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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Q&A | Ask Your Game-Related Questions Here!

    Warframe Weekly Q&A | Ask Your Game-Related Questions Here!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:32 AM PST

    This thread is for those who aren't that knowledgeable about the game to freely ask questions and get answers. Questions will be answered any day of the week!

    This place will be a troll-free environment so that anyone can ask a question without backlash. In other words: negative attitudes will NOT be tolerated.

    If you wish to just view top level comments (i.e. questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.

    Comments are sorted by new by default! And remember...

    Questions will be answered any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Titania gets cancelled (a comic)

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:46 PM PST

    Doodle Dump 5# by ToaPhantom

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:00 AM PST

    Please DE, can we have the weapons of Glassmaker episode 5 as skins? This sword looks really, really dope!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:26 AM PST

    Why does Nidus have so much CAKE

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 09:36 PM PST

    This is relay is now a blessed B o n e Z o n e! Praise be!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 10:37 AM PST

    Khora chilling

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:03 AM PST

    Xaku can never have a lore friendly prime.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 06:32 PM PST

    So lore wise Xaku is 3 frames stuck together with void duct tape. That means that there can be no Xaku Prime. There can be a Prime for each of the 3 component frames or a Non-Prime (Umbra) premium frame. Any thoughts on weather DE is going to break lore or come up with something new when time comes around?

    submitted by /u/steve_jeckel
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    Invasions should be voiced by the respective factions

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 11:17 AM PST

    Granted I don't see this ever happening after DE took the lazy route with the apostasy prologue and gave us ordis' lotus so they didn't have to re-record any voice lines, but it'd make more sense if during invasion missions you got communications from whichever faction you chose to support. Like, depending which you choose, you either talk to say, vay hek or alad v since they're the ones you're doing the mission for. Plus a dynamic between Tenno and vay hek would be funny

    submitted by /u/NlMRODD
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    It's been 3 years

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:38 AM PST

    Warfriends (contains spoilers)

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:29 PM PST

    DE doesn't want you to know one trick to hunting your Eidolon

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 11:02 PM PST

    TIL Syndicates can attack you in Junctions

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 10:55 PM PST

    RWBY Warframes

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:23 PM PST

    We need more things like the derelict towers in Railjack

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 11:44 AM PST

    I had only just found a tower just recently while playing Railjack, and I'm honestly surprised at how something so tiny can actually benefit a mode like this. Discovering random things that can be investigated or explored once the heat of battle has died down really helps Railjack in terms of making it more repayable, at least I think so. We really need more stuff like the derelict towers to make the missions feel a lot less static. Like imagine finding one of the prisons floating around in the Saturn proxima and raiding it to get a few ally ships being piloted by escaped grineer.

    submitted by /u/boopsie_
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    The Buffs Atlas Actually Needs

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 04:49 PM PST

    So in the most recent Devstream they were talking about giving frames some buffs, and when I saw Atlas I was really excited. Ever since switching to PC I've essentially been maining him. He's so simply but just punching an enemy and watching them go flying and the enemies behind them being destroyed is so incredibly satisfying but he does have some issues that I want to go over.

    In case anyone is wondering they're planning on buffing one of the worst abilities in game, tectonics... by giving it slash procs when it touches enemies. Needless to say this isn't very good even if it was an instakill when they touched enemies, which I highly doubt is what they plan to do with it. So we'll go through each ability one by one and end on his 2 and what I think needs to be changed to be useful (besides just being removed from the game).

    Passive) This doesn't need much honestly, 1500 armor is a fair bit of armor and you get rubble fairly easily, however it goes away so fast that it's frustrating to keep up at times. Just lower how quick he loses it and he's fine.

    Augment) So technically Rubble Heap is his passive augment instead of an augment for his one (dunno why they did that either) but it's a fine augment. It just doubles the damage of his punches when you reach a certain threshold. Nothing really needs to be changed.

    1) This is his bread and butter. The ability that gets him damage higher than many other melee frames so easily. Nothing for this really needs changing. It's a good ability though the only thing I would ask is that they give it a higher crit chance. Currently it sits at 5% crit/status chance, but honestly it's not fully necessary.

    Augment) This augment provides a good amount of CC and allows you to gain rubble from enemies that come in from behind you without needing to use your 3. Decent augment though it feels really inconsistent with whether or not enemies get petrified, though that might just be me.

    3) This ability is another fantastic ability (man imagine that, me praising something else on him) and allows him to do some quick and easy area cc, but it suffers from one massive QOL issue... it shoots out where you frame is looking. Now at first you might be wondering why that's an issue, but the issue comes in when you're looking at an enemy with your camera and atlas is looking to the right while meleeing an enemy, and instead of turning and shooting where your camera is he shoots where he is looking. You can get around this by doing a quick ADS but it still is an incredibly frustrating ability to deal with and would likely require just a tiny and simple change to fix.

    Augment) This is pretty decent, you get a scan and extra loot for freezing an enemy. I tend to take it when I'm farming resources and I don't want to use Nekros or Khora. Very good augment, only held back by the fact that Atlas has too many mods he wants to use already!

    4) Now we start getting to abilities where Atlas begins to show some rough edges. This ability is... strange. It's supposed to be a summon ability but I'm not sure what their use is supposed to be. They're incredibly tanky and very rarely die outside the timer but they don't do a lot of damage and they don't seem to agro enemies a ton. So.. they're just kind of there. I will split my changes into different parts so this isn't a massive wall of text.

    A) So my first change to the ability would be to remove the duration. Your first thought might be that it's OP, but I really don't think so. It would give Atlas a reason to use petrify on Rumblers to heal them (that's an interaction btw) and not a single other ability in his kit wants duration so it just makes fitting duration into his build awkward and makes it so builds that want to include his rumblers are just that much worse.

    B) The second change would be to have their primary and ranged attacks scale with your primary and melee weapons. Atlas already carries around a melee statstick and on the punching king I doubt many people use their primary all the time so I doubt they would mind a primary statstick either. This would let them do some actual damage, as it is now, they're so slow that they can barely keep up with enemies so letting them do some damage wouldn't be too OP.

    C) My final change for this ability would be that their melee attacks should taunt enemies hit. This would give them some increased agro generation and allow them to act as secondary tanks alongside atlas himself. Not much to explain, just a nice buff to allow for more CC.

    Augment 1) So Atlas has two augments for his 4, we'll be going over Titanic Rumbler first. This one is interesting, it has some more CC but requires you to keep active tabs on it and do it yourself. Honestly I think holding the button for the base Rumblers should be able to perform the knockdown/taunt and not be restricted to this augment or just have this be the baseline ability and have the regular rumblers as an augment with some kind of extra stuff. Either way this doesn't really fix all the issues with the ability but it does fix some.

    Augment 2) So since Rumbled came out with Conclave people have been begging for this mod to come to PvE... it did... and everyone forgot about it. The problem with it is that the augment scales off your health to give you an ironskin, meaning your passive is completely useless and you won't want to build any armor on Atlas. But it also restricts you to either using your 1 for damage or using the rumbler ranged/melee attack. If you were wondering why I was complaining about Rumbler damage please use this mod and you will see what I mean. It can be fixed by doing the above changes to his 4 and applying this to him, and having the augment scale off both his health and armor. Which would make it a slightly worse Iron Skin.

    2) So now we're on his worst ability and a definite contender for the third worst ability in game. It has some incredibly niche uses such as corralling human defense targets into areas and providing a barricade that enemies need to get through... but most times it's just kind of pointless. I want to try to make the ability decent without fully removing it from the game or fully reworking it. While it still won't be a great ability with these changes it will be far more useful.

    A) Keep the regular tap for a quick wall and ball since I doubt DE would remove that, but when you hold the ability you'll enter a channeled state and begin to build up a barrier that gains increases health the longer you channel. You can control where it builds by moving it on screen. This would allow you to actually block up doorways and be able to more effectively guard a defense target with a higher wall.

    B) Enemies near the wall (depending on some range that is undecided) will slowly petrify and enemies actively hitting it will petrify faster. This will provide yet another layer of CC to his kit and allow him to gain rubble another way, perhaps even have rubble fall off in chunks as his 2 is destroyed so you can heal it with his 3 and gain rubble faster.

    Augment) I mean.. like this allows you to block doors a bit easier (since many doors are just wider than Tectonics so more allows just that little bit extra coverage) but it still doesn't really do much. Honestly just change this ability as with my proposed changes above it would become kinda pointless.

    Anyways sorry for the lack of a TL;DR as I don't know if I could effectively sum this whole thing up, but I hope you all enjoyed reading these changes! While there are a ton of changes and notes above I really don't think they would be too hard to program in as many of them, outside the change to his 2, are already in the game game in some way. So do ya'll agree with these changes? Think I'm insane and will nerf/buff him way too much? Either way I do really think these are the changes Atlas truly needs to become an even better frame in the game!

    submitted by /u/Croewe
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    Now that I finally got my new computer with a pretty good graphics card, I can truly appreciate how big and fluffy kubrows are

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 03:32 AM PST

    The local space was a bit too crowded today

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 10:21 AM PST

    Sawgaw Floofs are sharing the same texture. These are all 3 different races, and they appear on the same colors.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 11:47 PM PST

    I got to put together a video for my good friend Sleepy_Time's dojo work! He never realizes just how good he is so please give him a hand.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 07:40 AM PST

    WTB/WTS 75% Scam

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 12:01 PM PST

    To all of the people who are joining Warframe and want to dive in the world of trading, be watchful of scams. Although Warframe has one of the best communities, there are still people who will try to scam you for your plat.

    Recently, a friend of mine saw someone in trade chat selling 75% off and wanted to buy Harrow. Traded with the guy and like a fool, gave him plat without thinking of any consequences. I wished I had told him sooner. Fortunately, I helped him make that plat back through relics and such, but he had still lost all of his work for nothing.

    Remember, just because Warframe has many great people that are willing to help you doesn't mean that everyone is like that. Do not trade based on promises and only trade things that can be traded for.

    submitted by /u/Lil_mesa
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    After 1000 hours, i finally realise warframe has no gameplay loop.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 01:39 PM PST

    I have both given and recieved the advice 'plan what you want to build and go for it' This is true of most rpgs i guess.

    The problem is, comparing warframe to any other popular online rpg...something is lacking and i just cant put my finger on it.

    Warframes gameloop just doesnt feel like a turning wheel of progression, but rather a scribbled line on a whiteboard.

    But then...why has every update been such a yawn fest. Past all the amazing visuals are gameplay and mission designs that are so....bad. i dont know how else to phrase it. Just janky and awkward and too slow or too fast or just plain boring.

    Glassmaker boss fight? Looks great. Plays mind numbingly...boring?

    Railjack? Looks amazing, has nothing to do with the game, and the grind to get rewarss as usual is just doing the exact same thing over and over again and i get it. Thats games, you grind in games. But in warframe it always feels like doing the EXACT same thing, regardless of the procedural generating nature of the game.

    But after all these years...i dont think itll.ever not like this.

    Remember that amazing tennocon reveal? You all know the one.

    We will never have that.

    submitted by /u/truorguk
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    hmm yes yes, me precious baby fish stick

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 11:33 PM PST

    Since Glaives are the current topic, i'd like to request a charge speed cap to fix a certain problem Glaives have had for a long time.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 10:17 AM PST

    When you get any kind of attack speed buff from squad members such as Wisp, Volt, Valkyr, ect, the charge speed becomes too fast to the point the Glaive is released before it finishes charging meaning you can never get a fully charged throw, it pretty much makes the Glaive unusable in missions where these frames are present.

    Obviously i don't blame these players and i won't have the audacity to tell people not to play them because of it, but i do think its a problem that needs solving as it can make for an unfun expirence.

    I think a charge speed cap that stops it from reaching the point where it breaks from being too fast would be the easiest fix.

    submitted by /u/Artemis_Bow_Prime
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    I probably haven't seen a Lancing Hive in two years now. Didn't know they were still in rotation.

    Posted: 08 Nov 2020 11:58 AM PST

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