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    Warframe BUG BOUNTY - Necramech Affinity Reset - DEAD OR ALIVE

    Warframe BUG BOUNTY - Necramech Affinity Reset - DEAD OR ALIVE

    BUG BOUNTY - Necramech Affinity Reset - DEAD OR ALIVE

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:16 PM PST

    Are you tired of your Bonewidow losing affinity? Do you wish you could level your Ironbride just for one rank? Do you find yourself scratching your head wondering why your wife left you for that guy down from management?

    Yes, you guessed it. This is about the affinity reset bug.

    To help with identifying the cause of this, the Moderators of r/Warframe are placing a bounty of 1 Month of Reddit premium (awarded via moderator award) as well as bragging rights on reproduction steps for this bug.

    How to participate:

    Do you know how to reproduce this bug? Write an as detailed as possible comment, explaining how to do it.

    Even if you don't know the complete steps. If a part of what you write helps, you get the reward. Up to 7 (the amount of awards we can give out with our coin balance) people can claim the prize.

    (No duplicates, though! If someone posted the same detail before, it is credited to them alone!)

    We will use the time of when a comment was created or edited to determine who was first. You might want to make a new comment instead of adding to your existing one.

    While you are here, make sure to visit our Tennobaum 2020 Megathread!

    reddit pls give more pinned post slots

    submitted by /u/Cephalon_Zelgius
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    Warframe X Cyberpunk crossover poster

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:35 AM PST

    A Good Boy

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:31 PM PST

    Excuse me? Im not allowed to get my mr up?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 04:43 AM PST

    Giving out gifts with messages of hope ����

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:49 PM PST

    Woman I'm in free roam, LEAVE ME ALONE.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:30 PM PST

    I drew Nova as a part for one of my art projects (kinda sloppy but I still thought I'd post it here)

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 07:49 AM PST

    A Message from Oberon

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 01:51 PM PST

    Sorties with Girlfriend...

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:54 PM PST

    Getting a certain ex-partner vibes from this

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:08 PM PST

    Design on a shirt I received for my birthday, I'm pretty happy about it

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:27 AM PST

    Corrupted Moa

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 01:56 AM PST

    Bounty rewards table for isolation vaults at Mother is misleading and it is better for you to just run arcana vaults instead. You cannot get the rewards shown in the rewards table by just running the isolation vaults alone.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:47 PM PST

    The following information only applies to isolation vaults and not arcana vaults.

    • If you select the tier 1 isolation vault bounty and complete it, you will only ever get the loot from the common table in that bounty and you have no way of accessing the uncommon and rare rewards outside of doing arcana bounties.

    • If you select tier 2 iso bounty, you will only ever get loot from uncommon loot table of that bounty and never common and rare drops.

    • Same goes for tier 3 iso bounty. You will only ever get loot from rare loot table for this and never common and uncommon.

    So, if you want say "arum spinosa rivet" from the tier 2 bounty you are shit out of luck because it is a rare reward and you cannot get it doing iso vaults. Same goes for other bounties. If you want a sporthorix barrel from tier 3 you are out of luck because you cannot get an uncommon reward from tier 3 bounty. That leaves the only way of acquiring these parts to be arcana bounties.

    I don't know who thought this was a good idea to show pool of rewards on a bounty that are not even possible to get.

    The other clusterfuck is the droptable website which doesn't get the rotations right. This is what it looks like. It shows the common/uncommon/rare loot table as rotation A,B,C instead of showing the actual rotations there that happen with the other bounties. For example in one rotation the common reward is theorem delucent and in another rotation the common drop is residual boils. This isn't reflected in the drop tables on the website. This is what the in game bounty rewards looks like. Normally, the stages of the bounty each give a reward and each stage pulls rewards from common/uncommon/rare rewards table. For isolation vaults you only get rewards at the end of the entire bounty. This is where the problem happens.

    In the same picture above, it says in the description "clear 1 vault to access new bounties and clear 3 vaults for rare rewards". That is no longer the case and that text should be removed imo. I mean, yes you get rare rewards but they are not from the same bounty table.

    So what does this mean? You cannot get all the rewards shown in the bounty rewards at mother by simply running isolation vaults. It is better for you to just unlock the arcana bounties and do those if you want all the goods. But if you are specifically targeting something then it might be easier to just repeatedly run the same isolation bounty over and over again. I have no idea which will end up being efficient.

    What exactly is your thought process here, DE?

    submitted by /u/connorjohn322
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    Lavos be like :v

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 01:45 PM PST

    Deimos: Arcana: Prime Vault 29.5.9

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:59 AM PST


    Deimos: Arcana: Hotfix 29.5.9


    Banshee & Mirage Prime Vault

    Deafen your foes and dazzle your allies with the newest Prime Vault release. As promised, the Vault opens with Prime items that are brand new to the rotation.

    Banshee Prime and Mirage Prime return alongside their Prime Weapons and exclusive Customizations for a limited time. Frost Prime Packs, Ember Prime Packs, and their Relics have returned to the Vault.

    Banshee Prime, Mirage Prime, Euphona Prime, Kogake Prime, Akbolto Prime, Helios Prime, and Deconstructor Prime Relics have been added to the drop tables!

    Visit https://www.warframe.com/prime-vault to check out the Prime Vault Offerings!

    *Banshee Prime's System Blueprint has been changed from Rare to Uncommon, as announcedhere.

    Isolation & Arcana Bounty Flow Changes

    Read the official Dev Workshop here for full explanation and details on the following changes:https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1240567-isolation-arcana-bounty-flow-changes/

    Isolation Vault Flow Changes:

    We have 4 main pillars of Isolation Vault flow changes. Not only do these changes significantly loosen the required routine, but they also aim to further improve the process for less new player confusion.

    1. You will now only ever need to complete a specific Tier of Isolation Bounty once to unlock the next Tier.

      1. For example: Complete the Tier 1 Isolation Vault near Necralisk Gates. You can then leave Deimos or even log off, and the next time you return to Cambion Drift you can go immediately to the Tier 2 Isolation Vault Bounty location and run that Bounty. No need to run the Tier 1 bounty again if you don't want to.
    2. Once the Isolation Vault Tier is completed, you can run the Arcana Bounty at that same Tier.

      1. Similar to the new Isolation Vault flow above, you can leave the session and upon returning to Cambion Drift you can go straight into the Arcana Bounty without first completing the Isolation Vault at that location.
    3. Each Isolation Vault Bounty Tier now has a specific Mother location in Cambion Drift to provide a concrete flow with less confusion.

      1. Tier 1 = Mother located in 'UNDULATUM'
      2. Tier 2 = Mother located between 'ALBRECHT'S PROSPECT' and 'CATABOLIC GUTTER'
      3. Tier 3 = Mother located in 'THE ABSCESS'


    1. All 3 Tiers of Isolation Vault Bounties are now available from Mother within the Necralisk.

    Isolation Vault / Arcana Bounty Droptable Changes:

    Now that the Arcana Bounties will be more easily accessible, it's time to rebalance the drop tables:

    1. Both Isolation Vault Bounties and Arcana Bounties now share a droptable. There are 3 different droptables for each Isolation/Arcana Bounty Tier that rotates every ~3 hours, allowing you to selectively choose the reward you seek and when - exactly how other Open World Bounties work.

      1. This rotation follows the same window as the Bounty rotation in the Necralisk.
      2. 980f36ef2bf7c4b4ba4c334cebdf4138.png
    2. Rewards within the Isolation Vault/Arcana Bounties have been rebalanced to provide a better kick at the can for higher coveted rewards:

    Droptable content breakdown:

    • Orokin Matrixes

      • Less % chance overall.
    • Relics

      • Midpoint % between the two old Bounty types.
    • Necramech Weapon Parts

      • Now split up among the three droptables so you can target.
    • Necramech Mods

      • Similar drop % chance, but split up to allow more targeted runs.
    • Deimos Arcanes

      • Significantly higher drop % chance.
    • Scintillant (T1)

      • Midpoint drop % chance between the two old Bounty types
    • Weapon parts (T2 & T3)

      • Slightly reduced: You only ever need 1 of the Sporothrix and Arum Spinosa Blueprint. Getting all the way to the Arcana Bounties and receiving another Weapon Blueprint is not a feel good moment. Although this doesn't completely eliminate getting duplicates, the drop % reduction does allow for better chances towards the other rewards.

    No longer in the tables:

    Both of these have been taken out to allow for better odds at getting newer/desired rewards.

    • Rare Deimos Gems

    • Endo

    Our Warframe PC Droptable site has been updated to reflect the above changes.

    BONUS: Sporothrix and Arum Spinosa Blueprints are now tradable!

    To balance out the Weapon Blueprint drop % reduction we've made the Sporothrix and Arum Spinosa Blueprints tradable. The Sporothrix and Arum Spinosa parts were already Tradable, but it's now one step further.

    Optimizations :

    • Made systemic micro-optimizations to shader memory on PC and XB1.

    • Fixed a giant memory leak caused by disabling Multi-Threaded Rendering (Huge thanks to .Zexal for helping diagnose!)

    Changes :

    • Bonewidow Necramech's can now be found patrolling or in its deactivated state in The Cambion Drift, similar to Voidrig Necramechs.

    Fixes :

    • Fixed rare DirectX 12 crash when exiting Warframe.

    • Fixed rare DirectX 12 crash that could occur in a combat-heavy situation.

    • Fixed loss of functionality if you used a controller to open up the Pause Menu while viewing Bounties and viewed a squad member's profile. You can no longer open the Pause Menu while viewing Bounties.

    • Fixed Grineer Crewship explosion FX appearing blocky when destroyed in Railjack missions. This also fixes an unnecessary texture loading in.

    • Fixed some animation issues where the Quanta Vandal's arms wouldn't fully open after reload. This also fixed related motion blur on reload.

    • Fixed script error with the Quanta Vandal.

    • Fixed script error with Excalibur's Slash Dash.

    This action was performed automatically, if you see any mistakes, please tag /u/desmaraisp, he'll fix them. Here is my github

    submitted by /u/CephalonAhmes
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    God damn it. (MR 23 struggle)

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:59 AM PST

    Octavia's Concert

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:24 PM PST

    I finished The Steel Path a while back and wanted to try decorating my trophies. I may attempt building the solar system in this room with them.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 09:06 AM PST

    New ISO vault tier choosing just doesn't work.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 11:29 PM PST

    As the title says, choosing any vault tier will start you off at a tier 2 vault, which means there is no way to instantly go to tier 3 as promised.

    submitted by /u/SuselMaks
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    Can the Glass Resonance go away already?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 12:31 AM PST

    I finished Nightwave months ago and have already finished the Glassmaker story line. Yet nearly every mission the cephalites still spawn in, can those of us who have finished the story line at least be able to opt out of the constant cephalite spam?

    submitted by /u/ZortyWorty
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    This game would be so much funner with instant holstering

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 09:03 PM PST

    I really don't understand why holstering a pistol takes so damn long. Of all the things that DE could put in the game, instant holstering would only make it better. Pretty much all it would do is make the game flow better, maybe open up some new strategies, all of which would be very unlikely to break the game. Even some competitive shooters allow players to cycle through their weapons pretty quickly compared to warframe.

    submitted by /u/eldonosaur
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    DE, Please take your time necessary for The New War and Duviri

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:51 AM PST

    Hello everyone, I am Zyfra, PC gamer for almost 5 years. I have played Warframe without knowing that I would completely fall in love with its history. Which is why, no matter how MR30 is, I'm still by his side for the lore, I think it's the only reason why I keep playing. I have read their comics, I have investigated every hidden segment within their game to keep learning more and more about the rich history they have in store for us. In fact, I had the pleasure of participating in Business ARG before the release of Fortuna, which made me love this game very much. Before reading further, no, I am not a fanatic white glove gentleman who only sees the positive, as any game has its flaws and it is just that, one more game.

    Since the release of Cyberpunk 2077, I've seen a gigantic copy of bug criticism within that game, it reminded me of Scarlet Lance, Railjack, Lichs, etc. I have been waiting for 2 years for the trilogy with The New War to finally be finished (I am not really interested in Duviri, I would like him to continue talking after having completed The New War and not give us a hint about a future that we do not know).

    I really have a high expectation about this adventure, do not spoil it DE, take the necessary time if possible, do not disappoint us with a story that has been good for 5 years.

    Thank you all for reading me, it is a request that I wanted to make to DE. They may or may not agree, but it was something he needed to release. I also feel my bad English, I am using the translator.

    submitted by /u/ZyfraWF
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    Hopping on K-Drives in the plains of eidolon may cause you to clip and fall through the map, forcing you to abandon bounties/leave the world.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 09:47 PM PST


    Me when I got this bug:

    mastery 10, using valkyr warframe with mithra skin, first K-drive, reaper prime, Soma Prime and Athodai (Also occurred with Twin gratakatas)

    What I was doing: level 3-5 bounties in random squads.

    The bug would cause me to fall through the map making your character invisible, either until you die or to a point (like 4000m-5000) acting like groundless ground meaning I can drive with the K-drive there and points without doing tricks but because it seems to think I'm in the sky I can't land and get any (otherwise I could've scored 19000)

    The /unstuck command resets the character just under the ground.

    TL;DR: K-drive bugged in Cetus. Plz Fix.

    submitted by /u/R3333PO2T
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    Y'all ever just extract randomly?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 11:03 AM PST

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