release bad or disappointing content there's only versions of us recovering from when we do and we really appreciate guys sticking around we know that the bad first impression situation we're in is not healthy for the community or us as developers and the conversations we've been having internally which you know tend to be pretty candid right now about everything that's going on are the ones I think the community would be wanting us to have about Warframe's future updates and plans for this year.

    So I just wanted to make sure that any of the tension you guys are feeling is addressed and not just sort of a ambient feeling because it's certainly one that we do need to take responsibly in terms of the quality of everything that we're working on so I appreciate that some people may be feeling more tense than usual right now and rest assured that we are - and we are very aware and we're not in a situation where we want to ignore such tensions and hopefully next dev stream on April 17th we can talk a little more about that so thank you everyone that was just a semi prepared version of trying to encapsulate in a way that I think addresses that that sort of tension between the community and what's going on with the state of the three headliner updates so yeah hopefully my super zoom in awkward cropping has not did an ill spell upon that schpeel but either way I think I had to be said."

    submitted by /u/Rock3tPunch
    [link] [comments]

    Blinding Lights

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 10:09 AM PDT

    Bunny Nova

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    I just love those messages

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    New hotfix be lookin clean ngl

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Went to fight the Exploiter orb and bullied a child instead

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    Hidden Top Areas in the Energy Reactor Room

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 07:13 PM PDT

    i see you enjoy nerfing rubico prime riven dispo. why not add ambush optics as pexilus for pve a small compensation, i believe it would make rubico and rubico prime more enjoyable to use for normal content. maybe make it universal for all snipers rifles.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    Warframe | Gameplay Trailer (Unofficial)

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    Cloud Walker Wukong

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    Scarlet Spear: 27.3.11

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 12:32 PM PDT


    Scarlet Spear Changes & Fixes

    • Increased the Murex Raid Satellite's Armor.
      • This change was brought forth by feedback regarding the Satellites being too squishy against Crewships as you progress into the Murex Raid mission.

    General Changes

    • Refined the logic that decides when to direct crashes to https://www.warframe.com/en/memory or to our bug database.
    • The Yooka Floof is now available in the Market for 1 Credit!
      • We've given the Yooka Floof a home in the Market for players that missed the Inbox opportunity window. 1 per person!

    Railjack Fixes

    • Fixed Heat Accretion stat comparison appearing backwards.
    • Fixed a script error when a Boarding Party comes knockin'.
    • Fixed a script error when transitioning through the Void tunnel.
    • "Reset Defaults" and "Randomize All" buttons in Railjack cosmetics screen now resets the camera to the overview when viewing the exterior. This makes more sense as these buttons apply changes to the entire ship, and also fixes an issue where if you were focused on the decal or name then the position would be wrong after changing the Railjack skin.


    • Fixed non-Sentient/Amalgam enemies being affected by diminishing returns when affected by Limbo's Stasis. This specifically applies to enemies in the Index.
    • Fixed Frost's Snowglobe not blocking certain Sentient Attacks.
    • Fixed the Aerolyst enemy giving less-than-intended Affinity.
    • Fixed hit indicators not appearing if the 'Damage Numbers' setting was toggled.
    • Fixed and disabled Exalted Weapon Rivens from generation. Any of these will be re-rolled on login.
    • Fixed Moa pets doing silly short hops when moving really slowly, or fast-walk strides when moving really fast.
    • Fixed issues when combining Octavia's Resonator and Mallet causing Mallet to not absorb damage anymore.
    • Fixed an issue where previewing unpurchased Weapons or Warframes would cause hitches.
    • Fixed Specter's accuracy with Bows being quite poor and their fire rate not reflecting realistic usage.
    • Fixed an error that could break the HUD for Clients joining Interception missions.
    • Fixed Ambulas falling into pits when hopping around.
    • Fixed Step-based Ephemeras not working on Titania Prime.
    • Fixed Titania's Thorns Tribute not reducing damage taken by the player.
    • Fixed Titania's Full Moon buff not applying to her Razorflies.
    • Fixed Titania's Reticle missing when entering Operator Mode from Razorwing.
    • Fixed the Corinth Prime alt-fire Projectile having incorrect orientation.
    • Fixed Atlas' Passive preventing Atlas from having any collision in Jordas Golem fight.
    • Fixed the Demolisher Juggernaut in Disruption missions getting very distracted and moving very slowly to its destination.
    • Fixed Arcane "Upgraded" counter including equipped Arcanes even if they are not at max rank.
    • Fixed Jad Teran not following the Scrambus rules for disabling abilities.
    • Fixed Scrambus nullifications being permanent on friendly AI.
    • Fixed sleep animations on Kuva Jester's causing them to stand oddly on shoulders of Guardians.
    • Fixed slightly overlapping UI trackers when playing a Disruption mission.
    • Fixed issues with Coildrive damage volumes not reflecting the actual size of the Coildrive.
    • Fixed a script error that could occur when joining a squad hunting animals in either Orb Vallis or Plains of Eidolon.
    • Fixed a script crash when encountering a Capture objective in Orb Vallis.
    • Fixed a number of script crashes that could occur if you joined a squad on Merrow right when people were breaking into Kela de Thaym's lair.
    • Fixed a script crash that could occur during a Defection mission.
    • Fixed a script crash that could occur during a Disruption mission.
    • Fixed a script crash when spawning a Specter.
    • Fixed script error that could occur if you tried to equip your Fishing Spear in a Dojo Dual.
    • Fixed a script error that could break waypoints when joining Infested Salvage missions in progress.
    • Fixed a script error that could break Infested Salvage missions if you Transferred to the Operator at the wrong time.
    • Fixed a script error when using Fireworks.
    • Fixed a script error when using Simaris's Kinetic Siphon Trap.
    • Fixed a script error when killing a Kuva Thrall.
    • Fixed an error that would occur when the game was determining attack logic for Atlas Rumblers.
    • Fixed a script error in Defection missions.
    • Fixed a number of script errors that would occur if you died during an in-world transmission like the ones seen on screen in Rathuum, etc.
    • Fixed a number of script errors that would occur if you failed Bounties.
    • Fixed a script error with Excavator missions.
    • Fixed errors associated with Scarlet Spear and Survival host migration.
    • Fixed issues with localization strings appearing in Nightwave.
    • Fixed localization issues with capitalization.
    submitted by /u/Riisandra
    [link] [comments]

    New Riven Dispositions

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    Haven't seen any threads that are talking about the actual riven dispositions, so here they are. If a thread already exists, I must've missed it and this can probably be deleted. Copied from this forum post.


    Acceltra: 0.8->0.7

    Astilla: 1.1->1.15

    Battacor: 1->1.05

    Baza: 1->1.05

    Baza Prime: 1->0.95

    Boar: 1.4->1.45

    Boltor: 1.2->1.25

    Telos Boltor: 1.1->1.15

    Boltor Prime: 1.1->1.15

    Braton: 1.3->1.35

    MK1-Braton: 1.3->1.35

    Braton Vandal: 1.25->1.3

    Braton Prime: 1.2->1.25

    Burston: 1.4->1.45

    Burston Prime: 1.3->1.35

    Cernos: 1.25->1.3

    Rakta Cernos: 1.2->1.25

    Cernos Prime: 1.2->1.25

    Dera: 1.35->1.4

    Dera Vandal: 1.3->1.35

    Drakgoon: 1.48->1.4

    Kuva Drakgoon: 1->1.05

    Fulmin: 0.65->0.6

    Grakata: 1.3->1.35

    Prisma Grakata: 1.25->1.3

    Javlok: 1.25->1.3

    Hek: 1.1->1.15

    Vaykor Hek: 1->1.05

    Kohm: 1.4->1.3

    Kuva Kohm: 1->0.85

    Kuva Bramma: 1->0.8

    Kuva Chakhurr: 1->0.85

    Miter: 1.55->1.5

    Mutalist Quanta: 1.55->1.5

    Kuva Ogris: 1->0.9

    Opticor: 1.05->1.1

    Paris: 1.35->1.4

    MK1-Paris: 1.4->1.45

    Paris Prime: 1.3->1.35

    Phantasma: 1->1.05

    Rubico Prime: 0.65->0.6

    Shedu: 1->0.9

    Soma: 1->1.05

    Soma Prime: 0.95->1

    Stradavar: 1.05->1.1

    Supra: 0.9->1

    Supra Vandal: 0.85->0.9

    Sybaris: 1.2->1.25

    Dex Sybaris: 1.15->1.2

    Sybaris Prime: 1.1->1.15

    Tiberon: 0.9->0.95

    Tigris: 0.65->0.85

    Sancti Tigris: 0.6->0.75

    Tigris Prime: 0.55->0.7

    Kuva Tonkor: 1->0.95

    Vectis: 0.95->1

    Veldt: 1.25->1.3


    Akbolto: 0.95->1.05

    Telos Akbolto: 0.9->1

    Akbolto Prime: 0.85->0.95

    Aklex: 0.9->0.95

    Aksomati Prime: 1->0.95

    Akstilletto: 0.6->0.65

    Arca Scisco: 1.05->1.1

    Atomos: 0.8->0.85

    Ballistica: 1.2->1.25

    Rakta Ballistica: 1.15->1.2

    Ballistica Prime: 1.15->1.2

    Kuva Brakk: 1->0.9

    Bronco: 1.4->1.45

    Bronco Prime: 1.35->1.4

    Detron: 1.1->1.15

    Gammacor: 1.05->1.1

    Hikou: 1.2->1.25

    Hikou Prime: 1.15->1.2

    Kuva Twin Stubba: 1->0.9

    Lex: 1.15->1.2

    Lex Prime: 1.1->1.15

    Marelok: 1.05->1.1

    Vaykor Marelok: 1->1.05

    Kuva Nukor: 1->0.8

    Quatz: 1->1.1

    Kuva Seer: 1->0.95

    Sonicor: 1.05->1.1

    Spira: 1.2->1.25

    Spira Prime: 1.15->1.2

    Viper: 1.4->1.45

    Viper Wraith: 1.35->1.4

    Zakti: 1.2->1.25


    Ack & Brunt: 0.9->1.1

    Arca Titon: 1->1.1

    Atterax: 0.5->0.7

    Balla: 1->0.9

    Bo: 1.29->1.35

    MK1-Bo: 1.29->1.4

    Boltace: 1->1.15

    Broken Scepter: 1.19->1.3

    Broken War: 0.79->0.95

    Cassowar: 1->1.15

    Cobra & Crane: 1->1.15

    Cyath: 1->0.9

    Dakra Prime: 1.15->1.1

    Dark Dagger: 0.52->0.7

    Rakta Dark Dagger: 0.52->0.6

    Dehtat: 1->1.1

    Destreza: 1.14->1.25

    Dex Dakra: 1.15->1.25

    Dohkram: 1->0.85

    Dragon Nikana: 1.35->1.25

    Dual Cleavers: 1->1.2

    Prisma Dual Cleavers: 1->1.05

    Dual Kamas: 0.81->1

    Dual Kamas Prime: 0.81->0.95

    Dual Keres: 1.48->1.35

    Endura: 1->1.2

    Falcor: 1->1.15

    Fang Prime: 1.36->1.3

    Fragor: 0.96->1.1

    Galatine: 0.5->0.7

    Galatine Prime: 0.5->0.55

    Galvacord: 1->1.15

    Gazal Machete: 1.35->1.4

    Glaive: 1.22->1.3

    Gram Prime: 1.44->1.25

    Gunsen: 1->1.15

    Hate: 1.36->1.25

    Heliocor: 0.94->1.1

    Synoid Heliocor: 0.94->1.05

    Hirudo: 0.5->0.7

    Jat Kittag: 0.75->0.95

    Jat Kusar: 0.81->0.95

    Jaw Sword: 1.47->1.4

    Karyst: 1.29->1.35

    Kesheg: 1.24->1.3

    Kogake Prime: 1.46->1.4

    Korrudo: 1->1.15

    Kreska: 1->1.15

    Krohkur: 1.22->1.3

    Kronen Prime: 1.43->1.25

    Kronsh: 1->1.15

    Kuva Shildeg: 1->0.85

    Lecta: 0.5->0.7

    Secura Lecta: 0.5->0.65

    Lesion: 0.5->0.55

    Machete Wraith: 1.45->1.4

    Magistar: 1.09->1.25

    Sancti Magistar: 1.09->1.15

    Masseter: 1->1.05

    Mewan: 1->1.05

    Mios: 0.95->1.1

    Mire: 1.43->1.35

    Nami Skyla: 1.175->1.3

    Nami Skyla Prime: 1.175->1.1

    Nikana: 0.5->0.7

    Ninkondi Prime: 1.41->1.25

    Obex: 1.1->1.25

    Ohma: 1->1.1

    Ooltha: 1->1.1

    Orthos: 0.5->0.7

    Orthos Prime: 0.5->0.55

    Orvius: 1.15->1.25

    Paracesis: 1->0.85

    Pathocyst: 1->1.15

    Pennant: 1->0.9

    Plague Keewar: 1->0.85

    Plague Kripath: 1->0.8

    Prova: 1.29->1.4

    Prova Vandal: 1.29->1.35

    Pupacyst: 1->1.15

    Rabvee: 1->1.15

    Reaper Prime: 1.29->1.15

    Redeemer Prime: 1.17->1

    Scindo: 1->1.2

    Scindo Prime: 1->1.15

    Sepfahn: 1->0.9

    Sheev: 1.25->1.3

    Silva & Aegis: 1->1.1

    Skana: 1.22->1.3

    Prisma Skana: 1.22->1.15

    Skana Prime: 1.22->1.15

    Skiajati: 1->0.9

    Sydon: 0.84->1

    Vaykor Sydon: 0.84->0.95

    Tatsu: 1->0.95

    Tekko Prime: 1.4->1.35

    Tipedo Prime: 1.31->1.25

    Twin Basolk: 1.18->1.25

    Twin Krohkur: 1.48->1.35

    Venka: 0.5->0.7

    Venka Prime: 0.5->0.65

    Volnus: 1.2->1.3

    War: 0.5->0.7

    Wolf Sledge: 0.96->1.1

    Zenistar: 0.5->0.7

    submitted by /u/aqw2018
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    [Bug] Khora's Whipclaw is now the only ability that doesn't go through Volt's Electric Shield

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 10:30 PM PDT

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