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    Warframe Update 27.2: Warframe Revised - Megathreads

    Warframe Update 27.2: Warframe Revised - Megathreads

    Update 27.2: Warframe Revised - Megathreads

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 07:20 AM PST

    Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 07:32 AM PST

    This thread is for anyone to recruit or request others to help them out. It's open to all types of recruitment, and you can recruit any day of the week!

    • Asking for help from other players or offering to help? Go ahead and share your name!

    • Need people to do a certain kind of run? Put your name out there!

    • Want to recruit for your clan? Do it!

    • Anything else you want other players to add you up for? Get the word out and see who offers!

    Please provide the following information in your comment (in no particular order or format):

    • Platform (PC/PS4/XB1/Switch)
    • In-game name (to add to contacts), or clan name if recruiting
    • Location (for lag concerns or looking for players from specific regions)
    • Goal (What are you going to be doing?)

    No formatting necessary! That's right, format your requests or offers howeveryou want! The nicer and prettier it is though, the easier it is to read so keep that in mind!

    Read the other comments! If no one answers your response, add the others who have shared their info! Keep checking back to see who else is out there! Request away!

    And remember...

    You can recruit any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Public Thermia Event in a Nutshell

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 03:48 PM PST

    Posing for 7 Years of Warframe

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 07:09 PM PST

    Closer look at the Elite Shield Lancer and his cool shield that we still can never have

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 10:39 AM PST

    Warframe 7th Year Anniversary Rewards

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 10:44 AM PST

    Well, actually...

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 03:51 AM PST

    Nice looking Dex Armor set. I really love the chest piece. Thanks DE.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 01:51 PM PST

    Tenacious D(E)

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 12:05 PM PST

    Ight imma head out.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 01:06 PM PST


    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 01:29 PM PST

    Which one of these do you suppose is the energy leech? What if there were some visual cue indicating which one it is?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 11:32 AM PST

    Only MR6 and not been playing for long, but thanks to the guides on Reddit I've been really enjoying Warframe and I wanted to share with you all my Warframe (PS4)

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 03:17 PM PST

    The cap broke off of my shift know the other day, so I printed a new one.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 04:50 PM PST

    Crimson Mesa

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 12:29 PM PST

    @DE, You can't just slap a -90% radial damage falloff on AoE weapons and call it a day

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 05:04 AM PST

    Because all that does is make the great weapons (Like Kuva Bramma) slightly less great but makes weapons that were decent garbage now.

    The Zarr, the Acceltra and other weapons with small AoE explosions got majorly shafted from this change.

    The Zarr already wasn't that great before and with the explosion and shotgun status nerf it became shit tier.

    The Accletra might as well be another random rifle since the explosion does garbage damage and the effects block your vision for little benefit.

    Meanwhile, I see more people than ever bringing the freaking Bramma everywhere because why not? Since it's one of the few AoE weapons that still works.

    So yeah, see this post as a call to action, to balance damage falloff on an individual basis rather than placing blanket restrictions that pushes already weak weapons further into trash tier.

    OFFOTPIC: And please do the same towards status chance shtoguns. Kohm is as strong as ever but my Strun Wraith now hits like a wet noodle.

    Please stop nerfing my favourite weapons, thanks.

    "This isn't a nerf" My void addled ass it isn't...

    submitted by /u/Acheron16
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    Sod that guy in particular!!

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 01:22 PM PST

    With so many Doom slayer posts, figured i would post a actual demon for him to slay, demon atlas!

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 07:02 PM PST

    Zephyr rework ideas

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 12:55 PM PST

    "How was I supposed to know we would need life support?"

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 01:12 PM PST

    AoE weapons are already balanced by self stagger and garbage reload/ammo capacity, they do not need 90% damage falloff.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 05:16 AM PST

    The entire point of an aoe weapon is to kill multiple people in one shot, not kill one guy and barely tickle the guy standing next to him. If the ratio of shots fired to people killed is still 1-1 then I might as well just pick a sniper rifle or a bow, or maybe the Amprex and Ignis because they do everything my rocket launcher does but better.

    Why does EVERY SINGLE POSITIVE CHANGE have to be ruined by the fun police?

    submitted by /u/DovahSpy
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    You're a Corpus Crewman.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 09:52 PM PST

    You're outfitted with a simple suit, complete with helmet, gloves, boots, and your trusty Detron pistol. Today (among a couple other tasks) you're tasked with replacing a blown fuse near the bottom of the ship in control panel 24 N-Gamma. Seemingly simple, but you remember that we're out of fuses that fit the socket in N-panels, our last shipment from Venus got looted by a random grineer ship. Who knows what they need them for.

    Rummaging through a supply cabinet in a desperate hope to find one at the bottom of the box, you take a moment to think about your standing in life. To be honest, it's not too bad. You work in an air-conditioned environment that's relatively safe (sure, sometimes the odd crewmember gets sucked out to space or lasered by a rogue fusion MOA, but so long as you're careful you're generally able to work a shift without any major problems, and it sure beats being down on Venus working on the Vallis. 'Least you still have your bodyparts where they belong. Plus, despite common rumor, benefits of working for a Corpus ship aren't too shabby. They even have paid sick leave, and the work isn't too difficult. That is, provided you can find the damn N-socket fuse--

    Suddenly, the alarm goes off. Banging your head on the shelf above it with a loud clang, you quickly stand up, mumbling angrily to yourself. What could it be? Grineer? Here, in this sector?

    Shortly after starting, the alarm cuts off again. You guess they must be testing it (of course, they never warn us. Would it kill them to send out a memo?) and shrug, turning around back to the storage locker.

    Found one! It's a little dusty, and the ports are a little dirty, but nothing a little rubbing alcohol won't fix. Gathering up your toolbox, you hear the sound of gunfire from a distance down the hall.

    Sweating slightly now, you set down your toolbox, and listen. You hear yelling and more gunfire, this time from corpus weapons. Something about Tenno.

    Taking a second to flick the switch on your suit to engage your shields, flexing your arms as the reassuring blue glint of interlocked hexagons surrounds you in a layer just millimeters above your suit. You'd heard that some Grineer dude tried to kidnap a Tenno a while ago, tried to keep it under control with an Ascaris. Apparently went badly and the tenno got away, pissed off his queens or whatever governs them. No wonder, Ascarisi aren't designed to be used on warframes and they're fairly trivial to remove if you're... not a machine. Typical Grineer.

    Unholstering your Detron, it chimes softly and unlocks, recognizing you as a valid user. You peek around the corner. There it was. Sleek, shiny, and fast. Faster than anything you've ever seen before. It glided off walls and dove through doors with mechanical but elegant precision, flying through the air up the hallway. Luckily, it hasn't seen you yet.

    In horror, you watch as your coworkers charge it and are gunned down, one by one. Jerry from Deck 2....his wife is expecting. Frank from navigation... He was due for a promotion soon. Cameron... still a young kid, new hire.

    Shaking, you try to keep calm and think about what you could do. Obviously, charging this demon like your coworkers did would be suicide. You'd recently sneaked a small upgrade to your shields so they're a bit firmer than normal stock shields, but there's no way they'd stand up to his gunfire. The higher ranking techs get to keep a shield emitting drone with them, but you weren't authorized to have one yet. Trying to down him with a shot wouldn't work either, you're not exactly the best shot on the ship and the others' bullets hadn't made much impact, pinging off shields similar to your company's.

    Running out of time. He/She/It's getting closer, whatever it is. You remember that there was a weak section of glass in the room just around the corner (it was to be replaced later). If you could just shatter it with a shot or two, that'd put the room in lockdown and give you a bit to escape...

    Aiming carefully while keeping an eye on the rapidly approaching Tenno still flying through the room, you shoot the glass, diving back through the door as it slams shut, cutting off the vacuum of space. A small pressure-loss warning light comes on above the door. Silence. Picking yourself up from the floor, you take off running. Gotta tell someone. Alarms won't work, he must've hacked them to stop them. Mashing the elevator button, you pray the pressure-loss lockdown will keep him busy for long enough for you to tell management what's going on. If you're lucky, you might've even jettisoned the Tenno into space.... along with a ton of computer hardware... shit. That's coming out of your paycheck.

    Thinking about the promotion you'd get for saving the ship from such a powerful being, you keep running, fueled by a mix of fear and adrenaline, trying to put the thought of your coworkers' deaths out of your mind. Gotta focus on the task at hand: Getting to the upper decks alive to tell the boss so he can send the cavalry.

    Was suddenly in the mood to write, so figured I'd write a short little story/fanfiction from the perspective of a corpus crewmember about his first encounter with a warframe and what goes on behind the scenes with the enemy. I hope this sub allows this kind of content, I couldn't find anything specifically outlawing it. (I'm guessing it is allowed, since there's a flair)

    I'm not a writer by career, but do let me know what you think. More detail? Less? Part 2 asap? I'm trash at writing?


    submitted by /u/Gangsir
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    From my little testing the stagger jump has a ~0.15sec window, but the average human reaction time is 0.215sec according to www.humanbenchmark.com

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 08:44 AM PST

    My biolab is channeling its inner Vauban with this new lighting update.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 11:01 AM PST

    "Tigris line is broken now" (Warning: long post and a little maths ahead)

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 03:03 AM PST

    In case anyone didn't know yet, shotguns now use a different formula than before, to determine what their status chance is.

    It used to be that the status chance shown in the arsenal (before adding multishot) was the chance that any pellet procs status. This jumped up to all pellets proccing status effects at 100%, due to how statistics work. (For the interested: in order to guarantee at least one proc regardless of what pellet is flying, you have to guarantee that all pellets apply a proc, so that's where the 100% dip came from.)

    Now after the patch, shotguns use a formula of SC*3/PC where SC is the old status chance from the arsenal and PC is the pellet count. So far so good, some shotguns got nerfed a bit, but overall this still works fine with the Exergis or Kohm hitting 100% status easily still, right?

    Well, not quite. Weapons like the Arca Plasmor (1 pellet, but I think no change to status chance), Exergis (3 pellets, so no change actually), and Kohm (1 pellet default, so a 3x buff) only profited from the buff, right? Alright, let's take a look at our favourite top dog, the Tigris. Normal Tigris had a status chance of 28% over 5 pellets, now changed to 16.8% per pellet. Sancti Tigris also used to have a 28% status chance over a spread of 6 pellets, resulting in a status chance of 14% per pellet. And the Tigris Prime used to have 30% over 8 pellets, resulting in a status chance of 11.3% per pellet now.

    THE TIGRIS PRIME HAS A LOWER STATUS CHANCE PER PELLET THAN THE NORMAL TIGRIS BY ALMOST 30% (relatively speaking). Unless DE changed how probability works in Warframe (don't recall that from the devstream, correct me if I'm wrong), the Tigris Prime has a chance of 0.1138 (0.00000000266 or 0.00000266%) of proccing all its status procs, which is lower than the normal Tigris (0.1685 or 0.00134%) - or at least that's what's being communicated. Granted for the normal Tigris it's only 5 procs per shot, but with multishot you can easily bump that up to 8 pellets, which lets you still have a higher status chance than the Tigris Prime.

    For reference, my fully modded Sancti Tigris with 2x 60/60 mods and a 72% riven hits 41% status per pellet at 16.8 pellets, whereas my Tigris Prime (3x 60/60 mods and 72% riven) hits 39% over 17.6 pellets. On average, my Sancti Tigris with fewer status mods and (roughly) the same amount of multishot should proc more consistent status effects than my Tigris Prime. Even more so, since I can leave out the Heat Proc in favour of it having more Viral and Slash procs more consistently.

    Going into some proper testing here to try and confirm what I suspect. For the following I equipped the following mods on both my Sancti Tigris and Tigris Prime: Hell's Chamber, Shotgun Savvy, Vigilante Armaments and my Tigris Visidex. The resulting stats are: 16.8 multishot, 36.8% status pp (Sancti); 22.4 multishot, 28.9% status pp (Prime). From there I spawned in 20 lvl 155 gunner eximus units and started blasting, recording the amount of status procs on a spreadsheet. I shot 64 times each (to get a rough estimate on how much variation there is). Average Procs TigrisP: 12.75385 (Median 12) Average Procs STigris: 12.78125 (Median 13)

    Now, from this testing, it seems that both the TigrisP and Sancti Tigris have roughly the same amount of average procs, with the Sancti Tigris hitting the mid-range (11-15) way more consistently than the Tigris Prime. A small graph for those who appreciate graphs (Ninjaedit: it would seem my laptop which I used for the graph has a different colourscheme than my PC screen, so the "blue" graph line might or might not be "black" actually.)

    Conclusion of my little rant: It seems that the way shotgun status works now is super inconsistent for our lovely go-to top-tier shredders named Tigris. The Tigris Prime has around 30% more multishot than the Sancti Tigris, which in turn has around 30% more status chance, making it that these two weapons are now practically the same - albeit that the Sancti Tigris can hit the same status chance with 1 combined element, whereas the Tigris Prime needs to add 2 elements to the pool (3x 60/60 mods) with my riven. Without the Riven the Sancti Tigris would be the only one of the two where I'd recommend running Viral/Fire, since the Tigris Prime loses out on a BUNCH of status chance when leaving out a mod compared to the STigris. The only advantage Tigris Prime has as of now is that it has significantly higher base damage (again, roughly 30%) meaning that the few Slash procs you do get compared to the Sancti hit a bunch harder at least.

    TL;DR: After some testing, it would seem that the Sancti Tigris is now indeed better at applying status effects than the Tigris Prime, especially if you're trying to do it consistently.

    (PS: If anyone who read this could drop a like or comment to give this post a little more traction, that'd be very much appreciated; there's roughly 1.5h of work in the testing alone, since lining up to the same distance from target every shot is a pain in the ass.)

    submitted by /u/Doomie_bloomers
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    With Melee being this strong, I don't see why DE is so scared of giving explosive weapons some much needed power.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 01:02 PM PST

    Regarding the "Self-Damage > Damage Falloff" mindsets.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 05:47 AM PST

    Hey there. So first off, a quick introduction:

    I'm Triburos, I'm a content creator who sometimes likes to make content on the game after my monthly hibernation periods

    So just to put myself in the firing line real quick, I was very, very vocal against Self-Damage in Warframe. I thought it was terribly designed.

    I thought it was inconsistent, with how many weapons had failsafes for it and how the other half didn't. I thought it was stupid given how weapons such as the Staticor did a similar job with no risk. I thought it was stupid how team mates could walk in front of you and explode your projectile on your face. I thought Cautious Shot was stupid.

    It's not that I disliked self-damage inherently. This is coming from a fucking Demoman main in TF2 after all.

    It was that Warframe implimented it in such a terrible manner that - if need be - I'd rather it be replaced or overhauled.

    I understood you could play around it. Never be close to the ground when firing, only fire in open areas, be constantly vigilant that team mates weren't near you. I get that it didn't make them completely unusable.

    But the fact remains: you could also have play around it if it was properly implemented as well. So I still felt it needed changing.

    Now- I'm not on the same size of some of the other partners like Shy or Brozime, but it probably didn't help DE when I was adding my opinion onto the already large pile of "Self damage is shit" opinions and putting on more pressure to get them to change it. I was just adding more straw to the camel's already breaking back.

    I point all this out to say: I'm partially to blame for the system changes, and I just wanted to make that obvious bias clear first and foremost.

    Fast forward to now. It has now been replaced with a Stagger mechanic but - more importantly - damage fall-off from the center of the explosion.

    This has been getting a lot of negative feedback - as it should. Why they went for 90% as the max drop-off value is beyond me- that's not even being "conservative" (in their own words) at that point. That's just a dick move knowing damn well it wouldn't stay and would only exist to aggravate players for a few days.

    However, this post is specifically about this mindset I've seen on the reddit recently:

    "Look what complaining about Self Damage has done! I'd rather have it than this!"

    "This is worse! Change it back!"

    "DE caved to QQers again!"

    So, I made clear my obvious bias at the start for a reason. Because I'm clearly in the group that's on the receiving end of these comments.

    But with that out of the way, I just want to say something:

    Getting served a plate with shit on it is never good. But requesting an older plate of shit that you think is atleast a smaller shit also doesn't fix the problem either:

    You're still getting shit.

    What I'm getting at is that attacking the people who had completely valid complaints about a system with - I would argue - had MANY more flaws than the current Damage Falloff system, is not helping anyone.

    Mind you, I get it. Especially when DE can be incredibly janky on when / if they go back to fix problems. For example- I posted on twitter earlier regarding DE's tendency to "conservatively balance" things on release. Basically that statement means: they release content purposefully underpowered, overpriced, overtuned ect, and then tone it down later.

    They said they do this specifically to avoid angering players with nerfs to a new toy right out of the gate. And fair mindset for DE to follow.

    But I can completely get why people are freaking out about the damage fall-off because DE has often forgotten to go back and re-balance shit they just released when it was too weak / pricey.

    A great example was Baruuk. He was released and then never got many adjustments until just VERY recently with a new augment. Because he was released weak, and because they had to move on to other updates, they never went back to improve on him.

    And, of course....

    Who could forget the Hema's infamous research costs. (Side note: By the way, DE? You guys said your excuse for not changing the cost for that weapon is because it wouldn't be fair to those who already researched it at its inflated price. But y'all just refunded the people who made Railjacks with overtuned costs. I'm sure you could do the same for those who've researched the Hema in the past year or two to be fair to them, yeah? Just a thought. Anyway- back to the post.)

    So that fear is completely valid in regards to this new system: the possibility that they'll just leave this 90% value on the doorstep is certainly not zero. It's also why I think DE should stop balancing conservatively just to make sure that if they forget about a new release, that it atleast gets USED and not ignored for being too shit.

    ... But with that said, two things:

    1. It's not likely that they WILL forget something this big

    2. Complaining that the older system was better helps neither you or the people who prefer it over Self-Damage.

    Like I said, SD had many more variables to it that made it bad. A bandaid mod, inconsistent implementation of failsafes, wonky risk vs reward with weapons like the Lenz having less of a risk but more of a reward than something like an Ogris that had High Risk but Lower Reward, you get the idea.

    So asking for it back is just tilting the see-saw: instead of your group being upset, you'd be back to the other group being upset.

    The human mind is interesting: we like to vocalize our complaints but rarely vocalize what we like about something unless someone/something else is threatening it. It's why news storys that are negative get more press coverage than positive ones. We like to take things that are fine for granted, it's just how our minds are programmed.

    But because we like to better the parts of things that are negative, we're more likely to be vocal about those things and take action against them.

    So right now, the ones that are feeling negative and are vocalizing their complaints are those who hate the new Damage Falloff system.

    But keep in mind: there's an equally big - if not bigger group - that would much rather have IT instead of the abomination we had before. Atleast in the state that it was prior to being removed. They're just not talking about their opinion because in their minds, the state is currently better now.

    So, you know: chill the hell out, and give this new system a chance to change so that it pleases more folk.

    I and other partners I know are making it painfully clear that 90% fall-off is somehow more horrible than the shit I upload onto YouTube. So don't think I'm just going to be like "This is way better, let's keep this the way it is."

    It will change. But it doesn't help to try to say "Wow, I think this plate of shit tastes worse than the previous plate of shit!"

    Again, yer free to think that SD was fine in the state that it was. I disagree heavily especially after looking at other games and how they implemented it, but it's fair.

    But we've had Self Damage for around 6 years.

    I'm sure you can handle this new system being overtuned for what will likely be a few weeks at most, if not a few days.

    And if it doesn't change by then? And if it's around for months?

    I'll bitch and complain for you guys just as much as I did about Self-Damage. All I ask is that you have some patience.

    submitted by /u/Triburos
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