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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    This thread is for sharing your Warframe experiences and good or bad luck. Experiences can be shared any day of the week!

    Whether you praise the Void or curse RNGesus, everyone here can sympathize; share any experiences that you've had in Warframe that you want! You can also freely share things that are listed as "disallowed posts" here.

    Comments are sorted by new by default! And remember...

    Experiences can be shared any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The true warframe.market experience

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 05:09 PM PDT

    DE were very generous with the new Railjack rewards

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 12:27 PM PDT

    Corpus Obelisks have a fast food joint staffed by roombas

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 08:29 AM PDT

    DE, don't hire that other guy for UI design

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 05:42 PM PDT

    I got the limited edition Plexus or something?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 05:40 AM PDT

    How to translate Warframe's gamemodes to Railjack (And improve the current ones)

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 04:03 PM PDT


    • Mission contains a fortified enemy vessel
    • Players must infiltrate the ship and capture its captain
      • Captains will be both well defended and well armed, making this gamemode similar to an assassination
    • Ships will have defensive objectives that provides them with buffs:
      • MOA Factory (Corpus)
        • Provides MOAs to the Capital Ship via shuttle
        • Each shuttle that reaches the ship adds 5 MOAs to the ship
        • Shuttles can be destroyed, but are heavily shielded
        • Disabling the factory prevents more shuttles from being spawned
      • Munitions Dump (Grineer)
        • Provides the Galleon with munitions and armor via shuttle
        • Each shuttle that reaches the ship upgrades 10 Grineer to Elite variants
        • Shuttles can be destroyed, but are heavily armored
        • Destroying the depot prevents more shuttles from being launched
    • The mission is considered complete once the captain has been captured
    • Captains drop their credentials upon defeat, which can be used to access the mission's dungeon
      • Dungeons contain exclusive rewards from a separate item pool

    This should've been in Corpus Proxima at launch, not Defense. They made the Corpus Captains into such spoiled, whiny brats, and never gave us the opportunity to take them down a peg. C'mon. Also, adding secondary objectives that effect the boarding portion of the mission, not the Railjack half, could also make them feel a lot more important. Right now, Railjack gameplay and the Railjack objectives are completely separate. If they aren't gonna be brought together, this could at least make the secondary objectives feel like an investment into a faster mission.


    • Mission contains a vulnerable enemy structure, which varies based on the faction:
      • Corpus missions involve battle-damaged capital ships
      • Grineer missions involve Fomorians
      • Veil Nebula involves the Sentient Murex
        • The Murex turns every node it invades into an assault mission
    • Players are tasked with crippling the target's defenses with their Railjack, then destroying its core using the Archwing
      • The Murex is an exception to this, as players board the ship after disabling its defenses
    • No alternate objectives spawn in this gamemode
      • Players receive a bonus reward if the mission is completed in under 5 minutes

    Assault is such an underused gamemode. It's a lot of fun, but it only shows up on one node. Archwing Sabotage is also a fun gamemode, and I'm pretty sure that it's gonna get removed soon. Adding Archwing Sabotage to Railjack as an Assault mission would preserve the gamemode, and give players a reason to use their Archwing beyond shuttling between objectives. That being said, this could just be considered a Sabotage, but the point of Assault is that it's a very complicated sabotage. Also, I think this could work as a fast mission, since it revolves heavily around the Archwings.

    Defense (Grineer)

    • Mission contains a Grineer Galleon that must be infiltrated
    • Once inside, players must defend a vat of enhanced Grineer genetics as Cy pollutes it
      • Tyl Regor's supersoldier formula is nearly impossible to destroy, making corruption the only way to stop the Grineer from utilizing it
    • During the mission, the Grineer will call for reinforcements
      • If reinforcements are allowed to board, then they will assist their faction in attacking the Tenno, extending the wave
      • Reinforcements can be killed in transit by the Railjack
    • The ship's captain will join their forces during the 20th wave as a mini boss, dropping credentials upon defeat
      • Credentials can be used to enter the mission's dungeon, available after players extract from the ship
    • Every 5 waves counts as a rotation
    • Rewards are the same for each node, but with different rotations
      • Rewards on Earth are AABC
      • Rewards on Saturn are BBAC
      • Rewards on Uranus are CCAB (I know Uranus Proxima is coming)
      • Rewards in Veil are AABBCCCC...
    • Between rounds, the Grineer will withdraw and regroup, giving players a brief reprise
      • Reactivating the objective begins the next 5 waves

    Railjack Defense currently has two big problems. One, it still involves the cryo pod. Two, players have no reason to use the Railjack. I saw people recommending that Railjack Defense be converted into something akin to Archwing's Mobile Defense, but I think that this would be a good compromise. Also, using the rotation system introduced in Orphix Venom could encourage players to travel to different mission nodes, depending upon what they need.


    • Mission contains an enemy vessel that must be captured
    • Players must eliminate the majority of enemies aboard the enemy ship by any means
    • Ships will have defensive objectives that provides them with buffs:
      • MOA Factory (Corpus)
        • Provides MOAs to the Capital Ship via shuttle
        • Each shuttle that reaches the ship increases the number of kills required by 10, and adds 10 MOAs to the enemy pool
        • Shuttles can be destroyed, but are heavily shielded
        • Disabling the factory prevents more shuttles from being spawned
      • Munitions Dump (Grineer)
        • Provides the Galleon with munitions and armor via shuttle
        • Each shuttle that reaches the ship upgrades 10 Grineer to Elite variants
        • Shuttles can be destroyed, but are heavily armored
        • Destroying the depot prevents more shuttles from being launched

    I know in this update that the developers want to make Railjack a gateway to the core gamemodes, but a lot of people want to see the Railjack in a more important position. I think this would be a happy medium, since it gives players more options. Half the team can clear out the ship while the other half prevent any shuttles from arriving, the team can destroy the secondary objectives before entering the ship to make the exterminate faster, or they can just make a B-line straight for the ship and deal with the supply shuttles as they come. Railjack should be all about organization and options.

    Defection (Grineer)

    • Mission involves a derelict Galleon full of Grineer defectors
    • An infestation outbreak has trapped them within their ship, and the Tenno have been called to evacuate as many as possible
    • No enemies will spawn until players enter the Galleon
    • The Railjack team is designated to defend the Galleon from Grineer attackers, who are attempting to erase any evidence of defection
      • The Grineer will launch Ramsleds at the Galleon, flooding it with Manics and other troopers
      • Ramsleds can be intercepted by the Railjack
    • Players within the Galleon are tasked with escorting the Defectors to the hangar, where they can escape using the Galleon's Crewships
    • Defectors can be called out of hiding using terminals, and will follow the nearest player
      • Defectors will move faster if a player is ahead of them
    • The infested will use corrosive spores to reduce the Defectors' ARMOR, making them more vulnerable to damage over time
      • Antifungal dispensers can be used to reverse the damage, but they require power cells to activate
      • The Railjack team can hault spore production by destroying cysts on the exterior of the Galleon
    • Escaped Defectors will assist the Railjack in defending the Galleon
      • Up to 3 Defector crew ships can be active at a time
      • Additional crew ships will replace the weakest one
    • Each Crewship launched counts as a completed wave
    • Rewards are determined by the number of Defectors aboard each Crewship
      • 1-2 survivors grants a reward from A rotation
      • 3 survivors grants a reward from A and B rotation
      • 4 survivors grants a reward from A, B and C rotation
    • Players can leave the mission as soon as one defector squad is rescued

    Yes, Defection. With the new ally AI they made for Command intrinsics, there's no longer an excuse for this gamemode to be such dogshit. Adding Defection to Railjack would be a good way to showcase the improved AI, and it would make Harrow's grind a lot more fun.


    • Mission contains an enemy hangar and a void rift
    • Players must eliminate the hangar's protections, then infiltrate it
    • An experimental enemy crewship is contained within, and must be freed from its moorings
      • The crewship has enhanced movement speed compared to other crewships, but the helm is unarmed
      • Capturing the vessel rewards an item from the mission's prize pool
    • Once captured, players have the option to destroy the vessel, or secure it
    • The only way to secure the vessel is to navigate it to the safety of the void rift, using the Railjack to protect it
    • As players approach the rift, enemy ships will be corrupted by it
      • Corrupted ships are much stronger, but attack indiscriminately
    • Securing the crewship rewards a second item from the prize pool

    I noticed that they added an aura mod that buffs Crewship speeds, but didn't add any other incentives to flying crewships over a kitted-out railjack. I think this could be an interesting gamemode, and a way to directly show players how to hijack a Crewship.

    Interception (Corpus)

    • Mission contains a Corpus Capital Ship that must be infiltrated
    • Once inside, players must defend a collection of Corpus terminals as Cy hacks them
      • The particular ship players are raiding contains a Corpus stock exchange, which Cy can use to intercept and alter Corpus transactions
      • Corpus crewmen will attempt to recapture the terminals to lock Cy out of the system
    • During the mission, the Corpus will call for reinforcements
      • If reinforcements are allowed to board, then they will assist in attacking the terminals, making it harder to defend them all
      • Reinforcements can be killed in transit by the Railjack
    • The ship's captain will join their forces during the 20th wave as a mini boss, dropping credentials upon defeat
      • Credentials can be used to enter the mission's dungeon, available after players extract from the ship
    • Every 5 waves counts as a rotation
    • Rewards are the same for each node, but with different rotations
      • Rewards on Venus are AABC
      • Rewards on Neptune are BBAC
      • Rewards on Pluto are CCAB
      • Rewards in Veil are AABBCCCC...
    • Between rounds, the Corpus will withdraw and regroup, giving players a brief reprise
      • Reactivating the objective begins the next 5 waves

    The Corpus Ship Defense is just too slow for Railjack's fast-paced gameplay. I've noticed that they improved the enemy pathfinding on that level, but there's still a lot of things that can slow you down, like the giant elevator the cryo pod might take. Interception, however, is a lot of fun on the Corpus Ship. Changing the stakes from trying to rescue a cryo pod to liquidating the Corpus Captain's portfolio is also a much better motivator, and lets players walk away at any time without feeling like they've lost.


    • Missions only contain a Grineer galleon/Corpus capital ship, as well as a Sentient Murex
    • The Murex will dispatch Orphix sleds to take control of the enemy vessel
      • Orphix are fully vulnerable while traveling to the enemy ship, but are protected by Sentient fighters
      • 2 are dispatched at a time
      • Grineer/Corpus fighters attack indiscriminately, but prioritize Orphixes
    • Each Orphix that reaches the enemy vessel increases Sentient control by 0.2% per second per Orphix
    • Players can infiltrate the ship to destroy any Orphix that have taken root, but a Necramech is necessary to do so
    • Every 3 Orphix count as a rotation
    • Rotations are AABC
      • C rotation contains Eidolon Arcanes
    • If Sentient control reaches 100%, Cephalon Cy will begin to overload the vessel's reactor to deny the Sentients their victory
      • Players have 2 minutes to destroy an Orphix
      • Reducing Sentient control stops the meltdown timer, but doesn't reduce it
    • Destroying 60 Orphix cause the Murex to become vulnerable, turning the mission into an Exterminate mission
      • Sterilizing the Murex rewards an arcane based on the current planet
        • Earth/Venus reward another common Arcane
        • Saturn/Neptune reward an uncommon Arcane
        • Uranus/Pluto reward a rare Arcane
        • Veil rewards a guaranteed primed Arcane
    • Mission is considered complete when either the enemy ship is destroyed, or the Murex is defeated
      • Failure occurs only if players are unable to destroy at least 3 Orphix

    When they added Orphix to Railjack, they made it both faster, and much harder. Veil Proxima Orphix is a particular challenge, even for a seasoned Necramech. The goal of my changes are to both add a reward for sticking around to the end, and to make the Railjack useful during the actual mission. Orphixes spawn rapidly now, so giving the Railjack the ability to slow them down, or even kill a bunch of them, could take the load off of the ground teams. It would also give players without a Necramech a better way to support their team, since the Rent-A-Mechs eventually become useless. Also, having Cy destroy the ship after failing also lets players say "I won" even though the Sentients gained control. They didn't save the ship, but they slowed down the Sentients.


    • Mission involves an enemy prison ship
    • Prisons have various external defenses that must be destroyed before they can be entered
    • Upon entering the prison, an execution timer begins, and is set at 5 minutes
    • Prisoners are loaned your Omni in order to escape, forcing players to return to the Railjack manually
    • Liberated prisoners join your crew as defenders and gunners until you return to a dry dock
      • Prisoners will relinquish their stations to dedicated crewmembers when necessary

    A high-stakes, fast paced jail break could be a lot of fun with the Railjack, and this mission could also be a way for players to get additional teammates aboard their ship if they haven't ranked up their Command intrinsics.


    • Mission involves an enemy ship trapped in an asteroid field
    • Players must infiltrate it and sabotage its reactor
    • Successfully sabotaging the reactor forces the ship to launch its Crewships to ferry the cargo to safety
      • 3 Crewships are launched during each wave
      • Each successful wave causes stronger Crewships to appear in the next wave
    • Rewards depend on the number of Crewships destroyed
      • The first Crewship rewards an item from A rotation
      • The second Crewship rewards an item from B rotation
      • The third Crewship rewards an item from C rotation
      • Failing to destroy any Crewships before they can escape the asteroid field marks the wave as a failure
    • Mission is considered complete when players fail 3 waves in a row

    Rush is a lot like Assault; it's really cool, and only shows up once. Rush is my favorite Archwing gamemode, and it sucks that it's not only locked to a single mission, but has no decent rewards to get. Tying this to Railjack could give this gamemode a second chance.

    Salvage (Infested)

    • Missions are set in dark sectors scattered across the solar system
      • There are 3 objectives in each mission
      • Open space is clear of hostiles while no objectives are active
    • Points of interest are infested variants of various normal locations, with new objectives:
      • Defeat an Infested bioweapon
        • Boss is either Phorid, the Hemocyte, or the Juggernaut Behemoth
        • Infested reinforcements are summoned to the boss's aid, but can be killed by the Railjack in transit
      • Recover a valuable cache from an Infested hive
        • Tumor nodes must be destroyed both inside and outside of the objective
        • Destroying the tumors makes the hive vulnerable
        • The hive generates more tumors when its health is reduced to half
      • Decrypt the lock on an enemy vault and take its contents
        • Activating the hack causes the infested to emit corrosive spores, lowering Warframe armor
        • The railjack can destroy organs on the outside of the objective to disrupt spore production
        • Some of the infested units had access to the vault when they were alive, and their keycards can be looted to speed up the hack
    • Unlike normal Railjack missions, each objective is optional, and there are no fail conditions
      • Completing one objective grants a reward from A rotation
      • Completing two objectives grants a reward from B rotation
      • Completing all objectives grants a reward from C rotation

    This is the most "out there" mission design on here, since this is an amalgam of Hive, Salvage, and Assassination. However, I really like the Infested, and would like to see them in Railjack beyond the Veil Proxima dungeons. Also, some infested missions like Jordas assassination could adapt to Railjack really well, at least as far as I know.


    • Missions are barren of capital ships or main objectives, and only require players to defeat a minimum number of fighters and crewships
      • The number of fighters that must be defeated varies, but is always between 76-85
      • 6 crewships must always be destroyed
    • 2 random points of interest will spawn and support enemy fighters, including:
      • Missile platforms
        • Fire missile barrages at the Railjack
      • Pulse turbines
        • Increase the damage of all enemies by 50%
        • Disrupts Railjack shields while nearby
      • Enemy base
        • Contains a captain boss
        • Allows enemies to fly in formation and strategize
      • Shipkiller platforms (Grineer)
        • Occasionally fires a powerful laser beam at the Railjack
      • Shield generator (Corpus)
        • Overshields enemies, and increases their shield's regeneration rate
    • Mission is considered officially complete when all objectives are completed, but players can travel to another mission as soon as the minimum number of fighters and crewships are defeated
      • Defeating all enemies rewards an item from A rotation
      • Destroying one objective rewards an item from B rotation
      • Destroying both objectives rewards an item from C rotation
      • Rewards are cumulative

    One of my favorite things about Corpus Railjack is that the secondary objectives are optional. The capital ship's priority one, but clearing out the secondary's can make the rest of the mission easier. That being said, there isn't much of an incentive to actually clear out those dungeons, since you only use the Railjack for 5-10 minutes. But this approach could be great for Skirmishes, where clearing out a dungeon can make the mission far shorter.


    • Mission is similar to a skirmish, but endless
      • Enemies will spawn constantly, and points of interest may warp in over time
    • Players must distract the enemy fleet while an allied supply convoy passes through unnoticed
    • The convoy takes 5 minutes to complete their journey, after which they reward the player with one of their wares
      • Convoys contain three spacecraft
      • Rarely, Baro Ki'Teer will join the convoy as a 4th traveler
      • This chance increases with each wave
    • In order to keep the convoy from being noticed, players must kill so many enemies per minute
      • Each ship killed increases attention by 5%
      • Each Crewship killed increases attention by 30%
      • Attention decays 1% every 2 seconds
      • Killing too few enemies will cause the Grineer/Corpus to open fire on the convoy
    • Every 15 minutes, a Galleon/Capital Ship will warp in
      • Capital ships will always appear during a Baro wave
    • Players can eliminate the vessel from the fight by sabotaging its reactor, maxing out their attention
      • No prep work is needed to enter the ship
    • Rewards depend upon the number of surviving ships
      • One ship gives an item from A rotation
      • Two give an item from A and B rotation
      • Three give an item from A, B and C rotation
      • Baro provides a random, vaulted relic
      • Failing to protect any ships fails the round
    • Failing three rounds in a row ends the mission

    Idea by u/The_Starfighter. Didn't realize how well Survival could work until they laid it out for me. I added the Baro stuff because I could definitely see him taking advantage of an easy trade route, plus it would incentivize players to stick around for longer.

    Volatile (Corpus)

    This gamemode is perfect as it is and needs no changes. Volatile's a blast, really.

    submitted by /u/Luke-HW
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    Doing Lua missions in a nutshell

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    I'm always surprised by how many people don't know this

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 07:50 PM PDT

    Bosses, Quick Guide

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 09:34 PM PDT

    When I click off and back on a turret, the overall damage keeps increasing by its initial value. Behold, my 1 million damage Pulsar that'll one-shot Erra himself.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    Mag | Short Circuit

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 07:38 PM PDT

    I think I made it worse

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 01:35 PM PDT

    One of my favorite screenshots of my current Nidus loadout

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 05:40 PM PDT

    Can we please be able to reduce the wear on the railjack interior?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    I personally like to keep my orbiter and railjack exterior in pristine condition because it looks nice, so I'm just wondering if we could be able to do the same for the railjack interiors.

    submitted by /u/Cheezi-Boig-gang
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    nezha's ringfit adventure!

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 06:24 PM PDT

    Is this is what the Aurax Vertec's weapon was based on?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 01:15 PM PDT

    Ladies and gentleman, Wil, the life ender.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 02:35 AM PDT

    solo railjack is comfy

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 06:44 AM PDT

    [Tenno Tidbit Comic] Railjack Woes

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    Some of you need to chill whit the horninest

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    Since fashion in mission end screen became a thing, I sure hope this old screenshot of mine becomes a feature too: Captura in profile display

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 05:36 AM PDT

    (Inspired by F-ZERO's Blue Falcon) Zephyr Harrier

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 07:11 PM PDT

    It would seems that the Arbiters of Hexis know more about the true identity of the Tenno than most people in the Origin System. Fitting I suppose, for the Syndicate that is all about seeking the truth.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 05:38 AM PDT

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