• Breaking News

    Warframe Objective too boring, pls make us exterminate less enemies.

    Warframe Objective too boring, pls make us exterminate less enemies.

    Objective too boring, pls make us exterminate less enemies.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:18 AM PDT

    Loving the new update, DE

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:16 AM PDT

    Chroma as Godzilla

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 01:13 AM PDT

    My RJ spawned inside asteroid and can't move. We completed the mission with archwing :(

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 12:36 PM PDT

    The "Vauban Workout" (u 29.10.2)

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    Valkitty - art ive created, ��

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 12:46 PM PDT

    "On-Call" Crew members should stay more than three minutes

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:51 AM PDT

    Seriously, this is a Rank 9 ability in Command. Why does my crew member stay for only three minutes on a timer (meaning a 7 minute cooldown at minimum), while my specter - whom I can build in the first three hours of playing the game - can stay up indefinitely?

    Please change this, DE. I love my crew. Why won't you let me use them?

    submitted by /u/Sitchrea
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    Fun acolyte kill.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    Railjack defense - Civilian ship

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 06:14 PM PDT

    We are always slaughtering people, why not defend some civilians for a change? Railjack defense should be on some civilian ship with people / some VIP hidden behind energy field within the ship. They might give out a distress call that tenno would be responding to. Once in a mission, they would tell you that their ship is being boarded and that their shield generator within the ship is exposed so they need help immediately. You might even need to defend both on the inside and outside. On the outside there would be occasional crew ships, fighters and multitudes of heavily armored shuttles, maybe resistant to immobilizing effects (or they would be jamming your Railjack battle mods for the short time), which would be coming from the capital ship to board the civilian ship. And once some of those parties would get inside the ship, there would be players defending the shield generator.

    Maybe additional capital ship could arrive every 10 waves and there could be maximum of 40 waves, after which they would give up. It could be pretty difficult to do all 40 waves, since you would need to protect both objective and your Railjack - there could be a higher chance of fire/ice hazards, breaches etc. later on. For you to leave earlier, you might need to do a small side mission, which would be available immediately - ie board enemy crew ship to get a part of engine generator to repair engines of the civilian ship, so they could jump to safety. But the mission itself would still need at least 5 waves to complete the repairs.

    submitted by /u/Neuro_01
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    Railjack Piloting 10 Intrinsic should allow use of Artillery from the pilot seat

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:10 PM PDT


    Edit: Gunnery, I meant Gunnery 10, not Piloting 10 (stupid brain)

    submitted by /u/Solgleam
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    First Attempt at Rendering the Liset Landing Craft. Feedback is Welcome :).

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    Sometimes you have to try and draw something, completely different

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:42 PM PDT

    Why can I choose sigils as my secondary face?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:15 AM PDT

    Just wish DE would allow me to buy the rest of the collection for less plat instead of blocking me from buying it (almost all collections are doing this to me and it's very annoying!)

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    Warframe is just amazing

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    After the initial success of Destiny 1 I got hyped and bought the Deluxe Destiny 2 Edition for PC. After merely 30 hours I was done and never looked back.

    Now I tried the Outrider Demo and while the graphics are stunning it's just another sad boring copy of Destiny. Don't know what I expected to begin with.

    The only game comparable I still played was the fantastic Revenant: From The Ashes. While this one strays even further from Destiny and in Extension Warframe it still matches the gameplay somewhat.

    Now 5 years and 2200 hours into Warframe it managed to remain unique and the best game of it's kind. No triple A that was even remotely in the same genre or whatever the media tried to link to it came close to all the amazing shit this game does on a regular basis.

    God I love Warframe <3

    submitted by /u/Ar2rias9
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    There's a disappointing lack of gameplay in your railjack in the new "improved" railjack missions

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 03:42 PM PDT

    None of the new railjack missions have any actual railjack content. Like what's the point of owning this space ship if i don't really ever get to do cool spaceship things! I'd still rather do gian point all day with 0 rewards over any of the new "Improved" mission types.

    I mean there were so many cool things they could have done to make Interactive Railjack Content, Like a 2 Prong Defense Objective where you are protecting both an object on your railjack from corpus invaders getting teleported on through special boarding tubes while fighting off fighters/crewships/larger scarier crewship variants(frigates?) from destroying your railjack.

    or a Railjack Pursuit or Rush Variant.

    a railjack mobile survival where you just have an endless dogfight with progressively more and larger ships where you have to send out boarders to steal resources from merchent trader ships for bonus rotation rewards.

    Or a actual Large scale ship battle where you take on one of the Large ships from the outside

    There's just so many other things that could have been done instead of just taxi to ship to do normal mission in new themed tileset.

    (As a side note i'm also dissatisfied with the way the reworks have progressively removed all sorts of interactive gameplay from railjack by removing the threat from multiple hazards/fighters/spawn rates/hazard damage/mission targets I highly enjoyed the first few weeks of railjack where you actually had to work as a team swapping roles to complete missions.)

    submitted by /u/Sethazora
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    Hey DE, can you change colours of this numbers in a Stalker Theme? It's pretty much unreadable now and everything was cool before the update.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 02:10 AM PDT

    Zephyr should be able to adjust her flight height with crouch and jump key

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 03:58 PM PDT

    I really like the rework, it's good and I get that Zephyr isn't supposed to be just another Titania but I think it's very annoying when you hold her 1st ability you can't really adjust her height and get stuck way too easily.

    submitted by /u/UnZki_PriimE
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    Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack: Hotfix 29.10.3

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:32 AM PDT


    Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack: Hotfix 29.10.3

    Our team is working on fixes of all kinds for our third Hotfix since Friday's release. While we focus on fixes and functionality, we will be reading and collecting feedback in parallel for review and discussion.

    As we continue to read Feedback and collect Bugs, our public Trello board will be updated: https://trello.com/b/K34ACrAu/pc-update-29100-bug-feedback-tracking

    Railjack Changes & Fixes:

    • Added new objective marker icon for Optional Railjack objectives to help differentiate them from core mission objectives.

    • The Railjack Tactical Menu teleport markers now display their respective location names (Bridge, Forge, etc).

    • Reduced the exploding FX alive time for the Crewship interior to prevent possibly leaking FX and constant screen shaking.

    • Increased camera zoom and rotations on the Corpus Crewship.

    • Fixed rare DirectX 12 crash occurring when viewing the Intrinsics screen.

    • Fixed a rare crash related to loading into a Railjack mission and a Crewship spawned.

    • Fixed crashing upon having Crew members Repair at the same time that the Railjack reaches Critical Breach failure.

    • Fixed a crash occurring when using the Archwing Slingshot.

    • Fixed crashing during the Railjack space loading tunnel.

    • Fixed a functionality loss that could happen if the player aborted mid-mounting of a Turret.

    • Fixed Corpus Gox and Weaver Railjack enemies not dropping their Wreckage rewards if killed by the Railjack. If Gox was killed by a player in Archwing the reward was given successfully.

      • This also fixes the actual reward drop not having the proper purple marker.
    • Fixed Onslaught Matrix stacking when you repeatedly equip it in the Plexus.

    • Fixed Ordnance and Forward Artillery becoming locked up and not firing due to Fire Hazards on the Railjack.

    • Fixed Client Railjack Ammo not receiving full ammo load at mission start if you launch a mission from the Dojo

      • Not yet resolved for launching a mission from the Orbiter.
    • Fixed double Host migrations resulting in the remaining players to be teleported to the Capital Ship as the Operator.

    • Fixed Channeled Warframe Abilities (Oberon's Renewal, etc) gaining Energy through Energy regeneration through Zenurik Energizing Dash or Energy Siphon. As per the norm, Energy regeneration is blocked if you are Channeling an Ability.

    • Fixed Forward Artillery parts disappearing when mounted.

    • Fixed Carcinnox, Cryophon, and Laith shooting with about half the frequency of its potential when manned by a Crew member.

    • Fixed being in your Necramech when Transferring to your Operator right as you exited the Railjack.

    • Fixed Railjack piloted by a Crew member staying stationary in Multiplayer if some players are on the Railjack and others are outside

    • Fixed Railjack Crew members still talking after they've died.

    • Fixed ability to activate Railjack Battle Mods while in the space loading tunnel.

    • Fixed Railjack stats using the wrong Damage types when equipped with the Orgone Tuning Matrix.

    • Fixed some Crew members aligned with Perrin Sequence having their default Bo weapon sticking through their body.

    • Fixed the Tactical Menu Crew Role selection not filling the screen when using reduced Menu Scale.

    • Fixed Crew role option appearing for Kiva Lich crewmates in the Tactical Menu.

    • Fixed Railjack Turrets not showing dynamic Energy cost for Battle Mods.

    • Fixed Railjack node 'Arc Silver' missing the small diamond marker in the Star Chart.

    • Fixed missing UI when 2 different Railjack objectives are happening at the same time.

    • Fixed Research 'prerequisite' label not being localized.

    • Fixed a script error that would occur when entering the Railjack space loading tunnel and leaving certain types of Corpus hazards behind.

    • Fixed a script error when attempting to pilot an enemy Corpus Crewship.

    • Fixed a rare script error occurring when returning to the Dry Dock as a Client.


    • 2 new Kuva Lich personalities have snuck their way into the game ahead of schedule! Enjoy these new taunts, introductions, and general Lich insults from your next 2 besties!

      • Also fixes incorrect subtitles for some Kuva Lich barks.

    Changes :

    • Removed Thai localization option from the Launcher - it will be live when it's ready!


    • Made a micro-optimization to Affinity notifications.

    Fixes :

    • Fixed becoming stuck on the End of Mission screen after a mission due to Host/Client attempting disconnects at the same time.

    • Fixed a few rare DirectX 12 crashes.

    • Fixed a crash that could occur when Alt-Tabbing out of the game during a Sanctuary Onslaught mission.

    • Fixed a crash that could occur after completing a Bounty.

    • Fixed Necramech Exalted weapon (Arquebex, Iron Bride) not accumulating Affinity.

      • Still investigating said Affinity not appearing in the End of Mission screen (UI bug).
    • Fixed Codex scans not registering if you had a Vulpaphyla/Predasite equipped.

    • Fixed the Bubonico having extra large projectiles if they hit scaled up enemies (Exploiter Orb).

    • Fixed inability to Trade the Athodai Blueprint and its components.

    • Fixed inability to Trade the Nautilus Blueprint.

    • Fixed jagged edges on the Zephyr Harrier Skin.

    • Fixed the Sortie 'Missions Completed' counter in the World State Window not functioning correctly.

    • Fixed Bonus Void Trace icon in the Void Fissure Reward selection screen being tinted the wrong color.

    • Fixed the chosen Energy color not applying properly to double jump/bullet jump/etc FX.

    • Fixed greeting dialog for Hai-Luk, Suumbaat, Nakak and Teasonai following the player when leaving the merchant instead of playing positionally.

    • Fixed some sounds continuing to play when closing Nightwave dioramas quickly after opening.

    • Fixed volume levels being held down too long after leaving the Arsenal menu.

    • Fixed a script error that could occur when joining a someone doing the Mask of the Revenant Quest.

    • Fixed a script error if a Kuva Lich tried to play his "fear of space travel" reaction outside of a mission.

    • Fixed a likely harmless script error that could occur after defeating the Exploiter Orb.

    Missed Fix from Hotfix 29.10.2

    • Fixed respective Railjack node not unlocking after completing the Arc Silver Defense node.

    This action was performed automatically, if you see any mistakes, please tag /u/desmaraisp, he'll fix them. Here is my github

    submitted by /u/CephalonAhmes
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    Quickview into Corpus Proxima POIs / Dungeons

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 03:13 PM PDT

    The new Corpus Proximas have plenty of interesting and different locations to explore.

    What I've gathered in the last few days across bucket load of mission runs; there are at least 7 unique Point of Interests (POI) + 3 different Loot Dungeons.

    List of POIs

    • Freightlinker

    • Overshield Array/Beacon

    • Cyclops Array

    • Autofactory

    • Carrier Platform

    • Anchor Field / Crewship depot

    • IceDriver

    List of Loot Dungeons

    • Orokin Derelict (Corpus)

    • Ice Mine

    • Derelict FreightLinker

    Location Descriptions by objective type

    Fast Mobile Defence Type POIs

    • 30s per 'defend a console' to decouple a section of the structure, 2 consoles

    • Kill Captain (Optio) and access console

    • 90 second completion time on average


    • Defence room, mind the gap

      • If you jump off ship between carts after decoupling you can get back inside from the same gap / between the decoupled carts, while the original entry door is now disabled
    • Launches RamSleds that carry Aurax Troops

    Overshield Array

    • Applies Overshield pulses for all units in huge AOE

    • Big dynamic lighting/electrical hazards inside emitting from the core

    'Kill Jamming Drones' POIs

    • 'Hacking...' objective with Jamming Drones

    • Kill Optio or Tarask Bursa and activate console

    • 2-3min completion time on average

    Cyclops Array


    Carrier Platform

    • Fighter Jet launch hangar inside
    • Outside mechanics bugged? Should spawn Aurax Fighters(?) but currently not doing anything.

    Anchor Field / Crewship depot

    • Screenshots from inside 1, 2
    • Holds Aurax (Taro) Crewship in protective energyfield until POI completion or releases it for combat after a few minutes. Generates new crewships if previous one is destroyed.


    • Ice mining rig with Comet Shard production line
    • Attacks RJ with Comet Shard projectiles instead of RamSleds. Freezes your RJ over almost completely halting all movement. Cy will thaw the ship while you're crippled which will take a rather long time.

    Loot Dungeons

    • Hack a single console inside and exit.
    • 30 to 60s completion time on average.

    Orokin Shield Derelict

    Ice Mine

    • Only seen in Neptune Proxima

    • Has 3 different model variants 1, 2, 3, that I found at least

    • Icy caverns with a few bigger tiles

    • Droptable includes 'Nautilus' sentinel

    • Possibly protected by Cannon Batteries

    Derelict Freightlinker

    • Only seen in Pluto/Veil Proxima

    • Very familiar to pristine Freightlinker

    • Droptable includes 'Carmine Penta' primary

    • 5 to 30s completion time on average, sometimes you get lucky with the console location.

    Also loot has been placed more 'clustered' in Corpus Proximas rather than across the entire map between dozens of asteroids.

    In the Veil you can find a Derelict Railjack, which cannot be interacted with.

    Most of the POIs have static tile layouts with the exception of IceDriver, where the ice caverns upstairs are procedurally selected between the 6 entry doors. Most often there are 2 loops (which is practically unheard of in warframe with procedural tiles), 1 dead end with varying lengths and 1 door that is always locked.

    Orokin Derelict and Ice Mines are traditionally procedural while the Derelict Freightlinker is always static.

    I hope you find this list useful.

    Edit: Fixed formatting, a link, grammar/descriptions

    submitted by /u/-Zr-Scroll
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    The camera suddenly went down and focused on my crewmates crotch while I was customizing him ��

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:03 PM PDT

    Tested out remote casting with Railjack tactics. Cast Celestial Twin remotely, then normally. Ladies and gentlemen: One Plus Twukong

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 11:20 AM PDT

    I couldn’t decide which skin so I put them all together!

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:53 PM PDT

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