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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Warframe Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    This thread is for anyone to recruit or request others to help them out. It's open to all types of recruitment, and you can recruit any day of the week!

    • Asking for help from other players or offering to help? Go ahead and share your name!

    • Need people to do a certain kind of run? Put your name out there!

    • Want to recruit for your clan? Do it!

    • Anything else you want other players to add you up for? Get the word out and see who offers!

    Please provide the following information in your comment (in no particular order or format):

    • Platform (PC/PS4/XB1/Switch)
    • In-game name (to add to contacts), or clan name if recruiting
    • Location (for lag concerns or looking for players from specific regions)
    • Goal (What are you going to be doing?)

    No formatting necessary! That's right, format your requests or offers howeveryou want! The nicer and prettier it is though, the easier it is to read so keep that in mind!

    Read the other comments! If no one answers your response, add the others who have shared their info! Keep checking back to see who else is out there! Request away!

    And remember...

    You can recruit any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The most beautiful bug I've ever encountered in this game

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 05:43 PM PDT

    When that 75% discount hits...

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    I wish they would bring back the old corpus tilesets w/ higher resolution textures for certain missions to show wealth disparity among corpus

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 06:06 PM PDT

    When they revamped the Corpus tilesets it wasn't just a remaster, they totally re-envisioned the tilesets to fit with how the corpus lore evolved over the course of the game's lifespan

    For those who weren't here for the early years, Corpus used to be cold, calculating, miserly utilitarians who wouldn't spend a cent more than they absolutely had to. Weapons were made without any consideration for comfort, so corpus weapons like the Dera and the(original) Braton (which used to be a corpus-made knockoff of a tenno weapon until they made it just be the original tenno weapon) had completely squared handles because ergonomic handles are more expensive to make than blocky square handles and fuck spending money.

    Nowadays however they have a religious veneration of wealth itself and are extremely extravagant and favor ostentatious designs to show how welath they are, and the new tileset reflects that.

    However, I think it would add to the flavor of the corpus to have the older tilesets still available for some mission types to depict a divide between the extremely wealthy corpus and the "petit-bourgeoisie" corpus.

    On the one hand, you have people like Neph Anyo and Frohd Bek who can afford to kit all their cities and ships out in the most state of the art technologies and make them lavish with gloriously expensive banners, statues, and colors.

    On the other hand, you have people who're only just wealthy enough to afford their own, out-of-date, run-down, bare-minimum-quality ships and cities with dated equipment and only the most strictly utilitarian furnishings.

    Maybe I'm alone in this, but I just really like both the old and new directions for the corpus and I think it would add a lot of flavor and variety to corpus missions if the old and new tilesets were both available at the same time.

    Like, maybe assassinations, disruptions, will always use the new tileset to show that you're in the really nice part of corpus society but then other missions could depend on which planet you're on (whether based on level or lore) or randomized between the two on mission-start or something.

    submitted by /u/Perkinz
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    Yareli hugs Merulina as one of her idle animation

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 04:46 PM PDT

    Japan style operator room

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:50 AM PDT

    Ash Tsukuyomi Skin

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 07:31 PM PDT

    White as an energy color should be illegal

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 11:33 PM PDT

    "Your Creator"

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    Guns should have extra mod slots/capacity by default

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 03:56 PM PDT

    I was inspired to post this after seeing the huge drain the new Galvanized mods have, but I've had this opinion for a while. Guns already generally need more forma than frames and melee to be effective, and unlike those two they don't have Auras/Stances for basically free mod capacity. Giving guns an extra four mod slots and ten capacity, while not completely solving the problem, would help alleviate the grind of polarizing over and over. In addition to allowing us to just get more out of our guns, of course.

    submitted by /u/SkynetCommunism
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    Dev Workshop: The Arsenal Divide

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:25 AM PDT


    When choosing weapons for a mission, the Tenno have a lot to consider...

    • Which weapons are strong enough for me to fight at this level?
    • Which weapons are best against this faction?
    • Which weapons are the most efficient and easy to use?
    • Which weapons do I have the most fun with?
    • Which Mods make these weapons perform best?

    The average player will ask themselves at least one of these questions (usually more) before making a selection. Not all weapons are built equal, but ideally there are several answers to each query, so that Tenno can make their own choices from a variety of options and keep things fresh. If one category of weapons outclasses all the others, or makes them feel redundant, then we as developers want to step in to make sure choice exists for the sake of fun.

    Enter melee weapons, and equally importantly, the Mods you can use on them. Tenno have spent years sharpening their blades, but as a result, we've seen Primary and Secondary weapons collecting rust. And the longer we avoid addressing it, the worse this divide will become.

    We are changing Melee and Primary in for the singular purpose of making the combat experience more balanced, ** especially at high level play (Steel Path, etc).**

    Generally speaking, we feel that gunstats are in a good place, but it's the Mods that are lacking. Inversely, some Melee Mods are too strong. We intend to address these issues in two ways: firstly, careful nerfs to a handful of Melee Mods; secondly, by offering greater strength for the rest of your Arsenal with Primary and Secondary Arcanes and new Galvanized Mods.

    Our goal is to encourage you to use your entire Arsenal in-mission. Switching between Primary, Secondary, and Melee weapons should feel like valid and strategic options, in contrast to the uncontested Melee dominance that exists in the current meta. We want Melee to be fun and powerful as you rip and tear your way through the solar system but we want players to have that same level of fun and power with Primary and Secondary weapons should that be their preference.

    The option to choose is key here -- one that is lessened by the current divide between Melee and everything else. Our approach to lessen this divide will be through changes to existing Mods, the addition of new Mods, as well as introducing new Primary and Secondary Weapon Upgrades.

    If you'd rather watch a video going over this Workshop and the Sisters of Parvos Update at large, check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4wt-4Bx3Cg

    Melee Mod Nerfs

    We have 5 categories of changes coming:

    • Berserker
    • Bloodrush
    • Condition Overload
    • Glaives
    • Kuva Nukor


    Attack Speed increases for Melee are part of what makes it so dominant. This is especially true when the conditions to reach animation-breaking Attack Speed are as simple as current Berserker: 'on Critical Hit'. Infinite Attack-Speed Uptime is possible with a single Mod, and the result is animation noise with no distinction between hits, coupled with massive Damage output.

    We still want to support the ability to increase your Melee Attack Speed and Damage Output, just not to the levels you currently can.

    Berserker is changing from: * +30% Attack Speed (Max 75%) for 24s on Critical Hit

    To: * Beserker Fury, cannot stack with Fury. * On Melee Kill: * +35% Attack Speed (Max 70%) for 10s. Stacks up to 2x.

    This is important because:

    • It decouples it from Critical Chance.
    • Adds a more defined ramp up using 'On Kill' instead of On Crit (which frequently meant 0 to 'Max' in one swing hitting 3 enemies).
    • Renamed to Berserker Fury to communicate that it can no longer be equipped with Fury / Primed Fury.

    Blood Rush:

    Blood Rush's maximum value is being lowered.This changes the achievability of consistent Red Crits from just one Mod (on most Melee weapons, some High-Critical exceptions), and now additional help will be needed via Mods, Arcanes, or Warframe abilities to achieve consistent Red Crits.

    One Mod alone generally delivering the best tier of Criticals felt too powerful.

    Blood Rush is changing from:

    +60% Critical Chance stacks with Combo Multiplier

    To +40% Critical Chance stacks with Combo Multiplier

    Condition Overload

    Condition Overload's maximum value is being lowered. It's been some time since we originally changed this Mod, and in this time we've decided we're still not happy with the way this goes up against other Damage Mods (namely Primed Pressure Point). We've reduced this to 80% to make it almost as good as Primed Pressure Point, and 3 Status Types back to where it was originally. It remains true that even though the maximum potential damage is lower now, we think it is still an extremely powerful Mod in its latest iteration.

    There should now be a more meaningful choice: do you want front loaded damage or a build up from multiple Status Types?

    Condition Overload is changing from: +120% Melee Damage per Status Type affecting the target.

    To +80% Melee Damage per Status Type affecting the target.

    Weapon Changes


    In late 2020, we reworked the Glaive melee class to be more powerful and comfortable to use. Overall, we feel these changes had their intended effect as weapons like the Glaive Prime skyrocketed from obscurity to the top of the pile with their newfound ability to inflict huge damage using heavy attacks.

    However, these changes also introduced a common issue: players with high melee attack speed would sometimes accidentally throw their Glaives when trying to perform simple melee strikes, and the "catch and release" mechanic sometimes resulted in multiple unintended throws. In reviewing our Melee system, we felt it was a good opportunity to address this concern, while also doing a balancing pass to reflect the power in this newly reworked melee class.

    That said, our two changes to Glaives go hand in hand:

    First, the heavy attack wind-up speed is being increased from 0.6 seconds to 1.2 seconds. With more time on the wind-up, it is much harder to accidentally throw when you are trying to swing.

    With this increased wind-up speed, players are also more capable of performing quick throws. Right now the damage on quick throws is very close to fully charged, so in order to encourage more meaningful choice, our second change is to reduce quick throw damage to approximately 50% of the maximum charge. Exact number changes are as follows:


    Direct Hit Damage from 366 to 201

    Radial Damage from 549 to 333


    Direct Hit Damage from 460 to 250

    Radial Damage from 690 to 345


    Direct Hit Damage from 210 to 116

    Radial Damage from 315 to 190

    Glaive Prime

    Direct Hit Damage from 328 to 180

    Radial Damage from 492 to 296


    Direct Hit Damage from 298 to 163

    Radial Damage from 447 to 225

    Halikar Wraith

    Direct Hit Damage from 503 to 263

    Radial Damage from 621 to 329


    Direct Hit Damage from 168 to 92

    Radial Damage from 252 to 126


    Direct Hit Damage from 390 to 215

    Radial Damage from to 520 to 293


    Direct Hit Damage from 524 to 288

    Radial Damage from 786 to 393


    Direct Hit Damage from 240 to 120

    Radial Damage from 480 to 250

    Kuva Nukor

    We are indeed touching 1 non-Melee item in the series of Nerfs, and likely to no one's surprise it's the Kuva Nukor. It's a dominant Secondary with incredible power, which is warranted given its acquisition. It'll keep all of its signature behaviour, but the general output is being notched down slightly with the following change:

    • Chains targets reduced to 2 from 4

    Onward to Primary & Secondary…

    With all the information about how we are lessening power in some ways, let's move onto the way we are increasing the power available to Primary & Secondary weapon options.

    Primary and Secondary Weapon Arcanes

    We are going to start with the biggest change: You can now add Arcane Slots (name not final) to your Primary and Secondary weapons, and fill the Slots with new Arcanes that enhance and reward diverse gameplay.

    Our entire approach to making Guns a comparable choice in your Arsenal orbits around the notion that Gunplay is fundamentally more varied than Melee: there are pinpoint accuracy guns, AOE guns, and high fire rate Guns (and everything in between). There's reload times, magazine sizes, and more. We want to make these varied options better at what they do by rewarding you for using them well - thus, Arcanes!

    Because the Gunplay falloff is more of a late-game problem, these new Upgrades will be earned through late-game content systems -- namely, the Steel Path. You'll be able to get the Arcane Slot Unlockers from Steel Path Honors, whereas the Arcanes themselves drop from Acolytes in the Steel Path! The spawn frequency of Acolytes is also being increased, meaning you'll get more Steel Essence, as well as more chances for the Arcane you want. All Acolytes will drop them!

    There are 6 Arcanes (3 Primary, 3 Secondary) that you'll be able to rank up and put to put into the new Slots:


    The first Primary Arcane is designed with Primary weapons that perform well as AOE or high rate-of-fire weapons. This Arcane will reward kills with the following stats at Max rank:


    On Kill:

    +30% Damage for 6s. Stacks up to 12x.

    +30% Reload Speed

    +100% Ammo Max

    The more you kill, the more damage you can build up. Groovy!

    The second Primary Arcane is designed with high precision weapons in mind. Make your Headshots count for greater performance (excluding AOE headshots)!:


    On Headshot Kill:

    120% Damage for 24s. Stacks up to 3x.

    +30% to Headshot Multiplier.

    -50% Weapon Recoil

    The final Primary Arcane is designed with using your full loadout in mind, enter Melee synergy:


    On Melee Kill: +60% Damage for 20s. Stacks up to 6x.


    Secondary Weapons will receive the same options as Primary Weapons for their Arcanes, but with their own version. In practice, you'd be able to equip yourself with a Precision Secondary like the Knell, a high-fire rate Primary like the Grakata, and select the Arcane that will reward each play style best!

    The stats are the same for the Secondary versions of the New Arcanes:


    On Kill:

    +30% Damage for 6s. Stacks up to 12x.

    +30% Reload Speed

    +100% Ammo Max


    On Headshot Kill:

    120% Damage for 24s. Stacks up to 3x.

    +30% to Headshot Multiplier.

    -50% Weapon Recoil


    On Melee Kill: +60% Damage for 20s. Stacks up to 6x.

    Ultimately each Arcane stacks up to the same amount of damage, but it's how you choose to get there that counts. Precision? Spray and Pray? Melee synergy? Your choice!

    The "Arcane Unlockers" themselves are an item you'll need to install on the weapons you want to take further, and you can find the Unlockers in the Steel Path Honors.

    Galvanized Mods

    Our observation that Arsenal imbalance becomes obvious at higher level content means that we want your progression to this content to matter for your power level. We want to give you the tools to progress to optimal play with a new series of Mods: Galvanized Mods!

    The general approach to these Galvanized Mods is that the unconditional upgrade is not quite as good as the non-Galvanized original, but the On Kill conditional increases them well above and beyond what is available with 'conventional' Mods in your Arsenal. These will be available from Teshin's Steel Path Honors.

    Galvanized Mods

    Login Items

    As with many of our large-scale reworks and changes in the past, we want to honour the investment of time and resources our players have put into their Arsenal! Since these changes are both wide-sweeping and precise, we have a general login inbox planned for all players, with a few bonuses for those who meet certain conditions.

    With the release of Update 30.5: Sisters of Parvos, players will receive the following upon login:

    • All Players Mastery Rank 5 and above will receive 5 x Built Forma.
    • All Players Mastery Rank 5 and above will receive a 3-Day Affinity Booster.
    • Any Player who owns a Kuva Nukor will receive an extra 2 x Built Forma.
    • All Players who owned ANY Lich Weapon at any point OR have a Converted Lich OR have an active Lich get 1x * Requiem Ultimatum (a new item to taunt a Lich or Sister into battle)!
    • Players who have Converted a Kuva lich OR vanquished a Kuva Lich will get OULL, which is a Requiem Wildcard Mod!

    In closing…

    Sisters of Parvos will bring these changes on all Platforms. The delivery of these changes is rooted in our goals, and if we miss the mark we'll be watching for what to tweak. Keep in mind what our goals and visions are when you give feedback after playing!

    submitted by /u/rebulast
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    Parazon Rework: Sisters of Parvos

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:25 AM PDT


    Parazon attacks were introduced in The Old Blood as a way to Mercy kill enemies. This stylish and universal blade has a clear role in all things Kuva Liches (and soon to be Sisters of Parvos), but their role in the game at large has been hard to play around. There are problems in need of solving, and this workshop outlines our plans to do just that!

    The problem with Mercy kills is they are hard to pull off, making engagement with the system far too low! Mercy kills only have a chance to trigger when an enemy's health is 20% HP or less. In practice, you really never know if it's going to happen. And if it does, it is often too late! You've riddled them with Status effects, a Squadmate casts an Ability, or your Kavat might be feeling extra bloodthirsty, and you cannot get in for the Mercy kill.

    We are changing their design, adding new Mods (thanks Design Council!), and refreshing the system.

    You can watch a video explanation as part of our Video Dev Workshop:


    The change is based on a core principle: We want to make them more reliable and more strategic so you can actively decide if you want to use a Mercy kill or not.

    Our change is rooted in the following:

    A Mercy Kill opportunity will be guaranteed when an enemy gets below 40% (60% for Corpus, but requires all Shields being stripped), but only on SPECIFIC units in each faction.

    The units are:

    • All Eximus
    • Grineer
    • Heavy Gunners
    • Bombards
    • Corpus
    • Scrambus
    • Nullifiers
    • Infested
    • Ancients

    And the logic is rooted in the following common scenario:

    Imagine you see a heavy gunner in the distance. You have "Blood for Energy" on your Parazon. You see you need some Energy, so you start shooting the heavy gunner knowing full well once she's at 40%, she will be open for a Mercy kill and the Energy could be yours!

    You can plan and decide!

    With this change also means the Impact Status Effect is changing:

    Before: Impact Status Effects used to increase the chance that the random Mercy kill opportunity would happen.

    After: Impact Status Effects increases the Mercy Kill threshold range on eligible enemies. So instead of triggering at 40% on the list above, you can apply Impact Status to do a Mercy kill sooner (4% per Status)… up to 80%. Meaning applying a lot of Impact Status quickly makes an enemy VIP more quickly susceptible to a Mercy Kill. Impact would then be a build strategy for getting the VIPs out of the fight!

    But what about really high levels you ask? Is it not dangerous to allow for essentially 1-hit kills in our scaling game? Mercy kills at high levels will have an extra consideration. They'll be available when the respective enemy is at 40% Health, or 25K Health, whichever is lower. This only applies for really high enemies and units, but for a Heavy Gunner specifically for example purposes… for this to matter it doesn't kick until level 415. So generally speaking, 40% will be what you notice, but once you hit level 400+ content (generally), you'll be using health thresholds.

    New Mods!

    Your Parazon Mod slots will have some new options in Sisters of Parvos!

    New Parazon Mods

    5 New Parazon Mods are here! Find them all today to add new power and Utility to your Parazon!

    • Power Drain - 100% chance for next ability cast to gain +50% Ability Strength.
    • Malicious Code - 50% chance for enemies within 15m to cower in fear for 8 seconds.
    • Hard Reset - Execute 3 Mercy Kills within 40 seconds to revive a fallen Sentinel or Companion.

    Design Council Contributions:

    • Swift Mercy - Speed of Mercy kills increased by 50%.
    • Firewall - Reduces damage by 75% during hacking.

    So there you have it - onward to planning the era of Mercy, Tenno! See you in Sisters of Parvos!

    submitted by /u/rebulast
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    Hildryn flexing her guns (art by me @veroz73)

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    This is the shit. From unranked to rank 30 in a single mission *Chefs kiss*

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 01:46 AM PDT

    Helminth Additions: Sisters of Parvos Update.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 08:25 AM PDT

    Helminth Grows a New Appetite: 30.5 Update!


    The Helminth System is being expanded. This system has been quite popular with players who really enjoy deep customization, so we're doing 2 things:

    • Adding 5 more Ranks and 5 new 'Helminth' Abilities.
    • Adding a new system: INVIGORATIONS!

    You can watch a video explanation as part of our Video Dev Workshop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4wt-4Bx3Cg

    NEW HELMINTH ABILITIES With the help of our trusty Design Council, the Helminth has been injected with new Helminth Abilities! Each one unlocks at one of the new Helminth Ranks (11,12,13,14,15)!

    PARASITIC ARMOR (11) Sacrifice Shields to reinforce Armor for a period of time

    HIDEOUS RESISTANCE (12) Grant yourself immunity to Status effects.

    VORACIOUS METASTASIS (13) Consume Energy to heal yourself and grant matching Energy to each ally.

    SICKENING PULSE (14) Emit a pulse that adds stacks to Status Effects already afflicting enemies, except Bleed or Toxin effects which are duplicated with fresh timers.

    GOLDEN INSTINCT (15) Send out a short-lived Void Spark that is drawn toward the nearest Medallion, Ayatan Sculpture, unscanned Kuria or unscanned Fragment.


    Son has been busy developing new bio-technologies for Helminth. Visit SON in the Necralisk on DEIMOS to obtain the New Segment required to upgrade your Helminth to perform a new operation: Invigorations!

    Our main objective with this system expansion is really simple: give players a way to engage with Warframes they may not have used in a while!

    Here's how it will work:

    Every week, your Helminth will have an Affinity toward 3 Random Warframes. You can interact with Helminth with these Warframes to gain select Weekly Buffs (one Offensive and one Utility/Defense)! For example:

    Zephyr: 200% Power Strength and Immune To Status

    Atlas: 200% Primary Critical Chance and +1000 Armor

    Excalibur: 250% Melee Damage and 75% power Efficiency

    These will be drawn randomly per player. Tenno can check their Helminth during the Weekly reset to see what Invigorations are available for the week. Once you infuse the Invigoration, it lasts the week before the power of the Helminth wears off.

    To give players some control over what will be very powerful buffs, the Helminth takes note of your interactions - for every 10 Invigorations you do, you'll be able to Select what Warframe receives the next buff!

    As of now, the Segment will cost 30,000 Entrati Standing and will be available once you hit the rank of Family. Get your Family tokens ready, Tenno!

    submitted by /u/rebulast
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    Dev Workshop: Steel Essence will despawn after 5 min

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    Dev Workshop video at 9:47: https://youtu.be/G4wt-4Bx3Cg?t=587

    No doubt to counter the current meta SE farm, which is piling up a bunch of SE and waiting for Smeeta Kavat to buff at least twice. I guess DE thinks there's too much RNG involved just like when SE only dropped from eximus units.

    Also, I like how this is the one thing that is mentioned only in the video for 20 seconds but not anywhere in the 3 Dev Workshop posts. Easy to gloss over.

    submitted by /u/allenallenallen333
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    Old habits die hard sometimes. Thought i'd share my fashion frame based on what i had in an old game called spiral knights.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 08:16 PM PDT

    Lets go to Simaris ... oh wait, no, lets take the shortcut!

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    How I Feel Playing Volt vs Gauss

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 02:43 PM PDT

    Silenced Weapon Sounds?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 10:56 PM PDT

    It's bothered me for some time that whenever I shoot a weapon that goes BANG whenever i have a Hush, Suppress, or Silent Battery mod installed that removes 100% of the noise, it still goes bang. I have always felt it would be much more immersive if weapons with these mods installed removing 100% would have a suppressed sound.

    submitted by /u/thekaner
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    Remember all the people losing their minds a couple weeks ago thinking these mods was all DE was going to do for the guns/melee rebalance?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    while I was in the plains I came upon this grineer squad. I was going to strike, but then realized they weren't firing. Instead of ending their life I decided to befriend the grineer squad. We became quick friends doing everything together. We wondered the plains, but then a dargyn flew overhead and

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 02:20 PM PDT

    As requested THE WALL in video form.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 08:22 PM PDT

    Trying to kill lich but can't, can someone explain what I'm doing wrong? I have the right mods equipped

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 01:48 AM PDT

    Gara Prime's Armour flew off and started breathing fire in the Codex

    Posted: 19 Jun 2021 01:32 AM PDT

    Baro Ki'teer 18/06/2021 [PC]

    Posted: 18 Jun 2021 06:01 AM PDT

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