• Breaking News

    Warframe MY TURN! You never saw this coming! I summon POT OF GREED!

    Warframe MY TURN! You never saw this coming! I summon POT OF GREED!

    MY TURN! You never saw this coming! I summon POT OF GREED!

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 07:15 PM PST

    NFT Anyo. Feel free to screenshot

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 04:39 PM PST

    300% Dur 130% Eff Valkyr replacing Archwing

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 01:10 PM PST

    When they tell you that death is the best CC

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 05:48 PM PST

    I was late for Valentine's Day with this year's comic, but here it is. Bonus: Last year's comic.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 06:44 AM PST

    Grendel is looking excited with his new skin

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 04:10 PM PST

    Finally I am Grineer

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 06:37 PM PST

    I love the new Grendel skin

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 05:11 PM PST

    How do you even do these without any upgrades?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 05:03 PM PST

    What would be the most terrifying frame to see running towards you?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 05:48 AM PST

    i have never seen this place befor, and to be honest, i think i'll stay here

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 02:39 PM PST

    The new Protea Tennogen skin looks excellent, but DE please... I feel like I'm going to go clinically insane if I have to deal with this helmet situation again

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 12:17 PM PST

    To the TennoGen people making all these 10/10 Wisp skins, PLEASE show some love for Lavos he needs it more than anyone else

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 09:57 PM PST

    Me when i see the new Grendel skin:

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 11:48 PM PST

    The music of Warframe

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 11:25 AM PST

    Can we all just take a moment to relish how much effort Warframe puts into soundtracks Warframe probably has one of the most listened to soundtracks DE don't you dare stop releasing new songs for this game and keep on putting all the effort you do into the music

    submitted by /u/Haunting_Mode_7401
    [link] [comments]

    Badass New Ephemera, guys.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 08:15 PM PST

    Echoes of War: Banshee & Mirage Prime Vault: Hotfix 31.1.3

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 11:04 AM PST


    Echoes of War: Banshee & Mirage Prime Vault: Hotfix 31.1.3


    Unleash lethal acrobatics or a cacophony of chaos! Get the prismatic Mirage Prime and bombastic Banshee Prime along with their Prime Weapons and exclusive Accessories from the Prime Vault.

    This is the first Vault to follow the experimental run of Prime Resurgence as to not disrupt player accessibility to Vaulted content. More information on next steps for Prime Resurgence can be found in our end-of-event announcement.



    • 1200 Platinum
    • Banshee Prime and Mirage Prime
    • Euphona Prime
    • Kogake Prime
    • Akbolto Prime
    • Helios Prime
    • Deconstructor Prime
    • Capella Prime Syandana
    • Abbera Prime Syandana
    • Atavist Prime Armor
    • Ictus Prime Sentinel Accessories
    • Banshee Prime and Mirage Prime Glyphs



    • 400 Platinum
    • Banshee Prime Warframe
    • Euphona Prime
    • Helios Prime
    • Deconstructor Prime
    • Capella Prime Syandana
    • Ictus Prime Sentinel Accessories
    • Banshee Prime Glyphs



    • 400 Platinum
    • Mirage Prime Warframe
    • Kogake Prime
    • Akbolto Prime
    • Abbera Prime Syandana
    • Atavist Prime Armor
    • Mirage Prime Glyphs



    • 200 Platinum
    • Capella Prime Syandana
    • Ictus Prime Sentinel Accessories



    • 200 Platinum
    • Abbera Prime Syandana
    • Atavist Prime Armor

    Find their Relics in the Void or Bounty rewards today!

    Banshee Prime, Mirage Prime, Euphona Prime, Kogake Prime, Akbolto Prime, Helios Prime, and Deconstructor Prime Relics have been added to the drop tables! These Relics have replaced the Rhino Prime & Nyx Prime, Relics in the Void drop tables, Bounties, and Relic Packs.

    • Nyx Prime's Relics are however still available through Corpus Railjack missions.

    *If you already wield the power of these Primes or have their Relics in your Inventory, they will remain after the Vaulting.



    Included in this second and final batch of designs from Round 21, you'll find spectacular Skins and Customizations for your Warframes, Weapons, and more! Check them out now via Steam launcher and support hard-working Tenno designers from the Warframe Community.








    Embody the fearsome and ferocious tiger with Lunar New Year bundles! Give your companion or Warframe a new look with brand-new Kubrow Armor, a beast-inspired Grendel Skin, Weapon Skins and many more items to decorate your Orbiter or customize your loadout with.

    All of the Lunar Renewal items in the bundles are also available for individual purchase in the in-game Market!

    *With the exception of the Lunar Renewal Prowl Sigil, Lunar Renewal Theme, and Lunar Renewal Background in the Spring Festival 2022 Pack.

    The Lunar Renewal items and Bundles are available via in-game Market for Platinum until March 7th @ 2 PM ET. With the exception of the Grendel Nian Skin, which is remaining in the Market as a permanent addition! Grendel's first official DE-created skin, Grendel takes the form of the beast from below and comes out to stuff his greedy belly.

    These Lunar Renewal time-limited items will be making a seasonal re-appearance in the future.

    Spring Festival 2022 Pack

    • Lunar Renewal Theme
    • Lunar Renewal Background
    • Lunar Renewal Prowl Sigil

    Shining Lunar Renewal Collection

    • Clavatus Greatsword Skin
    • Brave Tiger Floof
    • 7 Day Affinity Booster
    • 200,000 Credits
    • 20,000 Kuva

    Luminous Lunar Renewal Collection

    • Clavatus Ignis Skin
    • Lunar Renewal Carp Sugatra
    • Lunar Renewal Prowl Sigil
    • Lunar Renewal Background
    • Lunar Renewal Theme
    • Kitgun Riven Mod
    • Zaw Riven Mod
    • 7 Day Resource Booster
    • 7 Day Credit Booster
    • 300,000 Credits
    • 30,000 Kuva

    Radiant Lunar Renewal Collection

    • Grendel Nian Skin
    • Zarr Lunaeus Skin
    • Moondance Kubrow Armor
    • Peach Blossom Ephemera
    • Melee Riven Mod
    • Pistol Riven Mod
    • Rifle Riven Mod
    • 7 Day Affinity Booster
    • 7 Day Credit Booster
    • 7 Day Resource Booster
    • 500,000 Credits
    • 50,000 Kuva

    The Feasting Hamster Glyph and Lunar Renewal Calligraphy Poster are also available in the in-game Market for 1 Credit!

    Happy Lunar New Year, Tenno!


    • Added Steel Path weekly leaderboards.
      • To view, open pause menu > Profile > Leaderboards and select from the weekly missions list to now view both the 'Origin System (Normal)' and 'The Steel Path' Leaderboards.


    • Made several case text changes across the game to unify capitalization across the board. For example:
      • "HILDRYN CHASSIS" is now "Hildryn Chassis".
      • Since this touched text across the game, if you come across any issues please report them! Some text may still be intentionally fully capitalized, but if you see any "HaRrOw PriMe sysTEms" please let us know.
    • Turned down the volume of the Void Storm's Void Sinks in Railjack missions.
    • Defeated Infested Ancients' corpses will now dissolve quicker.


    • Improved handling of corrupt shader caches in DirectX 12.
    • Made extremely minor micro-optimizations to resource management.
    • Made extremely minor micro-optimization to Dx11 rendering.
    • Fixed handling of a rare form of cache corruption.
    • Fixed a rare type of cache corruption where only certain files were deleted from the install.
    • Fixed a small memory leak that would occur when corrupt sound resources were detected.
    • Fixed a rare and harmless crash on shutdown that could occur if you hit Alt-F4 while loading in DirectX 12.

    The New War Fixes:

    • Fixed being unable to move your Warframe if you're knocked down by the big baddie in the final stage of the quest.
    • Fixed mismatching character suits between two core characters in 'The Aftermath' and later stages of the quest.


    • Fixed damage bonus % provided by Condition Overload not being numerically consistent across Melee weapons.
      • Condition Overload was not accounting for Melee weapons that deal different amounts of damage with different swings via combos. We will continue to watch for any issues related to the above.
    • Fixed several functionality issues with Yareli while riding Merulina in the Mastery Rank 14 test, notably being unable to shoot or ride Merulina anymore.
    • Fixed several issues with the Isolation Vaults & underground tunnels below Cambion Drift generating incorrectly causing players to be unable to progress, as reported here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/sq81ug/are_the_iso_vaults_breaking_for_anyone_else/
    • Fixed several icons appearing stretched after the great icon "squarification" treatment :
      • Extractor icons in the Select window when deploying an Extractor via Navigation.
      • Archwing Weapon 'action' icons.
      • Dojo room building resources icons (except for Credits and Thermal Sludge).
      • Orb Vallis Conservation Emblem icon.
      • Harrow Chassis in the End of Mission screen.
    • Fixed being able to exceed the Mandachord's allotted notes per section.
    • Fixed Wisp's movement audio loop being too quiet.
    • Fixed equipped Requiem Mods appearing as a blank square slot icon when stabbing an Adversary.
    • Fixed 'Depth of Field' settings in Captura resetting each time you toggle between menus.
    • Fixed multiple crashes caused by objects in the Corpus Outpost, Corpus Ship, and Kuva Fortress tileset looping behaviors.
    • Fixed crash related to the Anku Blueprint in the Tenno Lab.
    • Fixed script errors when attempting to change the enemy type while customizing an Articula.
    • Fixed extremely rare case of the screen fading when in Railjack dorsal/ventral turrets.
    • Fixed being unable to search for Clan members in the Clan menu if typed using uppercase.
    • Fixed Warframe lingering in the background of the in-game Market and Nightwave windows.
    • Fixed the De Nas Pistol Skin missing reload sound.
    • Fixed Wukong and Nezha's Animation sets having the wrong description in the in-game Market.
    • Fixed the Augur Seeker and Augur Secrets mods both sharing the same picture. The August Secrets mod has been updated with its intended image.
    • Fixed chat linked Railjack mods dioramas having unnecessary description text next to the mod.

    This action was performed automatically, if you see any mistakes, please tag /u/desmaraisp, he'll fix them. Here is my github

    submitted by /u/CephalonAhmes
    [link] [comments]

    Giga Chad Elite Lancer one taps lvl 9999 Demolyst

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 12:22 PM PST

    111 point(s)

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 06:07 AM PST

    Baruuk my ma(i)n

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 12:00 AM PST

    where are the other tenno ?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 05:55 AM PST

    in the entire warframe story we never get to see or interact with another tenno during the big story missions except for rell.

    so where are they when all these major events happened?

    where were they during the new war?

    does lotus only have a history with us?

    are we playing as some named tenno?

    submitted by /u/shdai
    [link] [comments]

    The Technochron Protea skin is finally here!

    Posted: 15 Feb 2022 04:23 PM PST

    Frost...needs help.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2022 12:06 AM PST

    Did the new augment provide help? Certainly. Enough help?
    ehhh....let's just say that fodder smashing was not really the most important thing Frost needed a checkup on. He needs an identity, more than anything. "Spam 4, then shoot the frozen stuff" is an identity, i guess. No more mindless than Saryn. and yet, Saryn is beloved. and Frost is, uh, Frost.
    here's a small collation of suggested changes that would make Frost have more of an identity. Really, there's a lot you could do. this is just...something.

    A. His current passive isn't just bad; it's player-hostile. I wouldn't shame players for not knowing it exists. For reference: it gives all enemies who melee hit you a 10% chance to be frozen. Nevermind that enemies shouldn't be getting close to you if you play halfway decently as a frame who can create a literal bubble of safe space, let's just look at a more recent frame. Yareli. What does her passive do? It gives you exploitable benefit for playing her kit well. it's player-active. the player, is allowed to choose when and how to use it. Frost's passive is the opposite. a good Frost, under perfect circumstances, will work to ensure his passive never activates. and on the off chance the opportunity arises for it to activate? well...roll a 10 sided dice and pray for a 7. did you hit the 7? congrats. the enemy stopped moving. that's about it.
    New Passive: Enemies frozen to death by Frost have their frozen corpses persist as icy statues (corpses still drop loot upon freezing). Statues burst into shards of rime upon taking 100 damage from any source, dealing cold damage and setting slash status effects on all nearby enemies (5m). Additionally, Frost is immune to cold status.
    What do? Frost now becomes Atlas' brother in arms in the statue department. Set 'em up, knock 'em down. spread slash in the process - a decent, though imperfect answer to freeze-immune enemies. if you're solo, keep the freeze going to build an arena of statues and hit avalanche to pop 100 instant slashes on whatever is roaming the minefield. oh, and why is the cold frame capable of getting cold?

    B. His 1 is fine. I guess. it does the equivalent of volt's shock, or ember's fireball. and the augment is part of the elemental boon augment cycle. Could probably use more damage. but it serves a function in the kit as a bubble breaker. unlike-

    C. His 2 is outstandingly poor. It's Nidus' Virulance, but Virulance serves a function in that kit. does it do a lot of damage? at early levels, yes. scales like a cow (cows don't have scales). Augment isnt much help either. paints the ground white and slows down enemies, yes yes...but that doesn't freeze them, which a) makes games slower, and b) doesn't combo with his new bandaid passive augment. But we already pulled this trick once, lets pull it again:
    Altered 2: Trail of ice shatters upon reaching its maximum range, spewing shards of rime in all directions, dealing cold damage and setting slash procs. ALTERED AUGMENT: enemies gradually slow to a freeze when walking upon frozen trail.
    What do? slash is busted. cold sucks. lean into the fact that ice is sharp, and let that augment build your statue count for [gasp] more slash.

    D. His 3 is a relic. Has a use that belongs in a different game in half the gamemodes - frustrates your teammates by punishing them for leaving in the other half. Keep it for posterity i spose, but it really needs a different mode so it doesn't feel antithetical to the concept of run'n'gun. hey, look at that fancy new mag tech...
    Altered 3: Allies can shoot through bubbles from either direction. HOLD CAST: frost casts a mobile bubble that centers on his own body. Bubble starts small (3/4/5/6/7 m) but grows with every ability cast. Bubble has 150/300/450/600/750 health + 1% of damage taken in first 2 seconds after hold cast. Upon casting any ability while inside the mobile bubble, bubble gains 50 + any damage dealt from that ability to max base health and 1m range per ability cast, to a maximum of 450/600/750/900/1050 base health and 9/10/11/12/13m radius. Casting Freeze whilst within the mobile bubble causes the freeze to turn into a radial pulse surrounding frost in every direction. Allies can enter your bubble, enemies freeze over time if inside.
    What do? think of the hold ability like a frost eximus. the bubble travels with Frost, and he gains benefits from actually using his easily spammed lackluster abilities. Furthermore, the interaction between his 1 and his mobile form is altered such that instead of the freeze bolt breaking the bubble, it both enhances your bubble, and acts more like an AoE attack instead of a bolt attack. keep spamming your abilities to keep your bubble health up faster than the enemy can deplete it. but be warned- maxing out makes you a bigger target. Oh, and uh...let your allies shoot through your bubbles. yeah, do that too.

    E. His 4 is fine. numbers could use tuning. Armour strip is easier to find in other places for cheaper. especially since frost likes more than just strength. with the change to his passive, avalanche becomes more than just a flash freeze - it also acts as a detonator to a personal minefield, and sets more mines in the process. look! positive gameplay feedback loop!

    F. Lastly, some stat changes. Frost is an ability spammer who can't spam due to a piss poor energy pool. consider giving him an energy pool equivalent to ember. he's also the slowest prime frame. even atlas, whose base speed is slower than frost's base speed, has a faster prime. what's up with that? touch him up to a 1.0 base speed, he could use it!

    there. a frost rework. throw it on the pile with the others. shuffle them around. pick one at random. it'll likely make him better.

    submitted by /u/_Ekoz_
    [link] [comments]

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