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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Warframe Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:32 AM PST

    This thread is for anyone to recruit or request others to help them out. It's open to all types of recruitment, and you can recruit any day of the week!

    • Asking for help from other players or offering to help? Go ahead and share your name!

    • Need people to do a certain kind of run? Put your name out there!

    • Want to recruit for your clan? Do it!

    • Anything else you want other players to add you up for? Get the word out and see who offers!

    Please provide the following information in your comment (in no particular order or format):

    • Platform (PC/PS4/XB1/Switch)
    • In-game name (to add to contacts), or clan name if recruiting
    • Location (for lag concerns or looking for players from specific regions)
    • Goal (What are you going to be doing?)

    No formatting necessary! That's right, format your requests or offers howeveryou want! The nicer and prettier it is though, the easier it is to read so keep that in mind!

    Read the other comments! If no one answers your response, add the others who have shared their info! Keep checking back to see who else is out there! Request away!

    And remember...

    You can recruit any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Please make it center DE pls.....

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 04:15 PM PST

    I am GUN I am DANGER

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 08:19 PM PST

    Ok, since y'all like Mesa/Zenurik... I made a Tenno call to arms on stream today! Let me know what Tenno way I should do for the next one!

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 03:31 PM PST

    Warframe by Origin of powers

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 04:51 AM PST

    Lol DE, so you telling me, that to get the 300 SE i just got by doing an hour and half of odin, i will have to do 20 days of alerts? I can only laugh. Consistently? Yeah, consistently less, all for the sake of your rivens that you purposefully refused to make any better in years.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 05:11 PM PST

    test server teshin has umbra forma bp for sale

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 06:59 PM PST

    Deimos Arcana: Initial thoughts from test server

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 09:42 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I was lucky enough to participate in the last test server so I jumped right in to test Deimos Arcana once it became available. Overall, I was pretty happy, some really cool stuff coming, but also some stuff that's not so cool. Below I've compiled some feedback on changes. In addition here is an album with some screenshots of two new mods I didn't see mentioned and what appeared to be a new way of obtaining Entrati tokens: https://imgur.com/a/IzIRjpW


    • Frame changes and augments
      • Chroma
        • The ability to cycle through elements is very nice, much needed QoL.
        • Spectral Scream is very much still in contention for the worst ability in the game.
        • The "chaining" doesn't work like you think it will, it seems to pick one random enemy within a certain range and repeat that approximately once per second whenever it procs a status effect. It should work like nukor/atomos/amprex, but it doesn't.
        • Has a negative side effect of element switching being tied to spectral scream, so you can't really replace it with Helminth now.
        • Doesn't seem to have a new passive yet.
        • EDIT: Forgot something that was really annoying. If you switch elements you can't recast Elemental Ward, which can kinda defeat the purpose of being able to switch elements.
      • Nidus
        • Chance to get stacks isn't shown in UI, seemed around 20% from testing, couldn't confirm though. Definitely QoL bump but not a huge buff.
      • Nekros
        • Honestly a really cool change that makes the Shield of Shadows build a lot more fun. Nekros has something to use all his energy on if you're using Equilibrium with Despoil. Definitely falls in the "fun/cool but not optimal/effective" category for me. Good for memes.
      • Atlas
        • Useless change that didn't even seem to work properly. Enemies seemed to be taking slash damage without getting any slash procs. Still useless, sorry.
      • Zephyr
        • 2 change was not noticeable at all
        • 4 change was really nice QoL. I already play a good amount of Zephyr and she needed this badly. It is so much easier to use her 4 effectively now and you can actually use it to amplify damage like you are supposed to. Probably the frame change I'm most excited about.
      • Ash
        • A change I was excited about that didn't pan out like I hoped. Yes, you only have to mark enemies once, but very importantly it still marks enemies with Bladestorm 3 times, just in one pass. That means if you target 20 enemies, you clones still need to attack 60 times. I.e. this change does nothing to decrease TTK using Bladestorm in large packs, only makes it marginally easier to tag enemies. This is an extremely small change as most enemies would die from 1 stack of Bladestorm anyways (with a build focused on that playstyle). This also doesn't improve synergy with arcanes like arcane trickery, where you need to get kills with the initial Bladestorm attack and not the slash damage for them to proc. Since it's 3 small attacks and not one large one, these are still difficult to proc at higher levels. Most disappointing change for me.
      • Wisp
        • Augment is okay, will be good for Eidolon hunters and people who really like snipers, very niche. Strength increases the crit chance you get per unit distance, but the 350% cap will not change with mods. Duration extends the duration of the crit buff. Fits fairly easily on most duration/str Wisp setups.
      • Revenant
        • Augment seems to stack with serration, hornet sting, etc. The damage does scale with strength so it will be better than it seems at first glance. Definitely worth considering for high strength Revenant builds. For example with my general use Rev build with 254% strength I had a bonus of 63% weapon damage per enthralled enemy. That's not too shabby.
      • Gauss
        • Very cool augment that I see being relatively popular. Makes what looks like is just a reused Vauban vortex upon impact, relatively low range but could be pretty nice and encourage building range on Gauss.
      • Garuda
        • Augment is okay at best, not all that great imo. The base range is 7m so you need to invest in a significant amount of range to really get much use out of it. Still has a pretty long animation, was still brutal without Natural Talent. Pretty disappointing. Would be much better if it reduced the cast time and could potentially take Natural Talent's slot in Garuda builds and if it had a larger base range. To make it really usable in missions I felt like I had to go 190%+ range, felt the best at 235%+ (Stretch + Overextended).
      • Gara
        • Deluxe is absolutely gorgeous. Nailed it DE, so beautiful.
    • Weapons (mods)
      • I'm assuming people will be linking screenshots with the stats for all these so I'll focus on how they felt once I maxed them and got 1 forma on them for a decent build. Tested on lvl 150 Corrupted Heavy Gunners. I got all these in the mail, I tried to find their source where I could. Overall I'm most excited for the bow and least excited for the nunchaku.
      • Bubonico (arm canon, shotgun)
        • Felt very nice. Battery ammo. Balanced crit/status shotgun primary fire, grenade launcher with heavy status on secondary. I could not find the location of the blueprint. Definitely viable for higher level enemies and has a unique feel imo.
        • Bio lab dojo
      • Primary beam kitgun (beam, rifle)
        • The beam kitguns shot out what looked like a tentacle at enemies. The primary beam kitgun chained similar to the amprex. Could be built with variable stats in Fortuna. I could not find location of blueprints, supposed to be Father?
        • This and the secondary had insane screen shake, worse than primary catchmoon.
      • Secondary beam kitgun (beam, rifle)
        • No chaining like primary, instead had reload grenade mechanic like Catabolyst.
      • Primary egg kitgun (shotgun) and Secondary egg kitgun (pistol)
        • Doing these together since there didn't seem to be much difference in them. Seemed to, well, shoot eggs at enemies. Somewhat like a grenade launcher. Variable stats. Secondary had reload grenade mechanic.
      • Proboscis Cernos (bow)
        • AWESOME! Basically Nidus in a bow. Tentacles shoot out, whether you hit an enemy or the floor, in a fairly respectable radius (seemed like 10-12m), gloop enemies together and explode with base viral damage and high status chance. I found this most useful as a CO primer with high fire rate (long-ish draw time with no quick fire option) and high status chance. Amazing complement to melee weapons. Shoot this as you move towards enemies, clump them up and apply status at the same time. Really, really, really fun weapon. Also, hilarious when combined with Zephyr's 4 :D
        • BP from market for credits. Uses mutalist cernos to craft.
      • Sporothrix (sniper)
        • Pretty interesting status-based sniper. Someone told me the low crit was a bug, but I can't confirm. Very high status with a large weighting towards slash. There seemed to be maybe a bug where I wasn't getting nearly as many slash procs as I thought I would with the builds I was testing. Head explosions mechanic is not as strong as Zymos, but still nice for applying more status. The explosion takes an awkwardly long time to go off, so it's hard to take advantage of the extra status procs, would be nice if it was faster. Also there was some weird vision distortion while scoped that was awful and I hope a bug.
        • Could not find location of BP, not even in the market for plat. Maybe quest reward?
      • Catabolyst (pistol)
        • Very fun weapon with nice stats for a secondary. Respectable crit and status for the primary fire and the "alt" fire of throwing your clip as a grenade when you reload had craaazy crit stats and did loads of damage. Really fun, unique weapon that I enjoyed a lot. Very excited to use this and the bow.
        • BP at father
      • Pulmonars (nunchaku)
        • Average stats. Seemed very similar to the Ninkondi Prime, but a little worse imo. Unfortunately the only stance available is very bad, so this weapon was underwhelming even for a melee.
        • BP at father
      • Arum Spinosa (warfan, didn't get new stance RIP)
        • Very high status with a distribution focused on slash, what's not to love. Very good weapon if you don't want to use combo counter mods as you can go all status with CO and do very well. Looking forward to testing this with the new warfan stance.
      • Thanotech grenade launcher
        • Not going to replace Mausolon but still a really nice weapon. The alt fire on this feels amazing to use. Didn't seem to have the awkard delay after using the alt fire like Cortege. Comes with the thano mech. Couldn't test the mech all that much, seemed okay. Looked pretty cool!
    • Arcanes
      • Oh boy... I don't even know what to put here. There was a post here on Reddit that went into why the WF arcanes are bad and it pretty much nailed it. The residual/theorem arcane thing is a nice idea but damn, they are ridiculously awful. Unless they get massive buffs I would highly discourage anyone from farming them.
      • Residual arcanes could be used on any kitgun, not just infested ones. 20% chance to proc on kill for elemental damage in a small area. It was extremely difficult to tell when this procced. Also, the aoe damage does not apply the respective status effects. These are, frankly, completely useless. IF they were 100% chance on kill with kitgun, and 100% chance to apply the status effect, then maybe they would be usable. Right now they are just not usable though.
      • Theorem arcanes. Oh boy, these buffs are just... not good enough. These require the use of a kitgun with a residual arcane to work at all. The only one maybe worth a damn was the stacking damage bonus and even that was only 90% when maxed out. That's not comparable to the other damage arcanes and it has conditionals that are frankly ridiculous. The orb one was at least interesting, since it debuffed enemies by 200% more damage of the element of your residual arcane, but you only spawn one orb every 2s and it only affects one enemy. Like residual arcanes these needs to see massive buffs to every aspect (magnitude of the effects, duration of the buffs, number of enemies affected, etc. ) for them to be worth even considering, much less using. Really big letdown here, just very very bad.
    • Steel Path
      • What can I say, Steel Essence is going to be much harder to come by. There are already other posts with more detailed Steel Path testing on the test cluster, but it's just not going to be efficient at all. I think people won't use Steel Path for kuva farming and will go back to kuva survival. The only reason to get Steel Essence will be Teshin's goodies. Since the one we could see was an umbral forma bp, it might still be worth doing Steel Path just to get those if they are good enough. I hate to use this term but for more casual players I think the changes are overall beneficial. It really targets people who do long endurance runs in optimized groups. With the daily missions you can go do a rescue missions in 3 minutes or whatever and get 5 steel essence between the daily reward and killing the acolyte. Acolytes are also incredibly easy to kill. They can be affected by abilities and are not very tanky.
    • Nice surprises
      • Loid sentinel skin from Necraloid offerings. Also had a Thanotech sentinel mask, tail and wings.
      • New mods from Son! These are in the album above, one new mod for vulpaphyla and predasites.
      • What seemed to be a new system for getting tokens at Grandmother, also shown in the album above. Could trade Deimos resources in for serums and other items that lore-wise seemed to indicate the Entrati were trying to heal Deimos and/or themselves.

    Personally I'm most excited for Garuda's claws finally being fixed, the Zephyr tornado changes, only playing Gara forever and ever since that skin is gorgeous and the new infested bow. Hopefully all this was useful for someone out there who couldn't test the new goodies. I really hope we see some buffs to the arcanes or they will be dead on arrival, very sad.

    submitted by /u/Persies
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    Went to play the Shawzin while i was waiting for extraction and my Banshee decided to become a cosmic being

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 05:46 PM PST

    What if instead of being completely useless, the open world vendors actually had stuff to teach you about their area of expertise and how to obtain things? Why do I have to learn from the wiki instead of the NPCs?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 10:06 PM PST

    You should be able to walk up to daughter and say "hey, I need spinal core sections" and she should tell you that they can be obtained from Chondricord and Vitreospina, and that if want to find them I should check in caves, and that for this fish or that fish I will need bait.

    Why does it have to be a secret in game how to obtain things? We're just going to get on reddit and the wiki and the forums and look it up anyway. It would be a dozen or less lines of dialog from each vendor and it would improve the open world experience a lot and would fit the characters wonderfully

    submitted by /u/WhiteCubeNinja
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    Excalibur Umbra

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:07 AM PST

    An early Thanksgiving drawing, enjoy :) (Art by me)

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 08:36 PM PST

    The pains are now completed :D

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 05:45 PM PST

    Another part of the Orbiter updated on Test.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 11:57 PM PST

    I’m MR8 and I used rhino boltor and a afuris and did a Survival mission for 30 mins straight

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 09:44 PM PST

    Bastille Still Applies Blue Filter To Everything When Near

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 12:23 PM PST

    Real progress

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:09 PM PST

    I'll keep this short. Ive kept a close eye on Warframe ever since 2014. If you've been around since then...you'll know that Warframe has made some stupid progress over the years. Seriously, it's pretty mind boggling. I've been taking breaks from this game, but every time I come back, I'm just blown away. I'm sure a lot of people feel the same way. It's definitely a unique game.

    submitted by /u/Yam_N_bam
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    cookie monster with questionable cookie O.o

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 11:43 AM PST

    Suppose we could get the Omni-recall-to-home functionality in open world zones?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 05:26 AM PST

    Sometimes you just don't feel like hoofing it back home, especially if you're in a twisty and turny maze of a cave. Looking at you, Plains of Eidolon.

    submitted by /u/vonBoomslang
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    I haven't played in about a year, so the first thing I did was get a screenshot I thought looked nice.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 12:55 AM PST

    Finally i can be a dragon.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 07:12 PM PST

    I got in the Beta Test for Deimos: Arcana. Comment down what you want to know.

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 01:54 PM PST

    • Post in the Forums to sign up is locked.
    • You will receive an ingame Inbox Message with the Key (can't copy paste it)
    • Its a Steam Key with a separate download of 28GB.
    • You need to LogIn in the weekend (idk the exact window of time) to avoid losing the key. If you lose the key it goes to someone else (DE explained is so they can give access to more players). Im saying this because if you commented on that Forum's Post you should check your Inbox InGame.

    • I don't know if I will have my same Equipement

    • I guess I will be doing Bounties and try to check out the Sarlacc Pit and try to get Bone Widow (Love that name btw, Rebb named it)

    • Oh sh*t! I just realized this should include Acolytes! Is this a test for the upcoming Patch or just for the stuff in Deimos? 🤔


    submitted by /u/RobleViejo
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