Warframe Weekly Advertisement | Warframe Communities! Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:32 AM PDT This thread spotlights various public Warframe communities outside of the subreddit! Disclaimer: Members of the /r/Warframe moderation team are not involved in the maintenance or running of these communities and don't have positions of authority in them. This thread is a placeholder because the Wednesday weekly slot is currently unassigned. Please use this link to suggest a new weekly thread. Discord Servers English Discord Servers - Warframe University - A teaching/learning server created by /u/Gl0riousGr0uch and /u/wajaba!
- Warframe - A general server created by /u/rednuker!
- /r/Warframe - The unofficial /r/Warframe server created by /u/DoomZero755!
- The Tenno Congregation - A console server created by /u/Josh_Premier777!
- Warframe PS4 - A PlayStation 4 server created by /u/Raikeran!
- Warframe XB1 - A Xbox One server created by /u/_R3NEGADE_!
- Black Market - Warframe - A trading server created by /u/KingYoshiLuca and /u/toraba!
- Conclave - A Conclave (PvP) server created by /u/Azaraki!
- Void Blessed - Another general server created by /u/toraba!
- Warframe (2) - Another general server created by /u/Atulin!
- Children of the Lotus - Another console server created by /u/ForsakenMoon13!
- Raining Riot - A general server created by /u/wreythe
- Warframe Speedrunners - a discord server dedicated to speedrunning by /u/zopney.
- Open-World Recruitment Hub - a general discord server created for players to recruit and/or help players participate in and learn about open-world content. Created by /u/tanino and /u/CheezyBroc.
- House of Lua (Covenaut) - A place for content creators to cooperate and talk about lore by /u/bsdacres.
- Warframe Social - A general discord server created by /u/Sk8erdez for LFG, newbie assistance or alerts.
- Tier List Discussion Channel - A place for users to talk about weapon/warframe and their place in a tier list by /u/sakai4eva.
- Warframe Fashion Server created by /u/ThePessimisticLemon
- Unofficial Design Council Server, a place for Design Councilors and other Tenno to interact and communicate by (xb1)EternalDrkMako#2067
- Warframe Pocket Size - A Nintendo Switch server created by /u/RyzingDown
- Cephalon Switch - A Nintendo Switch Warframe community hub for everything Warframe and Switch related, created by u/Adventure_D
- Warframe Endurance Runs - A server for endurance runs of endless missions, created by /u/Alchameth
- Warframe Build Archives - A server for build consultation and learning mechanics, created by /u/SleepingAM
- Overframe.gg Community - A community server for the Warframe Builds site, Overframe.gg by /u/OverframeGG
- Warframe Kubrow & Kavat Breeders - A server for anything pet related, created by u/KaliVasquez
- Warframe Giveaways Discord Server - A giveaway server for in-game items, for the generous and needy alike! Created by /u/LordOfErebus
- Schutzengel Warframe - A international, all-platform, general Warframe Discord aiming to build a mature and open community.
Discord Servers in Other Languages If you have any suggestions for communities to add to this wiki page, want to report mistranslations or broken links, or want to help with crediting the proper creators, message the moderators! submitted by /u/AutoModerator [link] [comments] |
Infinite Ignis Wraith Giveaway AKA Officially declaring Ignis Wraith market price at 0p (PC only) Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:24 PM PDT | https://preview.redd.it/68htbde8ya851.png?width=1075&format=png&auto=webp&s=45db70e4aae4ebb709aeb5ce77a8d6d154df9c42 I would like to preface the rules with an explanation of why we felt the need to do this. There are a lot of good reasons to do this. The big one is simply giving back to the community that has made the Syndicate clans so successful. We know the stigma of large clans evil, large clans dont love their members. The community has done a great job of looking past that stigma to recognize the efforts we make to make every player matter. Today we extend making every player matter past our own community walls and to all of you. And now a few additional reasons to do this. - Fuck scammers charging 15p for this
- Supporting newish players during warframes historical low point
Pride's massive ego requires constant approval from all of you - We do not need to be a guide of the lotus or a partner to help the community. We need only to identify what we have that others do not.
Lets get onto the rules most of which are DE's fault I cant change them its just the way it is. - You must be MR 9 to collect
- You must accept 6 of them and pledge to distribute the other 5 for free
- You will need 12,000 credits for the trade tax (there is no clan tax)
- You will need to put up any random item for trade we suggest an ammo drum its more worthless than an opinion.
- If you require more than 6 to supply your whole clan in the future please contact pride on our Discord for help planning a temporary membership so you can make as many bp as you wish. The reason for this is having mercy on our index runners who are buying these bp.
- You may contact any of the people listed below via ingame DM's to request a trade. If none are online you may use our Discord we have a channel named #Requests_of_officers where you may request such things from us.
- They will invite you to the dojo there is a possibility they have multiple trades happening at once.
- You are welcome to explore dojo after your trade is complete but please remain in the spawn room until your trade is finished.
- There is no end time or end date for this. The market price for Ignis Wraith is 0p and we will not allow that to change.
The people you may contact in-game are Pride Out of trades for the day please use another name until server reset. - Tuno.
- Itztaytay
FlameisTired Out of trades for the day - Effion
- xomp
Kingof1 Out of trades for the day - Naefu
CortezTheConqueror Out of trades for the day - DrLego
- Red.
- RawBeard
- xtrm_
- Lyrinux
- -The-Duck-
- Penguinbuddy91
- DeaconCuff
- MarkasLin
- James_Skyminer
- OmegaForce
- Retvik
- Lu_Zanth
- L1ghtWolf
- Rinzu_
- Tdub415
- Man_in_White
- Amontadillo
- leosaurd
- Brighteyes161
- Ghost_P
- metroid23 (PS4 players only)
- TheSinhound (PS4 players only)
- ExoSin (Xbox players only)
- FRICKEN PERSON (Xbox players only)
- bongheadbaz09 (Xbox players only)
Additionally some of us may list them on warframe.market at 1p. (this is simply because 0p isnt an option they wont actually charge you 1p) It has always been our policy to never charge a clan member of any Syndicate clan branch for an ignis wraith blueprint. As of today that policy extends to the entire community If you find one of our members attempting to charge for them please contact an officer via our #request_of_officers channel If anyone in other clans with access to ignis wraith would like their name added to the list please let me know and i will edit this post to include you in the end of the ignis wraith scam. Players that would like to contribute their access to the bp but not officially be on the list can do any of the following - Make a warframe.market posting for 1p and give out 6 and not actually require the 1p
- Fulfill buy orders on warframe.market giving 6 and not taking their plat
- making trade posts offering to give them for free and giving 6
- set filters for the new QA channel for "ignis wraith" and give them to anyone that asks about them.
This is all about saturating the market and giving as many people the ability to give one away as possible. With your help the market price will permanently stay at 0p submitted by /u/Warframedaddy [link] [comments] |  |
Ivara prime Posted: 01 Jul 2020 05:18 PM PDT |
I embroidered the Vay Hek K-Drive scrawl - my submission to Tennocon’s 2020 art show! Posted: 01 Jul 2020 05:16 PM PDT |
I think he likes his New motorcycle Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:50 PM PDT |
Every raid squad has the Posted: 01 Jul 2020 04:30 AM PDT |
Yes mom , obviously Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:33 PM PDT |
Didnt think i would complete my rhino or make it symetrical but here it Is. Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:42 PM PDT |
Can you tell whose doing the new quest? Posted: 01 Jul 2020 04:49 PM PDT |
The camera broke while I tried to enter the armory... It had to be done Posted: 01 Jul 2020 03:07 PM PDT |
Listen all y'all, it's a... Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:25 PM PDT |
Khora vs lvl 9999 demolyst Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:29 AM PDT |
Xoris was a quality of life improvement, not a required choice Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:29 AM PDT DE just announced that they are removing Xoris as a stat stick for any frame that relies on the melee combo counter at all. Their reasoning is that it became "Xoris or you're doing it wrong." That could not be farther from the truth. For frames that use a stat stick, you accepted you were going to do less damage in exchange for not managing combo. Isn't that the exact choice that DE claims they want us to have with the modding system? It also opened alternate modding possibilities. Let's consider Atlas. I probably wouldn't go for crit on a "standard" Atlas stat stick. However with the right Xoris build I could get Blood Rush, Glad set and with Arcane Avenger I could get to 100% crit. That let crit be a realistic option for Landslide when it really wasn't before. By nerfing Xoris you are removing choices from the player, not freeing us from some oppressive Xoris meta. To top it off, none of the frames that mattered in that list will be affected in a meaningful way. Vet Khora players who used her at a high level will just go back to their syndicate stat sticks with 5/5 riven dispo, if they ever stopped using them in the first place. A proper stat stick with a 5/5 riven will do a lot more damage than Xoris. So, after this change, Khora (the strongest frame by far affected), really isn't bothered. Gara for some reason got a buff when she's already bonkers strong, and all these other frames that finally had some weaknesses patched up by Xoris get shafted? Maybe wait to nerf Xoris until you have a plan to fix those frames or are we just going to live in the infinite scaling damage meta of Saryn/Octavia/Gara forever? I know this is pretty rant-ish but posts like the Xoris one are exactly what people have had an issue with recently with DE. - a sad Tenno Edit: Oh, forgot about the fan favorite. Guess squads like this https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/hj5xwg/all_protea_grinding_squads_lol/ are fine but let's make sure we nerf Atlas in a week submitted by /u/Persies [link] [comments] |
My stand crazy diamond will fix that destroyed rumba to it’s original state!! Render done in blender c: Posted: 01 Jul 2020 01:33 PM PDT |
Sunny Muffins and Honey Flake from Robot Chicken! Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:55 PM PDT |
Who you gonna call? Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:58 AM PDT |
The last place you can find the old Corpus Tileset Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:43 AM PDT |
Gotta say, the Corpus ship remaster is pretty well done Posted: 01 Jul 2020 10:57 PM PDT |
Everytime a new mechanic gets added to the game Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:09 AM PDT |
Wait it's all RNG? Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:32 AM PDT |
Glaive Explosion (single vs dual wield) Posted: 01 Jul 2020 03:02 AM PDT |
Oberon and Nekros Interactions Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:15 AM PDT | The Oberon and Nekros players who want to be friends. Oberon has an Area of Effect (AoE) heal channeling ability (Renewal) to help his team no matter the distance he is from them after the cast. Nekros has an ability, Shadows of the Dead, that creates an army of meat shields that constantly degrade until they die, losing health every second. They sound like they would have fun together, right? Wrong Oberon's channeled ability drains energy for each member of his team that is below maximum health which means whenever an Oberon player finds themselves with a Nekros teammate they are at a disadvantage simply for trying to help their team. With Shadows of the Dead active the drain at maximum efficiency is 2.91 Energy per Second. That may not seem like an unbearable amount but consider what the Oberon is doing there. Oberon is healing a minion that loses heath in percentages. You won't even notice what's happening unless you know beforehand on either end. Let's say Oberon gives regeneration of 100 Health per Second (doing 1/3 heal for summoned units for 33 Health per Second) and that Nekros has enough duration for the decay effect to be only 1% of Decay per Second. The equilibrium would be for the minion to have 3,300 health, about as much health as half an Inaros. A corrupted heavy gunner at level 24 has 3,388 health. So for Oberon and Nekros to have a perfectly healthy relationship they have to; - Do level 24 content with fully forma'ed builds
- have Oberon with both efficiency mods equipped and duration at normal levels
- have Nekros with 301% duration for a decay rate of 1%
But when does this ever happen? When does a Nekros mod for Duration for a Shadows of the Dead build? The enemies are also shooting at his Shadows and his Shadows heath, shields, and damage scale with his ability Strength so would he take up mod slots with tons of Duration when he can just recast to heal them with moderate Duration? With a 3% decay rate Oberon would need to heal 10 times more aggressively with a higher level minion for it to be noticeable. And when does Oberon run low efficiency? 'Hunter Adrenaline' can, arguably, do better than 'Fleeting Expertise' in higher level content, or at least content a lot higher than level 24. Many of his abilities depend on high Strength and decent Duration leaving him little compromise for the possibility of a Nekros teammate. Even then, where is his energy going? - With efficiency at 130% Shadows of the Dead drain at a rate of 7 Energy per Second
- A full team drains 7.7 Energy per Second
- A full team's companions drain 2.56 Energy per Second
That is a total of 17.26 Energy per Second. That is the maximum drain not taking into account the drain Oberon and his companion do or that the drain doesn't activate until your team has missing health. They are completely incompatible frames that make you feel worse for simply using them together in higher level content. With the Path of Steel update looming in the distance this is the issue I feel needs addressing the most. The simple fix is that every teammate is considered their own entity which includes all the minions they bring to the battle. Let Oberon and Nekros players be friends, let them be happy to see each other when they team up. submitted by /u/FreezingvBlaze [link] [comments] |  |
Abilities should be Moddable instead of reliant upon Stat Sticks Posted: 01 Jul 2020 06:41 PM PDT Stat sticks are weapons modded specifically to increase the power of pseudo-exalted abilities like Landslide, Whipclaw, Shattered Lash, etc. This outdated method of increasing power removes build diversity and promotes RNG via Rivens, due to Riven's stats being applied to the ability it's boosting. I, and many others on this sub believe that pseudo-exalted abilities should be changed to become Moddable, whilst simultaneously losing the capability of mods equipped on weapons affecting their stats. This change has already happened on true Exalted weapons and was very well received. TL;DR: Change abilities that take stats from weapons to being Moddable instead. I'd like to hear all of your thoughts, opinions and suggestions. Thanks for reading. submitted by /u/FutureCrusaderX [link] [comments] |
In support of the tanky Steel Path enemies (TLDR at end) Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:26 PM PDT I've been seeing mixed opinions about the tankiness of hard mode enemies. I was on the test server and--after getting used to it--I found that I really liked how tanky they were. I want to explain why. Just a note: there might be some BS things they need to recalculate. Maybe bosses and archwing missions. Maybe demolysts. I don't know. This post is just concerned with the standard enemies in standard missions. Here's the idea: Right now, we have a "nuke the room" meta. You can play whatever you want just for funsies, but we all know that you're only really contributing to a squad if you can nuke rooms. The game wasn't always like this. But with the current pace of the game, a "nuke the room" meta has become dominant. Far tankier enemies slow down the pace of the game, making "nuke the room" more difficult and potentially not even viable. Some people think this will restrict the meta. I disagree. I think this will open up the meta. In a slower pace, where "nuke the room" isn't the only viable option, things like crowd control and support become viable. Things like single target damage become useful. For example, I found myself unironically using nyx on the test server and doing very well with her. So that's the idea. I get that some people are against the tankier enemies. That makes sense, because it feels so different from how we play the game now. But personally, I'm hoping they don't nerf hard mode. I'd like to see us try it out for a while and see how it feels. TLDR: The slower pace of Steel Path missions will (I hope) open up the meta to make CC, support, and single-target damage finally feel useful again. submitted by /u/huggalump [link] [comments] |
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