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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Warframe Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    This thread is for anyone to recruit or request others to help them out. It's open to all types of recruitment, and you can recruit any day of the week!

    • Asking for help from other players or offering to help? Go ahead and share your name!

    • Need people to do a certain kind of run? Put your name out there!

    • Want to recruit for your clan? Do it!

    • Anything else you want other players to add you up for? Get the word out and see who offers!

    Please provide the following information in your comment (in no particular order or format):

    • Platform (PC/PS4/XB1/Switch)
    • In-game name (to add to contacts), or clan name if recruiting
    • Location (for lag concerns or looking for players from specific regions)
    • Goal (What are you going to be doing?)

    No formatting necessary! That's right, format your requests or offers howeveryou want! The nicer and prettier it is though, the easier it is to read so keep that in mind!

    Read the other comments! If no one answers your response, add the others who have shared their info! Keep checking back to see who else is out there! Request away!

    And remember...

    You can recruit any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    What DE doesn't seem to get about the "Guns vs Melee" Balance Issue

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 06:05 AM PDT

    In Devstream #152, DE acknowledged the problem of "Guns vs Melee", but they only talked about Damage (which is just a part of the whole issue), and something that I found personally concerning: They listed Melee Attack Speed specifically as a problem, when its not, and in fact is one of the reason some melees are so fun in the first place. In Devstream #155 they reiterated the disbalance issue and said "Melees need a nerf", "Primaries won't get stat increases across the board", "Buffs will come in the form of Mods". Below I'm gonna list some of the components of Warframe (and any Shooter with Melee for that matter), how and why they clash in the current state of Warframe's gameplay and how this is an issue which emerged from the evolution of the game, and not something inherently good/bad about these weapons. But before I wanna clarify I've been playing for over 6 years, I'm MR 30, +5000hs on Steam, so I've pretty much experienced every weapon and gamemode in this game.

    • Dynasty Warframe: Hordes and Cover

    • So in the beginnings, Warframe was a Shooter like any other, couple of shots got you killed, getting in Melee range was a risk and using Cover was THE way of killing enemies and staying alive. A slower, more methodical gameplay. But because the AI has always been pretty much braindead, DE didn't have a way to scale difficulty but to make MORE enemies, with MORE Stats. Fast forward to today and using Cover is a joke, as enemies spawn constantly and from every direction, and for that reason even the act of Aiming puts you in a disadvantage unless you are paying constant attention to the minimap so you don't get flanked. This is what is usually known as "Horde Enemies". And of course, the way players play the game changed to adapt to this playstyle: AoE is king, and survivability depends on using abilities non stop, to either nuke, perma cc or tank, because if you don't you will get overwhelmed and killed. As you might have noticed, this lines up with the most used items, which could be considered "meta": Heavy hitting AoE (Bramma, Nukor, Khora), anything that can Tank and/or Buff Itself (Inaros, Nezha, Rhino) and whatever can Perma CC (Vauban, Nova, Khora). So naturally the game shifted from a "Slow -Clean rooms shooter" to a "Fast -Stay alive hack and slash", meaning the only missions that can be played purely as a shooter are those that don't spawn enemies constantly (Exterminate) or involve long distances between players-enemies (Open Worlds). Sadly there is probably no way to revert the "Dynasty Warframe" enemy Hordes gamestyle the game has now.

    • Enemies killed per Swing/Shot

    • This one is pretty simple: Melee will ALWAYS affect more enemies than (non AOE) guns, which means as long you are using a gun and actually aiming you are losing time, and there are more enemies spawning than being killed, meaning you are getting closer to be overwhelmed and die. And even if the mission doesn't have quick spawns, you are still playing slower by using a gun, and in a looter game, specially with such amount of RNG and mission time adding up to a massive grind, you will ALWAYS want to complete missions as fast as possible.

    • Evolutive Mods: Awful for Build Diversity, Awesome for Gameplay

    • Now this what I think DE should address first, because this is the actual reason Melee dominate the meta, not because they have INHERETLY better stats, but because they have Evolutive Mods (Blood Rush, Condition Overload) which makes them stronger the more you actively use them. And I know what you might be thinking "Just add the corresponding version of each Evolutive mod to Guns" and I ask "What will happen? How will builds look like?" the answer is simple, the same copy+paste build on everything. So no, Evolutive mods shouldn't be added to Guns, but the Evolutive mechanics should be BASELINE in ALL Weapons. This will require some rebalancing across the game, for sure, but making the Weapons get stronger the more you ACTIVELY use them, is fun, rewarding and FAIR. Also the removal of Evolutive Mods would make room to actually diverse builds, because currently if you are not using either Blood Rush or Condition Overload you are doing it wrong. And this has to do with the Melee Attack Speed which [DE]Geoff listed as a problem, it is not that Melees have too much Attack Speed, is that players build for it so the Evolutive Mods scale faster. In Devstream #155 [DE]Geoff acknowledged Evolutive Mods and the willing to add them for Primary and Secondary Weapons, but said they wouldn't buff Guns stats across the board which in my opinion is a mistake, because even with Evolutive Mods Primary and Secondary total damage is much lower than Melees, meaning that Evolutive Mods will take longer, and have a harder cap of "evolution" compared to Melees, because Evolutive Mods scale based on raw stats.

    • Pick Ups and Vacuum, the never ending battle between DE and the Community

    • Guns use ammo, some have VERY small ammo pools, to get ammo you need to pick up loot, to pick up loot you need to get in melee range. Melees don't use ammo, in melee range you pick up loot instantly, so you get HP/Energy Orbs sooner, which adds to your survivability. So: Melees are inherently more convenient to use because of how Pick-Ups work, even if they were equally strong to Guns.

    • Melee and Datamass, an Unbreakable Bond.

    • This is a subtle yet very important matter here. Melees are our default Weapon when carrying a Datamass, or when we are Fishing, Mining or Hunting, or when using the Omni Tool in Railjack, or carrying Coolant Cells, etc. When we are performing these actions, we only have Abilities and Melee to kill the enemies and keep doing what we were doing. A nerf to Melees will subsequentially make all of these activities suck even more than what they already suck now. Now pair this with the leaked Gun Mods, the ones adding % Damage if you DON'T have a Melee equipped, and you will probably understand my deep concern.

    • Difficulty: Mechanical Skill vs Superior Stats

    • All of the consecutive changes that led to "Dynasty Warframe", SPECIALLY the lack of ANY AI update whatsoever, made it so the only way DE can ramp up the difficulty is making more enemies, harder to kill, with layers upon layers of Invulnerability Phases or Ability Nullification. Basically in Warframe you don't need to learn attack patterns and aim to weak-spots, you just need to pass the "Stats Check" meaning that Player's Skill and Weapon Mechanics are secondary to Raw Stats, so naturally the meta changed from "Git Gud" to "Git the Items that Make you Gud". The best example I can give is Steel Path, Kuva Fortress Disruption: The Demolisher Units have BOTH Ability Nullification and Stats Layers (and Invulnerability if you count the shield), so it doesn't matter the frame you have, you need the biggest DPS dispenser in your arsenal and you need to find a way to uber your build to not die because otherwise you are not gonna be alive for long enough to even damage the Demolishers, which cant be stopped as they are not affected by abilities.

    • Below are some comments I got the last time I discussed these ideas on the sub:

    • So the comments are pretty clear about something:

    • Melee Attack Speed mods need to be additive and not multiplicative. This shouldn't be done to "nerf" Melee, but instead because ludicrous attack speed makes Combos (ergo Animations) completely irrelevant. DE should balance this change to Melee Speeds, by giving us more compelling Combos, with some kind of scaling and polishing the ratio Animation Time / Damage.

    • Playtime

    • This is something that came up here and in the forums. Basically the fact Warframe needs to be fast and have relatively easy enemies, because the grindy nature of the game makes its so you will need to run missions repeatedly most of the time. I think this is part of a bigger issue, Playtime is not respected as it should, RNG is either extremely easy or extremely hard, no in-between (I've never seen a single Braton Vandal Stock in over 4 years of almost daily ESO runs). But (and this is important) DE seems to be aware of this, because the "medallion" system Deimos embraced is one of the best ways to reward Playtime: "You get the Loot with luck, or you grind enough Medallions to buy it". Now the connection between Playtime to Melee Attack Speed is a long one, but I think the middle point is Missions Requirements, we need more "Clean this map of enemies" and less "Stand here for 3 minutes"

    • Evolutive Mods (Blood Rush, Condition Overload, Weeping Wounds) were stated as the 1# factor for most of the disparity in "Melee vs Guns" powercreep. Personally I think they should be removed and ALL weapons should be given Evolutive Attributes. This is how I stated it in another comment:

    "​​​​​​Remove all Evolutive Mods. Every Weapon has different Evolutive Attributes that scale. For some Crit Chance, for others Status Chance, or Multishot, Fire Rate, maybe even stuff like +Elemental Dmg."

    • This opens a LOT of possibilities, and a new Layer of Balance DE can make. Like "Well all players build this weapon for crit but it has good status chance, what if we lower the crit chance but give it +Elemental dmg on hit, so they could run it as an elemental weapon too?" Best way to balance is to give nerfs and buffs equally, and for that you need a variety of interactions. As it is now DE only have: Dmg, crit chance and riven disposition to balance the meta, that's why everytime a good weapon comes out, it overshadows all the ok weapons.

    • The blazing fast gameplay was an emergent phenomenon to a heavy grind game.

    • This is simple, players will always try to run missions as fast as possible, so Kill-Time will always be king. Is not just that Melees kill too fast, is that Guns kill too slow.

    • Dynasty-Warframe

    • Hordes and braindead AI, the reason the game rewards "Stat Checks" and not Attack Patterns learning or Weakspot Aiming. There is probably no going back from this, but better enemy design, and less reliance on massive spawns and layers of dmg reduction for difficulty is the road to take to start improving on this aspect. Is not that Dynasty-Warframe is bad, is that the game wasn't designed as such in the beginnings and the older systems are starting to show their cracks.

    • Ludicrous Attack Speeds on Melees abolish Combos and disregard Animations

    • A lot of people talked how the bind Melee Attack on Mouse Wheel so they don't destroy their keys, and how they would like to actually learn and use combos (if they actually behaved as combos and had scaling properties). Combo Counter time is a BIG issue here. Personally I think the Timer should be removed, combos should have scaling properties (Evolutive Attributes) added to combos, and DE should balance Speed and DMG, slower attacks should be stronger than light attacks. The combo counter should be STILL consumed on Heavy Attack tho, as it is now, Combos and Heavy Attacks are 2 completely separate things.

    Well, this took WAY too long and my time ran out, so I couldn't include everything or grammar check the whole post. Please comment down below your thoughts on this matter. Tomorrow I'm gonna edit the post with anything I missed and with any valid additions from comments. Hopefully this gets traction, because we need to Discuss this before DE starts working on changes, so we have better chances of being heard.

    And.... That's pretty much it. Remember to keep the discussion civil, that's how we keep a healthy community and make sure our Feedback is heard.

    Remember Tenno We All Lift Together Good Luck, Have Fun and Take Care

    Thank you VERY much for reading Tenno, have a nice day and take care. Peace 🙏😊

    submitted by /u/RobleViejo
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    A song from the stars

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 09:50 AM PDT

    "Seven Sirens"

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 12:07 AM PDT

    Every single game in existence in a nutshell

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 02:37 PM PDT

    Low effort Warframe meme

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 07:03 PM PDT

    When your kavat acts like a real cat - Flops the kavat taking all the credit

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 12:01 AM PDT

    Visual Clarity Survey - Results (reuploaded to fix a chart)

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    Savage Silence+Marked for death+Vulcan blitz

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 09:35 AM PDT

    Found space mom.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 11:40 AM PDT

    This was added with the hotfix probably, maybe next baro brings it? So far it was only available in China

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 02:53 AM PDT

    Behold, my first ever Warframe screenshot in 2013!

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 05:08 PM PDT

    Wisp and Mesa 720p captura (wallpaper)

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 09:37 AM PDT

    DE should create ingame lore-trailers to fill in the blanks left by permanently removed ingame events / content

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    Deployed excavators dont show health, power or time on the hud (Happens on a consistent basis, more than once on every run)

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 12:03 AM PDT

    More Sortie Conditions

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    Not saying that we need more sortie conditions, but I think having more variety could be fun after doing 1000+ sorties.

    As such as shower thought I wondered if Reduced Ability Power/Duration/Range would be "fun", and I myself liked that idea. Was thinking -50% str/dur/rng reduction on your current value. But that value would of course be up to DE.

    Would spice up some missions that rely or are greatly helped by Warframe Powers.

    Yay or Nay? Comment below! Also do you have some fun ideas? Let's hear them out!

    submitted by /u/IfrgotPassAndEmail
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    POV: you’re in the orcus relay during the stream

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    Teshins nikana in the war within

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 10:49 PM PDT

    6 rare fish in Cetus? Should be simple enough.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 07:07 PM PDT

    The Stalker isn't really feeling the summer vibes... A video I made for Home time #59 spoilers for a 6 year old quest that you can search up online

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 10:36 PM PDT

    Stoopid Bleedout-Built advice?

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 05:30 AM PDT

    Can y'all Proframes help me with creating a loadout focused on lying on the ground bleeding to death and shoot'n at folks?

    Ok so i know this is pretty stoopid since you usually don't wanna "rely" on negative-gameplay-factors like getting hurt and more so getting downed.

    But hear me out: FUNsies.

    I know this is a pretty strong and undefeatable point i just made and i know it isn't something very common especially late-game in the Warfarm community, so take ur time processing it.

    (dis be a pun, pls dont hurt me)

    But jokes and memes aside, I recently visited Warframe wiki again and refreshed my knowledge about Oberon and that his Reneval Ability (3rd) slows the bleedout of allies in range. That reminded me of the times when i was at the beginning and for the first time got the dmg-increase-while-downed mod, which why i then (like probably alot of players in that moment) just got to think about how it would be to have a built around beeing downed to deal massive damage. But even while i had a friend i played together frequently i never really tried to make anything out of it... yadda yadda yadda ... i'm strafing way to far offtopic -

    So reading about Oberons Reneval i came back to the idea and now i actually wanna try that tbh somewhat idiotic built out.

    So first thing i am not quite sure of, does the bleedout-timer increase apply to the Oberon himself when he gets downed while Reneval is active? I'm confident it doesn't, also either way I'd still need another player to be able to get downed in the mission in the first place and also for that player to revive me eventually. But still, does it or does it not?

    Next thing i know is that there is a mod for Kubrows/Kavats that gives some percentage of "Bleedout-link", now i never really understood what thats supposed to mean, but it somehow also increases the bleedout-time. Is that right? And how exactly does it work/what does it mean?

    Then: Warframe Mods. Now there's that obviously the mod that increases ur dmg when knocked, and also the mod that increases ur bleedout-time. Also the one that makes u revive allies faster which could be good for my friend to revive me faster but it doesn't seem that important since the bleedout timer halts when a revive is started. Are there any other Mods or perhaps Mod-set effects that can be beneficial for that built?

    Also: Which Warframe? Assuming Oberon can't increase his own bleedout-time with his own Reneval, which Warframes have a passive or an ability that works/has any effect while downed for which they would be a good pick for the plan? In my mind Garuda may be nice cause u can get ur own health down.

    Coming to the end of the barrel: Secondaries (haha get it?) I don't think it matters that much with which secondary to use, but there's probably some that work better then others. You probably don't wanna spend to much time reloading so that u can make the most out of the limited time before having to be revived, so short reload speeds and big mags would be good. The firerate shouldn't be to slow, even if the individual shots would hit harder, missing would be more punishing especially since u cant follow an enemy behind cover. ||| Twin Rogga i think are currently my highest dmg dealing secondaries so i definitely wanna try them out, tho they're not optimal cause lots of reloads and lack of range/dmg-falloff. Gauss Rocket Pistols might be cool because of their homing capabilities but probably not gonna be great because of their minimum arming distance. Knell i think could be great if i cam get enough enemies and keep that buff up, definitely wanna try it.

    P.S.: I'm rather new to posting stuff on reddit, sry if i didnt do smthm right.

    submitted by /u/HexaCube7
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    Gas Yay or nay

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 04:47 AM PDT

    With the talks of upcomming gun changes, It made me remember when gas damage was good and fun to use. So how many of you would like to see it return to its former glory? General ranting on dmg types are welcome, cuz slash procs are lame and somehow havent been nerfed into the ground yet.

    submitted by /u/QuisMagister
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    Sister down below

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 12:20 PM PDT

    Valence Confusion

    Posted: 10 Jun 2021 09:20 PM PDT

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