• Breaking News




    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 08:32 AM PDT







    • ???


    CREDIT GOES TO /u/waterpirate12, /u/BadBrad526, AND /u/Foxboy93 FOR STARTING THIS WEEKLY THREAD SERIES!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Me: Warframe is just a little grindy. It's not that complicated. Warframe:

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    Hey DE, would you kindly stop making us feel like we have dementia?!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    The Zephyr Deluxe 'Accessories'

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 04:27 PM PDT

    Does anyone else see a chubby Corpus ballerina in this picture?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    Went into my profile and found Nezha Prime being a bro

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    Got my first prime!!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    Titanias Razorflies recieve their own motes form Wisps Reservoirs (1st) ability

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    Ok, who approved those abominations, can we have to old ones back? Nova Prime's hand is really scary.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 07:37 PM PDT

    pov: you bought something from a vending machine and it got stuck

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 06:04 PM PDT

    Scarlet Spear and Deimos have crashed Arcane and Acolyte markets and nobody complained. DE should crash the Riven Market next.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    The most common argument against improving Riven system and reducing RNG is that players have invested a lot of plat=money into the Rivens.

    Well, there was a lot of plat rotated in Arcanes and Acolye Mods markets as well, and yet when they were crashed by giving out arcanes like candy in Scarlet Spear and making Argon Scope a common bounty reward - I hadn't saw anyone complaining.

    There are many potential ways to improve riven system.
    One commonly proposed is to allow to lock the spread (like whether the riven is 3 pos, 1 neg or 2 pos, 0 neg) and lock some individual stats (if you got the riven with +status duration, +corpus damage, -zoom then lock that -zoom and reroll the other two.)
    Another is to be able to influence the veiled Riven towards a specific weapon.

    Those things could be fueled by kuva, riven slivers, endo or a Helminth secretion. Maybe sacrificing a fully built weapon to guarantee a riven for that weapon.

    I'm sure community have already proposed and compiled more better thought out plans to fix the Rivens, my point is - there is no reason to not do it.

    submitted by /u/Vox___Rationis
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    The Great Ensmallening: Part 2

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    The Great Ensmallening: Part 2


    Next week we continue The Great Ensmallening on PC: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1223735-the-great-ensmallening/

    To recap the main point from our original post for today:

    "we're probably going to free up at least 15GB by the time we're done. To reduce the pain for people updating we're going to break these remaster updates into three parts spread out over the rest of 2020…."

    Today we will discuss Part 2, what it is, and when to expect it.

    While part one of our first update touched our Lightmap compression, Part 2 brings us to the rest of Warframe's TEXTURES! We are anticipating about 8-10 GB of savings with this round after a 10GB download.

    But wait, there's more! As a bonus to touching every texture in Warframe, we used this opportunity to ask ourselves "is there anything else we can do to improve textures since we are going through all the work of touching them for compression anyways?" The answer: Yes! In short, we have also made improvements to how detailed the game looks overall. Take a look for yourself:

    BEFORE 1

    AFTER 1

    BEFORE 2

    AFTER 2

    BEFORE 3

    AFTER 3

    Bonus: just LOOK at the details on the Braton's gun textures. This is what we're talking about!

    All of this 'Part 2' releases next week on PC, Tenno!

    Please note, we originally planned on shipping TennoGen Round 19 Part 2 today (October 29), but we instead are pairing it with The Great Ensmallening: Part 2 to release next week. There main reasons for this is we have some internal deadlines that are critical we hit and getting 'The Great Ensmallening: Part 2' lined up today internally was an extremely logical choice. We are sorry for the delay, but trust us, it'll be worth it! Want a quick look at what's coming? See here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1215384-tennogen-round-19-accepted-items

    submitted by /u/DE-Marcus
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    Guide to Farming Harrow Systems in 2020

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    Harrow Systems is much easier to farm, and it has been for quite a while now.

    I think it's important to lead with that. For a long time, Harrow has been widely considered the worst frame to farm, with most of the player base opting and suggesting to simply buy him for plat. But as the Helminth system has been around for a few months now, I found myself with only 1 ability not yet subsumed: Condemn. I knew it was time to go farm Harrow.

    I hear you moaning already: but defection is the worst!

    Probably the hardest part of farming Harrow Systems is finding teammates to run it with you, since most people just simply refuse to play defection. It's hard to blame them, since the best strategy involved a Slowva and a Trinity spamming their 4s while escorting a slow-moving pack of grineer lab rats. Even with hard-to-place wormhole shenanigans it was not a fun experience. What's worse, you'll almost assuredly never get a team to execute that strategy, so your actual experience is far worse.

    But that strategy is very old. It's 2020 and you don't have to do that anymore. With this strategy, you can carry 3 random pubs/friends/clan mates with no idea what they're doing, or just run solo:

    Bring Wisp.

    All 3 of her motes buff the defectors. A standard max strength max duration build results in a shock effect that stops would-be attackers from attacking, a haste effect that sends them speeding through the map, and a heal effect that keeps them alive for the whole trip. Just go find where they're coming from, drop the 3 motes in a choke point like a doorway, and once they run through it they'll escort themselves wherever they need to go.

    As for the actual farm:

    You escort groups of grineer from their spawn points to an extraction point. Solo, you always escort one group at a time. In a squad, you start with one group at a time and quickly you'll begin escorting 2 groups at a time. Squad play is significantly faster, and pretty much only requires 2 Wisps. You get a 2% chance at a drop on rotation B (6 squads rescued) and an 11% chance on rotation C (8 squads rescued). For this reason, it's recommended to rescue squads in multiples of 8 (8, 16, 24, etc) in a group. In solo it doesn't make too much of a difference if you stay past round 8 or reset.

    TLDR: A standard big-numbers Wisp build makes defection absurdly easy. Tell your friends, and go get yourself a second Harrow to throw into your Helminth chair.

    submitted by /u/el_blacksheep
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    Garuda - I love the details on this skin, I thought I would see what you guys think...

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    Mastery Rank 200

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    Please, if you're a Host/Client with players that don't load back to the Orbiter as quickly as you do, do not force-start another mission. Game can be soft-locked.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    I had various cases where other players in the group would force-start a mission while players like me are still loading to the Orbiter.

    What happens is that when said players (mostly clients) like me finally load back into the Orbiter, the player names/windows disappear from the menu and the Star Chart will not function (cannot select any other missions). This is due to how the game is now forcing you to load into the force-started mission by the other players.

    If the Host in the force-started mission disbands the party as you're "loading" into the mission from your Orbiter, the game soft-locks. You cannot see your player window in the menu, nor can you load into another mission from the Star Chart or the Clan Dojo. The only option left is to log out via the main menu and relog in, or exit the game.

    It's also bad manners to force start missions onto another players without asking them if they want to stay, especially when they're still loading back to the Orbiter.

    submitted by /u/Fidelity_43
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    Happy Halloween-Mirage

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    I drew Nezha for Today's Inktober Prompt as Well as to Celebrate Nezha Prime Dropping!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    Hum Warframe you ok there?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    My new Valkyr Art

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 11:36 PM PDT

    Giving away my PC clan to someone who wants to run a clan without building dojo and doing research

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 10:34 PM PDT

    I had asked the moderators about this and got the ok to post it.

    Link to the forum post: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1232744-pc-looking-for-1-person-to-give-my-clandojo-to/

    In that forum post, you can see pictures of the layout and the research that is complete. If you don't want to look there. All research that can be done is completed (including Hema). The only thing that is not completed is solar rail stuff in the Orokin lab and the majority of pigments.

    The clan (IkeaFrame) has all labs built, dry dock, crimson branch and both obstacle courses.

    I originally built the clan with the intention of learning dojo decoration and just to experience a solo clan. However I'm ready to join an active clan again. Which is why I want to give this away. All the resources and time spent would seem like a waste if I just left and let it be destroyed. So I want to give it to someone that wants to run a clan and build their own community without the struggle of building a clan from scratch.

    You might not like the name for a clan, from what I can see it's 200p to change a clan name.

    To treat this like an application since I want to find someone that has good intentions or plans with the clan.

    I would like to know:

    • Either your MR or time played on your profile in game. This is to hopefully find someone that isn't completely new to the game that might quit playing. You could just put your IGN instead and I can look at your profile myself.

    • What your plans would be. Do you want it to be with just your friends? Do you plan to increase the rank and invite a lot of people?

    Basically what would happen:

    • I would choose someone to give the clan to.

    • This person would be invited.

    • This person would be promoted to Warlord

    • Then I will leave.

    From what I've read, as long as there is 1 Warlord in the clan then the clan should remain in game as is.

    If you would rather send a private message here on Reddit instead of leaving a comment than feel free to.

    My IGN is Uaena. If you would like to look at the dojo in game then ask in a comment. I don't always pay attention to messages in game or I have dnd set.

    submitted by /u/--Brandt--
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    TIL I'm MR 22 and I've never mastered the Braton

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    Nidus HUNGERS

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    Why I think Grendel is in a bad place. Why he should be given another look at. And my own ideas on how to buff him

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    (Tldr at bottom)

    Grendel is a frame that has been in a really ruff patch ever since his release. Seeing only 1 Hotfix that made small changes to his whole kit and a small QOL buff to his 2. Grendel was introduced during an extremely crucial time for DE. Not only was he launched during the controversial "old blood" update where improving Kuva liches where the main focus on DE and the communitys mind. He was also right in the middle of the development of most anticipated update for Warframe at the time, "Empyrean" which we know was an all hands on deck update, requireing practically all the focus of the dev team for many months to make it to there planned release date. So its understandable that improving this frame wasent number 1 priority for the Devs at the time.

    Grendel has wasted potential

    Grendel as a frame is themed around being fat haveing a giant maw in his gut that devours hoards of enemies, and uses them as fuel. Its an extremely cool and unique theme that I feel is being wasted by Grendel's current state. Grendel deserves a 2nd pass at his kit and should be brought up to par with other frames like Gauss and Protea who have become A tier frames after a few Hotfixes to there kit.

    This isent to say that Grendel has no uses. His 1 is definitely a powerful CC and damage ability. But as you go down the latter of his abilitys, there usefulness become less and less. Especially when you look at Regurgitate which has little to no use in his kit. I desire to fix that problem, and hopefully give some good ideas on how to make Grendel a better Warframe.

    Grendels energy problem

    let's discuss Grendels massive appetite for his own energy. With only a few enemies in Grendels gut, he will start to burn away his energy at an insane rate. This drain rapidly increases the longer you keep enemies in your stomach, makeing mods like primed continuity, flow and streamline a must have.

    To fix this problem, make his 1 and 4 the only ability that requires energy. Makeing his 2 and 3 rely on the enemies you have devoured, and make his 2 use energy when the're no enemies devoured. Makeing only Devour and pulverise use energy will give Grendel better energy conservation and not make him so energy hungry.

    Grendels passive and how to change it

    Grendels passive might as well just be a separate effect of his 1. The passive only takes effect when an enemy is devoured and doesn't effect any other ability in his kit. The smart thing to do would be to merge it into his 1st ability, and replace his passive with a new one

    New passive- "Being a bigger target, Grendel attracts more attention from enemies, makeing enemies lose interest in attacking nearby Tenno, companions, defence targets and focus on him"

    This new passive works imo due to the high amount of health and armor that Grendel has, as well as haveing a stable way of restoring health using his 2. It also adds useful team support for squishy frames and companions.

    How to improve devour

    The glaring issue with this ability is its deveststing energy drain.

    To fix this ability, Grendel should have a threshold of enemies that he can devour before becoming "Engorged". This mean that Grendel can eat a max of X amount of enemies without suffering from energy drain. Once the max amount of enemies devoured is exceeded, the energy drain will begin. The base ability will still cost 25 energy to cast.


    Nourish provides a healing buff whenever the ability is activated, the buff restores a percentage of health each time it's activated, giving flat HP. This would cause you to repeatedly spam the ability whenever your health was low and would most likely killing all the enemies you have devoured. A simple buff would be to add 2 seconds of rapid health regeneration to make the ability less spammy and more reliable as a health restorer.

    Improving Nourish armor

    Out of the 3 sub abilitys in Grendels 2, nourish armor is the most useless. At first glance, it would seem like an ability that would provide armor for you and allies, but it is simply a small radial toxin proc that tickles enemies. Makeing it a huge waste of an ability slot as it is. Almost safe to say it one of the most useless abilities in game

    To buff it, I suggest keep the base effect, increase the proc range and add an armor buff for Grendel and Allies.

    Regurgitate and my frustration with it

    Regurgitate is a very disappointing ability, especially due to the fact that it's put in his 3rd ability slot. The only use for this ability is to regulate the amount of enemies in your stomach. Every explosive weapon in the game outshines its purpose

    To fix the ability, it would require a rework of the projectile and its function. I've come up with an idea that would make this ability interesting and useful for Grendels whole kit while still makeing it a good tool for regulating enemies in your Stomach.

    Regurgitate- "Grendel vomits a mini Pulveriser as a projectile that deals a toxic explosion on impact. This Pulveriser then rolls around and seeks out enemies in which it will immediately devour and grow in size till a cap is reached. Pulverisers do similar damage and effects as Grendels 4. Grendel can recall all Pulverisers by holding the ability button, devouring them and there collected enemies. Ability can also be used while in Pulveriser form. Grendel can only have 4 Pulverisers active at once. Reactivating regurgitate while all 4 Pulverisers are active will replace the last created Pulveriser. Pulverisers are affected by duration for X amount of seconds.


    Pulverise has great potential as a high damage nuke ability, it already is when against corpus or infested. But when the ability is up against Grineer or any armored targets, it does far too little against them. The ability could do with a way of bypassing enemy armor and defences in general to make the ability very reliable for damage.

    "With each enemy Grendel devours, Pulverisers damage ignores 10% of enemy defences (Stacks up to 90%)"

    The ability could also do with some improved QOL. For starters, makeing the ability not require a devoured enemy to activate would be beneficial. Secondly, allowing devour to be used in a small 360 radius during Pulverise would allow Grendel to continue to grow in size and damage without needing to leave pulverise.

    I do hope DE one day decides to look at Grendel once again. He a frame with so much potential to be really good. But he is stagnating between somewhere good and memey.

    Tldr: Grendel isent in a good place due to the focus of the Devs and community being on bigger updates like old blood and Empyrean. Pls buff him.

    submitted by /u/anunchosenusername
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    I made a radiator on my cold ship

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 12:22 PM PDT

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