• Breaking News




    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 08:32 AM PDT







    • ???


    CREDIT GOES TO /u/waterpirate12, /u/BadBrad526, AND /u/Foxboy93 FOR STARTING THIS WEEKLY THREAD SERIES!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    What it feels like after completing a planet in hard mode.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    I’m gonna say what most of us are thinking, DE hates Male operators. I mean look how much more detail the Fem-Dax set has compared to the male?! Why you gotta do my boy dirty like this, lol.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    Ash Vs Steel Path Specter

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    When you get a lvl 100+ stalker while fighting a lvl 100+ junction boss

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    Progress on eidolon teralyst with 3d-pen.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    Humanized Octavia by me <3

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 08:07 PM PDT

    Before anything is added to the Steel Path Honors store, I think that the drop rate of Steel Essence needs to be better.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    In knowing that Steel Essence drops from Eximus units, I quickly unlocked just enough missions to make a beeline for my favorite survival node: Gabii Ceres.

    Gabii Ceres is essentially ideal for trying to farm Steel Essence, it's an Infested Dark Sector survival, has a +35% drop chance booster running on top of the Steel Path drop chance booster.

    Two friends joined me for a two hour survival, and we camped out on the catwalk in what is my favorite tile in the game (the hangar tile). I was Protea, and my friends were Nekros and Harrow. Overall, it was a good time.

    At the end of that mission, we had managed to get 26 Steel Essence and 18 riven slivers.

    This is where my problem lies. I actually think the riven sliver drop chance is fair. Perhaps slightly low, but I don't really have a problem with that. Steel Essence, on the other hand, feels awful. After clearing all the missions to get to Gabii, I had only seen a single Steel Essence drop, and I had specifically gone after every single Eximus unit I saw.

    Just for clarification, it costs 15 Steel Essence to get a single relic pack. I couldn't buy two relic packs after a two hour survival.

    If I were to personally suggest something more than simply "make drop rate better," I would want for every single Eximus enemy to always drop Steel Essence (outside of when they drop riven slivers), but with the prices in the store for the cosmetics and resources being raised. That way, the grind would feel much more consistent. Yes, this would greatly reward players who do long survivals since the eximus spawn rate goes up the longer a Survival lasts, but players doing more "bite-sized" missions would still have options for getting good amounts of Steel Essence such as whenever Syndicate hit squads attack or doing Rescue missions and killing all the Warden Eximi who spawn.

    And since I do know that people are gonna inevitably mention Tridolons/Teralyst farming for getting Steel Essence right now, I'd much rather enjoy what is essentially new game+ of the game I originally fell in love with, not just spam a mildly more annoying version of the same fight I've done hundreds of times now.

    Only after it feels like there's a good balance between the acquisition of Steel Essence and the price of the rewards, that's when other potential rewards ought to be looked at. But right now, I feel like Steel Essence drops so painfully infrequently that it slightly sours the experience.

    submitted by /u/JirachiWishmaker
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    Leyou (Digital Extremes) stocks halted. Merger with a major company imminent (Rumor: Sony bought them).

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 06:49 PM PDT

    EDIT: Tencent is back in the picture and may outbid Sony.


    Original Post:


    "At the request of Leyou Technologies Holdings Limited (the "Company"), trading in the shares of the Company on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited has been halted with effect from 9:00 a.m. on 10 July 2020 pending the release of an announcement pursuant to the Hong Kong Code on Takeovers and Mergers which constitutes inside information of the Company."

    Rumor is that Sony bought them (who also bought $250M worth of stake in Epic Games today). However, it could be any major publisher.

    submitted by /u/MiniTelevision
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    Steel Essence drop rate is 2%

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    Source: Home Time #14

    Rebecca said it's double the drop rate of Oberon blueprints (1%) and that they are monitoring the drops.

    submitted by /u/Kialanda
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    I was finally able to join the Elite Club of Warframe

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    Havent done this in a long time, it feels..... Amazing!

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 04:48 PM PDT

    It would be nice for Exterminate missions to end differently depending on the opposing faction

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 03:45 AM PDT

    Grineer: Some flee, others still fight you as either an act of bravery, or because their brain was built to act that way

    Corpus: Every crewman runs away from you, while some robotics still fight you, and MOAs return into their cabinets.

    Infested: The remaining Infested self inflict damage overtime until they die, only to be reborn later, more powerful than before. Some Mutalist MOAs return into cabinets.

    Corrupted: Every enemy fights you as usual, Lotus says the enemy presence in the tower is lowered enough for the mission to count as completed.

    submitted by /u/fizio900
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    How did these 2 get in there?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    Bishamo Cuirass comparsion on Male and Female Operator

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 04:04 AM PDT

    Ember + Pyro [Fan art by Makarimorph] [WF + TF2]

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    So I went out on to the PoE during the day and there was a Teralyst just chilling

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 05:56 AM PDT

    Let's call Steel Path what it really is: New Game+

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    And that's it.

    Steel Path isn't "Hard Difficulty", "Challenge Mode" or "Endgame", it is just "New Game Plus".

    This community seems to be confused about what Steel Path is or isn't and what it should or shouldn't be, I've seen both casual players and Warframe youtubers/streamers deliver contradicting messages.

    Let's take a game like Dark Souls for example, NG+ allows you to restart the game from the beginning, but with all your levels and items, while enemies get a buff to their stats.

    Enemies drop a bit more Souls (think Affinity or Credits) and there's only a handful new items that are exclusive to NG+, certainly not a whole lot.

    New Game+ in Dark Souls isn't hard or challenging, if you already had good gear and a solid build by the end of your first playthrough, you will steamroll through most of NG+.

    Yet, a lot of people still replay it multiple times, even when there is little to no benefit and basically no new rewards for doing so.

    So, what's the point of the Steel Path then?

    To continue playing with your old stuff, while experiencing the closest thing to a fresh start without making a new account.

    To revisit all those locations and missions that you wouldn't normally ever visit, 90% of the Star Chart nodes are never touched after completing them once.

    To have some meaning in your absolutely overpowered arsenal of maxed out warframes, weapons and mods.

    To skip the tedious hour long wait in Endless missions before things get interesting and hectic.

    CC and Support frames are more relevant, you have to pay attention while playing instead of just picking whatever whenever and mindlessely breezing through it.

    I've seen a lot of suggestions, tons of people want DE to put way more effort into Steel Path or morph it into some weird version of endgame, I would rather DE actually develop a proper endgame instead.

    Fix the Steel Essence acquisition, maybe add a few new items here and there and move on, focusing on it too hard is the wrong move in my opinion, the way Steel Path is right now is exactly what a lot of people wanted.

    submitted by /u/AvalonThePhoenix
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    BONK (Steel Path Junction)

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 04:30 AM PDT

    I've been playing this game for about 4 years and I'm just now finding out that the orbiter and landing craft are separate ships.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    Especially now that it really matters

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    Stug Path: Steel Path but only with Stug

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    Steel path brought us +100 levels and some HP/shield/armor modifiers. I won't go into talking whether it brings any challenge, but rather make one for myself.

    I decided that to complete Steel Path star chart only using a weapon that is a meme and is believed the worst secondary: the Stug.

    These are a few rules I've set:

    1. No primary or melee weapon slots must be empty. Secondary weapon must be Stug.
    2. Deploying archgun is allowed (for arcanes), shooting it is not allowed.
    3. DPS abilities not allowed, but buffs allowed. This requires some examples:
    • Mesa's Regulators, Khora's Whipclaw and any other exalted/pseudo exalted weapons are banned
    • Nuke abilities, such as Volt Discharge, Saryn Spores, Protea Turret or anything that can kill enemies pretty well is not allowed
    • Damage buffs are allowed (so Chroma, Mirage, Rhino damage buffs are very welcome)
    • CC abilities like Vauban's Bastille/Vortex or Ivara Sleep Arrow are allowed, however Nyx Chaos is banned because enemies will kill each other instead of being rekt by Stug
    • Armor stripping abilities are allowed, unless they deal massive damage (e.g. Frost 4 is banned because it can wipe enemies too well)
    • Hildryn 2 is allowed on missions with enemies that have no shields because otherwise it nukes shields and defeats the purpose
    • Specters are generally not allowed, except Shield Drone and other utility ones that don't kill enemies
    • Usage of kiddo is allowed, any school any abilities, but usage of Amps is generally banned (except shooting Cephalite Glass because mighty Stug cannot do that and this could block mission progress)

    This means that some frames' kits can't be used at all making them pretty useless and some frames' kits can be partially used to enhance the Stug DPS.

    I've already completed 2 planets (Earth and Venus) and here are my general thoughts on the mission types:

    • Assassination missions can be very different (in theory, only did Vay Kek and Jackal so far):
      • Easy (Vay Kek, The Sergeant, Vor etc)
      • Annoying (Jackal kept his back legs away from my fire by rotating and hindering aim with other legs)
      • Insanely time consuming (Lephantis, Zealoid Prelate, Jordas - both Juggernout and AW, etc)
      • Mechanically hard to kill with Stug (Alad V (both Jupiter and infested), Sargas Ruk etc)
    • Capture is easy for grineer targets, annoying for corpus targets
    • Defense
      • Infested is boring and can be completed with pressing 2 buttons (vauban 4 and Stug primary fire)
      • Grineer can be done pretty well by Rift Torrent Limbo + Unairu kiddo), or with Hildryn with much more pressure and risk to get objective rekt
      • Corpus are a pain in Limbo's rift. Nullifiers really make it hard because stug projectiles bounce off bubbles AND nullifiers themselves. Not sure how to deal with those yet (last time I ragdolled them away with kiddo until other enemies were dead)
    • Disruption honestly scares me, no idea if Stug can deal enough damage, even with 1000% chroma/mirage
    • Excavation/Mobile Defense are trivial with Limbo
    • Exterminates just take a bit more time than with proper weapons/abilities (20+ kills per minute is doable)
    • PoE/Orb Vallis bounties - completed both. Only missed one bonus objective in PoE due to bad enemy spawns
    • Hijack probably cheesed with Inaros as always
    • Interception is fairly easy with Vauban - throw Vortexes capture objectives, then shoot giant meatballs of enemies until interception ends
    • Junctions - armor strip + fire a few shots = done
    • Rescue/Spy are as easy as normal mode
    • Survival: Vauban or Chroma make it almost trivial
    • Archwing missions: I'm just gonna use rule 2 and not shoot archgun, melee only because 50 levels are nothing for half assedly modded archmelee

    As you can see I've figured a few frames that cover most missions: Hildryn vs Grineer, Chroma vs other factions, Vauban and Limbo are my top choices.

    Please comment and tell me which frames you think could be good and why. Ask your questions too ;)

    P.S. I can't share "The OP Stug build" because it not exists. I tried about 17 builds so far, from viral heat & corrosive heat to toxin + radiation etc. I have 8 forma on my Stug and I don't recommend doing it unless you have no other entertainment.
    P.P.S. Thank you for reading, the post came out quite long!

    submitted by /u/aviadmini
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    Steel Path: 3 more nodes to go, might sleep, not sure

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    It's kinda disappointing that the Garuda Delux skin doesn't change her Dread Mirror. Like, make it more boney like her Syandana or something similar.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    A small suggestion for Steel Path: Headshots

    Posted: 09 Jul 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    So far I really enjoy Steel Path. While the balance between Grineer and Corpus are still out of wack, the increased EHP of enemies allows for different squad compositions, tactics, and kits to flourish. There is still cheese strats, but I like the new mode. It reminds me of the TVHM and OP modes from Borderlands 2.

    That being said, the armor scaling on Grineer can really limit the selection of weapons against them. For the most part, unless you have a DPS boosting frame on hand a weapon has to either be a slash bomb or into viral + armor stripping to reliably deal with them at any point. One small suggestion I had to bring this more into balance is increasing the value of headshots.

    A good example is PAYDAY 2. While the game has it's own myriad of problems, they got one interesting aspect nailed down: as the difficulty level increases (up to a point), enemy spawns and enemy health increase. So does the headshot damage multiplier. You're dealing with a lot more threats which are much more dangerous and tanky, but being quick to pop helmets helps keep the incoming hordes of enemies in check.

    This has already worked for the Corpus. With their reworked shields, headshots mitigate or straight up cancel the effects of shield gating. Let us do something similar with the Grineer. For Steel Path, I would suggest giving certain classes of weapons (rifles, sniper rifles) an increased headshot multiplier, if not in general.

    I would be cautious of giving all weapons a universal headshot buff, as giving the same multiplier to a sniper rifle and a shotgun will still ultimately favor the shotgun due to its usual higher damage. There's also weird 'headshot' cases like certain melee stances.

    I believe a change like this could help encourage more weapon picks to counter the Grineer, and reward good aim against heavily armored targets without touching their armor scaling.

    TL:DR: Make headshots do more damage against armored targets in Steel Path. Corpus have headshot weaknesses to their defenses, but its hard to notice on Grineer.

    submitted by /u/BreakfastBaron
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