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    Warframe Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Warframe Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Warframe Weekly Recruitment | Share Your Name and Get in the Game!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 08:00 AM PST

    This thread is for anyone to recruit or request others to help them out. It's open to all types of recruitment, and you can recruit any day of the week!

    • Asking for help from other players or offering to help? Go ahead and share your name!

    • Need people to do a certain kind of run? Put your name out there!

    • Want to recruit for your clan? Do it!

    • Anything else you want other players to add you up for? Get the word out and see who offers!

    Please provide the following information in your comment (in no particular order or format):

    • Platform (PC/PS4/XB1/Switch)
    • In-game name (to add to contacts), or clan name if recruiting
    • Location (for lag concerns or looking for players from specific regions)
    • Goal (What are you going to be doing?)

    No formatting necessary! That's right, format your requests or offers howeveryou want! The nicer and prettier it is though, the easier it is to read so keep that in mind!

    Read the other comments! If no one answers your response, add the others who have shared their info! Keep checking back to see who else is out there! Request away!

    And remember...

    You can recruit any day of the week!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Supra Vandal with Void damage is a sight to behold

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 12:09 AM PST

    An interaction between my friend (a Mesa Prime main) and me (a Gauss main)

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 05:39 PM PST

    Why Warframe Literally CAN'T be challenging

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 02:54 PM PST

    Regarding this sentence from the recent build notes, in the section about Galvanized mods.

    This is due to the increasing difficulty in creating content that serves to challenge the Tenno.


    Herein I will wax excessively about why and how Warframe literally cannot, due to structural game design issues, ever be challenging. Not a spoiler: it is not because of power creep (although it doesn't help).

    Allow me to explain. No, there is too much. Allow me to sum up.

    What is skill? I like to define skill as the player doing the right action, at the right time. This can occur on several levels. The reflex level, where you know from many hours of practice to dodge or shoot or roll or whatever at exactly the right moment. There's the tactical level, where you recognize what your enemy is doing and choose an appropriate countermove. There's the strategic level, where you plan and control how an encounter plays out over it's entire length.

    What is challenge, then? Challenge is when the game's skill requirement presses up to, but does surpass, the player's maximum skill. This point is highly variable, since every player has different skill levels, so a game must include multiple challenge points at different levels. There will predictably be fewer challenge points at the high level, to prevent blocking content, but we will accept this flaw as a given because it's true in every game ever.

    Warframe fails to create a need for counterplay at all three skill levels. With no need for counterplay, there is no need for skill. There is only numerical balance. When numerical balance is everything, powercreep means everything, and that is where Warframe sits.

    The Details Are Thusly Explained In Excessive Detail

    Reflex Level: In theory the level where Warframe excells at, but it actually ends up failing. Enemies just don't do anything in particular that requires a reflex counter. Some of them do in concept; eg, the Infested Ancient and their tentacle whip. However, the mechanical failures of this move (not lining up with the telegraph animation, not pulling in the correct direction, zip line coming out of the enemy's back even if you dodge them, etc) mean there's really no point. This theme of mechanical failure for a good concept applies to all enemies pretty much without exception.

    Tactical Level: The speed of combat is just too high, the time to kill just too low, and the number of enemies too great to see and respond to anything. Power creep has a negative influence here, since "just kill it faster" supersedes all other possible tactics. Even if it didn't though, it still doesn't work, due to the other problems I mentioned. If that wasn't enough, the enemy design just doesn't allow for good tactical play. They are stupid as bricks, even by the minimal standards of game AI. They have very few moves that need to be countered, fewer of those that even can be countered, and their animation telegraphs that signal the need for an upcoming countermove are either nonexistent, visually unclear, or obscured by the sheer number of foes.

    Strategic Level: Warframe doesn't operate much at this level and that's not necessarily a flaw. There's no need for any single game to act on all three levels at once, so that's fine. There is a small amount of this, in the form of squad composition and Arsenal builds, and there could be more opportunity here if the designers wanted it. However I don't see this is as a glaring issue and won't discuss it further.

    The Excessively Detailed Details Of The Explanation Are Thusly Explained In Even More Excessive Detail Using Carefully Selected Game Encounters As Illustrative Examples

    The Necramech Fight:

    This fight is an interesting case study because it shows evidence of design choices that were made in an attempt to make the fight a genuine challenge. Those choices all failed miserably. Firstly, there is the issue of power creep, which allows sufficiently progressed players to trivialize most content. The Necramech counters this by requiring weakpoints to be destroyed; a simple design idea that almost every boss fight in the game relies on. Well, it works, I guess.

    Adding to this problem is the issue at the heart of Warframe: Players are incredibly, intensely mobile. Warframe's movement system is unique in all of gaming and the one true strength of Warframe as a game. However, it does make boss design difficult, since any and all positional requirements are easily negated by any player. This is the cause of the problem pertaining to the propagation of weakpoints. Since movement based encounter design is easily countered by the player's natural mobility, only mechanical restrictions, such as weakpoints, are left as a design tool. Or, at least, as an easily executed design tool (see Jackal discussion, below).

    To combat these two combined issues, the Necramech requires weakpoints that are cosntantly changing position. This is a good theory; the execution is terrible. The Mech can spin instantly, taking away all opportunity for a player to counter it's movements. Note the wording; it takes away opportunity. It's not merely a difficult thing to counter, there is no counter. At least, not for a solo player. This makes the fight painful and punishing if attempted solo, and comically easy in a team. The one and only trick the Mech has to make it challenging literally cannot be countered by a single player, but is automatically countered by the presence of other players in different positions. There is no room in this encounter design for skill to apply, and thus there is no possibility for challenge to exist. All that remains is cheese: aka, exploiting the design of the encounter in order to negate it. Mega Dps (power creep), AOE weapons to bypass LOS limits, Punch Through to hit the weakpoints from any angle, etc. Is it any wonder the fight is so cheesy? Cheese is the only gameplay the encounter allows. All actual gameplay is negated is by design.

    All of this is exacerbated by the mechs tendency to suddenly do something absolutely devastating with no warning. It's not challenging, it's punishing, and there's only way way to ease the pain: by making the fight as short as possible. Even more incentive to cheese it.

    I think it's notable that the Tusk Thumper encounter shows exactly the same design and same flaws. Even in content released years apart, the design requirements of Warframe's core structure keeps reproducing the same results.

    Necramech Encounter gets an 'F'. Minus. There is no redeeming value here.

    Honorable mention goes to the Slow Time Grenade move of the Voidrig, which has no telegraph at all and cannot be countered, even in theory.

    The Eidolon Hunt

    In theory, this should have been the best fight in Warframe. It includes several layers of play that should force constant tactical reactions and coordination from all members of the squad. Controlling adds (and they must be controlled, due to the need to charge lures), two distinctly different DPS phases, and escalating enemy moves over the course of the fight. The pieces of this puzzle are all in place.

    So what's the problem? The problem is it's scripted. The Eidolon never reacts to the players. It goes through it's motions, reliably and predictably, the same every time. Players that learn the script can exploit it, to the point that weapons can be pre-aimed and weakpoints destroyed instantly (aka the 'waterlimbs' technique). The essential gameplay loop of all games (even ancient ones like chess), the loop of action>reaction, move>countermove, does not exist. All that's left is following the script, like an actor playing their role that was written by someone else. Hit your marks, don't drop your lines, collect your paycheck at the end of the night. There is no opportunity for challenge, because there is no gameplay loop. Only a script. Boring.

    A+ for theoretical design, D+ for execution. It may be boring, but at least there is no pain.

    Honorable mention to Power Creep, which allows each stage of the fight to be 1-shot, making the scripting flaw even more flagrant.

    The Jackal

    Here we have, at last, a good fight. The only one in the game that's decent on it's own merits. It's a shame that power creep (and one particular cheese move) make it so easy, because it's a really well designed, fun encounter. Play it at the intended power level (no Steel Path, level 20 ish frame, with few mods, no potatoed weapons, etc) and perhaps you will see what I mean.

    There are 4 weak points: each leg. Unlike the Necramech, this feels reasonable, because the foe is giant. It makes sense that you can't harm it in the traditional sense. Also unlike the Necramech, the weak points are never fully blocked. Obscured, made harder to hit, but you can still hit the back legs with a bit of effort. Instead of removing counterplay opportunity, it makes counterplay a trade off: the effort and time spent in changing your position vs the difficulty of hitting it from where you are. Instead of taking choice away, this actually creates more tactical choice for the player. Dashing between the legs for melee strikes is especially rewarding, as melee quickly breaks them, but presents the notable risk of being stomped. Good design here.

    After each leg is broken, you must deliver a killing blow with the parazon. Nothing special here, but it does make a clear break between fight phases, so it's good to help a player keep up and understand whats going on.

    After the break, but before the killing blow, the Jackal floats into the air and spins a death wall. The Tenno must dodge the moving death wall. It's clearly telegraphed with color, shape and movement, and easy to understand. The intended action is clear. This phase is perhaps annoying to some, but IMO it's good design: It's a complete pace change from dodging attacks and targeting weak points. Good for variety of experience over the course of the fight. It only lasts a few seconds, so even if you personally don't appreciate it, the pain is minimal.

    As all of this is going on, there are many actions from the boss and environmental issues that must be countered. Yes, countered! Finally, something that requires a response from the player other then killing faster. Firstly, is the gun turret, which does significant damage but is countered by movement. Warframe excels at movement gameplay, so it's good to see that core strength utilized here. There is a missile barrage, which requires movement in a different way (area denial), so this is also excellent. Then there is the boss movement, with various charges and stomps that must be avoided - again, harnessing Warframes' excellent movement system. Doubly so for melee players, who must risk the full wrath of all the bosses movements, but with a corresponding reward of fast weakpoint destruction.

    In addition to the boss, the battlefield constantly develops. Your cover is gradually destroyed, and replaced by area denial hazards (the electricity). This amps up the difficulty of the fight as it goes on, in a way that specifically makes the existing mechanics harder without complicating the encounter with new ones (their counter is movement, and the electricity restricts movement, a vicious synergy). This is an excellent design choice. Again, the difficulty harnesses movement, and plays to Warframes' greatest strength. Compare this to the Necramech, which completely negates the advantages of movement, and is perhaps the single least fun fight in the game.

    IMO, the battlefield clutter gets truly excessive by the end, and creates a punish synergy with the spinning death wall that is undesirable in a new player encounter. For high skill players though, this represents excellence in design.

    Unfortunately all of it is negated by power creep, allowing each stage to be 1 shot and all mechanics skipped.

    A+ for design. With a little fine tuning to counteract power creep, this could be a model fight that any action game would be proud to feature.

    Honorable mention to Wall Latching (or playing as Zephyr), which allows a player to simply avoid all of the mechanics by simply staying off the floor. Combined with power creep, this makes the fight easily cheeseable and takes away it's potential.

    A Difficult Discussion Thusly Ensues Pertaining To Hypothetical Methods Of Compensating For The Aforementioned Difficulties In Creating Difficulty

    Ok, this essay is too long, I'll write another one about potential fixes later if someone asks for it.

    Yes. I'm really done. You can all go now. Thank you for listening to my TED Talk.

    tl;dr - Just read the summary at the top. There are headlines for a reason. You are welcome to skip them.

    submitted by /u/-Random_Lurker-
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    Since the last trailer, I can't unseen it …

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 03:18 AM PST

    the new war trailer was uploaded then deleted. managed to get this screencap

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 05:50 AM PST

    [Excalibur] profile view. (pardon the janky letterings)

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 01:37 AM PST

    I think Param (probably) bluffed on his resume.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 07:06 PM PST

    Now, lemme be frank:

    Our railjack is nothing to write home about. The hull had been patched due to ramsled entry so many times, you can clearly see the seams. The foundries haven't been dusted in a little over... what... three months now? Also, for some reason than I've not been informed on, the cargo bay always smells of blood. (I probably should've fired that Red Veil guy a lot sooner than I did. He had some... choice opinions about what food he put into his body.) However, this ship and this crew's got heart. Granted, heart doesn't exactly shoot ships out of the sky or give galleon commanders miraculous Sudden Grineer Death syndrome, but hey, at least we have it. More than could be said for... I'unno, those unmanned Corpus ships? Anyways, I've noticed a problem recently that is... shall we say... dangerously hazardous to my health and the health of everyone else on The Old Chariot.

    I'm surely not the best pilot in the system, but hey, I try my best. I still crash into my fair share of space debris, mind you, but I've only caused maybe a mil in damages so far, so I think I'm doing fairly well, especially given the inherent costs that come with piloting probably the rarest breed of ship in the system. Despite that, though, like any good captain, I can't always be there. We need a boarder, and given my, uh... "history" with the powers that be, I'm hands-down the best candidate. So, I hired a backup pilot/gunner.

    Now, Arbiter Rex Param is a decently good gunner. Hasn't shot anyone in friendly-fire yet, so that's a good sign. Mainly keeps to himself because he doesn't really care for jokes, but that's fine. Considering the only qualifications of being a dorsal gunner are pointing and pulling the trigger, he's good at that portion of his job. Very good.

    ... the piloting is what worries me.

    When I hired him, this man said on his resume that he was an experienced gunner (proven?) and was a great pilot. Keyword great. Nothing to phenomenal, mind you, but enough to not crash into a civilian ship. At least, that's what he wrote down and what he gave me to base off of. Considering he was an Arbiter of all people, I thought he was telling the truth and nothing but, so I signed him on in a heartbeat and, out of my own pocket, I paid for a six month refresher course on "The Basics of Piloting Advanced War Vessels." Essentially, for five thousand credits, it just boiled down to "you no hit stuff, hit stuff bad. No hit stuff," but hey, a refresher course is a refresher course.

    I have no qualms with the guy. He's a good gunner, quiet dude, don't really know much about him. Though, if I could make just a teeny tiny observation as an employer and captain... the guy flies like a drunken kavat someone shoved into a bag, bashed it against the wall a few times, then dumped it out and said "Go, be free!"

    It would be comical watching him be so serious while he makes this ship do the dumbest maneuvers I've ever seen if it wasn't so friggen terrifying when the guy somehow steers us into a hole... going perpendicular. It's really, really hard to laugh and say "What an idiot!" when that idiot is currently making the hull of the ship make all kinds of noises I had no idea metal could even make before completely straight-faced the entire time he's doing it. Even after I was thrown behind the wheel for the first time, I like to think I didn't just drive straight into the missiles to blow a massive hole in the side of the ship only to turn back and say "I serve."

    The problem is that everyone's scared to mention it. I think Widiz did once, but he just did one of those slow turns to look at her in response and then walked off without saying anything. I'm gonna be real, the last time I thoroughly pissed off the Arbiters was not a fun week of checking my mail. I still have no idea how they found out I had a dog and my current model of antivirus, b-but that's besides the point. This is the kind of flying that made even that Red Veil guy crack and have a full-blown mental breakdown. (Thought they were far too edgy for that kind of thing, but I guess you learn something new every day.)

    The main reason I say anything at all is that, today, the dude crashed into, like, fifteen completely stationary asteroids. I kid you not when I say this guy actually steered towards them when he saw them- it was actually intentional! He swerved through five different Corpus ordinances in the span of fifteen seconds like he was trying for some kind of world record of how many stupid mistakes he could make before we were piles of meat floating through space. Worse yet, we had a new recruit along. This kid had spent her whole life researching Orokin engineering, and she was absolutely terrified- I had to drag her out of her corner when we (somehow) got back to dock because she didn't wanna exit fetal position. Think she got scarred for life on the first mission she was on with our crew.

    So, here I am, sitting at my lounge back at home checking my mail for a resignation letter for the poor girl, probably followed by a message from a lawyer for reckless endangerment, and all I can think is "This douchenozzle lied on his resume." I'm scared of firing him because of my, uh... "history" with the Arbiters and they might actually-

    What does one even do in this situation? If I fire him, me and my crew are probably dead. If I don't, we're still dead because he's a rabid kubrow with cataracts at the controls. If I do nothing, we're still dead because no one's in charge of the ship.

    Oh, would you look at that, she's suing. That's a-... wow, that's a lot of zeroes.

    Thanks, Rex. Really cool.

    submitted by /u/MissyTheMisc
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    Alert: 75x Choice Cred + Orokin Reactor Blueprint Gift from the Lotus

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 11:03 AM PST

    Anyone else feel bad?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 02:57 AM PST

    So weird question but does anyone else actually feel bad on Corpus tilesets when the Fortuna citizens are calling for help and you leave them? Also anyone feel the need to actually buy something from vendors every time even when you are just doing a price check just so they don't shit talk you when you don't buy nothing?

    I think I need help lol

    submitted by /u/Rhynozerker
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    Man in the wall planned to jumpscare me once I quit decoration mode. I decided to surprise them

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 10:01 AM PST

    LEGO Warframe Excalibur Umbra [Spoilers]

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 02:34 PM PST

    Hit my first 2mil dmg with epitaph, I love this weapon.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 02:56 PM PST

    Coming Soon: Devstream #158 (The New War Devstream)

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 06:00 AM PST


    A new trailer is here...

    Devstream #158 is coming to your screens on Tuesday, November 30th at 10 a.m ET.

    This Devstream occurs on a special date and time to bring you the debut cinematic trailer for The New War, including details on its release.

    There's no more to say - The New War is coming. We invite you to join us for this very special Devstream.

    There will be Drops - watch to earn yourself a Riven Mod from our Riven Mod Grab bag! Will you get a Shotgun, Pistol, Melee, or Rifle Riven? Let us know what you get!

    submitted by /u/rebulast
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    Using Mind Control to build Trinity's Champion's Blessing.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 08:38 PM PST

    Hello everyone,

    Summary: Champion's Blessing can be used on anything that is considered an ally to provide the buff, including targets under Mind Control (Nyx Subsumed). Mind Control can reliably be used to build Champion's Blessing with just Trinity.

    Info: Myself and others today have been messing around with the new augment and sharing some info/tips in passing to each other and on random reddit posts, but I wanted to just give a general shoutout to everyone so they know some more details about how you can utilize the mod.

    Original speculations about what frames to use started with stuff like Inaros, Garuda, Nekros as a way to build CB in groups (and those are fine options). But for solo Trinity players or those that just want to be able to build it on the own without needing others, Nyx's Mind Control is also an option, provided you know how both CB and MC work.

    Explanation: CB is a critical chance buff that is given to Trinity when she heals allies. The greater percentage of the life missing from allies, the higher the crit chance bonus is. Recasting Trinity's Blessing will not only refresh the timer on CB's effect, but if any allies are missing Health, it adds more crit chance on the buff as well (it's cumulative). This cap is currently at 350% and can be maintained so long as Trinity heals something *recasts Blessing before CB's duration is up to refresh the duration of the buff.

    The way MC fits into this is that it allows you to turn any enemy temporarily into an Ally, that can be healed, which in turn allows you to purposely hit enemies then use MC and then Blessing to heal them and get large chunks of Crit Chance boost from CB. Since MC can be canceled and reapplied to another target, you can easily damage one enemy, MC it, heal it with Blessing, then repeat until you hit 350%.

    Then any *Blessing cast after that just sustains the buff.

    If this has already been documented in full my apologies. Just wanted to share.

    If anything is unclear, please let me know. Thank you for your time.

    Edit: Your lovely, adorable pets also contribute to CB's buff if they are healed by Blessing. They are also a solid passive but unreliable source of building CB.

    Edit 2: *Changed info regarding maintaining CB to be more accurate.

    submitted by /u/Sliphatos
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    ember pyraxis left emblem placement (bottom) is wrong

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 01:26 AM PST

    Together we train

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 06:31 PM PST

    Prime Resurgence - Prime Accessories Price Adjustment

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 10:59 AM PST

    We have made a change to some Regal Aya item prices - our original intentions were to base prices on the best Regal Aya value per dollar but players have correctly pointed out things should match the Prime Vault Accessories as closely as possible within the new event structure when it comes to the Cosmetics involved. That feedback went into the following changes:

    Prime Accessories that were previously valued at 3 Regal Aya have been changed to 2 Regal Aya. This includes:

    • Prime Armor Sets
    • Prime Operator Accessories and the Saita Prime Suit
    • Kavasa Kubrow Prime Set

    And for added transparency on specific Regal Aya values per item:

    • Prime Syandanas = 2 Regal Aya
    • Prime Sugatras = 1 Regal Aya
    • Prime Sigils = 1 Regal Aya
    • Prime Sentinel Accessories = 1 Regal Aya
    • Prime Liset Skin & Decoration = 1 Regal Aya
    • Prime Extractors & Blueprints = 1 Regal Aya

    We do want to make a point of saying that not all accessories combinations will equal the exact pricing of a traditional Prime Vault Accessories Pack. Item combination is at player discretion since every Prime Vault item will be available for individual selection. The accompanying Warframes in rotations have varying accessory types and amounts. The Nekros Prime accessories, for example, has the Uru Prime Syandana (2 Regal Aya) and the Acanthus Prime Armor Set (2 Regal Aya) for a total of 4 Regal Aya if purchased together through Prime Resurgence. While others, such as the Nova Prime pack with the Edo Prime Armor Set (2 Regal Aya) and the Verlorum Prime Sigil (1 Regal Aya), maintain the 3 Regal Aya to one Prime Accessories Pack value.

    We would be remiss if we were unaware of the reasons for the popularity of Prime Accessories Packs, the biggest being the inclusion of bonus Platinum. To quote from the Workshop; "We simply cannot justify or reason with having players pay for one premium currency to purchase another." But we understand that Platinum increases the value of the packs for players. While those differences in value vary between Prime Vault Packs and Prime Resurgence rotations, our intent is to establish a happy medium by offering all of the scheduled primed Accessories over several months (with the freedom to purchase individual items). Individual Primed Accessories give players more choice - a new and far more flexible approach to Prime Accessories access. Instead of waiting for a Primed Accessory to become available through a single Prime Vault rotation, you now have the option to hand-pick your favorites from several.

    With the decrease of 3 to 2 Regal Aya for a handful of Accessories, that freedom of choice is increased that much more for players to determine that value where they see fit! The full schedule of rotations (and the Prime Accessories for those rotations) is available in the Workshop FAQ above, so that you can plan your future Regal Aya purchases if you choose to do so!

    As stated in the Workshop, we will be intently watching for feedback during and after the event has run and will be reviewing data for future decision making (in the event that we choose to continue with Prime Resurgence.)

    Thank you, Tenno

    submitted by /u/DE-Marcus
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    my arrows are standing

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 08:26 PM PST

    a chair in a chair

    Posted: 13 Nov 2021 02:03 AM PST

    Satire - Honest Prime Resurgence Dev Workshop & FAQ

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 05:57 AM PST

    A new time-limited scheduled event is coming on all Platforms November 16th: Prime Resurgence!

    Only after the Exclusive Gear? The choice is yours with Primed GYI.

    Before we proceed, we need to tell you a lot of bullshit in a very long and convoluted way. We know that no one is going to read all this shit but it is here to make you scroll fast and skim through rather than actually reading the stuff and analyzing it critically.

    Prime Vault meet Prime Resurgence

    Instead of buying prime packs directly for money, we are now introducing a coin system. We are feeling really missed out on the scummy mobile game f2p practices of using coins to trick you into thinking you are getting a better deal than you actually are. To put you at ease that you are not falling for a scummy tactic we will employ several strategies in this post that makes it seem like we totally answered all your questions and make it seem like this is the same deal as what you were previously getting. To this end we are introducing the new coin system called "Primed Got You Idiot" or "Primed GYI" and regular Gyi.

    Why are we doing this instead of keeping the old system? It is totally for player's convenience really. Pinky swear. Come on, have you ever though of buying a single prime weapon for nearly 20 USD? Now you can totally do that. Who asked for this? It was totally player feedback we swear. Has nothing to do with tencent acquisition, no siree, we are totally autonomous.

    Wait why are each rotations just 1 week?

    We know that 1 week is not enough for players to get the relics they want from the free path lol. Just imagine, if someone is relatively new, they need to effectively grind all unvaulted stuff in a week. And they need to keep that pace for nearly 2 and half months if they want the free path. We promise that this will in no way push players to buying unvaulted stuff with real currency.

    All you have to do is no life the game for nearly 2 months and you get the stuff you want. ez gg. And because we are not telling you what will be unvaulted next or if this experiment will be implemented at all and even if it is implemented who knows how regularly we do this. No, all of this confusion for this system is in no way instilling FOMO in new and semi new players. On the other hand if you do manage to keep the pace up, this is actually a significantly better system than previous free prime unvault farmings. Don't ask us why we did the free path well and paid path so horribly.

    How does Pack pricing compare to Prime vault?

    It is 1:1 ratio really. No, don't think too hard. Packs is what we actually want to sell, but marketing told us that having shitty deals on display in the form of selling individual weapons/accessories under the guise of player choice makes players actually spend money on packs more we want to give players choice in what they want to buy by offering a la carte menu. We request players to not notice that we sell Primed GYI in packs only and if you really only wanted one single thing, the system is set up such that you always spend more money on coins and are left with coins with no realized value.

    Let's look at pricing(using USD as reference):

    Taking the current Nyx Prime and Rhino Prime Vault pricing:

    • The Rhino Prime and Nyx Prime individual packs = 39.99 USD
    • The Rhino Prime and Nyx Prime individual Accessories Pack = 19.99 USD
    • The Dual Rhino Prime and Nyx Prime pack = 59.99 USD

    In Prime Resurgence each individual item has this value which we made up to make it seem like you are getting a better deal.

    warframe = 3 weapon = 2 big cosmetic = 2 small cosmetic =1

    A Single Prime Warframe Bundle in Prime Resurgence is valued at 6 Regal Aya and includes

    • 2x prime weapons - 4 primed Gyi
    • 1x prime warframe - 3 primed Gyi

      You are saving 1 primed Gyi yo. We will phrase it as savings so that you subconsciously think that you are getting a better deal even though it is the same as before.

    • bonus 10k endo

      this totally makes up for the fact that we are now removing plat from the packs. Look at the value. Endo pack is 1000 endo for 100p in market. We are giving 10k endo which is like 1000 plat. It is almost enough(but not quite) to max rank a rank 10 bronze mod.

    A Dual Prime Warframe Bundle in Prime Resurgence is valued at 10 Regal Aya and includes:

    • 2x Prime Warframe (6 Regal Aya)
    • 4x Prime Weapons (8 Regal Aya) So you are getting a 4 Regal Aya discount. Again, we are phrasing it as savings really. No, dont look at the Primed Gyi pack price where
    • 50k Endo (Bonus!)

    • bonus 50k endo. tenno out here swimming in endo. oof. That's more than 5k plat value. Why would anyone ever want measly 1200 plat. I mean the endo is enough to max rank a primed mod and a bronze mod(almost). the absolute fucking value.

    We highly recommend that players not notice that we only offer a bundle of 15 Primed Gyi for 80USD(up from 60USD in prime vault) but because we framed the above pack in such a way that you are saving 5 Primed Gyi for later, you won't notice it. We also made sure that no packs are priced at 5 primed Gyi and you are left to buy individual items which you know are terrible in value. You just need 1 more Primed Gyi to buy another bundle but we only sell in packs of 3 for 20 USD. And if you buy that now you have 2 Primed Gyi left. Oh would you look at that. Accessories pack is 3 Primed Gyi. Just 1 short. Gottem lol.

    Pack prices: 3 Primed Gyi -20 eur, 7 primed gyi - 40 eur, 15 primed Gyi - 80 EUR.


    Umm, where is the prime accessories pack in this new system?

    Even though we announced a revamp nearly 5 months ago in tennocon and nearly a month and half ago in devstream that the system is almost ready we completely missed what took players 5 minutes to notice. LMAO. Working great for us though. Everyone is focused on this and are missing the price increase of the third pack and that it is actually a shitty deal.

    Why did you include Endo in the Packs instead of Platinum like in Prime Vault?

    It is more value as we proved above. Why would you ever want plat lol. All our players main use of plat is to buy endo from in game market. We are just removing one step for player convenience really, all the while adding more value.

    What do I actually do with my extra primed Gyi?

    They are not refundable lol. We added shitty prime weapons as purchasable options at a scam vendor. Oh you already have those or don't want them? Tough luck lol.

    What about prime noggle? We get them if we buy the highest tier packs right?

    lol no. Prime noggle is 1 GYI.

    At least tell me that those extra Primed Gyi are transferable to next Prime Resurgence?

    We have no idea lol. We may or may not actually implement this system for real. And if we do it might take us over a year to implement it. Who knows if you will still be playing then XD. And even if it did, what are you gonna do with the leftover coins with which every pack is out of reach and you have to buy more coin bundles anyway. Get rekt lol.

    Umm, what are the drop rates for regular Gyi and how much do relics cost?

    Click here to see the drop rates.

    edit: and the "bonus" for regal aya in bigger packs doesn't even add up at all.

    €17.77/3 is €5.92 for one Regal Aya (Raya for short).

    €5.92x7 is €41.44 ->€41.44-€36.99 is only 4.45€ bonus not 5.92€, the equivalent of 0.75 Raya not 1.

    €5.92x15 is €88.8 ->€88.8-€71.99 is €16.81 so again 2.83 Raya, not the equivalent of 3 bonus Raya.

    No, rounding up does not fly with consumer protection agencies.

    submitted by /u/connorjohn322
    [link] [comments]

    Warhammer this and that!

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 07:49 PM PST

    Hello! It's your local resident Grendel main here and since his Tennogen release I've tried my hardest to outfit him as a Plague Marine from 40k and while I'm very much satisfied with how he turned out with a Boltor-Sepulchrum and a Heavy Cortège Flamer, I feel like I hit a dead end creativity-wise.

    And so I plead to this sub to share your ideas: what warframes in your opinion can be kitted our in 40k fashion?

    Also if y'all got any unique ideas for Grendel fashion feel free to share that as well! Thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/UmgakWazzok
    [link] [comments]

    Yareli&Yalettuce. also idk the artist of the yareli art

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 08:23 PM PST

    All-Out War: The Story So Far | Official Trailer | Warframe

    Posted: 12 Nov 2021 06:10 AM PST

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