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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Warframe Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    This thread is for anyone to recruit or request others to help them out. It's open to all types of recruitment, and you can recruit any day of the week!

    • Asking for help from other players or offering to help? Go ahead and share your name!

    • Need people to do a certain kind of run? Put your name out there!

    • Want to recruit for your clan? Do it!

    • Anything else you want other players to add you up for? Get the word out and see who offers!

    Please provide the following information in your comment (in no particular order or format):

    • Platform (PC/PS4/XB1/Switch)
    • In-game name (to add to contacts), or clan name if recruiting
    • Location (for lag concerns or looking for players from specific regions)
    • Goal (What are you going to be doing?)

    No formatting necessary! That's right, format your requests or offers howeveryou want! The nicer and prettier it is though, the easier it is to read so keep that in mind!

    Read the other comments! If no one answers your response, add the others who have shared their info! Keep checking back to see who else is out there! Request away!

    And remember...

    You can recruit any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Nezha Prime pls? by ToaPhantom

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Made this mock-up after losing nice chunk of standing to rogue sigil. Syndicate sigils revamp is long overdue.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Saw these screenshots from final fantasy panel. DE should take a few notes.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    "Marked for Nerf", or how the latest Devstream had some of the worst takes I've ever seen from the team, and has proven how nerfing Helminth abilities before release has done nothing to curb the meta.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    Hearing Rebb pose the question on what would happen if every Helminth ability was good was perhaps the moment that shattered my faith in these people. They literally cannot comprehend what people would do if 75% -80% of the abilities on offer weren't so bad they wouldn't even warrant a second look, not to mention how she literally had to restrain herself from saying Chroma's 1 is bad out loud on stream because they are so afraid of owning up to the fact that yes, some abilities are objectively bad, no matter how you use it or how much you bend the build to make it work.

    The statistics chart for the most subsumed abilities showing Roar as the top choice proves the point that a nerfed useful ability is better than a completely useless one no matter how low the values are set, which is why "edge-case at best " ones like Ballistic Battery and utterly garbage ones like Spectral Scream and Tectonics sit at the top for most replaced abilities. The data is clear as crystal right in front of their eyes and there's no denying it anymore- most abilities are in dire need of a rework.

    Now this is getting into personal territory here so take everything I say from this point onward as my own opinion (If I end up sounding like a whiny baby, feel free to rag on me in the comments, I'll understand- this is a vent after all.) but I absolutely despise how the devs (Scott in this particular instance) have embraced the nerf culture they've fostered throughout many updates to the point where they're openly joking and laughing about it. The ramifications of this mentality run very, VERY deep and I'm afraid it's already taking effect in how the community reacts to content creators showcasing new builds in their videos.

    Recently I've been seeing a lost of comments underneath videos passively aggressively joking about how DE is going to nerf {INSERT COOL COMBO/build/synergy/whatever HERE} to the ground and it's all thanks to {INSERT CONTENT CREATOR HERE}. While this is no fault of the Youtubers themselves, as it is natural for people covering a game of this nature to make videos showing really good builds it has also been proven that DE bases their adjustments directly on usage statistics and that they DO in fact watch these kinds of videos - you know, the ones with the overblown titles telling you how "BROKEN" and "OP" the thing is.

    In turn what this has done is cow a sizable portion of the player base away from trying anything new, creating a culture of scalded dogs afraid of touching the water for fear of getting burned again. It's widely accepted PROCEDURE by now that the best thing to do when something new comes is to wait a month to see if gets nerfed or fixed or not and even then that doesn't account for times when players find methods of interacting with the game that DE straight up didn't account for such as Atlas being able to use Archguns while using the Rumbled Augment. Even when they know about a certain mechanic and have even recommended it's use in the GOD DAMN HELP TOOLTIPS (Venari healing defense objectives ring a bell?) they nerf it because people use it to breeze through some poorly designed piece of content that should have been made with things like this in mind in the first place. More and more people are starting to see this pattern repeat and I think they're right to bow out of this abusive loop.

    It's all so tiresome at this point.

    You want to know what players would do if every ability from Helminth was good, Rebecca?


    submitted by /u/Sanguine_Cavallier
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    DE, if you want your playerbase to focus less on damage, then stop nullifying every other alternative.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    How can anyone be surprised that Roar is the most used helminth ability? Every new enemy that's introduced is completely immune to CC, status, or debunks, stacked to the brim with Armor, and can usually one shot us. Our ONLY choice is overwhelming damage, what do you want from us? Maybe you should focus less on gimping and more on enemy mechanics.

    submitted by /u/BernieBlack
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    Netetsv Duu Kova KOhm

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    Waframe Dojo: Rasputin and Felwinter - Father and Son

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 09:14 PM PDT

    What ever DE will do with the game, never forget that fashion frame will be always true endgame!

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    Appreciation post for Rebecca

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    During the last stream, at the end of it, Reb looked very moved and sad talking about Andrea. I would like to express my gratitude towards the efforts put to respect the stream schedule, and also my deepest condolences. I don't know if someone from DE will ever see this post, I just want however to thank her for her effort to show us her usual smile during streams.

    submitted by /u/MrQ_P
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    Reb, "If every ability becomes useful then, [with Helminth], what do you do?"

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    Umm... I don't know, maybe have a lot more options to choose from? Maybe have more of your beloved "build diversity"? With the Mesa clip, obviously her 1 is trash, but if it was made good (however that would be done I'm not sure), now we have to think about what to subsume. Now we can have many other options open up because there is not a guaranteed slot that you want to replace.

    Take Equinox for example. Each ability has its use, albeit some are not that good, but you have so many options to pick how you want to play when replacing one of them. Mass healing, huge nuke, damage reduction, enemies take more damage, sleep... all these things that can create great combos with replaced abilities. Why can't the team get data on how to do that more instead of stats on what the most popular, and therefore nerf-worthy, choice is?

    submitted by /u/Puchete
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    Dance like no one is watching... then promptly die of embarrassment

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    Helminth data from Home Devstream #6 - Part 1

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    The Lotus (post New War fanart!)

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    GARA KENSEI DELUXE v2 - I didn't like the skin she got so I made my OWN. Again.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 01:55 PM PDT

    [Suggestion] After playing Xaku for a while, I feel like this Augment is very badly needed

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    DE: Help us understand your actual design goals. Otherwise most nerfs will never make sense.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    Right now, when a nerf happens, all we can do is ask whether another frame or weapon can currently do the same thing in terms of effect or damage. If so, the nerf immediately feels out of place. And when this happens, it leaves the community frustrated and puzzled.

    Help us understand your actual design goals! It's clear that you want a varied meta. That's great. But there must be more going on that isn't being articulated. For example:

    • Is there a rough damage cap you're trying to stay under for abilities?
    • Are there some abilities that you tolerate but regret, and thus don't count as fair precedent? If so, what are they and why?
    • What are the internal guidelines for testing and adjusting the power of abilities?

    I know that many of these may not have hard and fast answers. But they may have rules of thumb! Help us understand how you're seeing things. Then we can have a better conversation.

    submitted by /u/mode_above
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    Has the censor filter gone too far?

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    We need a heart-to-heart conversation with DE.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    (TLDR at bottom)

    I'm not angry, I'm just sad with the lack of trust between us and the Dev Team that we were so close to a year ago. I'm sort of a vet a this point, I've been playing on and off for the past slightly more than a year and have reached MR27. My Warframe/Steam profile is soncScoot if you care to fact check this. I haven't seen everything this game has been through, but can tell it has been rather rough recently. Especially given the recent Devstream.

    I know the community team at DE do lurk on the Warframe Forums and Reddit and can see what we are angry/frustrated/anxious/excited about whether or not you choose to comment on criticism and rather choose to comment on the amazing art (I don't blame you all, but at the same time it makes us feel like our feedback is specifically being ignored). I appreciate that we are listened to in some capacity but it feels increasingly like what I left in the Team Fortress 2 community. These days, it feels like the Dev Team is growing further and further from the community. The older Devstreams felt like a conversation between the players and the Dev Team. Now, it feels like we're given a presentation so that people know there is content coming so they aren't as angry in the meantime. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to know that the Dev Team actually exists and are working but an honest conversation is needed. It honestly feels like the team are stepping on eggshells every stream and the shells have now broken. Even in Quiet Shy's usually comedic Devstream recaps, you can feel the tension between the Devs and general community at the end of the recap. While it's funny on the Dev Team's end to be like, "Haha, should we nerf it? XD" it's worrying on our end based on recent changes that feel rather out of touch with what players have fun with. It feels very vague when our feedback is received with phrases such as, "We've been hearing lots of discussion based on the recent changes, but..." We want to know what has been heard, otherwise we are left in the dark and the community doesn't know how to provide further feedback.

    I used to play lots of Team Fortress 2. Those Devs so rarely spoke, but they did lurk. Most of the player base was talking at a wall that didn't respond and most of us were just used to the fact that the Dev Team was basically nonexistent. The TF2 team did exist and read feedback (at least at the time), but it really didn't feel like it. I really don't want this to become the case with DE but it feels like this is becoming the case rather quickly. When I burnt out on TF2 after many years of enjoying the game, I was recommended Warframe by a friend. A little before the Plains of Eidolon Remaster, I joined because of a friend's recommendation. They sent me a video of the "We Lift Together" trailer for Fortuna, but that wasn't what hooked me on trying the game (to be honest, I didn't really get it at the time). It was to play with my friend, and then I really loved how the movement and gun-play felt. That's why I stayed even after my friend stopped playing, not because of the new grand things that were Fortuna and Plains of Eidolon. Just the base game was intriguing enough. I was excited, I was happy that the game actually had a stable team working on it that listened to player feedback. Now, it's starting to feel like what I felt when playing TF2 with nobody listening to the community's pleas.

    I want to hear from you DE. We want to hear from you DE. We want to see promises kept. Transparency and honesty in feedback taken, received, and acted upon would be something I would like to see. I am certain the community team at DE lurks around here, but probably don't respond because they either feel threatened by the community or would prefer to silently note it and pass it along to the team. For example, I'm almost certain that when the Xoris nerf occurred the team heard people mentioning that it was just a matter of convenience and that it did not provide extra damage beyond what we already have. I know you've heard about the riven interactions with pseudo-exalted weapons, but it was never even mentioned in the Xoris nerf. Even letting us know that you've heard it would go miles for player trust. We've had time to "cool down" over the Xoris nerfs and we still want it restored to its former convenience, but we haven't heard anything for what feels like a long time. It feels like lots of the valid feedback is being dismissed as: "REEEE, my favorite thing got nerfed". I'm not going to spend a whole week being fuming over a nerf to a point where my thoughts aren't coherent. I'll be angry for maybe 5 minutes, then I'll just be mildly disappointed.

    By the way, when are we going to hear about Universal Medallions for Conclave? Please? :)

    I saw how feedback was taken, the NoClip documentary, and the design philosophy at the time. The Warframe team saw that people liked things like Dual Zoren Coptering and the movement it granted. Instead of just patching it out, they saw what we liked about it and gave us a new tool that moved the game forward. Bullet jumping. DE at that time seemed to understand what makes players tick. These days, the general community doesn't trust the Dev Team because they nerf stuff due to it being used a lot.

    Why are some things used more than others? They are either more powerful, more fun, or a combination of the two. Most of the time, it's the combination of the two. I feel like DE has been looking too much at the numbers recently and basing their decisions based off of that. Maybe this problem goes back even further. For example, think about at the concept of Rivens. The design is that they are nerfed based on popularity, not power.

    Why don't I see an Octavia in every single survival mission despite the infinite scaling damage that you can just slap down? Lots of people don't really enjoy spamming the shit out of the crouch button. Some people enjoy it and more credit to them, but lots of people don't. That's why Octavia hasn't been nerfed after all this time. These days, it feels like stuff is getting nerfed because something is fun & powerful which causes people to use it.

    We are scared to share stuff because we are having fun with it. Whenever a Youtuber shows off a build that's really powerful and fun to pull off, most of the comments are the following, "DE: Fun Detected". Why has this become the case? When things get popular, it often gets nerfed whether it deserved it or not. I know the Dev Team doesn't hate fun, otherwise you all wouldn't have made this game. We want fun and powerful tools to play with. Vector Pad may be fun for some people (which is rather debatable because of its finicky nature), but it does not have any power to go with it. So, most train mains just wish it were gone so they can cycle between the other two useful mines faster.

    Let me be brave and show this. It may or may not get patched out soon. You know what is great about this? It actually made me do something other than put more survivability or damage on Volt. That fun "diversity" word the team has been throwing around recently, it applies here. It's a fun extra tool in the toolbox for players to use. A large amount of mobility is more worth it to me rather than increasing my damage by 100%. How about that? Build diversity mama mia. Chances are if everybody used this and a Youtuber with a large following were to show this interaction off and lots of people used it, it would just get patched out and never touched again.

    We are afraid to invest into fun and powerful things because we realize that if something is fun and powerful for many people, it will get nerfed without question. I genuinely thought Marked For Death wasn't going to get nerfed after seeing this leaked footage and how in development Marked For Death was changed so that Ash's Fatal Teleport would work with it which means that this specific combo was tested that so many Youtubers showed off.

    I understand the bug fixes that made damage higher than expected, but not the intentional nerfs. What happens to people who no longer want Marked for Death on their Warframes? They just wasted a crap ton of resources, that's what happened. I personally didn't invest into this specific combo, but I did invest a bunch of Bile to take Fire Walker off, then put it back on after seeing this post. What is going to happen when this most likely gets patched out? I guess I wasted my resources because I saw something really fun and I wanted to try it.

    It is not bad to have lots of good things in this game. For example, it should be really obvious what the better option is when Rebecca (no hate, we love you space mom but c'mon) says, "I don't know whether or not I like it more when one power is skewed towards aggressively, or equally distributed?" It's better to have it be equally distributed. The stats aren't always reliable as players aren't always going to be smart with what they pick (look at the stats for Grendel lol, which one of you fools replaced feast lmao) but that's why we have the forums and reddit for feedback. A very heavy skew towards certain abilities in the chart means they most of the time need a buff.

    For example, Chroma. It's extremely obvious that people will replace his Spectral Scream because it is not useful for the energy cost or in the context of the rest of his kit. Yes, fart cloud/fire/angry pikachu/water vapor breathing dragon is funny thematically but it serves no purpose as utility or damage. However, please just ask for player feedback and not base changes off of only looking at the charts. Ask us. Lots of us could spend hours typing up feedback and would love to do so, if it is heard. For example, I just recently spend two nights worth of time making a post to suggest easy buffs for all Warframes. Nobody really read it and that kinda sucked, but I still enjoyed thinking about it regardless of whether people read it. I know the team can't read everything, but more people are willing to give meaningful feedback if they know it will be heard and even possibly considered.

    The "fun police" that DE is perceived to be most recently is not helped when on the most recent Devstream, it is posed as almost a bad thing when Rebecca says (somewhat jokingly), "If every ability becomes useful, then Helminth... what do you do?" Yes, what do we do? We fucking celebrate because that would be amazing. Replacing abilities actually becomes a difficult choice that isn't so obvious as "replace Chroma/Mesa/Nekros' 1, it's not that useful" Having more good toys to play with is not a bad thing. There may be some people who choose not to replace an ability if all the abilities are useful, and that's fine. For example, currently I'm guessing there's a bunch of people who play Nidus who specifically chose not to replace anything because they think Nidus works the best as is and doesn't have any ability that is significantly worse than the rest. Then Helminth becomes a way for players to better express their own playstyles rather than just use it as a means to make their frame more powerful by exchanging an underpowered ability.

    Just please stop looking at graphs and instead talk with your players. Lots of us have nothing better to do, which is why we have stuck around for so long. So please DE, we all want to make this game the best it can be. Angry feedback is frustration, they want the game to be better because they know it can be and are frustrated it isn't.

    TLDR: Let us have fun things. Things that are fun and powerful are used a lot unless something is abnormally powerful. Don't base nerfs off of these statistics, give us fun and effective tools to use. Ask the playerbase for feedback, we'd love to be heard and acknowledged. It feels like our feedback falls on deaf ears and is ignored for feedback that is selectively chosen. We want transparency and honesty with the feedback taken.

    submitted by /u/SanicScoot
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    Oh Hai-luk...

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    Day of the Dead IS NOT Cultural appropriation

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    if anything, it's culture appreciation, I just saw a guy suggest to add Day of the Dead skins or models to the necramech, and some people said they weren't gonna do them anymore because some people consider it "Cultural appropriation".

    I am Mexican and I personally would love to see more Day of the Dead skins in Warframe, I do not consider this cultural appropriation, as long as they are respectful with it, which they have been.

    (I made a mistake in the title, I was originally going to put "Day of the Dead in Warframe is NOT Culturar appropriation")

    submitted by /u/IcarusDuClare
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    Momma's boy

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    First stalker experience

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 08:48 PM PDT

    The Five Queens of AoE

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    Your everyday banshee problems

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 11:29 PM PDT

    For real, why is Darvo still a thing? I almost burned my pl when I was new in this game and heard a lot of newcomers wasting their money on his overpriced garbage. Is he still here as a meme or what? Everytime I go to pray for our lord and savior Clem I see an awful item ALREADY sold out.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2020 06:35 AM PDT

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