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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Q&A | Ask Your Game-Related Questions Here!

    Warframe Weekly Q&A | Ask Your Game-Related Questions Here!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 08:00 AM PST

    This thread is for those who aren't that knowledgeable about the game to freely ask questions and get answers. Questions will be answered any day of the week!

    This place will be a troll-free environment so that anyone can ask a question without backlash. In other words: negative attitudes will NOT be tolerated.

    If you wish to just view top level comments (i.e. questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.

    Comments are sorted by new by default! And remember...

    Questions will be answered any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I was only MR3, what was he thinking?!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 07:06 PM PST

    Washing your hands off of the problem only adds to it.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 09:13 AM PST

    Ropalolyst, Simplified

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 04:51 PM PST

    Ever tried to make your operator ugly as possible and forget to change back?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 12:18 PM PST

    Parazon finishers/Mercy kills could be to Warframe what glory kills are for Doom if DE allowed it

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 06:56 AM PST

    I don't want to make a wall of text, so I'll just summarize a few short points:

    • Mercy kills' ties with Impact damage needs to be severed
    • Mercy kills should ALWAYS drop 1 health orb, and 1 energy orb, and maybe even a universal ammo drop or something. (I know the mods exist guys, they're just not reliable because they're only a chance to receive health or energy, and that's only if you manage to successfully mercy an enemy, which is already hard to pull off.)
      • Early on, new players don't have a reliable way to generate energy or health so this should become a tool to be able to rely on, rather than just some fancy gimmick. Same goes for frames that aren't self-sufficient
    • Mercy kill states shouldn't activate at 5% health; that's just ridiculous considering how quickly things die in this game
      • Instead, when an enemy "dies" they have a 15-25% chance to enter an "agony" state for a few seconds, basically an extremely slow and "agonized" death animation, in which they will be open for a mercy kill, hence the name, mercy kill. I feel that this option would allow for a much more reliable way to execute mercy kills since in later stages of the game, you won't be able to purposely leave an enemy with such a low health percentage without outright killing them.
    • Mercy kill animations need to be slightly sped up, resume control to the player much sooner, and some of the clunkier animations (the hook pull from behind, the frontal jump slap to the face, etc) should either be tweaked to flow nicely or just removed.
      • Some of the finisher animation look really cool and seem to maintain momentum, such as the slide stab, or the one that flips over the enemy and stabs them in the head before landing behind them, but others kill all sense of speed and seem impractical.

    In short, I think parazon could be more than just some overlooked gimmick. I'd love to see it utilized frequently. It would be great if eventually it had a larger range of mods that give bonuses after mercy kills so one can actually utilize it as a tool that is reliable and useful in game, because quite frankly, I don't wanna see such a badass mechanic be forgotten and useless as inevitably will.

    (Link to official forum post here. )

    submitted by /u/TheXenianRedditor
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    Sortie assault today. You know what that means!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 02:52 PM PST

    I love this community

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 10:03 PM PST

    Reminder: It's Umbra forma week, go see Teshin

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 04:53 PM PST

    friend of mine had this little glitch, thought I'd make this (with their permission of course)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 06:59 AM PST

    DE please let us use accented letters when renaming stuff (á é í ó ú etc.)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 03:19 PM PST

    【�� �� �� �� �� | �� �� �� �� ��】

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 08:22 AM PST

    Guido Mesa Prime

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 04:05 PM PST

    Inappropriate Lettuce

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 11:51 AM PST

    Since this was removed on the forums, I figured I'd ask it here. For a while, me and a few friends have heard that "Lechuga" (Spanish for Lettuce) is banned/prohibited in chat. Yesterday, after a buddy was unable to name their companion "Lechuga", I decided to test this theory only to find out that it is indeed true. Upon putting "Lechuga" into region chat I was given a message saying that it was "inappropriate for our space-ninja game" after a minute and the message was removed. I'm here to ask why saying "lettuce" in Spanish is considered inappropriate but naming a Kavat "Hitler" is fine or talking about the proportions of a frames posterior or pectorals is more appropriate than just simply saying "Lechuga". This hasn't been brought up anywhere else, either, as searching up "Warframe lechuga/lettuce" will just bring up the removed forum post and nothing else aside from comparing Lavos' head to a head of lettuce. So, what's so inappropriate about saying "lettuce" in Spanish?

    submitted by /u/NorrisBorn
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    In the portuguese language, we have a word that describes what it feels like missing something. But to express it better, we use this image instead.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 08:18 AM PST

    Vulpaphyla and Predasite breeding; a quick guide

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 05:17 PM PST

    I made this guide for myself, so I wouldn't get so confused, but thought that it may help others who are interested and want to try it out.

    For the record, breeding a 4 antigen/mutagen Vulpaphyla/Predasite is really time consuming, and I haven't had the opportunity to test any of the final results yet. I'm not sure if any of the resistances or weaknesses are bugged. Proceed at your own caution.

    For Vulpaphylas, you will need:

    60 Son Tokens total; a minimum of 20 to start 1

    35,000 Entrati standing for 7 gildings 2

    1 of each antigen (desus, virox, plagen, poxi) and mutagen (adra, elsa, zarim, phijar)

    6 blank genetic code templates

    3 incubator cores

    4 of the same species of Vulpaphyla 3

    30 kavat genetic codes

    For Predasites, you will need:

    60 Son Tokens total; a minimum of 20 to start 1

    35,000 Entrati standing for 7 gildings 2

    1 of each antigen (iranon, elasmun, ibexan, tethron) and mutagen (leptosam, chiten, arioli, monachod)

    6 blank genetic code templates

    3 incubator cores

    4 of the same species of Predasite 3

    3 kubrow eggs

    1 You can trade in your previously bred variants for 15 Son Tokens when you are finished duplicating their genetic codes. This will net you a total of 90 Son Tokens when you are finished.

    2 You only need 6 gildings to create the final variant, but I'm assuming you will gild your final pet. Also, you do NOT need to max level pets after you gild them in order to acquire their genetic codes.

    3 I haven't tested this with mixed species. I'm not sure the results would guarantee any kind of consistency -- so to be safe, I recommend sticking to whatever species you want across the board.

    Vulpaphyla Breeding

    Step 1:

    Variant 1 (antigen a + mutagen a) X Variant 2 (antigen b + mutagen b) = Variant 3 (antigen a/b + mutagen a/b)

    Create variant 1 and variant 2, level to max and gild for 20 Son Tokens.

    Create 1 genetic code of each, and crossbreed; this will consume 2 genetic code templates, 1 incubator core, and 10 kavat genetic codes.

    Step 2:

    Variant 4 (antigen c + mutagen c) X Variant 5 (antigen d + mutagen d) = Variant 6 (antigen c/d + mutagen c/d)

    Create variant 3 and variant 4, level to max and gild for 20 Son Tokens.

    Create 1 genetic code of each, and crossbreed; this will consume 2 genetic code templates, 1 incubator core, and 10 kavat genetic codes.

    Step 3:

    Variant 3 (antigen a/b + mutagen a/b) X Variant 6 (antigen c/d + mutagen c/d) = Variant 7 (antigen a/b/c/d + mutagen a/b/c/d)

    Level variant 3 and variant 6 to max and gild for 20 Son Tokens.

    Create 1 genetic code of each, and crossbreed; this will consume 2 genetic code templates, 1 incubator core, and 10 kavat genetic codes.

    Predasite Breeding

    Step 1:

    Variant 1 (antigen a + mutagen a) X Variant 2 (antigen b + mutagen b) = Variant 3 (antigen a/b + mutagen a/b)

    Create variant 1 and variant 2, level to max and gild for 20 Son Tokens.

    Create 1 genetic code of each, and crossbreed; this will consume 2 genetic code templates, 1 incubator core, and 1 kubrow egg.

    Step 2:

    Variant 4 (antigen c + mutagen c) X Variant 5 (antigen d + mutagen d) = Variant 6 (antigen c/d + mutagen c/d)

    Create variant 3 and variant 4, level to max and gild for 20 Son Tokens.

    Create 1 genetic code of each, and crossbreed; this will consume 2 genetic code templates, 1 incubator core, and 1 kubrow egg.

    Step 3:

    Variant 3 (antigen a/b + mutagen a/b) X Variant 6 (antigen c/d + mutagen c/d) = Variant 7 (antigen a/b/c/d + mutagen a/b/c/d)

    Level variant 3 and variant 6 to max and gild for 20 Son Tokens.

    Create 1 genetic code of each, and crossbreed; this will consume 2 genetic code templates, 1 incubator core, and 1 kubrow egg.

    As for final appearance results, it appears that it is dependent on the first code you enter into the crossbreeds. I haven't tested this myself as of yet, but I'll update this little guide if I figure it out.

    If I have made any mistakes or anyone has anything they would like to add, I would greatly appreciate it! Good luck out there, fellow Tennos, and I hope this has helped!

    submitted by /u/lushelocution
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    Got this shot while playing around with Captura. I had to do it!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 05:04 PM PST

    Parazon Concept Rebuttal: If I kill an enemy they should die, let the player choose when to use the Parazon

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 10:44 PM PST

    This is a partial response to this thread. I've been on the "make the Parazon the DOOM chainsaw" train for awhile now, love to see it getting traction again, hate to see this implementation be the one that pops up again.

    TL;DR of what the hell I am talking about...

    • We need an innate energy/healing economy
    • Parazon exists... we should use it
    • Have Parazon-ing an enemy drop health, energy, and ammo AT BASE
    • Make Parazon-ing enemies more accessible

    The part of the proposal I think is bad, directly quoted...

    Instead, when an enemy "dies" they have a 15-25% chance to enter an "agony" state for a few seconds, basically an extremely slow and "agonized" death animation, in which they will be open for a mercy kill, hence the name, mercy kill. I feel that this option would allow for a much more reliable way to execute mercy kills since in later stages of the game, you won't be able to purposely leave an enemy with such a low health percentage without outright killing them.

    Is this better than what we have now? Yes. Would this work? Absolutely. Would I be content if this is what DE went with? I'd sleep happy.

    Is it the best solution? In my opinion, hell no. Normally I wouldn't care enough to make a rebuttal like this but I have seen this same suggestion over and over and over again. I love the enthusiasm, but if we are going to push to get the chainsaw in Warframe we should push to get the right chainsaw.

    There are two massive problems with this method of making Parazon finishers more common.

    1. It is out of the player's control. Energy orbs are already RNG, we don't need to replace RNG with more RNG.
    2. A shower of energy, health, and ammo is a reward. And how are we rewarded? By watching an enemy we thought we killed not die. I shot that enemy with a contained nuclear explosion from my Lenz, they should be dead, not kneeling over like a washed up method actor.

    Let's take a quick look at what the DOOM chainsaw does because it feels like we are skipping over some of its roles.

    • The Chainsaw is a tool used to refuel your murder capabilities.
    • The Chainsaw can be used to tactically remove enemies you deem need to extra-die.
    • The Chainsaw allows you to choose the right moment to refuel.

    The bad proposal hits that first bullet point but completely fails at the other two. And while we shouldn't always want to copy other games one-for-one, those second two bullet points are vitally important for why the DOOM chainsaw is such a major success.

    But hey, I'm not just a negative Nancy, I'm also here to sell solutions to the problems I find.

    The good Parazon proposal:

    • Gaining affinity from any source (your kills or ally kills) builds up a Parazon charge. Up to four Parazon charges can be held at one time. When you have a Parazon charge you can interact with any enemy at any health value and immediately dispose of them, consuming all of your Parazon charges. For every Parazon charge consumed you get additional Health/Energy/Ammo.

    Not only does this fix both the RNG and power fantasy problems, it actually enhances our power fantasy. New players hate Bursas and Nox, imagine the catharsis of a baby Excalibur being able to immediately wipe them out with a fancy animation. Furthermore it adds emergent strategies to the moment-to-moment gameplay. Maybe you want to save your Parazon charge for that special someone. Maybe you know you are about to spam a ton of abilities and you want to be ready to top-off on energy after. Seeing as energy/health/ammo are party-shared, maybe you work together as a group to stagger Parazon usage for a constant stream of fuel.

    It is painful how perfectly DOOM's chainsaw fits into Warframe, let us have a good thing DE.

    Bonus concepts to add to the "wouldn't the Parazon be even more epic if..." list:

    • Warframe-specific "universal" finishers: You know the hacking animation that plays if the game can't figure out how to use one of the fancy animations on an enemy? Instead of the enemy just falling over, add a fancy vfx to them that is Warframe specific. Ember causes them to burst fire, Volt electrocutes, Garuda does gore things, Wisp teleports their body away, you get the idea.
    • It would probably be too much effort but we could go even further... fully unique animations. Rhino throws the Parazon then charges into them while pulling the enemy towards him. Limbo does jojo things. Grendel uses the Parazon to yeet the enemy into his gut. Saryn could break even more Geneva conventions.

    Final note: The "enemy doesn't die" mechanic isn't all bad. In fact I think it would be a fantastic way to rework Eximus into "lesser-Liches" (enemy spawns as normal, instead of dying they become downed, if you don't Parazon them in time they revive as an Eximus). But I don't think it should be the primary we use our Parazon in combat and I especially don't think we should be dependent on it.

    submitted by /u/MrHorris
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    Even the Chroma Specter know how bad Spectral Scream is, he won't even use it.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 05:05 PM PST

    I managed to get a YouTube copyright notification from using a Shawzin Bot. ��

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 12:04 AM PST

    I want to repay a debt to an awesome player.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 06:32 PM PST

    Hey there kiddos,

    I need your help. I want to repay an awesome player who has helped me out on warframe time and time again. From popping rivens and relics to helping me get to the Steel Path, Railjack and even buy things from Baro for me, this player has done it all for me. The problem, HIS PC IS ABSOLUTE CRAP!!! I want to buy him a computer that will run warframe smoothly. The biggest issue is I am in USA and he is in Canada. How do I buy a computer for someone else in another country? What computer or laptop can I get him without breaking the bank or being over the top (I have been told that I am overly generous to the point of making others feel guilty).

    Help me Tenno, I need advice.

    Sincerely, Dandyman-GM

    submitted by /u/Dandyman-GM
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    Top 10 Anime Betrayals

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 12:03 PM PST

    Umbral Forma Blueprint from Tenshin this week

    Posted: 07 Mar 2021 04:11 PM PST

    Umbral Forma BP for sale by Tenshin for this week's Steel Path Honors.

    150 Steel Essence, available one week in eight.

    Week of March 08th 2021

    submitted by /u/hexanaticious
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