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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Warframe Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    This thread is for anyone to recruit or request others to help them out. It's open to all types of recruitment, and you can recruit any day of the week!

    • Asking for help from other players or offering to help? Go ahead and share your name!

    • Need people to do a certain kind of run? Put your name out there!

    • Want to recruit for your clan? Do it!

    • Anything else you want other players to add you up for? Get the word out and see who offers!

    Please provide the following information in your comment (in no particular order or format):

    • Platform (PC/PS4/XB1/Switch)
    • In-game name (to add to contacts), or clan name if recruiting
    • Location (for lag concerns or looking for players from specific regions)
    • Goal (What are you going to be doing?)

    No formatting necessary! That's right, format your requests or offers howeveryou want! The nicer and prettier it is though, the easier it is to read so keep that in mind!

    Read the other comments! If no one answers your response, add the others who have shared their info! Keep checking back to see who else is out there! Request away!

    And remember...

    You can recruit any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    �� Summer Vibes ��

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:04 AM PDT

    This dude invites me to his orbiter, and plays the entirety of Soldiers of the Wastelands without missing a beat.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    Warframe Clans Survey - Results

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 08:59 AM PDT

    Yareli's alternate helmet, the Physalia helmet.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 07:40 AM PDT

    What is this crewman suit and why have I never seen it up until now?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 03:55 AM PDT

    Could someone please explain to me why all the Orokin themed defense missions have their cryopods with their occupants floating OUTSIDE their pods?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 06:26 AM PDT

    The Lore in this Game is Insane

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 10:04 PM PDT

    Ok, so I know we've all played/watched a plethora of scifis, and were all familiar with the "ancient civilization with advanced leftover technology" trope. Its cliche but it's cool. I remember being amazed by forerunner stuff in Halo and waiting 4 games just to see what they looked like. We got the "ancients" from stargate. They were aight I guess, if a little on the nose. We got the nomai from outer wilds which were really fun to learn about. (God bless that game.) And plenty of other examples. I cant think of em all. They're always super intriguing and automatically inject your media with an aura of mystery.

    Then theres the freaking Orokin. They use the power of a "void" to power brain dead people-puppets infected with a bioengineered super virus that turns flesh into iron-clad gristle. They bioengineer ships, weapons, and even live in freaking MEAT castles/ships addorned with gold, silver, and marble. And then they've got the leftover remnants of their society trapped in the void, and their only way to interact with the world is to make use of these helpless people/puppets. This game blows my freakin mind. And then when I think over I've got a cyst on my neck that's legit designed to be contagious. I mean what??? And then you find out that your A.I. buddy is a mass murderer with his soul trapped into a computer as punishment for past crimes. I mean gee whizz. That was a surprise.

    All I'm sayin is the lore in this game is nuttier than any other scifi lore I've been able to get behind. I keep running into these "holy shit" moments where single little elements of the story here and there are actually astounding.

    submitted by /u/Dannyboy490
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    Even my sketches are bored now..

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 05:20 AM PDT

    Request: fix Garuda's left talons?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 06:40 AM PDT

    Mesa Insomnia skin. Hope you like my work on this one.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 11:46 AM PDT

    New player, just played through Chains of Harrow, and i made a horrible decision.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    I've played this game without spoiling myself to most things (albeit it is quite old), and was woefully unprepared for what this mission would bring. At 2 A.M. last night after a long night of work, i strapped on my studio quality headset and decided to start playing this mission.

    Rap Tap Tap.


    submitted by /u/Awwdamson
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    My lich stretched my neck

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:50 AM PDT

    Vitus Essence drop rate will be doubled

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    Just said on the stream! This is in response to the galvanized mod changes feedback

    submitted by /u/tacocaliente41
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    Brontosaurus NEK PRIME

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 09:06 AM PDT

    baruuk graxx

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 05:58 PM PDT

    [Suggestion] Don't you think it would be really cool if moons in the Star Chart would actually orbit their planets?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    I mean, they did make the Kuva Fortress move around in a set course so it wouldn't be too strange / difficult if they had Phobos and Deimos move around Mars, Europa around Jupiter, Lua around Earth (although the fact that Lua was hidden within the void and then returned to it's original orbit would mean it lost it's original orbital speed but you could argue with something Sci-fi enough to work) etc.

    And if we're here already, I just want to say that moons standing still just wouldn't work at all, they would simply crash into their planets.

    I know it doesn't really matter but that's just a petty little detail I thought about while studying physics (I just want to say that DE were pretty accurate about the locations and sizes of things, although Eris should be closer to Neptune rather then Pluto)

    Edit: some said that this would be a usability nightmare and I agree, so it gave me an idea: a ui square at the side (could be part of the alert box) that directs you to a certain destination you pick out of the junctions you completed). While this would be some work for a small detail I just think it would be very cool and it bugged me that the fortress moves but the moons dont

    submitted by /u/GuyN1425
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    So, you wish to speak with the king?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 09:25 PM PDT

    Ash grinding is making me lose my mind

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    Trying to farm Ash parts in Railjack, but I've done Venus Proxima 5 times and didn't get anything (reached wave 25 every time) is this still how you get him? The wiki says so but this is obnoxious lmao

    submitted by /u/Yogami_asura
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    I’ve reached the mastery rank 10 milestone!

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    Soldiers of the Empire: Old and New.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    This little drabble comes from two different thoughts converging into one idea.

    One: That the lore states that the Tenno killed pretty much all the Orokin, which I assume means Anakin Skywalker levels of 'the men, women, and children too'.

    Two: Vazarin healing works on pretty much everything. My headcanon is that the Void healing restores the body to what it should be. That segued into imagining what would happen to a Grineer healed in that manner; would it erase all the clone corruption to return the Grineer to what they originally were?

    So, here's the story of a squad of Grineer discovering an Old-War era Tenno who fought beside Grineer and tried to save as many Orokin children as she could.


    Being three years old, which for a Grineer was impressive, Resk should have commanded a Marine detachment aboard a Galleon on the front lines. It was a prestigious posting that would have brought much glory to him, the Empire and the Queens.

    Resk had turned it down, preferring leading a squad aboard a crewship that regularly clashed with Corpus raiders in the Kuiper belt. There was something about getting up close and personal with his enemies that made Resk's blood sing, more than commanding from a distance could provide. So he stayed a Sergeant, hefted his trusty Sobek time and time again, and watched as his brothers and sisters fell over the years.

    Some fell to the genetic corruption that plagued more and more of his brethren, their flesh failing beyond the ability of cybernetics to save. He was lucky in that regard; only 35% of his body was metal, and he hadn't lost an organ in over a year. He knew it would happen someday, but he would devote his efforts to serving the Queens to the best of his ability until then.

    A dull thunk and the pilot's cursing brought him back to reality and the dropship troop bay he was strapped into. The curses faded a second later, which meant the impact hadn't been dangerous enough to worry the pilot. Reassured, Resk cast his gaze around the compartment, ensuring his troops were ready for duty.

    Eight of the eleven Grineer he leads were freshly decanted Lancers, the rank and file of the Empire's military. He had little hope of them surviving any serious engagement; the more recent batches were worryingly dull and prone to health issues. Moreover, while they might do well against the average Corpus Crewman, the Merchants that fought in the belt were a cut above the rest in skill and equipment.

    The remaining three were why his unit was regarded as the finest in this sector of the belt.

    The squad's Heavy Gunner; Tessa. The thunderous growl of her Gorgon had heralded the death's of many Corpus while he'd seen her heavy alloy armour shrug off a glancing shot from an Opticor more than once. She sat close to the hatch, mask off and scowling as she rubbed at the enflamed flesh around her newly installed cybernetic eyes. Tessa had lost them to the Rot and had been irritable ever since.

    Across from her sat Kij, the only other Trooper in the unit. He was Resk's batch-brother; the two had come from the same decanting just over three years ago. Unlike him, the other Trooper had been less lucky regarding his flesh and was now more metal than man. Kij didn't let that get him down; rather, he channelled the anger regarding his failing body to killing Corpus with gusto. Resk caught his brother's eye and rapped a fist against his chest, getting a lopsided smile in response.

    The final member of their combat effective's was Hoth. The Bombard sat alone, his sheer bulk requiring three seats for him and his Ogris launcher. Beneath the brutish exterior lay one of the happiest Grinner Resk had ever known, whether that involved killing Corpus or hacking their systems. He was happy for whatever genetic quirk that made the Bombard smarter than their kin, Hoth had proven himself time and time again during missions.

    "Five minutes to target, the station's a mess, so prep for void operations."

    Resk double-checked the airtight seal on his mask before switching over to canned air. If it weren't for the faint hiss of the valve, he wouldn't have noticed the difference; the air still tasted of metal and lubricant. The rest of the squad did the same, Tessa scowling before affixing her mask, being the final member to do so. The five minutes crawled by at a glacial pace; something Resk was well used to experiencing.

    The engines changed pitch as the dropship came into land, the air being sucked away by rattling vents before the hatch opened and gave him his first glimpse of the target. Even though the hangar his boots landed on was a total wreck, what was left still took his breath away.

    The emergence of an Orokin-era structure from the Void was always cause for a mad scramble to claim it before the Corpus... or the Tenno. His squad had been in transit nearby when the alert went out, which was how Resk got his first view of an Orokin station.

    It was, to put it bluntly, a graveyard. The ominous lines of a trio of Railjacks were torn asunder and spread across the hangar, clouds of shrapnel and other materials still lingering in the micro-gravity of the bay. As the rest of the squad fanned out around him with weapons raised, Resk noted that the damage seemed to be concentrated around the craft's engines.

    Whoever had done that hadn't wanted the ships escaping.

    The emergence from the Void had cast enough wreckage into the air that he ordered the squad to assume single file with Hoth in the lead. Debris heavy enough to rip a lesser Grineer off the deck was shrugged aside by the cheerful Bombard, who performed the task with a whistle. What little of the Orokin facility that wasn't cratered, melted or plain missing held little interest to Resk; the bodies did.

    As he was forced to duck beneath a pinwheeling disembodied arm, he updated that to parts of bodies.

    Spotting a relatively intact white-armoured form nearby, he gave an order. "Tessa, grab the body on your four."

    "On it." Unlooping a magnetic grapnel from her belt, the Heavy Gunner lobbed it underhand and hit the body the first time. "Reeling it in."

    Rather than stand around and examine it out in the open, Resk kept the squad moving towards the solitary intact airlock. One of the Lancers was tasked with carrying the armoured body, the soldier doing so without complaint. He was honestly surprised they made it to the lee of the blast door without anyone drifting off; usually, the fresh decants fucked up by now.

    "Hoth; door."

    The Bombard approached the airlock's pedestal, but before he reached it, the light flashed green, and the blast door ground open. More body parts greeted the squad, prompting a few twitchier Lancers to aim their Grakata's at the pile. A cuff to the back of the head got the closest moving as Resk waited for everyone to enter the chamber before cycling it. Cleverly hidden and silent vents rapidly pressurised the airlock before the far door hissed open.

    A burst of rifle fire spanged off the horned form crouched a dozen metres down the corridor before Tessa wrenched the offending Lancer's weapon down.

    "It's dead, you fool!"

    The Grineer tried to argue, but Resk shoved past them, and that shut down the attempt. Cautious, he kept his Sobek up just in case Tessa was wrong, but that proved unnecessary. The figure was one of the perfidious Tenno, the version called Excaliber... but it was very much dead.

    Surrounded by more heavily-armoured bodies, its grey and gold form body was rent by bullet holes and nasty cuts, but none of them had put it down for good. No, that was the enormous, ornate sword driven through their chest and out their back, the blow being what forced the Tenno to their knees. Then, letting his shotgun rest on the sling, he approached the nearest body and paused, for they were Grineer.

    Orokin-era Grineer.

    Their white mask had been knocked askew by whatever had cut them in half, exposing features that lacked the degradation his own face showed. He heard Tessa gasp, no doubt having followed his example in studying the body she'd captured in the hangar. Resk went down on one knee and traced the contours of the ancient Grineer's face, marvelling at how the Void had prevented them from decomposing.

    "Brother." He tore his gaze from his distant ancestor to see Kij standing beside him. "We should call this in, the intact genetic material alone..."

    The Trooper didn't finish the sentence, but Resk understood the reasoning without needing to guess. Any time an Orokin structure exited the Void, an unspoken objective was discovering sources of ancient Grineer DNA. Whoever discovered such would be greatly rewarded by the Queens... but something made Resk hesitate to give the order.

    He recalled the dozens of dead Grineer in the hangar, the bodies he was now knee-deep among and the Tenno slain in their midst and wondered why. He had fought alongside a Tenno mercenary a year past, and they had used a similar sword, not unlike the one protruding from the Excaliber. He suspected another of their kind had killed them, and he wanted to know why.

    He stood up and pointed to four of the Lancers. "Your lot, guard the airlock; let nothing in that isn't Grineer!"

    Ignoring the damp-sounding cries of 'For the Queens', Resk turned to his fellow Trooper. "I want to go deeper; there may be an even greater prize within."

    Kij glanced at the corpses and Tenno before nodding. "Another adventure then; lead on, Sarge."

    Resk thumped them on the shoulder as he took the lead, smiling behind his mask. He went to investigate down the corridor before a wet crunch made him glance back. Hoth had wrenched the sword free of the dead Tenno and was busy waving it around. He let the Bombard have their fun for a few moments before waving to get their attention. The burly clone instantly slapped the weapon against the magnetic strips on their back, being large enough to do that without hitting the floor.

    Signs of intense battle continued to greet the Grineer Marines as they turned corners and entered rooms. The haphazard and dim lighting made even him nervous, the flashlight on his Sobek sweeping towards anything that looked suspicious. Still, they were Grineer, and it would take more than bodies and poor lighting to halt their advance. Ironically, the Lancer's flash-training caused the most issues; the younger clones kept trying to investigate undamaged areas.

    Resk kept them moving with gruff orders and a few punches, the only two things these lot would understand. His veterans were of the same mind as him; their prize lay at the end of the trail of bodies. There had to be at least a company of ancient Grineer in various states of dismemberment so far, with no sign of that ending any time soon. Ducking under a warped blast door held up by a pair of Lancer's, Resk's eyes fell on not one but two dead Tenno.

    The closest was more a suggestion of one; dismembered body parts of an Ember model spread around the doorway. Its biomechanical flesh was torn apart and charred, no doubt courtesy of the heavy artillery emplaced before the largest vault door he'd ever seen. Coming up to stand beside him, Hoth whistled in appreciation at the emplacement, though there wasn't much left of it. Resk suspected it had been Railjack pulsar cannon before the second dead Tenno had gotten to it.

    That one was again surrounded by the Grineer who'd operated the weapon, though the damage to it meant he had no clue what it might have been. What little remained intact was white with a few fragments of gold highlighting, but that could make it any number of versions. Letting the others examine their dead ancestors, he made his way around the slagged cannon only to behold another Tenno.

    Unlike the others, it was intact enough his shotgun snapped up on reflex, wary of any sudden movements.

    "Hoth, Kij, Tessa; on me!"

    The other veterans had similar reactions to his own, four heavy weapons soon aiming at a Tenno that was curiously Grineer in appearance.

    It was kneeling before the vault door, but no sword was pinning it in place. The prominent breastplate and fleshy shoulder guards and skirt marked it as a Saryn, but it wasn't clad in white and gold like the other Orokin-era Tenno. Instead, their colouration bore an eerie resemblance to the Frontier Corps, though the shades weren't exactly matching. Further plates of alloy armour had been affixed across their body, again something the other Tenno lacked. The only thing about them remotely Orokin was the Soma assault rifle clutched in their hands, its gilded half-moon magazine empty.

    Tessa was the first to speak. "We should blow it up; I don't like this." She reached for a demolition charge on her belt, but a massive gauntlet halted the move.

    "No." Hoth declared, his already deep voice lowered by his mask's vocaliser.

    The Heavy Gunner wasn't the only one who regarded the Bombard with surprise; Resk found himself sharing the emotion as he regarded his subordinate.

    Grunting, Tessa attempted to free her trapped hand. "What do you mean no, you brute?!"

    "No explosives," The hand holding the Ogris pointed the weapon towards the nearby pulsar cannon. "Capacitance cells are still charged; an explosion could destabilise them, kill us all and whatever's behind the door."

    Resk took one look at the emplacement and gave the order. "Back up, we'll leave it alone for now."

    The surly Heavy Gunner wrenched her hand free with a curse and crept backwards, splitting her glare between the Tenno and Hoth. Kij barked at the loitering Lancers who scrambled to take positions covering the door they'd entered. Even then, a white mask would occasionally glance towards the vault before jerking back. Resk allowed it, mostly because his long-replaced left hand was tingling, which should have been impossible.

    There was danger incoming, but he didn't know what.

    A distant rumble sent loose debris clattering across the deck, but a panicked transmission from the dropship made his blood run cold.

    "Corpus crewship on approach! Engagi..." The pilot's voice dissolved in a blast of static, and when they came back, it carried a wet gurgle that hinted at lethal injuries. "Glory to the Queens!"

    Another explosion from the direction of the hangar rocked the assembled Grineer, coinciding with the transmission cutting off abruptly. A lesser marine would have panicked and rushed towards the hangar, but Resk had been in too many battles to commit such a mistake.

    "Hoth, emplace and load shield-disruptors." The Bombard slammed a fist against his chestplate and did as asked. "Tessa, see if the dead have any spare omnimunitions; we'll be needing the resupply. Kij..." He turned to meet his brother's eyes before gesturing to the glowing capacitance cells. "Let's see if we can prepare a little surprise for the Merchants."

    As he helped his fellow Trooper extract the volatile ammunition, Resk didn't even attempt to contact the force he'd left at the airlock. Standard Corpus doctrine in the belt called for a preliminary force of Crewman and proxies to breach before crewship engagement. Those Lancers had died before the dropship was destroyed, which meant contact was imminent. From long experience, he expected the first MOA's to arrive within five minutes, which was why the hunting cries from right outside made him freeze.

    He'd been in the midst of hauling a cell to the pile beside the hatch when the heat-warped blast door exploded in a storm of debris and plasma bolts. Reflexively hurling the fist-sized sphere into the doorway, he threw up a hand when the first MOA through ran face-first into it and promptly vapourised. The blue-tinged fireball licked at his armour, but the thick alloy weathered it without a breach. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said of the thin-skinned proxies, whose ranks were decimated by the blast.

    Of course, with the Corpus, when one fell, another three took its place. He was soon forced to retreat towards the vault door, Sobek hurling fragmentary death into the rushing machines. The only reason he lived to reach the position was due to covering fire from Hoth and Tessa, their combined firepower keeping the Merchants pinned in the doorway. The proxies' plasma rifles sprayed bolts across the room, but none showed the accuracy of the more expensive models.

    The first hint of heavier opposition was a shield bubble filling the entire doorway before a broad-shouldered Tech Sergeant strode through, Supra cutting down the Lancers too slow to duck... which were all of them. Detron and Lanka armed Crewmen huddled beneath the protective barrier, which shrugged off the marine's return fire, taking shots of opportunity at the defenders.

    Combining fire with Hij, he managed to eviscerate the Tech Sergeant after Hoth popped the shield, but it took too long to achieve that small victory. More Corpus continued to press through the breach, their shots becoming more accurate as the Grineer were forced to take cover instead of returning fire. Resk prepared to make his last stand and sucked in a deep breath to scream his defiance, but someone else beat him to it.

    A noise like tearing cloth preceded the entire Corpus line disintegrating. Shields failed without even slowing a single bullet before the round tore Crewmen and proxy alike to disparate pieces. It was a display of firepower made all the more chilling by the fact it had come from behind them.

    "Soldiers of the Empire; stand your ground!"

    The Saryn Tenno was on the feet, the barrel of their Soma smoking as the magazine reloaded itself with a clack. Heeled feet carried them forward to stand between the stunned Grineer before a wave of rejuvenating energy struck Resk in his very soul. Feeling healthier than he'd ever been in his entire three years of life, he raised his shotgun and mag dumped all twenty shells into the Crewmen trying to enter the room.

    His own battlecry was a pale shade of the Tenno's shout, but it was no less enthusiastic.

    "For the Empire!"


    I can't promise much beyond a second snippet tomorrow, but I hope people enjoy this little thing. It's probably totally not lore compliant, but that's why it's fanfiction. ;)

    submitted by /u/Harakoni40K
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    Everything is fine.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 01:17 PM PDT

    Tennocon Bonus Pack - Prime Gaming

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 04:42 AM PDT

    So yeah, there is a promotion on Prime Gaming for July: Tennocon Bonus Pack. Is it Digital Pack or something else? Does anyone knows what content is given in this bonus pack?

    submitted by /u/TheLoneWolf1407
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    Started playing with the captura recently. This some of the better shots of my nicer frames i took. Tell what yall think.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 07:09 AM PDT

    Not sure what happened here

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 05:54 PM PDT

    How are you supposed to kill the flying targets?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    I can't manage to take out the flying assassination targets for the Cetus bounties. Should I use my Archwing? I did seem to get it to work once by knocking off the target, so I have been trying to use the Gorgon and shooting them when they pass over to maybe hit them from behind where there might be less armor. Does anyone know a better way to do this?

    submitted by /u/WinterWolfZero
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