CREDIT GOES TO /u/waterpirate12, /u/BadBrad526, AND /u/Foxboy93 FOR STARTING THIS WEEKLY THREAD SERIES! submitted by /u/AutoModerator [link] [comments] |
-LF My Friends- A little comic by me Posted: 02 Jul 2020 04:35 PM PDT |
When DE starts nerfing anything ( too ) strong for hard mode Posted: 02 Jul 2020 10:46 AM PDT |
New Steel Path Reward: Dax Operator Armor Posted: 02 Jul 2020 04:18 PM PDT |
Webecca Fowd Posted: 02 Jul 2020 04:10 PM PDT |
Meditation: If Protea worked as a bodyguard to Parvos, and the Orokin developed Vauban as a Corpus-killer then it it is very likely that Vauban's kit was designed (lore-wise) to counter Protea's Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:14 PM PDT How do you counter somebody who can reset time upon death? By trapping them, locking them into a loop. Vauban's CC grenade galore offers a perfect solution to the problem posed by Protea. Flechette to trigger a reset into a vortex placed on her anchor point. Bastillle to stop her from placing turrets Heck, he could even place a vector pad under the dispenser to stop her from recovering health/energy/ammo, just for shits 'n giggles. submitted by /u/klebers [link] [comments] |
Demon Queen Posted: 02 Jul 2020 02:34 PM PDT |
In line with the Xoris nerfs, this is a call to remove or alter rivens. Posted: 02 Jul 2020 04:55 PM PDT Rivens have been a thorn in my side for a long time. I hope that I am not alone in saying that the increase in power is generally not worth the grind cost with the current slot machine. I have gone on record in previous comments defending RNG, claiming that it was a reasonable way of increasing the player retention time in the context of arcane drops and I'm walking away from that take the same way that it is a bad look for DE to not walk away from the lucrative slot machine that are rivens. I say this as one of the people that reported plat reselling websites. Back when I started doing it, I thought that it would be a simple case of stopping the bad actors and the case was closed. Unfortunately what transpired after the plat tracking was fully let loose was a wave of bans that took out people that didn't even know what was going on. To this day I get nervous trading for anything over my current plat balance just in case I get banned due to 'bad plat'. I may be wrong in assuming that riven trading is mostly to blame for 'bad plat', but at present they represent the most valuable items in common trade amongst players, some going for thousands of plat and a reasonable chunk of real money. In other games in the industry, such as Runescape and World of Warcraft, gold and rare items have become a target for bad actors and as long as a pure RNG solution exists for rivens, this will be the same given that such an item will garner a high price. I still find plat websites propping up and while not as open as before, if you look you'll find them easily enough. Now, to actually disclose why I even bring this up. Xoris is getting a nerfed interaction with exalted weapons on the back of eliminating player choice. If this was a global removal of rivens interacting with exalted weapons, this would be fine, but it will not be affecting any of the other stat sticks. As Brozime rightly points out in this video, it only removes some convenience, but not power. With the release of Steel Path on the horizon and an increased demand for player power, there are going to be more people buying into and supporting the riven system. DE is often praised for removing a lootbox system from Kubrow customization back in the day. They have it in their power to retool this system to be more consistent, considerate of player time investment and money. This should lower the price of acquisition so that less people are driven to buy second hand platinum. It should remain an opt in upgrade system as it is now, but with fixed values and fixed rewards. Edit: As u/FTC_Publik expands upon in the comments, additional QoL upgrades could look like this: - Deterministic unveiling allows you to choose from multiple different weapons when opening a Riven. One Riven is guaranteed to be for the weapon you unveiled it on, two are for random weapons. This allows you to acquire a Riven for the weapon you want as long as you have that weapon and a veiled Riven mod. If you're not looking for a specific weapon and just want to look for something new, this allows you to explore more options. This addresses the acquisition RNG, and reduces it from year-long timescales to week-long timescales.
- Stat locking allows you to lock stats you want when you roll a Riven at an increased roll cost. The cost increases for each locked stat. This allows you to make actual, measurable progress towards the stats you actually want.
If these changes are still unfair, then they should be removed and replaced with a new set of corrupted mods, or something that gives people lots of power with drawbacks, as the infamous godrolls have done since 2016. There are other parts of the game that could also be given a 'select your reward' system over RNG, but this is the most lucrative to bad actors. Thank you for reading. I will probably find it difficult to sleep thinking about the replies this thread will get but I've already typed it out so I accept all criticism. Don't be gentle, I don't think I have been in this post. submitted by /u/Teoarrk [link] [comments] |
DE, please don't forget to scale the health of Excavators and defense targets with the level of enemies. Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:45 PM PDT |
The Steel Path would be a great opportunity to make Conclave rewards available in the PvE game. Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:10 PM PDT Including me, many people don't like Conclave, but like the Conclave rewards. the 5 Conclave daily players that will cry about it will be suicided by the 49.995 million registered losers. submitted by /u/Zagan_baal [link] [comments] |
Brozime on Xoris nerf Posted: 02 Jul 2020 06:34 AM PDT |
Sony is considering an acquisition of Leyou, who own both Splash Damage (most recently Gears Tactics) and Digital Extremes (Warframe) Posted: 02 Jul 2020 04:28 AM PDT |
Next prime speculations . Real or Fake, im not sure you decide Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:37 AM PDT |
With new Operator outfits coming soon, here's a list of animation bugs (and several other kinds) Posted: 02 Jul 2020 08:24 PM PDT | Crossposted from here, yet again: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1191061-a-comprehensive-list-of-operator-art-and-animation-bugs-with-video/ \"Operator, no! Have you lost your mind?\" Yep, this thread again. It seems prudent to keep it updated with the number of issues Operators have, if only to keep it all organized and easy to read through. The new Dax armor coming with the Steel Path update looks nice from what we've seen, but like everything else Operator related, I'm worried their relative lack of polish will detract from what could otherwise be some cool new fashion. Hopefully someone at DE actually sees this iteration (paging u/rebulast) but if not I'm ready to post a longer version of this list in another month or two. :,| This is a short list of standout animation issues I've noticed playing as the Operator. I've included recordings for clarity, but may have missed something. For the most part these look like bugs, but some could be intended behavior. I will keep updating this thing until somebody notices. - Headtracking
- When you interact with the somatic link as your Warframe, you enter the Operator menu and head and eye tracking seem to work as intended: https://i.imgur.com/TLpP12n.mp4
- When interacting with the link as the Operator, neither work the same way. Your head tracks the cursor in the first menu, but not when editing your appearance.
- Headtracking does not apply to the Operator in missions or relays. This may be intentional, but if the functionality is there in the menu it could also be a bug: https://i.imgur.com/1Gm8dfT.mp4
- Not Operator specific but it does affect them, for a few months now both Warframes and Operators have, during missions, started looking upwards permanently after hacking a console: https://i.imgur.com/fl5n5S3.png
- This appears related to headtracking, which suggests that it is meant to apply to the Operator in-mission as well.
- Customization
- Operator hair color no longer affects eyelashes. If this was unintentional (admittedly, not likely) it seems like a good change regardless: https://i.imgur.com/l9LOZN6.mp4
- The Tenebrous Ephemera, whether working correctly or not, does not conform well to Operators: https://i.imgur.com/SlGl7O3.mp4
- Additionally, once equipped the smoke effects from the ephemera linger until transference is used to transition to the Warframe and back.
- Operator somatic implant textures are inconsistent across selections. The width of the thin black outline, itself likely unintended, changes across instances of the same somatic patterns: https://i.imgur.com/Zt72kIn.mp4
- One possible solution would be to separate somatic implant patterns from void scars entirely, offering more detailed customization, removing redundant pattern instances and possibly opening the gate for more options in the future.
- Hair part toggle does nothing on newer styles: https://i.imgur.com/6GYNSbS.mp4
- One short hairstyle does not fit the Operator's head properly at all. It is an oddly shaped nightmare of unconnected polygons in desperate need of another pass: https://i.imgur.com/DcHP612.mp4
- The divide between old and new hairstyles is obvious and at times distracting. All of the older ones could use an update to bring them in line, quality and art style wise, with the much more visually and technically impressive newer ones.
- One hairstyle shown on a devstream many years ago has not been mentioned since. This was shown alongside another set that was eventually properly implemented: https://i.imgur.com/l88fIqF.jpg
- Okay that's not a bug, fair. It still looks good.
- Previewing apparel on a male Operator displays the item with default colors: https://i.imgur.com/a0cSQAX.jpg
- Cogna Earpiece is incompatible with older hairstyles due to texture alpha issues: https://i.imgur.com/HvKKYrL.mp4
- This extends to the rest of the Cogna set along with the Garasu and Aures Tennogen Earpieces and the Garasu and Jotunheim Oculus. Essentially, anything with transparency.
- The player's selected Operator idle stance used to play in the profile screen: https://i.imgur.com/nf5XGrE.jpg
- This is no longer the case: https://i.imgur.com/G8Xh2ny.mp4
- Also this isn't an Operator thing but I don't know what's going on with the Kuva Tireg chestplate there.
- Sprinting
- When sprinting as the Operator, pressing the shoulder swap button does nothing: https://i.imgur.com/55SOUVC.mp4
- The interact button is similarly unresponsive. Sprinting into the somatic link as the Operator and mashing E does nothing, same with interactive objects in-mission. If 'toggle sprint' is enabled, this means that Operators with sprint toggled on are unable to interact with anything while in motion.
- Extensive testing strongly suggests that this is not how human necks work: https://i.imgur.com/7O8V06I.mp4
- Our lawyers expect full compensation for injuries sustained during the testing process.
- Idle Animations
- The default Operator idle appears different in the animation set menu. The Operator stands with their shoulders squared and turned slightly to one side, while ingame they stand straight with their arms at their sides. https://i.imgur.com/FeRoY5B.mp4
- This default animation plays when the Operator has either no amp equipped or is using a scanner in missions: https://i.imgur.com/epts1ob.mp4
- But not in:
- Captura: https://i.imgur.com/ziYWtGn.mp4
- Relays: https://i.imgur.com/Vl63Is8.mp4
- Dojos: https://i.imgur.com/Fpjvatb.mp4
- The Orbiter: https://i.imgur.com/wGgntHB.mp4
- ...Where idles seem to work as intended.
- Firing a void beam with no amp equipped results in a sudden transition back to your selected idle: https://i.imgur.com/aEVNZge.mp4
- ...But only in Captura. In a mission, since your selected idle doesn't play, it smoothly transitions back to the default idle: https://i.imgur.com/KWfq9uR.mp4
- Exiting void mode after a jump results in a rough transition to the idle stance: https://i.imgur.com/yOZhZBz.mp4
- A recent mainline update adjusted Operator amp idles, but the above bugs remain: https://imgur.com/qIW1zOe
- These bugs are consistent across animation sets, not limited to Vazarin. The exception is None, which does not have a unique animation associated with it outside of the menu.
- When holding a datamass as the Operator, left arm animations work properly while walking or sprinting with an amp equipped but not while idle, aiming, or firing: https://imgur.com/ESjZj3H , https://imgur.com/mggnHCy
- The Zenurik school idle results in notable clipping with the hand behind the Operator's back: https://i.imgur.com/HqMQKFK.mp4
- Not necessarily a bug, but the selected idle does not affect the Operator at all with an amp equipped, either in Captura or in missions. This seems inconsistent with the way weapons usually work; you would expect amps to have a different idle for each stance, the way primary and secondary weapons do with Warframe animation sets. Something like this, excuse the extremely rough sketches and bad handwriting: https://i.imgur.com/6OfQdEh.png
- Empyrean
While the Operator can use the forward cannon, animations do not work properly: https://i.imgur.com/F0xBy9N.mp4 - Interacting with the forge as the Operator uses the same animation as doing so with the Warframe, sans parazon: https://i.imgur.com/E6tw5dK.mp4
- Using the mercy prompt on a crewship pilot as the Operator results in incorrect (but highly effective) use of the amp: https://i.imgur.com/afIeYzG.mp4
- Consider giving them either unique mercy animations which make creative use of their void powers or tiny parazons.
- Upon returning to the drydock after a mission, the Operator will sometimes be stuck in combat stance: https://i.imgur.com/IWKOPSj.mp4
- Leaving the railjack configuration menu as the Operator puts them briefly in the unarmed aim position normally reserved for Warframes: https://i.imgur.com/1CGbobv.mp4
- Oddly, most other animations relating to the railjack and crewships seem to work fine. Operators can pilot ships or operate turrets with minimal issue. They can't quite reach the controls on Grineer side guns, but such is the unfortunate reality of being short.
- Other
- In-mission Operator does not have lipsync on mission dialogue, while the one on the HUD does: https://i.imgur.com/epts1ob.mp4
- Grabbing ledges is horribly inconsistent: https://i.imgur.com/qpVCGa8.mp4
- Void Dash does not target the crosshair as players might assume: https://i.imgur.com/LM4xdDH.mp4
- The charging/firing animation for the Pencha amp scaffold does not work when the Operator is in motion and not actively aiming: https://i.imgur.com/RNoYgJq.mp4
- Oddly, it seems to work properly in Captura.
- Amp position does not properly reset when unequipping a scanner: https://i.imgur.com/6lMq9zV.mp4
- Amp model glitches out on unequip animation: https://i.imgur.com/2KRjkQp.mp4
- Amp Scaffolds have displayed improperly since shortly after Fortuna was released: https://i.imgur.com/rtdwiAM.mp4
- Knocking yourself back with explosive shots as the Operator results in your head, and only your head, flashing your chosen energy color: https://i.imgur.com/05NfVJv.mp4
- Upon respawning from falling off a ledge, the Operator briefly becomes a noodle monster: https://imgur.com/vSbzyQs
- Several emotes result in the Operator clipping through the floor: https://i.imgur.com/vCLoHXC.mp4
- The Commander emote, despite being a simple motion that a small teenager could easily perform (and also being part of a $30 bundle), cannot be used by Operators: https://i.imgur.com/xsUQjkR.mp4
- Operators are unable to perform the Follow emote. There is no indication of this in the UI: https://i.imgur.com/w0vLxG7.mp4
- Operators cannot successfully perform handshakes. They could at one point, but the functionality has been broken.
- The Operator feels no joy when dancing, only staring lifelessly into the distance: https://i.imgur.com/39ponsn.mp4
- When doing their best Wolf of Saturn Six impression, the Operator seemingly projects their voice using either transference or ventriloquism. The functional difference between the two is a subject of much debate: https://i.imgur.com/5nW3iBc.mp4 (audio)
- Similarly, while Operators are unable to use shawzins because the instruments are 'too big', Titania can use them in Razorwing just fine. This is not a bug, but a plea to let my kiddo play the space bass.
Overall, while it's clear that Operators are by no means meant to be the main playable unit in a game called Warframe, there is a distinct lack of polish in their presentation when compared with the cyber-zombies they pilot. Though they shouldn't be the primary focus of gameplay, they have enough of a role that leaving them in a state where so many of their basic animations don't work properly can make them feel less important than the story of the game suggests they are. A pass to fix most of these bugs would require no new assets or animations, and the few that would are either minor or suggestions by me that can be freely ignored. submitted by /u/Ropcord [link] [comments] |  |
Alad V is at it again with his new Project: Glassmaker Moa Thrall Posted: 02 Jul 2020 01:10 PM PDT |
Ranulyst sentient Syandana Posted: 02 Jul 2020 02:08 PM PDT |
Poorly structured half-drunk rant: The tankiness isn't the problem Posted: 02 Jul 2020 08:20 PM PDT Let's be real here: we can nuke pretty much any enemy in the game with a single push of a button, barring those that have built in ability immunity/damage reduction. We're too fast at killing, and it's a nightmare to balance around and to build challenging content for. I don't think having all the enemies be more durable is inherently a bad thing, and this community's hangup over it is, frankly, unhealthy to game design. The claims that it is "not challenge", to me, shows that this community has a very limited view of what constitues challenge. There's challenge in being fast reflex short TTK generic Call of Duty man, and theres challenge in knowing and effectively applying build and game knowledge. I think what is being demanded isn't really "challenge", it's "engagement". That being said, I don't think DE's approach is the right one either. Tankiness alone isn't enough to make for an engaging experience. There needs to be an additional layer of gameplay, one more closely tied to mechanics/enemy prioritization. An example I usually come back to are Arbitration drones/special units in other games. Enemies that change the flow of combat when they are on the field. When you see an arbitration drone, or a Heavy in the Division games, you're forced to break your usual combat flow in order to prioritize taking them out. Some will see "breaking the flow of combat" as a negative, but I disagree. If you fall into the same loop without ever having to change your strategy, that tells me that the game is just throwing the same thing at you over and over again. The 250% modifiers are fine, and not at all an issue for people who already know the intricacies of build/game mechanics. What we need are more interesting enemies to spice up the flow of combat, ones that can survive nukes long enough (the 250% modifiers help that) to engage the player. submitted by /u/Arn-Solma [link] [comments] |
Out of all the places on the map, why did it spawn there!? Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:47 PM PDT |
VOLT BOOST 350 - Adidas x YEEZY Posted: 02 Jul 2020 08:13 PM PDT |
This game is incredibly well optimized Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:42 PM PDT Has anyone else noticed just how well optimized this game is? It runs extremely smooth (even on my less than great PC). submitted by /u/DARCRY10 [link] [comments] |
Sadness.mp3 Posted: 02 Jul 2020 11:39 PM PDT |
My friend's Umbra be like: Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:57 PM PDT |
Nidus, the adaptive, the scourge. Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:05 AM PDT |
DE nerfs be like Posted: 03 Jul 2020 12:48 AM PDT |
DE should've let us buy conclave skins from the Steel Path store Posted: 02 Jul 2020 11:17 PM PDT Seriously, 99% of the players don't give a damn about conclave. This is a good opportunity to increase player count of the game and do good to the majority of the community submitted by /u/DrScience01 [link] [comments] |
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