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    Warframe [META] New or Returning Player? Welcome (Back) to WARFRAME!

    Warframe [META] New or Returning Player? Welcome (Back) to WARFRAME!

    [META] New or Returning Player? Welcome (Back) to WARFRAME!

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    "An imminent threat grows. You must prepare.''

    Warframe is a game grounded in familiar ideas permeated with distinct style and flair. You, a mysterious warrior with an unclear past, wield gun, blade, and the spectacular power of your Warframe. You contend with a totalitarian clone military, a high-tech merchant cult devoted to profit, and an ill-fated bioweapon designed by a fallen super-civilization. In your battles and adventures, you become a savior of the weak, a saboteur of the wicked, and a survivor against immense odds. Uncover your past, unlock the power of your weaponry, and unite with other players against the game's villains and its difficulty.

    Whether you're joining us for the first time or are a returning player, the moderation team at r/Warframe would like to welcome you (back) to the community and to wish you a happy second half of 2020!

    This is one of the official fan sites for Warframe, and we're happy to have you join us! We've got users from all over the world and all walks of life, ready to give their assistance or have discussions for your needs. Below is a basic introduction to the game and the subreddit.

    Here are a few important resources to get you get started!

    The official Warframe Quick Start Guide will get you playing in no time!

    The official Warframe Quest Guide is also here to steer you on your way through the story

    Fortuna Map and comprehensive guide to the cold Venusian surface will help you brave the largest open world expansion yet!

    Plains of Eidolon Map and getting started on Plains of Eidolon, two helpful resources written by the community for the community!

    Unofficial Warframe Handbook written by /u/DapperMuffin and updated by /u/TheStonedDerp ! Whether you're new or returning it's highly recommended you give this a look.

    Fennyface's Beginner's Guide ! the most comprehensive and robust explanation of the new player experience in the community.

    Folren's Riven Bot Discord, By /u/Folren ! A discord bot server dedicated to answer the main question: "is this riven good?" Note: The bot is currently being reworked and is not functional for the time being.

    Beginner's Gun Modding and Melee Modding Guides, by /u/Mogwin ! A how-to on the basics of weapon modding.

    Community Tier List by /u/sakai4eva ! Perfect for seeing what is regarded as "good" or "bad" in the world of Warframe. Please remember that everything can work if you put time into it! Alternatively, you can try searching for recent tier lists.

    Community Guide to Farming Resources by /u/ByteRoster ! A perfect place to find out where to efficiently farm for the materials needed for that gun you've had your eyes on since the start!

    This forum thread by Rydian covers all major changes since Update 8! It's a few months out of date currently, but we have painfully compiled a list of changes since the last time that one was updated.

    Looking for streams or creators? Check out the Official Warframe Partners page, as well as the Warframe Partner's Program if you're interested in joining them!

    Prefer to search for specific written guides? The Steam community has plenty of guides that you can search through by category or keywords!

    Our subreddit FAQ has the answer to many questions you might ask when starting out.

    The Warframe wiki, a fellow official fan site, is the premier information hub for all things Warframe. An index of everything in the game, it's the first place and the best place you should go to figure out what anything is!

    Be sure to check out our other player-made resources over here!

    Our weekly threads (links to the most recent ones are in the sidebar!)

    Warframe Weekly Q&A | Ask Your Game-Related Questions Here! - This thread is for any and all questions you have about the game! Players check every day of the week to answer your questions, no matter how simple or complicated they are! There's a new thread every Sunday!

    Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here! - This thread is a place where people can post about their good or bad luck! Whether you praise the Void or curse RNGesus, everyone here can sympathize! There's a new thread every Monday!

    Warframe Weekly Tunes-Day Thread | Share and Request Mandachord and Shawzin Songs! - Want to present your newest musical masterpiece or maybe just find someone to create one for you? Fear not, all you Octavia mains and Shazwin heroes. This is the right place for you!

    Warframe Weekly Vent/Rage/Rant Thread! - This weekly thread is for anyone who wants to let off steam, we all love the game, but nothing is perfect!

    Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game! - This thread is for anyone looking to help other players or to get help themselves! Share your in-game name to group up for tough missions, make new friends, or find a rare item! There's a new thread every Friday!

    Warframe Weekly Riven Thread! - A weekly thread for anyone who is interested in the Riven aspect of Warframe. Builds, rolls, tips and tricks are all freely shared and discussed in this thread.

    And make sure to check out our public communities page if you're looking for some cool Warframe related Discord channels to join!

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    The Warframe Reddit network

    Warframe Reddit is more than just r/Warframe. Here are the other subreddits in our network, and their various purposes:

    • r/WarframeRunway is dedicated to everything fashionframe and captura! Keep in mind, posting your fashion to the main sub is not only allowed but encouraged!
    • r/MemeFrame is the place where most Warframe-related memes and image macros go!
    • r/WarframeClanRecruit is for all your clan recruitment or invitation needs!
    • r/WarTrade is where you can find trade requests and offers for all tradable items in Warframe!
    • r/WarLFG Need some people to clear the star chart or run relics with? This is the place to group up!
    • r/MandachordMelodies Share your tunes with the rest of the community!
    • r/WarframePvP For everything PvP! Not very active, but might still be worth checking out if you're really into the PvP side of the game. ___

    Finally, an overview of our subreddit rules.

    "A voice in the night, a half-remembered dream, rising to the surface of your consciousness, from backbrain to forebrain, a sound to a vision, pullin' up and... knockity-knock. Hello, Dreamers. Let's get to know one another."

    Welcome Tenno! We'll see you in the stars!

    submitted by /u/DrMcSex
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    animal farm

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 09:56 PM PST

    The Beauty of Warframe Part 21

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 10:25 AM PST

    The UFO-vara Experience.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 11:13 AM PST

    Prepping for the glaive rework

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 03:00 AM PST

    Honestly, this is my second Reinforced Orokin Container to scan. How rare are they?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 07:18 PM PST

    Oh You're approaching me? *Eidolon scream intensifies*

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 02:52 AM PST

    Nothing about lich farming is an enjoyable experience.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 08:18 PM PST

    At the most basic level, every step of it is tedium to an extreme.

    Want a specific type of weapon? Better run a mission potentially hundreds of times in the hopes it spawns.

    Want a specific weapon with a decent roll? Better be prepared for that "potentially hundreds" to turn into "potentially thousands".

    Want to actually acquire that weapon? Better be prepared to add dozens of missions to that count, per weapon, for murmurs alone.

    Got your murmurs maxed out? Better add dozens of missions just for relics and requiems (or open your wallet, but that applies to most of it, and I imagine most people wouldn't find this preferable).

    Got all of the above done? Time to actually kill it. Which is even more RNG, and potentially dozens more missions.

    Long-term goals are great. When they involve steady progress and incremental improvement.

    tl;dr: RNG sucks, and this is cancer. As a completionist, I am absolutely dreading more of this content being added. I'd rather have to regrind focus or intrinsics to max again.

    submitted by /u/MidnightManifesto
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    Does the warframe playerbase actually want mechanically challenging bosses at all?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 05:06 PM PST

    You often hear demand from veteran-ish types about how this game doesn't have any real challenging content. Everything is either braindead easy or so full of un-counterable bullshit that you're forced into using equally bullshit cheese strats.

    However, we just got what is basically a pure mechanically challenging boss in Nihil. You can't cheese him because you can't use weapons or abilities. The only thing that matters are your mechanical skills of movement and positioning. Nihil pretty much plays like a Dark Souls boss. We have have an analogue to the trademark Souls jankiness in the weird angle our frame throws the projectile.

    You'd think that was exactly what people asked for, right? But looking at comments on reddit it seems to be an even split in opinion. Half the people think the Nihil fight is great, if slightly too easy. The other half get traumatic flashbacks of old platformers and never want to see anything like it again.

    submitted by /u/StevesEvilTwin2
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    One of those "Bruh..." moments

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 09:05 PM PST

    Phobos Defence tileset is utter garbabe. Remove this.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 11:52 AM PST

    Public Test Cluster: Opt-In Key Lottery #3

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 01:45 PM PST

    Link to forum thread: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1235127-public-test-cluster-opt-in-key-lottery-3/

    Greetings Tenno!

    The time has come for another Semi-Public Test Cluster weekend, this time for Deimos Arcana. Please read the thread in full before replying!

    1. We will be using Steam Keys to access "Warframe Test" - make sure you have a Steam account!
    2. We will be running all surveys and posts in English - you must understand English to participate.
    3. Despite our best efforts, console accounts cannot be copied to our PC test server, so only PC Warframe accounts will be chosen to participate - sorry!
    4. We will be asking for targeted feedback specific to the Deimos Arcana update. All players will be given details prior to launch, not just the Test Key holders. Expect a public Dev Workshop in the coming days.
    5. Posting here does not guarantee entry - it will be randomized. We are using the forums because we want to ensure potential participants know how to use our forums and have a base understanding covered in this post.
    6. If this all sounds good to you - simply reply in this Warframe forum thread with "There is so much to be done here on Deimos" to be entered. We will be sending out about 1000 new Steam Keys for this weekend. We will be picking accounts randomly from this reply set. Accounts picked that have numerous warnings, reports, or restrictions against them will be removed from the lottery and have their Key given to another random pick.

    Furthermore, as we continue expanding the number of players invited to Public Test weekends, we have run into an unfortunate restriction. The more people we give Test access to, the more stress it puts on our firewall, limiting the total number of Tenno we can include at one time. All those that have gained Test access before will have access again this time, but going forward into future playtests, we will have to cull the list of invitees. For now, we have one simple rule: If you login to Test during a Public Test weekend, you will still have access next time a Test takes place. If you do NOT login during a Public Test weekend, your Warframe Test access will be revoked, to make room for new players in the future.

    All those who can participate in weekend testing will receive an inbox message in Warframe during the week. Those removed will no longer have Warframe Test in their Steam libraries. We retain the right to offer permanent spots to proven contributors or other trusted players.

    We apologize for this new "use it or lose it" rule, but this is our best option for granting access to new players based on the limited number of Steam keys we have access to.


    Good luck, and see you in the Drift!

    submitted by /u/DEConnor
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    What the f*** is up with the lighting recently

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 08:13 PM PST

    Me and dad love warframe

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 03:06 PM PST

    Me and my dad play warframe a lot and before we didn't have much in common so we didn't talk very much but then he told me about the game and we played together and it was so fun and it brought us closer.

    submitted by /u/killertomato01
    [link] [comments]

    Brightness Nightmare on Fomorian Alert

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 01:31 PM PST

    That time I met a baby Nekros

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 03:51 PM PST

    Glassmaker - A Symphony of Poor Design Philosophy

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 11:40 PM PST

    Glassmaker - A Symphony of Poor Design Philosophy

    I read your feedback and tend to agree. The intro was long and unnecessary. I expected much worse than what I got and am thankful for that. So I'll just say this. I know this is nothing more than a long rant. I wrote it because I felt like writing it.



    Failing From The Start

    (A player's perspective on the design and development philosophy of Digital Extremes as it pertains to Warframe)


    What is the premise of Glassmaker? The gameplay premise I mean, the idea that "investigating" is fun. Ok, I'll bite, sounds interesting. Where do you start on the path to incorporating the feel of player discovery and investigation into Warframe? Well, according to DE it starts with abolishing the very notion of the kind of game Warframe is.


    The Glassmaker is built with a set of gameplay mechanics that fail to make even the smallest bit of sense in the world of Warframe. Movement is restricted to a crawl, you can not jump, you can not slide, you can not dash, you can not crouch, you can not use your operator, and you have no access to your Warframe abilities. This is Warframe right? Someone, probably many people, at Digital Extremes sat down, talked about this, thought about it, tossed it around and some how landed on the premise that the most engaging way for players to interact with their new investigative content would be to strip them of everything that makes Warframe what it is, lock them into a borderline on rails experience and slow gameplay down to a literal crawl.


    This is ironically intrinsic to Warframe gameplay though isn't it? Almost every piece of new content we get absolutely defecates on the core of the Warframe gameplay experience and it seems to be a lesson DE refuses to learn. Archwing, Lunaro, PvP, Operators, Railjack, "Heavy Weapons", K-Drives, Liches, Deimos... one sin after another continuously compounded by the weight of DE's inability to understand that its players want to play Warframe. Not Tony Hawk, Not Call of Duty, not World of Warships, not NBA 2K11, and not Monster Hunter World. We want to play Warframe and despite continuously releasing systems that see high traffic day 1 that quickly plummets to barely being what you could consider "participation" they just keep coming up with new ways to make gameplay experiences that are everything but Warframe. I'm all for changing it up every once in a while but DE you gotta learn the lesson here... We love Warframe.


    Design Philosophy, or Lack There Of
    The choices that were made after the core gameplay was established are more confusing and offensive to me than the gameplay it self. It is as if someone brought in Delores Umbridge and told her to make this as unfun as is possible.


    How appropriate I guess. Every single new experience that has come to Warframe since I began playing 7 years ago has been plagued with "This would be great if they didn't ruin it by doing this-itis" Archwing would've been great if the controls weren't terrible. PvP would've been great if it was even remotely possible to balance. Heavy Guns would've been great if they came anywhere near approaching the power levels of Melee weapons. Operators would have been great if their movement and health made it nearly impossible to survive for more than a split second. I could go on for days about everything that has just been completely in opposition to it self as it launched cough Scarlet Spear cough but I won't. Suffice it to say that DE proves time and time again that it can't release a piece of content without crippling it to the core first and sapping all the potential fun out of it first. DE is too afraid of the players breaking content that they won't even risk letting their players have any fun any more.


    Hide and Seek

    The player must search for objects, objects that are small, hidden, difficult to see, carry no indicator of where they might be until you're already staring at them, have color schemes and patterns that blend them into the muddle color pallet of the game spaces they are placed in, and who's placement follows no kind of logic or design pattern.


    This is heavily indicative of DE's tendency to design things that work but just don't make a lot of sense. If I had a dime for everytime I've run up against a problem in Warframe and went "Why isn't this just built like this instead" I'd be retired and not ranting about Warframe


    RNG, the only thing players hate more than Knock Back
    To make matters even worse, what the object is AND where it is located are essentially random or at best, not predictable. So these incredibly difficult to locate objects are hidden in such a way that you can't even Youtube or wiki a guide to finding them if you're struggling. What purpose did this serve other than to frustrate the player?


    I can't count the number of times the Warframe devs have had to get on Dev Stream and apologize for implementing unnecessarily punishing RNG into the game. You think they'd learn... RNG is a necessary evil it is not a good gameplay mechanic. It is designed to punish players who do not sink time into the game to encourage players to sink time into the game. It should not be relied upon to tell stories, encourage player engagement or gate content progression.


    The Radar Is Jammed
    As if to add insult to injury the player is given what by all rights should have been an indicator to the location of these objects, a pulse of light that emanates from the player every few moments as if to emulate sonar or radar of some sort however the joke is on the player as this emanation serves absolutely no functional purpose (or if it does, it was broken for me on every single Glassmaker story step because it did nothing).


    I don't actually have a way to tie this to a pattern in bad gameplay decisions DE is making except to say it is in and of it self an example of confusing, contrarian, expectation subversion for the sake of subversion that I just can not wrap my head around.


    Proper Investigation Is checks notes Uneducated Guessing?
    Given that there is no predictability to which object you will be searching for, where it might be located, that there is no indicator to help find them, and that there is no design logic in their placement the player is left to literally wander aimlessly around the room feeling lost and hopeless with no way to reason out where to go but simply hoping to stumble upon these objects.


    This is a good example of DE going "We wanted to give players the feeling of being an investigator and uncovering a story" and then doing the exact opposite of that. You can see this constantly in Warframe designs... Volt the Warframe meant to be all about electricity was primarily just a speed Warframe and the god damn speed Warframe they released is predominantly a stationary crowd control frame. I could just go down the list of every Warframe that was sold on a premise they don't and can't fulfil but we all play the game. We all know. We just stopped talking about it because DE has proven over and over again that they just don't care.


    This Will Be On The Test
    Not only must the player find these randomly placed, difficult to locate objects but the player must also commit to memory features of these objects that becoming increasingly vague and difficult to discern as the story progresses. In the most recent Glassmaker part 5 for example several of the objects have absolutely no indication as to what about them you are meant to remember. The Legem comes to mind. It has a symbol but unless you already know that symbol is not unique then you are looking at an item with no highlights, no indications, no evidence what so ever that would point to the feature about the item you are meant to remember, which would be fine had Digital Extremes not spent the previous 4 story missions highlighting in bright colors the things you were meant to remember about the objects. DE was responsible for setting the expectation that the player would have some kind of indication and then strands the player without them.

    Many of you will not remember a time when Warframe did not have even 10% of the in game info that it has now but Warframe was born into the gaming universe as a game that made it's fan maintained "wiki" a necessity for gameplay. You simply could not play early Warframe without the Wiki because most of the information you relied upon to make good decisions or any decisions simply wasn't available in game or was so incredibly inconvenient to find that the Wiki was the better choice 100% of the time. Worse than that, the Wiki is often actually more accurate than the in game info represented inside Warframe (I'm looking at you Shotgun status calculation). DE's reliance on the Wiki to serve players information that should be in the game has gone from being a quirk of having a complex game to a simple sin of laziness. I pray for any new player who tries to play this game without the Wiki up on a second screen 100% of the time.


    No Time To Explain
    At no point, during any of this, even the very first part does the game actually explain any of this. All the way up to passing the investigation, navigating the platforms, and killing the boss. Not a single thing is explained by any source in the game. This would be perfectly fine if this gameplay followed in logic, pattern, or style anything that had ever been put into Warframe in the past but obviously it does not so fumbling your way through this and failing repeatedly until you give up and google it is basically the expectation here.


    I could just refer you back to my previous statement about how Digital Extremes relies on the Wiki to delivery nearly 100% of all necessary gameplay information to it's players but I'll go a step further and say often when information is included in game it's either accidentally or intentionally incredibly vague. I'm betting on the latter.


    We Don't Play Our Own Game
    I am convinced, 100% convinced that DE does not consistently play their own game, or if they do, they do it completely differently to how their players do. The "boss" fight for Nihil is a perfect example of this. You enter this fight (with no explanation, no indication that it's even a boss, and no obvious mechanics of course, and you are presented with an enemy shooting at you and FINALLY you have your movement back at least. Now, this is DE so obviously you can't Warframe the dude to death because screw you this is our game and you'll play it how we want you to, but you quickly pick up on the idea that you have to dodge these relatively difficult to see projectiles that will slow you into oblivion. Sure. No Problem. I'm a Warframe with slide and bullet jump and aim glide and dodge and ooooooooooooh whoah slow down there buddy. Getting a bit ahead of our selves aren't we? See these projectiles (that you have to dodge while not looking at them because it's impossible to aim glide backwards, dodge forwards, watch this projectile, and land on the platform) they can actually hit you while bullet jumping/dodging at full speed. In fact they will hit you 50% of the time. I tested this. The first shot misses, the second hits. Every time. In actuality what you are supposed to do is stand still. Yeah... stand still.. because get this, despite the fact that the projectile can hit you moving in air at full speed you can actually side step them incredibly easily and it dawned on me... this is how they intended you to play and I realized this because he will destroy the platform you're standing on so you're meant to stand still, wait, dodge, wait, dodge, wait, dodge to another platform and rinse and repeat this incredibly boring slow paced infantile excuse for a boss battle.


    I've seen this time and time again on stream.. DE Megan rolling around like a pill bug with A.D.D. or Reb slowly aim gliding her way through the air like nothing is actually dangerous (it isn't, she plays with god mode on). The problem is well this is the worst, least efficient, least effective, least fun way to play this game. No.. if you watch a real player play (and by real player I mean literally anyone else. Just pick a rando on Twitch or Youtube, doesn't matter, they all play the same) then you'll quickly see Warframe is a game about extreme speed movement, dodging, clever repositioning, winging backwards shots at enemies as you fly by them, racing to objectives, and completing missions as fast as humanly possible. I know DE wanted to create a space "ninja" fantasy stealth game with cover and slow paced thoughtful combat and all that shit but face it DE, that's not what you made. That's not what Warframe is.



    Final Thoughts

    I love Warframe. I hate pieces of it with every fiber of my being, but Warframe.. what Warframe is supposed to be at it's core is amazing and that's what keeps me coming back despite my developing distaste for it's development team, messy releases, community patronization, and low effort unimaginative "innovations". (Except you DE Steve, keep that shit up, Warframe is beautiful and I still get excited hearing you talk about graphics improvements just for christ's sake stop making jokes we make about you like they aren't about you. When you look at the screen and go "Soon, right hahaha like DE soon or real soon" it makes me want to stop playing for weeks at a time. You don't get to be a part of the joke when you are the joke. Fix things and then you can get in on laugh but it just feels bad to hear you laughing at our expense and make no mistake it is at our expense)


    Digital Extremes... please stop trying to turn Warframe into everything but what it is and get back to making Warframe better, more stable, and more fun or admit to the community that you don't want to make Warframe anymore. That's all I'm asking for. Give me a reason to hope for the future of the game or disappoint me now so I can leave Warframe behind me.


    P.S. Keep in mind that after the Tencent announcement you are on thin ice for a lot of players. Many of us are waiting for anything that even smells like the intrusion of Tencent's toxic presence into Warframe and we are ready to jump ship to stop our selves from supporting directly or indirectly the single largest cancer the video game industry has. Now is not the time to make mistakes you plan on apologizing for later because I imagine there won't be a lot of forgiveness to be had if you start becoming the evil that players are afraid Tencent will make you.

    submitted by /u/SpartanG01
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    A guy in open squad said naked cats are gross, I say screw him hyekkas are both cool and cute

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 11:23 AM PST

    is that an archgun in your pocket?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 11:04 PM PST

    I've been told I should show off some of my Dojo works so here's my Bolarola ice sculpture

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 04:56 PM PST

    What's that thing on the floor in front of Mission Egress? Seen it a few times since hitting MR30 but I can't get close enough to interact with it.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 11:28 AM PST

    [Entrati Syndicate spoilers] Can I just say, what a wholesome moment this was? Enough to make a grown man cry!

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 05:58 AM PST

    Guys, I think there might be a color problem

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 02:41 PM PST

    Rhino looks impressed with his Kuva Ayanga hardpoint. (hah. hardpoint)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2020 12:21 AM PST

    Is there any way to skip that 5-second animation at the end of every mission?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2020 07:27 PM PST

    That animation is driving me a little crazy. I'm currently running capture missions and that dumb animation is about 5% of my total time.

    submitted by /u/Ajreil
    [link] [comments]

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