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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Tunes-Day | Share and Request Mandachord and Shawzin Songs!

    Warframe Warframe Weekly Tunes-Day | Share and Request Mandachord and Shawzin Songs!

    Warframe Weekly Tunes-Day | Share and Request Mandachord and Shawzin Songs!

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    This thread is for sharing, discussing, or requesting Songs for our two musical instruments: the Mandachord and the Shawzin. Songs can be shared or requested any day of the week.

    Want to present your newest musical masterpiece or maybe just find someone to create one for you? Fear not, all you Octavia mains and Shazwin heroes. This is the right place for you!

    If you wish to just view top level comments (i.e. songs or requests) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url.

    And remember...

    Songs can be shared or requested any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    DE Should Run An Airport

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    Reminder: These 2 Infested Exist

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    After a f-Ing grueling oxium grind, I present to you, Emerald knight Vauban Prime! (Pic taken on phone so looks like dookie)

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    One of the additions I'd like to see when DE tinkers with UI again

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    When the whole squad rolls a forma

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    Zen gave us the Prime Trailer that DE never did.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 02:42 PM PDT

    DE Rebecca confirms any unspent scarlet psear credits will be retained for the next time it returns.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    Source: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1178067-operation-scarlet-spear-over-on-pc/page/12/?tab=comments#comment-11539763

    Scarlet Spear is over on PC this week - and Scarlet Spear will return! When it does, any un-spent Scarlet Credits will be ready to use. They will carry forward when the Sentients wage their next attack!

    submitted by /u/Cantor2064
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    White rose

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    engrineer‏‏‎ ‎

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    Whens she says her parents aren't home

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    Those of us still connected to SS69 attempting to sing We All Lift Together. RIP Scarlet Spear.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    [DE] Could we mayby get some statistics on how many Murex ships were driven away?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    It's actually interesting lorewise - how big was the Sentient flotilla? How serious of an attack was it? I mean they were building it for some time, I guess? And if this was a plan haphazardly put together by the sentients, then it just shows how productive they are.

    submitted by /u/IsItNew
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    Stumbled upon this just now in Fortuna...TRUE

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:19 PM PDT

    Next date for scarlet spear confirmed

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    We got tired of waiting so we made our own Hydroid Prime trailer

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    So my clan leader decided to give me the task of making an "imposing sentient beast." This is my first attempt at creating a sentient Drake. Thoughts?

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    Acquisition of Login Weapons

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    I would like to propose that once you have claimed one of the 4 Daily Tribute Rewards (Zenith, Azima, Zenistar, Sigma and Octanis), their blueprint should be available from Cephalon Simaris for 100,000 standing, like how quest reward blueprints for warframes, ans The Broken Scepter are available. It seems unfair you only get one chance to keep these weapons.

    As a younger player, I sold my Azima to make room for other weapons, since it wasn't one I planned on using. However, now that I am almost MR 28, the armory has much more room, making me regret that decision.

    I kinda just want to have one, like how I rebuilt Broken War just cuz a bp for it happened to drop from stalker and I was Like "Huh, I have all the other Stalker weapons but you, cuz I used my freebie to make War. Hell yeah, Imma rebuild you and add you to the collection." It's more about looking back and remembering the stories behind sets of weapons in the collection, something I could never have appreciated as a new player. And it will bug me for fucking ever to only be missing the pistol from that set, considering everything else is reobtainable (with exceptipn of like Excal prime and whatnot)

    Idk, what do you think?

    submitted by /u/SnipeshotMclovin
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    I main peculiar bloom

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Sorry everyone, I accidentally ate the synthesis target

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 02:35 AM PDT

    Lucas Schuneman, Tyl Regor's and Nef Anyo's voice actor, explains "live dissection"

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    From Ep.7 of The Balls Deep Podcast with FrozenBalls and TacticalPotato:

    Here's the thing, I want to say it because it is important: If you're present for something, for an event, when it happens, we say that its "live". That's why when you stream, it's a "livestream". It's a "live stream". That's what Tyl Regor is talking about. He says he likes a "live dissection". It's not that the Tenno was alive, no, the Tenno was very, VERY dead. But when the dissection of the Tenno does happen, he wants to be there to witness it. He learns so much, from a LIVE dissection. From doing the dissection himself, doing it personally, doing it live. Thats what he means by a "live dissection".

    Really good listen if you care about anything related to behind the scenes of Tyl Regor's voice acting creation and just voice acting in general.

    submitted by /u/fyrespyrit
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    Puppets all the way down

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 10:55 AM PDT


    Something I want to talk about now that Scarlet Spear is wrapping up is Warframe's story, specifically the lack of Tenno characters. The Tenno and a larger Tenno society are mentioned throughout the lore. Some examples:

    1. "[Nova's] very existence is a result of Tenno High Council research."
    2. "Tenno warriors have aligned to construct secret temples of their own. The architecture within is distinctly Tenno in origin..."
    3. Loading screens offer tips from Tenno Councillors.
    4. Warframes other than the player are shown in the 2013 E3 trailer.

    So clearly the player is not alone out there, and enough of a society exists or existed for the Tenno to create their own style of architecture. Yet the only Tenno character we've had directly shown in the story in seven years is Rell and - spoiler alert - he dead. This is one of the areas where I think Warframe's story is most lacking, and it results in the title of this post: puppets all the way down.

    The Warframes are puppets dancing on Tenno strings. But the Tenno are puppets dancing on the Lotus' strings. And Ordis makes a copy of her when she abandons the Tenno, making Purple Lotus a puppet dancing on Ordis strings who dances on Tenno strings. Teshin was a puppet dancing on the Queens strings, and Alad was a puppet dancing on Corpus strings that then danced on Infested strings and then briefly his own strings and is now back to dancing on Natah's strings. Natah is a puppet dancing on Erra, Ballas, and maybe even Hunhow and her mom's strings. And for all we know, Erra is a puppet dancing on Ballas' strings! And one layer deeper, everybody is a puppet dancing on Quill strings because they know the future or some shit.

    It's just not a very interesting way to write the story. There's always some shadowy someone puppeteering in the background, and you can be sure that anything that happens in the story is really being caused by someone else. Erra is probably being used by Ballas to trick Natah into killing the Tenno, and when we confront Ballas about it he's going to say it's because Lotus' mom made him do it, and she's gonna say she did it because the Man In The Wall needs to be stopped, etc. etc.

    Compare this to Destiny 2, which has a very similar plot progression. The Traveller is attacked and blown up and Guardian society loses their reason to exist. But because they have a society they can continue forward without dropping a beat. Bungie has invested in characters like Cayde, Zavala, and Ikora which gives Guardians definition beyond the Traveller. But in Warframe, when the Tenno lose their reason to exist there's nothing left to pick up the pieces. For all the years of hinting at a larger Tenno society, there's nothing to actually step in and keep the ball rolling when Lotus goes out to get a pack of cigarettes. The Tenno High Council is silent. There are no Tenno heroes to take charge. DE clearly realized that not having a leader would be a problem, and all they could come up with was having Ordis create Purple Lotus, most likely only because it was practical. And moving forward in the story since then, even an existing character like Teshin who was well-positioned to support the Tenno in a mentoring role was passed over for the new face-of-the-week.

    Maybe I just have a case of Destiny-envy. Those guys have all these heroes to gush about and lore to pour over, and they've got a rich and fleshed-out world to exist in. I wish we had that.

    Wouldn't it be cool if, after waking up and recovering your Liset, your first task is to fly to a Relay and present yourself to the Lotus? And some Warframe bodyguard stops you, but Lotus waves you through and welcomes you in? And then throughout your play you come across other Tenno characters, like the first time you do a Sabotage on Mars an Ash drops in and shows you the ropes. Or during an event a Tenno war hero appears like Destiny's Saint-14? "Ah, this is where Friar-15 singlehandedly crashed that Fomorian during Eyes of Blight" as you walk through its wreckage. Passing through the Relays you see statues immortalizing that time Councillor Id stole a Corpus wealth-yacht and took it on a joyride through the system, or the time Big-tough McStrongfeet safely carried a boat full of orphaned Kubrow puppies through a hungry Ghoul birthing field with nothing but a stolen Amprex. And just imagine what happens when you pull Lua out of the Void and everything gets turned upside down. The beefcake Rhino you saw benching Jackal legs on Kronia was actually a little girl, and the Ash on Mars refuses to show his real face out of embarrassment, and for all anyone knows Big-tough's Operator was dead so no one is sure how he's still functioning. Teshin can be found in the relays training Tenno to fight without their Warframes, which eventually builds us up to be warriors fighting alongside our awakened Umbral frames. When the Lotus disappears you're summoned by the High Council, and as you walk in the bodyguard from the beginning is slumped dejected in a corner. The Tenno Clans and Syndicates start to fragment and bicker without their leader, and then the Sentients show up for The New War leading to an uneasy alliance as you and Teshin rally the charge to counter them. The story writes itself, dude. There's no end of things that could be done or stories to tell if the Tenno just had some substance.

    That's all I really wanted to say, it's something that's been on my mind. I don't really have any suggestions for addressing any of this, either. We've gone far too long without any Tenno characters to have any appear at this point so DE would have to retcon a lot of lore, though maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing. They're already reworking the introductory content, so doing a Warframe Story Revised by chronologically revisiting old events and lore as permanent additions would give them a chance to create one retcon to rule them all. But that is highly unlikely to happen, so at the very least I just hope that in the future DE can pick up the story threads they keep dropping to themselves and actually make something cohesive instead of just dumping everything onto Little Prick.

    submitted by /u/FTC_Publik
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    A visual demonstration of how bad Gas is now.

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Just Another Mesa

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    My lich had a tough day so he decided to go on a walk

    Posted: 28 Apr 2020 08:17 AM PDT

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