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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Tunes-Day | Share and Request Mandachord and Shawzin Songs!

    Warframe Warframe Weekly Tunes-Day | Share and Request Mandachord and Shawzin Songs!

    Warframe Weekly Tunes-Day | Share and Request Mandachord and Shawzin Songs!

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    This thread is for sharing, discussing, or requesting Songs for our two musical instruments: the Mandachord and the Shawzin. Songs can be shared or requested any day of the week.

    Want to present your newest musical masterpiece or maybe just find someone to create one for you? Fear not, all you Octavia mains and Shazwin heroes. This is the right place for you!

    If you wish to just view top level comments (i.e. songs or requests) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.

    And remember...

    Songs can be shared or requested any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    Grendel Moloch skin is up on Steam Workshop

    Posted: 05 May 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    When are they gonna be adding Clem Prime? (Not my image btw)

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    "oh yeah, the bramma's arrows explode"

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:21 PM PDT

    Reference, homage, or something more?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:18 PM PDT

    DE I know Railjack is more important but a small reminder: many people are still waiting for the new tutorial

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    Don't AFK and make me carry you. (I will drop you!)

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    This thing broke into my orbiter and has eaten all my Nitain Extract. I tried sending him out the airlock, but he keeps coming back, what do I do?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:49 AM PDT

    de pls......

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    When will Mag get this ability?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 10:30 PM PDT

    [OC] Monster Energy Wisp

    Posted: 05 May 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    TIL that someone can post a [look] on Mesa's Regulators and I can see them on My Nova Prime

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:01 AM PDT

    Why does Railjack NOT have a "wait for players" option.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    I am new to Railjack but not new to Warframe, and I honestly don't like the fact I am instantly forced into a mission once I click it without having the option to wait for teammates. I am able to wait for teammates in normal planet missions but why not this? Railjack is incredibly nerve-wracking solo with so much happening, especially in the higher leveled missions.

    I want teammates to help me in this game mode, so please let me wait for teammates like I can, for example, in void fissure missions. It makes no sense.

    submitted by /u/TheVirtuoso77
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    My fishing trophies refuse to be put up in neat line and it is killing me inside

    Posted: 05 May 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    Just said on stream, Glassmaker is aiming for release next week.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    alerts will run this weekend for "in-between intermission and nightwave"

    submitted by /u/the-doctor-is-real
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    Hi DE, pls fix tactical console map from hiding warp nodes, thanks :)

    Posted: 05 May 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    Warframe Revised: Railjack Revisited (Part 1): Hotfix 27.4.3

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:53 PM PDT


    Railjack Changes & Fixes

    • Your Pet Companions will now teleport alongside you when transitioning between different regions in a Railjack mission (ie Omni Recall, Archwing Slingshot, boarding a Crewship via Archwing, etc).
      • This addresses feedback that Pet Companions could take many seconds to catch up, or if it's bleeding out, won't catch up at all, thus dying frequently. This also fixes Pet Companions sometimes dying on an exploding Crewship that you've already departed from.
      • A lingering issue we're chasing is the Join Warp feature not bringing your Pet Companion with you.
    • Fixed a functionality loss when Recalling back to the Railjack while performing a finisher.
    • Fixed Cruising Speed Avionic not applying its 80% increase for Railjack speed when more than 3000m away from any enemy ships.
    • Fixed base of the Railjack Wing Turret appearing to float in front of the Client player when mounting said Wing Turret.


    • Stance Forma is now eligible to be installed on Garuda's Talons due to the Talons using standard Stance Mods instead of an Exalted Stance.


    • Fixed Hold cast/charge abilities becoming nonfunctional if interrupted by a Parazon finisher.
    • Fixed Torid Toxin grenades dealing self-damage.
    • Fixed inability to approach Orb Vallis Coildrives to initiate a hack due to the Coildrive constantly shocking and knocking you back.
    • Fixed Grattler projectiles sometimes immediately exploding when fired which sometimes resulted in a crash.
    • Fixed a misleading spike in the launcher download speed indicator when a lot of updates are aborted at once.
    • Fixed a script error in Rell's Condemn ability.
    submitted by /u/Riisandra
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    An overly long essay about the first hours of Warframe

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm an MR22 player. Most of the time I'm helping new players, introduce them to Warframe. With talks of new player experience I'd figure I'd share my thoughts.

    The warframes

    I only have one thing to say - bring back Loki. I know his chances of coming back have dropped to zero after the cinematic, but he would be the best alternative to Excalibur, the poster boy, or Mag... not the most attractive option. For how much DE summarizes the game as „Space ninjas ", neither of the current 3 really feel like that. Loki would have been a perfect option for people who prefer to approach the game more stealthily, seeing as the game gives you the Kunai and Paris, perfect for a stealthy approach. Otherwise, I don't think there's anything wrong with the current 3 options. I'm no gameplay designer so I won't speak about balance.

    I think the tutorial gives a good introduction to the mechanics of the game, although I think it can show more. Show how to Wall Latch, look up when bullet jumping, explain the little things like Stealth Kill affinity (to show the benefits of stealth), primary elemental effects and alternate fire modes. One change I would make to the movement options is the Wall Jump. Wall Jump should be more like Wall Run. I'm referring to the vertical jump. Right now, it feels wimpy and not satisfying at all. Make it so you actually run up the wall, kind of like Spiderman 2018. Most tilesets in the game do not compliment the available mobility options, however we are seeing that change with Jupiter and the upcoming Corpus Ship rework. Mobility is where Warframe shines the most so it's a no brainer to emphasize mastery over traversing the environment. Additionally, add vantage points which can be used by players to take a more stealthy approach. DE markets this game as space ninjas, so it's only natural that newcomers come into this game thinking it's more about stealth. Back to the tutorial.

    The weapons

    I think what weapons the player is first given is incredibly important. I see players in MR4 still using the MK1 Braton's and Bo 's. This can mean a couple different things: the player is progressing through the star chart without needing to upgrade their equipment, or they are not aware that the market holds most weapons they would want. Previously, it would seem that you had to pay platinum to acquire any weapon, but thankfully, the new market UI shows players that they can build their desired weapons without spending money, so this issue will become obsolete. A good improvement. I have watched a lot of new players through their first hours of gameplay and a lot of them say that weapons don't feel like they do a lot of damage and aren't very fun. Keep in mind this is after I've shown them how to mod (the first you open a mod screen, the game should automatically open up the tutorial), so the problem lies in the weapons. Before I go any further I want to say – remove MK-1 weapons. There is no point in having an inferior version of the same weapon that you can acquire in the market for a measly 25,000 credits. Here are my thoughts:

    *Both melee weapons feel the mostly the same without proper stances, so I'd say it's fine to keep the options as Skana and Bo. I don't think the player should be able to wield a heavy blade right off the bat as the warframe has just awoken and is not in peak condition.

    *The secondaries are also fine. The choice between a semi-automatic pistol and silent throwing knives is good and doesn't need any adjustments.

    *Give the primaries alternate fire modes. This introduces the player to alternate fire modes, a feature that will surely interest them. Make the Braton alternate do burst fire rounds, give Paris something like a Noise Arrow to lure the enemies into favourable positions. Also, add the Strun. Give it an alternate fire mode where it becomes automatic albeit with a low fire rate. This gives the player an option between the standard assault rifle, a silent bow, or a shotgun for people who want to have fun. Primary gun is what you should be using most of the time, secondary gun when you're in a pinch and melee to get some quick hits in.

    Alright, the first mission is over, the player is starting to figure out mechanics of the game. The missions to rebuild your orbiter are fine, as they let the player get more adjusted to the guns, the levels and enemies. Seeing Vor taking over the warframe is an excellent detail, that should stay. There are a couple of nitpicks. The third mission is on a Corpus tileset while we are still on Earth. In the fourth mission there is a choice between going immediately to extraction or saving a bunch of colonists. Problem is, there are no benefits to saving them. If there was a visible time limit , the player would have a harder choice, but be rewarded.

    So the player has built the Ascaris Negator and is free. The Lotus says a failsafe has been activated and that you need to defeat Vor to override it. The player goes and defeats Vor, however he escapes at the last second. Here's what I would change:

    Remove the failsafe all together. The warframe is free and the player expects to be able to defeat Vor. When the fight does start, it becomes clear that Vor is overwhelmingly powerful and defeats the player. He taunts him/her and says something like "come fight me when you're stronger". This gives the player a clear goal in mind as they continue through Earth and Venus. Consequently, Vor's Prize will be extended all the way to Mercury.

    The game has opened up to the player. They are expected to clear all the mission on Earth, barring Vay Hek. The huge tower in the middle of Earth has definitely been a point of interest for the player and they're eager to go there. One little nitpick here. Earth levels were 1-6. Plains of Eidolon node shows 10-30. Meanwhile Cetus doesn't show it's level. When you drop into Cetus, there's a marker showing you to talk to Konzu. If the player, however, chooses to ignore him and goes straight through the gate, they will be bombarded with 10 different types of enemies who are tough to kill without any good mods. Not something that will happen to most.

    Edit: This comment has a lot of good points as well

    Time for the junction. If the player has completed all the nodes they can, the junction should be easy to unlock (the first time the player opens the modding screen, the game should first teach them the basics). Right now the fight just… happens. Shoot him till he's dead.

    I would like there to be a cutscene showcasing who you will be fighting. Instead of Stomp, change his ability to Rhino Charge. Stomp's appeal comes from using it on a group of enemies and watching them stuck in air. In a 1v1 it doesn't have the same impact.

    Once you've defeated Rhino, Venus is open. Complete the missions, go to Fortuna (same nitpick as Cetus) if you feel like it. Time for the Jackal. I know he's getting an overhaul but that doesn't matter. What matters is how you get Rhino.

    An interesting of way to unlock him would be a quest. Lotus will say there's something of interest in, let's say, Linea. You go there and along the way you discover a warframe part. Lotus says it's a part of Rhino. You go along Venus collecting the parts and once you beat the Jackal, you're rewarded with Rhino's blueprint. So ends the quest and you can build a new warframe. Or so you'd think. See, to craft his systems you need a control module and plastids. They don't drop on any of the planets you have. So your only option is to taxi (a new player probably won't know this is a thing) or do Cetus/Fortuna bounties. One thing I found is that Control Modules only drop on Tier 2 Cetus bounties, but you can only do them if you're MR1. Thankfully, by the time you beat Jackal you should be able to pass the test. The problem is that I found this by searching the wiki. A new player would never figure this out and become confused. The game has to show you the codex and most importantly, TELL YOU WHERE TO GET THE STUFF YOU NEED.

    In terms of getting Rhino for free I'm not saying to do this with all warframes. I mean that a new player should constantly be getting new things without feeling like they need to grind just to progress through the first planets. Once they're hooked (finished Mercury), you can start putting them on equal terms with everybody else. Venus is finished, Mercury is unlocked. Time to kill Vor. By now the player has become adjusted to the game's mechanics, they know what they're doing and are definitely capable of beating him. The player kills Vor, we get the Seer, Vor's Prize is complete, and with that, Mars and along with it, the rest of the game is open.

    By now the player has experienced the main gameplay loop of Warframe and will make the choice between staying on board or quitting. Through the first 10 hours he/she has understood the basic concept of crafting, the movement options, modding system, and warframes. I'm not saying that these ideas will make the new player experience nor that they're even good. These are just my two cents from teaching hundreds of beginners the basics, something that the game should be doing, not me. Feel free to ask me any questions you want, I'll try to reply as fast as I can.

    Also remove Interception, that shit fucking sucks.

    TL;DR: Give the player cool stuff right off the bat and explain where to go.

    Edit: I don't know how to format, I'm sorry

    submitted by /u/Augustizer
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    Isn't it kind of insulting how almost all of the Exilus slots on guns have the wrong polarity for the most common Exilus mod you'd want to put there?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:53 PM PDT

    At the very least they could have been all unpolarized by default. You're going to need an extra forma to put on the extra mod anyway, at least we would get the option to either forma a main slot or the exilus slot.

    submitted by /u/LokiPrime13
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    I’m going to cry

    Posted: 06 May 2020 12:47 AM PDT

    Me and the Fortuna 69 band

    Posted: 05 May 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    Guys the murder hornets already made their way into space

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:49 PM PDT

    "Oh? You're Approaching here? Instead of visit your own trade room, you're coming right in other people's dojo?"

    Posted: 05 May 2020 04:25 PM PDT

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