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    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 08:00 AM PDT







    • ???


    CREDIT GOES TO /u/waterpirate12, /u/BadBrad526, AND /u/Foxboy93 FOR STARTING THIS WEEKLY THREAD SERIES!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Update Darvo's In-Game Model To Actually Reflect Promotional Material?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    I'm loving the new extractors! The design really stands out!

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    Warframe needs a 'F*ck off and leave me alone' button

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 04:08 AM PDT

    Recently I've been trying to get some materials for the Entrati, fishing, mining, and hunting. However, over the week or so that I've been attempting to gather those materials, I've barely made any progress at all. This, obviously, is because of constant, aggravating infested spawns, running up to me and scaring away animals, killing fish, and shaking off my mining laser. Doing anything but combat on the drift is basically impossible, and it's gotten to the point that it's my most hated open world, despite the fact that if not for this one single problem, it would be my absolute favourite.

    Now, this is by no means a problem exclusive to the drift, with Grineer interrupting your peaceful fishing even becoming a meme in the community. To fix this, all I want is a world state toggle that drastically reduces enemy spawns, reduces their aggression, and allows fish and animals to spawn in their place. Maybe this could be toggled with the affinity beacons purchased from Nakak, or maybe come into effect whenever you're holding a tranq rifle, fishing spear, or mining laser, honestly, I don't really care how it's done.

    All I want is to be able to fish, mine, and hunt in peace, and to not be in combat 24/7.

    submitted by /u/pixelbit5
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    It is jupiter gas city tileset photography :D

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 12:31 PM PDT

    Elevator broke - Please take the stairs

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    Hate one-life abitrations? Ivara + Glaive Prime does trivial 2 hour arbi-survivals.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    Finally I feel like my Baruuk build is complete, what do you think about it? I'm using Empowered from Helminth to boost my STR even more

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 10:09 AM PDT

    80% of 0 = !?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    Tennocon merch pack finally came!

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 07:16 PM PDT

    This is Yareli, these are her problems [Super Long Extended Edition]

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 05:44 AM PDT

    As someone who's been with Warframe since release, the state of balancing and kit design is a sore spot for me, the earliest signs of healing for which only begun showing in 2018 following the Saryn rework. Lord Pablo had finally entered his final form for us, and I thought all would be well. The following Warframe designs were vastly superior in design when compared to the original roster. Though power levels still bucked like a wild bull overdosing on viagra, the kits themselves were generally satisfying and synergetic and could be fixed with minor tweaks and stat changes.


    Playersbase disappointed, angry wiki comments made, my hopes and dreams german suplexed into my own grandparents' grave, who loved me dearly in life but is now retroactively ashamed of my existence.

    Oh but lo! there is still a chance! I have two sets of grandparents after all! Potentially more if I could convince my parents to get a divorce! DE could still fix this the same way they fixed Xaku!

    BAM! FIRST BUFF! ELEVATING HER FROM A SOLID D TO A STRAIGHT D+! EXPECTATIONS REMAIN FIRMLY PRESTINE AND NOT THE LEAST BIT SHATTERED! BAM AGAIN! ANOTHER BUFF! BUT this time in the right direction actually, at least on paper. It promised to smooth out movement issues on Merulina and the wonkiness of Sea Snares, both very welcome and painfully overdue, but the rest of the buff only promised to boost her numbers and nothing more, which do little to address the fundamental mechanical flaws in her kit.

    Alright, enough Theatrics. The goal of today's thesis I'm doing in place of any actual college ones is to figure out what Yareli's supposed to be, why she isn't all that and a bag of chips, and how DE can fix her without feeding her to the Zanuka project and building another one from scratch.

    What's Her Deal?

    One thing I try to keep in mind when making balance suggestions is DE's own restrictions. At this time, given what DE has going on and just how recent Yareli is, a full scale rework is entirely impossible. As much as I'd love to build my own vision of Yareli with blackjack and hookers and exalted glaives for legs, I'll have to meet DE half way if I want this post to mean anything. To do that, I'll first need to figure out where DE was going to begin with. So I rammed some shiny puzzle pieces up Yareli and took her around to visit all the big girl missions. Sorties, Arbies, Steel Path, what have you. I'd say I love a challenge but really I just hate myself.

    After some hours leaving wet skidmarks and face prints all over the system, I came back with a shattered spirit and a general idea of her vision.

    Many of her critics often cite her lack of synergy, but after giving myself stockholme syndrome with her kit I can say with some confidence that she was indeed, designed to have rather tight synergy. In fact, she has so much synergy her signature weapon is also a key part of her kit. Which sounds Ludicrous if you knew about Kompressa's stats.

    I did write a paragraph explaining what I assume to be her intended playstyle, but then I remembered I'm not a cave man so I recorded a video

    Why didn't I make this whole thing a video? Coz I hate my own voice.

    It is indeed an improvement on my kill time over simply using the gun and her passive, and the clip could have ended much sooner, for the reason seen below:


    The often underestimated DoT offered by her kit is not insignificant, and enemies caught by sea snares can be considered already_dead.jpeg, cutting out time spent per enemy.

    I could have simply leave them with 70% health and some slash stacks and left.

    If this is indeed DE's vision for her, the accusation of her completely lacking in synergy is unfounded. In fact, she has one of the most well-defined playstyles among all Warframes.

    Sadly, well-defined doesn't mean it's good.

    Why It Didn't work

    While her playstyle and synergies aren't as non-existent as her critics claim, she simply offer no strategic value. Disabling and bleeding enemies out is, in practice, identical to killing them outright with a higher damage frame, but with a lot more inefficiencies and liabilities. The most glaring problem is overkill from other damage sources. Even though Seasnares and Aquablades has a lot of damage on a per-cast basis, they come out slow and end up being wasted because of your teammates who can't just mind their own goddamn business in this multiplayer game FUCK OFF STEVE THOSE ARE MY KILLS! This is not a problem other DoT frames like Equinox or Protea have because their abilities cover large areas so at least some enemies are bound to die from DoT alone.

    So in order to fix this, we should make Auqablade's range WAIT A MINUTING FUCK I AIN'T MOVING ON YET!

    If you're some kind of average intelligence peasant, you might think I've identified the problem here. But I, being the big brained genius who uses semi colons correctly at least like 12% of the time, have concluded that this is only half the problem. The other half lies in the design philosophy and vision from which her playstyle formed.

    When people cried about so-called forced synergy back when DE tried to move away from the press-4-to-win meta, they didn't have a case. But if they are willing to put their diapers back on all these years later and whine about Yareli having forced synergy, I might put on a disguise and join them.

    Warframes like Saryn and Wisp achieve internal synergy via abilities that improve other abilities. Spore multiplies Miasma's damage and Toxic Lash helps pop Spore. Wil-o-wisp potentially doubles the rage of Breach Surge and triggers passive even when she's on the ground. Individually, these abilities are serviceable, but together they become strong. Meanwhile, Yareli's abilities don't interact with each other directly, instead they offer what's more akin to QoL effects by proxy. Individually, they are serviceable, but together, they are...…still just serviceable but now they're more convenient. This means her theoretical power cap is only as high as that of her core ability by itself. In a vacuum this is still fine, and still generally good synergy. It's an approach more in line with ones taken in other character based games, with names starting in league and rhymes with dota2.

    But aha, now is the time to introduce the old friend we've just made: overkill.

    The overkill problem doesn't just come from teammates, Yareli also has to compete with herself. For Aquablades to shine, the rest of her kit, including her gun, can't be too strong, and the gimping of the rest of her kit, including her signature pistol, is the rotten sardine ruining the soup. Here's the theory: somewhere around half way of her production, DE realized the overkill issue, and the day they spent it on dancing around it. That is the only explanation I can come up with for the baffling design decisions in Yareli. Decisions like giving Riptide a measely 25% scaling per enemy on release, or Kompressa 's 6/1.8x crit stats spitting explosive bubbles right in the face of her passive, or Merulina having a pathetic 75% hard cap to force the spamming of her CC if she wants her organs where they belong. A tumor that grew during step one wasn't caught and kept growing as the design process went on. Kinda like how the armor system is singlehandedly causing almost every balancing issue, including this one.

    No really, scaling percentage damage reduction. You know the sooner you remove it and switch to a flat percentage the better right? Sure you'll have to rebalance a lot of things but it's gonna cause new problems with every update and meta shift in the future. The later you treat it the bigger this tumor grows. I don't dare mentioning this system to my game designer friends out of fear they'd play jenga with my spinal disks.

    Do keep in mind that this is all highly speculative, and I can't in good conscience make a solid accusation. But the logic makes sense and the alternative assumption of "DE still bad at kit design even after 8 years" is far more damning.

    Oh No What do?

    Honestly? I don't know. I thought I did when I decided to contribute to the pile of overly elaborate Yareli suggestion posts, but as I figure out what her real problems are, it seems like the tumor grew too deep and spread too far.

    I don't know if she can be made to feel quite right without changing her identity entirely, but I can list some things she'll definitely need no matter what, all of which had been said several times over already by everyone else.

    75% unmoddable DR is a cruel joke. It's a gimped version of Warding Halo without the gating, in exchange for nothing. Nezha as fast as anyone needs to be, deals a ton of damage, and has better CC.

    Her damage needs to be faster. Much faster. Buff slash procs for enemies caught in her snares or caught in Riptide or had their pants soiled by the water hearts from her idle animations in a way that looks like they peed themselves. Whatever. Give her some explicit synergy that can boost her power cap.

    Fix some of the mechanical chunkiness. Seasnares will still just hit terrain objects and disappear while homing. There's still an awkward pause between damage instances on Aquablades, enemies are still sometimes spread further than they were before when being blasted by Riptide.


    You know, this is all kinda sad. I spent 3 days on and off on this, and in the end I couldn't come up with any suggestions besides ones people have already spammed all over every website on earth. There's a lesson here somewhere; one besides "don't be a no life wanker who spend hours writing a single reddit post about a video game". Game development is exhausting, expensive, and another word starting with e that means "it's really really hard you guys". When a problem can't be solved with anything short of going back to the drawing board, it often means it can't be solved at all. Not without committing budget planned out for new content the game needs to be kept alive. Yareli's problems were likely not caused by some general widespread incompetence, it was one slight misstep in the concept stage. Someone was perhaps married to a particular vision of and tried to force her into it, then the result ended up all crinkly and gnarly from all the squeezing and pushing. As an amateur artist who abuses the privilege to still abandon entire projects, it's a depressingly relatable experience.

    All one can do at this stage is try to straighten things best they can knowing the creases aren't ever going away.

    Chin up, eyes forward, there's still a chance augments can fix her, I may have ran into a wall but I'm just some dickhead who has far too much time and far too little sex. There are some amazing talents at DE, they'll figure something out.

    At least her abilities were all better than Ripline.

    Oh and helminth bad.

    TL;DR Yareli does have synergy, but her other abilities were probably gimped in order to create it, which made her feel clunkily designed and overall unpleasant. This is probably due to DE having grown a little too attached to a vision for her playstyle. She needs explicit synergy where abilities actively buff one another. I can't think of any ways of completely fixing her but I'm also extremely stupid. She doesn't have augments yet so there's still hope. Armour scaling bad, Helminth bad.

    submitted by /u/ISOLAETE
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    "Yo bro watch me hit that warframe all the way up there bro. Its gonna be crazy bro"

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 02:47 AM PDT

    ULTRAFRAME (Gauss ULTRAKILL fashion)

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 03:23 PM PDT

    First fashion frame ��

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 08:21 PM PDT

    Just thought I'd share a peek at my interesting Operator and Loyal-Companion. ^^

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 05:10 AM PDT

    What is everyone's favorite helminth combos? Looking for neat interactions not necessarily just to min/max damage.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 12:28 PM PDT

    Like in the title. I'm interested in finding cool interactions for helminth.

    submitted by /u/MatthiasAdams
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    Darvo's Pet Shop is now open! Companion Armor, Gene-Masking Kits, Pet toys, Decorations and more on sale for up to 50% off

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    Info on the official Warframe website. Sale ends on August 30 at 2pm ET

    Kubrow / Kavat armor sets: 25% off (90p > 67p)

    Gene masking kits (fur pattern + colors): 50% off

    • Kubrow masking kits 50p > 25p

    • Kavat masking kits 55p > 27p

    Pet toys / decorations: 50% off (20p > 10p)

    submitted by /u/GoldPhos
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    I don't think that's how it's supposed to work

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 03:41 PM PDT

    The free Loki you got at tenno. I've literally never got any xp on him. He's just a statue.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 07:27 PM PDT

    When Gauss is tired of running away

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 05:52 AM PDT

    I couldn't find a fan art page so I posted it on this one it's a bounty Hunter looking Mesa u can print this of at the tenno colouring book website

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 02:12 PM PDT

    Today I noticed that our Railjack is ancored to the Orbiter

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 07:32 PM PDT

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