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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Tunes-Day | Share and Request Mandachord and Shawzin Songs!

    Warframe Warframe Weekly Tunes-Day | Share and Request Mandachord and Shawzin Songs!

    Warframe Weekly Tunes-Day | Share and Request Mandachord and Shawzin Songs!

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    This thread is for sharing, discussing, or requesting Songs for our two musical instruments: the Mandachord and the Shawzin. Songs can be shared or requested any day of the week.

    Want to present your newest musical masterpiece or maybe just find someone to create one for you? Fear not, all you Octavia mains and Shazwin heroes. This is the right place for you!

    If you wish to just view top level comments (i.e. songs or requests) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.

    And remember...

    Songs can be shared or requested any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Vauban is the smartest frame around, just look at the size of his head!

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    [Bug] A lot of Argon crystals in Murex raid

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 06:59 PM PDT

    Soon (tm) By Better Name Pending

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    My first digital work ^^'

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:16 AM PDT

    Erra and his pals hanging out.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:30 PM PDT

    Stance Forma is Warframe in 2020

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    I want to preface my post by noting that I really want to give all my love to the Warframe team in this unprecedented time of personal and collective difficulty, and wish for nothing but the best for Warframe, Digital Extremes, its developers and its community. This is why I have typed this stupidly long post out - from of a place of love, caring, and understanding.

    In writing this post, my only aim was to write the post I'd want the devs to read. Let's do this.


    I want to start with the new "Stance Forma".


    The new "Stance Forma" benefits - if we're being generous - exactly one weapon, The Dark Split-Sword (which, if you didn't know, is a thing), and was originally bugged (fixed in 27.3.8) when used on it. Additionally, it actively does not benefit, at all, 11 weapon types. This gives the impression of a new feature being added to Warframe without planning, designing, or testing.

    The only reason the Stance Forma should exist is by coupling it with a complete overhaul of all melee stances, which would require a) a complete polarity shuffle of all stances and b) the addition of numerous new stances of differing polarities to all the weapons that have just one stance mod at this time c) bringing bad stances, of which there are many, up to par.


    Wait, wasn't this what Melee 2.999999999 3.0 was supposed to be? You can see where this is going:


    The Stance Forma is Warframe in 2020.


    On the alluring premise of future potential, a useless and unwanted, needlessly complex feature (with excessive crafting costs for the player) that did not originally work properly, was added. Once fixed, it becomes either meaningless, or depending on your perspective, an active irritation, as we've seen from the response of the community.

    I'm personally legitimately offended by it. A little bit.


    The Nightwave intermission has been running for half a year.


    This is really the worst offender for me, personally. The fact that something planned as concise, short, and punctual, has been so completely botched by extension after extension goes against everything that was promised with the Nightwave update.

    It's like you feel creative, buy some server space, and set yourself up a blog with WordPress. The first days and weeks go fine, but then it begins to dawn on you that posting content every day is hard, so you start posting weekly, and then monthly, and then you start forgetting to update the plug-ins and eventually the blog is infested with malware and you can no longer log in.


    That's Warframe in 2020.


    (As a blogger I can sympathise, very very much, and regular delivery of content, any content, is super hard, but that's what makes the failed promise of Nightwave come off worse than the failed Railjack promises (thanks, Shy) or the Kuva Lich promises, or the Scarlet Spear promises.)

    Nightwave turned itself into the very monster it was designed to fight against. Nightwave is an infested altar of neglect, in plain view, every day, decaying, hemorrhaging, with Nora as its constant, cringiest reminder.


    Warframe in 2020:

    • Arch-melee has been broken for over half a year.
    • Kuva siphons have been broken for months.
    • Waypoints become increasingly broken with every new update and have been basically broken for years.
    • The archgun nerf damage type overhaul rendered all arch-weapons completely useless in Railjack.
    • All archwings except Amesha are useless in Railjack.
    • Stagger broke tens of guns and amps.
    • Umbra Forma & the anomaly have been run like a bait and switch scam.
    • No-one in the game has enough voice lines even though DE had access to that all-new in-house recording studio. Little Duck and her freaking muckety-mucks and clown cars. You had access to a studio and all we have to show for it is a clown car. (And a metal Shawzin.)


    And let's not even get into the REALLY bad ones:

    • Closed beta testing group for players willing to help?
    • New Player Experience?
    • Kuva Liches.
    • Conclave.
    • Dojos are silent: Tenno Reinforcements have all but stopped.

    Operators are abandoned:

    • The Focus schools have not been meaningfully overhauled since their launch even though all of the trees are worthless sans one ability in Naramon and one in Zenurik (and maybe one in Vazarin if we're being generous). That's 3/40! Some of them (any with additional drain) are actually actively bad for your operator. The schools are supposed to HELP!
    • Operators cannot do enough damage in normal gameplay because all amps are bad - except for Magus Lockdown - oh, wait.

    Let's not even get into old content.

    • The Derelicts are abandoned.
    • The Void is abandoned.
    • Helminth, the abortion, aborted.
    • Syndicates, abandoned. C'mon, the Rollers. The Roller specter. C'mon. Are you joking? It's a joke, right? Right?
    • ...
    • ... I'm not even gonna mention the third Orb.


    Warframe in 2020


    We're getting past the point of feeling that good ol' sense of pride and accomplishment. Scarlet Spear really put the stamp on it: Before, you could always rely on getting rewards even if everything else in the game was crapping out, but now even the rewards were bugged. Everyone in my clan lost rewards at some point in time during the event. In addition to experiencing all the common game-breaking issues, everyone in my clan has experienced a different, uncommon type of game-breaking bug. My teammates can't jump. Their UI doesn't update. Trying to squeeze your team into a working Flotilla takes so, so, so much time.

    I think we, as a community, can take some simplification and feature removal. I don't think we'll get mad if you have to remove or streamline something for a change. Everything seems so complicated now. The core gameplay loop is what keeps us all there, so as long as you don't touch it (stagger, damnit, why), it'll be fine.

    I understand that times are hard, and everything is difficult right now, and it sucks that we're in the middle of a pandemic, but the only way you can get back on track is re-aligning your priorities with the community, listening to your content creators, partners, and veterans.

    Actual in-game changes do not have to happen tomorrow, but the planning should begin: How to eat some humble pie, say that you're sorry, and tentatively start booking travel for your best partners a few months, many months from now. They'll help you sort your priorities out. If Valve can get out of a rut, then so can you.

    I know some of the devs already know all this. Yet the community can equally see resistance: what is UP with the knee-jerk reactions that have been happening with the Scarlet Spear fiasco? It's time for the team to stop reacting to every little detail that you think is a problem. Venari wasn't the problem. Limbo wasn't the problem. Archguns being an ok-ish alternative to the on-board Railjack machinery wasn't a problem. Razing all our hard work every time something is good or has a purpose is just vengeful and mean.

    Warframes, weapons, and mods are meant to be good at specific things so that we can plan our team composition for specific game modes!

    The real problems are what I just rattled off above. The problem is neglect! Take the waypoints: They have been ruining missions for years, every day, every mission, every objective, every player, every time. They were bad when I started years ago and they are so, so, so much worse now. That freaking hurts.

    It signals a lack of respect and care for your players that I know it cannot be your actual intention. The community streams all show great, talented, fun, terrific people with good hearts and intentions. The Warframe team has to be great, and DE has to be a great place to work at, and Warframe is a great game and a great product. But neglect, intentional or unintentional, breeds hurt no matter how good the intentions are. How is something like this not the biggest priority of all?


    Warframe in 2020


    Remember when people used to complain about Conclave getting updates when other stuff was broken? Well, this is that, but it now applies to ALL of the game.

    One more failed content launch that is just a PC beta test for the consoles, and I honestly think the marriage is over. We might still be friends after all is said and done, but Scarlet Spear is pretty close to divorce territory as far as weird quarantine flare-ups go. Every move from the team has felt too swift, too abrupt, and too vindictive, and although it would still really help if you said you were sorry, that eventually only goes so far - again, time to book that couple's counceling!

    Warframe Revised looked like you guys got it. One step foward, two steps backwards. The time for a community tester group is now. Not later, now.

    You clearly can't do it yourselves in the time of a pandemic. Warframe has never been properly tested, and right now you need our help. One more patch like this and the game might actually implode.

    If it wasn't specifically for Rebecca & the awesome community team, the relationship would have been over way before, somewhere around Railjack. I fully know and appreciate how hard THAT was for the community team, I've heard /u/rebulast talking openly about it, so I can only imagine how difficult Scarlet Spear has been working from home. It really isn't fair to put them through the wringer like this - probably the best PR team there was, there is, and there ever will be.

    I have immense respect and general faith and trust in DE's abilities. But can you please stop hurting yourself in your confusion? Can you for once lay off with the stagger crap shit? Why bother with it if you didn't promise anything, fully know the community won't like it, and know it's gonna be broken? Why?!

    Let meta be meta. It is what it is and will be. Buff rather than nerf, and think over nerfs carefully over several patches, preferably months than weeks, if you must. 2% or 5% might do instead of 20%.

    Give your players what you think they want, not what you think you want them to want. Stop it with the "lowball first, increase later if they complain" rewards.

    Don't keep a man down, push a man up. Right now you're patching the game with crab mentality.

    Love ya.

    Sincerely, Your Player

    submitted by /u/goreverminski
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    Operators and Focus have been abandoned and need a complete rework

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Obligatory, if you haven't finished the Second Dream quest, stop reading and go away. Heavy spoilers.

    Since this is the season of "Let's take a dump on DE" why not add another paragraph to the list of bad content, shall we?

    With the announced changes to defense objective healing, Protective Dash will soon be useless. Since it is the only useful skill Vazarin has to offer, another Focus school will be obsolete and Zenurik is now the only school to offer any kind of use.

    I will premise this by saying that, as a collateral, Scarlet Spear also killed Eidolon hunts for the time being which also killed Unairu (Wisps) and Madurai (Void Strike). The event has highly devalued the arcanes which used to be an exclusive reward from Eidolons. The event will run for over a month, with a high chance of reoccuring at a later date (because players will demand it, just like plaguestar and acolytes). It will take a LONG time for the arcane market to recover and to make Eidolon hunts worth it again. If that will ever be case.

    I also want to say: I do not farm Eidolons. I haven't run them in a long time. I do not whine about arcanes being devalued. I am angry that all my effort that went into maxing out my Focus and my Operator has been completely disrespected.

    1. Operators

    With the death of Eidolon runs, this makes operators glorified energy batteries and get-free-out-of-jail revivers. They had their use in Eidolon fights and it was an incentive to actually unlock waybounds and invest in good amps but, DE valuing our time and efforts, just gave us the finger, gave out arcanes like candy and there is no purpose to a maxed out operator any more. Surely, now and then you need them to disarm a Kuva guardian or to hack a console but this can all be done perfectly fine without any investment.

    Oh look, I can Void Dash slightly longer distances, so I can congratulate myself to arriving at extraction two seconds faster than the next guy. Amazing. The weeks long, daily, focus grind was so worth it. May effort and invested time is being so valued I can't even contain myself.

    I, and many others, thought that operator will play a huge role when fighting Sentients. The void is the bane of all Sentients, according to lore. We reap the powers of the void. In the Second Dream we fight against Sentients who prove to be very tough for an MR5 player. They adapt to our damage, our guns run out of ammo yet they endure. When we finally carry the operator as he oneshots them with his beam. Holy shit, we finally have a weapon against those monsters.

    Enter Scarlet Spear. Operators do pitiful damage to sentients. It's comparable to an unmodded gun. It's saddening. The operators only use against sentients is to delete the sentients resistances. This can be done by tapping them with any void attack once. This can be done equally well with a fresh operator or with a completely geared out one. No difference. Time and efforts have been valued, thanks DE.

    Operators currently serve no use and are a gimmick for energy, reviving, hacking and shooting buggy red clouds. They could be replaced by Parazon mods and it would make no difference. One of the core elements of this games lore is a gimmick. The only use they had, Eidolons, has been completely devalued.

    2. Focus

    DE has already reworked focus TWICE and failed each time. I know there are quite a few DEfenders in this sub, some of them told me "Those changes have to be carefully adjusted. Give them time". I won't link or quote this but my god, just shut up already. It has been years and some of the focus skills are still so blatantly useless they're even detrimental to level up. This doesn't take careful balancing to fix, this needs a sledgehammer.

    As an example, let's look at Void Radiance.

    • Void Radiance: Consumes 25 / 30 / 45 / 50 energy on leaving Void Mode to blind enemies within 4 / 6 / 8 / 10m for 2 / 3 / 4 / 5s

    Now, the effect is useless. Blind is useless. 10m is nothing. If an enemy is in 10m vicinity to me, it's dead. To make matters worse, the energy cost increases as you level the skill. So why would anybody ever skill this? Because you have to put a point into this to get to Madurai's only good ability: Void Strike. Mindful players will leave Void Radiance on level 1 forever because once you upgrade it, and increase the energy cost, there is no going back. You fucked up. You basically bricked your operator. You can never be perfect again. Just think about it. You level up a skill and your character gets worse. I read stories about people accidently leveling it up and asking support to undo it, and they did it. DE knows that this skill is absolute and pure crap and they DO. NOT. CARE. I haven't seen this in any other game I played, this is ridiculous.

    This ability has been like this for years now. DE couldn't simply remove the energy cost, drastically increase the range or literally just fucking delete this node to make it better. Why? Because it's old content that has been abandoned. It was a miracle we got two "reworks" from them when they usually fight tooth and nail to even give us one (23h Forma just took what, 5 years to implement?).

    I had hopes DE would pick it up again with the New War starting. They didn't.

    I have hopes they wil pick it up with the Dimitri Djuvec Duviri Paradox. I am also 95% sure they won't, or they will quarter arse it again.

    I could go into detail and go over every single focus ability but most of the time this would just read "This is useless. It deals 500 flat damage. It costs more energy when you level it up. It gives 160 shields.". The only exception now is Zenurik because energy (and combo efficiency) is nice. All other schools can be completely ignored and you would be completely fine.

    Now DE is culling Vazarin's Protective Dash because suddenly it is completely broken. Like Chroma back then when they didn't want "our Eidolons to be one shot" (spoiler: They still are being oneshot, good job DE). Or Limbo now when suddenly statis is OP to defend Objectives. Or Gara giving objectives too much DR. WHy was it this okay for YEARS and all it takes is players to cheese your shitty event so you swing the hammer? Could you put this energy into something positive, for once? Like having a 10 minute look at Focus and realizing how bad it is?

    Maxing Focus and getting good Amps is the biggest grind this game has to offer. By far. You have to do a daily focus farm, max out cetus, quills, fortuna and little ducks standing (or at least level it to a high rank, can't remember exactly). This is MASSIVE. The reward should be MASSIVE. But it's a joke. A complete, abandoned joke.

    submitted by /u/trenchcoatler
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    My proudest achievements back to back by far... :)

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    Serious Discussion: Has DE Spoiled The Tenno?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:52 PM PDT

    Just stating my honest opinion here:

    Ever since Parkour 2.0, The Relics Update and Mesa's arrival, DE backed themselves into a corner where the players are now Immortal Powerful Gods and cannot settle for anything less than more.

    I hear a lot of sentiments of how Warframe used to be good, the operations and events used to be meaningful, etc. But that's just flavor talk. If you look at the previous events and operations, and if they were to be re-released now? Riots, riots everywhere.

    Old Operations?

    If such events like Tubemen of Regor were released now people would be complaining if one side wins and demand that everyone still gets the other prize too.

    Balance Passes over Warframes and Weapons?

    At this point in time, we can clearly see that majority of the vocal players see Buffs as the only acceptable balance. Which is why we're stuck with Mesa and the ever-looming powercreeping curse. Unlike games that can freely do balance passes such as Path of Exile or even something like League of Legends and Destiny, DE tied themselves to a noose that's held by the playerbase due to giving them the highs as the standard.

    Endgame - Tower Keys?

    Back then Endgame was Tower Key sharing, but in attempts to make things easier and more accessible to people as requested they came up with Relics which made everything exponentially easier causing a drop in the platinum prices of each prime item as well.

    Endgame - Raids and Arcanes?

    For those that don't know, Warframe used to have 8 man raids, there was a very small community that loved and adored it and it was one of the only ways to acquire Arcanes, which made Arcanes the endgame goal it was back then. But people complained about how difficult or impossible it was to do Raids because they relied on random matchmaking instead of forming raid groups or clans, and demanded that the Arcanes be made available easier to attain, lo and behold Raids was removed and we now had Eidolons as an easier way of getting Arcanes.

    What do you mean Parkour 2.0 spoiled us?

    Not very well known, but Parkour 2.0 is actually one of the things that changed Warframe DRASTICALLY. Stamina system? Gone. Every existing tileset's mobility challenges and excitement from completing them and finding hidden rooms? Gone. Now DE has no choice but to revisit every tileset and scale them up as they did for Jovian Concord and the upcoming Deadlock Protocol.

    DE and their Monkey Paw

    The thing is, I don't think it's a Monkey Paw situation, more than a Warframe Genie situation. Players keep asking for a wish to be granted from the genie, it gets granted but not without repercussions, and DE ends up paying the price for granting that wish.

    What do you guys think? I'd like to have this as a civilized discussion, from veterans and newbies alike.

    submitted by /u/kerespup
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    I am your reckoning...

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 05:10 AM PDT

    My favorite (not so lethal) combo

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    An Npc Hugging Garuda ~Hugs~

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 06:56 PM PDT

    DE, if nothing new is coming to NW soon, at least increase intermission cap again

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    The never-ending intermission is a problem in itself, but, for the love of the void, why is NW standing hard-capped at all? Why can't it just be soft-capped by the max points available from the daily/weekly/elite challenges? At least give it another 30 lvl bump, as before.. pretty please?

    submitted by /u/Repulsive-Check
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    As we all know, you only get bonus credits if you achieve 100/100 Murex before the wave ends

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    and you gain absolutely nothing if you hit 99/100.

    What if you gain bonus credits no matter the Murex progress, but it scales with the amount of Murex chased away instead?

    ex. chasing 50/100 Murexes will grant you 50% of the full credit bonus, 75/100 Murexes grants 75% of the bonus and so on

    submitted by /u/GunAxsassin
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    Royal Spy [Ivara]

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:14 AM PDT

    Lets play Grinring around the Corpsie

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    I feel so bad for these people

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    I do not own a kavat

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    The legend says he is still waiting.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    Instead of rolling out unfinished updates...hear me out.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 12:16 AM PDT

    I miss you old friend.... Come back soon....

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Titania - Void Fairy

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:37 PM PDT

    Step on a crack and break the lotus back

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 03:43 PM PDT

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