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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    This thread is for sharing your Warframe experiences and good or bad luck. Experiences can be shared any day of the week!

    Whether you praise the Void or curse RNGesus, everyone here can sympathize; share any experiences that you've had in Warframe that you want! You can also freely share things that are listed as "disallowed posts" here.

    Comments are sorted by new by default! And remember...

    Experiences can be shared any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    [fanart] a couple sketchy Operator comics!

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    First batch of 32px Warframe icons

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 08:39 AM PDT

    Demonic Miarage

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    Free code for all platforms! Ends June 23rd.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 08:40 PM PDT

    WF-GCX-2021: Gives free pink color palette, Thorac Syandana, 3 day Affinity booster!

    submitted by /u/Stathisis
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    The ascended one

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 10:54 PM PDT

    My Loki cosplay is done, not perfect but I think its pretty good, cant wait for episode 3

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 01:17 PM PDT

    Really wish with extra Thermia points we could buy more Amalgam mods

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 02:25 AM PDT

    I didn't know Warframes could get dizzy

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    What the hell are we doing to capture targets when transporting them?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 04:34 AM PDT

    I mean, they scream a lot, and not just a "no, please no", they scream in agony.

    And how are we transporting them, anyway? They disintegrate, and the Lotus says that they're escorted to the extraction point. This seems like pretty game-changing transportation technology, so why do we not see it used more often?

    Is it unbearably painful? Maybe. That would explain everything about it, at least.

    submitted by /u/Shooper-Shroomp
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    This would be a great banner or wallpaper it's the promotional material for the kuva liches

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 04:34 PM PDT

    Could the password cursor not blink when the game is out of focus?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 01:42 PM PDT

    A text cursor should only blink when ready to type. It's the second time that I send my password to somebody on whatsapp web on my 2nd monitor. This is bugging me.

    submitted by /u/Extraltodeus
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    Civilians of the Origin System Part 1

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 01:25 PM PDT

    Civilians of the Origin System Part 1 – Oroban Green, Hexis Scribe

    Due to the Tenno only focusing on military and Infested targets, there is very little reason for them to visit civilian areas unless it is absolutely necessary. Logically, it makes sense as one would never let a Warframe into a populated city anymore than one would let a kubrow into a kuaka pen. Of course, there is still in interest in some civilian life of the Origin System. Unfortunately, there is not much known about it but there are some things we do know. Firstly, we will be looking at two categories: Civilians inside the empires and thus subject to its laws, and those outside the empires and therefore independent entities.

    Starting off with the civilians in the Grineer Empire, we know next to nothing about them. What we do know is that they have no presence in the government or the military as both are completely run by clones. There has also been no evidence of civilians within the industrial businesses or the shipyards in the Empire. During the Grineer conquest of Mars, however, we have seen that Mars was still inhabited at the time by some such as Baro Ki'teer, but as of today most of these cities are abandoned. What we know about the Martian citizens was that they worshiped the Warframe Inaros after freeing Mars from Orokin control in the Collapse. Another region that was populated was Saturn, home to famous merchant shipping lanes before the Grineer navy took over the area, though there is still civilian travel and merchants. As planets such as Mercury, Ceres, Sedna, and Uranus have been shown to be valuable to the Grineer military, we can assume that they would not allow civilians near those regions. Therefore, the only locations home to civilian settlements may be Saturn, Mars, and Earth.

    As mentioned, civilian travel does exist in Saturn, though through tight security, and there is a massive city on Earth which can be assumed to be the Grineer capitol city. What the civilians do there or what life is like is hard to know, but considering the strict Grineer security in other possible civilian regions, we can assume that security is possibly strict within that city and perhaps all civilians are being monitored for Tenno or rebel sympathizers, which we know have been caught during Grineer boarding of civilian vessels on occasion. Of course, there are common celebrations within the Empire such as the Grineer Liberation Festival where traitors are executed publicly.

    We do know more about civilian life within the Corpus though. We know that there are civilian populations on Pluto, Venus, and Jupiter. The most well known settlement on Venus is the city of Fortuna, home to the Solaris United resistance movement. Fortuna is under the control of AnyoCorp and here we can see how unfortunate life is for the average Solaris. Here, everyone has an immense debt, some inherited by their deceased relative. Much of the work in Fortuna requires cybernetic enhancements, which puts workers in debt. Other forms of debt can come from housing to family size among others. As one Solaris put it, "Want work, gonna need a rebuild. Rebuild costs credits, go into debt, debt means they own ya. So you wanna be free, gotta earn that now, means you gotta work more, more work needs more upgrades, more rebuilds. Means more debt, always more debt. Working me whole life to buy freedom from the debt I bought to buy the freedom to work."

    The Solaris, like the other Corpus, follow the Corpus religion that revolves around profit. The Temple of Profit and the Order of Profit encourages donations from civilians and even provides small rewards. Despite the encouragement of these donations, the Corpus have made it clear that charity is illegal. Although many Solaris are cynical and don't truly believe that the Order is any help, some are faithful in the religion.

    Some Solaris and other civilians work as rail agents and even mercenaries. Rail agents seem to do all sorts of jobs from smuggling to simple delivery work for the Corpus, although that may be covered in Part 2 of this work. As for mercenaries, many civilians especially Solaris are recruited for all sorts of work even combat against Infested. These jobs can be very profitable on occasion and can be attractive to some people who may need quick money, though some jobs come at a cost such as a memory wipe

    On Jupiter, most civilians live in Gas City under the supervision of Alad V. It is likely these people work closely with Alad's corporation and may be more focused on the harvesting the precious materials and raw hexenon for fuel. Unlike the rest of the Corpus Empire, Alad V seems to have an alternate version of the Order of Profit. This new Order is supplemented with a vow catalog updated by Alad V for his disciples to use. Occasionally, certain candidates get chosen for the Partner Amalgamation process, though it is unknown whether these candidates are crewmen or civilians.

    Another part of civilian life on Jupiter may involve music. Some elevators, which lack ambiance, may possess musicians who can play music for a small fee from traveling occupants. One such song popular among the Corpus is "Profit, My Love", as well as a few others. While locations across the system also appreciate music, Gas City has been known to be likely more profitable for musicians.

    However there is not much known about the civilians on Neptune or Pluto. Pluto appears to be mostly automated and a main source of robots, but it does have a large city similar to Earth. Although no settlement can be seen form its orbit, we can assume that Neptune has a city as well since that is where the famous Index arena is located. Due to the hostile environment, it is likely the civilians live in an enclosed space like the Solaris. Like all other Corpus, the civilians may find entertainment in the Index on Neptune. They also have celebrations like any other culture. Some of these celebrations include a child's first stock purchase or the death of a wealthy relative. Nef Anyo, and perhaps other Board members, often throw parties for the higher class civilians such as investors. We can also assume that these civilians are part of corporations. While not corporations related to the Board of Directors such as AnyoCorp, some businesses the civilians may work in are shipping companies or those related to technological development such as Material Packing Solutions.

    While there are many opportunities for civilians within the Corpus Empire, there are also other civilians that exist independently within the Origin System such as the Myconians and the Ostrons, which will be covered within Part 2 of this work.

    submitted by /u/Oroban_Green
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    A History of the Infestation

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 06:49 AM PDT

    A History of the Infestation – Oroban Green, Hexis Scribe

    The Orokin Empire created many atrocities even before the Old War. But few can compete with the Infestation, a plague that is still a danger to this day. The Infestation is the ultimate plague. Highly contagious, highly dangerous, and highly effective. Very few can survive encounters from the Infested and those that become infected by the disease are subject to a gruesome and mutilating transformation. However, this plague was not originally designed to be a bane to humanity. Instead of perverting Life, it was meant to give Life.

    The Infestation had multiple uses. For Dax soldiers, the Lorist strain was used for medical purposes, able to heal wounds and grow back severed limbs in an instant. These healers often worked in pairs of two, specifically twins, created and altered to utilize the Lora Devices to heal fellow Dax soldiers.

    The Infestation had another suspected use as well, involving architecture, though this is only suspected. Orokin towers on Earth, such as the Unum of Cetus, are a near infinite source of food for the Ostrons. Within the walls themselves is what is described as "living flesh" that Ostrons harvest for sustenance. Although there is no confirmation that the flesh of the Unum is a strain of the Infestation, it indeed possess qualities akin to it such as the regeneration ability. Of course, this is only a theory but could've provided a way for the Orokin to feed the population of the Origin system during food shortages.

    Before the Old War, Earth was a toxic wasteland destroyed by pollution. At some point, the Orokin sought to give the planet life again, perhaps to gain more resources and farmland to feed its overgrowing population. An expert biologist, Silvana, helped work on the use of Infestation to revitalize Earth. The Infestation, the pinnacle of biotechnology, did indeed work on making Earth habitable again. However, it worked too well and eventually broke from containment into the Origin System. Most of what happened afterwards is unknown, but it can be assumed that the Great Plague was stopped and contained in various Dark Sectors at the cost of multiple Orokin colonies.

    During the Old War the Infestation saw a resurgence. After Sentient forces hacked the Orokin war machines and proved their military power to be ineffective, the Orokin weaponized the Infestation in hopes that it could destroy the Sentient invasion force. The Infested themselves proved useless against the Sentients, even the massive Lephantis, but the Helminth strain itself was used for warframe maintenance.

    During the Collapse, we can assume that once again the Infestation was contained to Dark Sectors throughout the Origin System, though one strain managed to infect Mars' moon of Deimos before it disappeared. Since then, both the Corpus and the Grineer have taken great strains to contain the Infestation and eliminate any outbreaks as quickly and as effectively as possible. However, many Orokin derelicts and Old War locations still hold the Infestation and if they are not taken seriously, the Great Plague can easily and quickly consume entire planets, such as Eris which was recently lost to the Infestation.

    To this date there is no known cure for the Infestation and only one individual was known to have been brought back from it, and that was an extremely exceptional case. The Infestation can be contracted through spores in the air or physical contact. In some cases, death is a preferable option to living with the disease. Some groups drop the infected person on to Eris to die. Should one live with the Infestation long enough for a transformation, they would come to regret it as their bodies become mutilated and twisted. Many infested Grineer become chargers and are forced to live as quadrupeds with their head hanging off to the side. Corpus crewman who become consumed by the Infestation often retain their humanoid form, though some are seen with their arm or hand stuck to their helmet. Older Infested become more consumed and altered however, and lose any evidence of their original form, as is the case with the Ancients.

    In recent times the Infestation has evolved somewhat into multiple unique strains, and is now capable of infecting machines with the new Mutalist strain. This strain allows the consumption of not just MOAs and Ospreys, but also Cephalons as well. There are a few other unique Infested strains still seen today.

    The Grey Strain on Deimos is one example. These Infested completely consumed the moon of Deimos and is much more dangerous and evolved than the other strains. Creatures such as the Jugulus and the Carnis can only be seen here and are far more dangerous than the Infested in the other parts of the Origin System. Just like all other strains, these Infested are part of a hivemind. However, this particular hivemind is divided by the two Wyrms controlling the strain, Fass and Vome. This particular strain may be one of the oldest Infested strains to exist.

    Another strain of Infestation is the Helminth strain. Unlike the others, this strain is more "tame" and has been used since the Old War to repair and maintain warframes after battle. It also possess features such as consuming sacrificed warframes and granting power to others, providing Tenno with a larger arsenal of abilities.

    Perhaps one of the newer and yet most interesting strain today is the Emissary Strain on Eris. While it is known that Infested are all part of a hivemind, one could never expect the average charger to be as intelligent as any human. The Emissary of Eris changed that expectation. Some time ago, a young boy named Arlo was presumed dead on Eris before reappearing and seeming to cure any infested victim with a touch of his hand. Upon gathering a large following on Eris, Arlo was revealed to have simply been dead all along and that the Infestation was never cured but instead delayed, consuming all of the followers. Members of this strain is still found today, namely the Zealots, on Deimos. Not only has the hivemind in this strain proven capable of setting up traps for its victims, but it also has been able to speak the same language as the rest of the Origin System.

    The Infestation has been defeated many times but has never been destroyed. With no cure and no way to completely eradicate the plague, all living beings in the Origin System are forced to simply attempt to survive and avoid the Infestation at all costs. Even so, every outbreak is driven back at great cost to the Empires and the Tenno and unless a solution can be made to destroy the Infestation, or even perhaps to make peace with them, the entire system may be consumed.

    submitted by /u/Oroban_Green
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    This is the result for my final project✨!! If you want to see more, look at my artstation, there is more about the work I did✨ https://www.artstation.com/artwork/KrbGdo

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    2 more sabotage missions for nightwave

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    Boy, the moon sure is big tonight.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 06:23 PM PDT

    (Sound) I wanted to get that Brakk for MR, but it looks like this guy is going to be converted instead. What did Spongebob do?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    The floor really wanted to eat me...

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:45 PM PDT

    Suggesting a new mechanic to balance guns vs each other

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    The upcoming Galvanizing mods are supposed to bring guns on par with melee weapons. Within the primary and secondary category however huge discrepancies in power exist.

    • Some of these discrepancies promote a sense of progression (Braton MK1 => Braton => Braton Vandal => Braton Prime), it would however be good for a diverse meta to have the final variant of each type on a relatively even powerlevel, in order to promote gun variety.
    • The main reason why guns fall massively behind melee weapons and abilities is AoE. Most top gun picks (Bramma, Prob. Cernos, Acceltra, Kuva Nukor, Kuva Kohm) feature inherent AoE in one form or another.
    • Not all weapon require AoE. Single target weapons have their right to exist. In a game that relies as heavily on AoE as Warframe does, a wider field of AoE options would however be healthy to promote viability.
    • Punch through is a stat that currently fills this role - and does relatively well in corridor scenarios. It has a good best-case when combined with abilities like Vauban's Vortex or Nidus Lava.

    The suggestion:

    • Goals:
      • Introduce a new way to hit multiple enemies at once, without the insane best-case scenario which restricts punch-through.
      • Use said mechanic to help out weaker guns in particular
    • Implementation:
      • [New stat] Ricochet Chance
        • Bullets have have an X% chance to hit another enemies within 20m range.
        • Ricochets can't Ricochet again.
        • [Up for Debate] headshots further increase Ricochet Chance


    • The Braton Prime is a relatively low DPS single target weapon. Granting it a (e.g.) 50% Ricochet Chance would help it immensely, even though it would very likely still be outclassed by top-tier picks.
    • The Acceltra has exploding bullets (and is already strong), a Ricochet Chance would not make sense here
    • The Latron Prime is a difficult to use weapon, with a lot of drawbacks. As a single target semi-auto weapon Ricochet Chance could go a long way to increase its viability.
    • The Baza Prime is a high DPS single target weapon. It most situations it is weaker than the Acceltra, but it shines against durable single-target enemies like Nox. It should have a low (e.g. 5%) Ricochet Chance compared to the much weaker Braton Prime.
    submitted by /u/sdric
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    What are some extremely fun odd builds that you came up with?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 09:00 PM PDT

    Pretty much title. What, helminth/non helminth build you came up with that is seems very odd but extremely fun to use?

    For me: Warcry Nova, or Tankva

    Essentially turning Nova into a melee killing machine with massive slowdown, Great DR, and huge speed increase.

    Also, hearing Valkyr's scream on Nova is amazingly hilarious.

    submitted by /u/Nackerson
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    Couldn't stop laughing at this glitch

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 09:00 PM PDT

    I am Wisp. I am helping

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 11:07 PM PDT

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