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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Warframe Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Warframe Weekly Moments | Good Luck? Bad Luck? Share Your Experiences Here!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 07:33 AM PST

    This thread is for sharing your Warframe experiences and good or bad luck. Experiences can be shared any day of the week!

    Whether you praise the Void or curse RNGesus, everyone here can sympathize; share any experiences that you've had in Warframe that you want! You can also freely share things that are listed as "disallowed posts" here.

    Comments are sorted by new by default! And remember...

    Experiences can be shared any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Loid Sentinel Skin coming with Deimos Arcana!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:59 PM PST

    [Fanart] Bullseye

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:56 AM PST

    Ignis Wraith Supply Center (Mostly PC only)

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:02 PM PST

    Ignis Wraith Supply Center (Mostly PC only)

    Ignis wraith price is now 0p on all servers on PC and will remain that way for as long as the Syndicate Alliance stands.


    Yes we see you ignis scammers mass down voting and manipulating the forum mods to take down the post we had there. You cant stop this no matter how hard you try the price is 0p deal with it.

    Rules blame DE for most of them:

    1. You must be MR9 to collect (DE rule)
    2. You must accept 6 of them and pledge to distribute 5 for free (My rule)
    3. You will need 12,000 credits for the system wide trade tax and 0 credits for clan tax (DE rule)
    4. You will need to place any random item for trade we suggest ammo box its more worthless than an opinion (DE rule)

    How to participate

    To get your personal batch of 6

    1. Go to discord.gg/syndicate
    2. Click #discord-role-setup on the center popup
    3. Click the #9 reaction
    4. Go to #ignis-wraith-supply-center under the warframe category
    5. When you are online to receive a batch type your in game name and your MR. MR is because you must be MR 9 to obtain the Ignis Wraith we do not make this rule DE does. Please feel free to come back when you reach MR 9 if you are not yet there.
      1. please refrain from other discussions in this channel such as casual greetings, this channel is business oriented the less unrelated spam it has the more people we can rely on to not mute the channel.
      2. Players on consoles other then PC will take a significant time until responded to as we do not yet have a discord for any console clans.
    6. Wait this may take a while for someone to contact you but you will be contacted.
      1. If you do not get contacted by the time you log out simply repost at the start of your next play session.
    7. In game supplier list also available at the bottom of this post for those that wish to try this without discord these players have vowed to supply ignis wraiths. This is likely the harder method but for those that dislike discord the option is available.
      1. players interested in joining this list please comment your in game name, platform, and "join list"

    To become a supplier by purchasing a large batch of Ignis Wraith from our dojo

    1. Go to discord.gg/syndicate
    2. Close out the pop up welcome screen
    3. Go to #requests-of-officers
    4. Type your in game name, MR, and "Access to Ignis Wraith"
    5. Wait this may take a while for someone to contact you but you will be contacted
    6. Once you have received your ignis wraith supply you have no obligation to the server or clan and are free to leave as you wish.

    Utilize your clans supply of Ignis Wraith to support this process

    1. Go to discord.gg/syndicate
    2. Click #discord-role-setup on the center popup
    3. Click the #9 reaction
    4. Go to #ignis-wraith-supply-center under the warframe category
    5. Simply watch the channel for people requesting ignis wraith. Use the :Inprogress: react to signify you are getting it. :approved: to signify You have completed the request, :unavailable: to signify they where not able to respond to your DM's, and :denied: to signify there is a reason they can not get an ignis wraith.
    6. Also go to warframe.market And post 1000 of them at 1p this helps people who do not find this reddit post and our server get them.
    7. When possible give players 6 ignis wraith instead of 1, this encourages supply saturation they will be able to give their 5 friends or clan mates an ignis wraith saving our supply chain the trouble.

    How to Distribute your 5, bulk stack, or clan supply

    1. Go to warframe.market and place a sell order for 1p
      1. make sure to open warframe.market before each play session to ensure it registers you as logged in
      2. when someone contacts you via warframe.market to buy please mark a "sold" unit for each ignis wraith you gave them to help influence the price chart.
    2. post WTS orders in trade chat for free ignis wraiths
    3. Watch either our discord channels #ignis-wraith-supply-center and use the servers :approved: react when you handle someone for us, or ask your warlord to forward the channel to one in your server.
    4. set a trade chat filter for "ignis wraith" and respond to people wanting to buy it by offering it for free.

    Players to contact for Ignis Wraith without visiting a discord

    2. Slip2
    3. Ociier15
    4. LeakingAmps
    5. KaiWingless
    6. Violence
    7. James_Skyminer
    8. ...huh
    9. LupaChalupa
    10. Rebore
    11. jazz
    12. Krugsmash
    13. DarkGamerZero
    14. eragonawesome
    15. ckae84
    16. TheLastCrazyPerson
    17. Lust
    18. Opyt
    19. TheodanePrime
    20. Leogaz AFK until reset
    21. Animisty
    22. Itztaytay
    23. FlameisTired
    24. Effion
    25. xomp
    26. Blue
    27. Naefu
    28. CortezTheConqueror
    29. DrLego
    30. Red.
    31. ThePurpleGuyCZ
    32. RawBeard
    33. xtrm_
    34. Lyrinux
    35. -The-Duck-
    36. Penguinbuddy91
    37. DeaconCuff
    38. MarkasLin
    39. OmegaForce
    40. Retvik
    41. LeakingAmps
    42. RestInPizza
    43. Lu_Zanth
    44. TacentEvince
    45. L1ghtWolf
    46. Rinzu_
    47. Tdub415
    48. Man_in_White
    49. Amontadillo
    50. leosaurd
    51. TookSick (PS4 players only)
    52. metroid23 (PS4 players only)
    53. TheSinhound (PS4 players only
    54. Kakurine2 (PS4 players only)
    55. BiscuitsJoe (PS4 players only)
    56. ExoSin (Xbox players only)
    57. DEO WOLFHART (Xbox players only)
    58. L0RDPH03N1X95 (Xbox players only)
    59. FRICKEN PERSON (Xbox players only)
    60. bongheadbaz09 (Xbox players only)
    61. Micha Hana Park (Xbox players only)
    62. Sweatlock (Xbox players only)

    If you would like added to the direct PM list please ask for it in comments, Once we have 50 PC players I will start crossing out the lowest names on the list, If you are already on the list and would like moved to the top please respond as so in comments.

    Alright guys now that we have clear cut instructions its time for all the unimportant sappy stuff.

    ***New rule same as the old rules:***The time we published this we had people go out of their way to DM and harass people who sell ignis wraith for plat. Yah don't do that Do not get yourself banned over those fools. Just put them on ignore list to deprive them of any sales from you in the future and call it a day. If you really wanna spite them set trade chat filter to "ignis wraith" and post "WTS Free [Ignis Wraith]" immediately after each of their sale posts that is the furthest you should take it.

    Why we do this:

    There are a lot of good reasons to do this. The big one is simply giving back to the community that has made the Syndicate clans so successful. We know the stigma of large clans evil, large clans don't love their members. The community has done a great job of looking past that stigma to recognize the efforts we make to make every player matter. Today we extend making every player matter past our own community walls and to all of you. It has always been Syndicate clans policy to never charge a clan member for Ignis Wraith, we are simply extending that policy to the community. And now a few additional reasons to do this.

    1. Fuck scammers charging 15p for this
    2. Supporting newish players during warframes frequent activity dips
    3. Pride's massive ego requires constant approval from all of you
    4. We do not need to be a guide of the lotus or a partner to help the community. We need only to identify what we have that others do not.

    Responses in advance to the usual complaints

    1. Stop calling people exploiting the lack of knowledge of new players for 15p scammers its not nice
      1. You do not create change simply by being the change you wish to see you must also condemn those who make it necessary.
    2. tHis iS glOriFied RecrUitiNg
      1. While when i first did did ignis wraith freebie copy pastas in all the warframe chats i did discover it tended to result in a bunch of recruits for my clan this system is structured in a way as to minimize how much of that i get and maximize how much the distributors get.
        1. due to making the ignis wraith a unique role that can see only the channels entirely necessary to get ignis wraiths in our server we gain less discord actives than if we made them come to our whole server and just let curiosity take its route.
        2. since we are giving 6 to every player instead of 1 and giving infinite sized batches to people who bring their own credits we have zero interaction with more than 5/6 people who get ignis wraiths. before running these we could monopolize it by being the only community hitting every channel in every region this is costing us recruits.
    3. "Jokes on you i just got 3 sets from your distributors and am selling them for 30p"
      1. good luck with that the free market will make it very hard since the distributors are free to instantly respond to your wts ignis wraith 30p post with their own wts ignis wraith for free posts and there are THOUSANDS of them all you did was waste your trade tax credits bro.
    submitted by /u/Warframedaddy
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    Wake up, Tenno

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:07 AM PST

    come tf on DE

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:47 PM PST

    (Lore Theory) The assassination attempt against Parvos Granum wasn't merely a betrayal of the Corpus Board of Directors, it was masterminded and orchestrated by the Orokin, with Protea being the one who actually carried out the attempt.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 11:49 AM PST

    When reading through the Corpus Tenets, one of them stood out to me:

    Charity is power. More charity is more power.

    This line is not only exactly completely counterintuitive to the Corpus as we know them now, but also is a concept the Orokin themselves would definitely disapprove of.

    Given how Parvos was able to amass such a large amount of wealth from such humble beginnings, and with him forming the Corpus, there was no way the Orokin wouldn't have noticed him as a potential threat. And with Parvos giving more normal people potential means to amass wealth and therefore power, the Orokin weren't happy. Not that Parvos didn't intentionally bait a Warframe strike team against one of his research sites, mind you. So there was definitely tension between the Orokin and the Corpus.

    But if the Orokin wanted to remove Parvos, they definitely couldn't do so in an overt manner or else the Corpus would certainly rally against them. So the Orokin hatched a plan to not only remove Parvos, but to destabilize the Corpus as a whole.

    But first, the Orokin needed to try and create plausible deniability of any conflict between them and Parvos. Part of this was having a Protea warframe assigned as Parvos's bodyguard, who could also potentially double as a spy if necessary. Protea's kit makes her perfectly suited for being a double-agent. Her primary and secondary abilities work very well for offense and defense, something a bodyguard would need. Her dispensary, furthermore, gives her full access to anything she'd need to keep functioning even if trapped against enemies. And finally, Protea's time manipulation abilities give her ways to always appear like she's doing her job perfectly, should she make a mistake in any way. After all, Protea's name is a shortening of "protean," which means "tending or able to change frequently or easily." And while this could certainly apply to her powers, it also certainly could apply to her allegiance.

    And a further bit of evidence as to why this Protea wasn't fully a gift of goodwill from the Orokin to the Corpus, Parvos wasn't given a Protea Prime. Just a normal Protea. Because the Orokin didn't even see Parvos Granum as being worthy of a gilded war machine. He was given something a little more...disposable.

    It may have seemed like Protea had ultimately saved Parvos, but I believe that Protea was the true saboteur of the ship. As Tenno, we ought know the results of errant void translations. But the idea of a Warframe with time-altering powers essentially capturing Parvos in a time prison? That seems more than likely. With Parvos locked away in the Granum Void, there was no body to find, no wreckage to search through, barely any evidence of any kind. In short, the perfect "murder."

    Meanwhile, the Orokin used rumors of dissent among the Corpus Board as a means to raise suspicion amongst one another. Now they had suspicion of a traitor in their midst. The voice of any goodwill had disappeared, and all that was left of the Corpus was greed and the power of money. Fighting amongst themselves, the Corpus were no longer the potential threat to the Orokin.

    submitted by /u/JirachiWishmaker
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    My Angel of Death Harrow is now complete with new wings

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:44 PM PST

    I drew a few Warframes with 1 phone, 1 finger, and a lot of time. I'm trying to make all of the 44 frames, so jusg 41 more to go!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 09:42 AM PST

    Found these New War concept arts on PlayStation's Twitter (dunno if these have been posted here yet)

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:29 PM PST

    With reduced effect intensity settings you can't see the objective on the Inaros vessel. Particle effects used to mark things (like activation pads on Lua) are also hardly visible or completely invisible. It's fine when optional visuals are reduced, but things like these should still be visible.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 08:02 AM PST

    Can I mindlessly grind in this game?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 07:23 PM PST

    I've never played this game before but after watching some videos I think I may give it a shot. My question is whether after I've levelled up to a good enough level can I mindlessly grind a certain area for certain weapons etc similar to say the borderlands series or destiny.

    Also if anyone could give me a general pointers about the game it would be very appreciated as it seems a little overwhelming to a noob like me lol

    Thanks in advance guys!

    submitted by /u/SirTokesAlot97
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    A small tour of my orbiter

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 11:12 PM PST

    Orokin Catalyst vs Orokin Reactor Invasion

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 11:17 AM PST

    There's currently a Catalyst vs Reactor Invasion.

    Go get em boi

    EDIT: Its Catalyst vs Catalyst and it's in the same node as another Invasion, so to unlock it we need to complete that one first. It's on Naga - Sedna. Join the Corpus side! Let's do this!

    They're doing their part! Are you?

    submitted by /u/RobleViejo
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    Annoying ESC bug

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 07:38 PM PST

    Esc stopps working somehow usally happens on fortuna only way to fix it is force quit and restart im sick of it it happened to me nearly 15-20 times only today... DE must fix this

    submitted by /u/Zecux
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    What? Vauban needs to stop

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 11:32 AM PST

    DE, please, give my Skelly boyo something better than gross infested puke for his 1...

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 01:11 PM PST

    We need this "emphemera"

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 12:32 PM PST

    Made this pewter mold of the lotus logo (fortuna update)

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 02:00 PM PST

    Reaping Chakram not working

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 08:11 PM PST

    I recently picked up nezha prime and the chakram doesnt seem to be bouncing correctly off of enemies when they get speared, often leading to some of the chakrams flying off into space before returning. Has anyone else experienced this? its a big issue because without them bouncing correctly they barely do any damage.

    submitted by /u/Dogzillal123
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    Just got my Exergis ready. Nothing strange here

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:03 PM PST

    Zephyr should have INFINITE air glide, holding Tailwind in the air should hover her in place, and Airburst should scale off melee weapon mods or momentum or something.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 08:46 AM PST

    Currently Zephyr has extended air glide but still plops on the floor after a period. Proposal is that should the player wish, her air-glide should be infinite. She'll still be going down eventually, but it won't be a plop down.

    Second concerns her Tailwind. It's her signature ability, but outside of augmenting it in long endless missions, it's not that great. And even in its best scenario, it doesn't simulate flight so much as a Wile-E-Coyote rocket.

    My proposal is simply to make it work like Dishonoured's "Redirective Blink" minus the time stop. If held while in the air, Zephyr floats to target her next Tailwind or do other stuff.

    I still don't know what the heck DE even intended for Airburst. First it's a worthless knock up. Then they added a vacuum effect. And now they're making it open enemies to finishers?

    submitted by /u/GreenColoured
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    Xaku's Grasp of Lohk Visualized

    Posted: 09 Nov 2020 06:01 AM PST

    Xaku's Grasp of Lohk Visualized

    Hello there fellow Tenno, time for another visualization!

    As always, sometimes it's kinda hard to know which damage numbers to expect from an ability, especially if it isn't scaling only with strength, so visualizations are very helpful: Xaku's Grasp of Lohk.

    Grasp of Lohk is another ability whose damage function depends on two values: enemy level and ability strength. The damage function looks like this, according to the wiki:

    Total Void Damage = Void Damage × (1 + Ability Strength) × Enemy Level

    That gives us a threedimensional damage function, looking like this:

    Figure 1: Total Damage per Replica and Shot

    For a better view, let's look at the function from the top, the colourbar will tell us the damage numbers we have to expect at certain values:

    Figure 2: Total Damage per Replica and Shot, from above

    As you can see, the damage is pretty decent, giving us around 10k damage per shot and replica at 200% power strength and an enemy level of around 50. This is also the DPS, as the void replica shoots exactly 1 round per second. With a certain amount of replicas, this multiplies quickly to a decent amount of DPS.

    There are some other factors influencing the damage of this ability too: Have you stripped them of their defense with his third ability? Do they have the debuff from the fourth ability? The debuff increases void damage sufferend by enemies by 50%! How many replicas are you using?

    Just like last time, all my material is on my Google Drive, the graphics were made with Octave.

    Source(s): Wiki page about Xaku's abilities

    Disclaimer: All numbers shown are raw damage numbers before resistances and armor (although, in this case the resistances are pretty neglectable as void damage is neutral against all resistance types). I included modded power strength up to 600% for arbitration bonuses.

    submitted by /u/OrokinScholar
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