• Breaking News




    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:32 AM PDT







    • ???


    CREDIT GOES TO /u/waterpirate12, /u/BadBrad526, AND /u/Foxboy93 FOR STARTING THIS WEEKLY THREAD SERIES!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Limbo's public relations firm does not believe in subliminal messages

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    Even the Steel Path high level Stalker can't survive these lasers

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:55 AM PDT

    I'm Tyl Regor/Nef Anyo, and I'm signing autographs for TennoCon 2020!

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    Hey there, Warframe Redditers! Lucas here, back again with a quick PSA for TennoCon 2020. I figured if the con could go digital in the midst of what we're seeing in the world... then so could I.

    Over the past three TennoCons, I've had the fortune not only to attend but also sign & hand out autographs on personalized art cards featuring my two favorite gentlemen: Tyl Regor and Nef Anyo. Tenno from around the world have stood in line for hours to get autographs from not only me, but also the devs, the streamers and the other voice actors in attendance... and even then, some of them still miss their chance. Well, not this year!

    In an effort to engage with players digitally (and while socially distancing), I'm opening up my exclusive TennoCon postcard prints for signing and autographs through August 2nd, 2020! You can now purchase one or more prints, get a signature on them and I'll personally mail them anywhere in the world.

    Additionally, part of the proceeds from every print sold will go to TennoCon 2020's two charity benefits: Autism Ontario and Alzheimer Society of London and Middlesex.

    You can see all the details at the following digital storefront link I set up for this event. Be sure to read about writing down names and messages for any ordered prints on the checkout page as I won't be sending out blank autographs (i.e. a print with simply my autograph); every print will be personalized.

    Also, with COVID-19 still affecting the world (especially in the United States), the process of mailing out prints internationally could be slowed. Rest assured, however: I intend to send out EVERY order that gets made, regardless of where it has to go. But if you're worried about that, check the Shipping Details link on the storefront page for more information on international mailing schedules.

    There's a contact page on the storefront if you have any questions or concerns. And you can hit me up here if you have anything potent to this topic; I'll get back to you as quick as I can with an answer.

    Let's raise some money for two good charities ... and make my signing hand cramp in the process.

    We all lift together.

    Take care, Lizards!! - Lucas Schuneman (voice of Tyl Regor, Nef Anyo, Rictus Ghoul and the Treasurer)

    submitted by /u/VoiceActingNinja
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    Darvo is stepping it up.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    The one who will go beyond the power of that Shawzin is Tenno's Excalibur Umbra!

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:25 AM PDT


    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    My Warframeversary! I've played every day since I started a year ago!

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    The Golemites

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    I have found it, the forbidden room on Cetus

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 09:19 PM PDT

    help please

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 05:25 AM PDT

    Spent all night making these. Really proud of them. Hope you enjoy.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    Finished Steel Path 52 Essence (including planet rewards!) with drop amount (not chance) booster

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    This really seems like a joke considering how much time it took... Note that I played a few missions multiple times for fun as well. The result: 36 one-time rewards from planets, 8 from drops, 8 from boosters

    The droprates are simply horrendous. It's fine that DE doesn't want Steel Path rewards to massively outclass normal rewards.... But come on, those drop rates are beyond poor. While the missions are fun they are so much less worth the time than normal Kuva missions etc.

    It's a let down. Only long survival runs with Nekros seems to drop a decent amount of those. It's a shame that DE refuses to give players the choice to do missions for fun and receive rewards naturally as parts of regular mission reward drop tables, but instead forces players into the same old stale farm meta if they want any chance of getting remotely as many rewards as one would get from normal missions with better reward tables (e.g. Kuva mission).

    The drop rates are a joke.

    The mission reward tables are trash.

    Fighting tougher enemies might be more fun than low level ones, but it leaves a VERY bitter taste in your mouth to give up that many good rewards you could have earned if you played any decent low level content.

    submitted by /u/sdric
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    Got a care package today

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 01:09 AM PDT

    My thoughts on Steel Path and why it brought me back to Warframe

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Like many people I know I slowly left Warframe after Railjack launched. Liches and RJ burned me out to the point I didn't even want to play Scarlet Spear. In all honesty I think there were a lot of design flaws and a poor execution but to be fair, a lot of it seems to have been improved since then.

    I've been asking for an option to start missions at a much higher level for several years now mainly because I get too bored to play 2h of Mot to get somewhat challenged by the game.

    Steel Path despite some flaws actually lived up to my expectations. When I started the first mission I didn't expect the enemies to be this tanky and as I progressed further into the starchart I actually had to think about my loadouts a little bit. I actually failed some missions and had to try again. Soloing SP Ropalolyst felt really rewarding after nuking through the normal one 100 times despite getting no real loot out of it. Enemy spawns are either just right or you get swarmed if you're not playing well enough and I think that's perfect. Solo Survival is finally an option without wondering where all the enemies are.

    Not only this but there was a community aspect that I long missed. I was not the only one that was happy to finish some missions. Some people actually communicated, stuck around and we finished planets together. It reminded me a lot of the Warframe that I began to love in 2014/2015.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Purexec
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    Dont know if this counts as art but i wanted to show my Eva 0.1 Gauss i made some time ago (sorry for the bad photo)

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    Survival 101: A guide on surviving lvl ~100 content as a squishy frame.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    To that one friend who believes in you.. Thank you.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 01:56 AM PDT

    Never saw this before. Is this a new room?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    I, too, have made a chess set in my Dojo

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    I need help tryna sell my kavat imprints, how would I describe this if I were to put it in tc

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    I have this bug where it shows im building the mire even tho its not building. Its been going on for 2 months now

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    Additional Features to Bring Life to Clan Dojos

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Clan Dojos are one of my favorite facets of the game, but I see them being underused, aside from trading, and the occasional blueprint purchase, so I thought I'd take some time to compile a list of possible features that I think would add some Life, Utility, and Style to the Dojos.
    TL;DR at the bottom of post ;)

    K-Drive Skatepark and Racetrack Rooms and/or Decor Pieces

    K-drives were a fun idea but in my experience have fallen by the wayside in favor of the faster overland movement of archwings. So let's get away from the convenience side of it and focus on the fun side.

    DE, please allow K-drives in the Clan Dojos or add a new room in Dojo Construction that allows for the building of new K-drive Racetracks or Skatepark rooms and/or decorations:

    Allowing the construction of ramps (half-pipe style but also launching ramps like motocross) as well as racetracks elements like nitro pads, track walls, etc. would increase their usage in new and exciting ways.

    The obstacle course rooms already exists in the dojo, these or the Inspiration Hall could be used to build these elements if they don't won't to add additional room layouts.

    An additional room would likely be best however, to possibly only allow Kdrive usage within that room.Alternatively, create decor with button prompts (like transporters, trade posts, etc) that would allow for mounting the board.

    A K-drive skatepark in dojo would be a great meeting spot and boost K-drive "fashion frame", adding incentive and feedback for board customization like coloration and graphics.

    Fellow Warlords and Architects are thirsty for some more variety in the dojo decorating options, at least thematically.

    Not to mention how cool it would be to have a vent kid NPC in your dojo, who would be the same standard character for all players (like a Clem).I dig the space-graffiti aesthetic and I think it need to be more utilizedand would love to see this attitude and the use of K-drives carried over into dojo design.

    Placeable NPCs

    Speaking of having a Vent Kid in the Dojo, please consider allowing the placement of NPCs!Non-interactive/Non-speaking NPCs were already added into the Dojos with the addition of the Railjack Dry Dock crewpeople.

    These could be generic characters that are not able to be interacted with, such as a Ventkid, an Ostron that mills about, sitting and then standing up from a floor mat, or a Solaris welder inspecting a support beam.

    They could also be pre-existing generic characters, such as CLEM or a faceless Syndicate Agent, who would mill about with a pre-set animation loop.

    There's the option to make them interact-able as well; potential Merchants, that could allow players to access the Marketplace without leaving the Dojo. They could sell unique items and decor like Ticker. Or Dojo decor items from the Syndicates, with their unique themes, and purchasable with standing.

    Merchants could be placed using a Booth-style decoration, similar to the merchant stations in Fallout 4, or they could unique devoted small Dojo rooms.

    Pet Dojo Consignment

    Also speaking of placeable characters:

    I'm sure that almost every Tenno has at some point had to consign a pet over the Lotus to make room for a different beast.

    Only problem with that is that the>! Lotus is now a traitorous half-robotic villain, so since that happened the animals are probably just launched into space instead.!<

    I propose adding a simple feature to the game that would allow any pet to be"RELEASED(ed) IN CLAN DOJO", such as in this rendering.

    This feature would create an alternate, more "ethical" and "transparent" option for these companions, as well as adding a little bit of life to the clan dojos.

    After releasing the pet in this way, upon the player's next visit to the dojo they would be prompted to select a room to place the animal in, in which it would have free reign of, but stay in that room, just like the Domestik Drones.

    To combat over-crowding and/or unwanted pets in the dojo, either clan members with decorating privileges would be the only ones allowed to do this, or the clan warlord would be prompted with a yes or no prompt about allowing a pet to roam about, next time they entered the dojo.

    Again, the pets would operate like the Drones, placeable within a room and then free to move about as they desire, and just like any donated decorations, they would stay with the clan permanently.

    This would allow us to still see them and make us feel better about the tough choice, as well as put some wildlife/mascots into our carefully-crafted environments!

    Fill-able Caches/Locker Decorations

    One of my favorite things about any game is finding secret areas and any hidden items that might be there and I would love to see this element incorporated into the Dojo building process.

    I have a Dojo that I really like that I've spent a lot of time decorating, and there are some parts of it that serve no purpose other than to climb up to or slide through to. Most of these locations have transporter pads so you can warp to and from them, but other than that there's not really any draw to find them or explore any areas other than trading post rooms and research rooms.

    It would be great to be able to place small rewards, such as Endo orbs or other small caches within the Dojo landscapes.

    Ideal details for this feature would include:

    • The clan leadership or anybody with architect privileges would be able to drop these items, from either their own stock or the communal clan fund (using resources from either is already available during the room building process)
    • There could be a limit on the amount of resources you can plant per cache and a limit on the number of caches within each Dojo, both to keep it from being abused.
    • You would be able to toggle the option to have caches only available to clan members or to anyone within the Dojo.
    • The caches could automatically respawn at a time limit that the placer sets, and pull from the same fund each time.
    • These rewards could be added to the obstacle course instead/as well, either as a general prize for completion or for gold, silver, bronze, etc

    I think this feature would add a whole new element of excitement and purpose to the process of Dojo construction/decoration and encourage exploration of all clan-members and visitors alike. Visitors can't be in your Dojo if no members are present there's no worries about getting raided haha.

    As a plus too, there are already models for cache containers fitting each enemy/planet theme, so that shouldn't be too complicated, from a programming standpoint.They would just need to add those as craftable items in the Dojo decoration menu (make the settings accessible at the time of construction, like the TRIBUTA STATUE or after construction is finished and then each time they respawn closed again).

    Selectable Music/Somachords in Dojo, or Per Room

    Currently the only sounds in the Dojo are the slight sound-effects from certain decorations such as the Waterfall and other environmental effects, however the game has a beautiful soundtrack that would it would be nice to utilize more in the Dojo space.I propose adding the same Somachord console from our Orbiter, or some visual variation that carries the same the same function, as a decoration, to provide our music of choice in the Dojo, from the list of already available songs.

    Imagine having an accessible Jukebox in the Dojo!This could be taken a step further in fact, by adding Somachord as a one-time main room decoration option in the menu, just like POLYCHROME is.If we can color every aspect of a Dojo room, it makes sense to be able to affect the sound in that room as well; this would open up a lot of interesting possibilities in regards to matching the soundtrack with the room decor and vice-versa.


    • K-Drive skatepark and racetrack pieces, to utilize both K-drives and the Vent Kid aesthetic.
    • Donating Pets to the Clan instead of Consigning to the Lotus (placeable self-moving decor, like Domestik Drones).
    • Placeable NPCs, whether interactive or non.
    • Merchants (potential Dojo version of orbiter Marketplace console, or selling unique items and decor like Ticker). Syndicate/faction merchants, generic/unique to Dojos.
    • Place-able and potentially refillable caches/chests/lockers -fillable cache containers from each faction, to facilitate clan scavenger hunts and general exploration. These assets are already in game.
    • Somachord/Music Selection in Dojo or Per Room - add a Somachord-style music console as a interactive decoration or as a one-time thing like Polychrome.

    Thanks for reading!Let me know your thoughts on these concepts, and/or any other features that you'd like to see added to the Dojo, to make it more of a hub that's brimming with life, and a true complete home to the Tenno in your clan.

    EDIT: some grammar and spelling.

    submitted by /u/okaypuck
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