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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:00 AM PST

    This thread is for sharing your Warframe experiences and good or bad luck. Experiences can be shared any day of the week!

    Whether you praise the Void or curse RNGesus, everyone here can sympathize; share any experiences that you've had in Warframe that you want! You can also freely share things that are listed as "disallowed posts" here.

    Comments are sorted by new by default! And remember...

    Experiences can be shared any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Elements - Updated & Simplified

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:32 PM PST

    Even DE themselves know the Glass Resonance reminder is annoying

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:48 AM PST

    Nightwave ended today. I totally did not forget.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 04:16 AM PST

    Swamp Thing is consuming my Tenno

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:36 PM PST

    You shattered all of the glass Tenno, where will he get his hair from now?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 03:40 AM PST

    Was practicing pose, but I turned the sketch into certain fire girl

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:22 AM PST

    Titania �� - Such a gorgeous fairy

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:10 AM PST

    i hope we never have a nightwave as long and disruptive as that glassmaker one again

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 06:03 AM PST

    Apparently my attempt to joke off rejection comes off as “rude”. Oops.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 05:12 PM PST

    It is really uncomfortable to fully utilize Lavos on a controller

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:03 PM PST

    Even considering the easiest way to imbue abilities, you have to hold 3 buttons or switch abilities several times to imbue and cast an ability. It is really uncomfortable and janky. However there is a very very very simple solution for this, and I have no idea how it was overlooked by DE when they play tested Lavos...

    Don't let the imbued status effect dissappear or reset after casting an ability. Its as simple as that. Let's be honest, when you're fighting a certain faction, you will not be switching between all status effects in a single mission. Imbuing a 3rd status will simply clean the pallet and reset it. For example, you have corrosion, but then imbue fire, which will reset the pallet or simply make it a fire status and ready to combine with another status effect.

    This should be implemented as he is really annoying to use on a controller.

    submitted by /u/lexahex
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    Garuda (again)

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 02:36 PM PST

    Fracturing Crush has been bugged for at least half a year.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:55 AM PST

    EDIT!: Despite the obsevable results being the exact same that i've got few patches ago, the cause seems different now, and its a bug with Polarize instead...? Best way to observe is to cast it on a group of high level Corrupted Butchers who has low base armor, and once again, regardless of level some targets will not get armor-strip

    I seriously hate to be that guy, but i reported this bug several times and it still goes largely un-noticed. I've personally noticed it being inconsistent half-year ago (April 6, 2020), and i suspect it was bugged even before that, but i initially discarded it as mistake on my side, and only a few months ago i confirmed that its indeed bugged.

    So, Fracturing Crush - its suppose to reduce armor of those affected by Crush, all of them, supposedly, but that doesn't happen. Every time you cast Crush, it only affects a fraction of enemies, and i mean every time, every single cast, regardless of conditions. And its not like ability has hidden target cap, because the amount of targets affected is always below 100%, you cast it on 2 enemies, only 1 wil lbe affected, you cast it on 6 - maybe it affect 3, maybe 1, cast it on 20 targets - 2 affected. This is not range or line-of-sight issue, affected targets are spread randomly, neither its simulacrum specific, i confirmed it behave in same manner on actual missions too.

    It is painfully easy to test yourself: build mag with nothing but augment and enough strength for a armor reduction cap, spawn any amount of armored units, those that have just enough armor to be naked after a single Fracturing Crush + Polarize, like lvl 40-60 corrupted lancers, and cast those 4 + 3. Everyone that still has armor after that combo was not affected by Fracturing Crush Polarize armor reduction As far as i tested Polarize works fine, and the problem is with the augment. Again, it works (or rather, doesn't work) anywhere, anytime: in simulacrum, on a mission, might even be the same way in Conclave, for all i know!

    I would be grateful for any amount of help in bringing DE attention to the fact that half of that augment (which is like 1/4 of Mag's kit that is worth using) doesn't work 100% of the time, so that it could be fixed in at least next few years, instead of between decade and never.

    submitted by /u/Chosen_Sewen
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    Okay, Let's do a Glassmaker Postmortem

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:58 AM PST

    Nightwave Season Three has ended. No more glass resonance in our neighborhood. No more crystal cred. Just a bit of radio silence 'til Nora gets the intermission ready. I think it's safe to say this series didn't get a universally warm reception. Certainly, it overstayed its welcome. So, what did we like, what would we have changed, and what can future Nightwaves learn?

    An Interesting Antagonist

    I find Nihil really interesting as an villain, someone so devoted to the idea of conformity that he doesn't even care about moral consistency: He'll glass an Ostron for being selfish and a Corpus for being kind, just because they're going against their respective societies. Or is he really just a sadist looking for excuses? Is he trying to bring back the Orokin Empire or is he content to put the whole system under glass so nothing can ever change? He's evil, he's hammy, he's trying really hard to Hannibal Lecter me from inside the lawn ornament I stuck him in, so maybe he can come back later. Good times. Also, that boss fight was a great time.

    More Nora

    I like Radio Space Aunt. Soothing voice, very supportive, provides Nitain, everything you want in a supporting character. We don't get a ton of new information on her, but since she was the one doing all the investigating it was good for the climactic showdown to involve her being in danger, and for the payoff to be finally getting a good look at her. Heck, if they wanted to go the route of having her take over for the Lotus at some point, this would be a good start.

    Presented as a Mystery, but not Executed as One

    This is the biggest sticking point for me. The season was pitched as a murder mystery: Someone has unearthed the secrets of a particularly horrible Orokin form of execution, and it's up to us to figure out who they are and how to stop them. The only problem is that setup turned out not to matter at all.

    Part of the fun of a mystery story is the suspects. You get a list of colourful characters with means, motive and opportunity and you pick at their alibis until you get to the truth. Here we run into the problem that Warframe has a relatively small existing cast. Very few characters could have access to this technology, and those wouldn't recognize Tenno as any kind of legal authority: If it turned out Nef Anyo had stumbled across a "glass a random person in the System" button and had been pressing it for giggles, the most we could have done would be to break it and he'd have just gone back to applying his eyeliner.

    The solution would be to make new characters to be the culprits, which is great since it would give us a chance to see a wider view of the system we protect. But whether they were limited by time or budget or didn't want to make things too complicated, we only got one suspect. This meant there was no mystery. Nora just announced who the killer was in the second of five investigation scenes: a character we had never heard of before, and yet the only person in the history of the system it could possibly be. Imagine instead if Nora's revelation had lead us to a "Cult of Nihil," a group of people from diverse backgrounds trying to use his example to bring order to a lawless system, all of whom act horrified by the glassings and insist they could never have done such a thing. Then we learn that these bozos had found Nihil's cephalon and accidentally set him loose in the process of consulting him. We still would have gotten the fun boss fight, but there would have been an actual mystery to solve.

    Another aspect of a good mystery is the clues, being given little bits of information that might only make sense in hindsight but that combine to form a full and irrefutable picture. This was also clumsily done. Much has been made of the mechanics of the investigation scenes so I won't dwell on them, save to restate that scouring an empty room looking for something to interact with and then being quizzed on irrelevant details does not an investigation make. We're too busy committing every number and symbol and floof to memory to devote any brainpower to what the characters were doing that got them glassed, leaving it up to Nora to tell us what we learned after the fact.

    A Long, Flat Road

    The glassed enemies that spawn in were a source of complaints since they first started appearing, for a few reasons. Gameplay-wise, they spawned in fully-alerted which was annoying for stealth players. The way the portals were set up also meant they tended to linger in open worlds, creating the impression they just never stopped spawning. Lore-wise, they didn't make a ton of sense. Why is Nihil randomly glassing groups of dudes and robots and infested? Why does being partially glassed make you invincible? If the cephalites have "less than nothing left" of them, why are we able to save Nora and the others (Or are we? Nora was only partly glassed, and it was a little ambiguous with the other victims)?

    I think these issues would have been less of a problem, though, if it hadn't gone on for so very long with no changes. Previous seasons also had elements that invaded normal missions, but these would change and evolve as the story did. Here, the glass resonance worked the same was in January as it did in June, and every time Nora wondered "Who did this to them?" it was a hairline fracture in immersion because she knows who did this to them. She was the one who told us.

    Going Forward

    I don't know why this season lasted so long. Maybe something about the investigation scenes was problematic to develop. Maybe the team lead made the mistake of announcing they were on schedule and immediately had team members reassigned to more urgent stuff. Maybe the whole thing was completed in July and they've been stalling because they don't know what Season 4 is going to be. It's anyone's guess.

    I would submit that, for future seasons, we don't necessarily need gameplay gimmicks. Just tell us a story. Write a little campfire tale, something that sheds light on the universe but that wouldn't really make sense to explore as a Tenno. An Ostron hunter gets trapped on the plains overnight and has a bizarre encounter. The leader of a colony in Grineer territory tries to better his people's situation without drawing to much unwanted attention. A Corpus scientist has his research stolen by a colleague and plots revenge. Then break the story into chunks, make some dioramas, and give us some tangentially-related cosmetics in a new reward list. I know I'm oversimplifying a complex process, but I wonder if needing every season to be a system-spanning super-threat is part of the reason for the delays?

    This wound up longer than I'd anticipated, but these points have been percolating all season and I wanted to get them out there. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/bitterbusiness
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    Things to do, while waiting for the next Night on the PoE

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:04 AM PST

    Before turning on Warframe, go into the launcher settings and enable Dx11

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 09:23 AM PST

    Before turning on Warframe, go into the launcher settings and enable Dx11

    The recent update forces everyone onto Dx12, which is still in beta. That makes the game quite laggy as it doesn't save shaders and re-renders then every time.

    Going back to Dx11 should fix the issue until it's resolved in an upcoming update.

    Source: DE staff in global chat just after the update was released.


    submitted by /u/BeoWulf156
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    Please fix Vial Rush ending toggle sprint

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:57 PM PST

    If you're sprinting and use Vial Rush on Lavos you are always set back to walking speed. Using a controller it means I could be clicking the left stick once every 5 seconds to reapply sprinting. Is this a common pattern with motion abilities that I've just never noticed? Is there a setting I can apply to change this behavior? It's a noticeable inconvenience in the button-mashing that is Lavos.

    submitted by /u/k1b22
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    I feel like my friend is some kind of a psychopath. Does anyone bullet jump like this? I usually use picky finger.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 02:14 AM PST

    Weak-point mechanics, Glassmaker / Orphix edition

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 01:56 PM PST

    Nightwave Series 3 has just ended, and with that we are now free from Nihil's goddamn glass infections. The idea of random enemies getting glassed in normal missions was fun and interesting at first, but by the end I was well and truly tired of it, as I think most of the community was.

    One of the biggest irritations to the glassed enemies was their mechanics - specifically, the way they would ignore all damage from attacks which do not hit them directly in their glass weak spots. * It's frustrating to have such limited areas of vulnerability on enemies who might be moving rapidly or turning suddenly. * It's more frustrating to try to solve this challenge with a punch-through weapon like the Arca Plasmor, and then discover that punch-through doesn't help at all; if the first part of the enemy touched by your shot isn't a weak point, then the attack deals no damage, even if the shot does strike a weak point later it it's flight. * It's more frustrating to try to solve this challenge with an area effect weapons such as the Staticor, and then discover that area damage doesn't help at all; if the projectile does not directly strike the weak point, then the area damage caused by that projectile is ignored. * However, melee attacks do work as long as the weak point is within the area of your attack. This makes no sense given how punch-through and area attacks don't work, but this is also the only thing preventing these enemies from being absolutely maddening to fight.

    An enemy with a weak point is a puzzle wrapped up inside of a fight. Creative approaches to solving that puzzle should be rewarded, not punished.

    This weak point mechanic is a source of frustration for numerous other enemies. For example: Aerolysts, Condrixes, the Gantulyst, Hemocytes, the Hydrolyst, Lephantis, enemy Necramechs, Orphixes, the Ropalolyst, the Teralyst, Tusk Thumpers, and Vay Hek. < gasp > All of these enemies share this mechanic, and most of them are less fun as a result.

    Also, the behavior of weak points is inconsistent between these enemies. For example, area attacks work on Vay Hek, and punch-through attacks work on enemy Necramechs. Having a mechanic like this, which works differently every time it shows up, makes this game less friendly to new players.

    Also, some of these weak point problems are made worse by enemy AI, which can make the enemy move and turn too quickly to allow us to aim at their weak point. This is especially frustrating with enemy Necramechs, which have a weak point on their back but which always turn to face you, and with Thumpers, which have weak points on all four legs but still have a "front" for some reason and which always turn rapidly to "face" their target, making it almost impossible to target their back legs without using a Warframe ability to slow them down.

    The Juggernaut and the Nox also have weak points, but are far less frustrating. They take much less damage if not struck in a weak point but still take some damage from every attack, so if you go into a mission without a precision weapon, you can still kill them with sustained fire.

    However, despite the fact that DE has this better weak point mechanic available, they still keep using the more-frustrating total-immunity weak point approach. This problem is evident as recently as the Orphix Venom event. Orphixes have this same weak point mechanic - attacks which don't directly strike their "eye" do no damage.

    Consequently, the Voidrig Necramech's Guard Mode ability can do literal millions of damage in a broad area without even a full build, but it struggles to kill an Orphix unless very close and / or aimed very precisely, because shots which do not strike this eye directly do nothing.

    Meanwhile, the Bonewidow Necramech's Exalted Ironbride weapon does far less damage in a much smaller area, but it can kill Orphixes much more quickly and reliably, simply because it is a melee weapon and therefore inflicts damage with each swing as long as the weak point is within its area.

    Please DE, fix this. The problems are obvious, and the solutions are equally so. * Every enemy which has weak points should use the same system, so that new players don't have to learn specific mechanics for each enemy. The only variation should be between boss and non-boss enemies. * If an enemy has weak points and isn't a boss, then their weak points should never close, and they should still take significant damage from shots which don't hit a weak point. * If a boss has weak points, it's OK for their weak points to close, and it's OK for them to be totally immune when their weak points are closed. But when their weak points are open, they should still take significant damage from shots that don't hit a weak point. * If an enemy has weak points, they shouldn't be able to turn on a dime and whip those weak points around faster than we can aim. Every enemy with weak points should have limits on how often it changes targets, and on how fast it can move and turn. * It's OK for punch-through attacks to not affect closed weak points, but if a weak point is open, and a shot has enough punch-through distance to reach that weak point, then that shot should damage the weak point even if it touches a different part of the enemy first. * It's OK for area attacks to not affect closed weak points, but in every other situation, area attacks should always deal the appropriate amount of damage to weak points within their radius, regardless of where the related projectile strikes.

    Lastly, I want to make a point of saying: I am not here to just complain. I mention all this because I love Warframe. DE, you all do a great job overall. I love playing your game, and I want to continue playing and enjoying it for years to come. Please, take the time to refine and improve old systems, such as this one.

    submitted by /u/TheDigitalGabeg
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    Managed to break the map again! This time got hit by a ship. Thank you Grineer, very cool.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:52 PM PST

    Bruno Powroznik on Deimos - Superfast Edition Excerpt

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:57 PM PST

    Orphix Venom: Hotfix 29.6.8

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:31 AM PST


    Orphix Venom: Hotfix 29.6.8

    Ensmallening Part 3: Mesh Accuracy + Sound Fidelity.


    We bring you Part 3 of the ensmallening. By now you already know about Part 1 and Part 2,but now we will go into how we are changing Mesh Accuracy and Sound Fidelity.

    We expect the download size to be 7 GB with an estimated 3.6 GB of savings overall, meaning the game just got 3.6 GB smaller in file size! These numbers may vary slightly.

    Mesh Accuracy:
    A big part of the Ensmallening Part 3 is how Meshes are changing. Not only are we reducing filesize, we are also significantly improving quality.

    Look to this Before and After for the improvements you can expect:


    Take care to observe the eyes and mouth and ear details. Jagged details are widespread.

    Take care to see the improved contours and details across the Mesh. A much smoother finished piece!

    Sound Fidelity:
    This one is for the audiophiles!

    We are making some changes to the way we handle encoding of Warframe's audio. We are replacing xWMA with OPUS and a new ADPCM encoder! ADPCM will provide less noise and brighter mids. It also has improved spatialization so that the full audio mix just feels more alive.

    Here is a spectrum plot of sine sweep 20-20k with the new ADPCM encoder above the old. Much improved!


    In general, Opus will really improve the way you hear Warframe's accompanying music. We also expect this to improve general synchronization and any start up lag! Stay tuned for a future Devstream where we go over this in a bit more detail, too, for the audiophiles out there!

    DTLS Roll-Out

    We are testing some new network code out in this Hotfix. Even though we've tested it extensively on the Test Cluster we need more coverage!

    The primary goal of these changes is to improve networking for Xbox players by replacing some proprietary network code; when these changes make it to Xbox they will enable our automatic proxy service that already helps players with Strict NAT and other network problems on other platforms (this is something we've wanted to get to Xbox players for a long time).

    The added advantage of this new code is that it should be more secure and more robust on networks that corrupt network packets (we already defend against this to some degree but the new code is more thorough). This won't make your ping any better but if something is mangling network packets we might be able to avoid it causing bugs in the game.

    We'll be monitoring the roll-out closely and will be able to disable quickly if we encounter problems. Please comment any related issues you have in this thread - thanks!


    • Reduced the number of DirectX12 micro-stutters that would occur mostly right after loading into a new area.

    • Optimized download speed for fresh installs from the Epic Online Store or from the stand-alone installer.

    • Made some micro-optimizations to rendering on all platforms.

    • Made micro-optimizations to DirectX 11 and DirectX 12 rendering.

    • Optimized away several MB of memory used by DirectX 11 to track shaders.

    • Optimized away 7 MB of memory used by DirectX 12 to track shaders.

    • Optimized DirectX 12 shader memory footprint and run-time performance.

    • Fixed memory leak that would occur when running the Enhanced Rendering in DirectX 12.


    • Lavos/Cedo and their parts can now be purchased from Father's Wares for Entrati Standing:

      • Lavos Blueprint: Rank 2 - Acquaintance
      • Lavos Chassis/Neuroptics/Systems: Rank 3 - Associate
      • Cedo Blueprint: Rank 4 - Friend
      • Cedo Barrel/Receiver/Stock: Rank 5 - Family*
    • Added missing Orphix Venom Leaderboards to the Archived section.


    • Added a confirmation prompt when selecting to 'REMOVE ALL' Mods in the Upgrade screen to alleviate accidental removals.

      • Accidental removal happened quite frequently when using a controller due to the button to remove a single Mod and all Mods are the same, and is dependent on whether your controller cursor is over a Mod at the time.
    • Tweaked Kuva Lich login Transmission probably so they don't play at each login.

    • Minor improvements for the Cedo firing animations.


    • Fixed inability to use Railjack navigation if the mission failed.

    • Fixed Fishing breaking when putting away the Fishing Spear in certain conditions.

    • Fixed Transferring to Operator being temporarily blocked by Warframe landing a Bullet Jump.

    • Fixed zero Damage numbers appearing for unranked Stahlta primary fire.

    • Fixed Stahlta Alt Fire bolts not exploding from Mirage's Hall of Mirror clones when the Unreal Shock Rifle Skin is equipped.

    • Fixed visual bug where the player firing the Stahltas Alt Fire appears to fire indefinitely if the Unreal Shock Rifle Skin is equipped.

    • Fixed ability to fire equipped weapons during Wisp's Sol Gate when the Helminth ability Empower is cast prior.

    • Fixed 'Rank Up' HUD not displaying specific item or level while piloting a Necramech.

    • Fixed bindings that have multiple entries showing in the incorrect order (i.e. Ability A would show NUM1 instead of 1 in the Railjack HUD as well as in the keyboard bindings screen).

    • Fixed Deimos Isolation Vault Bounties displaying with "no expiry", when in reality, the rewards do rotate (like the normal Bounties do).

    • Fixed Necramech waypoint not being the standard numbered waypoint.

    • Fixed Bonewidow's shield appearing on other Necramechs in the Arsenal if you were just looking at Bonewidow and it had a Skin equipped.

    • Fixed Eudico's "reveal" not appearing for her Transmissions despite Old Mate Syndicate Ranking.

    • Fixed missing Hecaton Shotgun Skin reload animation when equipped on the Cedo.

    • Fixed Pending Friends list not initially showing Mastery Ranks.

    • Fixed Star Chart music playing underneath End of Mission rewards screen.

    • Fixed enemy ship sounds playing over Quest cinematics.

    • Fixed Codex mission icons having icon transparency where unexpected.

    • Fixed the Chat window rendering behind The Index Mission Progress screen.

    • Fixed autocomplete showing the hint and text you typed, instead of just showing one.

    • Fixed another case of Terlyast spawn sound persisting when returning to Plains of eidolon from Cetus after spawn has started.

    • Fixed typo in the Mastery Rank Inbox message.

    • Fixed script error that could occur if you died while Fishing.

    This action was performed automatically, if you see any mistakes, please tag /u/desmaraisp, he'll fix them. Here is my github

    submitted by /u/CephalonAhmes
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    Anybody else getting massive stuttering after the update?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:51 AM PST

    I went from getting a consistent 120+ FPS to seeing sudden, unexplained drops to under 100, along with micro-stutter.

    Tested so far:


    Neptune, Kelashin

    Neptune, Nereid (This is particularly awful. I'll go from a steady 170+ FPS to ~100)

    EDIT 1: as was announced ingame and brought to my attention by a couple of people, the update defaulted everybody to DX12. Try changing your settings to DX11 in the launcher and see if it helps. In my case, it reduced stuttering overall and eliminated most of the microstutter that I've noticed. However, I still have a few instances of noticeable stutter that was not there pre-update.

    These cases seem to be when I first load into my orbiter after launching the game, when I first load into a mission, and when I first see enemies.

    EDIT 2: second update appears to have resolved all lingering issues.

    submitted by /u/MidnightManifesto
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    Cedo signature weapon mechanic is a detriment

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 04:59 PM PST

    Small nitpick but the ammo mutation ability on the Cedo when wielded by lavos seems to be a detriment when using his 3rd ability.

    If you dont know what a signature weapon is some weapons have a small bonus when wield by the frame they came with. For lavos its Cedo for Protea its the Velox ETC there's a list of them here: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Signature_Weapon

    For the Velox it just makes its ammo efficiency go from 20% to 40% which can only be considered a positive improvement as with the rest of the buffs from signature weapon list.

    But the Cedo shotguns ammo mutator is very small by itself only gaining 1 and 4 ammo from most drops. Lavos 3rd ability transmute turns each ammo drop into an omni ammo box giving 10% of maximum ammo back which for the Cedo is 20 rounds.

    Due to low numbers the ammo mutator essential makes Cedo eat ammo boxes that lavos could of used transmute on for more ammo. The only way I could see this being utilized was if the transmute ability was subsumed for something else but given how lavos is designed I don't think any sane person would do that.

    I think something like a small buff to the CO effect or innate multishot buff for more glaives would be better. Id even take faster reload or more firerate just not the ammo mutator

    tl:dr: ammo mutator bad needs a better signature passive

    submitted by /u/klokw3rk
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