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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    This thread is for sharing your Warframe experiences and good or bad luck. Experiences can be shared any day of the week!

    Whether you praise the Void or curse RNGesus, everyone here can sympathize; share any experiences that you've had in Warframe that you want! You can also freely share things that are listed as "disallowed posts" here.

    Comments are sorted by new by default! And remember...

    Experiences can be shared any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    My addition to the recent Lego trend: Corpus Proxies

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    Open Space build i did in the clan dojo with my bf's arsenal of resources.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    Before/after of the hub built by my gf in our new duo clan. All I could do was to supply the resources.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:33 AM PDT

    The many tentacles of Lohk

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    For Newbies: Leveling Infographics

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:43 PM PDT

    TIL you can extinguish fires with cold damage.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    Nav Coordinates Should Be A Bile Item

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    From what I understand the only thing these are used in are the coordinates for Mutalist Salad V. Everyone has a massive stock of them laying around and it just would be a good thing to be able to feed once a day. Set it to 50 Coordinates per feeding and we're good. Could also do the same with Orokin Ciphers which would encourage more people to do vault runs with new players which is good.

    Usually my threads are a lot more lengthy then this... so uh, yeah. Short and simple. Just add these unused resources as another way to increase bile.

    submitted by /u/Croewe
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    Hydrolyst Sigil. An imprint of a fallen Hydrolyst.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    [LEGO Fan Art] Mesa

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    I take care of my pets

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    My Navigation glitched and it was funny.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 09:19 PM PDT

    I was subsuming Oberon, and after the hotfix, the subsume process got cancelled. Now I can't subsume him at all.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:29 AM PDT

    New literally G A M E - B R E A K I N G bug. Making it impossible to play without a force closure and relaunch.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    While working the trade chat, and bouncing between a PM and the trade chat, when you enter the trade chat it will stop, frozen, and it will break the chat window so you can't scroll, close, or do anything. With the trade chat broken and open you can not move in the game or do anything. You have to reset.

    Its happened 13 times in 1 hour for me. This needs to be fixed IMMEDIATELY.

    Edit: the bug can happen in multiple chats when jumping around. Not just trade.

    Edit 2, electric boogaloo: over 50 game resets in 2 hours man. This is bonkers. DE, some response would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Titania_07012020
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    Stagger on low range weapons needs to be toned down

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    "Self damage" weapons that have innately low range combined with low projectile speed are nigh unusable. The biggest offender is the sonicor, it is essentially impossible to use unless you are standing still, and even then you're not safe if an enemy takes a single step toward you. If any dev reads this, I implore you to take 30 seconds and try using sonicor in a mission, just once. It is a dead weapon.

    This concept goes for other things too, like the shraksun scaffold, and I'm sure others I don't frequently use. You cannot even WALK forward, let alone run/bullet jump which is a core concept in the game. This is compounded by the fact that sonicor didn't have self damage to begin with, and cannot even equip cautious shot.

    I really honestly don't mind the stagger affect on longer range weapons where you have the ability to play around it. But the fact that i have to literally stand still or more likely run away in a mobility heavy game, makes absolutely no sense to me. Please consider toning down the stagger radius/chance on weapons that have low range and slow projectiles. Feel free to point out others I've missed, staticor comes to mind, but at least that travels faster than bloody walking speed so you can actually walk forward with it slightly kinda barely sometimes. I find it sad that the ability to walk forward with a weapon is considered an upgrade compared to others.

    Edit: List of problematic weapons Sonicor, Shraksun scaffold, Staticor, Zhuge Prime (delayed explosion), Propa Scaffold, Zakti

    submitted by /u/Partingoways
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    How to use Deny properly

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Deimos Fish List

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    Some events and tactical alerts should return to Warframe as quests.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    With some changes, these "new" quests will not only make Warframe's story more meaningful in-game, but will also enrich its universe and give less relevant characters more participation.

    In order to tell the whole story, it's necessary to change the requirements of most of the quests that currently exist (especially those post-Second Dream), and divide them into two categories (Main and Secondary). The following list shows the chronological order with the new requirements:

    Main quests:

    • Awakening: First login
    • Vor's Prize: Complete Awakening
    • Once Awake: Complete Mercury Junction
    • The Archwing: Complete Mars Junction
    • The Gradivus Dilemma*: Complete The Archwing
    • Stolen Dreams: Complete Phobos Junction
    • The New Strange: Complete Europa Junction
    • Suspicious Shipments*: Complete Saturn Junction
    • Breeding Grounds*: Complete Uranus Junction
    • Mutalist Incursions*: Complete Neptune Junction
    • Patient Zero: Complete Eris Junction
    • Tubemen of Regor*: Complete Sedna Junction
    • Natah: Complete Tubemen of Regor
    • The Second Dream: Complete Natah & Mot – Void
    • Shadow Debt*: Complete The Second Dream
    • The War Within: Complete Shadow Debt
    • Chains of Harrow: Obtain an AMP (find Onkko)
    • Apostasy Prologue: Build the Personal Quarters segment
    • The Sacrifice: Complete Apostasy Prologue & all the missions of the Star Chart (except Ganymede – Jupiter and The Ropalolyst)
    • Chimera Prologue: Complete The Sacrifice & Reach Mastery Rank 10
    • Rising Tide: Complete Chimera Prologue & Build Cephalon Cy

    Secondary quests:

    • A Favor for Darvo*: Complete Venus Junction
    • Howl of the Kubrow: Complete Mercury Junction
    • The Hunt for Alad V*: Complete Phobos Junction
    • The Limbo Theorem: Complete Europa Junction
    • Project Undermine*: Complete Saturn Junction
    • A Man of Few Words: Complete Uranus Junction
    • Ambulas Reborn*: Complete Pluto Junction
    • The Jordas Precept: Complete Eris Junction
    • Hidden Messages: Complete Sedna Junction
    • Operation Rathuum*: Complete Marid – Sedna
    • Saya's Vigil: Complete The Second Dream
    • The Sands of Inaros: Complete The Second Dream
    • The Silver Grove: Complete The Second Dream
    • Vox Solaris: Complete Shadow Debt
    • Octavia's Anthem: Complete Shadow Debt & scan all the Cephalon Fragments
    • The Deadlock Protocol: Complete Vox Solaris
    • The Glast Gambit: Complete The War Within
    • Heart of Deimos: Complete The War Within & The Deadlock Protocol
    • Mask of the Revenant: Reach Rank 2 with The Quills & Build all the parts of Revenant.

    Next I will tell the plots of the "new" quests together with a proposal of what missions to do and the rewards:

    A Favor for Darvo (secondary)

    After being released, Darvo has received threats and asks the Tenno for help to find out who it is. As you discover that it is a group of slave traders and arms dealers who not only threaten colonies, but are also responsible for Darvo being imprisoned, he is determined to get rid of them, both for his own well-being and that of the colonies, receiving aid from the Steel Meridian.

    The first mission is a spy mission to find out who are the ones who threatened Darvo. The second mission is a mix between rescue and exterminate to save a hostage with valuable information and face its captors. The third and last mission is a mix between mobile defense and sabotage where you are going to communicate with Cressa Tal and sabotage the ship of the group that threatened Darvo, so that they are intercepted by the members of the Steel Meridian.

    During the adventure, Darvo will tell you who is Parvos Granum (since one of the missions will take place on a Corpus Ship) and the Stalker will appear for the first time, presenting himself as an entity that wants to take revenge on the Tenno for being the responsible for the fall of the Orokin empire.

    You will be rewarded with 50000 credits, 500 Endo and the Kunai blueprint.

    The Gradivus Dilemma (main):

    After Vay Hek declared war on Frohd Bek and the Corpus, Mars became the most affected planet by the conflict between Grineer and Corpus. Alad V, who leads the Corpus on that planet, discovered a cache of cryogenized Warframes that would allow him to advance the development of his secret weapon: the Zanuka Project, so the Tenno have no choice but to join the Grineer, led by Ruk. Although both managed to get the Corpus to retreat and Alad in debts, the surviving colonies on Mars were to be enslaved by the Grineer. But the Tenno will not allow it, and as a warning they would take care to defeat Lieutenant Lech Kril.

    This adventure would consist of completing most of the missions on Mars, where the Grineer will help the Tenno to defeat the Corpus, while there are interactions between Sargas Ruk and Alad V, except for the last mission that would be an assassination mission.

    You will be rewarded with an Orokin Reactor and 2 weapon slots. Also, invasion missions (except Infested Outbreak) will be available.

    The Hunt for Alad V (secondary):

    Despite the defeat, Alad V was able to get a Warframe known as "Valkyr" that would allow him to develop a working prototype of Zanuka, leaving the Board of Directors impressed and offsetting his debts after the defeat on Mars. Frohd Bek fears being replaced by Alad, so he decides to sabotage his work by sending ships from Phobos to Jupiter. Unfortunately the Corpus Ships are affected by the infestation and he has no choice but to make a deal with the Lotus and the Tenno: Exterminate the infestation and in return reveal the location of Alad V.

    Similar to the Gradivus Dilemma, the Tenno would have to complete most of the nodes on Phobos, where the Corpus will help them to defeat the Infestation.

    You will be rewarded with 100000 credits, a Forma and the Gammacor blueprint.

    Suspicious Shipments (main):

    Reports came in that there are Grineer Galleons with an unusual behavior on Saturn, so Lotus sends the Tenno to investigate what happened. It turns out that not only the Corpus have taken over the galleons, but they are also experimenting with the Infestation. And the one responsible for it is Alad V who, after the Tenno destroyed his Zanuka prototype, he decided to focus his research on the Infestation (which is prohibited for the Corpus) to return to his place on the Board of Directors. What Alad doesn't know is that experimenting with the Infestation would have long-term consequences.

    The first mission is a spy one, while the second and last mission is a mix between exterminate and sabotage. In both missions you will face the Corpus in a Grineer Galleon

    You will be rewarded with an Orokin Catalyst and a Warframe Slot

    Project Undermine (secondary):

    Another conflict has started between the Grineer and Corpus and the Tenno receive a message from an anonymous requesting help in exchange for a treasure, so Lotus sends them to save the hostage. But that hostage turned out to be Maroo who tricked both factions into fighting so she could steal them while both factions fought. But everything got out of hand when the Nightwatch Corps went after her. So she asks the Tenno to take care of them and to save a Bailiff Defector who helped her during the looting. In the end the Tenno defeat the Nightwatch Corps and the defector joins the Steel Meridian.

    The first mission is a spy crossfire where you have to find out where the hostage is. The second mission is a rescue crossfire where you are going to rescue the hostage, who is Maroo. The third mission is an exterminate crossfire where you face the Corpus and Grineer (Nightwatch units), and the last mission is a defense where you have to protect the Bailiff Defector from the Nightwatch Corps.

    You will be rewarded with a Gram blueprint and you will be able to auto-install Ayatan Stars.

    Breeding Grounds (main):

    Studies of Infestation by Alad V reached a new development, creating a strain capable of infecting not only inorganic beings, but also entire ships. Alad has created infected hives, which are tumors capable of infecting ships and entire colonies in a matter of seconds. Lotus has detected several ships with these hives leaving Eris, so she sends the Tenno to destroy them. There are also reports of a group calling itself the Black Seed that raided Alad's infected laboratories, so they must be captured to prevent them from spreading the Infestation, but it is too late. Upon capturing them, the Tenno learn that other members of the Black Seed have not only spread the mutalist spore, but the Juggernaut spore as well. Now the Tenno must prepare for the inevitable: face the Mutalist empire.

    The first three missions are hive sabotage, one being more difficult than the previous one, and the last mission is a capture where you have a time limit to capture three members of the Black Seed before they escape (similar to Rush, an Archwing mission).

    You will be rewarded with an Orokin Reactor and 2 Sentinel slots.

    Mutalist Incursions (main):

    Alad V has emerged from the shadows in a new guise, proclaiming the beginning of his new empire and revealing his creations: the Mutalist units. Lotus sends the Tenno to the Dark Sectors to contain the Infestation before they spread throughout the Origin System, and to face the Juggernaut Behemoth as the final boss of the quest.

    The Tenno will have to go to one of the Dark Sectors on each available planet (from Venus to Uranus) to face high-level infected (30-40), where the Mutalist units and the Juggernaut will appear for the first time. And the final mission will be an assassination mission on Neptune where the objective will be the Juggernaut Behemoth.

    You will be rewarded with an Archwing slot, 2 Archguns slot and a Forma. Also, Infested Outbreaks missions will be available.

    Ambulas Reborn (secondary):

    Frohd Bek has returned and this time brings with him a new weapon: Ambulas, a unit capable of learning and adapting to previous fights to avoid defeats by using the same strategy thanks to the AI called Animo. Ergo Glast, leader of the Perrin Sequence, creator of the Animo and former apprentice of Frohd during his time as a member of the Corpus, has intercepted a communication from his former master introducing Ambulas, so he asks the Tenno for help to end this threat.

    In order to face Ambulas, the player must collect 20 Animo Nav Beacons and complete missions on Pluto until the Hades node is available, where the fight with Ambulas will take place.

    You will be rewarded with 250000 credits, and you will be able to trade Animo Nav Beacons with Ergo Glast for Perrin Sequence standing without any penalty.

    Tubemen of Regor (main):

    Lotus commands the Tenno to destroy the heart of Tyl Regor's cloning labs with the intention of weakening the Grineer empire, who are seeking a cure for Cloning Decay Syndrome. Alad V, a shadow of his former self, thinks there may be a cure for the infestation and begs the Tenno to find it, but they won't have it that easy. Tyl Regor will keep Lotus and her Tenno from getting away with it, and Nef Anyo will not let the Tenno heal Alad V.

    The mission consists of a mix between sabotage and raid, and once both objectives are completed, it will become a 20-minutes survival where Manics and Bombard Manics will appear frequently, but also Corpus Eximus units, Bursas and Hyenas (all of them will have as top priority to Tenno). During the course of the mission, there will be interactions between Alad V, Tyl Regor, and Nef Anyo.

    You will be rewarded with 3 Formas, a warframe slot and 2 weapons slots

    Operation Rathuum (secondary):

    The Tenno receive a message from Cressa Tal, asking for help in saving a group of Grineer deserters who are to be judged by Kela De Thaym through Rathuum: Trial by Combat, which is fixed. But instead of being a conventional rescue mission, it will be the Tenno who fight in the trial against the Grineer Executioners for the freedom of the deserters, but Kela doesn't keep her word and orders the deserters to be executed, so the Tenno will have to defeat Kela. Finally, the Tenno will obtain the coordinates of the deserters and will have to decide whether to give it to Cressa, or to one of the other five syndicates who have tried to persuade them during the course of the mission.

    This quest consists of completing the three Rathuum missions and the assassination mission, where the final boss is Kela De Thaym.

    You will be rewarded with 3 Forma blueprints and the coordinates of the deserters (valued in 25000 standing) to which you must deliver to one of the six syndicates.

    Shadow Debt (main):

    After Alad V has helped the Tenno during the events of the Second Dream, Shadow Stalker has sent his acolytes to hunt down Alad, who asks for help in exchange for very valuable information. The first thing the Tenno do is find out who these acolytes are and then proceed to defend Alad, starting the hunt. After defeating each acolyte, the Tenno manage to protect Alad and he offers them information about a colony on Venus enslaved by Nef Anyo: Fortuna. Alad is going to keep a low profile and we won't hear anything from him until sometime later, where we find out that he has made a deal with the Sentients.

    The first mission is a spy one where the Tenno try to find out who the acolytes are, and the second is a mobile defense where they will triangulate their location. After that, the rest of the missions will be survival missions in different tilesets (Grineer Galleon, Corpus Ship, Corpus Outpost, Infested Ship, Orokin Derelict and Orokin Tower) where we have to protect Alad V. In each mission, an acolyte will appear as a boss who must be defeated to complete the mission. In the final mission, five of the six acolytes will appear, their respective shadows and finally Misery as the final boss, this being the most powerful of the acolytes, immune to warframe abilities and status effects.

    Throughout the quest, Alad will interact with the Operator and advise them not to trust Lotus (like Teshin) questioning her idea of ​​"maintaining balance" in the Origin System by commanding the Tenno to slaughter members of the Grineer and Corpus.

    You will be rewarded with an Orokin Catalyst, an Orokin Reactor, an Archwing slot and 2 Archguns slots. You will also have access to Fortuna since the quest Vox Solaris will be available, but you will be chased by Shadow Stalker and his acolytes.

    But to get the new story to fit, it is necessary some big changes:

    • As you will have noticed, Saya's Vigil, Vox Solaris and Heart of Deimos are post-Second Dream quests, which means that players who haven't completed The Second Dream, will not have access to open worlds. The level of bounties will also have to be changed so that they feel like missions post-Mot (40 and up) and (obviously) will offer better rewards. That way, newcomers will have enough experience and resources to try something new and different from what the Star Chart missions are.
    • Change the Junctions' tasks and rewards.
    • Little Duck will no longer appear in Disruption missions and Demolishers should no longer be presented as Alad's creations. A suggestion for a change would be for Ordis to replace Little Duck, change the conduits for terminals, and present the Demolishers as special experimental units (or kamikazes). The only Disruption mission that will not change is Ganymede - Jupiter (which is available after completing the Chimera Prologue).

    Optional: To further enrich the Warframe story, some Star Chart missions should change, whether it's the transmission or the context:

    • Zanuka Hunter and The Grustrag Three will be special enemies of Hijack missions (Sorath - Europa and Marid - Sedna, respectively), where it's mandatory to kill them to progress.
    • The new boss of Neptune will be Razorback (controlled by Nef Anyo). While the mission on Erpo - Earth will be a Fomorian Sabotage.
    • Darvo will help you on the Hijack mission of Europa. When you hack the Cargo Rover, Frohd Bek will appear in the transmission and he will prevent you from completing the mission by sending the Hyena Pack and a Zanuka Hunter (who stole from Alad V after his defeat on Jupiter), and while the mission is taking place, Darvo and Frohd will argue throughout the entire mission (similar to the Tactic Alert Ties That Bind).
    submitted by /u/MorteNexus
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    Can I mine in PEACE PLEASE?!

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    Warframe and Memories

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    After 6 years of warframe, hundreds of hours grinding and farming, hundred of dollars spent, and 20 times i wanted to kill clem. I have finally decided to quit Warframe.

    This post is to say thank you to the community and devs that put time in the game and helped me and others along the way.

    I used to love warframe, but as I grew older, i have come to realize you need to play warframe almost 6 hours a day and i just don't have time for that now.

    I love Warframe, I love everything about the community, but the inconsistency of updates the amount of grind to get what you want, and the constant events which require you to grind for a couple hours kinda pushed me over the edge.

    Thank you all for the help, but my journey ends here Tenno.

    submitted by /u/i1f1
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    Toxic Love (My edited Submission for Captura Contest)

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Can we please get the ability to favorite weapons, warframes, companions, etc so they show up at the top of the list in the arsenal?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    It's rather slow to type in the search on console, and it would be nice to be able to have the things I enjoy using at the top but get rid of them on a whim if I wanted to, which it is currently impossible to do by filtering by forma or focus lens unless you sell the weapon. Most used is also inadequate due to the fact that anything new that you fall in love with will never end up at the top of that list.

    submitted by /u/Jumpstyle_shins
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    It is so relaxing :)

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    As if Mastery Rank requirements weren't already a joke as they are now, consider Mesa

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    Mesa Prime can be acquired and built at MR 2. Pretty low, right?

    Mesa must be farmed from fighting Mutalist Alad V on Eris, which is locked behind the junction to Eris, no big deal. Nothing in the Pluto to Eris junction stopping us there. What about the Neptune to Pluto junction? Lets check what those requirements are... Complete The Second Dream. Oh would you look at that, MR 3 requirement.

    Ayatan Sculpture auto install (10) is more advanced than the Helminth system (8), and Mesa (3) is more advanced than Mesa Prime (2).

    submitted by /u/Nym990
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    Dear Digital Extremes: You are making it hard for me to really enjoy this game.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 11:08 PM PDT

    I love the concept of Warframe. I love the movement. I even, no joke, love Railjack. I would like to keep playing this game, but the constant nerfs are REALLY killing it for me. To explain a little bit here:

    I originally decided to play WF because I happened to see a vid on YT, of someone using Mesa Prime in the void and going to town with her 4th ability. It was the best kind of stupid, a level of mass murder that would make even Tecmo Koei take notice.

    I KEPT playing the game because there were a lot of cool and/or powerful pieces of gear all over the place. Particularly weapons.

    I started losing interest when the multiple layers of RNG and time wasting mechanics started to grind on me. That was only annoying enough for me to no longer play WF exclusively, but that was the first knock.

    That, plus the nerfs is when I really started to lose it. When I went all in to farm out my own Kuva Bramma and Forma it 5 times, only for explosive weapons across the board to get nerfed I was naturally not pleased. When Operation Scarlet Spear was going on and you nerfed at least two frames specifically because they were REALLY good at it(which is literally the point of having a varied arsenal of frames), that was the last straw. I dropped the game.

    However, because I'm a forgetful sort, I never unsubscribed from the content creators I liked that did WF content. Recently I saw Quite Shy videos about the Trumna and the Mausolon, and that drew me back into the game. Got the goods I wanted and was even going to get the newest warframes, but then?

    I realized that in the time I was away the Bramma got nerfed again(at least this time it wasn't an entire class of weapon), the new Helmenth system got nerfs pre-launch, and y'all are already looking to nerf MORE Heminth system options. So at this point I'm thinking: If anything I get might get nerfed simply for being really good(the sole reason I'd invest time into new gear at this point) and being picked up by a lot of players, then I have no real reason to go hunting new gear. If I have no reason to go hunting new gear, I have effectively no reason to play the game.

    Really, just the thought that I could invest several hours into ONE weapon that could be used on vastly more entertaining things than affinity farming, only to have said weapon nerfed is a turn off. Not gonna speak for anyone else, but it makes me want to not play the game(and yes, I've dropped it again in like 2 weeks), and I damn sure can't get any of my friends to play it when they see this happen to me.

    tl;dr Stop nerfing things all the time if you want to retain players. You already have enough trouble drawing new ones is, don't drive off the people who've been playing for a while because you can't decide how you want to balance your game.

    submitted by /u/gadgaurd
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