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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Warframe Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 08:00 AM PST

    This thread is for sharing your Warframe experiences and good or bad luck. Experiences can be shared any day of the week!

    Whether you praise the Void or curse RNGesus, everyone here can sympathize; share any experiences that you've had in Warframe that you want! You can also freely share things that are listed as "disallowed posts" here.

    Comments are sorted by new by default! And remember...

    Experiences can be shared any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Per the Dev Workshop: Stop giving permanent upgrades downsides

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 01:37 PM PST

    Gundam WF-08 Volt Arca

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 01:34 PM PST

    Dev Workshop: Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 12:03 PM PST


    Web Source: https://www.warframe.com/news/dev-workshop-update-29100-corpus-proxima-the-new-railjack


    The next Update we deploy on PC will be Update 29.10.0: Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack. This Update touches virtually every part of Railjack, and in our longest Dev Workshop to date we will be telling you what's changing and why. Get comfy, dreamers.

    Warframe has several key strengths that have helped it stand the test of time in the world of video games. One of these strengths is a sense of "flow"; blade and gun blend together, and mission objectives are clear, challenging reflexes and awareness. From your first foray into the Star Chart, mission progress flows into Junction progress, leading to Questlines and other systems opening up naturally.

    Enter Railjack. Technology from the Old War that when wielded today, could take all of Warframe's combat to Orbit. We tried many things that were different from the norm. While some elements did offer a unique spin on the existing formula, it was not for everybody, and many complaints cited the amount of separation from the main game as a negative. And we agree. To quote the venerable Cephalon Cy: We have work to do.

    As we revisit Railjack in 2021, our overall goal is to simplify these points of friction, better integrating Warframe's signature "flow". This flow has evolved over the years for core Warframe, thanks in no small part to our continuous overhauls and revisits. From 'Bullet Jumping' to 'The Sword Alone', our path is rarely straight forward. If any Tenno out there chose to customize their Railjack Ship and name it 'Theseus', you may be onto something.

    What is 'The New Railjack'? The name is deceivingly simple. The depth will be explored in this workshop below, indexed by the way you will interact with it. Everything here is subject to change.

    1. What will happen on login?

    More Accessible
    Avionics to Mods
    Meet The 'Plexus'
    Dirac to Endo
    Intrinsics 2.0 - Re-spec your Intrinsics!
    Command Intrinsic
    New Railjack Component: Hull
    Wreckage Cost Changes
    Early Adopters
    Streamlined Matchmaking (obey normal rules!)

    2. What's different in missions?
    New Railjack Layout (smaller interior).
    Stamina is gone!
    Individual resource pools.
    Malfunctions and Hazards
    Unified Damage Types
    Node changes

    3. What will keep me playing?
    Corpus Railjack
    New Missions

    4. What Comes Next?
    Void Storms and Relics!
    Update 30: Call of the Tempestarii
    A better foundation for Update 30 and beyond.

    What will happen on login?

    More Accessible:

    First thing's first: if you have yet to build your Railjack as part of the Rising Tide Quest, the cost of ship components and the time it takes for each one to build has been dramatically reduced (the difference in cost will be part of our early adopter compensation below). Simply put: less Grind.

    If you'd rather just jump straight into the action, a fully built Railjack will also be available through the Market for Platinum in the new Railjack category. Maybe you've noticed a pattern - when we released Necramechs, we didn't sell them for Platinum at launch either. Their Market appearance came many months later with Orphix Venom. It's almost paradoxical that as a Free to Play game we don't put these new items in the Market. There really isn't a good reason, either, and players with Platinum - whether bought or traded - really have made it clear they'd like the option to buy new items. And now the option is there. And if you want to go the free path, it's easier with less resources required.

    Avionics to Mods

    Now let's talk AVIONICS. Before you even think of departing, you'll want to revisit your Railjack's Avionics, which have been redone as... Railjack MODS!

    That's right, Avionics are no more. This entire system has been completely overhauled, including Avionics being turned into regular Mods, so everything has been unequipped and reset. Gone are the days of upgradeable grid slots, and praying that your Host's Railjack has the Avionics you want to use. In fact, you aren't even equipping things on the Railjack itself anymore…

    Meet the 'PLEXUS'

    Instead, Tenno will have a "PLEXUS" that they bring with them into every Railjack mission, carrying the three types of Avionics you are familiar with. Battle/Tactical Mods remain the same, but are personal to you, being available on any Railjack you board. Integrated Mods will be separated much like Warframe mods: Personal mod slots that only benefit you, and Aura mods that benefit the Railjack and your entire squad. Aura Mods for the Plexus will simply go in the designated Aura slot, similar to how Modding your Warframe works!

    We hope that reverting back to the familiar Modding screen will help lessen the learning curve for new players. The shift to personal Mod loadouts should also allow for a more consistent gameplay experience, including public matchmaking.

    For added convenience, the Plexus can be Modded in several locations: in your Dry Dock terminal (like before), in the new Dry Docks found in various Relays (accessible via Fast Travel), and even in your own Orbiter!

    Full details on Railjack Mod conversions will come in the Update Notes!

    Dirac to Endo

    Since Avionics are now treated like regular Mods, Dirac (the upgrade Resource for Avionics) is being converted into Endo, for a more cohesive upgrading experience. All Dirac spent on your Grid will be reimbursed (i.e up to 39,000 Dirac to Endo if you maxed out your Grid), and all existing Dirac stockpiles will turn into Endo on login of Update 29.10.0 at a rate of 1:1.

    Intrinsics 2.0

    Now, onto Intrinsics! Firstly, you'll need to re-spec ALL your Intrinsics when you login! Because we changed so much, we want to make sure everyone gets a fresh start on where to spend their Intrinsics. This gives us the opportunity to overhaul the various progression trees, rewarding players' investment in progression.

    Here is a full table of the current changes Intrinsics for each category from Ranks 1 - 10. This is probably the most volatile section of the Workshop as we do expect to make some changes.

    Tactical Piloting Gunnery Engineering
    1 Tactical Mods & Crew Tracking Engine boost maneuver Lead indicators and Ordnance lock enabled Faster repairs with Omni tool
    2 Warframe Abilities accessible in Tactical Menu, Crew Chase Camera. Lateral dodges maneuver 360 Turret view for Gunners. 50% reduction in air support cooldown (i.e Landing craft air support in regular missions).
    3 Fast Travel within Railjack and send Commands via Tactical menu. 25% less damage while boosting Archwing slingshot enabled, Archwing slingshot now pierces hul Ability to craft Munitions at forge
    4 Omni gear can be used to Warp aboard the ship. Drift Arch-melee weapons gain increased range and damage. Ability to craft Dome Charges
    5 Necramechs Become Deployable in all Railjack missions. Vacuum radius increase while boosting/drifting or dodging. Loot Dungeon Radar: Mark hidden Loot Dungeons while piloting. Necramech gun damage increases Ability to craft heals for the Railjack. Increases Forge yield by 25%
    6 Tactical Mod Energy cost -25% Evasive Pilot - enemy ram sleds have 25% chance to miss and malfunction causing them to explode. Railjack Gun heat -20% Forge cooldowns -25%
    7 Tactical Mod cooldown -20% Necramech speed +10% Slingshot range +50%, gun overheat time -50% Increases Forge output by another 25%
    8 Archwing Blink cooldown -25%+ Necramech summon cooldown -25% Archwing speed +20% Archwing damage/strength/range/efficiency +20% Archwing shield/armor/health +30%
    9 Tactical ability cooldown further -20% Railjack takes 25% less damage while Boosting and collisions do 2000 extra damage (Under Review) Necramech Buffs (25% Health, 25% Shields)
    10 Warp to crew member on tactical screen Railjack Blink - you can 'blink' with Railjack. When you emerge from the jump the Railjack will emit a large radial slow that will slow enemies in an area for an amount of time. Aim snaps turret to lead indicator (lock-on lasts much longer than before, with small added cost to weapon heat) Repair ship damage remotely from tactical screen

    Command Intrinsic

    This table has all the details on the Intrinsics you know, but we're also adding the COMMAND Intrinsic! The final Intrinsic makes its debut with Update 29.10.0!

    Once you've leveled up your Command intrinsic and have slots for Crewmates, it's time to visit Ticker in Fortuna. She can put you in touch with a wide variety of people from all across the Star Chart for the right Hire price! Their price may be determined by your alignment with certain Syndicates - some crew will join you at a discount, and others double the price! Your Syndicate alignments determine all. Your crew will help keep your Railjack operational when flying in squads of less than 4 players. Which is to say - your Crew will help you out provided a Tenno cannot! Each Crewmate is available forever once Hired, but if you want to have more than 3 Crew members available to you, you'll need to purchase more Crew Slots via the Market or 'End Contract' with a Crewmate to release from service. We should note the final rank (10) is not available at launch as we are still working on the role of 'Elite' crew once the core feature has been received / revised.

    Level up their skills and assign them to specific roles before taking off, or change their assignments on the fly with the Tactical Menu! Crewmates will gain Affinity like you're used to, which can be spent to increase aptitude in certain roles as 'Competency Points'. Additionally, converted Kuva Liches are available for Crewing your Railjack as a Defensive powerhouse who are very difficult to take down thanks to their incredibly high Health stat.

    One last stop before you're ready to go: the Dry Dock. If you don't have access to a clan Dry Dock, fear not! Publicly available Dry Docks can be found in the Second and Third tier relays (Saturn - Kronia and Pluto - Orcus relays on PC) on each Platform..

    New Railjack Component: Hull

    Even though Mods have been moved to a personal player level, the components of your ship like shields, engines and weapons will still be dependent on the hosting player's collection. The Corpus Railjack update will include a number of new weapons to collect and upgrade, but also an entirely new component: Hull materials. Since Health and Armor mods can no longer be applied to the Railjack itself, this component determines the Health and Armor values of your ship.

    Wreckage Cost Changes

    Speaking of Shield, Engines, and Weapons (Armaments and Components), we have significantly reduced the Resources required to build options from the Wreckage you acquire. Simply put, yet again, less Grind.

    Early Adopters

    Now for the "Early Adopters" information. Whether you're someone that's already 'finished' Railjack or have just a couple of hours under your belt - we have a variety of bundles you may be eligible for!

    Clan has a Dry Dock:

    Exclusive Clan Railjack Monument!

    Player has Completed 1 or more Wreckage or Clan BP: Tier 1

    1x Rush Repair Drone2x Armament Slots10 x Riven SliversBonus Railjack Mods- Munitions Vortex- Battle Forge- Particle Ram- Void Hole- Railjack Resource Bundle

    Player has completed at least 12 Wreckage: Tier 2

    - Everything in Tier 1- 2x Rush Repair Drones- 15 Riven Slivers- 10,000 Endo-7 Day Resource and Affinity Booster- Railjack Resource Bundle #2

    Player has completed at least 30 Wreckage: Tier 3

    - Everything in Tier 1 AND Tier 2- 3x Rush Repair Drones- Legendary Core- Umbra Forma- Railjack Resource Bundle #3

    Matchmaking Changes

    Once your Railjack and Plexus are all set up, it's time to find a mission. We've taken this opportunity to streamline Railjack Matchmaking, better following the rules set out in the main game. Playing as a Host used to require starting the mission from your own Railjack (Liset or Dry Dock). Now, clicking a node with no open squads in the regular Star Chart will start your own hosted mission, instead of giving you an error about no open squads and asking you to go to the Dry Dock (or the back of your Ship).

    What's different in missions?

    When you first step onto your Railjack, you may notice a few key differences…

    The left and right turrets behind the cockpit are no more; instead you'll find entrances to a "dorsal" turret on top of the ship, and a "ventral" turret on the bottom. This makes 360 degree turning much more sensible, and will improve the sensation of aiming while in motion, as you now look in the direction of ship flight by default.

    Going further back in your Railjack, there used to be a large open area with several floors, connecting to the Railjack slingshot at the top, and the cargo hold at the back. This area is essentially no more - all of the ship's vital functions have been compressed into a single smaller space, to reduce traversal time between stations.

    Back in the cockpit, you choose a mission node and launch from the Dry Dock. Upon warping into the sector, your Railjack feels lighter and more mobile than ever before… Not only has the base speed of the Railjack been increased, but also the Railjack sprint bar is no more! Pilots cannot fire their gun while in boosted flight, but it's now much easier to reach mission objectives quickly. We've added a small cooldown to the Dodge maneuver to compensate for the sprint bar removal, but it can still be used much more frequently than before!

    Opening the Tactical menu, you'll see that the map perspective is now static, a common player request. Crewmates will also appear at the bottom, allowing you to observe their position or issue new orders.

    So now bullets, missiles and fighters are flying fast and hectic in the heat of battle. You aim at a swarm of Corpus fighters, deploy your personal avionic ability and... oh no! Someone already used all the Flux Energy!

    If this has ever happened to you before, worry not. As of this update, all Railjack ammo stockpiles are tracked separately per player. From Revolite to Dome Charges, you'll only have to keep track of your own ammo consumption. These consumables will also replenish slowly on their own over time, so Railjacks will always be fully stocked before leaving the Dry Dock. In a pinch, crafting more ammo in the cargo hold will replenish the stockpiles of all Tenno aboard, so dedicated Engineers can still make a huge impact on gameplay. It's the best of all worlds!

    One other important change to note about the energy economy - as part of the transition from Railjack-based Avionics to player-based Harnesses, Battle/Tactical abilities will now be fueled by Warframe energy, and Flux Energy will be completely removed from the game (any Avionics that relate to it will be converted to Endo). This allows players with existing tools for Energy generation to better integrate those tools into regular Railjack gameplay, further intertwining the two sides of the game. Now - let's talk about Reactors. They exist to give you Avionics Capacity, and Flux Energy. Both of those things are now removed, so the new role of Reactors is to provide Power Strength, Range, or Duration buffs to Railjack Battle Avionics being used aboard the ship!

    Avionic costs and capabilities will be rebalanced accordingly with this new energy economy. Our Update Notes will have the final information here as we are still actively balancing this.

    Railjack Malfunctions/Hazards have also received a refresher to no longer directly affect the Railjacks Health or Shields.

    • Electrical Hazards now scramble your Mini Map and disable use of the Tactical Menu
    • Catastrophic Hull Breaches now deals damage to all players on board until it has been sealed
    • Ice Hazards can now freeze interactive elements of the Railjack: Pilot seat, Forges, Archwing Slingshot, and Turrets
    • Fire Hazards now cause weapons to overheat quicker and cool down more slowly
    • Hull Ruptures have been removed all together.

    Unified Damage Types

    Railjack combat inherited a lot of the familiar Warframe damage types, but with a twist. Impact became Ballistic, Cold became Frost, and so on. We are removing the second layer of 'Railjack' Damage types to unify and have the system be based on what Players already spend time learning: core Warframe elements. This means that:

    Ballistic = ImpactPlasma = PunctureParticle = SlashFrost = ColdIonic = ElectricityIncendiary = HeatChem = Toxin

    Node Changes

    The Nodes in the Railjack you know are split across Earth, Saturn, and the Veil Proxima. There's choice, sure, but there's no real meaningful choice with the only option being 'Skirmish' - or at least it seems that way until you memorize what Points of Interest live on what nodes. Then what? It comes down to too much repetition of a small set of nodes, and a lot of Railjack just being ignored. For what we believe to be the healthier new direction for Railjack, we are making some changes by removing some existing Grineer nodes. This includes the removal of the Gian Point node. A decision that was not made lightly, but in the interest of improving the variety of missions played we felt it was a necessary step. We've essentially taken what was good about Gian Point (a quick turnaround mission with a high Affinity reward) and put it into the objectives of Railjack itself, so that the diversity of content gets played in more than just one node over and over (and over) again. The addition of Corpus Proxima regions will introduce many new missions to play (and it'll say more than 'Skirmish'!). We'll also be adding Corpus missions to the deep reaches of space in the Veil Proxima.

    What will keep me playing?

    Corpus Railjack is here! These Robots and Crewmen taking to the skies will greatly expand the Proxima star chart - three new planets (Venus, Neptune and Pluto Proxima) will introduce new enemies, new points of interest and more. There will also be the most difficult missions for Corpus Railjack added to the Veil Proxima.

    We will also be diversifying the types of missions available, in our efforts to further combine the Railjack experience with regular Warframe gameplay.

    Some of these new mission types will already be familiar - classic Defense and Exterminate modes will occasionally be the main objective of a Railjack mission. Fight your way into the capital ship as a team, and extract back to Railjack upon completion.

    We are also adding two new mission types! The first, known as Orphix, will be familiar to anyone who played the Orphix Venom event - take down the Sentient invaders, making use of Operators and Necramechs to circumvent the nullifier pulse fields. Instead of earning event currency, these missions are planned to drop Arcanes, offering an alternative to Eidolon capturing squads.

    Finally, a completely new Mission type known as Volatile will offer the means to sabotage a capital ship. Help Cephalon Cy from the inside by making use of the environment to cause a Reactor failure, while fighting off Engineers who can stop you!

    For those keen on exploring the Proxima Regions, we'll also have a variety of more secret areas you can explore and perhaps find some new gear… stay tuned to the Update Notes.

    What Comes Next?

    Void Storms and Relics!

    Despite our original plans, we cannot ship Void Storms with this Update due to the scope of changes and additions within the New Railjack. But that's okay, but thematically they truly belong with Update 30: Call of the Tempestarii which is based on Void Storms in many ways. When Void Storms do come, they'll offer Tenno a way to use their Void Relics in Railjack Missions! They'll be a rotating optional mission type to play, just like Fissure Missions on the normal Star Chart, but much bigger and stormier.And of course, the story behind Void Storms and more will be revealed in…

    Update 30: Call of the Tempestarii

    All the work going into Update 29.10.0 is to set the stage for Update 30: Call of the Tempestarii. Update 30 will bring a signature Warframe quest for Sevagoth, tease a new villain, and more. We also plan to release it at the same time on all Platforms! So while Update 29.10.0 comes to PC first, Update 30 will bring all of this and Sevagoth to Consoles at once.

    The release of Corpus Liches aka Queenpins is still planned for the future in its own update. Think more 'Update 30.5' territory. Don't quote me on that Update number though, it could shift a bit.

    A better foundation for Update 30 and beyond.

    The final section of the Dev Workshop. Making it this far means you've officially read our longest Dev Workshop to date, and probably some of the most dramatic systemic changes we've made to Warframe since 'Update 7: Stormbringer' almost 8 years ago. So how does that happen? How do we find ourselves, 8 years later, still performing 'dramatic systemic changes'? It is a difficult question to answer, and this Dev Workshop is already long enough as it is. The short answer is:

    Making Warframe is hard. Making Warframe good is even harder. We try - then try some more. It constantly needs to be redone, rethought, and rebuilt. Railjack released in a far-from-perfect state, but the potential for something truly Warframe has always been there. We tried a rework last year, but it didn't go deep enough. This is truly a foundational change for Railjack. And it's also new content. Unified content. Core Warframe meets Railjack. Necramechs meet Core Warframe. It's all connecting now. But the most important connection of all is the Tenno who see through each iteration, and give us their understanding and feedback on what would make things better. Or at least, less worse. Every Tenno has their own style on letting us know. But if one thing has remained consistent through-out 8 years, it's the Tenno - you - blowing on our sails. Beyond oceans we never even imagined were within reach.

    Of course… beyond. Just what is in that Reliquary? How can the Murex be stopped?

    We expect to ship this Update on PC within the next week or two. Tenno - it's almost here! ANY changes to the content of this workshop will be edited in below in a 'Changes' section! Expect to see some action here - we are actively testing the work here, and expect some tweaks.

    submitted by /u/rebulast
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    We live in a society...

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 05:12 AM PST

    Basing the Railjack "early adopter" tiers on wreckage repaired makes absolutely zero sense

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 06:42 PM PST

    Lets say you have two players.

    Player A's clan built their drydock the instant it became available, they started building their railjack day 1 and then bust their ass joining other peoples railjacks collecting the best components and armaments possible. They saved all the best drops with near maxed stats all before valence fusion was even a thing, scraped the piles and piles of junk wreckage as they went and eventually repaired everything to have a fully kitted out railjack. All they had to repair in the end was eight pieces of wreckage covering their best choice for shield array, engine, reactor and one of each type of weapon.

    Player B started building their railjack a couple months ago and has just been repairing every piece of junk they pick up and replacing parts of their railjack as they go.

    By DE's standards which of these players is the earliest of early adopters worthy of a free set of seven day boosters, endo, resources, a legendary core and umbra forma? Why Player B of course!

    Who seriously thought that wreckage repairs of all things would make for an accurate metric of early adopters? Or that it would be a good idea to make the different tiers of compensation so freakishly disparate?

    Edit: To highlight how fucked up this is I was just browsing the dev workshop thread on the official forums and people are seriously working out how much time and effort it would take to get all the cheapest to repair wreckage possible and get enough to reach the top tier rewards from this.

    submitted by /u/Enunimes
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    No necramechs in normal missions is honestly disappointing

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 05:45 PM PST

    With the next update's focus on linking detached systems, keeping necramech's railjack-only feels like a misstep. Was looking forward to trying them in modes like Steel Path

    EDIT: There is some understandable confusion in the comments. When the Dev post went live, the intrinsic specifically stated that necramechs would come to all missions. However, it was then changed to specify railjack only.

    submitted by /u/Ubermacho
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    The Codex Lexicon: A Complete Guide to Uncommon, Rare, and Niche Scans

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 03:41 PM PST

    (Content up to date as of 3/8/2021, update 29.9.1 on PC)


    The following guide contains information on all uncommon, rare, or niche scans in the codex, including how to best obtain them. This guide assumes you've already completed the arbitrary scans, and want to focus on the ones you actually have to go looking for. Some scans are unobtainable now, however, so be sure to sort by name when checking off completed scans.

    The Find command is your friend here. Ctrl + F on Windows.

    Please bear in mind I am only a human, and this 4,500 word guide is bound to have typos or grammatical errors. If you see glaring errors that prevent easy searching, let me know and I'll correct them.

    TL;DR: This is by no means something that has to be completed in the game. There is no gameplay benefit to having a complete codex aside from the Detect Vulnerability augment if you really wanna split hairs. If you're a completionist like me though, and want to finish your codex without endless searching, then by all means read on.


    Eximus: Most Eximus versions of arbitrary enemies have a %chance to spawn in, increased as the global alert level increases (Alarms, Lockdown, After Capture targets notice you, etc.), with lockdown granting the highest chance. Some eximus require extremely high levels or other means to spawn, such as Eximus Wave effects in Disruption; these situations are covered on a case-by-case basis.

    Disruption effect-reliant scans: Failing a conduit with a negative effect retains the effect for the rest of the round. Doing this for Eximus Wave and Pack Hunters effects greatly increases the time available to get specific scans.

    Railjack/Archwing enemies: Many of these enemies are hard to track down with the scanner and cannot be auto-scanned by Helios. For these situations, use Astral Autopsy on your arch-melee or utilize Amesha's Warding Grace to slow them down.

    Aborting: When you abort a mission, you get to keep the scans you've made. This is important for one very specific entry with the Hidden Messages quest.

    Helios versus Synthesis Scanner: Helios is great for lazy players or when there are overwhelming amounts of things to scan (like when new content drops). If enemies are incredibly rare, it's wise to bring a way to force them into unaware state if possible and utilize the Cross-Matrix widget (also useful in general). It doesn't show, but the Synth scanner can actually double dip if C-M triggers, alotting four scans and instantly finishing some scan quotas (This also applies to Simaris rep farming, you can actually max out in just one run of Kuva Fort Exterminate)

    Ghost Scans: There are a myriad of scannable objects (and some enemies) that even though they can go from Orange to Green, they cannot be found in the Codex (For example, Sentient containers in Anomaly objectives). As such, I will not be covering them here.


    Italics = Unscannable entry

    Bold = Rare scan or otherwise high-commitment entry


    · Aerial (+his Dargyn)/Plains/Recon Commander: Three minibosses found in Assassination bounties in the Plains.

    · Artificer: Only appeared during Shadow Debt. Unscannable.

    · Baliff Eximus: Can spawn in Kuva Fortress (Assault) in three specific places; once during the Gate Breach phase, and twice more potentially at the Cannon Shutdown and Telemetry Reconfig phases. Activating alarms before approaching their spawn points or Sortie modifiers are the only ways to get the Eximus, and it's still RNG at that point. This scan can take some time if unlucky.

    · Blite/Pyr Captain and Glacik/Lektro Commander: Four minibosses found in Galleon objectives on Kasio's Rest, Flexa, or Korms Belt in Railjack.

    · Carabus/Leekter/Shik Tal/Vem Tabook: Carabus are spawned in by various enemies, most notably, the Grustrag Three (A Mark-type Assassin provoked by supporting Corpus in invasion 5 times consecutively). Don't forget to scan the Grustrags themselves when they spawn, as they are fairly weak. Used to be easily scanned on Law of Retribution or off of Artificers but are now just a little harder to get ahold of. Beacons can also be bought off Baro when he has them.

    · Draga, Darek Draga, Shock Draga, Sikula: Found in Sharkwing sections on Uranus at varying rarity. Recommended to use Astral Autopsy.

    · Drekar unit Eximus: Some of these enemies may require either very low or very high levels to spawn while the alarms are on.

    · ??? (Between Flameblade and Frontier Butcher in name order): This entry has never appeared in-game and can be safely ignored.

    · Garv/Lancer and Trooper Survivor: Though they fall under Grineer, they are allies with the Tenno and appear in Deimos surface bounties. Each time they appear, even in the same session, they can be scanned again.

    · Ghoul Auger Alpha/Rictus Alpha/Ghoul Target: These enemies only appear during Ghoul Purge, a recurring event with specific bounties on the Plains.

    · Kavor Defector 1/2/3/4: Only appear in Defection missions. Show up under Grineer even though they are allies with the Tenno.

    · Kuva Dargyn: Often out of range of Helios, but appears in the Gate Breach phase of Assault missions. Of note, you can complete "Shoot X Dargyns w/ a bow" rivens with these Dargyns.

    · Kuva Hyekka: Only appear while the "Pack Hunters" effect is active during Kuva Fortress Disruption. Recommended to bring CC or Heliocor.

    · Manic Bombard Eximus: This one is a doozy, but it is gettable. This enemy can only spawn in during Uranus Sabotage if you get a specific lab tile (not the raw lab destruction one). You need to get enemies to activate the alarms, then lockdown without triggering the spawn, and even then, you only have a small chance for it to spawn as an Eximus. This is one of the more tedious scans to obtain, so be prepared for a grind. It only needs 3 scans though, so Stealth Simaris Scanner can potentially one-shot this scan. (Older but more detailed guide by u/M37h3w3 can be found here)

    · Nightwatch Enemies: These enemies were only available during Project Undermine, and now only appear during a specific Anniversary mission, and during Void Raiders, a mission offered by Baro Ki'Teer once per rotation if approached with Inaros Prime equipped. (See more on the Wiki. Thanks to u/Hiromacu for mentioning it)

    · Nightwatch Power Carrier: Does not appear even in the above missions. Unscannable for now.

    · Ogma: The Bombard of Grineer AW. Shows up in higher level content.

    · Orbital Strike/Propaganda Drone: Spawned by Vay Hek during his Terra Frame phase. The Terra Frame is very weak so it's easy to skip this scan by accident.

    · Roller Sentry: Spawned by Kela de Thaym during her boss fight.

    · Shield-Hellion Dargyn Eximus: These are the hardest Grineer AW enemy to find in the wild, but this concept applies to all the Eximus in this category. Staying in AW Interception (Uranus) for longer periods of time causes them all to spawn eventually. Easily achieved with Amesha or Elytron.

    · Zeplen: Only shows up during Fomorian missions. Fun fact, your Eyes of Blight score on profile is your current highest fomorian damage. My best is 66M.


    · Amalgam Eximus: There's a chance some of you may have already finished these, because three eximus of a random amalgam always spawn in every five waves in Defense and at the end of each Interception wave on Jupiter.

    · Armaments/Sentient Research/Vivisect Directors: Easy to miss, pushover minibosses that show up in the second phase of the Profit Taker Heist.

    · Attack Drone Eximus (two identical entries): These can be confusing as when Grineer deploy Regulator drones that spawn as eximus they become these. The second entry is the drones deployed by Anti MOAs that spawn as Eximus.

    · Elemental Hyenas (Cinderthresh, Icemire, Rabbleback, Gyre): spawned by the mini-Raptors in the Orb Vallis at high alert levels.

    · Corpus Cestra/Sniper/Supra/Trencher Target: Four minibosses from assassination bounty stages in the Orb Vallis.

    · Datalyst: Only appeared during Shadow Debt. Unscannable.

    · "Demolyst": This is a clone deployed by the Demolyst Machinists's Osprey.

    · Demolyst Osprey: Deployed by Demolyst Machinist.

    · Gox: The Tech of Corpus AW missions. Can be found in the popular leveling spot on Neptune.

    · Jackal Eximus: This is probably the hardest scan to complete in the entire game. The only way these can show up is during Thermia Fractures, a recurring event in the first week of each month on the Orb Vallis. By putting two canisters into a fracture, Eximus Burps can occur (not recommended to do more than two as other Burps start happening at 3 or 4 Canisters). When, and only when a Jackal spawns in while an Eximus Burp is in effect, they might spawn in as an eximus. On top of being so rare, they also can't be left unaware by Ivara for long enough to stealth scan them. This is incredibly time consuming, and you can easily farm this scan for hours with no luck. I only finished mine because I got lucky while helping a rando farm Thermia, and my Cross Matrix Widget hit.

    · John Prodman: Because it will inevitably be asked, I have to make a note that John Prodman does not have a Codex entry, nor can he be spawned in the Simulacrum, even if you finish his scans with the Heliocor or Atlas' Ore Gaze.

    · Juno Geminex/Glaxion MOAs and their Eximus: These scans are a little more involved, but if you participated in Orphix Venom, they appeared quite frequently, and you may already be done with these. These MOAs are such high minimum level that you must stay in endless missions for quite a while before they start appearing. It may have changed since I did them, but it took me an hour and a half in Disruption plus an Eximus Wave to finish off the eximus scans.

    · Juno Nul/Sap/Slo (Mundane): These scans are bugged. The eximus versions of these units do not exist in the game but scanning the mundane ones that spawn counts as if you had scanned the eximus versions. The only way to get their mundane scans is by killing them with a charged shot from the Ballistica Prime, which spawns a short-lived specter of them, and scanning that (Helios takes too long). Once you get the timing down, they're not hard to farm, but you can't get these on accident.

    · Juno Sniper Crewman/Nullifier/Tech Eximus: Same song and dance as the MOAs mentioned above, but they don't take as long to spawn in.

    · Latrox Une: If you know who he is, you're tired of seeing him. The silhouette in the codex is incorrect, but he can unavoidably be found in Deimos surface Bounties.

    · Leech Osprey: These used to be common but are now considered fairly rare. Community speculation says Galatea on Neptune is your best bet. (If you know a better location, let me know)

    · Locust Drone: These tiny AW enemies are deployed by Carriers in Corpus AW, and are hard to track, but easily scanned with Astral Autopsy.

    · Lynx Turret: The miniboss in Void Sabotage spawns these; they're easy to miss.

    · Nemes RT: Spawned by a Raptor Variant in the Assasination node.

    · Nemes Ranger/Scout: Another scan you can't find by accident. These drones are found together at the end of the Rush AW mission on Phobos. Taking Amesha makes it a breeze as its 1 and 3 ignore the cryo mines.

    · Penta/Quanta Ranger Eximus: Can be found in the popular AW leveling spot on Neptune.

    · Protea Specter: If you failed to scan it during the Deadlock Protcol, the quest can be replayed!

    · Razorback: Only shows up during Razorback Armada. Hard to miss.

    · Scavenger Drone/Eximus: These enemies used to be fairly common, but now are considered very rare. They can show up eventually in longform Jupiter Defense/Interception, and rarely in Alad V's Assassination mission (If you know a more consistent way let me know).

    · ??? (Between Shield Osprey Eximus and Shockwave MOA in name order): Silhouette is clearly a Dargyn of some sort, but this entry has never been seen in game. You can safely ignore it.

    · Terra Eximus Enemies: In the process of farming for Jackal eximus, you are likely to come across most of the possible eximus you can find. Otherwise, capturing the bases (not a bounty phase) and engaging with Toroid farms should passively grant you these scans. Just keep in mind that "Elite" means high level and without that affix, low level.

    · The Sergeant: Too powerful to scan. Only those who come very well equipped for the Steel Path have a chance at getting the scan before he annihilates them (But seriously you should use the Heliocor because he can literally die from a jump slide kick).

    · Vapos Aquila: Can be seen swooshing by on specific open-air tiles. You must be very precise with the Scanner to catch them, but you have unlimited tries to get them after you get their tile to spawn, and you only need 5 scans.

    · Vapos Condor Dropship/Elite Dropship: For a long time, these were completely unscannable after the mundane ship stopped spawning after Hostile Mergers. The Elites were never scannable until Vanilla Deimos dropped. As long as the alarms are active, they have a chance to spawn in open-air tiles, usually as the common variant, but with a small chance to be Elite. Level does not affect the chance to get an Elite. I'm still working on this one due to RNG but it's one of my last 5.

    · Vapos Crewman/Prod Crewman/Detron Crewman Eximus: Hard to find in the wild as there is only one way to get the level low enough to spawn them. Only Callisto Jupiter can spawn them in, and only on the first wave, but it shouldn't take more than a few runs. Opting for Slowva is recommended as these enemies are very weak. Some of them used to take 20 scans but that's since been fixed.

    · Vapos Ranger Eximus: Highly recommended to wait until an Eximus stronghold on Jupiter to look for these. You can still find them rarely, but Rangers tend to continuously spawn in on certain tiles (the one with the two large gas turbines especially), so Eximus Stronghold modifier on a Sortie makes it easy.

    · Zanuka Hunter: One of the Mark-type Assassins (Provoked by supporting the Grineer in invasions 5 times consecutively). Just don't forget to scan it when it spawns in as it's very weak.


    · Arcane Boiler: Spawns in at the end of Stolen Dreams, which is repeatable in case you missed it.

    · Basal Diploid Rex/Eximus and Feral Diploid Rex/Eximus: All six of these entries are easy to miss without Helios as when you split a Mitosid, they are easy to not think about. The Rex always appears in Assassination stages of underground Vault Bounties, but the Eximus are pure RNG, and quite rare (See Heavy Deimos Eximus below). For some reason, the Diploids need more scans than the Mitosids themselvs.

    · Carrion Charger/Eximus: This one is pretty annoying to do. Carrion Chargers only spawn in when a Defector goes down and is not revived (take care not to pop the spawn pod after the Defector dies). This scan is very limited as only a few Defectors can die before the mission fails, and the Eximus are pure RNG. Fortunately, both only need 3 scans so if you get lucky you can do this in one go. Synthesis scanner strongly recommended.

    · Heavy Deimos Eximus (Juggernaut, Leaping Thrasher, Saxum): These enemies, like the Mitosid eximus, are pure RNG. Every enemy group that spawns in in Deimos always has one Eximus among them, and if the one that spawns as an Eximus happens to be a larger, more uncommon unit, than that's one stop closer to completing that enemy.

    · Deimos Juggulus Eximus: Unscannable. No one has seen one of these yet. DE failed to implement them into the above spawn mechanic with Deimos Arcana. According to u/hawx116, these enemies are the Tenebrous Ephemera of spawns. They CAN spawn, but the chance/setup is so astronomically rare I haven't found one after hundreds of vault bounties.

    · Deimos Leaper: Surprisingly rare, and you need 30 of them. Be prepared to hunker down for this as well. I recommend being underground.

    · Deimos Runner Eximus: Easy to find, but you need 30 scans.

    · Deimos Tar Mutalist MOA: Unscannable. The entry appeared with vanilla Deimos, but none have appeared as of yet. Can be safely ignored.

    · Electric/Lobber/Nauseous/Toxic Crawler Eximus: Easy to miss. Recommended to run an infested Disruption for Eximus waves or wait for Eximus Stronghold Sorties, and bring a Heliocor.

    · Lancing/Stabilization/Security Infested Hive: These only appear during the Hidden Messages quest, which currently cannot be replayed. If you already completed that quest, you must accompany someone who has not finished the quest and somehow convince them to abort multiple times, or if you haven't finished the quest yet, scan them all and abort until the entries are complete.

    · Copyrite: Unscannable. Red herring meant to catch would-be content thieves. This content was originally made by DrinkingRock on March 8th, 2021.

    · Hemocyte: Because Plague Star items were moved to the Naberus seasonal shop under Daughter, it is safe to assume this event will not be coming back anytime soon. If and when Plague Star does recur, get this scan and farm as many Forma as you can stand to.

    · Infested Mesa: Shows up during Patient Zero, which can be replayed!

    · J3 Jordas Golem: If I recall, this entry no longer shows up if you have no scans of it, but I may be wrong, as I agonizingly only have 1/3. This was the boss of the Jordas Verdict raid, which has been retired.

    · Jordas Golem/Juggernaut Behemoth: The entries for the AW enemies that show up during this boss don't seem to be present anymore, but I digress. This boss has to be manually scanned, since the fight happens in AW, and I also recommend manually scanning the Behemoth, as it's hard to miss and you need 3 scans for both.

    · Leaping Thrasher/Undying Flyer(?): According to the Wiki, these enemies can sometimes still spawn during the Zeloid Prelate boss fight, but I haven't been able to spawn them, and even if they did, they would be very difficult to scan without Helios. Please corroborate if you can with screenshots.

    · Phorid: In case you haven't touched Invasions, this boss occasionally shows up in Infested Outbreaks and drops Nyx parts.

    · Polyp-Hog Juggernaut: Part of an underground vault bounty phase in Deimos.

    · Venim Mutalist: Only shows up in Defection missions.

    · Zealoid Bastion/Prelate: Part of a now permanent boss fight at the end of the Derelict/Deimos.

    · Zealot Baptiser/Herald/Proselytizer: Used to show up randomly during The Emissary Night wave. No longer scannable.


    These entries all take a significant amount of time to complete, as each animal has three variants and every single one needs 20 scans. Have a lot of free time when you go to collect these. In almost every case I find it better to sleep them with Equinox or Ivara to get scans and tags than use the Tranq Rifle.


    · Kuaka: Spawns naturally all around the Plains during the day.

    · Condroc: Spawns naturally all around the Plains during the day.

    Sidenote: You can quickly farm Cetus rep by running around the entrance of the plains andsleeping these animals with Equinox. I average 10min for 31K standing.

    · Mergoo: Must use Echo Lure. Recommended to use Pheremones for the rares.

    · Vasca Kavat: Can spawn naturally all round the Plains at night.


    · Pobbers: Fairly easy. Recommended to use Pheromones for the rares.

    · Bolarolas: Fairly difficult. The uncommon has proven to be a problem RNG wise for me.

    · Vermink: Average difficulty. Take Pheromones for rares.

    · Kubrodon: Surprisingly easy. May need Pheromones.

    · Stover: Odd call point interaction where the same starting point can be used over and over again. Still time consuming for uncommons.

    · Sawgaw: Difficult in terms of hunting them down. Recommended to use Equinox to snipe them out of the sky. Bring Pheromones.

    · Horrasque: Average Difficulty. Bring Pheromones.


    These can be deceptively difficult, but many have cycle locks you aren't told about anywhere until after you get their codex entry.

    · Predasite: Vizier- Any Pharaoh- Fass Medjay- Vome Better to fly around and ping with tranq. Power resistant to sleep.

    · Vulpaphyla: Sly- Any Crescent- Vome Panzer- Fass Better to fly around and ping with tranq.

    · Cryptilex: All variants found randomly around the Cambion Drift at any time. Best farmed alongside Nexifera.

    · Avichaea: Common- Any Sporule- Vome Viscid- Fass Echo lure strongly recommended.

    · Velocipod: All variants found randomly around the Cambion Drift at any time.

    · Undazoa: Umber- Any Vaporous- Fass Howler- Vome Echo lure recommended.

    · Nexifera: These are the most time consuming of any individual wildlife. While all three variants spawn during either cycle, they only spawn in cave sections in the Cambion Drift, and are best spotted by the green splotches beneath where they hang from, or the groups of Cryptilex they try to eat. They are easy to aggro, cannot be tranqed until after they attack, and are power resistant to sleep, making it very hard to stealth scan them. Scarlet Nexifera (the rares) take a very long time even with good RNG. The bright side is you can enter the Drift on Steel Path and passively farm Steel Essence/Riven Slivers while you run around. I recommend the three adjacent caves found near the T2 Vault Mother.


    · Necramech: this scan very specifically references the Voidrig Necramechs that roam about the Cambion Drift during Vome. Active Bonewidows and disassembled Mechs are all Ghost scans.

    · Orokin Spectator/Eximus: Shows up in Lua Spy.


    · Condrix/Gyrix/Ionyx/Aerolyst: Part of Scarlet Spear. Unscannable currently. May return in the upcoming Railjack update.

    · Orphix/Summulyst/Choralyst/Ortholyst: Part of Orphix Venom. Unscannable currently. Very likely to return in the upcoming Railjack update.

    · Brachiolyst/Symbilist/Tyro Battalyst/Mimic: Shows up in Anomaly objectives in the Veil Proxima.

    · Decaying Battalyst/Conculyst: Shows up in Octavia's Anthem, which is replayable!

    · Amalgam Cinder Machinist/Arca Heqet/ Arca Kucumatz/ Phase MOA/ Swarm Satyr: Special variants of Amalgam enemies that show up in secret rooms on Jupiter. Here is a superb guide on how to open them.


    · Saturn Six Fugitive/Wolf of Saturn Six: Technically retired, but can be spawned with a beacon from the Nightwave Cred shop. He spawns in with three invincible Fugitives for you to scan. Be prepared for a fight.

    · Tomb Guardian/Tomb Protector/Tomb Protector Effigy (Special Case): These entries all come from Sands of Inaros, which cannot be repeated, even if you buy another key, and you cannot tag along with someone else, as you must have the Sacred Vessel in your gear wheel, which goes away after completing the quest. You get one chance, and if you missed it, it is currently impossible to get the scans again.

    · Clem: If you don't have the scan, Man of Few Words is replayable. Of note, Clem only shows up in the "ALL" tab, as his faction is Tenno, and not in any of the given categories. (Fun fact: There used to be two entries for Clem; the second was from when he had just a Latron during the quest)

    · Devotee: These helpful guys only showed up for a short time during The Emissary. If you went down, they had a chance to appear and revive you, then join the fight alongside you. They are no longer scannable (I missed this scan because my computer's GPU broke and I missed out on the first half of Emissary). Like Clem, they are considered Tenno faction and only show up under ALL.

    · Kuva Injector: Defense objective in Kuva Fortress Defense. Shows up only under ALL as it is considered Tenno faction.

    · Stalker (Original): If you didn't get all your original stalker scans, you can stick around a newer player who hasn't completed the Second Dream yet. If the Stalker attacks them or they use a Stalker Beacon, it will be the base version. Note that Stalker Beacons are untradable, so to deliberately do this you would have to give the newer player the prime parts to buy one when Baro has them.

    - u/-n-k- linked to this reddit post mentioning a great place to bump into players that are very likely to have the normal Stalker on their tail.

    · Acolytes: If you haven't touched the Steel Path, they show up every 5-7 Minutes after a random player gets a kill. This includes the once unscannable Misery, who was only available during Shadow Debt until now. Spawning mechanics are janky though. The most consistent areas are ODS (or Terrorem on Deimos if you're lame) and surprisingly while farming Nexifera on SP.


    Note that these sections will largely consist of links to external guides, as many of these are farms in their own right, and would take way too much screen space to describe.

    · Ayatan Anasa Sculpture: The only way to scan this previously was to put one in your orbiter and utilize the Orbiter Captura Scene and scan it. This has since been patched; scans obtained in Captura do not carry back with you. May be possible in Clan dojos but I can't corroborate this as Ayatan entries do not have scan numbers.

    · Arcane Machine: Defense Objective in the Stolen Dreams quest, which is replayable!

    · Cascade Bomb: Part of the Once Awake quest, which is replayable!

    · Corpus Stasis Mine/Transport: Objects found in the Rush AW node on Phobos.

    · Infested Tumor (first entry): There is an alternate entry of the Infested tumor that was part of the now retired Jordas Verdict raid.

    · Kuria: See this incredibly helpful and up-to-date guide about finding them

    · Large Grineer/Corpus exploding barrel: The Grineer one can be found in some spy vaults, some end tiles in the Asteroid Tileset, and some Sharkwing sections in Uranus. The Corpus one can be found on Eris (used to be on the now retired Corpus Ship Tileset).

    · Lanx: The original fish. Found in a specific Sharkwing tile in Uranus. Cannot be Astral Autopsy'd, and takes patience. Recommended to use Amesha to avoid staggers.

    · Reinforced Glass: Part of the now retired Corpus Ship Tileset.

    · Rare and Reinforced containers: These containers are as the name implies, rare. They have a higher chance to spawn on variant missions such as Nightmare, Syndicate, Fissure, etc. The only unique one is the Forgotten Grineer Storage Container, which replaces rare containers on the Earth tileset. You can cheese the Orokin rare container entry with the music puzzle on Lua, which gives a modified rare container with a significant chance to drop Forma. (Incorrect, as per u/anarchy753 and corroborated by u/crashsuit)

    · Fish: These count as objects and are best left to Helios to scan, focusing on the synthesis scanner when you get down to the last few. The Wiki contains a detailed guide for all the fish.


    · Cephalon/Somachord/Frame Fighter: These spawn randomly with the same behavior as syndicate marks, with various numbers of scans needed to unlock tidbits about the tileset they're found on.

    -The Orb Vallis spawns in just one Somachord fragment per instance. A great guide for farmingthese can be found here. Note that the Plains and Cambion Drift do not have Somachord entries as of yet.

    -Frame Fighter Fragments are useless, as the minigame is broken and you can only play as Excalibur.

    · Cetus Thousand-Year Fish: Locations can be found on the Wiki.

    · Fortuna Memory Fragments: Locations can be found here.

    · The Partnership Fragments: Locations can be found here.

    · Prex Cards: These are really fun to search for yourself, but their locations can be found on the Wiki (Note you must have mastered the frame to see the Prex)

    · The Tenets: The Temple tile on the new Corpus Ship Tileset will grant you these in order each time you visit and put a Granum Crown in of any kind. There are 11 in total.


    If you want to keep this guide on hand, you can bookmark this post, bookmark or download the Google Doc version. Or simply copypasta this entire guide to your computer in any text editor.

    I really enjoyed making this! Despite the 8 odd hours it took to write, I'm glad I get to put all the information for all you completionists like me in one place, without having to do search after search. If you want easy access to this guide, you can copy paste the entire thing into a document on your own computer *taps side of head*. Alternatively you can bookmark this page or

    If you see problems with my information, need something added that isn't on this list, or know about ways to obtain or better obtain any of these scans, please let me know.


    3/8/2021, Update 29.9.1: Created. Initial errata and corrections made. Removed redundant Executioner entry, as you get these scans passively completing the starchart.

    submitted by /u/DrinkingRock
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    I really dislike the search box on the reward screen :(

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 02:16 AM PST

    Pretty much the only thing I do at the end of a mission when I'm in a group is thank the group, or comment/respond to a comments made during the mission.

    This used to be instigated by pressing T and then simply typing. Even while the system was busy faffing about loading the rewards screen, it let this happen.

    Now, the search box for loot takes focus, and even if you manually select the chat window, the search box steals focus half the time.

    Most of the time, I don't give a shit about the loot. It's either been specified during the mission (eg void missions), or a known commodity. If I do care, I'll just scroll manually through the list, it's really not that complicated.

    The new visuals are all pretty, the loot screen being displayed as a priority over the stats screen is not an issue, but for the love of Clem remove the bloody search box.

    As a side question, Does anyone actually use the search box on the rewards screen, intentionally?

    submitted by /u/The13thAllitnilClone
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    Nightwave rewards Duplicate Protection not applying to Emotes? (Rank 23 Wolf Howl Emote reward)

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 04:31 PM PST

    I hit rank 23 in Nightwave Intermission III yesterday and I already owned the Wolf Howl emote since I previously acquired it in Series 1, so I was expecting the Duplicate Protection to kick in and give me some Intermission Cred to spend instead. However it gave me nothing at all. The Nightwave screen showed the rank up and the enlarged Wolf Howl picture as the reward, gave me no cred and the game still says I own 1 copy of the emote.

    Is this an oversight or bug, or is it intended to not give Intermission Cred in place of a duplicate emote? Did any of you get Intermission Cred for rank 23 if you already owned the Wolf Howl?

    submitted by /u/M-Tiger
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    What does 30 wreckages refer to?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 02:18 PM PST

    So with the railjack update and all the changes, there are tier 1 to 3 rewards depending on number of wreckages, does this mean having repaired 30 or just having 30 of those unrepaired around when the update hits?

    submitted by /u/francofrt1
    [link] [comments]

    DE needs to stop adding new cool shit and start fixing their old cool shit

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 07:26 AM PST

    This seems to be DEs main method of development. Introduce a cool concept, patch it once or twice, then promptly toss it away in favour of the next cool thing. Over and over. Most of everything DE introduces are self-contained mini-experiences that don't tie into anything else. Liches, Railjack, Orb Vallis, they've all been abandoned by DE. Because of this Warframe is more of a collection of smaller games packaged as one game. Remember the Railjack demo where they called the Railjack down into the Orb Vallis, flew into orbit and crashed into a Corpus Obelisk, which then turned into an extermination mission? Whatever happened to that? That was like 2018 or something. DE needs to stop making new stuff and finish their old stuff.

    submitted by /u/off-and-on
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 06:44 PM PST

    I've been playing on and off for awhile. Still working through the story. I just earned a archwing finally! Lol

    submitted by /u/warhandz
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    What could this be? a Tenno fighter ship?(from Dev Workshop video)

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 08:57 PM PST

    Dear DE, we require a rotary, multiple barreled machine gun.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 07:44 AM PST

    See title. I am fairly certain, that a great amount of Warframe players would enjoy having such a weapon in-game, me included. To those who are going to argue about Tenora being a Gatling gun - watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8-1GYRPeAY. Or at least, please give us such skin for an already existing weapon (Soma, Quellor, Supra, Tenora etc.) Hell, it would even work for archguns. I would be eternally grateful since my wet dream is to go on a defence mission and mow enemies down with a minigun.

    Sincerely, ya saddened boi Bernys.

    submitted by /u/BernysCZ
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    [Volt] the defiled, very much enjoying playing this tortured soul

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 12:43 PM PST

    Vauban mains be like

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 04:28 PM PST

    The Cheapskate Warframe Allies Return: Eoodeeco

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 11:56 AM PST

    Can I get some clarification as to how the "Player has completed at least 30 Wreckage" Tier works?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 09:46 PM PST

    I'm a little confused as to how this works. Do I first need to repair 30 pieces of wreckage?

    And would scrapping repaired wreckage go against my progress?

    Currently, I cannot hold more than 27 pieces of repaired wreckage, which means this would be an issue if I have to keep them in my inventory. Unless I buy more slots..........

    So can I please get some clarification as to how this works - do I need to have 30 pieces of repaired wreckage in my inventory by the time the update comes out?

    submitted by /u/Dark_Magicion
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    so what about the test cluster

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 05:36 PM PST

    Given the changes proposed seem to be pretty substantial and involve every aspect of railjack it would probably benefit DE to roll the test cluster out.

    submitted by /u/Cantor2064
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    Why using warframe energy instead of flux energy is a very bad idea.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 05:53 PM PST

    1. Engineering

    Engineering in railjack has already been a pretty sparse role. In the most efficient setups it basically consists of supplying dome charges to the forward guns, some regular missiles for breaking crewship shields, flux for the pilot to burst down fighters, and rarely omni fluid to repair the ship.

    Tying flux to warframe energy takes out one more thing engineers can actually do to feel useful. With this change in addition to having resources regenerate for everyone over time and the removal of hull breaches (potentially even LESS use for omni fluid) engineers may become practically obsolete.

    1. Forcing Warframe Builds and Consumable Use/Abuse

    Now certain warframes are going to innately be better in railjack for pilot or gunner roles because they have more base energy. Primed flow may become mandatory, since we are used to having 500+ energy to spare on these abilities, energy we won't have access to without primed flow. If efficiency mods affect this as well, it becomes even worse.

    Additionally, there are very few ways of getting energy while ON the railjack. Namely: energy pads, zenurik focus school, and killing boarders (which you shouldn't have with a half decent pilot).

    So now energy pads are going to be borderline mandatory for the missions, zenurik gets used even more (not that there is a reason to use other focus schools anyhow), and warframes will need to build with energy in mind, meaning sacrificing already good builds for railjack specific ones.

    Even if these build changes are seen as good by DE for "diversifying things", it should be noted that this is done to improve flow. A flow that is disrupted by going "oop, time to drop another energy pad!"

    1. Outliers

    These are more questions than issues, but are potential issues that I do not trust DE to anticipate, much like the lack of energy availablility on railjack

    Hyldrin - Are the railjack abilities going to use her shield? In that case she will become incredibly powerful, not only able to not sacrifice her main build for a railjack one, but also with insane capacity and regeneration for energy. If not, then what? Have her own bar? Can't use railjack abilities? No matter what, this seems bad. Lavos - Same thing but cooldowns instead of shields Operator - Has a quickly regenerating energy pool, are operators just now unable to be pilots? If so, why? It was a good way to level amps. 

    Link to forum post: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1252342-why-using-warframe-energy-instead-of-flux-energy-is-a-very-bad-idea/

    submitted by /u/Jjackal99
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    Best with sound. Just a little thing I did.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 09:36 PM PST

    And I thought I've seen everything...

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 06:56 PM PST

    Wings look good on 'the man in the wall'

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 08:56 AM PST

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