• Breaking News




    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 08:00 AM PDT







    • ???


    CREDIT GOES TO /u/waterpirate12, /u/BadBrad526, AND /u/Foxboy93 FOR STARTING THIS WEEKLY THREAD SERIES!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Pepsi Man Gauss Coming to Rescue!

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 11:09 AM PDT

    My most recent creation in the dojo : the TIE fighter

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 05:46 AM PDT

    Think I can one shot Eidolons with this Buff?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 06:15 PM PDT

    Will we ever see an update to Gunnery 10?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 05:17 PM PDT

    Hello guys, today I got my Potato prime! Hm wait something is off...

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    I bring a message from the Nine.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 06:00 PM PDT

    If cephalon ordis were to be replaced by cephalon cy I would love to see this dialogue

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 03:15 PM PDT

    Two early lunches with double the swaz-do-lah.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 09:04 PM PDT

    Using Warframe energy for Railjack abilities ruined Railjack.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 01:37 PM PDT

    I’m new to Warframe, and I just love my space dog. Stealth is not an option. CHARGE.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 01:43 AM PDT

    Lf chiropractor inv

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 02:55 PM PDT

    Entrance to The Space Mexico

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 07:00 PM PDT

    No Encores

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 11:21 AM PDT

    What unquestionably non-meta weapon do you most want to see get an improved version?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 05:03 PM PDT

    I'm going to keep it to only one per category since that's harder and more interesting than a big list.

    Primary: Veldt. The best-feeling and best-sounding semi-auto rifle in the game deserves to actually be the straight-up best semi-auto rifle in the game... even if the improved one would still not be meta.

    Secondary: Kunai. I think it's dumb that there's a whole category of weapons where every single one of them stinks, even the Primes. And the Kunai is the only starting weapon that has no Prime. May as well use it as an opportunity to finally make a good thrown secondary. On that topic, I feel like thrown secondaries need a space-ninja-themed situational buff that at least makes them fun to use in solo stealth missions. Like, maybe make them eligible for the melee stealth damage multiplier.

    Melee: Ohma. Give me a Tenet Ohma. The regular version just a great idea and design for a Corpus melee weapon, but it's MR8 only (and probably appropriately strong for MR8) so I want a buffed version that at least gets into the same ballpark as the Kronen Prime.

    submitted by /u/squidbrand
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    Nidus Prime & Plague Star: Hotfix 30.7.6

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 01:34 PM PDT


    Nidus Prime & Plague Star: Hotfix 30.7.6

    Changes :

    • Removed Sortie tool-tip description in favour of just 'SORTIE'. The tool-tip description didn't provide much insight is visible directly below if you click the tab. 'SORTIE' title is consistent with the other World State Window tab tool-tips and now actually identifies that tab.

    • Reduced/refined volume of Mining detect sound loop.

    • Reduced volume of the Corinth Prime Alt Fire projectile range beep.


    • Optimized hitches that would occur when flying into a mission in DirectX 12.

    Fixes :

    • Fixed game hitches / spot-loading that could occur after executing a Sister's Hound.

    • Fixed inability to Host a game session after aborting from an Open Zone session as the Host.

    • Fixed sometimes not getting Bounty rewards (Standing) after a Host migration.

    • Fixed a case of an Adversary dashing off the edge of the level and disappearing with no chance to Parazon (most commonly seen in the Gas City tileset).

    • Fixed a broken Text String for Xaku's Blueprint information in the Market.

    • Fixed Nekros' Shadows having the finisher UI and health bars if revived after using a finisher move.

    • Fixed an issue where you could still do a Mercy kill on a Mind Controlled enemy, except the damage from it was delayed meaning you could perform it over and over.

    • Fixed certain Arcane HUD elements not having the proper icon scaling.

    • Fixed Mission Timers on sequential missions not starting at 0.

    • Fixed an issue where the Ambassador's magazine would get stuck to player's hands if you interrupted the reload.

    • Fixed an issue where Client players teleport to Excalibur Umbra when using Transference.

      • (Might still happen in rare circumstances where multiple people are using their operator at the same time, work is ongoing)
    • Fixed the Tenet Diplos reverting to a packed/holstered configuration when trying to customize with skins.

    • Fixed Vulpaphyla 'Sentinel' form not retaining colour customizations.

    • Fixed units that are not 'part' of a Steel Path mission not having proper level scaling (i.e Teralysts, Lures, Vomvalysts).

    • Fixed Sargas Ruk's Assassination fight stages being skippable by a strong Client loadout.

      • We're looking into an issue where Clients deal 0 damage to weak spots after initially dealing some damage.
    • Fixed an issue that could allow Primary Weapon use on Merulina.

    • Fixed several script errors.

    • Fixed Ambassador Parts not being chat-linkable.

    • Fixed the Cedo having missing weapon sounds when using a Skin.

    • Fixed Syndicate Rank indicator display issues after seeing a Negative rank in a Syndicate.

    • Fixed Golden Maws being unalerted during [SPOILERS] phase in the [SPOILERS] Quest.

    • Fixed menus becoming unresponsive if a certain order of menus were clicked.

    • Fixed Grineer enemies hiding behind cover for too long.

    • Fixed Selling a Hound/Adversary weapon in the Foundry leaving behind its tile until after a refresh of the Foundry.

    • Fixed overly slow Bullet Jump landing recovery if the animation is interrupted.

    This action was performed automatically, if you see any mistakes, please tag /u/desmaraisp, he'll fix them. Here is my github

    submitted by /u/CephalonAhmes
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    What is that Glyph used by the 2nd player?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    the disaster of random buff

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 10:30 PM PDT

    Cheating in the MR Test (Was coincidentally playing my second favourite warframe at the time I unlocked the test)

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 09:07 PM PDT

    I am bringing 23 friends of mien over from D2 to try out warframe. What advice would you have for them?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    There is currently a very long content drought in D2, so some friends in my server are looking for something to try out together. I convinced them to try out warframe (instead of borderlands 3. Barf)

    What are some tips tricks or advice yall have?

    (I already have a pile of ignis wraiths for them, so somebody can't rip them off.)

    submitted by /u/Morgoth-The-Great
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    Plague Star 8 minute speedrun Full Guide

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 03:42 PM PDT

    Plague Star 8 minute speedrun Full Guide

    This is a script I made for a video guide on speed running Plague Star

    But because of health issues I have only been able to finish the script.

    You can check out my Yt channel if this guide was helpful, I upload Warframe guides every now and then.

    After a bounty ends, you can start another from one of the blue bounty consoles on the Plains.

    The consoles in red don't have the Plague Star bounty.



    There are 2 event consumables that you will need to maximize your rewards. the Eidolon Phylaxis, and the Infested Catalyst, commonly referred as "toxins".


    They are consumable gear items that can be used during the mixing defense phase to increase the mission difficulty and rewards.

    The Eidolon Phylaxis can be bought from Nakak from the event shop.

    The Infested Catalyst from the Infested (Bio) Lab in your Clan Dojo.

    The materials from Plains used to craft the consumables can be farmed from containers and pods on the ground.


    Each Phylaxis will raise the level and spawns of the Infested enemies at the final stage of the bounty.

    and Each Infested Catalyst will spawn 1 Hemocythe boss at the final stage, for a total of 4 Hemocythes.

    Mixing 4 of each consumable in phase 2 of the bounty will reward a total of 3000 event points, instead of the base 1000 per bounty.

    Fun lil fact, the consumables can be used from literally anywhere on the map.


    Long range melee weapons like polearms or heavy blades are good for killing infested, but in an optimal team they aren't used much.

    Sarpa and Vastilok are specially useful for stripping the armor of the hemocythes with Shattering Impact.


    Note that Bullet Dance is much better at stripping armor than High Noon.

    Primary and Secondaries are mostly built for the hemocythes.

    Hemocythes are completely immune to status effects, and have a special damage attenuation mechanic, weapons with high fire rate and pellet count like beams, ARs and shotguns are the most effective.

    Pyrana Prime combined with Arcane Velocity, happens to be the best weapon against the hemocythes, because of it's high pellet count and fire rate.



    The best meta team to speed run plague star consists of Nova, Loki, Wisp, and Mirage.


    Other good frames are Volt, Mesa, Titania, Rhino, Ember, or any other AOE DPS.

    Nova's main task is to speed up the time consuming animation of the hemocythes while they spawn from the tumor.

    As soon as the hemocythes spawn inside the giant tumor, Nova gets on top of it, and casts her 4, so it reaches the boss ASAP.

    Nova can also speed up the infested enemies on the last phase to kill them faster, but the explosions from her 4 can kill the spawn pods, which is not good.

    Nova's portals make her the fastest frame to retrieve the toxin container from the cave on Phase 1.

    To make Stage 1 even faster Nova should be the host.

    Nova uses Power Donation and Overextended to speed up enemies instead of slowing them, and some Duration for her 4.


    Loki's role is to speed up Phase 3 of the bounty, by teleporting the drone with his 3 to make it reach it's destination faster.

    A sniper rifle is great quality of life for aiming at the grineer drone.

    The mining Plasma Drill can be used instead of a sniper rifle, pressing the alt fire key while aiming will zoom it in.

    The Archwing Launcher, or maxed out Void Dash also help Loki a lot.

    This build gives you about 180 meters range, try to use it to its full extend, as much as the terrain allows it.

    Teleporting the drone too high from the ground will return it to its previous location, so try to stay close to the ground when using teleport.

    Nova's 3 can be used to teleport the drone instead of Loki, but Loki is way easier and more consistent.

    Loki builds range as priority.

    Loki is very squishy, so building health, Arcane Guardian and Resistance is a good idea.


    Wisp is the best buffer for Plague Star.

    Fire rate and multishot are the most effective buffs against the hemocythes, because of it's special damage attenuation mechanic.

    After entering the Plains, place a Speed Mote on the ground to buff whoever will go into the cave to retrieve the toxin, then follow them to said cave and put another Speed Mote on the entrance, so they will grab the buff again on the way out.

    On the mixer defense phase, placing Shock Mote on the mixer will defend it, and HP Mote will heal it, but Speed Mote is also important for forcing drone spawn swiftly.

    On the last phase, place your buffs on the center of the field, on top of this small slope, so everyone can grab them easily.

    It's important to place them rather towards the lower road, because moving to different locations will trigger different hemocythe spawn locations.


    Wisp can be infused with Rhino Roar to buff even further.

    The buffers build lots of strength and some duration.


    Mirage is the AOE DPS of the team.

    Mirage uses her 4 at the last phase to kill infested and spawn the hemocythes ASAP.

    Mesa, Volt, Ember or any DPS can be used to kill the infested, but Mirage is the fastest and most effective.

    Having a dedicated DPS to kill the infested without killing the spawn pods is a big deal because normal weapons will often kill the spawn pods, slowing the mission considerably.

    Mirage builds mainly for Range and Efficiency.


    Because you always want to strip the hemocythe's armor with Shattering Impact, Corrosive Projection loses importance, Sprint Boost, or Enemy Radar are good alternatives.

    Adaptation works just as well 2 ranks below max, you don't need to fully max it.

    Gladiator Resolve can be used as a cheap alternative to Adaptation.

    Knockdown reduction / immunity is very useful, because there is lots of them on the last phase.

    If you don't have Umbra or Primed mods you can use their regular variants instead, Handspring, or Streamline.

    Titania is a great damage dealer against hemocythes.

    In an optimal comp with armor stripping and good weapons, Titania isn't needed, but if hemocythe DPS is lacking on your team, Titania is a good addition.

    Razorwing Blitz must be stacked by using Titania's skills 4 times while in her Razorwing mode, otherwise it will have no effect.

    Mirage's Eclipse can be infused into Titania and cast 4 times while in Razorwing mode, providing an easy way to stack Razorwing blitz in addition to eclipses damage buff.

    Titania builds a lot of Efficiency and Strength.

    Duration is important for Razorwing Blitz.



    Other AOE DPS frames use more or less the same build based on Range and some Strength.


    Adarza Kavats provide consistent crit buffs that can help kill the hemocythes faster.

    The Archwing Launcher is very useful because the bounty makes you travel across the Plains constantly.

    Necramechs gain decent XP over time from this event.

    You might want to set keybinds for your Archwing Launcher and event consumables.

    Doing so will make your life much easier.

    Drone Spawn and NW Skip

    There are 2 important tricks that will speed up the mission even further.

    Forcing the Drone from stage 3 to spawn close to the Infested Tumor is done as follows:

    When doing the mixer defense stage, when the timer reaches 30 or 20 seconds, everyone but 1 person must go to this small infested tumor near the gate:


    Standing anywhere between the Cetus Gate and the small tumor works.

    When the mixer defense ends, the person left behind must grab the toxin, bring it to the small tumor with the rest of the team, and wait there before the next stage starts.

    Wisp and Volt are the best options for this, because of their teleport and speed buff abilities.

    Whoever carries the toxin must be fast, reason why it's important that Wisp places a Speed Mote at the mixer if it's not herself who carries the toxin.

    Or if Wisp is carrying the toxin, she must place a mote at the small infested tumor prior to the mixer stage, so she can teleport to it at the end of the mixer stage.

    This little trick has a huge impact on mission time, because you can get spawns as far as this.

    And the nearest drone spawns are 300 meters away from the tumors.


    Nightwave dialog skip is done by quickly opening and closing up the Nightwave menu when there is dialog from Konzu or Lotus.

    Dialog transmissions between stages hold up the bounty progress by half a minute at times, doing this cuts out the dialog and makes the next stage start right away.

    This trick is particularly important at the start of each stage, and at the end of the bounty, for there is dialog and a long pause of about 1 minute before you can start the bounty again.

    Be careful not to do this between the mixer defense and drone stages, as the dialog gives the toxin carrier time to get to the small tumor, and force the drone spawn successfully.

    Stripping the hemocythe armor is also important.

    Using Sarpa or Vastilok and Shattering Impact can fully strip the hemocythes armor.

    The first hemocythe doesn't have much armor and it barely makes a difference, so it's not necessary to strip it, but the following 3 have quite some armor, and should always be stripped to kill them considerably faster.

    Corrosive is still the most effective damage type on fully armor stripped hemocythes, as the weakness to Corrosive Damage is on the hemocythes' health, not their armor like Eidolons.

    Some people say Blast damage is more effective on fully armor stripped hemocythes, because of Primed Heated Charge, after testing I can tell you Blast and Corrosive perform pretty much the same on fully stripped hemocythes, I presume because of the damage attenuation mechanic, and Corrosive has a higher damage multiplier on hemocythes' health.

    1 single specter or Railjack Crew can solo the mixer defense phase and let you 'afk', as long as you move every 1 min or so, so the game doesn't actually mark you as afk, as the specter will stop moving if that happens.

    Rewards breakdown


    The Eidolon Phylaxis is required to get the most out of the event, and you should buy and craft it as soon as you can.

    Get the Ghoulsaw melee weapon and it's stance Butcher's Revelry.

    Sacrifice combined with Primed Regen can revive you up to 4 times per mission.

    Buy 5 to 10 of each Zaw part, depending how much you like melee weapons.

    The Plague Star Emblem costs practically nothing, so might as well grab it.

    Get the Snipetron blueprint only if you care about mastery rank, you can always grab it next year when Plague Star comes back.

    Get at least 1 of Exodia Contagion and Epidemic, they are pretty expensive, so you might want to get more Forma instead of maxing them, they work ok at rank 1.

    Do NOT buy the Cetus resources, the fosfors, Ether Daggers, or Fulmination, there is Primed Fulmination from Baro.

    And finally buy all the Forma you can.

    And that's all you need to speed run Plague Star and farm 100 Formas from Plague Star.

    submitted by /u/D_Caedus
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    Tenora Prime Riven , i wasted 70000+ kuva so far , it is decent enough right ?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 05:16 AM PDT

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