• Breaking News

    Warframe Public Test Cluster: Opt-in Key Lottery #2!

    Warframe Public Test Cluster: Opt-in Key Lottery #2!

    Public Test Cluster: Opt-in Key Lottery #2!

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    Note that this post on reddit is NOT the place you need to comment on if you want a key.

    >>>> https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1203250-public-test-cluster-opt-in-key-lottery-2/?tab=comments#comment-11656339 <<<<


    Hello all!

    Tenno - read carefully before you reply!

    We are gearing up for our Second Public Test Cluster weekend to explore The Steel Path, Teshin's invitation to take a second trip around the Origin System for a greater challenge.


    1) We will be using Steam Keys to access "Warframe Test" - make sure you have a Steam account!

    2) We will be running all surveys and posts in English - you must understand English to participate.

    3) We will be asking for targeted feedback specific to THE STEEL PATH efforts for our trial run. All players will be given details on THE STEEL PATH prior to launch, not just the Test Key holders.

    4) Posting here does not guarantee entry - it will be randomized. We are using the forums as a starting point because we want to ensure potential participants know how to use our forums and have a base understanding covered in this post.

    5) If this all sounds good to you - simply reply with a "Count me in - I have completed an Arbitration Mission." to be entered. We will be sending out 1000 Keys.

    We will be picking accounts randomly from this reply set, in addition to a few select players with pre-existing knowledge of the upcoming changes. Accounts picked that have numerous warnings, reports, or restrictions against them will be removed from the lottery and have their Key given to another random pick.

    THREAD LOCKS AT 15:00 ET ON JUNE 26. STEAM KEYS WILL BE PROVIDED VIA IN GAME INBOX ON JUNE 26 - don't stream until you've claimed it!

    ALL Prior active participants will be given access from lottery #1, including all former Warframe Partners who met the activity criteria for the last round.

    submitted by /u/Cephalon_Zelgius
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    We can dream, sometimes.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    Joined a clan to find my new clanmates have constructed a damn Orokin Dinosaur

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    Wisp - Lake Spirit

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    No my Screenshot

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    Hydroid doodle I made (faconator)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    Hildryn Fan art - (By Makarimorph)

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    Not what made me start to play, but what made me want to stay

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    [OC] Plague

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    THE STEEL PATH! Upcoming 'Hard Mode'.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:16 AM PDT


    Teshin has an opportunity for Tenno who have proven themselves. Those who have completed the Solar Map will be invited to unlock THE STEEL PATH from Teshin in a future update.

    The details of THE STEEL PATH are as follows. These are not complete Patch Notes. We wanted to give everyone a chance to review details on The Steel Path in a very simple Dev Workshop. Just over 1000 Tenno will be playing these changes over the weekend for practical feedback.

    What it is:

    ✅ Higher Difficulty Series of content that rewards exclusive cosmetic decorations, emotes, and mastery.

    ✅An extra layer of opportunity for players to use their powerful gear to take on threats at a higher level without having to wait in missions for long periods of time.

    ✅ A way to engage with some better scaling Affinity and Mod Rewards.

    What is isn't:

    ❌ - intended to be associated with the nebulous 'end game' topic.

    ❌ - overly complicated in its goal to simply provide higher level content and some exclusive rewards.

    ❌ - tiered. We are providing one 100+ level pass to be cognizant of matchmaking for our first iteration.

    If you have unlocked all missions in game can enter our Test Cluster Key Lottery here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1203250-public-test-cluster-opt-in-key-lottery-2/

    submitted by /u/rebulast
    [link] [comments]

    Im stoked to have my first ever Prime

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    The six principles of Profit-Taker - A speedrunner's guide.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    In this post:

    1. Six principles to help you with the Profit-Taker fight, regardless of how meta or casual you are.
    2. High-end meta builds, or a playlist containing more casual builds by /u/NSHPrime.
    3. A discussion on Zenith, a weapon that uniquely fulfils a powerful niche with no good alternative.
    4. Pointers on how DE should morph the existing, inadequate alternative into a good alternative.
    5. Ballista Measure, a mod that had its undocumented release 52 days ago, doesn't function and would suck if it did.


    If you've seen Profit-Taker related threads in the past half year, you've probably seen me at least once. As of writing this post, I am the world record holder for solo Profit-Taker.

    I often see a lot of misconceptions surrounding Profit-Taker being thrown around, by Redditors and YouTubers alike. I'm willing to go as far as to state that the first page of Google only returns guides featuring crap builds. We cannot blame these creatures, for the guides were rushed and brought out before the meta had time to settle. A lot of mechanics that excel at the Profit-Taker fight aren't immediately obvious or were introduced months, even years after the fight was first released.

    The Profit-Taker drops 125k credits on its death, which can be doubled to 250k with Chroma's fourth ability, effigy. This can be further doubled to 500k with a personal credit booster. If your Smeeta kavat decides to bless you, it can double it even more.

    TL;DR: The six principles

    1. Kill beacons.
    2. Use knockdown immunity mods. Do NOT use handspring.
    3. Make sure you can survive.
    4. Get as many elements as possible.
    5. Get as much damage for these elements as possible.
    6. Kill the arch-gun carriers to refresh your arch-gun cooldown, or use ammo chain on your arch-gun.

    Bonus: Chroma's Effigy will double the Profit-Taker to 250k credits before boosters.
    Bonus: If you have it, use Zenith if you can.

    The six principles, explained

    1. Kill beacons.

    Many people complain about knockdowns, staggers & far too much damage. Killing the beacons will reduce the number of spawns, thereby reducing the damage you get and reducing the number of times you are staggered.

    2. Use knockdown immunity mods. Do NOT use handspring.

    In Warframe Revised, knockdown immunity got a MASSIVE undocumented buff. Previously, resisting a knockdown would result in a blocking animation that was only several milliseconds faster than using Handspring. The buff consists of two parts: Knockdown immunity now applies to both knockdowns and staggers and it no longer plays the blocking animation.
    DE is well aware of this as this was highlighted many times in a variety of posts and comments that gained enough traction to be seen by Rebecca.
    They had 3 months to address it and didn't, so let's consider it a feature for now.

    These changes made Primed Sure Footed the best quality of life mod in the game. If you don't yet have it, you should go for Sure Footed + Power Drift instead. This will net you 90% knockdown immunity which is FAR better than Handspring. You can add Motus mods to achieve 100% knockdown immunity while in the air.

    3. Make sure you can survive.

    If you die, you are useless to your teammates as you don't deal damage when you're dead. So let's avoid dying.
    To achieve this, make sure you pick a frame that can survive, then mod it for some survivability. Adaptation is extremely useful here. To heal, you should get Magus Elevate, Magus Repair or both.

    4. Get as many elements as possible.

    To damage the Profit-Taker's shields, you need to hit it with an element that it is vulnerable to at that moment. If you don't have the element it is vulnerable to on any of your weapons, you need to make it cycle to the next element by hitting it with any form of void damage. This has a 5-second cooldown, so there is an exponential relation between the number of elements you have covered on your weapons and the time you spend waiting to be able to cycle the Profit-Taker's shields.
    Hence, to minimize the time spent waiting for its shields, you wish to bring as many elements as possible.

    5. Get as much damage as possible.

    Investing in multiple elements means that the individual elements will be weaker. If you want to gain any benefits from point 4, you must bring extra damage. The easiest way to achieve this is through a combination of a buffing frame (Chroma, Mirage, Rhino, Octavia, Harrow, Nidus, Volt) and Arcane Avenger and/or Arcane Velocity. You can also decide to invest in rivens.

    6. Kill the arch-gun carriers to refresh your arch-gun cooldown, or use ammo chain on your arch-gun.

    One of the questions I am most asked is why I never have to wait for the arch-gun cooldown.
    There are two ways to avoid long cooldowns.
    The easiest, but unreliable method is to find and kill the arch-gun carrying corpus enemies. They will drop an arch-gun ammo restore that removes the cooldown from your arch-gun.
    Note that there is no such thing as "stealing" it from your teammates - everyone can benefit from a single drop!

    If you do not wish to rely on the arch-gun carriers, you can minimize the cooldown you get from using your arch-gun by maximizing your damage to cooldown ratio. The cooldown is proportional to the percentage of bullets fired. Hence, use Ammo Chain to fire twice as many bullets at the same cooldown.
    After this, it's a matter of maximizing your damage per bullet. This means that you shouldn't invest too much in fire rate: it will increase your DPS but do nothing to improve your cooldown.

    Of course, your choice of arch-gun also matters. A lot. While I use Imperator Vandal, I always recommend Corvas as it requires no rivens to perform without cooldown. In fact, with the newly released Primed Rubedo-Lined Barrel, you can reliably oneshot the legs & body while only having a rank 5 arcane avenger active. No rivens or other buffs required.


    Reminder that Chroma can get twice as many credits from the fight due to his fourth ability.

    Taking into account these points, what builds do we get?

    Because of how Chroma's buffs work, we have a distinction between Chroma and non-chroma (Mirage) weapon builds. If you are looking for more casual builds, I can recommend Nash Prime's builds. He has a playlist where he solos the Profit-Taker fight with nearly all frames.

    As a Chroma, you'll want to use the following builds:

    Chroma. Replace Sure Footed & Power Drift with Primed Sure Footed and Augur Secrets/Streamline if you have it. Do not replace the aura with corrosive projection or shield disruption, they don't apply to the Profit-Taker. If you replace one of the arcanes for more survivability, replace arcane velocity.
    Zenith. If you can fit it, you should take a higher rank Stormbringer here.
    Magnetic Kuva Nukor. You can get a magnetic roll on the Kuva Nukor to cover 4 elements. Alternatively, you can use a Tombfinger secondary.
    A Plague Kripath/Dokrahm | Peye/Kroostra | Vargeet II Ruhang zaw. A rank 0 Exodia Contagion will suffice. Exodia Contagion will oneshot Impact, Puncture, Slash, Blast (as host) and 2 modded elements of your choice.

    As a non-Chroma buffing frame, you'll want to use the following builds:

    Zenith. Replace the riven with an electricity mod.
    Magnetic Kuva Nukor. You can get a magnetic roll on the Kuva Nukor to cover 4 elements. Alternatively, you can use a Tombfinger secondary.
    A Plague Kripath/Dokrahm | Peye/Kroostra | Vargeet II Ruhang zaw. A rank 0 Exodia Contagion will suffice. Exodia Contagion will oneshot Impact, Puncture, Slash, Blast (as host) and 2 modded elements of your choice.
    Corvas. Beware of falloff with this weapon if you're using it on frames with weak buffs.

    Zenith: Inifinite punch through

    The Zenith is so impactful it gets its own section.

    In the pylon phase, the Profit-Taker shoots out pylons, which get shields around them when they land. These shields can only be penetrated with functionally infinite punch through*. Zenith can oneshot the pylons through their shields, which makes the pylon phases take 15 to 30 seconds as opposed to longer than a minute.
    The ability to shoot through the pylon shields is not considered a bug, more a function of its design, but it remains quirky and likely unintentional.

    * There is a caveat as outlined by /u/lordchester-64 here.

    Alternatives to Zenith

    This part stands on its own and is meant to outline the problems with the alternative to Zenith & suggest an elegant fix to these problems.

    Zenith is locked behind up to 200 days of logging in. Waiting for that is no fun, and because of how niche yet powerful the infinite punch through is in the Profit-Taker fight, there should be alternatives to waiting 200 days.

    Fortunately, there is another weapon with infinite punch through that isn't locked behind 200 days of logging in: Fluctus
    The problem with Fluctus is that it's a very disappointing alternative. While its punch through is infinite, its range is limited to 53-55 meters. To comfortably use it during the Profit-Taker fight, it'd need a final range of 140-160 meters.
    Also, punch through doesn't work for projectiles against the Profit-Taker. Whenever you hit one of its body parts, that part absorbs all damage from the shot, even if the part is meant to be dead. This means that it is infeasible to shoot the Profit-Taker's back legs from the front: you will deal zeroes. This makes the Fluctus a useless arch-gun in the Profit-Taker fight in general.

    Here's what I propose:

    1. Fix punch through not working on the Profit-Taker for the Fluctus. Stop dead legs from absorbing damage.
    2. Release the Prisma Fluctus. Give it more base range and give it a better damage to cooldown ratio. Note that this can be achieved by simply buffing the max ammo pool - this doesn't have to be the result of an insane damage buff.
    3. Fix Ballista Measure & buff it to the point where it is usable (more on that in the next section).

    These 3 changes would establish Fluctus as a good alternative to the Zenith in the Profit-Taker fight, without it affecting the balance of the rest of the game in a significant manner. It could even enable a Shedu/Basmu meta for the Profit-Taker which would finally allow us to clear all 13 elements without using an arch-gun.

    Note: I recognize that DE may have completely different plans for arch-guns in general as they are working on a modular archwing system, railjack revised and other cool stuff that is related to arch-guns. Still I'd, like to give my 2 cents on what I believe is an elegant solution to the problem.

    Balista Measure

    DE released Ballista Measure (undocumented) 52 days ago. It's the first arch-gun mod to provide a range increase. There are, however, 4 key problems with this mod:

    1. It does not function. It is bugged. It does (or did) not extend the range of arch-guns (tested in atmosphere).
    2. It is meant to provide a 20% range boost, which is laughably low. At 50% one might consider using it. When it approaches 100%, it'll be usable.
    3. The mod should give projectile speed instead of extra range. Added projectile speed is the same as added range, but better: your projectile will be faster.
    4. DE seems to not know that it is in the game, or has forgotten about this mod. I'm tagging /u/Rebulast to change that.


    See the Six Principles TL;DR in the third section of the post.
    Fluctus is currently a shitty alternative to Zenith with respect to the infinite punch through gimmick, and this can easily be changed.
    Ballista Measure is a mod that has been in the game now for 52 days, is broken, would still be bad if it weren't broken & it should give projectile speed instead of range because that provides more QoL.

    submitted by /u/Iterniam
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    I think it's done for now (awhile)! So I 'finished' my sketch of Ember Prime! Since it's my first time doing this I don't know how to color or line her properly so she'll stay like this! >.<

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    Jokket, the one crewman shipkiller base

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    The new colorblindness modes are UNACCEPTABLY bad

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    To start off: I have protanomaly, which means I don't see red as clearly as most people. This is doesn't affect my life too much, as I can still see red, it just doesn't stand out to me as much as it does to other people. However, it's particularly annoying in many video games, where a lot of important information (health bars, enemy highlights, objective indicators, state indicators, etc.) are typically highlighted in red.

    A lot of games, especially more recently, have begun implementing "colorblind modes" to help people like me. Unfortunately, a lot of these games seem to have no idea why these modes are necessary and how they should be implemented. In fact, many games (including Doom, Borderlands, and now, unfortunately Warframe) seem to think that simply removing red altogether is a good fix for protanopes not being able to see red.

    I honestly don't know where to begin with how much of a hot mess these colorblindness options are. Firstly, they filter the entire game, mutating the entire color spectrum and tinting everything some shade of sickly green or worse. In a game where fashion and color choices are as important as in Warframe, it's infuriating that the chosen way for colorblind people to experience the game simultaneously ruins any attempt to fashionframe some pleasing colors for others to see. If you're colorblind, you're at least seeing colors roughly the same as everyone else, just less clearly, but the colors you see in those modes are not at all what other players are going to see, and so any fashionframe you attempt is going to look hideous outside of that mode.

    And even worse is that these filters don't even help. The protanopia and deuteranopia options seem to simply simulate what it's like to have those types of colorblindness, reducing reds and tinting greens, transforming health bars into the same shade of dead, lifeless gray as"invulnerability". Not even a nice magenta or a deep forest green, just flat gray. For health. I mean come on, getting rid of color saturation for important UI elements for people who already have trouble seeing them is the exact opposite of productive, DE. And I don't even know what's going on in tritanopia mode, it transforms the game into a neon Mountain-Dew-colored rave, omitting a lot of detail and contrast for the sake of being horrifyingly noisy and bright.

    Please DE, you can do better than this. I am so tired of half-assed colorblindness options in my favorite games. I'm tired of games slapping filters on everything and calling it a day. I'm tired of developers knowing so little about colorblindness and how to compensate for it that they end up simulating the disorder instead of actually accommodating for it.

    I do think that colorblind accessibility options are a great thing, and good options are ones that I'd greatly approve of, but these aren't it. Some of the custom UI themes are good (I personally think the Deadlock theme is the best for my kind of color deficiency, the ones specifically advertised for colorblindness are... not great.), however there is no one-size-fits-all solution, even within the same category of colorblindness. After all, every colorblind person is different, and have different needs and preferences when it comes to color. And these themes don't impact gameplay UI like health or crits, which is where most issues with colorblindness impacting enjoyment of the game crop up.

    Personally, what I'd do is forgo filtering the game altogether, and instead just allow people to customize the colors of specific, individual in-game HUD elements, like health, shields, armor, crit colors, waypoints, mercy indicators, etc. like they can with everything else. In a game where customization and personalization is king, this seems like the most logical step to take for better accessibility options, and even allows for better experiences for people without medically diagnosed color deficiencies, or people who just prefer certain colors over others. This would be much, much better than these new less-than-helpful color filters.

    submitted by /u/Gratefulhost
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    Streaming Warframe with Uncle Erra!

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    Hey all!

    Antonio here, voice of Erra. It's been a real trip since getting this job and I am so grateful to DE for the opportunity! The community has been so receptive and really awesome, and so I decided to start streaming Warframe on the weekends with my buddies for fun! (I also stream Halo Custom games on Fridays with friends and invite fans in, but we're here for gratuitous space ninjin').

    If you're so inclined, stop on by! I'd love to have you all and say hello! Or call you parasites, if that's what you're into....Wouldn't be the weirdest request I have gotten from this community LOL

    That being said......no.....I will not leash you......please stop asking.......please?

    My Twitch:


    And a little something to *ahem* wet your beaks:


    submitted by /u/UncleErra
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    Wait a minute, since when can you see mars in the loading screen?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    Repeat Mission button on Mission Summary before you leave the mission.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:12 PM PDT


    I have recently been doing a lot of capture and exterminate missions, which has lead me to start getting very annoyed with 2 things, waiting an extra 10sec on mission summary and going back to the orbiter, to only then repeat the same mission.

    There is no reason for going back to orbiter almost all the time.

    There is already a lengthy 10sec timer, which serves no real purpose. (do enough captures and it feels so much longer than 10sec)

    I would like to kindly suggest "Repeat Mission" to be added to the mission summary before you leave the mission, with an indicator showing something like ticks or X's next to each player's Glyph or name, when they have chosen to repeat or not.

    From what I have tested, this would actually take off 20sec (roughly 30sec including the 10sec), from the time the mission summary shows up, to the time the same mission has started loading again.

    The repeat mission can just reload the same mission without having to go back to orbiter, and anyone who has chosen to repeat can either be loaded into a new squad, or retain the squad they were in.

    If the host had chosen to not repeat, a new host can be assigned (PLEASE NO MIGRATION), new host can be assigned during loading screen.

    This feature can be applied to every mission, including Railjack

    Bounties, Eidolons and Profit Taker would be nice too.

    I think this would be a great QOL feature for a lot of the community, I mean, it's only logical for a game that pretty much revolves around repeating missions over and over again, to have features that make this an easier process to do for players.

    submitted by /u/Reaper261292
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    Kuva loli drawn by my friend u/angalantern

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    Thy will be done

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    Oberon The Mystic,hope you guys like it,also doing rhino palatine next

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    This is the best bug - I couldn't shoot, reload, use abilites or switch to my operator form

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 02:08 PM PDT

    Infested Charger made with clay and poster color, trying out

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    The Old Mate experience, i am truly one of them now

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 03:13 AM PDT

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