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    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:32 AM PST







    • ???


    CREDIT GOES TO /u/waterpirate12, /u/BadBrad526, AND /u/Foxboy93 FOR STARTING THIS WEEKLY THREAD SERIES!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I have the shiniest MEAT K-DRIVE!

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 01:42 PM PST

    Warframe Unreal Tournament Weapon Bundle on Epic Games Store | Game Awards Trailer

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 05:03 PM PST

    [Guide] How to claim the Epic Game Store (EGS) weapon skins without having to re-download the entire game

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 06:43 PM PST

    Heya, this guide will show you how to claim the new Unreal Tournament Weapon Bundle, (hype video shown here).

    This guide is for PC only, although Rebecca has said that Console players might be able to acquire the skins at some point in the future.

    This assumes you are on the Steam version, but it should still be doable with the standalone version.

    Per /u/condratiy, the only main difference with the standalone version (besides for folder location), is that you copy materials from \Warframe\Downloaded\Public, instead of from \Warframe

    Sorry it's a bit... verbose, I figured I should be as detailed as possible.

    Disclaimer, while this is unlikely to happen, if following this guide leads to files getting deleted or you having to fully re-download the game, that's not my fault.

    Fix for Epic Games Launcher "flickering" (seeming to close and reopen rapidly) can be found here. Also might require latest Win10 update, unsure.

    Alternative simple method that uses symbolic links instead of copying over files, courtesy of /u/fwyr, can be found here. I'm rusty on symlinks, so any issues/troubleshooting should be directed to them if possible.

    1) Make sure you have a (free) Epic Games account, and have the Epic Games Launcher installed.

    2) On Epic Games (either in browser, or the store app), "get" Warframe here; and then "get" the Weapon Bundle here

    3) Close Steam, launch the Epic Games Launcher

    4) Within the Epic Games Launcher, go to your Library, click Warframe, and click Install. It will ask you to choose a location, the default one should be fine. It will "install" Warframe super quickly, because it's just getting the launcher.

    5) Launch Warframe. It will pop up the normal Warframe Launcher, give you some EULAS and TOS's to accept without reading after totally having read the whole documents. It will then start to download a godawful amount, showing like 50gb left to go. Close the Warframe launcher.

    6) Navigate to your existing Warframe install. If on Steam, it can be found by opening Steam, right-clicking on Warframe in your library -> Manage -> Browse local files.

    7) Select all the files in this steamapps\common\Warframe folder (or if on standalone, from \Warframe\Downloaded\Public) and if you have hard drive space, copy them. If not, you can cut + paste, but if something goes wrong, you'll have more trouble getting your existing install back easily.

    8) Go to the folder that Epic Games started to download Warframe to. By default, it will be C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Warframe, and paste the existing install files into the \Downloaded folder. Again, the destination folder should be \Epic Games\Warframe\Downloaded, not \Epic Games\Warframe.

    9) Go back to the Epic Games Launcher, and launch Warframe, it will think for a second, and you may have to accept the legal documents again, but at that point it should just let you launch the game.

    10) Log into your Warframe account like normal, and you should be greeted with a message similar to this. If this doesn't occur, try closing the game, deleting Warframe.x64.exe from the Epic Games\Warframe\Downloaded folder, and re-launching.

    11) At this point, either continue to play via the Epic Games Launcher, or move your install back to the Steam folder, or delete the new install, depending on if you copied or moved your existing install.

    12) That's it! Kudos to /u/jag292 for providing some useful info in figuring out the process and /u/condratiy for info on standalone client.

    Edit: The Syandana will be given out in the next day or two, might require a hotfix, per Rebecca.

    submitted by /u/rafaelloaa
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    Slightly amusing... Dragon Nikana with TEN METER range

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 02:40 PM PST

    Warframe on Epic Games Store. Leaked new skins+glyph

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 04:21 PM PST

    Got this amazing piece of art in the mail today. Very happy about it

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:28 AM PST

    Fun fact: With the Flak Cannon skin, the Drakgoon fires projectiles with smiley faces on them.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 08:09 PM PST

    Hey. Just finished.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 09:55 PM PST

    Do you guys ever decide to fashion a frame when you're really tired, go to bed, then hop on the next day and wonder, wtf was I thinking?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 09:56 PM PST

    Happens to me all the time lmao. My sleep deprived brain comes up with some of the weirdest color and armor combo's imaginable.

    submitted by /u/fuuuuuuuuuuud2
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    I understand this is likely because the Grineer are at 50.001% or something, but can you please make this not fail until they actually hit 51%?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 10:03 PM PST

    Dojo Arsenal Love. This is how i set mine up and how it looks as you use the Arsenal and Companion Selection screens.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 08:34 AM PST

    Advanced Captura Tutorial | A Step-by-step Guide on How to Get High-Quality Shots

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 10:02 AM PST

    Advanced Captura Tutorial | A Step-by-step Guide on How to Get High-Quality Shots

    • In this Tutorial, I will be laying out a 10 Step Guide on how to get high quality captura shots. The tutorial will include a wide range of techniques, combinations, general advice and a short guide on how to use ReShade to further enhance your captura quality. Keep in mind, these are the steps I personally follow in making my capturas, nothing is mandatory, you may choose to do things differently.

    • I will also include some of my ReShade presets down below which you can use as a starting point.

    • There will be a Q&A section following this tutorial that expands on a few points in the guide.

    • Although this guide is more focused on PC, most of its aspect still apply for Consoles. Aside from Step 1 & Step 10, everything else applies for both PC & Console.


    Step 1: Resolution, Resolution, Resolution… 

    One of the keys to high-quality shots is 4K res. If your GPU can give you at least 20-30FPS at 4K in Warframe then you'll be fine. Remember, you're taking a shot not playing the game, FPS does not matter, you can switch it back to Native res once you're done. Even if you have a 1080p monitor, there will be a very prominent bump in quality when you switch your game to 4K.

    So how do we switch to 4K?

    Easy. Depending on your GPU (Nvidia or AMD) you need to do one of these two:

    • Nvidia: Go to Nvidia Control Panel > Change Resolution > Customize > Create Custom Resolution > Change Horizontal Pixels to 3840 > Change Vertical Lines to 2160 > Leave rest as is.


    • AMD: Right click on Desktop > Select AMD Radeon Software > Settings > Display > Turn on Virtual Super Resolution > Right click on Desktop > Change Screen Resolution > Select 3840 x 2160.


    • Now in the Warframe game Menu go to Display and change resolution to 3840 x 2160.

    Bonus Step: You can further enhance your image quality with some dedicated tools in both Nvidia and AMD:

    • Nvidia: Image Sharpening. Sharpening enhances your image quality without creating much noise like what some 3rd party softwares do. Try out this preset first then play with the sharpening level until satisfied with image quality. There is no fixed "best" preset because this will depend on your monitor. So I advise increasing sharpness until the outcome fits you best.


    • AMD: Although Sharpening is not one of their specialties, Radeon offers tools that help refine edges and textures to make them look smoother. These two settings in the image are essential in my opinion. The rest are up to personal taste really. Their impacts are not significant however.


    Step 2: Selecting an Appropriate Captura Scene 

    One mistake some often make is presuming that scenes offer similar image qualities. Sadly that is untrue, scenes heavily impact your image's quality depending on its lighting and any added visual effects. Some scenes offer little to no lighting like the Chroma Key Scene which I highly advise against unless you're recording a video for editing. For Photoshop editing, I strongly recommend you pick a scene with enough edges and corners because they will serve as a reference when you want to change the background, so both layers have similar perspectives.

    Here are a few scenes I highly recommend for certain vibes:

    Outdoor, Sunlight, Natural Setting: 
    • Cetus Scene
    • Plains of Eidolon Scene
    • Dog Days Scene

    Water, Vegetation, Ambient Setting: 
    • Silver Grove Shrine Scene (one of the best in the game)

    Futuristic, Artificial Light, Cyberpunk Setting: 
    • Fortuna Scene
    • Chamber of the Lotus Scene
    • Suda's Datascape Scene

    Focused Light, Smooth Shadows, Cinematic Setting: 
    • Deck 12 Scene
    • Harrow's Temple Scene
    • Corpus Depository Scene
    • Corpus Ship Bridge Scene

     Dark, Minimal Light, Sinister Setting: 
    • Sentient Basin Scene
    • Veil's Binding Scene
    • Hunhow's Chamber Scene

    Scenes to avoid (in my opinion): 
    • Most Sentient Map Scenes: Very bland lighting and overly enhanced Shadows.
    • The War Within Choice Scene: The added visual effects will make your shots blurry.
    • Infested Ship Hologram Scene: Overrides your Warframe Colors due to strong lighting.
    • Granum Void Scene: Also overrides Colors, and also has very high contrast.
    • Inaros Tomb Scene: Bland lighting and textures.
    • Umbra's Courtyard Scene: It's not bad per se, just not as good as the rest.

    Keep in mind these are not the only good scenes, these are just the ones I found to be most effective at delivering certain vibes while maintaining high image quality.

    Step 3: Determining Your Fashion Theme 

    Knowing what you want from your captura shot saves you a substantial amount of time and effort. One of the keys to a successful shot is a clear theme, not necessarily a Cosplay, but any distinguishable theme that can be identified promptly by looking at the shot.

    There is no shame in taking inspiration from other games, artworks or any character you've come across. Inspiration can be taken from a wide variety of online content, from color palettes to illustrations. It is always a good idea to have something to look back at when working on your captura. When you have a reference, you will skip through the daunting process of testing a plethora of positions and vibes to get something you might publish. The amount of time and effort I saved by simply adopting a reference had allowed me to explore multiple themes within the same captura session. I strongly advise taking inspiration from an existing image before proceeding into Captura.

    For example, take these two scenes for my operator. For the first, I spent twice the time as the second, but never managed to get a good shot because I was randomly going through poses I remember and trying to find a good angle. For the second, I knew I wanted an operator holding something in his hand and a dark scene with a fire to reflect a Dark Souls vibe. I took inspiration from the Firekeeper in DS3, and that saved me a lot of time, I was then able to edit in a few sparks and a white flame to make it more authentic (despite that not being in DS3). The consistency of the theme allowed me to easily experiment with more effects without affecting image quality. Also, keep in mind both images are using similar Fashion setups:


    Step 4: Understanding Skin Textures 

    Skin Textures reflect light differently, thus needing different light settings. No single scene can show 2 different skins or Warframes in the same quality unless they have similar textures. Thus it is important to first evaluate the material that is most dominant in your Warframe's appearance and adapt your lighting accordingly. For example, polished textures like in Mag's Orbit Skin, Nyx's Aurelia Skin, Oberon's Youkai Skin, Volt's Zener Skin and Ivara's Youkai Skin require less lighting than rougher textures like Revenant's Vanilla Skin for example. Smooth textures allow for a clearer gradient of shade which gives your captura shot a much richer spectrum of shades thus a much more realistic look. However, some skins can be a pain to capture correctly, especially those that have a combination of more than one texture.

    Let's take Nidus's Deluxe as an example, it has a very unique 'Rough Metal' texture to it that looks like worn out steel when colored dark, but looks quite organic when colored white. When dark, it absorbs too much light and is often hard to see clearly, so in this shot I needed to shine a decent volume of sunlight on it to make it more visible:


    Step 5: Setting Up Your Camera 

    First, set up your pose. If you know what kind of position you need to be in (holding something, looking somewhere, doing a certain action…etc) then this should not be too difficult. Just remember, it is often impossible to get the exact pose you have in mind, so try to widen your criteria as much as you can. You have a huge menu of animations to choose from, here's a list of what you can use (with YouTube Links):

    After you get the pose that you want, and Memorize how to repeat it, you can now proceed and begin composing your shot.

    Setting the Camera:

    • Depth of Field: Switch it off. Trust me, the value it adds is less than what it takes (it blurs out Warframe edges), use ReShade's DOF if you really want a very specific cinematic DOF effect, otherwise DOF is not necessary, and your shot will look much better if we can see the background clearly.
    • Field of View: Set it to 0. This is a must. I even argue that 0 is not enough, I sometimes use ReShade's Perspective Modifier to lower the FoV even more. Less FoV = Clearer Shot.
    • Detach Camera: Once your screen is positioned well and everything you need is in the frame of the shot, click on detach camera. This is mandatory if you don't want to redo everything when you want to change a color or gear part. Once you do this, going into the game menu will not do anything to the warframe's position or camera, only hitting the keyboard may ruin it.
    • Advanced Camera Controls are still very unpredictable and really hard to time. They are only needed for videos so you can ignore them for now.
    • DO NOT at any time press at "Look at Character" when adjusting your settings, it will move the Camera position (not angle). Meaning you will need to exit the menu and relocate the Camera again.
    • Slow Motion: Remember, there are 5 different Slow-mo speeds, so you do not need to sit 5 minutes waiting for your character to get to a certain position if the animation is already slow enough.
    • Advance Time: You do not need to exit the settings menu to do this. Just select "Toggle Advanced Time" then press on "Advance Time" from within the menu and your Warframe will continue its animation while you're still in the settings menu (instead of exiting and holding 'T' manually). This will save you the stress of going back and forth between the two menus.

    Important Note: Always advance time even for a split second before setting up your lighting (Even if your Warframe is already positioned). Why? Because for some reason, Gamma increases when you first enter Captura in some maps. You will see that Brightness will slightly decrease once you press on Advance Time. This will greatly improve your shades, because if you don't do this, later on you will see that some of your light adjustments don't reflect what you're seeing on the screen. It is essential you remove that unwanted layer of brightness before setting up the Scene's Lights.

    Step 6: Setting Up Your Lighting 

    Setting up the right angles of light helps in improving realism as it blends your frame into its environment, here's what you need to know about setting up lighting:

    • Exposure + Scene Light: Setting up your scene will depend on the balance between these two options. I highly recommend setting Exposure to 10-15% and Scene Light to 40-50%. Here's an example of how your shot will look when changing these two variables:


    • 3 Light Setup: These are the artificial spotlights that you will use to make your frame more visible. Abusing them often results in loss of detail, so try to be conservative with the volume of light you use. Remember, the 3 Lights are dedicated to your frame, they will follow you and stay around you only, this means if you want to light other objects in the scene you will have to rely on natural light or get them close enough to your frame. Each of the three has a different angle and a different cone of light. This image from the Wiki illustrates the 3 Points well:
    1. Main Light > High Intensity / Medium Height / Wide Cone > Good for rough textures.
    2. Fill Light > Medium Intensity / Long Height / Narrow Cone > Used as a utility.
    3. Rim Light > Low Intensity / Low Height / Wide Cone > Good for smooth textures.


    • How to set up your 3 Lights:
    1. Identify the direction of the scene light: This can be done by looking at any shadow and the light spots on objects, it is important to know where the scene's light is coming from.
    2. Identify the level of Light + Exposure your Warframe needs: This will depend on the skin's texture & the overall theme you're aiming for.
    3. Shine the Main Light on your frame and switch off the rest.
    4. Adjust levels and rotation until it lines up with the source light and doesn't obscure any details.
    5. Switch on only 1 of the other 2 and adjust levels until Warframe details are clear.
    6. It is advised you keep 1 of the 3 Lights switched off otherwise they will minimize shade.
    • Light Colors: It is advised that you keep the Main Light color the same and change the rest to a color much closer to white or just simply switch all to flat white (Smoke Palette).

    I recommend against changing light colors to any high contrast color otherwise they will override your warframe's colors which will also limit perception of details.

    Most palettes have a white color somewhere that is slightly tilted towards a certain color, those are the colors you want to choose from. For example, if you want a cold white-blue color you can choose the top-right color from the Fear palette.

    Bonus Tip: High Contrast Light Colors may have cool effects when used with Dark + Rough Warframe Textures, if your frame is using an all-black palette then you might want to experiment a bit with Light colors. Example:


    Step 7: Setting Up Your Shades & Shadows 

    To achieve the desired level of realism, you need to ensure your frame has enough shades and shadows to compliment the lights in a meaningful way. For this to be done, you will need to make a few minor tweaks to lighting levels and maybe some minor changes to rotation. You can get away with a slight mismatch between Natural Light & Artificial Light as long as you don't drastically shift the direction of the Main Light. The important thing is to tilt the 3 Lights until enough details are visible on the frame. Additionally, there is the option of aligning one of the other 2 Lights to the source light if it's dim enough to be simulated with the Rim Light or Fill Light.

    The next image illustrate this concept in a simple way, the rotation + intensity changes show how simple shifts in light rotations were greatly impacting shot quality, despite the shifts not being drastic, you can clearly see a noticeable jump in quality and clarity:


    Step 8: Making Use of Captura Filters 

    Here I will simply discuss the filters which you should consider using and at which opacity.

    Burn, Black & White and Lotus Glow offer little to no value for your captura so I will not be discussing them. I will include a recommended opacity range for each filter:

    • Saturation: This bar is very useful to balance out colors. Slightly reducing it by 10% can provide a very good quality boost for your shot by making colors a bit more consistent with each other.
    • Contrast (40-70%): It enhances colors, including shades of grey, so expect your shades and shadows to get darker, I only recommend this in settings with enough light and I recommend against abusing it otherwise it will damage your image quality.
    • Blood (70-100%): Only to be used in a very dark setting if you want a sinister look.
    • Bleach (20-60%): To be used in slightly darker settings, slightly washes out colors and gives a nice bleak look to the image, recommended when seeking a more polished armor look.
    • Cross Process (30-70%): Enhances light and dark curves, gives a richer look to the image at the expense of shades, details will look less clear but the image will be more cinematic.
    • Negative (5-10%): Enhances outlines and lowers the contrast of black areas.
    • Edge of Shadows (10-40%): Enhances shadows and completely washes out colors.

    Step 9: Bonus Tips 

    • Unequip Your Companion before going into Captura.
    • Remove Background Distractions: Your frame must be the focal point of your shot, you thus need to try and minimize any unnecessary distractions in the background otherwise some might overshadow your fashion. To do this, simply minimize the image window, try getting off your chair, walk around a bit in your room, then get back on your computer and expand it. If the first thing you see is not the frame or you needed a few seconds to fully acknowledge the frame, then you will need to make some edits to your scene.
    • STAND IN THE SHADE IN OUTDOOR SETTINGS: This is very important, aggressive sunlight can really damage your image quality by enhancing bloom effects and obscuring details. Try to minimize the amount of sun rays on your frame and try to rely more on 3 Light Settings.
    • You can use one of the 3 Lights to create an artificial shadow: Always remember, Main Light and Rim Light are in opposite directions, in some instances one can serve as a shadow if you color it dark. The shadow on my operator's right side (from the previous operator fashion image) is in fact the Main Light colored in dark blue, this is something I found while experimenting with DS3 themes.
    • Take a lot of screenshots: You will frequently miss out on good shots because your eyes have adapted to the scene and the image. Trust me, capture images frequently, then delete later.

    Step 10: ReShade! 

    ReShade is a 3rd party software/plugin that allows you to apply SweetFX filters to the game. It is used by many players and is one of the essential tools used to produce more unique captura shots. Here I will quickly explain how to install it, then give a quick overview of my personal presets that I've attached.

    I will also briefly explain what each setting does, I cannot go into too much detail otherwise this guide will turn into a novel. ReShade has a very large array of settings, explaining each one in detail is close to impossible, so you will need to familiarize yourself with it in order to use it more effectively, hopefully some of the presets here might give you a head start, but you will need to experiment with it. We all learn new things every time we use ReShade, the number of possible combinations is too large to cover.


    Simply extract the contents of this ZIP into your Warframe game directory, which will be in Steam > Steamapps > Common > Warframe.

    Launch Warframe and you should see a bar at the top of the screen indicating that ReShade is active.

    Hit "Home" on your keyboard to access the ReShade menu. Skip through the quick tutorial. Now quickly go to Settings.

    In the "Effect Search Path" bar paste in the location of the Shaders folder which should normally be: "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Warframe\reshade-shaders-master\Shaders".

    If your Steam folder is in a different location just change "C:\Program Files" to where your steam folder is located.

    In the "Texture Search Path" bar do the same thing but instead of the Shaders file paste the Texture folder's location which should be: "C:\Program Files \Steam\steamapps\common\Warframe\reshade-shaders-master\Textures"

    Also in the "Screenshot Path" bar, paste the location of the file you want your shots to be placed in. You can also change the Screenshot Key and Overlay Key if you want.

    Congrats, ReShade is now fully installed.


    I've included 4 of my presets in the ZIP, you can select any of them or simply select the Default Preset file and create your own. Here's how to switch between them:

    Under "Home" in the ReShade Menu select the bar just below it that says "DefaultPreset" and select what preset you want. If you can't see them just navigate to your main Warframe folder (Steam > Steamapps > Common > Warframe), the three dots take you back a file. Normally the bar will automatically display the Warframe directory. Once you're in the Warframe folder, just scroll down to one of these four presets and select the one you want:

    • Warframe Visual Boost [Light]: Simple and non-intrusive visual enhancement, you can normally play the game using this preset.
    • Warframe Realism Preset [Heavy]: Same preset but with a few tweaks for more visual realism, it enhances the visuals, but at the expense of performance, I don't recommend using this for regular gameplay unless you have a high-tier GPU, because it will hit your FPS.
    • Warframe Ultra Cinematic Preset [Very Heavy]: I made this for those who want a cinematic overhaul when recording videos. It is very demanding, be warned. It used to push my old GTX970 to its limits, so if you don't have a powerful GPU expect some serious overheating.
    • Zeezo's Unkindled Preset [Heavy]: A Captura preset that applies a Dark Souls effect to your game. I have used this preset for most of my Dark Souls Cosplays, however it is a bit demanding GPU-wise.

    ReShade Guide: Just a quick overview of every ReShade tool:

    • AdaptiveFog / DepthHaze: Applies a distance fog (not recommended)
    • AdaptiveSharpen / FineSharp (Mode 1, 2 & 3) / HighPassSharpen / LumaSharpen / Filmic Anamorphic Sharpen: Sharpen Filters (each has a different level of intensity & grain).
    • AmbientLight: Bloom, mixed with Eye Adaptation and Lens Dirt
    • Bloom / Magic Bloom / PPFX Bloom …etc: Bloom Filters (different intensities)
    • Border: Letterboxing Screen Border (like in films)
    • CA / Chromatic Aberration: Color Fringing, classic effect like in old tapes and 3D Videos.
    • CRT: Pixel Art Effect, there are plenty of other effects that are easy to spot
    • Cartoon: Places thick lines on detected model edges
    • Clarity: Enhances white points, basically a gloss effect, makes image look like a photo
    • ColorMatrix / Technicolor / FilmicPass / LiftGammaGain: Color-Grading Filters
    • Colourfulness / Vibrance: Color Saturation Filters
    • Curves / Levels / Levels Plus: Changes contrast and enhances White and Black levels
    • DoF / Light DoF / Marty McFly DoF …etc: Depth of Field filters (different intensities)
    • DPX: Color grading + Gamma Enhancement
    • Daltonize: Color-Blind Adaptation (use the integrated Warframe tool instead)
    • Denoise / HQ4X / NonLocalMeans / KNearestNeighbors: Reduces Noise, recommended for overly sharp images, but will need tweaking
    • Eye Adaptation: Smart auto brightness adjustment, keep this on, it will help a lot
    • Emphasise: Focuses on one color and desaturates the rest
    • FXAA / SMAA: Anti-Aliasing Tools
    • FilmGrain: Grain Effect, also needs tweaking
    • GaussianBlur / SurfaceBlur: Refines & Blurs Edges or Surfaces
    • HDR: Fake HDR Effect, enhances light gradients and contrast
    • MultiLUT: FILTERS! They're awesome, you might need to tweak their intensity first
    • MXAO / PPFX SSDO: Basically Extra Shaders, adds extra shadow maps to your image
    • Motion Blur: Stay away from it, it's terrible
    • Perfect Perspective: Slight FishEye Effect
    • PPFX GodRays: God Rays, pretty broken so you need to tweak it in the menu
    • Reflective Bumpmapping: Soft Gloss effect, adds more realism, but very demanding
    • Sepia / Tint / Monochrome: color tint
    • TiltShift: Blurs top and bottom of your screen
    • Vignette: Adds black shades to screen edges

    Captura Q&A 

    Q1: Can you export the settings of a captura shot?

    A1: Sadly not, every single position, location and angle will need different settings. Even if you take the settings of the most perfect captura shot, within the same scene, using the same frame, simply moving to a different location will render those settings useless. There is no shortcut to setting up lighting, you have to do it manually. Hopefully this guide will make that a bit easier for you.

    Q2: Does every Frame or Skin require different light settings, even in the same scene?

    A2: Yes, as explained in the guide, skin materials reflect/absorb light differently. Always be wary of your frame's texture and adapt your settings accordingly. Smoother textures need less direct light (Rim Light is advised) while rougher textures might require some rigorous lighting for your frame to be visible.

    Q3: How do I get my Warframe to do idle animations in Captura?

    A3: Simply select the Synthesis Scanner. Your Warframe will unequip its weapon and go into idle state. You can change your animation types from within the scene by hitting ESC > Arsenal.

    Q4: Can I get my Warframe to walk?

    A4: There is no dedicated key for walking in Warframe, however, there are functions that allow you to move slower in a way that resembles walking. Either by equipping a Hobbled Dragon Key, Equipping the Synthesis Scanner then aiming with it while moving forward or if you're using a joystick, just lightly tilt the right stick forward.

    Q5: Can I get my operator to walk?

    A5: Yes, first unequip your amp before going into captura, then hold aim while moving forward.

    Q6: Does Your Monitor Size Matter?

    A6: More than you might think. Ever wondered why many XBOX1 & PS4 shots look way smoother than most PC shots despite being in 1080p? Yes, it's because they were screenshotted off a TV. When your shot is scaled down from a TV to a monitor, shades and color gradients become much clearer and more dynamic. So size does matter for captura, the bigger your screen the better the image quality. However, it is by no means necessary, it's a bonus yes, but you can easily get smooth shots with good settings. Every single one of my shots has been taken off a 19" 1080p screen, but they would have definitely looked better if taken off a large TV screen.

    Q7: Will you be making a Photoshop Tutorial on how to create Game Crossovers?

    A7: Most definitely! just not very soon. Creating a Photoshop tutorial requires video recording, and a decent level of editing. This will need some time to record and finalize, time is not ample for me these days, so it might be awhile before I find the time to sit down and record a tutorial, but it will be coming, I promise you that.

    If you need any further help, guidance or aid in making your capturas please do not hesitate to ask. I also offer feedback and support on our Discord server where many captura artists are aiding in providing valuable feedback for the fashion frame community.

    Thank you for your time, and good luck with your future shots.


    submitted by /u/ZeezoRockOut
    [link] [comments]

    Anyone else's launcher not recognizing the hotfix?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 03:51 PM PST

    My warframe launcher keeps saying the game is up to date, but when I try to login it says there is an update and exit to the launcher. I cant play the game because the launcher isnt recognizing the hotfix. Is anyone else having this problem? Is there a way to force the launcher to recognize theres a hotfix available?

    Edit: Ive been informed by those who are watching the stream that DE have stated they are aware of the issue and fixing it. Thanks for the info

    Edit2: Seems to be fixed now, I can login

    submitted by /u/ThatIrishLuck24
    [link] [comments]

    I know I’m probably asking for a lot, but when Octavia Prime comes, if madachord prime can looks something like this. And I’m 100% sure everyone in the community would love having this. This would bring out Octavia’s full potential as the music warframe.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 12:51 PM PST

    Word of warning: installing the EGS version of Warframe cleared my favourite colours list and reset some settings on both versions

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 07:25 PM PST

    That UT pack is a must have

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 08:00 PM PST

    Deimos: Arcana: Hotfix 29.5.7

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 01:23 PM PST


    Deimos: Arcana: Hotfix 29.5.7

    Our overarching goal with this Hotfix aims to address Necramech feedback and fix lingering bugs. As you may have seen in our 2020 wrap up post, we're working on a mini Necramech Operation that will feature Necramechs in regular missions! As the days progress towards that launch we will continue to review Necramech changes and fixes based on Community feedback. If you come across new issues after this Hotfix, please let us know in this thread!

    Bonewidow Changes & Fixes:

    On today's menu we have a hearty serving of Bonewidow changes & fixes. Let's breakdown the nutritional facts here: Arquebex is a very high damage weapon for Voidrig, as it makes sense for his damage output kit. Bonewidow is our Melee Necramech more focused on survivability and endurance. Exalted Ironbride is not going to match 1:1 with Arquebex, but that doesn't mean Ironbride (or the rest of her kit) should be overshadowed. The below aim to address common Community feedback to provide Bonewidow that extra dash of spice.

    • Necramech Melee Mods (Pressure Point, Fury, Reach) now apply to Exalted Ironbride.

    • Renamed Bonewidow's Shield Maiden 'Shield Bash' to 'Maiden's Kiss'.

    • Reduced Bonewidow's Maiden's Kiss to cost 15 Energy.

    • Bonewidow's Meathook thrown enemies now have 100% Status Chance.

    • Bonewidow's Meathook now drains a percent of the target's max Health vs flat damage. When the target is thrown the Damage dealt is a percentage of the target's current Health.

      • Both of these changes help to scale Meathook with varying enemy levels.
    • Bonewidow Necramech can now reflect damage while blocking with Shield Maiden (this is exclusive to the player's version of Bonewidow).

    • Bonewidow will now absorb enemy attacks for a few seconds after activating Shield Maiden, and the absorbed damage will be added to the shield's Health.

    • Enemy Bonewidow Shield Maiden now has a limited amount of Health and can be destroyed.

    • Enemy Bonewidow will no longer reattach her arm while wielding Exalted Ironbride. One thing at a time!

    • Removed Ammo UI when Bonewidow is wielding Ironbride.

    • Fixed a crash when using Bonewidow's Meathook on a Deimos Mitosid.

    • Fixed Bonewidow's Shield Maiden not deactivating upon Transferring out/back in. This resulted in your shield being on your chest (not active). However, when you pressed Melee you would do Maiden's Kiss, and it would cost Energy, instead of the normal Necramech unarmed attack.

    • Fixed Bonewidow's Firing Line affecting Companions/Pets.

    • Fixed Bonewidow's Firing Line ragdolling you.

    • Fixed enemy Bonewidow sometimes getting stuck with Ironbride out and being unable to switch back to its gun.

    • Fixed Bonewidow Melee attacking while using Shield Maiden (Maiden's Kiss attack) would show Atlas' Landslide ability pop-up text.

    • Fixed Bonewidow's Firing Line animation not matching its current shield state correctly.

    • Fixed Bonewidow's rear hit box getting hit from front attacks.

    • Fixed Bonewidow visual-only "Ability Use Prevented" problem after toggling Shield Maiden and Ironbride off.

    • Fixed enemy Bonewidows not knowing how to initiate a Maiden's Kiss. Pucker up!

    • Fixed enemy Bonewidows sometimes using incorrect idle animations that would cause their shield to look unequipped when it should be and/or their sword to be held incorrectly.

    • Fixed enemy Bonewidows periodically playing the Shield Maiden unequip animation during a Melee attack combo.

    • Fixed Bonewidow's Shield Maiden not deactivating after redeploying/Transferring in and out but still bashing with Shield instead of normal Melee. This also fixes a related issue where Ironbride would only execute the first attack in its combo chain instead of the full loop.

    • Fixed an issue with Bonewidow's Shield Maiden blocking bounds becoming very small when attacked. This was causing Bonewidow to take damage instead of the shield.

    • Fixed Bonewidow's Meathook not properly skewering the target if done by a Client player. Previously the ragdoll would appear to float around.

    • Fixed enemies held by Bonewidow's Meathook able to cast abilities.

    • Fixed Bonewidow's Meathook not displaying "Not Enough Energy" UI message.

    • Fixed enemies on Bonewidows Meathook teleporting to their last known spot instead of just being dropped when activating Shield Maiden at the same time.

    Voidrig Changes & Fixes:

    • Doubled the enemy Voidrig recovery animation time to allow a longer opportunity window to shoot the weak spots.

    • Fixed Voidrig Necraweb ability "Press to throw" tool-tip remaining on screen after Transferring out.

    • Fixed Voidrig Necraweb canister floating in the air and tool-tip lingering if the canister isn't tossed within a minute.

    General Necramech Changes & Fixes:

    • Firing your gun while Hovering as a Necramech is now considered to be in an "Aiming" state, meaning Mods like Critical Focus and Marked Target will apply again.

    • Fixed (again) Client Necramechs losing gained Affinity if the Host migrated.

      • We had this originally fixed but then it regressed with Hotfix 29.5.6 - our apologies.
    • Enemy Necramechs (Voidrig & Bonewidow) will now rotate its body to indicate that it is about to slide towards you.

    • Adjusted Necramechs desired spacing between players to avoid sometimes standing right on top of you.

    • Fixed Operator appearing invisible and floating after exiting your Necramech as Operator for the second time as a Client.

    • Fixed cases where both Voidrig and Bonewidow wouldn't attack with its currently equipped weapon.

    • Fixed Warframe stats displaying incorrect values in the Arsenal when equipping a Necramech.

    • Fixed Necramech weapon getting stuck continuously firing after dashing while shooting.

    DirectX 12 Changes and Fixes:

    • Fixed crash on launch when using DirectX12 with older Windows 10 versions (prior to Windows 10 Creators Update).

    • Improved DirectX 12 mode stability - fixed potential crash related to GPU particles.


    • Improved frame-rate consistency when using automatic vsync.


    • You can now Build Kitguns at Father in the Necralisk and Gild/Provide/Title your Kitgun! Everything a Kitgun vendor should do!

    • Extended context action range of the Bait console when grabbing the key during an Isolation Vault Bounty to help prevent sliding past it or standing on top of it.

    • Little blue Necramech and little blue Warframe Helmet icons now mark your Necramech/Warframe respectively on the minimap when not being "controlled" to aid in loss prevention.

    • Reduced Nekros Soul Punch area-of-effect physics impulse so it no longer launches enemies across the solar system.

    • Improved stability with third-party overlays and injection tools (Steam Overlay, OBS, Discord, FPS Counters etc).

    • Improvements to Corpus Ship level navigation where AI could get stuck.

    • Running out of Railjack Boost stamina will now clear the Boost state to address Boost not recharging once depleted.

    • Lowered Xaku Grasp of Lohk ability sounds.

    Fixes :

    • Fixed being able to equip both the Primed Fulmination and Fulmination at the same time.

      • _APSA was posted shortly after Baro arrived with his latest wares (Primed Fulmination & Primed Firestorm). Primed mods have been a feature of Warframe for several years, and it's our long standing policy that you can't have both the Primed and ordinary version of the same mod equipped at the same time (as is the case with both Firestorm mods). _
    • Fixed crash when interacting with the crystal to begin the Nihil boss fight.

    • Fixed a crash that could occur if you skip the Tutorial cinematic.

    • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when using the Orvius as a Client.

    • Fixed Pause Menu not working if you died/were downed while using Transference.

    • Fixed Ayatan Amber Stars dropping far less frequently than before Deimos Arcana.

    • Fixed an issue where binding "Player List" to D-Pad would override its functionality when navigating menus with a controller.

    • Fixed rare issues with inability to Trade a Riven with the +30 Riven Mod Slots from Mastery Rank 30.

    • Fixed an issue where the whole screen would be black if you quickly skipped the fly-in cinematic during the Heart of Deimos Quest (may have affected other scenarios in which you load into the Cambion Drift as well).

    • Fixed players not being able to join your Public mission if you're waiting on the Navigation Star Chart for players to join your squad on either Cambion Drift or Orb Vallis nodes.

    • Fixed losing full Chat functionality after defeating Nihil.

    • Fixed inability to use/cancel any abilities or use Operator after casting Revenant's Danse Macabre and getting knocked down or attempting to ledge grab during its animation.

    • Fixed using Nekros' Soul Punch to 'mark' a victim and then killing them with a weapon not raising them as a Shadow for Clients.

    • Fixed End of Mission screen showing Affinity gained for your equipped Necramech's special weapon when you didn't use it during the mission (no Affinity was actually gained).

    • Fixed cases where Mining nodes could be inaccessible in Cambion Drift due to spawning inside the environment.

    • Fixed inability to Chat Link Kitgun weapons made with the new Infested chambers Vermisplicer and Sporelacer.

    • Fixed Catabolyst not showing a TRIGGER TYPE in Arsenal stats.

    • Fixed Health bars displaying incorrect Health amount after the Host leaves the squad in a Free Roam mission.

    • Fixed an issue where if the Deimos Therid died while holding another enemy to throw, the enemy's ragdoll would be severed into two and look visually corrupted.

    • Fixed broken Archwing strafing animations.

    • Fixed Speech volume slider not resetting to 100 when default is pressed if the Transmission Volume slider is at 100.

    • Fixed Inaros Prime Chat link screen including the Blueprint button.

    • Fixed Tyl Regor's axe appearing all black.

    • Fixed some laser beams (in the Void, Ropalolyst, etc) not making any sounds.

    • Fixed large fleshy walls rendering incorrectly on top of the sky in Cambion Drift.

    • Fixed excessive bloom on Ammo drops in Cambion Drift.

    • Fixed an invisible wall in the Railjack's mesh.

    • Fixed wrong exit prompt when attempting to exit the Necralisk Captura Scene.

    • Fixed a script error when trying to Auto Install on Akbronco Prime if you also have the Damzav-Vati Mod.

    • Fixed a script error when casting numerous Warframe abilities.

    • Fixed a script error related to the rare item/resource UI pop up.

    This action was performed automatically, if you see any mistakes, please tag /u/desmaraisp, he'll fix them. Here is my github

    submitted by /u/CephalonAhmes
    [link] [comments]

    Exquisite orokin dish, with grineer dumplings and calcium supplements

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 04:59 AM PST

    A Lambo Moa. I think they're neat. It's named Toppy. (Even though I don't have a MOA, I still like them )

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 09:49 PM PST

    While this is a bug. It was too funny for me to want to see it fixed.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 01:40 PM PST

    "Even in the midst of Chaos, Harmony remains" (Cyto Shawzin Concept)

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 12:08 PM PST

    (Consoles) Sporothrix + Arum Spinosa Blueprints: Gift From the Lotus Alerts!

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 01:42 PM PST


    Hello Console Tenno, and happy post-"Deimos: Arcana is live" day!

    Two 48 hour Gift from the Lotus Alerts will be going live tomorrow, Friday, December 11th @ 2 PM ET on PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox for:

    • 1x Sporothrix Blueprint
    • 1x Arum Spinosa Blueprint

    We originally ran these Alerts on PC November 21st due to a drop issue that was later fixed! While the issue was never present for our console Tenno (due to the fact that these items were not live yet and fixed for our cert send off), we thought we'd share the love regardless!


    This action was performed automatically, if you see any mistakes, please tag /u/desmaraisp, he'll fix them. Here is my github

    submitted by /u/CephalonAhmes
    [link] [comments]

    Carnis set bonus not working properly? In description it said that it gives status immunity.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 12:11 PM PST

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